• 6 months ago


00:00:00 It's the morning after the final commitment ceremony of the experiment.
00:00:04 And there's one topic on every couple's mind.
00:00:08 Lauren and Jono.
00:00:10 Yeah, what the heck?
00:00:12 Yeah, how crazy was that?
00:00:15 The info that Tori kind of...
00:00:17 Lauren's face though told us she was very surprised.
00:00:21 What's going on?
00:00:22 He talks shit. He's been caught out.
00:00:29 Plot twist, Jono the cheater.
00:00:32 Jono the dog. He's got Ellie in the DMs.
00:00:36 "Hey, how you doing?"
00:00:38 You know what Lauren's like. Lauren's going to go in.
00:00:40 And you know what, Lauren has every right to go in.
00:00:42 I'm not going to tell Lauren to calm down.
00:00:44 In my head I was like, "I don't get why you'd be messaging other girls."
00:00:51 Like, even if it's not bad intentions or whatever,
00:00:55 it just... I was a bit disappointed that it came out that Jono was doing that.
00:01:00 Yeah.
00:01:01 You know, personally.
00:01:02 Yeah.
00:01:03 So this curls it that way.
00:01:10 That curls it that way.
00:01:12 Ah.
00:01:13 So obviously Jono has been texting Ellie.
00:01:17 Bombshell. Hypocrite.
00:01:19 Do you know what this is?
00:01:21 A little sucky thing.
00:01:23 So I'm like, "Okay, Jono, this is your time."
00:01:26 How the tables have turned.
00:01:29 Jono is in his way quite vocal about you and everyone else at the table.
00:01:35 Of course.
00:01:36 But here we are again.
00:01:37 Like, he's got his own little, you know, little thing that he's sitting on.
00:01:42 Um...
00:01:44 So, yeah.
00:01:46 Oh, man. Nah, he's f***ed up.
00:01:50 He's got caught.
00:01:51 Yeah.
00:01:52 He really has.
00:01:53 I didn't want the next dinner party.
00:01:55 I said last night, "I'm not looking forward to it."
00:01:57 But now...
00:01:58 I might even put on a red lip for the night.
00:02:01 Who knows?
00:02:02 But while Tori is excited for the final dinner party,
00:02:07 the same cannot be said for Lauren,
00:02:10 who is still reeling from last night's revelation.
00:02:13 Jono texting Ellie hurts me.
00:02:18 The fact that it's behind my back hurts me.
00:02:21 It really is going to depend on the content of the messages.
00:02:24 I've had past relationships where it...
00:02:29 This has absolutely happened.
00:02:32 It's going to be just so triggering for me.
00:02:34 F*** this situation, honestly.
00:02:38 The last situation I expected to be in this far,
00:02:41 like, was so close to the end and we were doing so well.
00:02:44 We have been... We've gone back to our, like, intimate place.
00:02:49 Like, if he's been messaging her while we've been in Perth,
00:02:52 like...
00:02:53 That would actually kind of hurt, I'm not going to lie.
00:02:57 Hi!
00:02:59 Bride Ellie originally entered the experiment with groom Ben,
00:03:03 but as the couple struggled to connect...
00:03:06 I'm under the impression that he definitely wants children.
00:03:09 I'm at a stage where I'm ready to settle down
00:03:12 if kids are after that, yes.
00:03:14 That's not a yes or no answer.
00:03:15 It's not a yes or no question.
00:03:17 It is. It is.
00:03:18 It is!
00:03:19 Ben sat me down for two and a half hours
00:03:22 and listed everything that he has not enjoyed about this relationship.
00:03:26 They failed to find common ground
00:03:29 and Ellie entered the fourth dinner party alone.
00:03:32 Remember the first time I saw him on the couch, I'm like,
00:03:34 "What is he even saying?"
00:03:35 These are just, like, pre-planned stories.
00:03:38 I'm leaving. Ellie!
00:03:40 Before bowing out at the next commitment ceremony.
00:03:43 Sorry to interrupt.
00:03:44 Now Jonathan has been outed for texting Ellie
00:03:47 since she left the experiment.
00:03:49 Jono had been texting Ellie.
00:03:51 But he claims his relationship with Ellie is purely platonic.
00:03:56 There's absolutely nothing there.
00:03:58 If you want to show me, that'd be great.
00:04:03 And this morning, after requests from Lauren
00:04:06 for full transparency over his and Ellie's communications,
00:04:10 Jonathan has agreed to surrender his phone.
00:04:13 I need to know.
00:04:15 If I see the messages, I can make an assessment for myself
00:04:19 on the content, the volume, all that kind of...
00:04:25 Like, who initiated what?
00:04:27 You know, you reached out to her.
00:04:29 These aren't just relaying information
00:04:41 that have happened the night before.
00:04:43 This is, like, more than that.
00:04:45 And it was, like, my stomach kind of dropped.
00:04:48 But I feel great.
00:04:55 Um...
00:05:00 There are lots of messages, yeah.
00:05:01 I know, I can see there's lots of messages.
00:05:03 This is a stupid...
00:05:07 ..stupid decision that I made.
00:05:10 I know, but it's not, like, a one decision.
00:05:12 It's, like, about 100 decisions.
00:05:15 Yeah.
00:05:16 I mean, the messaging her about the experiment and stuff.
00:05:20 It's humiliating, Jono. I know.
00:05:22 And there are a lot of messages. Yeah.
00:05:25 It's constant.
00:05:26 From what I've glanced over, there is absolutely no, like,
00:05:29 "How's Lauren?"
00:05:30 Like, not once.
00:05:32 Like, my name literally was not mentioned.
00:05:34 You know what it hasn't been.
00:05:36 You do know that, don't you?
00:05:39 Maybe. I don't know. I'd have to get on with...
00:05:42 Oh, it's always a maybe or I don't know.
00:05:44 Well, I don't remember... You don't remember anything.
00:05:46 ..every message I've sent over seven weeks.
00:05:48 No, I don't remember every message I've sent in a week.
00:05:50 Do you remember any message mentioning me?
00:05:52 Did you mention me once?
00:05:53 OK, let's say no.
00:05:54 Yeah. I think you know the answer's no.
00:05:56 So that's what also hurts.
00:05:59 Because you are in this experiment with me.
00:06:01 Yeah.
00:06:07 (SIGHS) Honestly, I just...
00:06:10 I mean, like, you mentioned to her there, like,
00:06:16 "Oh, I turned 40 a week ago. Like, where were you?"
00:06:19 There was no, like, "Lauren took me out for, like, dinner"
00:06:22 or anything like that. It was literally, like, "Where were you?"
00:06:25 I did read a couple of things about, like, him turning 40
00:06:31 and asking where she was, and, like, that wasn't about the experiment.
00:06:36 And there was no mention of, like, me taking him out for his birthday
00:06:39 or any... There's actually no mention of me at all.
00:06:42 Like, not even once. So...
00:06:44 Cool.
00:06:46 I think that's the part that actually hurts me the most,
00:06:51 is that, like, why wouldn't you mention... Mm.
00:06:54 ..your wife maybe one time out of possibly 100 messages?
00:06:59 Yeah.
00:07:03 (SOMBRE MUSIC)
00:07:06 Lauren looked through all the messages
00:07:22 and she didn't see any issue with any of them, so...
00:07:25 After seeing that, I would describe the relationship
00:07:30 with Jono and Ellie as inappropriate.
00:07:32 As (BLEEP).
00:07:34 Did you guys message at all while we were in Perth?
00:07:40 I don't remember, sorry. I don't...
00:07:42 We were in Perth last week.
00:07:44 Do you remember taking your phone and messaging Ellie
00:07:46 while we were in Perth? No, I don't, but I don't...
00:07:48 You don't remember or you didn't?
00:07:50 I...I wouldn't remember.
00:07:52 I'm going to say no, but I would have to look.
00:07:55 Hey, come on, man. I don't know, because it was just...
00:07:57 It's just little messages. It's just like,
00:07:59 "Hey, how was the commitments?" "How was... Jack..."
00:08:01 OK, so while you were in Perth for four days... Yeah.
00:08:04 ..did you message Ellie?
00:08:06 I want to... I don't really want to read...
00:08:08 I mean, there's a lot here and I don't really particularly
00:08:10 want to read them. I want to say no, but I don't want...
00:08:13 I don't remember.
00:08:15 I can't believe we're here at this point.
00:08:19 Like, was he messaging her while I was in (BLEEP) surgery?
00:08:22 Like, in hospital? Like, was he messaging her then?
00:08:25 Probably.
00:08:29 Did he mention that to her?
00:08:31 "Oh, Lauren's in (BLEEP) hospital having surgery."
00:08:33 What a piece of shit.
00:08:38 Um...
00:08:43 I might go get some food. Do you want anything?
00:08:47 No, I'm good, thanks.
00:08:49 It's a bit of a slap in the face to me.
00:08:51 I'll talk to you soon, OK? All right, bye.
00:08:56 (SIGHS)
00:08:58 Down the hall, Jade and Ridge are getting ready
00:09:07 for the final dinner party of the experiment
00:09:10 after another big revelation at last night's commitment ceremony.
00:09:15 Honestly, I could see, like, this could be it for me.
00:09:18 I was, like, this close to dropping the L-bomb.
00:09:23 Are you falling in love with Jade?
00:09:25 Yeah, it's... Yeah, I could say that, yeah.
00:09:31 I haven't felt this way about a girl. Ever.
00:09:35 So you've got nothing to worry about, like, at all.
00:09:38 But with final vows just around the corner,
00:09:43 Jade still has some lingering doubts around Ridge's maturity.
00:09:47 The one thing that I struggled with coming into this
00:09:50 was I felt like Ridge had a really young mind.
00:09:53 He's definitely a lot more mature than he was at the start.
00:09:58 But there's still times that he'll, like, just do stupid things.
00:10:02 So has Jade changed you for the better?
00:10:05 Well, they say every good girl's going to tame a beast.
00:10:08 She has.
00:10:10 You're a beast.
00:10:13 Beast from the east, baby. Thunder from down under.
00:10:16 Sydney Harbour Bridge, only big thing coming from Sydney.
00:10:20 I need someone really mature. Like, I need you to step things up.
00:10:24 I need a man.
00:10:26 I need you to show me that you're not a little kid.
00:10:29 I never thought in my 28 years I'd be wearing pink.
00:10:32 And look at you now.
00:10:33 The girlfriend glow-up is doing you wonders.
00:10:35 You think so? Yeah. I've done well.
00:10:38 You think it's all you?
00:10:40 Let's go.
00:10:41 Bye.
00:10:42 Thanks.
00:10:46 Thanks.
00:10:47 For Sarah and Tim, the final dinner party is arriving at an ideal time
00:10:57 as their relationship continues on an upward trajectory.
00:11:01 Oh, my damn.
00:11:03 You look fine as hell, lady.
00:11:07 I feel good. Like, I feel like Tim and I are really in a good place.
00:11:13 Like, we're stronger than ever.
00:11:15 Who is this couple?
00:11:16 What has happened here?
00:11:17 What has happened? I don't know.
00:11:19 We're having a ball.
00:11:21 Yeah, we're having the best time.
00:11:22 It's been great.
00:11:23 She's really shown me that she wants to be here
00:11:25 and she wants to give me what I need out of the relationship.
00:11:29 Yeah, it's just, like, very positive vibes.
00:11:32 Oh, we can see it.
00:11:33 It's nice to see that the experts validated Tim and I in how we're feeling.
00:11:41 We're pretty united at the moment.
00:11:43 I think the honesty box is coming up tonight as well.
00:11:47 True.
00:11:49 Nothing but honesty coming your way.
00:11:53 Yep.
00:11:55 I do feel like I'm quite wary because I'm still not fully...
00:12:00 ..over what she's done to me.
00:12:03 I still haven't fully been able to 100% forgive her,
00:12:06 and I'm wondering if there's going to be some questions around that.
00:12:09 But, yeah, I think the main topic of tonight is going to be
00:12:13 -Jonah and Lauren. -Mm-hm.
00:12:15 See how they sort of address it.
00:12:17 You know?
00:12:18 We could just be in our own little bubble again.
00:12:20 We could have our own party.
00:12:22 (LAUGHS)
00:12:23 Love it.
00:12:24 And while Sarah and Tim are heading into the final dinner party
00:12:30 on an all-time high,
00:12:32 Tori and Jack are simply relishing the fact that, for once,
00:12:35 they won't be the centre of attention at a dinner party.
00:12:39 Oh, can you believe we've made it?
00:12:42 (LAUGHS)
00:12:44 Well done.
00:12:45 We're making it.
00:12:46 -Very proud of you. -Thank you.
00:12:48 Genuinely proud.
00:12:50 I've bonded with you over all the controversy as well.
00:12:53 The most part, yeah.
00:12:55 Like, you and I have been amazing.
00:12:57 But, like, the journey to get here...
00:12:59 -It has been wild. -It has been crazy.
00:13:01 It has.
00:13:02 Me and Tori are in a really good place.
00:13:04 We've gotten through so much.
00:13:06 I mean, I kind of feel like we're impenetrable at this point.
00:13:09 Dinner party tonight, there's going to be some tasks and some questions.
00:13:13 And, yeah, we won't shy away from it.
00:13:15 We'll just take it head on.
00:13:17 I feel like we've built enough resilience, we can handle most things.
00:13:21 I think I can handle a few questions out of an honesty box.
00:13:24 Pretty happy and excited that it's the final dinner party.
00:13:28 We kind of feel like the heat's not directed towards us tonight for once,
00:13:32 which would be nice.
00:13:34 All the battles we've had at the dinner party,
00:13:37 Jono in the background.
00:13:39 He's thrown me under the bus multiple times.
00:13:42 -Yeah. -Multiple times.
00:13:45 But he's not in the background anymore.
00:13:47 -True. -Jono is, like, the main character.
00:13:50 Look, he's very quick to pass judgement and throw stones.
00:13:56 And I'm just like, "Now it's your time."
00:14:01 Like, "Buckle up, brother. It's your time."
00:14:04 Final dinner party, honestly, like, I can't believe we're at the end.
00:14:11 I was really hoping to end it on a good note.
00:14:15 Unfortunately, it's not what's happening tonight.
00:14:18 We're walking in separated.
00:14:21 I think tonight is going to be the night where just, like,
00:14:24 everything needs to be laid out on the table
00:14:26 and we all need to be accountable to each other.
00:14:31 I didn't feel like I had to let her know
00:14:34 every time I sent someone a message.
00:14:36 I know that what I did was innocent.
00:14:38 I've apologised if it offended her.
00:14:41 She found a way to weaponise the innocent text messages.
00:14:47 And if she wants to continue on, then...
00:14:52 ..bring it on.
00:14:57 We had a great homestay. We were getting along really well.
00:15:00 We missed each other while I was away in Perth,
00:15:02 but, like, turns out he was messaging Ellie the whole time,
00:15:04 so he couldn't have been missing me that badly.
00:15:06 I've been nothing but loyal
00:15:10 and had Lauren's back through this experiment.
00:15:13 Like, she got grilled by the experts a few times,
00:15:17 and both times I just said it's not her fault,
00:15:19 it takes two in a relationship.
00:15:21 And I had her back.
00:15:23 I don't want to fight with anyone.
00:15:25 I hate having animosity between people.
00:15:28 But Lauren loves it.
00:15:30 So I'm assuming she's going to be real fired up tonight
00:15:34 and ready to go.
00:15:36 If he tries to dance around things and gaslight me,
00:15:38 I will lose my goddamn shit.
00:15:40 If you dance around me, if you try and fluff around and filibust,
00:15:44 I will lose it.
00:15:46 I will cut you straight to the core so you can get straight to the point.
00:15:49 If it's a yes or no question, give me a yes or no answer.
00:15:52 I don't want you two talking circles.
00:15:54 If it never lands, well, I know you want to be with Ellie,
00:15:57 but don't try and be like Ben, like we already had Ben.
00:16:00 [music]
00:16:25 Well, we have made it.
00:16:26 The final dinner party for the entire experiment.
00:16:29 And it's one to look out for too,
00:16:31 because we have prepared questions for them that are very hard-hitting,
00:16:35 and they're going to all have to open up tonight at the table.
00:16:39 [music]
00:16:43 What's so unique about the Honesty Box
00:16:45 is that the questions that we've written for them tonight
00:16:48 are tailor-made for each couple
00:16:50 to really make them come clean about what they really want from the relationship
00:16:54 and whether their intimate partner is compatible or not.
00:16:57 We want them leaving nothing on the table tonight.
00:17:00 Absolutely.
00:17:01 [music]
00:17:10 Up the front skirt.
00:17:13 Wow.
00:17:14 We must be finally boring.
00:17:16 Twelve weeks to enter first.
00:17:18 Ooh, Tori and Jack.
00:17:21 Can we take in the silence?
00:17:23 [laughs]
00:17:25 Well done, babe.
00:17:26 Well done. We made it.
00:17:27 [laughs]
00:17:28 We made it.
00:17:29 Never in doubt.
00:17:30 [clears throat]
00:17:31 You know, these two may, dare I say it,
00:17:34 enjoy some of the dinner party tonight
00:17:36 because they won't be coming in with targets on their backs.
00:17:39 It's a first for them pretty much in the whole experiment.
00:17:42 They've been consistently coming in with a lot of drama following them.
00:17:46 Oh, who would have thought, eh?
00:17:48 I think we rocked up first week last into the dinner party.
00:17:52 You walk in, there's no, like, awkward, like, chatter or looks or, like, shit.
00:17:57 We were just talking about them.
00:17:59 It was just really nice,
00:18:01 and I think it was, like, the perfect start to the final DP.
00:18:06 It has been a roller coaster,
00:18:10 and I don't think we would have survived it
00:18:14 if it wasn't for one another.
00:18:16 Very proud of you.
00:18:17 I'm proud of you.
00:18:18 [laughs]
00:18:20 It was nice.
00:18:21 It was almost like a reassuring feeling that, like, we're--
00:18:25 like, guys, we're good.
00:18:26 Like, Jack, like, it's okay.
00:18:28 Like, this dinner party's going to be low-key.
00:18:30 Like, we didn't need to worry about anything.
00:18:32 But I feel like I've said that about a few dinner parties,
00:18:35 and shit's absolutely hit the fan,
00:18:37 so I'm not going to hold any comfort in that thought.
00:18:40 Obviously the peaceful vibes won't last.
00:18:44 No.
00:18:45 They never do.
00:18:46 Jono and Lauren.
00:18:48 Yeah, that'll be the-- that'll be the tea.
00:18:51 I'm very hypocritical of Jono.
00:18:54 He's very vocal about you.
00:18:57 All the whilst, he's...
00:19:00 Messaging Ellie.
00:19:02 We did make mention of it at the last commitment ceremony
00:19:05 how interesting it was that when Jack has displayed
00:19:08 poor behavior, they've really come after him.
00:19:10 Yes.
00:19:11 Whereas when Jono engaged in this texting with Ellie,
00:19:15 it kind of almost went under the radar.
00:19:17 He wasn't held to such account.
00:19:21 So these two might have a real issue with Jono tonight.
00:19:24 No, he's f***ed up.
00:19:26 Like, this won't sweep under the rug for sure.
00:19:29 I'm curious to find out, like, who sent the first text message.
00:19:32 Lauren will be pissed.
00:19:34 Yeah.
00:19:35 Yeah.
00:19:36 Yeah.
00:19:37 Yeah.
00:19:38 It's sad, but...
00:19:40 Hey.
00:19:43 Hello.
00:19:44 How are you going?
00:19:45 Oh, my gosh, you look incredible.
00:19:46 So good.
00:19:47 I had a whole bunch of mixed emotions going in.
00:19:50 I was happy, I was sad, I was nervous, I was excited.
00:19:53 Yeah, there was a lot going on.
00:19:55 Look at the suit.
00:19:56 Eden and Jaden.
00:19:57 He's coming strong, Jaden, tonight.
00:19:59 He wants to make a statement.
00:20:00 It's good to see Jaden with his arm around Eden,
00:20:02 offering that little bit of support in the social environment.
00:20:05 I just feel like it's a little bit nerve-wracking, like,
00:20:12 being in a dinner-party environment and not having, like, a partner,
00:20:16 like, someone that you know is going to back you.
00:20:18 We got into such a good place and then now it's all kind of just crumbled.
00:20:23 I, for me, I don't know what's going to happen,
00:20:27 so it's a little bit nerve-wracking,
00:20:29 but at the end of the day, I can hold my own.
00:20:31 I'm going to be a good friend.
00:20:32 Oh, my God, hello!
00:20:47 This is Lauren by herself.
00:20:49 You look amazing.
00:20:50 Well, she was certainly very upset on the couch.
00:20:53 Embarrassed. She was.
00:20:54 Humiliated.
00:20:55 Cheers, girls. Cheers.
00:20:56 Cheers.
00:20:57 The last one. We did it.
00:20:58 I really want the group to know what's going on,
00:21:01 and they can back me,
00:21:02 and it doesn't need to be me in the group versus Jono,
00:21:04 but it can just be, like, the support of everyone else.
00:21:07 Obviously on the couch, you guys heard Jono say that, you know,
00:21:10 like, I could have a look through the messages.
00:21:12 So I did a little...
00:21:13 But just from... It just kept going.
00:21:16 Oh.
00:21:17 It just... For days.
00:21:18 Like, I literally needed, like, a... wrist.
00:21:20 Like, a... Like a... Like a...
00:21:21 I had a scar on the wrist. Literally.
00:21:23 And...
00:21:24 there was about a... about a hundred.
00:21:26 Oh!
00:21:27 A hundred texts between Ellie and Jono.
00:21:30 A hundred. A hundred.
00:21:32 Yep.
00:21:33 So that's a relationship.
00:21:35 That's certainly at least a really, really, really,
00:21:38 really close friendship that his spouse should know about.
00:21:42 And let's be honest,
00:21:43 he did not tell us about that on the couch.
00:21:45 No, he didn't.
00:21:46 He downplayed all of that.
00:21:47 Yes.
00:21:48 It was a lot of... messages.
00:21:50 And, like, there was no message about, like,
00:21:53 me being in hospital or having surgery.
00:21:55 It was a lot of, like,
00:21:57 him talking about, like, getting together on the Gold Coast.
00:22:00 Wait, wait.
00:22:02 Like, meeting up?
00:22:03 Yeah.
00:22:04 Ooh.
00:22:05 Oh, my God.
00:22:06 What?!
00:22:07 So when we talked on the couch, I actually said, you know,
00:22:09 "I'm really annoyed that she reached out."
00:22:11 He didn't correct me on the couch.
00:22:13 Corrected.
00:22:14 And so then I felt like it was me,
00:22:15 almost like a me ragging on Ellie's session,
00:22:17 which I...
00:22:18 Well, he should have corrected you and said, "No, that's not your fault."
00:22:21 Yeah. He should have corrected you.
00:22:22 Like, what are they talking about, though?
00:22:24 Is it just, like, get-to-know-you chat?
00:22:26 The tone and, like, the context, cos there were so many.
00:22:29 I wasn't going and reading them all, but, like, I kind of stopped on one,
00:22:32 and he...I asked... I think he asked how old she was
00:22:34 and she asked how old he was.
00:22:36 That's get-to-know-you chat.
00:22:38 That's full get-to-know-you chat.
00:22:40 He said, "Oh, I just turned 40," like, yikes, like, and she was like,
00:22:44 "Oh, my God, happy birthday," like...
00:22:46 And he was like, "Yeah, like, where were you, dot, dot, dot?"
00:22:49 And I was like, "Well, I know where you were."
00:22:53 "How's the dinner with you?" "How's the dinner with me?"
00:22:55 You know, we were lied to by Jono at that commitment ceremony.
00:23:00 The thing about that was that I was a bit perturbed about was that
00:23:03 there was no mention of me.
00:23:04 Like, Ellie never said, like, "How's Laura... How are you and Lauren?"
00:23:07 Like, I...my name literally didn't get brought up...
00:23:10 Once. ..very much once.
00:23:11 Yeah.
00:23:12 There was no mention of her. Right.
00:23:14 We know what's going on. Yes, it's about them.
00:23:16 There's just so much to this, cos I've given him little jokes about...
00:23:19 Jones, about Ellie throughout the experiment.
00:23:21 "I'm not your little crush on you."
00:23:23 I remember even saying in front of Sarah one time, I was like,
00:23:25 "Oh, what a scandal if Jono ran off with Ellie."
00:23:27 And he kept being like... He got angry at me.
00:23:29 Don't say that. Yes. Yes. It was very much like that.
00:23:32 And it was like, "She's not my type," and...
00:23:34 Now I look back on it, it was too much.
00:23:36 Too defensive. Too offensive. Too defensive.
00:23:38 It's definitely not how I envisage the last dinner party
00:23:46 to be walking in by myself,
00:23:49 cos I'm going to come under a lot of fire, but that's OK.
00:23:52 I'm a...I'm a big boy and I know who I am.
00:23:57 And I know what I did was innocent.
00:24:01 I love dinner parties normally, they're, like, my favourite time of week.
00:24:08 I loved sitting beside Lauren and...
00:24:11 ..um, watching her just unload on everyone and having a good laugh.
00:24:17 Um, but...
00:24:19 ..tonight, unfortunately, it looks like I'm the one in the firing line.
00:24:22 Like, normally it's... Normally it's Jack.
00:24:25 Who have you messaged over 100 times since you've been here?
00:24:29 Like... Probably not even...
00:24:31 No-one? Yeah. Like, who's got the time?
00:24:33 Not even... Everyone gets their time and...
00:24:36 ..this time is mine.
00:24:39 OK, so the other thing is, he did send her a message
00:24:42 the morning of the commitment ceremony, but I haven't...
00:24:44 I didn't... I didn't read it.
00:24:48 So, how often are they speaking?
00:24:53 It's... It's... It's every day.
00:24:55 It's pretty... It looks like pretty much every...
00:24:58 Hey! Oh! Hey! What's good?
00:25:04 Wow! Oh, here's Jaden Ridd.
00:25:06 Hey! Hey! Howdy, howdy, howdy.
00:25:08 I really didn't want to read them. I was, like, kind of freaking out.
00:25:11 Yeah. It's almost like I didn't want to see something
00:25:13 that was going to be really bad that I really had to get rid of.
00:25:16 Text number or text Instagram? It's DM.
00:25:18 Hello! Hey!
00:25:21 Hey! Wowee!
00:25:23 Sarah and Tim! Sarah and...
00:25:25 Oh! Another strong week.
00:25:27 Big smiles, very together, looking lovely.
00:25:30 Very happy-looking.
00:25:32 What have we missed?
00:25:35 Well, I've just been filling them in.
00:25:37 Like, after the couch session, John offered up to look at his phone,
00:25:40 and that's what we did, and we just discovered
00:25:42 that the volume of messages was what was concerning.
00:25:44 There was a lot going on in that message.
00:25:46 It was the quantity. Yeah.
00:25:48 I was so shocked by this. Yeah, I was shocked, too.
00:25:50 Because, obviously, he's my mate, but at the same time,
00:25:52 I didn't know, like, what the heck.
00:25:54 It was just the volume of messages.
00:25:57 There were about 100. I know.
00:26:00 Over 100 messages to another female.
00:26:03 In the experiment, behind your wife's back, there's a lot going on.
00:26:08 [dramatic music]
00:26:11 ♪ ♪
00:26:16 I am pissed off. I mean, there's no doubt about that.
00:26:19 Like, I can't do this half-arsed shit.
00:26:22 I am who I am. I have been who I am since day one.
00:26:26 It's like, you're f***ed up here, mate.
00:26:28 You need to walk in and, like, talk to me and make sure I'm OK.
00:26:31 Like, every other dude here has done.
00:26:33 Everything needs to be said tonight.
00:26:37 Everything needs to be laid on the table.
00:26:39 Jono has a lot of explaining to do.
00:26:42 [dramatic music]
00:26:45 ♪ ♪
00:26:47 Hey. Yo.
00:26:49 Oh, here he is.
00:26:52 Oh, he's Jono. Oh.
00:26:54 And you can cut the tension with a knife with this entrance.
00:26:57 Yeah. I mean, clearly.
00:26:59 How's he going to greet Lauren? This is the key.
00:27:02 All right. Hey, man. How you doing?
00:27:04 Good to see you. You're in it.
00:27:05 Sorry. How you doing? Good to see you.
00:27:07 Good to see you. What's up, man?
00:27:09 Looking tight, bro. How you doing?
00:27:11 How you doing? Yeah, I'm good, man.
00:27:13 Hello. Hi, Sarah. How are you?
00:27:15 You too.
00:27:17 I'm going to go to the bar and get a drink. Have fun.
00:27:23 So, Jono walks in. I think he hugs, like, Tori, Jack,
00:27:29 like, Eden, Ridge.
00:27:31 Hey, Jono. What's cracking, bro?
00:27:33 I'm good. I'm good. Sarah, Tim, Jade.
00:27:36 And by then, I've well and truly made myself comfortable
00:27:42 by the champagne bottle.
00:27:44 Oh, shit.
00:27:46 We have a problem.
00:27:48 I was a little bit perturbed when he didn't come over to me.
00:27:52 I thought he might have made that effort,
00:27:54 and I was sitting at the very end of the last couch,
00:27:56 so I certainly wasn't going to, like, line up to hug my own husband.
00:28:00 How are you feeling, by the way?
00:28:02 Good. You feel all right? Yeah.
00:28:04 This is epic. Thanks, bro. That's my brother's.
00:28:06 Yeah, he wore it to a con.
00:28:08 Really? Oh, that's cool that you both got to wear it.
00:28:12 He kind of set the tone for the evening,
00:28:14 like he's not making any effort with me or to say sorry to me.
00:28:18 Cheers. You freaking out? No.
00:28:21 And that's kind of how it's been for the last few days,
00:28:24 so good to know that's how he's going to proceed.
00:28:30 And now I can recalibrate and figure out how I'm going to proceed.
00:28:36 It's like a game of chess.
00:28:38 How's everyone been?
00:28:43 I'm not an asparagus guy, but that's all right.
00:28:53 Feel good.
00:28:57 Oh, I don't think I've seen something quite so awkward like that for some time.
00:29:01 You look hot.
00:29:03 Thanks.
00:29:06 Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is served.
00:29:17 [clattering]
00:29:19 Oh, my goodness.
00:29:33 Put me on the end. All right, all right.
00:29:38 I'm on the end. You've got to take it easy.
00:29:40 My goodness.
00:29:45 [clears throat]
00:29:47 Well, this would be the closest Jono and Lauren have sat all night.
00:29:56 Jono looks like he's got a head full of thoughts.
00:29:59 Yes, he looks tense.
00:30:01 Well, he should be, because he's got some answering to do,
00:30:05 and Lauren will be the one to make him squirm, I think, tonight.
00:30:09 Absolutely.
00:30:13 The vibe between Lauren and I is not great at the moment.
00:30:17 I told her I messaged Ellie completely innocent,
00:30:21 but she, the day after the commitment ceremony,
00:30:24 has turned it into something that's bad,
00:30:27 and so the vibe's not good.
00:30:30 Who wants to do a toast?
00:30:32 I'll do a toast, but we're all going to do this together.
00:30:35 We're going to go around the room,
00:30:37 and we're going to say something about the experiment.
00:30:39 It could be about someone or something that's happened
00:30:41 that has to be on top of your head.
00:30:43 I'm going to be corny. Cheers to the friendship.
00:30:45 Aw, yes!
00:30:47 I'm going to make it spicy. Come on, guys.
00:30:49 Cheers to Jack's big mouth.
00:30:51 Yes!
00:30:53 Cheers to Jono texting Ellie.
00:30:56 Ooh! I like that.
00:31:00 Oh, that's cold.
00:31:02 That's [bleep] locked in.
00:31:04 Make sure the feet are held to the fire.
00:31:06 Yes, Sarah!
00:31:08 That didn't take long for Jono to get into the crosshairs.
00:31:12 Oh, Jono did not find the humour.
00:31:14 No.
00:31:15 All right, you guys, cheers, guys.
00:31:17 Cheers!
00:31:19 You knew it was going to be Sarah, you know, the best friend.
00:31:22 Now that we're on the topic,
00:31:24 I just wanted to make it really clear
00:31:26 that I messaged Ellie, she didn't message me.
00:31:34 Let's be very clear.
00:31:36 At the commitment ceremony,
00:31:38 we asked and he said Ellie text him first.
00:31:42 Yes.
00:31:43 Yes.
00:31:44 Yeah, but I'm sure there's going to be lots of questions
00:31:46 directed at me tonight,
00:31:47 but I just wanted everyone to know that first.
00:31:50 What was the nature of your first message?
00:31:53 And how come you did that?
00:31:55 I think it was, "Did you make it home OK?
00:31:59 "Is it amazing to be out of Sky Suites?"
00:32:02 I've reached out to most people
00:32:05 and checked in, talked to probably six or seven people regularly.
00:32:11 It's all very banter, laughing about the experiment
00:32:15 and dinner parties and how crazy it all was.
00:32:18 I'm surprised that he's come in with a justification mentality.
00:32:22 "I'm going to minimise this
00:32:24 "and there's really nothing to see here."
00:32:27 I honestly can't believe this has all come of this.
00:32:30 I... There's a lot of messages.
00:32:33 How many messages is there, like, if it was over six weeks?
00:32:36 About 100. There's not a hundred.
00:32:38 That's what Warren said. There's not a...
00:32:40 OK, I'd have to go back through and count them, mate.
00:32:42 But let's give a genuine idea.
00:32:44 How much do you... How many do you reckon?
00:32:46 There's a lot.
00:32:47 I would have thought it'd be closer to 50 than 100,
00:32:49 but I have to go back and count them.
00:32:51 So the other people you message, though,
00:32:52 do you message the same volume amount of messages?
00:32:54 More. Like, I message Steven more.
00:32:56 I message Tristan more.
00:32:57 Are they all the same context, though?
00:32:59 Are you talking to Steven about the same things you're talking to Ellie?
00:33:01 100%.
00:33:02 What about the, like, the birthday text?
00:33:04 It wasn't a birthday text.
00:33:06 What did that one say?
00:33:08 What I'll tell you, it said,
00:33:10 "When you turn 40, come and get some Botox."
00:33:12 And I was like, "I actually turned 40 three weeks ago.
00:33:14 "Where were you?" And she was like, "Ha-ha-ha,"
00:33:16 and made a joke about me being old.
00:33:18 That was the birthday text.
00:33:20 "Where were you?" is a bit flirty.
00:33:22 I was going to say, in the past, I've had a, like, "Ha-ha-ha."
00:33:24 "Where were you?" Are you kidding me?
00:33:26 And it's been very flirty.
00:33:27 "Where were you?" with, like, all these laughy faces,
00:33:30 as in, "How did you not know it was my birthday already?"
00:33:34 Of course, you know, Jono tried to dance around it,
00:33:37 but, like, the group was not letting that happen.
00:33:40 How would she know? She's not in the experiment.
00:33:42 It hasn't been for weeks.
00:33:44 True. I thought she would have known.
00:33:46 Jono wasn't really owning it.
00:33:53 He was kind of half-arse apologising,
00:33:55 but he was still trying to justify it, make excuses
00:33:57 as to why he did it, which is no good enough.
00:33:59 He should just be saying sorry and leave it as that.
00:34:01 So, when we went through your messages,
00:34:03 I really didn't want to read them,
00:34:05 because I've been through this.
00:34:06 I did not come here to do this again, and I trusted you.
00:34:10 "My name was not mentioned."
00:34:13 If it's friends talking about the experiment,
00:34:16 I'm the experiment with you.
00:34:18 Were there any?
00:34:21 There were. There were.
00:34:23 No, there weren't.
00:34:25 OK. There weren't a single one.
00:34:27 You didn't read them all. We had this conversation.
00:34:30 Jono was gaslighting me and talking in circles
00:34:33 and just not telling the truth.
00:34:35 What does it say?
00:34:37 There's stuff saying about...
00:34:39 You spend a lot of time like this,
00:34:41 it's like you need a goddamn wristband while you're looking.
00:34:43 It was not that long.
00:34:45 I thought he would at least fall on his sword and go,
00:34:48 "You know what? There's no excuse for any of this.
00:34:50 "I've misled you all, I lied to the experts, to the group.
00:34:52 "I'm wrong." He's not doing that.
00:34:54 Jono, how do you feel about Ellie, in complete honesty?
00:34:57 Is there any kind of attraction physically or emotionally
00:35:00 or anything there at all?
00:35:02 I think Ellie is a good-looking chick, of course,
00:35:04 but there is nothing going on there at all.
00:35:07 So you'd put that to bed, like you and Ellie in the future,
00:35:10 you don't think it'd ever be a thing, wouldn't pursue it?
00:35:12 Yeah, 100%.
00:35:14 Things change in the future.
00:35:16 Can I just pipe in there?
00:35:21 There's a... Hmm.
00:35:23 Based on the things that you've said in your cute little safe space
00:35:26 at the gym, Jack bought me some info.
00:35:29 And you were like, "Yeah, I would have loved to have been with Ellie."
00:35:33 What?!
00:35:35 You said that.
00:35:37 When Lara and I were fighting? Yeah, OK, sure.
00:35:43 This is a whole new level.
00:35:45 He's made a statement that he would have preferred
00:35:48 to have been matched with Ellie.
00:35:50 He's made a statement that he would have preferred
00:35:53 to have been matched with Ellie.
00:35:55 He's made a statement that he would have preferred
00:35:58 to have been matched with Ellie.
00:36:00 He's made a statement that he would have preferred
00:36:03 to have been matched with Ellie.
00:36:05 He's made a statement that he would have preferred
00:36:08 to have been matched with Ellie.
00:36:10 I mean, this just puts all of those texts in a whole new light.
00:36:14 Yeah. It's there. Yeah.
00:36:16 You've got to witness. There's no other way to look at it.
00:36:19 You've got to respect Lauren in the good and in the bad.
00:36:22 I feel like you should just apologise to Lauren for that.
00:36:25 I... Um...
00:36:27 Did you actually say that? I'm not sorry.
00:36:29 I came in and I felt like I was going to give him a chance
00:36:32 and I wasn't going to throw him under the bath.
00:36:34 And now it's just like...
00:36:39 It's, like, it's embarrassing.
00:36:41 I'm... I don't know. I...
00:36:44 You don't remember anything.
00:36:46 It's interesting that in this group dynamic now,
00:36:49 Jonah has been friends with everybody in the group.
00:36:52 Not one person is standing by him on this situation.
00:36:56 Yeah.
00:36:58 I've done nothing wrong.
00:37:00 He was completely innocent.
00:37:02 And I know there's nothing there.
00:37:04 Jonah didn't seem himself. He seems very...
00:37:08 A little cringey.
00:37:11 Jonah was very sly. He'll say one thing to another person
00:37:14 and then do another thing in person.
00:37:16 I'm feeling confused and weird.
00:37:19 I 100% think that this has been blunt out of proportion.
00:37:25 Jonah was kind of deflecting, not really owning his part.
00:37:29 Ooh.
00:37:31 But then the black box comes out.
00:37:34 Oh, God.
00:37:36 Here we go.
00:37:38 There's going to be some hard questions for Jonah
00:37:40 because he's not really being honest about the situation.
00:37:44 Mystery box.
00:37:46 (LAUGHS)
00:37:48 What we see tonight is five couples
00:37:51 who have actually really bonded.
00:37:53 Yeah.
00:37:54 They've been through a shared experience
00:37:56 and this is a time for them to really be together.
00:37:59 Yeah.
00:38:00 And this is a time for them not only to answer our questions
00:38:03 but also to reminisce the highs and lows, get some support
00:38:06 and hopefully figure out, you know,
00:38:08 where they're headed with these final vows.
00:38:11 All right, let's go. All right, kick it off, guys.
00:38:13 All right.
00:38:15 Tim, ask Sarah. OK, go for it.
00:38:18 This is a novel for the telenovela that we've been living.
00:38:22 (LAUGHS)
00:38:27 I'm expecting some tough questions.
00:38:29 I'm expecting still some questions about our struggles
00:38:33 and whether or not Tim, like, can see a future with me.
00:38:37 Do you have any regrets about how you've been in this relationship?
00:38:43 I have a lot of regrets.
00:38:46 I regret lying to you and I regret hanging out with my ex.
00:38:53 And I regret hurting you.
00:38:54 Like, I think that's the biggest thing, I regret hurting you.
00:38:57 They've come such a long way, these two, haven't they?
00:38:59 Tim and Sarah.
00:39:00 From where we saw them, you know, not that long ago, three weeks ago,
00:39:04 they were after this betrayal,
00:39:06 she had to really do some heavy lifting
00:39:09 and it appears she's been able to do it.
00:39:11 I regret not giving Tim more of a chance at the beginning.
00:39:15 Through all of this, I'm, like, I'm happy I stuck it out.
00:39:20 I feel like my feelings and my mind have changed
00:39:22 about the experiment, about Tim, about us
00:39:25 and what our future holds.
00:39:27 Are you falling in love with me?
00:39:36 Well...
00:39:38 As everyone in here knows, we've had a really rocky start.
00:39:48 But if things continue the way that they have been continuing,
00:39:53 I can see myself falling in love with you.
00:39:55 Aww, cute!
00:39:58 Do you say anything to that, Tim?
00:40:03 I like hearing it. I ain't gonna lie.
00:40:05 I'm not ready to say, "I love you."
00:40:09 But if we continue down this path,
00:40:12 we could definitely fall in love with each other.
00:40:15 OK, now I gotta ask Tim.
00:40:17 What is one thing you like best about me
00:40:19 and one thing you like the least?
00:40:21 Um, I love that you're so upfront
00:40:24 and that you can just, like, you just know exactly how you feel.
00:40:27 Because not many people that I've ever met
00:40:29 have been able to just be like, boom, I feel like this,
00:40:32 I like this, I'm like this,
00:40:33 and, like, stay to it, like, the whole way through.
00:40:36 So I really do like that about you.
00:40:38 What I like least about you is, I think,
00:40:42 the fight style of just kind of trying to be right
00:40:45 and having your point and proving the point.
00:40:47 But I've definitely seen it improve, which is...
00:40:50 OK. ...been very nice.
00:40:52 What I'm seeing in Sarah is actually growth.
00:40:54 I feel like she is taking what I'm saying on board
00:40:57 and she is making improvements.
00:40:58 Like, the last couple of weeks have been unreal.
00:41:01 We've been very much on the same page,
00:41:03 very much, like, just enjoying each other's company.
00:41:06 OK.
00:41:08 Uh-oh.
00:41:11 Oh, my God. OK.
00:41:13 Um...
00:41:18 Do you believe that I am over my ex?
00:41:21 Oh.
00:41:22 Come on, Timmy.
00:41:36 Come on, Timmy.
00:41:37 I feel like I'm gonna choose my words carefully here.
00:41:44 Do you believe that I am over my ex?
00:41:59 Oh.
00:42:01 Oh.
00:42:02 Come on, Timmy.
00:42:13 I feel like I'm gonna choose my words carefully here.
00:42:20 It's still something in the back of my head.
00:42:22 You know, you guys had your...
00:42:25 You've got your history and whatever.
00:42:29 But it feels like...
00:42:30 ..I believe you're over your ex.
00:42:33 I definitely feel like I can trust her again.
00:42:38 She's come to me and apologised
00:42:40 and I can see that she's putting in an effort.
00:42:42 Sarah and I are in a really good place right now.
00:42:45 Um, OK, last one.
00:42:49 Are you falling in love with me?
00:42:51 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:42:53 I've definitely got a little thang for you.
00:43:03 (LAUGHTER)
00:43:05 I love you.
00:43:06 Oh, you're so cute.
00:43:07 I love you, too.
00:43:08 Oh!
00:43:11 OK, that was cute. I didn't expect that.
00:43:13 It feels amazing.
00:43:18 Like, I feel like we've come such a long way
00:43:20 and hearing his, like, answers just, like...
00:43:24 ..yeah, reassures me that, like, we're going in the right direction.
00:43:27 It's so great.
00:43:30 It's incredible.
00:43:31 Thank you.
00:43:33 That was great, guys.
00:43:35 All right, next box. Let's get into it.
00:43:41 (COUGHS)
00:43:47 All eyes on you, Jack.
00:43:49 (GROANS)
00:43:50 First question.
00:43:55 How could I have been a better partner to you
00:43:59 over the last couple of months?
00:44:01 Jack has got a long list of poor choices.
00:44:05 OK, where do we start?
00:44:07 Um...
00:44:08 We're going to be here all goddamn night.
00:44:10 I think you could have exercised, like,
00:44:13 a certain amount of thought before you speak.
00:44:17 We would be in a very different place.
00:44:20 Thank you.
00:44:23 How do you feel about me right now?
00:44:27 And describe your feelings.
00:44:29 I feel super close to you.
00:44:33 I think I would classify how I'm feeling about you as, like...
00:44:39 ..as, like, an infatuation, almost.
00:44:44 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:44:46 Do you think I'll put in the effort needed
00:44:53 to make a long-distance relationship work?
00:44:55 And are you confident I will be faithful during that time?
00:45:00 I feel like... Deeper.
00:45:02 ..truthfully, in the past week, I have, like, wigged out.
00:45:07 But there is, like, an anxiety about being outside of this experiment
00:45:11 where we're, like, forced to live together and forced to be together.
00:45:14 Um, that makes me quite anxious.
00:45:17 And it is, like, getting to me more than ever.
00:45:20 It is.
00:45:21 Yeah, you're having a moment.
00:45:23 Next question.
00:45:28 Are you falling in love with me?
00:45:30 Um, if we keep going the way we're going,
00:45:36 I could absolutely fall in love with you.
00:45:40 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:45:42 I actually want to know this.
00:45:44 How many guys have you been in love with?
00:45:46 None.
00:45:50 Oh, shit! Oh, my God.
00:45:52 So it's a big thing, then. Zero?
00:45:54 Tori hasn't been in love before.
00:45:57 Um, she hadn't met me yet.
00:46:00 (LAUGHS)
00:46:01 Tori, ask Jack.
00:46:07 Give me an easy one to start.
00:46:09 What worries you most about us after we leave the experiment?
00:46:21 I've got concerns about, like, how you're feeling about long distance
00:46:25 cos you're being different the last week and a bit.
00:46:28 I've seen a different side to you, I think.
00:46:30 We've discussed it a couple of times.
00:46:32 She really has invested in this relationship
00:46:35 and she probably is going to move to the Gold Coast to be with Jack.
00:46:40 I think she is incredibly nervous.
00:46:43 And I've seen, like, all I've seen from you is, like,
00:46:46 strong, assertive... Yeah.
00:46:48 ..confident.
00:46:50 And I'm worried how you're going to go
00:46:52 when we are doing our own thing, doing long distance.
00:46:55 How do you feel about me right now?
00:47:00 Describe your feelings.
00:47:03 Um...
00:47:05 Proud.
00:47:07 Oh.
00:47:09 Did he just say that?
00:47:12 How attracted are you to me sexually?
00:47:17 Didn't have a sexual connection from day one, the wedding.
00:47:26 I reckon a month ago, I was definitely sexually attracted to you.
00:47:31 A couple of weeks ago or a week ago after homestays,
00:47:33 I was at 9.5 out of 10 attracted to you sexually.
00:47:36 And we've had a couple of goes
00:47:38 and I feel like we align in the bedroom and it's a good time, so...
00:47:42 OK, good answer.
00:47:44 Are you falling in love with me?
00:47:50 Mmm.
00:47:53 (TICKING)
00:47:55 Look, I'm not in love with you.
00:48:03 Um...but...
00:48:07 I could be falling, yeah.
00:48:13 I could be, if not, I am.
00:48:16 I wouldn't still be here, I wouldn't be rocking out
00:48:18 to these dinner parties if I didn't see a potential future with you.
00:48:21 You know?
00:48:23 (LAUGHS)
00:48:31 I do believe you.
00:48:36 Kiss me. Just fake me.
00:48:38 OK, OK.
00:48:47 All right, let's move it on. Let's go, Ridge and Jade, eh?
00:48:50 All right, Ridge, all attention on you.
00:48:53 OK.
00:48:56 Jade, describe how you feel about me.
00:49:02 I feel like...
00:49:05 ..you've made it very hard for me not to get feelings.
00:49:10 I was...
00:49:13 ..not expecting to fall for someone so quick.
00:49:17 I feel like little things that you've done for me,
00:49:20 I've never had anyone do for me.
00:49:22 I feel like you've really come in here and, like,
00:49:25 literally, like, swept me off my feet with everything you've done.
00:49:29 You have done more than live up to the expectations.
00:49:33 I feel like...
00:49:36 (SHOUTS)
00:49:37 Stop doing that! I'm not going to say nice things if you do that!
00:49:40 Sorry, sorry, sorry. All right, sorry, sorry, sorry.
00:49:43 (SIREN WAILS)
00:49:45 I have no idea what he's thinking in those moments.
00:49:54 I need someone really mature, like, I need you to step things up.
00:49:57 I need you to show me that you're not a little kid.
00:50:00 He has come so far, but when he does things like that,
00:50:05 like, I know he's trying to bring the fun, playful, joking side,
00:50:09 but it's not the time.
00:50:12 Do you have any reservations about me or anything I've said?
00:50:15 Be honest.
00:50:17 Well, I feel like the immaturity thing was a big one at the start,
00:50:23 where I was like, "I don't know where the line is."
00:50:26 I got past that and I was like, "You're a better person."
00:50:30 Two minutes ago, you displayed that same behaviour.
00:50:35 I couldn't help it.
00:50:39 Again, my mouth gets me in trouble.
00:50:41 I'm fine with, like, I want playful fun, but, like, don't act like a kid.
00:50:46 The thing is, though, the reason why is because hearing you say
00:50:56 that sort of thing to me just makes me think, like,
00:50:59 you're going to be it for me.
00:51:01 You make me feel a kinder way, and obviously I'm going to be vocal
00:51:05 about that because that's not an easy thing to say.
00:51:08 At the end of the day, I'm saying you're going to be it for me.
00:51:11 That's why. OK?
00:51:13 I'm done. There's no-one else.
00:51:15 It's just going to be you for the rest of my life.
00:51:17 OK? And if that doesn't make me him, nothing will.
00:51:20 Jade, you're trying so hard to be angry at him.
00:51:25 I can see it, cos you like him so much.
00:51:27 Ridge definitely does annoy me.
00:51:31 But deep down, the feelings are definitely strong.
00:51:35 They asked me on the honeymoon if I've ever liked anyone more than you,
00:51:39 and I said no.
00:51:41 I've never looked at anyone the way I look at you,
00:51:47 and I've never felt the way I have for anyone else
00:51:50 the way I feel about you. Aw.
00:51:52 And that's a genuine thing.
00:51:54 And it sort of scares me...
00:51:56 ..a lot.
00:51:59 I am the best version of myself since I've been with this girl.
00:52:02 - Yeah, man. - That's a fact. It is a fact.
00:52:05 We can see the growth.
00:52:07 What's scary about my feelings is that, like, yeah,
00:52:09 essentially I'm vulnerable to be hurt.
00:52:11 But then I also maybe realise how in this I am
00:52:14 and how serious we actually are.
00:52:16 OK. OK.
00:52:18 OK. She's so cute.
00:52:20 She's literally blushing.
00:52:25 Jade's turn.
00:52:31 Are you prepared to commit to being present in V's life
00:52:35 after the experiment?
00:52:37 100% I'm...
00:52:44 There's not even a hesitation about it.
00:52:47 Cos I don't get you without V, and I want you more than anything.
00:52:51 I'm keen and I'm ready to be that person for V.
00:52:54 As long as V wants me to be there
00:52:58 and he wanted me to be a part of V's life, of course.
00:53:01 - You're a good dad, man. - For sure.
00:53:03 - You're a good dad. - For sure.
00:53:05 Oh!
00:53:08 Beautiful, beautiful soul.
00:53:10 Do you have a timeline in mind after the experiment
00:53:19 when you will move to the Gold Coast?
00:53:21 Be specific.
00:53:25 Um, so doing long distance with a seven-year-old daughter
00:53:30 makes it really difficult.
00:53:32 If he's not willing to move to the Gold Coast,
00:53:34 I feel like that would be the end.
00:53:36 So on our last date night, when we were talking about this
00:53:39 and he kept saying six months, I was, like, crying and I was like,
00:53:42 "This is our last date night. We're just going to be done."
00:53:45 Is it because in your mind you wanted it earlier than six months?
00:53:48 - Yes. - OK.
00:53:50 If you're going to be in it, you need to be in it 100%
00:53:54 and you can't wait.
00:53:56 So in three months, I'm going to be in the Gold Coast.
00:53:58 Well, hey, man.
00:54:02 - You going to move to the Gold Coast? - 100%, yeah.
00:54:07 - It's set in stone, 100%. - All right, that's awesome.
00:54:10 I don't care about anything else.
00:54:12 I'm filling my car up with 98 and we are going straight.
00:54:15 - OK. - OK, good.
00:54:17 From frat boy to husband.
00:54:19 Straight up.
00:54:21 - That was good. - That was good.
00:54:23 Yeah, look, Jade and I, honestly, boxed really, really well.
00:54:28 She hit me right on the feels and I think I did the same.
00:54:31 Like, the way she was looking at me and smiling at me,
00:54:33 I was like, "Yep, this girl could be it for me."
00:54:36 Next...
00:54:46 Let's get ready to rumble!
00:54:50 - Let's go. - All right, show me those questions.
00:54:52 How do you feel about me right now?
00:54:54 I think you're a snake.
00:54:55 Do I live up to your expectations in the park?
00:54:57 No.
00:54:58 Do you have feelings for Ellie?
00:55:02 - Yes or no? - Yes or no?
00:55:07 Yes or no?
00:55:08 Yes or no?
00:55:09 - Now, Lauren... - You all right, mate?
00:55:23 Let's get ready to rumble!
00:55:27 Let's go.
00:55:29 This should be fun.
00:55:31 Oh, this will be good.
00:55:33 I don't know why Lauren has viewed everything I've done
00:55:37 negatively. I really don't.
00:55:39 OK, what is...
00:55:41 Oh!
00:55:42 What is the one thing you like best about me?
00:55:45 And the one thing you like least?
00:55:49 You're on the fire.
00:55:51 I've always said your energy that you bring to a room.
00:56:00 The one thing you like least
00:56:04 would just be your argument style on how long...
00:56:08 Right, OK, argument style.
00:56:10 Looking back, do you think you could have been
00:56:13 a better partner to me in hell?
00:56:16 I definitely...
00:56:18 I have so many regrets in this relationship.
00:56:21 What's the biggest regret?
00:56:23 It's texting Ellie.
00:56:24 If I didn't know, you'd keep doing it.
00:56:26 My biggest regret is that it hurt you.
00:56:28 Not telling me?
00:56:29 I never meant...
00:56:30 But you did, though, like, 100 times.
00:56:33 Yeah, sure.
00:56:34 So 100 times over, you're like, "That's a parrot,
00:56:36 "that's a parrot." I didn't realise it would hurt you,
00:56:38 and then now that I've found out it did hurt you,
00:56:40 that's my biggest regret.
00:56:41 OK.
00:56:42 I know it was innocent. I know there's nothing there.
00:56:48 If there was something else there,
00:56:51 I wouldn't have told her that.
00:56:53 If I didn't know, would you have continued it
00:56:55 and it would have become something?
00:56:58 It wouldn't have ever become something,
00:57:00 would I have continued it? Yes.
00:57:03 Well, I didn't expect that.
00:57:05 Nothing justifies that, and it wasn't on.
00:57:08 Jono, tonight was an absolute train wreck.
00:57:13 It's hard to watch.
00:57:15 Jono's, you know, first person to jump on someone else's relationship
00:57:20 or their issues or basically throw people under the bus.
00:57:24 I've been on the end of that many, many times,
00:57:27 so it was kind of nice to just sort of sat back
00:57:29 and watched it all unfold.
00:57:32 Am I up to your standards as a potential life partner?
00:57:35 Explain. We all know the answer to that.
00:57:37 So, at the moment, no, things would definitely need to change.
00:57:42 Explain why I'm not potential as a life partner.
00:57:47 Because when we sit on the couch, we say,
00:57:49 "Lauren inspires me, Lauren does this, Lauren does that,
00:57:52 "I love all these things about Lauren." You do.
00:57:54 All that's happened is that we've found out about Ellie.
00:57:57 It has. So what's the difference?
00:58:00 The difference is...
00:58:02 ..I thought that what I did...
00:58:09 ..I apologised the next day and you just went off at me again.
00:58:17 How did I go off at you in that conversation?
00:58:19 That's how I felt. I felt like you were really upset at me.
00:58:22 I was upset, so I went off at him.
00:58:24 Ooh, now he's making it Lauren's fault.
00:58:27 He's essentially blaming Lauren for his behaviour.
00:58:30 So, in that conversation, did I go off at you? How?
00:58:34 You were like, "There's not many messages about me in here, are there?"
00:58:38 He's making it Lauren's fault.
00:58:40 It's not him taking account? No.
00:58:43 You've messaged other people that have left.
00:58:45 You've messaged them to the same extent.
00:58:47 Not to that 100 messages. How do you know?
00:58:49 I'm actually... Stop!
00:58:51 You actually haven't owned your shit.
00:58:53 Donna, you have tried to deflect this whole time.
00:58:56 She's in such a vulnerable place where it brings her back
00:59:00 to her, like, ex-boyfriend and texting girls behind her back
00:59:04 and Jono wasn't really taking ownership.
00:59:07 It was like he was sitting there trying to defend his part
00:59:10 through and through.
00:59:11 I've realised I actually have, like, no leg to stand on,
00:59:14 but at least I'm happy to take ownership for what I did.
00:59:17 I told you I messaged that user. Not one time!
00:59:22 Like, Jono, babe, like, you've got to shut your mouth
00:59:25 because you are talking some shit.
00:59:27 Jono, just look at her and say, "I'm sorry,"
00:59:31 like, stop trying to deflect on everything else that's been happening.
00:59:35 If you're talking to a girl and you've got a partner,
00:59:38 A, you don't message her 100 times,
00:59:40 B, you talk about your partner and how good you guys are,
00:59:43 so Jono definitely has some intention there
00:59:45 regardless if he thinks it or not.
00:59:47 All right, Jono's questions.
00:59:49 How do you feel about me right now?
00:59:52 I think you're a snake. Sweet.
00:59:54 Next question. Next question.
00:59:56 What do you need more of from me in this relationship?
00:59:58 I need more honesty and more loyalty
01:00:01 and I feel like I'm not getting it from you.
01:00:03 Do I live up to your expectations in a partner?
01:00:06 No.
01:00:07 Lauren was on a warpath.
01:00:10 Do you trust me? Why, why not?
01:00:13 I absolutely do not trust you.
01:00:15 I feel like you've completely thrown me under the bath
01:00:17 at every chance you've had.
01:00:19 Our home stayed, right? Did you not have a good time?
01:00:22 I did.
01:00:23 On the home stay, we were intimate and we reconnected
01:00:27 and then to find out, like, you're messaging another girl.
01:00:31 That's so hurtful because we have had a good time together.
01:00:35 So can I just ask you,
01:00:37 so on our home stays, when you initiated sex with me
01:00:40 and we had a good home stay,
01:00:42 what is the difference between then and now?
01:00:44 Your values all of a sudden appeared in some goddamn epiphany.
01:00:47 Looking back, do you think you could have been
01:00:49 a better partner to me? I'm asking you a question.
01:00:52 Yeah, I heard your question.
01:00:54 This is shocking.
01:00:56 Answer then!
01:00:57 I heard your question.
01:00:58 But can you just answer that?
01:01:00 Like, the fact that, like...
01:01:02 Answer the question.
01:01:04 Oh, oh!
01:01:06 You've had sex with me? Are you serious?
01:01:09 I felt like we were in a really good place
01:01:11 and then all of a sudden, it's like, stuff about Elliot's come up
01:01:14 and it's like, he's almost trying to throw me under the bus.
01:01:16 You treated me like shit!
01:01:18 That's your opinion, which I don't care about anymore.
01:01:21 You don't care about my opinion?
01:01:23 No!
01:01:24 Jono's so cold tonight, isn't he?
01:01:27 And dismissive and...
01:01:29 unfeeling about what's going on.
01:01:32 There's not a sense that he's embarrassed at all or sheepish.
01:01:37 Do you have feelings for Ellie?
01:01:39 No, I don't.
01:01:41 I don't believe him.
01:01:43 Do you think Ellie would think the same thing
01:01:45 that you're thinking right now?
01:01:47 That we don't have feelings for each other? 100%!
01:01:49 You think so? 100%!
01:01:51 Well, that's something we'll discuss at the reunion then.
01:01:54 From everything I saw and heard from Lauren and Jono,
01:01:56 I think Jono's definitely in the wrong.
01:01:58 He just needed to own his shit and not say, "Sorry, but..."
01:02:00 You've made comments that would allude to the fact
01:02:02 that you are interested in Ellie.
01:02:04 You haven't made any of those comments about any of the other women.
01:02:08 Yeah.
01:02:09 So, is there an alignment there?
01:02:11 It was completely innocent and I can't wait for the reunion
01:02:16 because Ellie can say the same thing.
01:02:18 Do you think you would have had a better experience
01:02:21 if you were matched with Ellie, like in all seriousness?
01:02:24 Yes or no? Yes or no?
01:02:26 Yes or no? Yes or no?
01:02:28 Do you think you would have had a better experience
01:02:38 if you were matched with Ellie, like in all seriousness?
01:02:41 Yes or no? Yes or no?
01:02:43 Yes or no? Yes or no?
01:02:45 If I was matched with anyone else in this experiment,
01:02:49 I feel like I would have had a much easier time, yes.
01:02:52 Ooh!
01:02:54 Wow.
01:02:55 Easier time.
01:02:57 That's a direct dig.
01:02:59 With Ellie. Ellie.
01:03:00 That includes her.
01:03:02 OK. OK.
01:03:04 That is a strong dig, especially for somebody who was just talking
01:03:07 a couple of weeks ago about missing Lauren,
01:03:09 how great they were doing.
01:03:11 What a backflip.
01:03:12 So, which is it? He's been lying then...
01:03:14 This is the guy that's just lied to everyone
01:03:17 and deceived his partner.
01:03:19 You're the fakest person I've ever met in my entire life.
01:03:22 Honestly, you are a joke.
01:03:27 Bullshit, Lauren.
01:03:29 Enough, this is not going anywhere.
01:03:31 You're such a fake person.
01:03:33 This is not how I wanted tonight to go, no.
01:03:35 At this point, towards Jono, I'm feeling annoyed and pissed off.
01:03:42 I'm just like, yeah, nothing, to be honest.
01:03:45 OK, let's move on. You've done so well, Lauren.
01:03:48 I 100% think that this has been blunt out of proportion.
01:03:53 I... It was completely innocent.
01:03:55 I have no plans to see Ellie outside the experiment.
01:03:59 I don't think I've done anything sinister or malicious.
01:04:02 All right, let's move it on. OK, OK.
01:04:04 Let's see them. I'm first. Let's go.
01:04:06 OK, go. Let's go.
01:04:08 Um...
01:04:09 How do you feel about me right now? Describe your feelings.
01:04:13 I love you.
01:04:19 What?!
01:04:21 You're so lucky!
01:04:23 CHEERING
01:04:25 At last, some love.
01:04:29 Thank you, Jaden.
01:04:31 Eden will love you. I think Eden's pretty happy.
01:04:33 Eden is very happy.
01:04:35 LAUGHTER
01:04:37 Oh, my God, I'm so scared.
01:04:39 CHEERING
01:04:41 I was not expecting that. What the hell?
01:04:44 Oh, my God, you're so cute.
01:04:46 Aw, that's gorgeous.
01:04:48 That is very sweet.
01:04:50 Was that the first time he's ever laughed?
01:04:52 Oh, my God!
01:04:54 I've been wanting to say it for so long.
01:04:57 I've been so scared.
01:05:00 So cute!
01:05:02 I don't know how to use.
01:05:04 I was not expecting... I just froze.
01:05:06 I was like, "What?"
01:05:08 I've been waiting...
01:05:10 I was just saying, she said it back in my ear.
01:05:12 Yeah, I whispered it back in his ear.
01:05:14 Aw, did you?
01:05:16 I've been waiting so long.
01:05:18 Literally been keeping me up at night trying to think about it.
01:05:21 I'm in love, and it was even better that she said it back.
01:05:23 You know, she kind of whispered it in my ear as soon as I said it.
01:05:25 She said, "I love you too," but that was good to hear.
01:05:28 Oh, my God, that's so cute.
01:05:30 I was not expecting that.
01:05:32 I honestly was like, that took my breath away.
01:05:36 I think that's a bit of a toast moment, buddy.
01:05:39 I mean, it's a massive turnaround for these two, isn't it?
01:05:42 Because it was only a matter of a week ago
01:05:44 that they were really struggling with how they argued
01:05:47 and the gridlock they were in, and now he's come away from that,
01:05:50 and maybe it's shaken him up.
01:05:52 Yeah. And he's realised what he's got.
01:05:54 Glad she said it back. Holy shit. Congratulations.
01:05:57 I mean, he told Aiden, he loved her,
01:05:59 and then she whispered in his ear that she loved him too,
01:06:02 and then it's like...
01:06:04 We're all in love.
01:06:06 I love that that was the first question.
01:06:08 Do we just throw the rest away now? We don't need to worry about them?
01:06:11 He just took my drink!
01:06:13 That's straight up.
01:06:15 (eerie music)
