• 6 months ago


00:00:00 After eight life-changing weeks, the end of the experiment has arrived.
00:00:05 Returning to Sky Suites following homestays,
00:00:09 and with final vows just around the corner,
00:00:12 our brides and grooms are dressing to impress
00:00:15 for the final dinner party of the experiment.
00:00:19 That pink is so perfect for my outfit.
00:00:21 You like? Yeah, I really love it.
00:00:23 That's all that matters, then.
00:00:25 Awesome.
00:00:26 I'm gonna do a red lip.
00:00:28 Really? Yeah.
00:00:30 So, no kisses tonight?
00:00:32 (CHUCKLES)
00:00:33 There you go.
00:00:35 So, Tani and I, we've had a really good homestay.
00:00:38 Um, you know, saw the sights of Bondi.
00:00:41 Um, what a place.
00:00:43 Busy as all get-out. Cute little house.
00:00:46 You were like bloody Mary Poppins in that joint,
00:00:49 like, constantly just pulling out things.
00:00:50 I'm like, "Where's this coming from?"
00:00:52 Everywhere's got a spot.
00:00:53 Yeah, I had a really nice time.
00:00:56 I'm excited to hear everyone's homestays went.
00:00:59 100%.
00:01:02 Do I really want to move to Bondi?
00:01:04 Yeah, I would if Tani's there.
00:01:06 I don't think it really matters.
00:01:07 I think that's what I'm obviously moving for.
00:01:10 Not bothered about the location.
00:01:11 If she lived out on a farm in the Blue Mountains,
00:01:14 that's probably gonna be some other questions.
00:01:16 Are there farms in the Blue Mountains?
00:01:18 I'm not sure.
00:01:19 In stark contrast to Tani and Oli,
00:01:22 who haven't looked back
00:01:23 since they first locked eyes on their wedding day,
00:01:26 Melinda and Leighton have had to work hard
00:01:29 to get their relationship to where it is.
00:01:32 And this has left Leighton wondering
00:01:33 how they will survive outside the experiment
00:01:36 without the guidance of the experts.
00:01:39 I feel like I'm reflecting on the time that I've spent here,
00:01:42 and it does weigh on my mind a lot.
00:01:44 That Mel's really emotional,
00:01:46 and that I'm really logical and rational.
00:01:48 I think that because I've sort of been on my own path,
00:01:50 my own journey for 10, 15 years,
00:01:52 that I've had to become really resilient.
00:01:54 So, you know, because of that,
00:01:56 I find emotional connection quite challenging, you know?
00:01:59 Opening myself up and letting someone in.
00:02:01 I feel like now we're sort of coming to the end of this journey.
00:02:06 You know, did we do enough, you know,
00:02:07 like, in the time that we were here?
00:02:09 Everyone just had homestays.
00:02:11 And when they ask you, like, "How did homestays go?"
00:02:14 Like, what's your first initial response, do you think?
00:02:18 Well, I think it was up and down.
00:02:20 I feel like we both want our relationship to work together.
00:02:24 But I think we're both intelligent...
00:02:28 ..enough...
00:02:31 ..to know that it may not ever work.
00:02:36 Oh, (BLEEP)
00:02:45 Come here.
00:02:46 Oh!
00:02:49 But I think there were some positive things that came from it.
00:02:51 If there's anything that needs to be left on the table,
00:02:53 now's the time to do it.
00:02:54 And so, cheers to our last dinner party. Cheers.
00:02:58 For Evelyn,
00:02:59 despite consummating her marriage with Rupert during homestays,
00:03:03 there is one thing at the forefront of her mind
00:03:06 heading into the final dinner party -
00:03:09 Rupert's outfit.
00:03:10 You're giving me Dr Evil vibes today.
00:03:14 I don't quite know who that is, but... Do this.
00:03:16 Is he the bald fella? Do this.
00:03:19 Is he the bald guy of, um...
00:03:22 ..the Minions? You know, the Minions fella?
00:03:25 What are you talking about? The bald Minions fella?
00:03:27 No, it's Austin Powers, Dr Evil.
00:03:30 Anyway, you look stunning. Thank you.
00:03:32 Yeah. I love this little, um... What is it?
00:03:35 ..like, unhealthy pea colour, innit?
00:03:37 You're pulling it off, though. Why are you like this?
00:03:42 You're pulling it off. Why are you like this?
00:03:45 I don't get it.
00:03:47 What do you mean? Why are you like this?
00:03:49 Like what? Like, how...?
00:03:51 Does my mind work like that? I don't think it does work.
00:03:54 Like, in what world and what universe
00:03:57 do you think complimenting your wife, saying,
00:03:59 "I love your dress, it looks like an unhealthy pea colour"?
00:04:02 Like, before that comes out of your mouth, do you think,
00:04:04 "Oh, you know what? That's going to be a great compliment"?
00:04:07 Yeah.
00:04:09 It's definitely been a slow burn with Rupert and I, to say the least.
00:04:13 I think the main thing that Rupert and I have been struggling with
00:04:17 since the day of our wedding
00:04:19 is understanding each other and communication.
00:04:22 Is this where we talk?
00:04:24 Yeah.
00:04:26 Look at your hands, how they...
00:04:29 Like, he doesn't really say the nicest things,
00:04:31 and I've been very patient to understand that,
00:04:34 but it's hard for me to defend him, you know?
00:04:37 Am I a good cuddler?
00:04:38 You are a very good cuddler, Rupert.
00:04:41 Thank you.
00:04:42 Um...
00:04:44 Did you put deodorant on this morning?
00:04:46 And more troubling for Evelyn,
00:04:51 Rupert's foot-in-mouth disease reared its head yet again
00:04:55 when meeting her mother.
00:04:56 So, this relationship, you will be keep going on,
00:04:59 or you will give up?
00:05:01 I want to focus on now.
00:05:02 Like, I think if I find myself thinking about
00:05:06 what we're doing in a month or two time,
00:05:08 like, that'll stress me out,
00:05:11 and I'll not be myself around you.
00:05:14 Now that I've scratched the surface
00:05:19 and really gotten to know Rupert,
00:05:21 I know that everything he does and everything he says
00:05:24 all comes from a good place,
00:05:27 even though he's as graceful with his words
00:05:30 as a bull in a china shop.
00:05:33 Jeez, your arse does look good in that.
00:05:34 Oh, my God. In that piss yellow.
00:05:39 Following a catastrophic homestay
00:05:41 where Bronte's sister Kira grilled Harrison
00:05:44 and highlighted his gaslighting behaviour for Bronte to see,
00:05:48 the couple have now returned to Sydney
00:05:51 and are staying in separate apartments.
00:05:54 They are now further apart than at any point in the experiment
00:05:59 and will enter the final dinner party alone.
00:06:02 It doesn't matter what boundaries I put in place
00:06:04 or what deal-breakers I establish with Bronte,
00:06:06 they mean nothing to her.
00:06:08 Essentially, at homestays,
00:06:10 Bronte and her sister attacked me in public.
00:06:14 So, are you still in that mindset,
00:06:17 in the relationship where you would want her to move to Sydney,
00:06:20 yes or no?
00:06:21 Yes. You would?
00:06:25 And I don't feel like I got any of that reassurance from Bronte
00:06:30 this entire time.
00:06:31 So, in the conversation,
00:06:35 did you ever say that you would move,
00:06:37 like you would definitely move?
00:06:38 100%. Multiple times.
00:06:40 What are you talking about? None of that stuff ever happened.
00:06:42 I feel like you're always trying to play victim.
00:06:44 It's always trying to make Bronte look bad.
00:06:47 I'm not going to sit here and be told...
00:06:49 No, you're not going to sit here and be held accountable
00:06:52 for being a narcissistic, gaslighting dickhead.
00:06:56 Don't treat my sister... Goodbye. See you later.
00:06:58 And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a coward.
00:07:01 Throw her in the bin.
00:07:03 It was like two hyenas trying to attack a lion.
00:07:05 And the lion just walks away. He knows... He knows who he is.
00:07:08 He doesn't have to square up to a couple of little hyenas.
00:07:11 Yeah, the final dinner party and I'm walking in by myself,
00:07:17 I actually feel the most confident
00:07:20 that I have felt this entire time.
00:07:22 Um...
00:07:23 You know, it's funny what a little bit of home can do
00:07:28 for one's self-esteem and for one's clarity.
00:07:31 Being around my sister just gave me so much insight
00:07:34 into this relationship.
00:07:36 Harrison and I haven't spoken one word to each other
00:07:39 since he walked off.
00:07:40 So I would rather walk in by myself
00:07:44 than walk in with somebody who has ill intentions.
00:07:47 This relationship is done.
00:07:50 You know, at the end of the day, like, with this whole experiment,
00:07:53 I said this to myself coming in, that love isn't guaranteed,
00:07:56 but I definitely think I'm leaving with more love for myself.
00:07:59 With one relationship confirmed to be all but over,
00:08:03 Alyssa and Duncan also find themselves
00:08:05 at a difficult juncture in their marriage
00:08:08 following a testing homestay.
00:08:10 I was hoping homestays would give me much more clarity
00:08:13 and, like, reassurance,
00:08:15 but that's talking about, you know,
00:08:17 we can see each other on Wednesday and Sunday
00:08:19 or every second weekend, I just thought...
00:08:22 ..I don't know, that it's not...that it might not be right.
00:08:27 How does it make you feel, like, the fact that you
00:08:32 probably will be second priority?
00:08:34 Oh, that part's fine, actually.
00:08:36 Fine? Yeah. Yeah.
00:08:38 It'll be, like, every other weekend
00:08:39 and maybe, like, a Wednesday here or there.
00:08:42 But, like, your job's really hectic during the week,
00:08:45 where I feel like the weekends are probably the only time
00:08:47 that we will actually be able to spend time together,
00:08:49 and that will only be every other weekend.
00:08:51 Do you think the last three, four weeks was a good relationship?
00:08:55 Do you? No.
00:08:59 If you think that that was, like, a normal or OK relationship,
00:09:03 that scares me.
00:09:04 I don't want to see it. Don't get it.
00:09:08 It makes me feel really worried that...
00:09:15 I don't know if Alyssa has had thoughts
00:09:17 about what a great relationship should look like.
00:09:20 Do you think the things that we discussed at the final date
00:09:24 were new things?
00:09:26 Bit of a reality check for me, I guess.
00:09:29 I don't think there's any more clarity I can get.
00:09:36 I feel like even if we had a year's worth of time to speak about it,
00:09:42 we would just continuously go round in circles.
00:09:45 My love for Duncan and my care for Duncan isn't gonna change overnight.
00:09:51 But, um...
00:09:52 Yeah, I'm really... I'm really not sure where my head is at right now,
00:09:55 but it's definitely not where I thought it was gonna be,
00:09:58 even a week ago.
00:09:59 So, here we are, the final dinner party for this experiment,
00:10:20 and it is a really pivotal moment for the whole process
00:10:23 because these guys are so close now to making this final decision
00:10:27 of whether they take their relationship into the real world.
00:10:31 And we get to present to them the honesty box tonight.
00:10:35 There probably are people here tonight who think,
00:10:39 "Let's just go under the radar, let's just get through the dinner and leave."
00:10:43 But... not a chance.
00:10:45 No such luck.
00:10:46 I feel like Alyssa and Duncan having been on homestays,
00:10:51 which is what they wanted the whole time, like, to get out of the experiment,
00:10:54 I reckon they would have thrived and they'll be sitting in there pretty.
00:10:58 What's so unique about this honesty box is that we've designed
00:11:11 to really make them come clean about what they really want from a relationship
00:11:17 and whether their intimate partner is compatible or not.
00:11:21 There they are, Alyssa and Duncan, first couple in,
00:11:35 not even holding hands.
00:11:37 Looking very separate.
00:11:40 - Oh, dear. - Very frosty.
00:11:42 Big or small?
00:11:47 Whatever.
00:11:48 - She's not happy tonight. - No, she is not happy.
00:11:52 Well, considering we're gonna drop the honesty box on them as well,
00:11:55 - that is not a good sign. - No.
00:11:57 How are you going?
00:12:00 What do you think?
00:12:02 She can withdraw and retreat and go very cold,
00:12:08 - and he then walks on eggshells. - Yes. - And we've seen it.
00:12:16 (CLINKS)
00:12:18 Who's here?
00:12:21 - Aha! - OK.
00:12:23 - Hey, hey. - Saved by the door.
00:12:26 And, you know, probably she'll warm up now.
00:12:28 - Eveline and Rupert are here. - Break the ice.
00:12:31 - How was homestays? - We had fun. - Good.
00:12:34 - Cheers, guys. - Cheers.
00:12:36 - Cheers. - How about you guys?
00:12:38 (CLEARS THROAT)
00:12:41 Should we sit down? What the hell?
00:12:45 It feels like someone's died in this room. We've walked into a funeral.
00:12:50 Did Duncan take you on the boat? He says he never takes anyone on the boat.
00:13:00 OK, that's not true.
00:13:02 The boat day was great until the last hour.
00:13:06 - Then it went very south. - What, just seasick, or...? (LAUGHS)
00:13:10 You could say that.
00:13:12 We were, like, sitting down. Duncan had made, like, this cute, like, charcuterie board,
00:13:16 and I was, like, ready to tell him, like, how I'm falling for him,
00:13:19 and I can't wait to see how things go. And then...
00:13:22 - Major! - He...
00:13:25 pretty much ripped our entire relationship apart.
00:13:31 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:13:41 Did Duncan take you on the boat? He says he never takes anyone on the boat.
00:13:46 OK, that's not true.
00:13:48 We were, like, sitting down. Duncan had made, like, this cute, like, charcuterie board,
00:13:53 and I was, like, ready to tell him, like, how I'm falling for him,
00:13:58 and I can't wait to see how things go. And then...
00:14:01 - Major! - Yeah, he pretty much ripped our entire relationship apart.
00:14:08 I think that's a pretty strong sentence for a listener to say.
00:14:13 Yeah, it's pretty hard to hear.
00:14:15 Well, from my perspective, I think homestays are about having a lot of fun together
00:14:22 but also talking about concerns you have and the things that you wanna, like, work through.
00:14:27 And so, like, if that's classified as, you know, ripping someone's heart out...
00:14:34 - Are you guys on the same page now, though? - Definitely not.
00:14:38 - Definitely not. - Right.
00:14:40 He's pointing out here that Alyssa's thinking is catastrophic.
00:14:45 She has a hard time with feedback that she feels is not flattering or positive in her eyes.
00:14:52 You guys will get through it.
00:14:54 I don't— Yeah.
00:14:56 I don't know.
00:14:58 I've never heard you say that before.
00:15:02 It's tough.
00:15:04 (SIREN WAILS)
00:15:06 - There he is. - Oh, matching pink!
00:15:10 Hello, hello.
00:15:12 - Look at these two, matching, matching. - Tony and Ollie. That is a very couple outfit.
00:15:17 - I love it. So cute. - What are you?
00:15:20 I suspect these two have had a fantastic homestay.
00:15:23 Mate, Bondi lived it up.
00:15:25 - Bondi. - Tonight, I'm vibing. I'm straight vibing.
00:15:28 I love these dinner parties because you find out things you don't even know.
00:15:33 - Do you wanna hear a secret? - Yeah, f*** yes.
00:15:36 - I let Rupert hit. - What?
00:15:39 - F*** off. - Yeah.
00:15:41 - Oh. - (LAUGHS)
00:15:42 - Translation, they had sex. - They had sex.
00:15:46 So, thoughts, feelings, emotions about it?
00:15:49 Yeah, I definitely think it's more like me taking the lead.
00:15:55 - OK. Are you fine with that? - No.
00:15:58 - OK, you want him to take charge. - Yes.
00:16:01 - He's just a bit goofy. - Yeah.
00:16:04 - You know what? His heart's in the right place. - Yeah.
00:16:08 - There's not a malicious bond in his body. - No.
00:16:11 - Who is it? - Oh, Harrison.
00:16:15 - So little Harrison. - Hello, Harrison.
00:16:19 - Nice to see you. - Nice to see you.
00:16:20 - It's been their pattern, up and down. They're good one week, they're not good the other.
00:16:25 - Lads, how are we? - Good.
00:16:27 - What was it like for you, walking in by yourself?
00:16:30 - It's fine.
00:16:32 - Well, well, well.
00:16:36 When Harrison walked in by himself, I thought, 'Oh, shit. Here we go again.'
00:16:42 Harrison, I wanna know, did you love Perth?
00:16:45 - I really liked Perth, yeah.
00:16:47 We got there, like, went to the beach together, went to, like, a winery.
00:16:52 And then on the last night we were there, Bronte just viciously attacked me.
00:16:59 And Bronte's sister started shouting, 'Oh, you're a gaslighting, narcissistic dickhead.'
00:17:05 - Finally, someone grew the cojones to stand up to the big boofhead.
00:17:15 - You can't talk to someone like that.
00:17:17 Bronte didn't defend me.
00:17:19 - Bronte's finally got full-on support from her sister.
00:17:24 And perhaps found a voice.
00:17:27 - Didn't even make sure I got home safe.
00:17:29 I didn't even see her until, like, at the airport the next day.
00:17:33 - Listening to Harrison speak right now, he is most definitely playing the victim card.
00:17:40 - I feel like my boundaries in this relationship have been seriously violated.
00:17:45 - I don't wanna listen to this. Can we talk about you guys?
00:17:48 - Yeah, let's go back to you guys.
00:17:50 - No, we're just gonna... - We're just gonna have a girls' chat.
00:17:54 - Over there. Yeah, sorry.
00:17:58 - Hi. - Yo.
00:18:07 - Melinda Leighton.
00:18:09 - They, I'm sure, have been up and down.
00:18:12 - How's the homestay?
00:18:14 - It was, like, heaps of fun, but also some really hard discussion,
00:18:17 just about things that we both see differently on.
00:18:20 - How'd you guys go? - Mate?
00:18:22 - Sounds a lot like us. - Sounds a lot.
00:18:25 - Wow, it's a dinner party. Crazy, isn't it?
00:18:33 - It is pretty crazy, and everyone's been away, so...
00:18:36 - Doing homestays. - Yeah.
00:18:38 - Olly and Tati, I reckon, would have had went pretty well.
00:18:41 They'd have paid a couple of those, too. - Yeah.
00:18:43 - It doesn't matter where she lives, to me.
00:18:45 Bondi, very beautiful.
00:18:47 - Obviously, my apartment's way too small for both of us.
00:18:49 We established that very quick.
00:18:51 - We have to move out together. - Have to move out?
00:18:53 - That might be good for both of you guys, to, like, make a home together.
00:18:56 - Oh, bitch, you better invite me to the wedding.
00:18:58 - I'll be. - I'll be!
00:19:01 - Did you make me sick?
00:19:03 (both laugh)
00:19:05 - No, no, no, they're very good together. - They are.
00:19:08 - I feel, I guess, like, worried about where our relationship's going.
00:19:15 - You all right, Linda? - Yeah, I'm OK.
00:19:20 - I think maybe where I'm at is kind of like,
00:19:23 we were in his world, and he was in his element,
00:19:27 and I still didn't feel like he really stepped up and wanted me to be part of that.
00:19:32 Am I going to our last dinner party?
00:19:35 But I don't really, like, I'm not filled with confidence
00:19:39 that our relationship's gonna withstand whatever's coming next.
00:19:47 - Who goes there? - Hey!
00:19:50 - Conor McGregor.
00:19:52 - Wow. I didn't see them walking in together.
00:19:55 I don't know that they walked in together as a couple.
00:19:58 - I wanna hear all about Donovan. - Yes, I wanna hear about him.
00:20:00 - Oh! - Sitting over here.
00:20:02 - Yeah, walking into the cocktail party, I feel a bit weird, like,
00:20:06 I feel disconnected from Cam.
00:20:08 I didn't get any kisses or affection at all the whole time over there.
00:20:13 What?
00:20:16 - Not even in the morning. What about in the morning a hug?
00:20:18 - I got one on my forehead.
00:20:20 - Oh! - Before he left to go goose shooting.
00:20:22 - So sexy. Nothing like a kiss on the forehead before goose shooting.
00:20:26 - Even as, like, a best friend, like, I'm, like, kissing and hugging everyone.
00:20:29 - I know that just doesn't cut it. I'm sorry, but I'm--
00:20:34 - No. - No.
00:20:36 - Remember, we do these homestays so they get a glimpse
00:20:39 into the real life of this person. - Mm-hmm, uh-huh.
00:20:41 - And what Cam's saying is affection is not a part of it.
00:20:45 - Not a part of it.
00:20:47 - I'm gonna send Harrison, "Hi, have a great night."
00:20:55 Honestly, I don't have anything left to say.
00:21:01 So I really don't think that there's anything left for him
00:21:05 to attempt to do to try and show me that he is the man for me,
00:21:09 because he isn't.
00:21:12 I've had enough.
00:21:14 I have too much respect for myself to put myself through this anymore.
00:21:17 I no longer have to protect Harrison or defend him and protect him.
00:21:24 It ended the way that it did, because he is not genuine.
00:21:29 He is fake.
00:21:31 I can finally just say whatever I feel
00:21:34 and not have to worry about the backlash
00:21:36 that I'm gonna get on the way home.
00:21:38 I'm not gonna give Harrison the time of day.
00:21:41 I'm sick of hearing his pity party. I no longer give two shits about it.
00:21:45 He's literally just gonna stress himself out
00:21:48 by thinking that I care.
00:21:50 - Hi. - Oh, here's Bronte.
00:21:53 - Oh.
00:21:54 - We need to hear from Bronte.
00:21:56 - This is gonna be interesting.
00:21:58 - Hello. - Hey, how are you?
00:22:00 - I'm good, I'm good. How are you? - Good.
00:22:02 - It's a cute dress. - Thank you.
00:22:05 It's my sister's, actually.
00:22:07 Stole it while I was in Perth. - Oh, I love it. Nice.
00:22:10 - Give me... - After you get a drink, can we talk?
00:22:13 - Oh. - Oh, he wants to talk.
00:22:16 - Control the narrative.
00:22:18 It's gonna go in there first, sort it out,
00:22:20 and then come back to the group.
00:22:22 - Before she can see anything. - Correct.
00:22:24 - Exactly. - He doesn't like being out of control.
00:22:26 - Oh. - Can she talk with us first?
00:22:28 - What's more important, her husband or her friends?
00:22:31 - Harrison, I'm not gonna fight you on it,
00:22:34 but I would like to talk to Bronte as a friend.
00:22:36 - I haven't spoken to my wife for the last two days.
00:22:38 I'd like to talk to her first. - We can wait another five minutes.
00:22:41 - He's not impressed. - He's left standing.
00:22:45 - She's just deflated. - At the bar.
00:22:47 - His feathers.
00:22:49 - Wow.
00:22:51 - Wow. - We'll bring her over.
00:22:54 - Look, just let her have a minute. She just got here.
00:22:56 Okay?
00:22:58 - Let her decompress for a moment.
00:23:06 - Have your moment to decompress, Harrison, please.
00:23:08 She's actually just blanked him.
00:23:10 - So I don't know whether Harrison is gonna make it to final vows,
00:23:14 'cause right now he doesn't have a partner to stand opposite from.
00:23:17 - That's right.
00:23:19 - Just have a couple of sips.
00:23:21 - First question, are you okay?
00:23:23 - I'm fine. I'm actually fine.
00:23:25 - Perth was everything I hoped it would be.
00:23:33 My eyes were completely opened.
00:23:37 - Why? What happened?
00:23:39 - My sister eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
00:23:41 [laughter]
00:23:43 - You're nuts. - Sorry.
00:23:45 - He'll be hating every minute of this.
00:23:47 - Oh, yeah.
00:23:49 - 'Cause he's got no control over it.
00:23:51 - My sister calls it how it is.
00:23:53 If you're angry at my sister, my sister holds a mirror up to you,
00:23:56 and she reflects exactly how you're treating her.
00:23:58 - Mm-hmm. - She turned around him and said,
00:24:00 "Sorry, I actually think you're a narcissistic, gaslighting dickhead."
00:24:03 [laughter]
00:24:05 - Yeah.
00:24:07 - Oh, I definitely agreed with her.
00:24:13 She held him accountable for a conversation
00:24:17 that Harrison and I were discussing with my sister about--
00:24:20 - He's already coming over.
00:24:22 - [bleep] sake.
00:24:28 - Coming over to the girl group.
00:24:30 - Five more minutes. - You've had time to talk to your boys.
00:24:32 Let's just-- - Yeah, yeah, I just don't know
00:24:34 why we can't do this in an open forum.
00:24:36 - Oh, we're just chatting to-- - I feel like I'm chatting to girls.
00:24:38 - I kind of don't really want to right now.
00:24:41 - You don't want to talk to your husband right now?
00:24:44 - I don't want to talk to my husband right now.
00:24:46 - You can talk to the girls for a week.
00:24:48 - No, I don't.
00:24:50 - Harrison, just let her have this for a minute,
00:24:53 'cause you've had it for ages.
00:24:55 Let her just--just decompress.
00:24:58 He's just trying to control the narrative.
00:25:01 - Boys, I tried. I walked over there and said,
00:25:05 like, let's do it in an open forum.
00:25:07 Let's have the chat.
00:25:09 - How the hell could I have started to fall for you?
00:25:13 How?
00:25:15 - General service. - Of course it is.
00:25:19 - Now that--that was the entree.
00:25:21 - Entree, now for the main.
00:25:23 - All I can say is R.O.P., Harrison.
00:25:26 - Fronti's done with you.
00:25:32 - I'm done.
00:25:35 - Here we are.
00:25:45 - Finally, we're in a party. - Oh, my God.
00:25:47 - Oh, this is wonderful.
00:25:49 - Here I am.
00:25:52 - Hello.
00:25:54 - This feels very reminiscent of maybe, like--
00:25:57 - Early days. - Early--second, yeah.
00:25:59 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:26:01 - The final dinner party, I was hoping it wasn't going to be drama.
00:26:05 - Cheers, guys, to making it this far into the experiment.
00:26:08 - Cheers.
00:26:10 - But I feel like it's gonna be drama,
00:26:13 and it's gonna be based around Harrison and I again.
00:26:16 - I would love to ask, you know, Harrison and Fronti
00:26:21 to--
00:26:23 classic.
00:26:25 - Why can't we talk about our homestays?
00:26:28 - Oh. - Yeah, I've actually been looking forward to this conversation.
00:26:32 - Let's hear it. - 100%.
00:26:37 See, this is what I mean. It's, like, very condescending.
00:26:39 Like, let's hear it. - I want to hear what you have to say.
00:26:42 - Like, I just love such a condescending tone from my husband.
00:26:45 - Okay, wow.
00:26:47 - All right, so...
00:26:49 what I would actually love to know...
00:26:52 is...
00:26:58 - One. - Hey, guys.
00:27:02 - Hello. - Hello.
00:27:04 - Saved by John, apparently.
00:27:07 - Hi.
00:27:09 - Welcome to the final dinner party of the entire experiment.
00:27:16 Now, it's been an intense eight weeks in the experiment.
00:27:20 Thinking back to day one, you can see just how far you've come.
00:27:24 - Tomorrow, you'll move out of your apartments,
00:27:29 and you'll go home to think about the huge decision
00:27:33 that you are yet to make.
00:27:35 You will be deciding whether to stay in this relationship
00:27:39 beyond the experiment,
00:27:41 or go your separate ways for good.
00:27:44 [dramatic music]
00:27:47 ♪ ♪
00:27:49 - So we've got some thought starters for you.
00:27:52 - Oh, no. [laughs]
00:27:55 - These are questions that you should be considering
00:27:59 as you face this massive decision ahead of you.
00:28:03 ♪ ♪
00:28:05 - This exercise is not for the faint of heart.
00:28:08 It will be tough, and it will be very confronting.
00:28:12 But please dig deep, speak openly and honestly,
00:28:17 and give yourselves the best possible chance
00:28:20 to unpack everything here tonight
00:28:24 before you leave the experiment for good.
00:28:27 ♪ ♪
00:28:30 - Good luck, guys. - Good night.
00:28:32 - Good night. - Thanks, guys.
00:28:34 - Damn, all right. Let's crack it open.
00:28:37 - Oh, who's first?
00:28:40 - Tani, ask Oli. - Tani, ask Oli.
00:28:42 Damn, okay. I was like, "What's in the box?
00:28:45 What's in the box?"
00:28:47 And Brad Pitt, seven.
00:28:49 - Okay, describe how you feel about me.
00:28:52 - Aw.
00:28:53 - This is not a commitment ceremony.
00:28:55 Every day, every week. God's sake.
00:28:57 - How do you really feel?
00:28:59 - Um...
00:29:01 ♪ ♪
00:29:02 Like, I just find it crazy that we've been on this thing
00:29:05 for so long, and we just don't--
00:29:08 we can't get enough of each other
00:29:10 in a way that it's like we just want to be around each other
00:29:12 all the time.
00:29:13 Like, "If you're getting a bubble tea,
00:29:15 I'm coming with ya," sort of thing.
00:29:17 ♪ ♪
00:29:22 - Tani and Oli, I think they are genuinely
00:29:25 each other's biggest supporter and best friend.
00:29:28 They seem really happy, and they deserve that.
00:29:31 - Yeah, I just can't get enough of ya.
00:29:34 - Do you think I'm going to be enough for you long-term?
00:29:38 - Yeah, like, 1,000%, you're enough.
00:29:41 I don't--yeah.
00:29:43 I resent the question.
00:29:45 [laughter]
00:29:47 ♪ ♪
00:29:49 - Are you falling in love with me?
00:29:51 - That's an easy one.
00:29:53 Am I falling in love with you? Yes.
00:29:56 ♪ ♪
00:29:59 - Your turn.
00:30:00 - All right.
00:30:01 Do I live up to your expectations in a partner?
00:30:04 Explain.
00:30:06 - Yes, 100%.
00:30:07 I feel like you give me all the reassurance I need.
00:30:10 I think you're very caring.
00:30:12 Like I said, emotionally available.
00:30:14 You're always happy to listen to my rants.
00:30:17 You communicate how you feel about me,
00:30:19 so absolutely, for sure.
00:30:21 - Aw.
00:30:23 ♪ ♪
00:30:27 - A lot of the questions, I mean, Oli
00:30:29 kind of already have discussed with each other,
00:30:32 so I feel like I guess it was just nice
00:30:34 just to share with the group.
00:30:36 Yeah, I felt like we had a nice time doing our questions.
00:30:41 - Are you falling in love with me?
00:30:45 ♪ ♪
00:30:50 - Yes, I am.
00:30:51 - Whoa.
00:30:53 - Yep.
00:30:55 - Aw.
00:30:56 - Cute.
00:30:58 - Toni and Oli, man, like so much love for one another.
00:31:02 So much understanding, so much compassion.
00:31:06 Nice, refreshing love.
00:31:08 Toni and Oli, I have a lot of hopes for them.
00:31:12 - Who's first?
00:31:13 - Not you first.
00:31:15 - Oh, I'm first.
00:31:16 - [clears throat]
00:31:17 ♪ ♪
00:31:20 - Do you have any doubts or concerns
00:31:22 about how I feel about you?
00:31:25 ♪ ♪
00:31:27 - I feel like you have a very high expectation
00:31:30 that you have voiced in the beginning.
00:31:34 And yeah, sometimes I feel like
00:31:38 I'm just not gonna be good enough.
00:31:41 ♪ ♪
00:31:48 - How confident are you
00:31:52 that this relationship will last on the outside?
00:31:55 ♪ ♪
00:32:00 - Um, off the back of the final date,
00:32:04 I, um--yeah, I'm having a lot of doubts.
00:32:08 ♪ ♪
00:32:15 - It's a real shame to see them in not a good place
00:32:20 because I know that they are both serious about each other.
00:32:24 They both really deeply care.
00:32:28 And I think, like, if they can just remember that
00:32:31 and how much they don't want to lose each other,
00:32:33 then they're gonna be okay.
00:32:35 ♪ ♪
00:32:40 - Let's keep going. Let's ask Duncan.
00:32:42 Describe how you feel about me.
00:32:44 ♪ ♪
00:32:52 - I feel warmth.
00:32:54 Um, I feel close.
00:32:57 ♪ ♪
00:33:02 I love how you make me feel when it's good.
00:33:05 - When it's good? - Yeah.
00:33:07 - Which is what? 56% of the time?
00:33:10 ♪ ♪
00:33:17 - Even just then, I'm just describing some things
00:33:19 about how I like about you, and you just cut me down.
00:33:23 ♪ ♪
00:33:28 - Describe how you feel about me.
00:33:36 ♪ ♪
00:33:41 - I feel warmth.
00:33:43 Um, I feel close.
00:33:46 ♪ ♪
00:33:49 - I feel--I love how you make me feel when it's good.
00:33:54 - When it's good? - Yeah.
00:33:56 - Which is what? 56% of the time?
00:33:59 ♪ ♪
00:34:06 - Even just then, I'm just describing some things
00:34:08 about how I like about you, and you just cut me down.
00:34:12 ♪ ♪
00:34:18 - It's emotionally draining for him, isn't it?
00:34:22 To try and say what he wants to say.
00:34:27 ♪ ♪
00:34:36 - I think you've got amazing, wonderful traits.
00:34:39 I've had an amazing connection with you from the start.
00:34:43 ♪ ♪
00:34:45 How I feel about you, I could talk about it for days.
00:34:50 ♪ ♪
00:34:55 But I'm also concerned with, like, literally what just happened.
00:34:59 ♪ ♪
00:35:03 My biggest concern is the arguments that we've had
00:35:05 on this experiment, things that we haven't seen eye to eye on.
00:35:08 ♪ ♪
00:35:09 Would continue to happen in the real world.
00:35:11 - Like what?
00:35:13 - Like whether you--
00:35:16 ♪ ♪
00:35:18 Whether we both view bad situations the same way.
00:35:22 - Like what? Be really specific, Duncan.
00:35:24 I need you to be real specific here.
00:35:26 - Yep. - Be real specific.
00:35:28 Stop, like, talking very high level.
00:35:30 You need to, like, be real specific.
00:35:33 ♪ ♪
00:35:36 - She wants him to be direct,
00:35:38 and he can't be because she shoots him down.
00:35:41 - And once again, he can't win.
00:35:43 - Yeah. - He can't do something right.
00:35:46 She's putting him in the position to be the one
00:35:49 who maybe rejects her so that she can say it was him.
00:35:52 - Yeah.
00:35:53 - Nobody at the table knows what you're talking about
00:35:55 unless you're really specific.
00:35:57 ♪ ♪
00:36:00 - Okay, the health of a healthy relationship.
00:36:05 - The last month was really hard and challenging.
00:36:07 I'm hoping that that is mainly based
00:36:10 on us being inside of the experiment.
00:36:12 - And what if it's not?
00:36:14 ♪ ♪
00:36:18 - Then that's not a good healthy relationship.
00:36:22 ♪ ♪
00:36:30 - Well, this is an amazing girl, and, like, I'm happy
00:36:33 I got matched with her.
00:36:35 I just--I don't think she's had great relationships.
00:36:39 And so that, to her, 50 good-- like, half good, half bad,
00:36:43 that might be amazing from where Alyssa's coming from
00:36:46 and her past relationships.
00:36:48 But that's not healthy.
00:36:50 It's not a healthy relationship.
00:36:52 ♪ ♪
00:36:54 - Free question. Ask me anything you want.
00:36:57 ♪ ♪
00:37:03 - What do you think I need to improve on
00:37:05 to make this better?
00:37:08 ♪ ♪
00:37:13 - I think understanding where I've been
00:37:17 and where I'm coming from.
00:37:19 ♪ ♪
00:37:22 Just put yourself in my shoes for once.
00:37:24 - Okay.
00:37:26 ♪ ♪
00:37:31 - I find it really interesting that the group look at Duncan
00:37:34 as a very emotionally intelligent, kind, patient guy.
00:37:39 Alyssa doesn't. - No, she doesn't see him that way.
00:37:41 - Doesn't see that at all. - Yeah.
00:37:43 ♪ ♪
00:37:46 - I don't even know what my expectations are
00:37:49 dating as a single mother.
00:37:51 Try to see where I'm coming from.
00:37:53 ♪ ♪
00:37:55 It was really hard to go through that conversation
00:37:58 with Duncan.
00:38:00 ♪ ♪
00:38:03 It just kind of made me feel again
00:38:06 that, like, I was never gonna be enough for him.
00:38:09 ♪ ♪
00:38:13 Can we move on to the next box, please?
00:38:15 ♪ ♪
00:38:19 I never would have expected
00:38:22 my head to be where it's at
00:38:25 at this moment.
00:38:27 Tomorrow we move out of Skype,
00:38:29 straight into deliberations,
00:38:32 straight into final vows.
00:38:34 ♪ ♪
00:38:35 I still have a lot of hope for our relationship.
00:38:38 ♪ ♪
00:38:40 But there's obviously a lot of concerns.
00:38:42 ♪ ♪
00:38:44 And there's a lot of ambiguity.
00:38:48 There's so much tension between Duncan and I.
00:38:52 ♪ ♪
00:38:56 [upbeat music]
00:38:59 ♪ ♪
00:39:02 - Um, here goes nothing.
00:39:05 ♪ ♪
00:39:06 - Whew.
00:39:08 ♪ ♪
00:39:09 Okay.
00:39:11 - Uh, have your feelings changed for me
00:39:14 since day one, and how?
00:39:16 - Yeah. [laughs]
00:39:18 I think day one was pretty, um,
00:39:21 hot and heavy for both of us, not in a good way.
00:39:25 It's changed in the sense of
00:39:28 I feel a vulnerability between both of us.
00:39:31 And there's obviously an undeniable respect and care.
00:39:36 ♪ ♪
00:39:38 - Do you feel sexual chemistry with me?
00:39:41 ♪ ♪
00:39:42 - Yes.
00:39:44 - Uh, it says rating out of ten.
00:39:46 - It doesn't. - It doesn't.
00:39:48 [laughter]
00:39:51 - Anyway.
00:39:52 - That's what it should have said.
00:39:54 - Yeah. - Anyways, um,
00:39:57 what is your favorite thing about me
00:39:59 and your least favorite?
00:40:01 ♪ ♪
00:40:02 - My favorite thing about you is you have a kind heart.
00:40:05 ♪ ♪
00:40:07 And the least favorite is...
00:40:10 ♪ ♪
00:40:13 - You sometimes say the wrong things.
00:40:17 ♪ ♪
00:40:18 - Typically, I am just talking smack with everyone, and--
00:40:23 - Rupert, you're meeting my mother.
00:40:25 You can't be talking smack when you meet my mother.
00:40:27 - I'm not talking smack. Yeah, but I know,
00:40:28 but I feel like exactly-- if you knew me enough,
00:40:31 you would know that I would 100% respect your mom enough
00:40:35 to not say the wrong thing.
00:40:37 ♪ ♪
00:40:38 - But you did.
00:40:41 - That is me. Like, I'm gonna make a joke.
00:40:45 - Okay.
00:40:47 ♪ ♪
00:40:49 - Do you believe I've put in enough effort
00:40:52 into this relationship throughout this experiment?
00:40:55 ♪ ♪
00:41:00 - No.
00:41:01 ♪ ♪
00:41:04 - Can you elaborate?
00:41:05 - Well, it's taken seven weeks
00:41:08 for you to try to take me on a date.
00:41:11 ♪ ♪
00:41:12 I don't think that's enough effort.
00:41:15 ♪ ♪
00:41:19 If you walked into an experiment to marry a stranger,
00:41:22 I feel like it's fair to try and take the woman on a date.
00:41:25 - But if you go into the experiment
00:41:27 and the woman shows no interest in you--
00:41:30 - I don't think I showed no interest.
00:41:32 I've chosen to stay time and time again.
00:41:35 ♪ ♪
00:41:36 So I don't think that's no interest.
00:41:39 - Oh.
00:41:40 - I don't know what the hell that was.
00:41:43 ♪ ♪
00:41:44 I feel like as much as I try to reassure him,
00:41:48 I feel like he's just not-- never going to believe me.
00:41:53 ♪ ♪
00:41:54 And that's no longer a me problem.
00:41:57 That's now a you problem.
00:41:59 ♪ ♪
00:42:01 How attracted do you think I am to you?
00:42:05 - Um...
00:42:08 I think that you...
00:42:10 Well, I don't--yeah.
00:42:12 You've said that sometimes you are attracted to me.
00:42:16 If you're only sometimes attracted to me...
00:42:20 - Rupert, I've had sex with you.
00:42:22 Next question.
00:42:24 ♪ ♪
00:42:27 Like, I feel like that's so unfair.
00:42:29 - Oh. - Wow.
00:42:31 - Wow, Rupert.
00:42:32 Obviously I'm gonna have sex with you if I'm attracted to you.
00:42:35 So I feel like you going back to, like, week two
00:42:39 is very unfair.
00:42:40 It is unfair.
00:42:42 We've been intimate.
00:42:43 - The question was to me.
00:42:45 It wasn't what you think.
00:42:48 She just sort of spat out, like,
00:42:49 "I've had sex with you, blah, blah, blah."
00:42:51 And I'm like, "That doesn't necessarily mean
00:42:53 that you are attracted to someone, you know?
00:42:55 I could just be a piece of meat to her."
00:42:58 - Okay, well...
00:42:59 That's it from us.
00:43:02 ♪ ♪
00:43:04 [bleep]
00:43:05 ♪ ♪
00:43:12 - Thank you so much.
00:43:16 We're up.
00:43:17 - Yeah, we're up.
00:43:20 Did anyone else throw up doing these,
00:43:22 or is it just gonna be me?
00:43:23 - It's nerve-wracking.
00:43:25 ♪ ♪
00:43:30 - Do you think I'll fit into your life back home,
00:43:32 including your family and friends?
00:43:34 - I think this has been the biggest issue
00:43:36 throughout our whole relationship
00:43:38 is the external side of it.
00:43:41 ♪ ♪
00:43:44 I don't know if you'll fit into my life in the NT.
00:43:47 ♪ ♪
00:43:52 Doesn't mean that you can't fit into parts of my lifestyle.
00:43:55 ♪ ♪
00:44:02 - You have the most amazing woman in front of you,
00:44:11 and I feel like you're crazy if you let that go.
00:44:14 - Mm, I'm gonna have to agree with Brontë there.
00:44:17 ♪ ♪
00:44:20 - I felt a bit silly being in Darwin
00:44:22 and, like, meeting all Cam's friends and stuff
00:44:24 when I don't really know, like,
00:44:26 whether this is, like, what Cam wants,
00:44:28 like, whether he wants me in Darwin
00:44:30 or whether he just, like, wants Darwin.
00:44:32 ♪ ♪
00:44:34 On our final date, you're kind of saying,
00:44:35 "I don't think I'm the right person for you."
00:44:37 - Which I don't think I am.
00:44:38 I think you need someone who needs to show you
00:44:40 all this affection and able to give you the reassurance.
00:44:42 ♪ ♪
00:44:44 I am who I am.
00:44:46 ♪ ♪
00:44:48 - Cam, I think eventually someone is gonna want affection
00:44:51 in your life, whether that's Lyndall or not,
00:44:53 in every single relationship.
00:44:55 It's not just, "That's who I am.
00:44:57 Take it or leave it," right?
00:44:58 - I'm not saying that.
00:44:59 I think I have been pretty good
00:45:00 throughout this whole experiment.
00:45:01 I have--I have learned a lot throughout this experiment.
00:45:05 ♪ ♪
00:45:09 - Oh, this is-- - Yeah, darling.
00:45:10 - Painful. Painful.
00:45:12 For a while there, it was kind of--
00:45:13 we were talking about the remote work
00:45:14 as if that was, like, the thing that was gonna break--
00:45:18 - It's facts. - Yeah, yeah, it's absolutely facts.
00:45:20 I totally understand that.
00:45:21 - Tell us what you're willing to compromise on, Cam.
00:45:24 - I'm just putting all the dots together in terms of, like,
00:45:27 the affection's gone, the reassurance isn't there, like--
00:45:30 - I don't think the reassurance isn't there.
00:45:32 I gave you reassurance when we were at the shed.
00:45:35 ♪ ♪
00:45:36 - Are you kidding?
00:45:37 - It's words. He's--he doesn't mean it.
00:45:39 - No.
00:45:40 - When else--and that's when I was crying
00:45:42 because you had just rolled your eyes when I asked for a kiss,
00:45:45 and we were about to go hang out with your mates,
00:45:47 which you really wanted to do.
00:45:49 - That is complete bullshit.
00:45:51 ♪ ♪
00:45:55 - Oh, my God.
00:45:57 ♪ ♪
00:45:59 - You want me to be this all affectionate, and...
00:46:03 I just don't feel like I'm the right person.
00:46:06 ♪ ♪
00:46:08 - It doesn't sound like Lyndle's asking for a lot of affection.
00:46:12 It sounds like she's just asking for affection at full stall.
00:46:15 ♪ ♪
00:46:17 - Like, reassurance, actually.
00:46:20 'Cause I didn't get a kiss the entire time we were on homestay.
00:46:22 - That's bullshit, 'cause I went in to land in for a kiss,
00:46:24 and you pulled your head away after we had that argument.
00:46:27 ♪ ♪
00:46:31 - [sighs]
00:46:33 ♪ ♪
00:46:37 - Coming up...
00:46:38 - Everyone just wants this showdown.
00:46:41 - Harrison gets his comeuppance.
00:46:43 - [clears throat]
00:46:44 - You and your sister attacked me.
00:46:46 - Please.
00:46:48 She held you accountable for you being
00:46:50 an absolute condescending asshole to me.
00:46:53 - And then...
00:46:55 - Excuse me for a second.
00:46:57 - Lyndle.
00:46:58 - One couple leaves the experiment for good.
00:47:02 - You make me feel like I'm [bleep] crazy.
00:47:04 - No, that's what you do to me.
00:47:06 ♪ ♪
00:47:07 - [bleep]
00:47:08 - How are you falling in love with me
00:47:09 if we can't communicate?
00:47:10 - I knew you were gonna do this.
00:47:12 ♪ ♪
00:47:14 I really feel like tonight is endgame for us.
00:47:17 ♪ ♪
00:47:23 - You want me to be this all affectionate and...
00:47:32 - I just don't feel like I'm the right person.
00:47:35 ♪ ♪
00:47:37 - It doesn't sound like Lyndle's asking
00:47:39 for a lot of affection.
00:47:40 It sounds like she's just asking for affection at full stall.
00:47:44 ♪ ♪
00:47:45 - 'Cause I didn't get a kiss the entire time
00:47:47 we were on home stage.
00:47:48 - That's bullshit.
00:47:49 So I went to land in for a kiss,
00:47:50 and you pulled your head away after we had that argument.
00:47:52 ♪ ♪
00:48:00 - Days on end without kissing your partner?
00:48:03 Are you kidding me?
00:48:04 ♪ ♪
00:48:06 - I want to see what happens when we get on the outside.
00:48:08 - What's gonna happen is you're gonna go back to remote work,
00:48:11 and we're not gonna see each other,
00:48:12 and things don't start growing when you're that far apart.
00:48:14 - I can't give you exact dates when I go back out.
00:48:16 - I'm not asking you to give me exact dates.
00:48:18 I'm asking you to tell me that you are willing to try.
00:48:20 - I said I am. - And you've never--
00:48:22 you've just never done that.
00:48:23 - I said I am willing to try.
00:48:24 I'm willing to compromise my work and travel to Perth
00:48:27 before you come to Darwin.
00:48:30 - You're not prepared to make sacrifices.
00:48:32 - He hasn't made a single sacrifice,
00:48:33 not even the affection thing.
00:48:35 - That's just a whole lot of words.
00:48:37 - It's words. He doesn't mean it.
00:48:39 - Are you just not ready for a relationship?
00:48:42 - I wouldn't say I'm not ready for a relationship.
00:48:44 I just think...
00:48:45 ♪ ♪
00:48:50 Like, I love Lyndall as a person,
00:48:51 but I'm just not going down that path of falling in love.
00:48:55 ♪ ♪
00:49:02 - Wow.
00:49:04 - Ooh.
00:49:06 ♪ ♪
00:49:14 That's where I'm at.
00:49:16 ♪ ♪
00:49:23 - The thought of losing him has always been upsetting,
00:49:36 but, like, in that moment, I was just like, "(bleep)."
00:49:39 ♪ ♪
00:49:41 It was, like, ending in front of everybody.
00:49:47 I hadn't heard that he wasn't gonna--
00:49:50 didn't see himself falling for me before.
00:49:53 ♪ ♪
00:50:00 You're gonna have to excuse me for a sec.
00:50:03 ♪ ♪
00:50:06 - Lyndall.
00:50:07 - Yeah, I'm okay. I just need a minute.
00:50:09 ♪ ♪
00:50:12 - Do you need--do you need backup?
00:50:13 I'm used to that.
00:50:14 - I don't need backup with you.
00:50:16 Ever.
00:50:18 Condescending asshole.
00:50:19 - [laughs]
00:50:20 ♪ ♪
00:50:25 - Babe, babe, babe, babe, babe, babe.
00:50:28 ♪ ♪
00:50:31 - I just feel like I've been dumped
00:50:32 for the third (bleep) time in a week.
00:50:34 - You know, it's nothing.
00:50:35 - Without realizing, you've already dumped him
00:50:37 because you've told us he is not what you're after.
00:50:40 - I'm sorry.
00:50:41 ♪ ♪
00:50:43 - It's okay.
00:50:44 ♪ ♪
00:50:47 - I am who I am at this time.
00:50:49 I'm not going down that path of falling in love,
00:50:52 but I haven't shut the gates.
00:50:54 ♪ ♪
00:50:55 - But, like, you guys saw that, right?
00:50:56 It was like he basically said it'll never work
00:50:59 and then said that maybe it can,
00:51:00 and it's just like, "You told me."
00:51:02 - No, it's fine.
00:51:03 - He's going back and forth, back and forth.
00:51:05 ♪ ♪
00:51:06 - I will say this.
00:51:07 I feel like there's a confusion in--
00:51:09 feels like you're speaking in quite absolutes and finalities,
00:51:12 but then it also feels like you're leaving that door open
00:51:14 a little bit for the chance.
00:51:16 ♪ ♪
00:51:18 - If she wanted to come to live in NT,
00:51:21 would you be open to that?
00:51:24 - If she-- - Like, soon.
00:51:25 - It's a great question.
00:51:27 - The moving to Darwin part is not an issue.
00:51:30 She could live in New Zealand or Bali.
00:51:32 That doesn't change the fact of,
00:51:34 "I'm still gonna be out remote."
00:51:36 ♪ ♪
00:51:38 - But also there is a little bit of an element of,
00:51:41 "Well, if this happens, if that happens,
00:51:43 it could eventuate."
00:51:44 Like, can we just say it as it is?
00:51:47 Is this the girl for you?
00:51:49 Like, speak candidly, honestly.
00:51:52 ♪ ♪
00:51:53 - Um, after the homestays, no.
00:51:56 ♪ ♪
00:52:04 - He makes you feel worthless.
00:52:06 He literally makes you feel as if you aren't good enough.
00:52:09 ♪ ♪
00:52:10 - I think the main thing that I heard
00:52:12 that really threw me off
00:52:14 was that he said that,
00:52:16 "I don't see myself falling for you."
00:52:19 ♪ ♪
00:52:21 - I'm sorry. This is not--this is not okay.
00:52:23 ♪ ♪
00:52:24 - Oh, she's going to [bleep] murder.
00:52:26 ♪ ♪
00:52:30 - Cam?
00:52:31 ♪ ♪
00:52:33 You are such an asshole.
00:52:35 ♪ ♪
00:52:37 - Really?
00:52:38 - You are such an asshole.
00:52:40 You've strung her along this whole entire time.
00:52:43 ♪ ♪
00:52:45 And for her to hear this in front of everyone
00:52:47 is a low [bleep] blow.
00:52:49 - Is it? That's no good.
00:52:51 - Yeah, it is a low [bleep] blow.
00:52:53 You should be [bleep] ashamed of yourself.
00:52:55 ♪ ♪
00:52:58 - Don't trip on your way out.
00:53:00 ♪ ♪
00:53:01 - [laughs]
00:53:02 ♪ ♪
00:53:08 [dramatic music]
00:53:11 ♪ ♪
00:53:12 - Oh, God, I want to throw my drink in his face.
00:53:15 - Seriously, you don't need to do that.
00:53:18 - I just don't think that she--
00:53:20 she's ready to be in a relationship with me.
00:53:23 - [gasps]
00:53:24 Wow.
00:53:26 Are you kidding?
00:53:27 - Your lifestyle's a bit faster than this.
00:53:29 - Oh, here we go. Welcome back.
00:53:30 - You weren't even crying.
00:53:31 You just had something in your eye.
00:53:32 - Yeah, yeah.
00:53:33 [both chuckle]
00:53:34 - I'm just having some snacks.
00:53:35 - You're all right, Linz.
00:53:37 ♪ ♪
00:53:44 - [exhales] All right.
00:53:46 ♪ ♪
00:53:51 - I mean, what--what a bloody mess that was.
00:53:56 ♪ ♪
00:54:02 I think tonight shed a lot of light
00:54:04 on some of the issues that Cam and I have
00:54:06 and maybe some of the answers
00:54:07 that we haven't been honest enough
00:54:09 or brave enough to share.
00:54:11 ♪ ♪
00:54:14 I'm really excited to get home
00:54:16 to make a massive decision,
00:54:17 'cause I feel like after tonight,
00:54:19 I've got a lot to think about for final hours.
00:54:22 ♪ ♪
00:54:26 - Okay, let's do it.
00:54:28 - Leighton, ask Milena...
00:54:31 ♪ ♪
00:54:34 How do you feel about me right now?
00:54:37 - Right now, in this present moment?
00:54:40 I feel...
00:54:44 like you're my Leighton.
00:54:46 ♪ ♪
00:54:48 I think you took all my boxes.
00:54:50 Like, no guy's ever ticked all my boxes before.
00:54:53 ♪ ♪
00:54:55 But...
00:54:58 we just--
00:55:00 I just don't have that, like...
00:55:02 ♪ ♪
00:55:05 Free-flowing conversation where it's like,
00:55:08 yeah, normal chat becomes disagreement somehow.
00:55:12 ♪ ♪
00:55:15 - Okay.
00:55:17 Are you falling in love with me?
00:55:20 ♪ ♪
00:55:22 ♪ ♪
00:55:29 ♪ ♪
00:55:34 - Already, though.
00:55:36 ♪ ♪
00:55:37 - Aw.
00:55:39 Damn. That's big.
00:55:41 ♪ ♪
00:55:45 - Yeah, but it's like...
00:55:47 ♪ ♪
00:55:51 If you can't speak to someone, are you really?
00:55:54 ♪ ♪
00:55:55 - I knew you were gonna do this.
00:55:57 All right.
00:55:59 - Is that not a relevant question?
00:56:01 ♪ ♪
00:56:04 - I do love Leighton.
00:56:06 ♪ ♪
00:56:08 But I guess because I have things that aren't 100%,
00:56:14 it's just not good enough for Leighton.
00:56:16 It doesn't add up.
00:56:18 ♪ ♪
00:56:20 - How are you falling in love with me if we can't communicate?
00:56:23 Mel basically said that we can't communicate.
00:56:25 We can't talk.
00:56:26 So to hear all these things,
00:56:28 then on the other hand,
00:56:29 to hear that this person's in love with you,
00:56:31 I think you have to question that.
00:56:33 Because you want to make sure
00:56:35 that if someone's saying something like that,
00:56:37 they really mean it.
00:56:39 ♪ ♪
00:56:41 - We've seen this style from Leighton
00:56:42 right the way through, haven't we?
00:56:44 He's essentially saying, "I'm right. You're wrong."
00:56:47 - Mm-hmm, yeah.
00:56:48 - "It's black. It's white."
00:56:50 It's very hard to get any sort of understanding.
00:56:55 ♪ ♪
00:56:56 And these guys are almost constantly gridlocked
00:56:59 whenever we see them.
00:57:01 - This is a robot sitting next to me, guys.
00:57:03 I'm not asking him anything.
00:57:05 - No, it's not. Come on.
00:57:07 ♪ ♪
00:57:09 - It's very clear that I care a lot more about Leighton
00:57:13 than he does me.
00:57:15 ♪ ♪
00:57:16 And in all aspects of our relationship,
00:57:18 what I think or feel towards Leighton
00:57:21 is, like, leaps and bounds above what is being reciprocated.
00:57:27 ♪ ♪
00:57:29 Melinda asked Leighton,
00:57:30 "What is the one thing you like best about me?"
00:57:34 - I can instantly tell you,
00:57:36 I love that you are unapologetically yourself.
00:57:41 And that makes me feel I can be unapologetically myself too.
00:57:45 And I love that.
00:57:47 ♪ ♪
00:57:48 - How could I have been a better partner to you
00:57:50 over the last couple of months?
00:57:52 - I think that is just taking on board
00:57:56 that we are very different, and that's okay,
00:57:59 and trying to be more understanding with that.
00:58:03 ♪ ♪
00:58:07 - Are you falling in love with me?
00:58:09 ♪ ♪
00:58:17 - I'm not there yet.
00:58:19 ♪ ♪
00:58:26 ♪ ♪
00:58:35 I can't say I'm in love with Mel.
00:58:38 That's not a bad thing,
00:58:40 because for me, that's a really big word.
00:58:43 What I'm telling you now is,
00:58:45 there are multiple moments throughout every day
00:58:48 when I think to myself, "This is someone I can fall in love with."
00:58:52 Am I there now? No.
00:58:54 ♪ ♪
00:58:56 But these questions show that there is still unresolved issues
00:59:00 that are preventing us from moving forward.
00:59:03 - He's a guy that's holding on tight to control
00:59:06 and trying to avoid any sort of feeling whatsoever.
00:59:10 I think he's just scared of getting it wrong
00:59:13 or losing control.
00:59:15 - Okay, are we all good here?
00:59:17 Let's wrap it up.
00:59:19 Logical, emotional, I get it.
00:59:22 - You guys will never get it, 'cause you are not dating Leighton.
00:59:26 ♪ ♪
00:59:27 He is a different human.
00:59:29 Just a different mindset, and, like, it's just impossible.
00:59:32 ♪ ♪
00:59:33 I feel like me and Leighton, we go up and down,
00:59:36 but we always go back up.
00:59:38 ♪ ♪
00:59:39 And I really feel like tonight is endgame for us.
00:59:43 ♪ ♪
00:59:51 [sniffles]
00:59:53 ♪ ♪
01:00:01 - Everyone just wants this showdown.
01:00:06 ♪ ♪
01:00:07 - Showdown? I don't see why it needs to be a showdown,
01:00:09 but anyway... - Ah, stop talking.
01:00:11 - Disrespectful, anyway.
01:00:13 ♪ ♪
01:00:15 - My turn to talk.
01:00:17 - Are you just asking the questions?
01:00:19 ♪ ♪
01:00:23 - [clears throat]
01:00:25 ♪ ♪
01:00:29 - Do you have any regrets
01:00:31 about how you've been in this relationship?
01:00:34 ♪ ♪
01:00:38 - It's tough. I don't know if I'd use the word "regret."
01:00:41 ♪ ♪
01:00:42 There are things that I would have done differently.
01:00:44 I regret that I didn't do a better job
01:00:46 of cleaning my act up before I came into this experiment.
01:00:49 ♪ ♪
01:00:53 - Do you feel you've gotten to know the real me?
01:00:56 ♪ ♪
01:00:57 - Yes.
01:00:59 Yes, I do.
01:01:01 Definitely.
01:01:02 ♪ ♪
01:01:04 Do you not think that I've gotten to know the real you?
01:01:07 - What is your favorite thing about me?
01:01:10 - Hold on, hold on. Do you not think that I've gotten to--
01:01:12 - This is my turn to ask questions.
01:01:14 ♪ ♪
01:01:20 ♪ ♪
01:01:22 - Do you feel you've gotten to know the real me?
01:01:25 ♪ ♪
01:01:26 - Yes.
01:01:28 Yes, I do.
01:01:30 Definitely.
01:01:32 ♪ ♪
01:01:33 Do you not think that I've gotten to know the real you?
01:01:36 - What is your favorite thing about me?
01:01:38 - Hold on, hold on. Do you not think that I've gotten to--
01:01:40 - This is my turn to ask questions.
01:01:42 ♪ ♪
01:01:49 - What is your favorite thing about me
01:01:53 and your least favorite?
01:01:56 - Um, my favorite thing about you...
01:02:00 ♪ ♪
01:02:04 There is a really spontaneous side to you.
01:02:09 ♪ ♪
01:02:12 That I saw glimmers of.
01:02:15 And I've been holding on to that
01:02:18 for the entire length of our relationship.
01:02:21 ♪ ♪
01:02:27 My least favorite thing about you...
01:02:29 ♪ ♪
01:02:31 My least favorite thing about you
01:02:33 is that you are willing to...
01:02:37 talk negatively about your partner to other people.
01:02:41 ♪ ♪
01:02:44 - Do you notice his facial expression's changed now?
01:02:47 His mood towards us changed.
01:02:49 It's not playful anymore.
01:02:51 He's now defensive, and he's angry about it.
01:02:53 ♪ ♪
01:02:55 - How could I have been a better partner to you
01:02:57 over the last couple of months?
01:02:59 ♪ ♪
01:03:00 - There was two deal-breakers for me.
01:03:03 I said, "I don't want you to threaten to leave me again."
01:03:06 ♪ ♪
01:03:10 And, "I don't want you to say negative things about me
01:03:12 to other people."
01:03:15 And then on homestays,
01:03:17 you and your sister attacked me.
01:03:19 - Oh, please. Please.
01:03:22 She held you accountable for you being
01:03:24 an absolute condescending asshole to me.
01:03:27 - [clears throat] No, Bronte.
01:03:29 ♪ ♪
01:03:31 - She held you accountable.
01:03:33 ♪ ♪
01:03:36 - You sat there in support while she attacked me.
01:03:41 All right?
01:03:42 She called me very, very damaging things
01:03:46 in an aggressive manner. - Please.
01:03:48 - And you supported that, and that was another betrayal.
01:03:51 ♪ ♪
01:03:53 That's not protecting your partner, Bronte.
01:03:55 - I would choose my family over you any day.
01:03:58 ♪ ♪
01:04:01 Any day.
01:04:03 ♪ ♪
01:04:06 - Can I ask what it was that Bronte's sister said
01:04:08 that was so damaging of your character?
01:04:10 - My sister said that he was a narcissistic,
01:04:13 gaslighting dickhead.
01:04:15 ♪ ♪
01:04:17 - Mm, so things that Harrison said about you as well.
01:04:20 - Oh, no, I've never called--
01:04:22 I've never called Bronte a dickhead.
01:04:24 ♪ ♪
01:04:27 - You make me feel like I'm [bleep] crazy.
01:04:29 - No, that's what you do to me.
01:04:31 - Bronte, take a breath. You're okay.
01:04:33 ♪ ♪
01:04:37 It's okay. Just get through the questions.
01:04:40 - You [bleep] victim-complex yourself all the time.
01:04:43 - Well, no, I don't think so, Bronte.
01:04:45 I see a side of you that I don't approve of,
01:04:49 and your behavior is not becoming of someone
01:04:53 I would want to be in a long-term relationship with.
01:04:56 ♪ ♪
01:05:00 - What he's showing to everyone is his style.
01:05:04 - Yeah.
01:05:05 - Which is exactly what her sister called him out on.
01:05:09 - Yes, the gaslighting and the narcissism
01:05:12 has been called out about his behavior many a times.
01:05:15 I think Harrison is by far the most predictable person
01:05:17 we've ever had on this experiment.
01:05:19 - Yeah.
01:05:20 ♪ ♪
01:05:22 - Okay, Harrison, ask Bronte.
01:05:25 ♪ ♪
01:05:29 Why do you think when we're good together,
01:05:31 we're great, and when we're bad, we're really bad?
01:05:34 - I can't really answer that question,
01:05:36 because I don't believe that when we were good
01:05:40 that you had my best interest at heart.
01:05:43 ♪ ♪
01:05:46 I don't believe that it was genuine for you.
01:05:49 I believe you just wanted to get through this
01:05:52 to save your image,
01:05:55 and I was your little pawn in your game.
01:05:58 And I saw that at homestays.
01:06:01 My sister called you out completely,
01:06:03 and you didn't like it.
01:06:06 Honestly, I have never,
01:06:10 ever met anybody like you.
01:06:12 - Thank you.
01:06:14 ♪ ♪
01:06:17 - I mean that in the worst way possible.
01:06:20 ♪ ♪
01:06:23 I don't believe that you were genuine from day one.
01:06:28 And the way that you honestly think
01:06:32 that everybody else is the problem.
01:06:35 - Don't tell me what I think, Bronte.
01:06:37 - No, let me talk. For once, just let me talk.
01:06:41 ♪ ♪
01:06:44 - Excuse me.
01:06:45 There also has to be a line drawn
01:06:47 between telling someone else how they think
01:06:49 and telling them how they think.
01:06:50 - There actually doesn't right now,
01:06:52 because this is my time to talk.
01:06:54 You just had yours. - Talk about how you feel
01:06:55 or my behavior.
01:06:56 Don't tell me how I think. - I am about to answer
01:06:58 the questions. - Don't tell me how I think.
01:06:59 Right, seriously, like, well, come on.
01:07:01 Sorry there. Excuse me, I'm talking.
01:07:03 - It's Bronte's turn to answer the questions.
01:07:05 ♪ ♪
01:07:08 So you need to just respectfully chill the [bleep] out
01:07:12 and let her answer these questions.
01:07:14 ♪ ♪
01:07:15 This is exactly, exactly what you could have done better.
01:07:19 ♪ ♪
01:07:20 Hear me and actually listen and leave the freaking room.
01:07:24 ♪ ♪
01:07:26 Leave the room.
01:07:28 ♪ ♪
01:07:29 - Yeah.
01:07:30 Do you want to go to the next question, or are you done?
01:07:32 ♪ ♪
01:07:35 - I'm done with you.
01:07:37 ♪ ♪
01:07:39 I'm done with this man.
01:07:41 ♪ ♪
01:07:46 Harrison, we're done.
01:07:49 We're over, and I honestly never want to see you again.
01:07:52 ♪ ♪
01:07:59 [dramatic music]
01:08:02 ♪ ♪
