砂州对PADU有所保留? 安华与阿邦佐通话了解疑虑

  • 6 months ago
八点最热报 | 由团结政府推出的PADU数据库,尽管面对一些质疑声浪,但目前全国已经有736万人完成登记。作为PADU数据库的推手之一,大马统计局总监乌兹尔表示,PADU不只是为了鉴定符合领取津贴的对象,它也为公众提供一个平台,向政府传达他们的生活状况和开支,这将有助于政府在落实计划和制定政策时,作出更好的决策。 另外,对于砂拉越政府对PADU数据库有所保留这件事,来听听首相安华如何回应?(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, we remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:05 Although the PADU database launched by the TSMC is facing some doubts,
00:09 7.36 million people have registered in China.
00:13 As one of the PADU database's pioneers,
00:16 the Director of the Department of Digital Information, Uthir, said
00:19 PADU is not only a platform for identifying and obtaining gold stickers,
00:22 but also a platform for the public to convey to the government
00:26 the situation and expenses of their lives.
00:28 This will help the government to make a more comprehensive and comprehensive plan
00:33 and make a better decision.
00:35 In addition, regarding the government of Sarawak
00:37 has reservations about the PADU database,
00:40 let's listen to how Prime Minister Anwar responds.
00:43 Because the government of Sarawak has doubts about the PADU database,
01:00 Prime Minister Anwar said yesterday that after he talked to the Prime Minister of Sarawak, Abang Zohari,
01:04 he has asked the Minister of Economy, Rafiz, to make a detailed report and explanation at the cabinet meeting next week.
01:10 On the other hand, although the PADU database is facing some doubts,
01:14 the PADU registration event held in the north sea of ​​Bincheng today
01:17 still won the people's enthusiastic participation.
01:19 The event scene was crowded with officials who were enthusiastic in helping the people who were not familiar with the operation to register PADU.
01:25 And the Director of the TSMC, Uthir, also went to the scene to inspect.
01:29 He said that currently in Bincheng, 33% of the population, about 400,000 people have registered PADU.
01:34 Because the registration deadline for PADU is only 8 days,
01:37 he called on the public to register as soon as possible,
01:39 to avoid the system failure due to the increase in the number of registration in the last minute.
01:43 And it is also expected that the possibility of increasing in the last few days is similar to the habit of the Malaysian people,
01:52 who feel that there is still time,
01:54 but we don't want to be stuck or trapped at the end later,
01:59 because we know that our bandwidth has its limitations.
02:03 So far, we can still ensure that this system runs smoothly,
02:07 and one achievement that I think can be proud of,
02:11 since it was launched, there has never been a downtime,
02:14 where this system has never stopped, even for a minute.
02:18 So it can always be used 24/7.
02:22 Good.
02:24 [Music]
02:28 [Music ends]
