吁父母举报无牌托儿所 南茜: 托儿所须装闭路电视

  • 6 months ago
八点最热报 | 针对托儿所频频传出保姆虐童致死的命案,妇女部长南希今天表示,妇女部将与警方合作,确保托儿所的保姆和员工符合资格且没有任何犯罪前科,同时也将规定托儿所必须安装闭路电视,以保障孩子的安全。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 Many parents are busy with work and no one takes care of their children.
00:09 Under the choice of other things, they usually send their children to an orphanage.
00:12 In this way, they can focus on working outside without any worries.
00:16 But in recent years, domestic orphanages have frequently reported abuse cases that have shocked society,
00:21 which has made many parents worry about whether it is the right choice to entrust their children to an orphanage.
00:27 Today, Nanxi, the deputy female minister, said in the parliament that the Social Welfare Bureau will cooperate with the police
00:32 to filter out those who apply for the job of an orphanage nanny and conduct a security review.
00:37 Only those who are qualified and have no criminal record can be a nanny in an orphanage,
00:44 and ensure the rights of children, parents and the orphanage.
00:47 Nanxi, the deputy female minister, said in the parliament that the orphanage will cooperate with the police
00:55 to ensure that the nannies and employees of the orphanage have no criminal records.
01:00 At the same time, the orphanage will also require CCTV cameras to ensure the safety of children.
01:05 We also ensure that there is CCTV to allow us to monitor what is happening in the orphanage.
01:13 So we ensure that their safety is guaranteed.
01:18 Nanxi also said that all orphanage workers are responsible for registering with the Social Welfare Bureau
01:23 and calling on parents and guardians to report to the Social Welfare Bureau
01:27 if they find that the orphanage does not have a legal registration.
01:31 However, Nanxi stressed that this is not to close or embarrass the orphanage.
01:35 First, we ensure that the social welfare workers register with us.
01:39 Second, we also provide SOPs.
01:43 When we hear about more cases, we provide more SOPs so that the SOPs do not cause trouble,
01:49 but instead help the orphanage.
01:53 Thank you.
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