• last year
What should be done about pavement repair scars in Sheffield?
00:00 Sheffield very long but there seemed to be a constant changing of the paving surfaces
00:06 and I mean a) the little granite sets, coffins are unpleasant to walk on anyway but it would
00:16 almost seem sensible to have a standard like the big sandstone paving slabs and to keep it uniform
00:24 and to insist that they are reinstated rather than this awful slap a bit of tarmac down as
00:31 soon as anybody's been which immediately ruins whatever carefully you know artistically arranged
00:39 small little bricks and cobbles and things was first done. Do you think the council could
00:46 introduce punishment or penalties for these firms? Well I would have thought they could try and
00:52 insist on it being reinstated as it was before. Some of the new areas look stunning except they've
01:01 still got lots of you know plastic barriers and things let's hope that eventually you know
01:07 Sheffield will arise like Phoenix from the ashes and look terrific but to be honest I'm not quite
01:13 holding my breath. Just do a good job you know what do you call it shoddy workmanship do a job
01:19 to its completion do you know what I mean and complete it so it's not so much of a nice hole
01:23 do you know what I mean so complete it go through just do it properly. What should be done to speed
01:30 up repairs? I don't know about matter of speeding up repairs but just do it properly because I mean
01:36 people walk through the city every day some people probably come through as tourists and
01:41 you don't want them to go back with an image that you know they saw a bit of shoddy workmanship do
01:45 you know what I mean they would like to go back and say yeah we're in Sheffield you know it's a
01:48 very nice city you know the streets are beautiful clean you know and I don't know you know they just
01:54 look good so you don't want something that will stick out like a sore thumb or finish the job
02:00 yeah finish the first time the first time yeah it's not really about speed it's quality
02:04 you know I mean just do a good job yeah do you know I mean see a job through to its completion
02:08 rather than like it looks like it's half done do you know what I mean so that's it.
