持法国护照佯装游客入境 警方捕以色列特工来马寻仇?

  • 6 months ago
新闻报报看 | 全国总警长拉扎鲁丁前天指出,一名怀疑是以色列特工的男子,在本月12号拿法国护照以游客身分入境吉隆坡机场潜入我国。警方收到情报后,在最近突击男子在吉隆坡入住的酒店,在房内找到6把枪械和200枚子弹,警方还顺藤摸瓜,找出更多线索。(主播:蔡心慧、洪欣仪)


00:00 A foreign agent has sneaked into Myanmar and committed assassination.
00:05 The government and police have always been on guard.
00:09 National Police Chief Raja Luddin held a press conference yesterday.
00:12 A man suspected of being an Israeli agent sneaked into Myanmar on 12th of this month.
00:18 As we all know, Myanmar has never recognized Israel as a country.
00:22 It also doesn't allow Israelis to enter Myanmar.
00:25 How did this man enter Myanmar?
00:28 Raja Luddin said that this Israeli man took a plane from Alianqe to Myanmar.
00:32 He took a French passport and entered the airport in Kuala Lumpur as a tourist.
00:36 After receiving the information, the police raided the hotel where the man stayed in Kuala Lumpur.
00:42 They also found six guns and 200 bullets in the room.
00:46 Three of the guns were loaded with bullets.
00:50 Under the interrogation of the police, the man handed over an Israeli passport.
00:54 The man was holding a gun and a different passport.
00:59 After the man was arrested, he told the police that he came to Myanmar to find a man from Myanmar.
01:06 He was going to assassinate him because he had a family dispute with the man.
01:10 But the police didn't pay for the "search" statement.
01:14 They thought that if he wanted to kill someone, why would he need so many guns?
01:19 They also suspected that the man was an Israeli agent and had other allies in Myanmar.
01:23 Lajja Luddin said that the police did not rule out the possibility that the suspect had other intentions,
01:27 especially at this time when the conflict is getting worse.
01:31 Therefore, the police will strengthen the safety of the main figures, such as the prime minister and other important figures.
01:36 Who is this Israeli man's real identity?
01:40 What is his purpose in coming to Myanmar?
01:42 According to the New Haishan Times, the police are currently interrogating the suspect.
01:48 The suspect's personality is described as "very tough".
01:52 According to the news from the DTN news,
01:54 the suspect claimed that he came to Myanmar to find a man from Myanmar.
01:58 Before he was arrested, he had a luxurious life in three hotels.
02:03 He went from a five-star hotel to a five-star restaurant.
02:07 He also sold branded goods at the shopping mall.
02:10 He also met several people in the hotel.
02:13 The national chief of police, Lajja Luddin, also mentioned that the suspect only bought guns through the Internet
02:18 with encrypted currency.
02:22 The police found that the gun was provided by a couple of local people who were in their forties.
02:30 According to the 5th Anman Police Department,
02:32 a family of a housewife was arrested at a house in Kuala Selangor at 7 p.m. yesterday.
02:38 The police also found a pistol in the back of the car from the residence in Kuala Selangor.
02:44 The national chief of police, Lajja Luddin, confirmed that the couple who were arrested said
02:48 that the six guns they provided to the Israeli man were bought from Thailand and then sold.
02:54 The police today violated the military law and put the suspect in court for a prison sentence.
02:59 He was later released and sentenced to seven days in prison.
03:03 In addition, the police also arrested another man in Pengheng, Jimarul.
03:08 The other party is the driver of the Israeli man in Myanmar.
03:11 The police will conduct a comprehensive investigation to see if there are more local people involved.
03:18 For more information, visit www.fema.gov
