以色列男子持有效法国护照入境 赛夫丁重申我国入境执法没有纰漏

  • 5 months ago
八点最热报 | 以色列男子持有大量军火入境,让大马边境管制受到质疑。内政部长赛夫丁强调,这名以色列男子持有效的法国护照才得以入境。赛夫丁重申,大马在入境方面的执法并没有纰漏。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 An Israeli man with a large number of arms was arrested by the Burmese police last month,
00:09 and the border control of Burma was questioned.
00:12 But the Minister of Interior, Sai Fudin, emphasized that the man was entering the country with an effective French passport.
00:19 This proves that the law on the entry of Burma has not been leaked.
00:22 Because the Immigration Bureau allows anyone with a legal tourist visa to enter Burma.
00:27 And there is no problem with the country that has signed the relevant documents.
00:31 Although the arrested Israeli man claimed to be seeking revenge for personal grudges,
00:37 the National Chief of Police, Raja Luddin, said today that the police suspected the man's search for revenge.
00:44 Especially the man was carrying a large amount of arms,
00:47 and thought the man just wanted to divert attention and disrupt the investigation direction.
00:51 It does not rule out the possibility that the man is an Israeli agent.
00:54 The police are still investigating his real motives to ensure the public safety of the country.
00:59 Let's watch a group of domestic news.
01:01 The National Chief of Police, Raja Luddin, held a press conference today,
01:05 saying that the police will investigate the case of the Israeli man with a large number of arms from various angles.
01:09 At the same time, the police are also actively investigating the whereabouts of more than three other people,
01:13 including local and foreign people.
01:15 Raja Luddin said that the Israeli man and the local couple who provided the gun were guilty of treason.
01:23 The Lulu Traffic Authority officials must issue 13,000 fines before the holiday to achieve KPI.
01:30 The Minister of Transportation, Mr. Lu Zhaofu, refuted the rumor today,
01:33 saying that the KPI of the Lulu Traffic Authority is to reduce traffic accidents,
01:37 instead of issuing as many fines.
01:39 Mr. Lu Zhaofu emphasized that only when the driver breaks the law will the fine be issued.
01:43 Today, passengers came out to hold a press conference to complain about the death of a Luba bus on the main road on Friday.
01:50 The bus company and the Ministry of Transportation did not have a complete standard procedure,
01:54 resulting in the accident.
01:55 He and several other injured people waited for eight hours before someone helped them return to the Pengheng Pass.
02:00 The owner also said that no one has given a reasonable explanation for the accident.
02:05 Therefore, he hopes that the authorities can give an explanation.
02:09 For more UN videos visit: www.un.org/webcast
02:13 Thanks for watching!
