以色列军队撤离 希法医院沦弥漫尸体气息的坟墓

  • 5 months ago
八点最热报 | 经过为期两个星期的围攻行动,以色列军队昨天宣布,撤离加沙最大医院希法医院,留下满目疮痍的医院大楼,医院内和街道上尸横遍野,就像恐怖电影的场景般令人震惊。以军声称,他们在攻击行动中,击毙了医院内200名恐怖分子,逮捕了500名和恐怖组织有关联的嫌疑人。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 After two weeks of siege operations, the Israeli army announced yesterday that it would evacuate the largest hospital in Gaza, the West Bank Hospital, leaving a building full of creativity.
00:15 The hospital and the street are in a state of disarray, like a horror movie.
00:21 The army claimed that they killed 200 terrorists in the attack and arrested 500 suspects related to the terrorist organization, smuggled weapons and intelligence documents.
00:31 They also emphasized that they were fighting to avoid injuring medical personnel and patients.
00:37 They even described that there were more terrorists in the hospital than patients.
00:41 Although the army repeatedly emphasized that their actions were professional,
00:45 according to the Gaza Civil Defense Force, medical personnel are working hard to collect and scatter hundreds of bodies in and around the West Bank Hospital.
00:53 At present, 300 bodies have been found, but because the army buried the bodies in the building and around it,
01:00 and flattened the road with a excavator, it greatly increased the difficulty of locking down and confirming the number of deaths.
01:07 As for Hamas, it was an angry army that attacked the West Bank Hospital.
01:11 They accused the army of killing 400 Palestinians, including medical personnel, in the hospital.
01:16 They called on international judicial institutions and the United Nations to take action to investigate the violence committed by the army in the West Bank Hospital.
01:22 With the evacuation of the army, the internal scene of the West Bank Hospital quickly became public on social media.
01:28 It was described by witnesses as "heartbreaking".
01:31 This hospital, which used to be a hospital that cured thousands of people in Gaza, has become a grave full of corpse.
01:39 After two weeks of fire, the building of the West Bank Hospital in Gaza was almost burned to black.
01:48 Only some of the buildings that were left in ruins, and almost none of the buildings were intact.
01:54 After the army withdrew from the West Bank Hospital, a large number of people rushed to the hospital to look for missing relatives.
02:00 Rescue workers found multiple bodies under the rubble.
02:03 Medical personnel described the hospital as "a body that was pushed, hit and crushed. It was unbearable."
02:09 Most of the buildings of the Medical Center were destroyed and completely burned.
02:14 There is destruction.
02:16 With this great destruction of the buildings and the resources of the Ministry of Health,
02:20 the work cannot be resumed in the Medical Center.
02:23 In this way, the Medical Center is over forever.
02:26 After announcing the evacuation of the West Bank Hospital, the Israeli army also released a video
02:31 showing that the army had cleaned up the bedside tables and other medical facilities in the hospital before evacuating it.
02:36 It also pointed out that the hospital had been cleaned up and was ready to accept new patients.
02:41 [Music]
02:47 [Silence]
