• 5 months ago
Livestream 5 Apr 2024

0:00 Introduction
1:08 Superheroes and Courage
1:24 All Superheroes Are Part of a Suicide Squad
3:19 The Invulnerable Hero and the Lure to War
6:20 The Fatal Lie of War
6:46 War Is Not Riding Up a Hill on a Horse
8:54 Dysfunctional Family Dynamics
12:29 Propaganda and War
20:04 Family Politics and Dysfunction
31:55 The Physics of Corruption
36:52 The Challenge of Weight Loss
38:19 Interfering with Dysfunction Transmission
39:42 Testing Capacity for Change
42:37 Bringing Reality to the Unwilling
44:47 Discrediting Reason
50:36 Accepting Anti-Rationality
53:33 Testing Willingness to Listen
57:21 The Futility of Debating
1:01:06 Corruption of Institutions
1:05:34 The Power of Thought

In this episode of Friday Night Live, we kick off the show with a full house in the studio, prompting me to mention that the podcast might be a bit shorter than usual. Grateful for the listeners' support, we open up a deep conversation about superheroes and how their unrealistic invulnerability in movies can skew perceptions of war. We delve into the harsh realities of warfare, dispelling the glorified image often depicted in films where inexperienced individuals triumph effortlessly over battle-hardened foes. The discussion extends to the role of luck in war and the misconception of guaranteed success through mere determination and righteousness.

Drawing parallels between gaming skills and cinematic portrayals of invincibility, we reflect on the disparity between fantasy and reality in warfare, sharing personal anecdotes and highlighting the haunting consequences of conflict. Emphasizing the unpredictability of combat and the dangers of glamorizing invincibility, we unravel the misconceptions perpetuated by propaganda and cinematic narratives. Through poignant reflections on historical figures and personal experiences, we shed light on the inherent risks and uncertainties in warfare, challenging conventional notions of heroism and underscoring the grim realities of conflict.

Our conversation navigates through themes of war propaganda, dysfunctional families, and societal challenges, touching on topics such as battlefield casualties, historical events, and the perpetuation of dysfunction across generations. We delve into the struggles of bringing reason and virtue to dysfunctional environments, as well as the difficulties in addressing personal biases and flaws. Reflecting on personal battles with hatred and delusions, we caution against fruitless debates that may diminish respect for rational discourse.

As we confront the concept of engaging with trolls and individuals resistant to reason, personal anecdotes emphasize the futility of debating those unwilling to change their minds. The discussion challenges the audience to acknowledge anti-rationality in others and navigate debates with caution, considering the limitations of engaging with those who reject evidence and reason. The episode wraps up with reflections on rational ethics, philosoph
00:00:00 Good evening everybody, Friday Night Live. It's gonna be a little bit of a short show. I'm afraid we have a full house
00:00:04 Not with you guys, though lovely though it is. I have a full house here and
00:00:09 So some friends are coming through. So sorry, I'm afraid you're going to the back of the line. I'm still doing the show but
00:00:17 We have a full house. So I'm gonna just do an hour tonight. Although it will be even more intense
00:00:23 Even more intense. You're wearing a hat. You need something to toss dramatically tonight
00:00:29 No, I just haven't gotten around to get a haircut and I look like my hair looks like startled steel wool
00:00:34 So I really can't do do much of that. So
00:00:38 Yeah, it looks looks good and thank you everyone for dropping by
00:00:42 Naturally, of course, I am thrilled and overjoyed if you send me any
00:00:50 Donations or support I would be absolutely thrilled if
00:00:57 You would be able to support me freedom and comm slash donate if you're listening to this later, but hey, but hey
00:01:02 Who needs who needs donation pitches when we can get straight into philosophy because that's what it's all about
00:01:08 All right. Let's get to your questions comments. I
00:01:11 Agree wholeheartedly with what you said about superheroes and courage
00:01:15 I try to use Jesus as a superhero to be more virtuous and James Bond as a superhero to motivate me to dress well and
00:01:20 to work out and
00:01:22 I try to use Steph to motivate me to be an awesome dad donation tomorrow sometime
00:01:27 Bedtime for my amazing four-year-old son now. Yeah
00:01:29 You know, there's a funny thing too that happens with regards to all of this superhero stuff, which is
00:01:38 All superheroes a part of a suicide squad just just so you know like all
00:01:45 Superheroes a part of a suicide squad because and by superheroes
00:01:49 I don't just mean, you know, like the Marvel and X-Men and all that
00:01:53 I mean the superheroes are the people
00:01:57 Who survived such improbable things?
00:01:59 I mean if you've ever seen casino Royale, there's this opening sequence and you know, you can tell when Ian Fleming
00:02:07 He wrote some pretty sparkling dialogue
00:02:09 You can tell when the Ian Fleming stuff shows up because all the intelligent people perk up
00:02:13 but there's this bit at the beginning where
00:02:15 The James Bond is chasing this black guy. Who's
00:02:19 Racing through a construction yard hanging from cranes jumping from here to there and nobody gets injured. They barely seem out of breath
00:02:26 So physical imperviousness the physical imperviousness of superheroes and everybody knows it's kind of the joke
00:02:33 You know that the the bad guys shoot and they just shoot all around the good guys
00:02:37 The good guys pop off one shot and it goes right through the forehead of the bad guys
00:02:40 whenever you have
00:02:43 superheroes who survive and
00:02:46 Not just survive but flourish through ridiculously improbable things, you know, like in Casino Royale
00:02:52 James Bond is in this car and it flips and flips and all he is he's just kind of dazed and he's got a you
00:02:58 Know a couple of tiny flesh wounds stuff like that
00:03:01 It's like no you would you I mean if you've known people who've been in car accidents a significant car accidents
00:03:07 You know, oftentimes that is a lot of leftover stuff, you know
00:03:10 I can't move my neck this way and you know, my my ribs never quite set properly and you know
00:03:15 there could be internal damage there's just a lot of
00:03:18 Lingering stuff and you know the way it always goes in movies. They're in a fight and they get that cool cut
00:03:23 You know, they get the cut that goes along the jawline. That's like the cool cut
00:03:27 They've always got to have then the bruises and they just look more macho and masculine, you know, like
00:03:32 Bruce Willis was one of the king of best beaten up guys, you know
00:03:37 He's running across glass and then he's fine. You always have this thing, you know a guy gets a pipe to the ribs
00:03:43 Heavy lead pipe to the ribs and he's like, ah, you know, he's down and then like literally 30 seconds. He's up and fighting again
00:03:49 No, that's not life. That's not life at all and
00:03:53 so they're inviting you the root of the invulnerable hero is
00:04:00 to lure you to war I
00:04:03 Just just so you understand it the root of the invulnerable hero is the lure to war because if you've been raised
00:04:12 With you know, like the Lone Ranger, right?
00:04:15 He's he's battling what they used to call the Indians the Cowboys and Indians, right?
00:04:19 and you know that the Indians are doing nothing and
00:04:22 And and just shooting and missing and the Cowboys every time they shoot an Indian flies off the back of a horse as they yeah
00:04:27 So what they're trying to do is they're trying to give you
00:04:30 Ridiculous improbable odds
00:04:34 So that they can lure you to war
00:04:37 because if you get a sense of
00:04:40 You know, you're shooting at a guy. He's shooting back at you a
00:04:43 Lot of times it's kind of 50/50, you know, particularly if you're new to war he's new to war a lot of times
00:04:49 It's just kind of 50/50
00:04:51 Who's gonna win
00:04:55 Now there are a few people who are in insanely talented and all again
00:05:00 Yeah, they get the cool cut but they never lose an arm or a leg like many real car accidents. Yeah, that's right
00:05:04 They're the bruised ribs and a 20-minute parkour action scenes. Oh, yeah, it's just
00:05:09 Just keep it's it's insane and it's there so that you go to war
00:05:15 with a
00:05:18 Ridiculous sense of your own immortality
00:05:21 All right. That's what this stuff is for you go to war with a ridiculous sense of your own immortality
00:05:27 You don't have any sense of the odds that you face in a war
00:05:32 Yeah, John wick fights hundreds of people against dozens of what should be highly debilitating injuries and just keeps fighting
00:05:37 No one's that good and lucky and you know afterwards are like, oh, you know, but then they're fine
00:05:42 And they're fine
00:05:44 Injuries are brutal
00:05:46 Injuries are absolutely brutal
00:05:50 And
00:05:55 If you've had significant injuries most most of us have right
00:05:58 most of us
00:06:01 Have had significant injuries at one time or another. They're really tough and there's a lot of rehabilitation
00:06:07 I mean you look at the VA right go to go to the VA Hospital and
00:06:10 And look at the people there get in rehab and then tell me about action movies, right?
00:06:15 So you understand it's there to get you to go to war. This is not accidental
00:06:21 It's there to give you a ridiculous sense of your own competence so that you can go to war and it's always the same thing
00:06:27 It's always the same thing. It's really annoying really annoying because it literally gets people killed
00:06:32 Yeah, if you see the Ukraine war footage, yeah, it's
00:06:35 There was a story and I've mentioned this some years ago it really haunted me a very short story or comment
00:06:43 About a guy from the First World War a girl from the First World War
00:06:46 He said, you know, I went to war and I thought because I'd read all these stories and I'd seen all these paintings
00:06:52 I thought that war was you know, riding up a
00:06:56 Hill on a horse with your sword out
00:06:58 He said that's not war
00:07:01 War
00:07:04 Is sitting in a disease-ridden muddy trench when some asshole 20 miles away pushes a button and blows you up
00:07:09 That's what it is
00:07:12 you see these drones chasing after people and stuff raining down from the sky and
00:07:16 It's you guided missiles and someone it's it's barely a fight
00:07:24 You
00:07:26 It's barely a fight but they're always trying to get you the Lord of the Rings does the same thing, right?
00:07:30 What are the rings does the same thing and it's always this it's always this
00:07:33 Unbelievably wretched and it's it's murderous. It's murderous
00:07:36 What happens because it's always the same story which is some guy is
00:07:42 Decent at amateur stuff right easy though. He's decent at amateur stuff
00:07:50 And then he goes up against the most hardened
00:07:54 skilled bloodthirsty cold-blooded killers in the entire universe and
00:08:00 Takes them all down
00:08:03 You know, it was the famous
00:08:06 Star Wars, right?
00:08:08 What was he? Yeah, he flew
00:08:10 some amateur
00:08:13 Dipshit airplanes and he said I was pretty good at bombing womp rats in beggars Canyon. I don't know why this line is
00:08:19 I had the the LP of Star Wars when I was a kid, so
00:08:24 Somebody and you look at Paul Atreides in June you all of this sort of stuff. He's he's an amateur and
00:08:30 He goes up against people
00:08:34 Who've had 20 or more years of experience have killed
00:08:40 Dozens if not hundreds of people and the rank amateur goes up and carves through them like a knife through butter
00:08:48 They are the most ferocious
00:08:50 Killers in the universe and
00:08:55 The amateur right so you understand so people will say well, you know, I've done a little shooting and and you know
00:09:01 I'm pretty good at throwing things. So yeah, I can shoot and throw a grenade
00:09:03 I'm kind of an amateur and they lure you in they do it's luring you into a meat grinder
00:09:09 It's luring you into a disassembly line luring you in what you know
00:09:12 You as a rank amateur will be able to take on all these battle-hardened warriors and cleave through them
00:09:19 It'll be like a combine harvester going through the weep weep. I
00:09:22 Used to bulls I want brats my t16 back home. They're not much bigger than two meters. Oh
00:09:27 My gosh
00:09:33 Oh my gosh
00:09:37 It's it's allure it's allure
00:09:46 It's propaganda to give you an insane sense of the odds your face in an actual battle
00:09:54 I mean the the stormtroopers right the famous the stormtroopers, right?
00:09:57 Now I get that he needed people who looked like robots
00:10:01 So you could literally literally dehumanize the enemy because they're all in these these suits these stormtroopers right in Star Wars
00:10:09 They're only the battle armor, right?
00:10:11 The fuck does that armor do
00:10:16 Okay
00:10:18 So they go down with the armor over there the armor doesn't do anything
00:10:22 So all of these incredibly trained battle-hardened stormtroopers go up against some person who's never fight before and
00:10:31 He just carves them up like a turkey
00:10:35 Carves them up like a turkey
00:10:39 Paul Atreides gets into the Fremen by killing a guy who's done hand-to-hand combat for 20 or more years
00:10:47 The guy looks like he's like 45 the black guy that he fights
00:10:50 So it's he's he's never fought to the death before ever. He's had some training. Ooh, he's had some training
00:10:58 And he goes up against a guy who for a quarter century
00:11:01 Has been engaged in hand-to-hand combat and killing things and people and he beats him
00:11:08 Yeah Han Solo walks around with a pistol and a leather jacket and if you shoot them
00:11:13 It's always they miss right? Oh my arm, you know, then everything's fine, right?
00:11:18 The fancy armor didn't even repel pointy sticks and rocks, right?
00:11:22 And what they do is they infect you with the dream of magic so that you can destroy
00:11:31 the rational odds of your own demise
00:11:35 So, oh you got the force you've got the words of command you've got magic don't worry kid
00:11:42 We're gonna take you to war and you're gonna get the shit blown up out of you, but don't worry
00:11:47 You're gonna have magic so you'll win and you'll be the guy who carves through everything now
00:11:52 Are there guys who carve through everything?
00:11:54 Of course there are because it's a bell curve
00:11:56 Some people get hit by the first bullet and some people don't get hit by the hundredth bullet
00:12:00 It's just a matter of random chance at that point. It's a little bit of skill here, right?
00:12:04 So
00:12:06 I mean you see these scenes with the Jedi
00:12:09 oh
00:12:10 you see they just the odds are just so different with the Jedi because they have the force and they have magic and they literally
00:12:16 roam into arenas with hundreds of
00:12:20 exquisitely programmed AI
00:12:23 perfectly lasered battle robots and
00:12:25 carve them up like turkeys
00:12:28 because
00:12:30 It's cool, right?
00:12:31 So they're just giving you these cool moves and they're giving you this cool music and that's to suck you into the giant
00:12:37 disassembly machine of the military industrial complex without giving you a sense of
00:12:41 Your odds
00:12:46 Ewoks going up against the Galactic Army and winning. Yeah, you know
00:12:58 This is a good line in
00:13:00 Casino Royale, right where the woman says
00:13:04 Thank you for the tip man. The woman says
00:13:08 Doesn't it bother you to kill people and he says well, that wouldn't be very good at my job if it did
00:13:13 Right. So the people people who want easy prey will lure you into battle with these insane
00:13:22 Ridiculous, it's never gonna happen. There's no chance
00:13:26 But they oh, no, you know, you're gonna be a medal and you're gonna be one of these
00:13:30 one of the thousand guys who
00:13:32 Doesn't get hurt and comes out without a scratch and this then the other and it's like, you know
00:13:37 And of course, they'll give those guys medals and so on now. There are some people who definitely have a skill, right?
00:13:43 So you think of Baron von Richthofen the the Red Baron in the first world war?
00:13:47 He you know what a hundred kills or something like that
00:13:49 So but all of that so there certainly there's some natural talent and so on but it's not just that
00:13:56 There's also just good luck
00:13:58 so the way that it works with aerial combat is
00:14:01 Let's say you get a slight edge, right?
00:14:05 You have said 60/40 because you've got some talent some 3d processing thing in your brain that just works really well
00:14:11 So it's 60/40. Okay, so you win your first battle and then what happens is
00:14:16 You're more likely to win your next battle because you've won your first battle
00:14:22 So you've got some skill and experience now - right?
00:14:24 So you and then maybe it's 65/35 to win your next battle. So then you win your next battle
00:14:29 Then maybe it's 70/30 or whatever like and maybe it goes up a percentage point each time
00:14:33 But you're still lucky because any stray bullet could have taken you down any stray bullet any crashing into anyone, right?
00:14:40 Just being too low to the ground any stray bullet any aerial collision any too low to the ground, whatever
00:14:45 Heck you could have got struck by lightning on the way back to the airbase. Anything could have happened, right?
00:14:51 so what happens is there's people who have a slight edge because of their skill and then
00:14:57 they're just lucky from there on in right and the skill aids in the luck, but there's still a huge amount of luck and
00:15:02 Then they gain so much experience that they become very hard to beat but the gaining of that experience is
00:15:09 Somewhat accidental they just happen to you know, they just happen to roll
00:15:14 Well on each and you know 65/30
00:15:19 65/35 70/30
00:15:21 75/25 and their odds go up and then they become very hard to beat for sure
00:15:25 But it's not like they were just naturally great and just could kill all of those people in the air
00:15:29 They were just lucky and to give you the fantasy
00:15:33 that
00:15:36 Magic and
00:15:38 Miracles and grit and willpower and determination and being on the side of rightness goodness truth and justice
00:15:44 Will keep you safe is a lie and it's a fatal lie
00:15:49 It has been a fatal lie for hundreds of millions of men throughout human history
00:15:54 You get into war you're screwed
00:15:58 You get into
00:16:03 The war
00:16:06 There's no good outcome, I mean if it's some defensive war you're saving your family your homeland whatever right but you get into a war
00:16:14 Well, what's your best odds?
00:16:16 What's your what's your best odd that you go back?
00:16:19 whole
00:16:21 in body, but shattered in spirit
00:16:23 I saw some anti proper it was an anti-war film about the rich kids and the poor kids
00:16:31 And the rich kids, you know, the rich young men are off partying
00:16:35 In
00:16:38 Disco and picking up girls and having a great time because they were
00:16:42 too wealthy to end up in the army and the poor kids are dragged into the army and
00:16:47 Thrown on the battlefield and the end of it was just haunting that the rich kid was lying back in his bed
00:16:51 moaning because he was getting a blowjob and then it flipped to the poor kid who
00:16:55 Was bleeding out on the battlefield and moaning and just kind of the same way
00:16:59 haunting haunting haunting stuff
00:17:01 Richard the Lionheart was a great crusade leader and King of England gets killed by some French kid with a crossbow
00:17:08 Well, yeah, I mean my ancestors came over with William the Conqueror in 1066 and William the Conqueror
00:17:13 Just got hit with an arrow through the eye and died. Whoops. Whoopsie
00:17:17 right
00:17:19 crazy
00:17:20 Yeah, it's um, and yeah, there are people who you know, like the fatality that video game player very skilled
00:17:27 You know exercised well, obviously hair trigger reflexes, and I don't know. Have you ever had the experience where you you're playing with a
00:17:36 Video game guy and you I mean I'm not too bad at first-person shooters pretty good, but I remember there was a guy
00:17:44 I worked with once I couldn't beat him. I don't think I think I beat him maybe once and that was half by accident
00:17:49 but I just
00:17:52 couldn't
00:17:54 Beat him. He seemed to know exactly where I was didn't matter if I changed my path
00:17:58 He always had the right weapon loaded. He always sniped him from a distance
00:18:01 You ever have those people and it's just like I don't know how you're doing it because you know
00:18:04 Oftentimes I was that guy who could get everyone else like almost no matter what but yeah
00:18:09 Have you ever had that with a video game person? Yeah fortunate son. Yeah
00:18:12 Yeah, you ever have that some video game person you're online just yeah, can't win. It's almost like it's it's ridiculous
00:18:18 It's almost impossible. I don't know what sort of sixth sense they have
00:18:21 But and of course then what happens is you get kind of jumpy you get kind of jittery
00:18:26 You look around you change your strategies randomly and you're you know
00:18:30 You're too the sense of impending doom is so heavy that you're like can't
00:18:34 You can't win, right? Yeah, I remember when quake 3 came out
00:18:38 I would regularly win right like 25 people or whatever it was playing
00:18:42 I would at least 50 to 60 percent of the time I would win
00:18:46 But then every now and then you guys come across someone I remember playing many years ago with a listener
00:18:51 Unreal tournament and I just I couldn't win against the guy like he was just ridiculously good like
00:18:59 Snipe-shooting you from midair while he was spinning and jumping and it's like no, okay. Well, I'm sorry
00:19:05 I can't give you any competition, but normally I'm that guy but with you. I'm the other guy
00:19:09 I'm the I'm the luncheon meat on the battlefield. So yeah, it's it's really
00:19:14 It really really really bothers me
00:19:18 All of these and it's always these the guys who play shoot again. So good at laser tag and paintball as well
00:19:24 Yeah, that's true. I usually will win at laser tag and if not played paintball that much but I usually do pretty good
00:19:30 I
00:19:31 Played unreal with him. Let me tell you Steph brings the bad touch. Yeah
00:19:35 Your cannon fodder and FPS games. Yeah
00:19:37 Yeah, well we used to course back in the day with with quake and all of that
00:19:41 I used to get my friends we'd come over to my place of business where all of the computers were already networked and we play
00:19:46 Sometimes we played like 2 in the morning. So it's great deal of fun
00:19:50 But yeah, I've had I've had some experience but nonetheless there's still some people who are just fantastic
00:19:56 Definitely playing counter-strike with my old friend can't even get a kill in. Yeah. Yeah, like where are you?
00:20:01 I don't know, but I just know that I got headshot
00:20:03 It's just terrible. It's terrible
00:20:07 So yeah, those are the kind of odds that you're dealing with and the odds of you being that guy are very low
00:20:11 I would say I could probably beat I
00:20:15 Would be in the top. Listen, I I don't want to overpraise myself and it's not like my skills are perfect
00:20:21 But back in the day I could win most times
00:20:23 Online games and someone like nothing obviously nothing professional or semi-professional, but just hop in the online game. I'd usually win
00:20:30 but
00:20:32 So maybe I'm in the top couple of percent of players like obviously at a purely amateur level
00:20:37 I'm in the top couple of percent of players, but that ain't good enough in a battlefield
00:20:41 In a battlefield you could just get killed by accident right and you friendly fire
00:20:46 Nobody ever talks about the friendly fire in their battlefield, but friendly fire is a massive issue
00:20:51 It's a massive issue
00:20:52 What's the Pat Tillman wasn't Pat Tillman was a football player who was fighting in Afghanistan?
00:20:56 And I think he ended up being killed by friendly fire if I remember rightly even though they didn't say that at the beginning
00:21:00 But yeah, I and here's what bothers me so much about the people who make this
00:21:06 fucked-up propaganda
00:21:09 About you have way better odds in war
00:21:11 Than are factual like they give you this pumped-up grandiose bulletproof delusion, right?
00:21:19 I mean that was what was so wild about the like the first what 15 or 18 minutes of saving private Ryan is
00:21:24 You know some guys like they're just getting shot like they're just crawling up the beach and just getting shot
00:21:30 You know
00:21:31 I remember the shot that the
00:21:33 scene a very sort of brief snippet
00:21:35 Where a guy gets shot through his helmet takes it off looks at it and wander and then gets shot through the head
00:21:39 That's war man just some asshole
00:21:44 20 miles away pushing a button and blowing you to nothing
00:21:48 You
00:21:50 So what bothers me the most is
00:21:52 the
00:21:55 Clusterfrack a-holes who put together all of this propaganda. They don't go to war
00:21:59 They don't go to war
00:22:02 All right, they're back. They're doing all that propaganda
00:22:05 They're getting all the other kids to go to war Harry Brown used to have a thing which said America can only declare war if
00:22:10 The sons of congressmen get drafted like that's it, right? I
00:22:15 Mean it's a nice way to try and rope the beast doesn't really work out that way
00:22:19 but it's a nice sort of theory about how to rub the beast but
00:22:22 Just crazy
00:22:27 So yeah all the people who are producing this propaganda that gives people completely insane a sense of their own actual odds
00:22:33 Well, and of course the used to have a pretty strict IQ cutoff for the army
00:22:41 I think that's changing now and it certainly changed in the Vietnam War one of the reasons why the Vietnam War turned so bad is
00:22:47 they ran out of intelligent people and
00:22:49 They ended up having to recruit people with IQs in the 70s
00:22:55 like 82 83 I think was the cutoff for a long time in the army and then they had to go down into the 70s and
00:23:02 You know people would forget there, you know
00:23:06 That you'd have these passcodes like somebody would shout a challenge
00:23:09 You'd have to shout something back to prove you weren't
00:23:11 Enemies and they would forget them and so they'd get shot or they would forget that other people had the correct
00:23:16 Passwords and would shoot them. There was a guy in Vietnam who was so dumb
00:23:21 He thought it was hilarious to pull the pins off grenades and roll them into tents so that everyone would run scurrying and it blew
00:23:25 People up that way and they were called McNamara's morons, right? Robert McNamara was a secretary of defense
00:23:30 I think back then and they just brought all these people in that were just completely
00:23:35 Dumb like just could not function intellectually and they put them in combat. And of course you're going up there against these super IQ
00:23:42 East Asians and it was just a just awful
00:23:45 Just awful
00:23:47 Imagine war was just the presidents of the countries fighting each other. Yeah, that's a
00:23:50 What's that song by Christa Berg?
00:23:53 Let's put him in a and let them work it out until they see nothing from nothing. Well, nothing in hey boys tonight
00:23:59 We get away to the other side. It's a good song. It was a big big Christa Berg fan for quite a while
00:24:03 I haven't listened to him much lately, but last time I cried is a is a great song
00:24:08 The Risen Lord also a great haunting song is a superb vocalist and sounds just as good live by the way and all of that
00:24:15 so and for some reason he's been involved in a massive amount of
00:24:18 Defamation lawsuits, I don't know exactly what
00:24:22 These modern-day wars are so dystopian the trench warfare with great drones scare the F out of me
00:24:31 Yeah, can you imagine just being basically followed by some killer drone that just blows you up in the middle of nowhere and what can
00:24:37 You do?
00:24:38 What can you do?
00:24:40 You dodge one. It's another one right over the horizon, right? Yeah, it's it's awful
00:24:44 It's awful and it looks like you know, the the ghost of war is being resurrected
00:24:49 sadly at the moment
00:24:52 All right, let me just get to any other questions
00:25:00 All right, let me get to you
00:25:02 Drones are kind of like homing pigeons with c4 on the shotgun
00:25:07 C4 shotgun seems to be the solution for them. Well, no, but they're dodged like crazy right? They're insanely fast, right? So
00:25:13 It's just a it's just an attrition right I mean, let's say let's say you can get you know
00:25:21 Half the drones that come at you. Well, they just send two drones, right?
00:25:23 Or they right
00:25:27 Or they right. All right
00:25:29 So why would a family member shut you down the moment you discuss family politics?
00:25:33 Even if you haven't spoken for three years about it
00:25:35 Interestingly the family members grandfather died and he stole his mother's inheritance so much for not
00:25:40 Needing to discuss family pain. I now believe those who won't talk a seething
00:25:45 waiting to strike
00:25:48 Right
00:25:52 Well, I can tell you the way that I look at it
00:25:55 This will depress and enlighten you and will probably answer most of the questions you have if you have a dysfunctional family
00:26:03 But to be honest, it is gonna kind of blow your mind, right?
00:26:07 So just hit me with a why if you're ready
00:26:12 Because you know, I got an hour tonight. So I gotta tell you I'm gonna be very compressed here. So hit me
00:26:19 Are you ready because I'll answer this question, but you won't like it
00:26:23 I'm you'll like it in the long run, you know philosophy
00:26:26 Don't worry. It stops hurting later. Don't worry. The boo-boo turns into a muscle later, but it ain't fun at the beginning
00:26:32 so
00:26:35 So the question why would a family member shut you down the moment you discuss family politics
00:26:40 Even if haven't spoken for three years about it, and there's a lot of dysfunction in the family
00:26:44 So the purpose of your family is to pass along the dysfunction. That's why they exist. That's what they're for
00:26:49 That's why they've reproduced in other words. Think of the dysfunction as the giant lever that's causing people to have sex and reproduce
00:26:54 So if you understand that the purpose of your family if it's really dysfunctional the purpose of your family is to transmit the dysfunction
00:27:02 To the next generation then if you're trying to make
00:27:05 That family functional you're trying to bring reason and evidence and virtue and truth to that family
00:27:11 The dysfunctional virus will attack you as an enemy and will drive you away because it needs to reproduce in peace or it needs to reproduce
00:27:19 in violence and dysfunction
00:27:21 The purpose of your dysfunctional family is to reproduce that dysfunction to the next generation you go in and try and make them sane and good
00:27:29 And healthy and right and noble and virtuous you're an enemy
00:27:32 To the demons that have your family tree in their thrall and are simply using ctrl C ctrl V copy-paste
00:27:40 To fuck up the next generation
00:27:43 That's it
00:27:47 That's it
00:27:49 So to disease health is a disease do you understand
00:27:56 To a disease health is a disease. So if you were to go into your family and you were to put
00:28:04 laxatives in their dessert and you were to put diuretics into their soup and they got really sick and crampy and
00:28:10 And you made them eat sick in some way or you you know, you you coughed
00:28:16 Flu-ridden phlegm in their faces and and so on they'd be like, whoa, of course, you're not welcome at family dinner. You keep poisoning us
00:28:23 Of course, you're not welcome
00:28:26 Like would you let someone in your family come over to your family if someone your family of origin come over and every time
00:28:32 They came over you got violently sick for weeks. Would you would you let them into your house?
00:28:38 Would you invite them to break bread with you if every time you ate with them you ended up throwing up for a week straight
00:28:44 Of course not
00:28:46 Because they would be making you sick you follow
00:28:48 To sickness health is a disease to dysfunction
00:28:54 Reason is a predator and an enemy and a sickness and a convulsion and a vomiting and a disease
00:29:01 You are if you're healthy and here you're healthy right and you listen to the show you're healthy
00:29:08 For the most part as am I healthy for the most part?
00:29:13 You are a sickness to the sickness
00:29:16 So when you say gee, why would a family member?
00:29:20 Shut you down the moment you discuss family politics
00:29:23 You understand from their perspective. It's like saying wait a minute
00:29:29 All I did was cough blood on their children. Why did they hurry me out of the house? Why are they mad at me a
00:29:35 Cough blood on their children. Well, what's the problem?
00:29:39 Bruh, I mean, come on. It's just a little blood. Don't they ever eat blood pudding?
00:29:44 So you bringing health is you bringing disease
00:29:51 So, of course they're going to rush you out and hurry you out because you're interfering
00:29:58 With the transmission of the illness that they've redefined as health and because they've redefined illnesses health cure is the disease
00:30:07 So you are in there coughing up blood on their food poisoning their food
00:30:12 You are there putting mold in their vents. You are there making them sick making them unwell
00:30:19 Making them diseased so they drive you out to maintain the health of their sickness
00:30:25 You should know this by now, sorry to be annoying sorry to be emphatic but it's important
00:30:34 It's important
00:30:38 Stop trying to make sick people well
00:30:40 Why why would you do that? Why would you try to make sick people well, I
00:30:45 Mean the only way the sick people get better is if that they admit that they're sick
00:30:50 So if people don't admit that they're sick, they'll fight you like you're poisoning them if you bring reason
00:30:55 to their screwed-up universes
00:30:58 right
00:31:00 like
00:31:01 You're disorienting them with health if somebody were to threaten to inject you with a
00:31:08 Virus or a drug that would cause you to hallucinate
00:31:15 Visually and auditorily to the point where you wouldn't know what was real and what was not, you know full-on
00:31:21 Beautiful mind Nash stuff, right? You don't know what's real. What's not you don't if the person in the room is real
00:31:26 You're gonna ask someone else if they see it
00:31:27 Maybe they a part of your imagination you don't know what's real or what's not if somebody were to inject you with a drug that
00:31:33 Disoriented you gave you auditory and visual hallucinations and completely wrecked your sense of reality and trust in yourself
00:31:39 You would view that person as an enemy to be fought
00:31:42 At all costs wouldn't how much would you fight to keep an enemy away from injecting you with something that destroyed your sense of reality?
00:31:56 Well, if you're healthy and they don't even know that they're
00:31:58 Irrational or anti-rational screwed up or messed up if they don't know how dysfunctional they are
00:32:03 Then you coming at them with reason is you assaulting them with unreality and you trying to forcefully inject something into their brains
00:32:10 that is going to turn them schizophrenic and hallucinatory and psychotic and deranged and
00:32:16 They will fight tooth and nail
00:32:18 Against you to survive because the only thing they know is the physics of corruption
00:32:26 And health is a mentally ill hallucination to those in meshed in the physics of corruption
00:32:34 Don't look at them as people who are making choices you look at them as people who are possessed by bad ideas
00:32:41 The bad ideas are using the mere flesh to leapfrog to the next generation. And if you get in the way
00:32:47 They'll screw you up
00:32:49 You understand if you go to a higher mammal like a wolf or a lion or something like that an apex predator
00:32:56 You go you get between a grizzly and her cub what happens?
00:33:01 What happens?
00:33:03 They will
00:33:06 Tear your scalp off. They will rip you apart. They will destroy you why because you're interfering with the transmission of their genetics by
00:33:15 Approaching their young we've all seen this, right?
00:33:19 So dysfunction is the offspring of the possessors of
00:33:23 Minds lost to corruption if you interfere
00:33:30 With the transmission of dysfunction
00:33:34 Me but the media right if you interfere with the transmission of dysfunction you are coming between
00:33:40 The apex predator and their treasured offspring
00:33:46 You
00:33:48 Does this
00:33:52 Help you understand the world
00:33:54 Does this help you make sense of the world and of the people around you? They're not
00:34:00 interested in
00:34:03 your health because they have been programmed to view your health as a disease and
00:34:09 their disease
00:34:11 is health
00:34:14 You
00:34:16 The
00:34:18 dysfunctional mindset is
00:34:20 using the physical body and the physical mind to transmit itself to the next generation and it is fiercely guiding its prey and
00:34:28 If you interfere with the predator and
00:34:33 Its offspring the predator will attack you until you are dead
00:34:43 You
00:34:45 So with that in mind with that in mind
00:34:47 Why would a family member shut you down the moment you discuss family politics, even if you haven't spoken for three years about it?
00:34:54 well
00:34:56 If you are spraying a mist into someone's face, it's gonna give them permanent
00:35:02 Hallucinations and destroy their connection to reality. Let's say you haven't done that for three years
00:35:07 Why would why would they be upset about it? I haven't sprayed them in the face with a psychotic generating
00:35:12 Psychoactive drug for three years. Why would they be upset about it?
00:35:15 Interestingly the family's members grandfather died and he stole the mother's inheritance so much for not needing to discuss family pain. I
00:35:25 Now believe those who won't talk a seething waiting to strike. Yeah, I
00:35:30 View people as possessed by bad ideas most people most people I don't even know not even most dysfunctional people
00:35:35 most people are possessed by bad ideas and
00:35:38 The bad ideas are jumping from person from person and generation to generation
00:35:44 I don't view most of the people I meet as animated by any sort of rational consciousness or
00:35:52 objective conscience or virtue or striving for truth I
00:35:56 view them as carriers of
00:36:00 an illness
00:36:02 called bad thinking or non thinking or anti thinking I
00:36:06 Mean, come on, man
00:36:08 I shouldn't I shouldn't need to tell anyone how easily programmed people are into hating their fellow man
00:36:14 Not after covert and the vaccines right when we come on this
00:36:18 This is not something that we need to spend much time on right? They're not interested in your health
00:36:23 They're not interested in your virtues. They're not interested in your reason. They're not interested in your facts
00:36:29 They're not interested in the truth. They're not interested in your integrity
00:36:32 They view it as a toxic poison
00:36:36 That would completely destroy their sense of reality and have them lonely and adrift and psychotic until the end of time
00:36:53 Only a couple of people out of a hundred can lose weight and keep it off and you think that they're gonna accept abstract virtues
00:36:59 This is the big thing to remember
00:37:02 97% 98% of people who lose weight gain it back and more
00:37:06 Only a few one or two percent of people maybe two or three percent of people lose weight and keep it off forever
00:37:13 right
00:37:15 now
00:37:17 fat people kind of hate being fat and
00:37:20 The amount of encouragement that they get to lose weight is huge the amount of positive
00:37:25 Oh, did you lose weight the amount of positive feedback the amount of personal health benefits the reduction of back pain joint pain knee pain?
00:37:31 You name it better breath run upstairs run around more energy more health better libido
00:37:36 Diamond-hard youthful boners, whatever right? So the amount of positive feedback that people get
00:37:41 From losing weight and the amount of health benefits and life quality benefits. They get is massive
00:37:47 You
00:37:49 How many people lose weight and keep enough one person out of 50 one person out of 25
00:37:58 You think you're gonna help make them good
00:38:04 You can't even get them to put down their back and knee destroying cheesecake
00:38:11 You
00:38:13 If you can't get people to stop eating so much to not be
00:38:27 Subject so much to the sin of avarice and greed and gluttony
00:38:33 If you can't even get people to eat less and be healthy walk around a little exercise eat less eat better
00:38:40 If you can't even get people
00:38:42 To be physically healthy, which they get massive positive feedback from it gives them extra years of their life
00:38:48 Everybody praises them and thinks it's wonderful and their doctor says great job and they've got more energy and more health
00:38:54 If you can't even get them to do that what on earth makes you think that they will see
00:39:01 the evil in themselves and others
00:39:09 You can't even see the fat guy
00:39:11 You can't even get the fat guy to see his own dick and you want him to see the deep corruption of himself and others
00:39:16 And the system and the people in the world
00:39:18 The guy who hasn't seen his feet in 20 years because he can't stop eating
00:39:30 You think he's gonna look in the mirror and see the demon that's in the heart of all of us
00:39:36 You
00:39:38 You can't even most people most people won't admit they're wrong when there's direct
00:39:50 video evidence
00:39:53 Right, I mean Scott Adams had a whole list of the Trump hoaxes right and other media hoaxes and so I mean just take the obvious
00:40:01 One is the fine people hoax right in Charlottesville that Trump called the white supremacist or the neo-nazis fine people
00:40:08 Which he didn't of course and the video is very clear, right?
00:40:11 He says there are fine people on both sides of the debate. He says I'm not talking about the white supremacist
00:40:15 They should be condemned utterly right so
00:40:17 Or you know people think that that Trump what he tried to such January 6. He said protest peacefully blah blah blah, right?
00:40:24 So
00:40:28 There's direct video evidence that you can beam into somebody's ass in
00:40:32 About half a second right just look at this video. Look at these 30 seconds, right?
00:40:38 So people can't even admit that they're wrong or have been lied to about something
00:40:43 When you can give them direct video evidence
00:40:46 in about
00:40:49 Half a second which will take them 30 seconds to watch
00:40:52 Right
00:40:55 So you give people little tests of can you process reality at all?
00:41:01 Can you process reality at all?
00:41:05 30 seconds. Can you can you process reality? Can you admit that you're wrong give people little tests?
00:41:11 But what people do is they keep trying to get people who've never been to the gym to bench-press 300 pounds
00:41:18 And I'm like no no, can they lift a two-pound weight?
00:41:22 right
00:41:23 Somebody who's wrong
00:41:25 You say oh, no, you're wrong about this, right? You're wrong about this and and here's the evidence, right?
00:41:31 Now if somebody can't say oh gosh, I guess I really did get fooled by that, right?
00:41:35 If somebody can't admit that they're wrong when you have given them direct
00:41:42 Physical tangible material evidence that's irrefutable that takes them about 30 seconds to watch and you can beam directly into their phone
00:41:52 Why would you talk to them about anything else?
00:41:54 All right, so you can't lift
00:41:58 Five pounds
00:42:01 Okay, what about 500 pounds 750 300 pounds
00:42:09 450 461 429 387. It's like what are you doing? They can't lift five pounds
00:42:16 Why would you bother with anyone who can't admit that they're wrong when it takes 30 seconds and it's irrefutable?
00:42:22 Whatever it could be could be anything on the left or the right or in them. It doesn't matter right doesn't matter
00:42:26 So
00:42:39 Try to bring a little reality to people and if they won't accept a little reality
00:42:47 How would they accept a big reality if they can't lift five pounds what makes you live think they can lift 500 pounds
00:42:53 And yet everybody avoids this knowledge we just we just keep going I've done this too so I you know, I've done this too
00:43:04 I'm not speaking from any big superior place here
00:43:14 If if they won't listen to little reasons they won't listen to big reasons if
00:43:18 They won't accept little facts. They won't accept big facts if they can't lift 500 pounds
00:43:23 Don't give them a hundred pounds. I mean you can if you want but it's kind of pointless
00:43:28 Says I really try not to hate people due to this reality since COVID since COVID. It's definitely been hard
00:43:34 I keep my distance because the urge to clear that delusions is strong for me, right?
00:43:37 so the reason why people will suck you into these debates when they have no intention of
00:43:42 Changing their mind right Lord knows we've all been there, right?
00:43:45 We've all been there somebody sucks us into a debate and then we realize they have absolutely no intention of changing their mind. I
00:43:51 Can't be alone in this it seems the Internet is both porn and denial for the most part, right? So
00:43:58 We get sucked into this, right?
00:44:01 Now, do you know why we get sucked into this because the demons try to get us to argue with them
00:44:08 So that we lose respect for the power of reason
00:44:12 Right, so
00:44:14 the trolls the people who invite
00:44:17 Debate with no intention of changing anything those trolls those demons and I'm obviously calling them actual demons
00:44:24 It's an analogy right but the the demons that possess them in a sense
00:44:28 Are inviting us in
00:44:33 To pretend to debate
00:44:37 So that we and others
00:44:39 See the futility of reason
00:44:42 So that you get frustrated and you've you and and also they're there to discredit reason
00:44:53 They're there to discredit reason so that other people look at you and see it's irrational people
00:45:01 They're easily frustrated and they claim to be empirical, but they don't even know they're being played just you see what I mean
00:45:08 We claim to be so good at identifying truth and reason and evidence and yet was so bad so often
00:45:13 At seeing when we're being lied to and played and people have no intention to everyone else. It's clear
00:45:18 It's a bad faith debate and we're in there like no, here's some more facts and here's some more this and here's some more that
00:45:23 They're there to discredit reason they're there to frustrate you and to
00:45:29 Show their superiority to reason because they have you running around producing all of this data and arguments and facts
00:45:35 But they've no intention of changing their mind
00:45:37 No intention
00:45:39 You don't
00:45:43 Elevate people's view of the power of reason by reasoning with people who can't be reasoned with
00:45:51 Because then you're showing you're anti-empirical and you're not even wise enough to know when someone can't be changed
00:46:02 I remember oh gosh, I must have been 11 or 12 years old
00:46:06 I had a bird that I had rescued from the wild and I had to take it downtown
00:46:13 So I have the birds in a cage that I'd borrowed from a friend of mine as a little bird
00:46:20 It was a thrush. I think it was at the thrush in the cage and I was on the bus and there was this guy
00:46:25 Who was like I can't keep a bird in the cage. It's a wild animal. It should be free. No, no, no
00:46:31 It broke its wing. It's rescued. I'm trying to fix it as you can see and so the guy was just oh, it's crazy
00:46:35 You don't have enough food. You gotta clean out the cage when he was just right
00:46:38 and I was
00:46:40 Answering him and defending my position and what I was doing and all of that and finally some guy leaned over and said
00:46:46 Don't answer him. He's not interested in any of this. He's just
00:46:49 He's just messing with you
00:46:51 Big lesson, right?
00:46:55 Why am I defending?
00:46:56 Because and it was because I shouldn't mention the guy was like obviously crazy and kind of homeless and smelled and right
00:47:00 so he's just there to troll and frustrate a little kid and
00:47:05 To publicly humiliate me because he was a nasty little piece of shit, right?
00:47:10 So and he's like what don't don't and people were giving me piteous looks like why are you?
00:47:16 Why are you debating with a crazy guy?
00:47:18 I was one of the biggest I remember this so vividly. I remember what he looked like
00:47:24 You
00:47:26 So many years ago 46 45 years ago
00:47:31 And everyone's like why and it seems so obvious to everyone else and it wasn't me because of course I grew up with the crazy
00:47:40 Troll right? Yeah more than one in fact, but
00:47:42 Well, why am I debating with the guy doesn't care about the birds?
00:47:46 He doesn't like and I looked and I was like, yes, of course. This guy doesn't even bathe
00:47:50 He doesn't have a home like why would he care about a bird? He doesn't even care about himself
00:47:53 You
00:47:55 If we could only see what Charles looked like but we can
00:48:00 We can thank you for the tip. I appreciate that first tip of the night
00:48:05 In in locals if you could help out I'd appreciate that you can just tip on the app. Come on. This is great stuff
00:48:11 I know I know how important it is. I know how helpful it is
00:48:13 But there is
00:48:16 You give people
00:48:18 Something obvious to find out if they can admit that they're wrong
00:48:22 You don't debate with people who can't admit that they're wrong unless it's a public debate, right?
00:48:27 Like I debate publicly it wasn't like I was going to change the mind of any of the communists or determinists that I debated but
00:48:32 It's there for other people to see so it's a little different. It's a public debate, but don't you give people?
00:48:38 Can you accept this right?
00:48:39 Can you accept this right?
00:48:41 People get mad about IQ and I'd say look I've interviewed
00:48:46 18 world-renowned experts on the field of intelligence
00:48:51 So here and if they continue debating it's like no
00:48:55 I I just I just gave you the facts if you're not willing to address them
00:48:58 Why would I talk to you?
00:49:01 They're there to make reason look helpless paralyzed frustrating and pointless
00:49:10 Don't debate with crazy people
00:49:19 And the way you find out is you give them something small and see if they have the capacity to change their minds
00:49:26 Very very few people have the capacity to change their minds based on reason and evidence
00:49:34 It's incredibly rare and yet we wander around as do I sometimes right we wander around
00:49:39 Bleating like lost little lambs and lost little sheep trying to reason with everyone
00:49:47 Which says that we are rejecting the evidence that very few people I'm sure that I don't know if they've been studies
00:49:53 Maybe they have been but I did a whole presentation on this called the death of reason many years ago, which you should
00:49:57 Check out if you haven't seen it. It's incredibly important
00:50:01 But people they don't vast majority people have no intention of changing their minds. They're called right fighters
00:50:07 They just they just fight to be in the right doesn't matter what the facts are. They won't surrender. They won't back down
00:50:12 They won't reason they won't think they won't accept evidence. They won't process data. They won't do any of that
00:50:18 Thank you for the tip they won't do any of that they're not interested
00:50:23 They're there to be right. They're there to show off. They're there to be dominant. They're there to win
00:50:28 No matter what expense of their culture or their society
00:50:32 And that's most people
00:50:39 You
00:50:41 And we know that we know that
00:50:45 We know that growing up. We know that in school. We know that when we corrected our teachers
00:50:48 We know that when we debated with their families, we know that so why don't we live like we know that?
00:50:53 Because we keep getting drawn into this public spectacle of reason is futile reason is futile reason is futile
00:50:58 If I had a state in politics, I could have destroyed the reputation of reason for a generation or two
00:51:05 Wow talk about that another time I'm sure that don't need to I'm sure that's pretty obvious and pretty evident
00:51:11 Debating with crazy people is like wriggling in quicksand. No, but it's worth it's worse than that because
00:51:19 It's showing that reason
00:51:23 Denies reality. So we thought you got to accept reality. You got to accept the truth
00:51:27 Okay, but the truth is that few people surrender to reason and facts
00:51:31 So we're saying it's it's a public display of rank hypocrisy. It's a public display of rank hypocrisy
00:51:37 Because we say well you got to know the truth. You got to think you got a reason you got to be empirical and yet
00:51:42 We keep debating with people who have no interest in reason and evidence. So where's our empiricism? Where's our facts based?
00:51:49 It's a way of saying it's a way of saying
00:51:51 That the reasonable quote reasonable people are crazier than the crazy people
00:51:57 because the crazy people don't have this whole reason and empiricism thing the fact-based thing and
00:52:01 the rational guy
00:52:04 Who claims to be empirical?
00:52:06 Doesn't even seem to notice
00:52:08 Doesn't even seem to notice
00:52:11 That the person he's debating is anti-rational
00:52:16 Right
00:52:22 If you saw a top the guy he says I'm a top gymnastics coach, I'm fantastic at gymnastics coaching
00:52:30 I'm ready to take any athlete in
00:52:33 Gymnastics all the way to the Olympics Olympic gold baby, and then he kept encouraging a
00:52:41 Guy in a wheelchair permanently in a wheelchair
00:52:44 You know paralyzed from the neck down
00:52:48 You got to get into
00:52:51 Gymnastics man. I want to be a gymnastics coach together. We can go all the way to the gold
00:52:55 Right
00:52:59 You would look at that gymnastics coach and you'd say well that guy's crazy
00:53:02 He's a gymnastics coach. Who's trying to get Christopher Reeve
00:53:06 Post-horse accident to be an Olympic gold medalist. What is the matter with this guy?
00:53:12 Like I want to coach you into reason and evidence and I I'm really into facts reason and evidence
00:53:20 Empiricism and it's like you don't even notice this guy's in a wheelchair. He's got no functional
00:53:24 Observing ego no higher standards. No reason no, right
00:53:27 If you want to show the power of reason and empiricism
00:53:37 You test whether people can change their minds before you engage in debates with them
00:53:45 Right, don't you test whether people can change their have the capacity knowing that most people don't at all have the capacity or the willingness
00:53:52 To change their minds wouldn't you test that?
00:53:54 Yeah, the show is
00:53:58 3055 the show is
00:54:01 3055 the death of reason from gosh, when was that? That was a ways back yet 2015. So nine years ago
00:54:07 Almost right nine years ago
00:54:10 Hit me with
00:54:16 A
00:54:18 Why if
00:54:21 You have accepted this you test people's capacity to change their minds and refuse to engage with people who don't listen to reason
00:54:28 Do you test whether people can listen to reason and refuse to engage with people who don't listen to reason hit me with a why?
00:54:34 If you got this show of mine from nine years ago
00:54:37 right
00:54:40 And have accepted the facts
00:54:43 You
00:54:45 Have you
00:54:48 Become rational about most people's anti rationality
00:54:53 Have you become empirical at the fact that most people reject empiricism?
00:54:58 Have you deeply absorbed and thought about the reality that few people
00:55:03 Deeply absorb and think about anything. I refuse to engage if they don't listen. Yeah for sure
00:55:12 Now, of course we don't but you feel this compulsion to debate yeah, I gotta get in there and debate right
00:55:17 That's a kind of demonology is it kind of cocking your finger? So you run off a cliff and you discredit reason
00:55:22 See, they can't discredit reason by reasoning with you because you're better at it
00:55:26 And they can't discredit reason by providing counter evidence because you're an empiricist and you have the facts, right?
00:55:31 So, how do they discredit reason they lure you into fighting with them
00:55:36 Which
00:55:41 Completely destroys
00:55:43 Anybody's respect for your reason and empiricism
00:55:47 because everyone else
00:55:50 Everyone else can see that this person can't be reasoned with and you're trying to reason with them
00:55:55 Which means you're not rational you see they win either way
00:55:57 You understand that's the way they win if they can't deplatform you they'll try and troll you into
00:56:03 Banging your head against the wall saying I'm clear-headed
00:56:07 I'm factual. I'm rational, right?
00:56:10 You
00:56:12 So I just wanted to
00:56:16 Point that out
00:56:18 This show helps a lot Dale Carnegie's books helped a lot to how to win friends and influence people
00:56:23 All right
00:56:27 They didn't know he was a philosopher
00:56:29 But yeah, if you accept reason and evidence accept reason evidence, it's a tautology, but it's really really important
00:56:36 If you're gonna accept reason and evidence, the first thing you need to accept is almost everybody rejects reason and evidence
00:56:41 That's I mean if you can't accept that don't call yourself rational and if you can't call if you can't accept that don't call yourself
00:56:48 empirical
00:56:50 The other people can't admit that they're wrong
00:56:54 well, yes, and you can't admit that most people can't admit that they're wrong so you fight with everyone and
00:57:02 Lose all the time and it's not just you who loses this is why the quicksand analogy is not complete here in quicksand
00:57:07 You just you're the one who but you're discrediting reason for everyone
00:57:10 You discredit reason for everyone because everyone sees you fighting and they see the anti-rational person winning
00:57:18 Funny game the only way to win is not to play that's what people said to me when I had my thrush on the bus
00:57:28 going downtown
00:57:31 When I was 11 in
00:57:33 1977
00:57:37 Often people send you the evidence you sent them 20 years ago climate change forgetting it was you who told them
00:57:43 Then when we have our next debate, they'll say oh, this is your new climate change
00:57:47 Even though you were validated about that. Oh
00:57:50 This is your new climate change. Don't get that unbelievable. Well, why is it unbelievable?
00:57:54 It's not unbelievable stop unbelieving that which is completely obvious and truthful and factual and empirical and proven
00:58:01 All throughout history all across the world
00:58:03 Unbelievable. Is there still gravity today?
00:58:06 Unbelievable, it's not unbelievable. What do you mean? It's unbelievable. It's totally believable live it accept it believe it
00:58:13 be empirical
00:58:17 Yeah, it helped me to accept people's biases
00:58:20 Without kicking over their beehive too much accepted their bias is their own emotion
00:58:26 No interest in the truth
00:58:29 They are vessels by which anti rationality and anti rationality reproduces itself
00:58:33 Can you believe that the left was hypocritical? Yeah
00:58:37 Hypocrisy is not a bug. It's a feature of power
00:58:41 The King can be hypocritical and nobody can call him out. That's how you know, he's powerful. I
00:58:45 Mean the the police can lie to you you can't lie to the police. It's a function of power, right? I
00:58:52 Can't believe that people who thirst for power
00:58:58 Use power I
00:59:00 Can't believe that people who really want drugs actually take those drugs
00:59:04 Unbelievable, right? No, it's not
00:59:07 Yeah, so stop it this unbelievable. That's a form of chest thumping pomposity. Sorry to be annoying, but it's fact right stop saying unbelievable
00:59:13 about the utterly predictable
00:59:16 Can you believe this guy eats 4,000 calories a day? He doesn't exercise and he keeps gaining weight unbelievable
00:59:22 It's not unbelievable. It's actually inevitable
00:59:27 Stop saying unbelievable to things that are entirely predictable
00:59:30 The Sun rose again this morning unbelievable
00:59:34 No, it's not
00:59:38 No, it's not Dems are the real racist unbelievable so hypocritical I think no it's not
00:59:45 Maybe it's us who are wrong being right ten years in advance
00:59:51 Well, I mean this is kind of what I got tired of was just being right about so much
00:59:55 But so far ahead that you're called evil or crazy or insane and then everybody like completely accepts that right?
01:00:01 Later and they never circle back and say gosh you were right. I'm so sorry for all the errors to your back
01:00:06 Like all the conversations that are happening now in the world were things that I was talking about
01:00:10 15 years ago
01:00:13 Just you just get tired of
01:00:15 being out front all the time and
01:00:17 it's it's one thing if you're out front and you get some praise for being innovative and some respect and recognition, but
01:00:25 You know, you don't get that right you get attacked and backstabbed and betrayed and right
01:00:30 And
01:00:35 Then they just accept what you said later on without ever circling back and thanking you I
01:00:45 Didn't watch your death of reason but got there on my own during
01:00:52 Covid yes, look forward to watching it. Yeah, it's really um, it really is it really is important. It really is important
01:00:59 Yeah, though. So for instance, you know, let me just get after our podcasts
01:01:04 Yeah podcast calm. Alright, so people were kind of shocked that the FDA appeared to be somewhat corrupt, right?
01:01:12 So 12 years ago, I did a show with dr. Mary Reward
01:01:22 For massage, so the show I did
01:01:24 A doctor's view of Obamacare there was that one
01:01:30 I also did
01:01:33 This is 2009. I so 15 years ago right 2009 15 years ago. I
01:01:40 Did an interview?
01:01:43 On the corruption of the FDA with dr. Mary Reward like 15 years ago
01:01:51 So how much were my listeners prepared for covered and corruption
01:01:55 15 years ago
01:01:58 People are like I can't believe that
01:02:01 The gatekeepers appear to be slightly corrupt like this 15 years ago, November 7th, 2009
01:02:08 The show's number is 1504
01:02:16 People are like, oh my god the FDA appears to be slightly
01:02:20 Compromised
01:02:24 15 years ago. I
01:02:26 Mean geez, what's the point?
01:02:29 Steph do you know the painter Arthur Kwan Lee?
01:02:37 He said in a recent podcast that you are way ahead of the curve and red-pilled many people
01:02:41 He called you a good man, but wished you were not an atheist. Well, if it's any consolation, I wish I wasn't an atheist either
01:02:46 I would like very much to be religious. I would very much like to
01:02:50 Accept Jesus and God and all of the things that I grew up with I would be
01:02:57 Very happy to not be an atheist but
01:03:05 Philosophy is not about what makes you happy. It's about what is true and
01:03:09 The more true it is in general at least in the short run the less happy you're going to be so
01:03:15 I I share his wish I share his wish if I had some objectively verifiable religious experience tomorrow
01:03:22 I would come out of it with a spring in my step and a smile in my heart
01:03:25 Because it would mean I would get to spend the rest of eternity with my wife and daughter over time
01:03:29 It would mean that I would get to live forever. It would mean that there was a force
01:03:34 Up there and out there looking out for me. It would mean that I would have access to divine wisdom
01:03:40 It would be a glorious and beautiful and wonderful thing to be religious and I very much envy the people in a way who can
01:03:47 believe it but I
01:03:49 have tied myself to the raft of philosophy and
01:03:51 sometimes I get to steer it and sometimes we just go down a waterfall together and I cross my fingers and
01:03:57 It is you know, there was a lot of a lot of Christian scientists
01:04:03 felt that by studying physics and by studying biology, they were studying the mind of God and
01:04:10 To the degree to which I have managed to prove
01:04:12 rational secular ethics that happened to accord with the rules of God thou shalt not steal thou shalt not kill
01:04:20 Thou shalt not assault thou shalt not
01:04:24 rape
01:04:27 the degree to which
01:04:29 UPB coincides with the rules of just about every major religion is because I have resisted God in the realm of ethics
01:04:36 I've been able to prove the ethics that God commanded
01:04:39 Will you go see the Eclipse Monday? No, I don't I don't see why I don't see why I would I mean
01:04:44 You have to watch it through a box in the shadow and I just watch it on TV
01:04:47 I don't I mean I remember there was an eclipse when I was a kid in Canada
01:04:50 The school got dark and then it got bright again and it's like yeah, although it's interesting that what was revelations
01:04:56 The sea shall turn red. I think that happened last year. There will be an earthquake and then there will be an eclipse
01:05:02 And there was an earthquake
01:05:04 Recently well, there was one in Taiwan and wasn't that one today in New York State or something and and there'll be an eclipse
01:05:09 So, oh, well
01:05:11 Hope there's still time to convert
01:05:14 If it turns out to be the case, hey, you know, I'm an empiricist. We'll see what happens
01:05:18 All right, well listen I said I'll do a short show and so I have so I really really do want to thank you for
01:05:25 Coming by tonight. We'll do a longer show. Of course Sunday 11 a.m
01:05:28 Eastern Standard Time. We'll have a nice
01:05:32 Do you pray or meditate?
01:05:34 I wouldn't say that I formally meditate
01:05:36 But I do lie back and think both in the morning and the eve in the evening. I spend at least half an hour
01:05:42 Lying in a comfortable position thinking about my day thinking about the world thinking about my intention thinking about my purpose
01:05:50 Global demographic collapse I
01:05:57 Am this weird thing about low birth rates just completely puzzling to me
01:06:00 I don't I don't get it at all
01:06:01 But there's absolutely nothing wrong with low birth rates
01:06:03 Especially with AI and automation and robots and so it's nothing there's nothing wrong with low birth rates
01:06:07 People freaking out the only reason that low birth rates are a freak out to people is because of democracy and being out
01:06:12 Bread and therefore outvoted by other groups. So
01:06:16 Mr. Show just showed up busy day. I'm sorry about that. It's him from you know, it's a good show. We'll well, of course put it out
01:06:23 tonight for the donors, but
01:06:26 Yeah, thanks everyone
01:06:27 If there's any last tips you'd like to drop in you can do it here on the app on rumble on locals on D live
01:06:32 You can do it at free domain comm slash donate would be lovely lovely lovely to get your help
01:06:38 Remember, we've got actually we just got another guy to do some work for us
01:06:42 Which I think will be very helpful and very positive if you're enjoying the new clips
01:06:45 Please let Jared know we're
01:06:48 testing out
01:06:50 extracting little bits here like 50 seconds 45 seconds and 90 seconds maybe from shows and
01:06:55 making them jazzy and snazzy and
01:06:58 Cellphone friendly with text and all of that. So if you are finding those helpful or interesting, please let us know
01:07:05 Thank you so much says Jared so much to everyone who tipped again and a regular supporters
01:07:12 It's wonderful to work for the show and you
01:07:14 Interesting. Thank you. I find meditation or deep thought to be so helpful in many ways
01:07:19 Yeah, I'm not trying to get to a state of mindlessness or blankness or Nirvana. I'm trying to think
01:07:24 very deeply and purposefully about
01:07:26 What I'm trying to do because what I'm trying to do is so much against what is that I need to check in
01:07:33 with some sort of universal phenomenon of
01:07:36 philosophy and principles in order to have the resolution to continue to swim against the current in
01:07:42 Such a fashion. All right. Thank you everyone so much. Have yourselves a glorious and wonderful evening
01:07:49 And I will talk to you guys Sunday. Thank you again for your support
01:07:52 If you're listening to this later, of course read a man comm slash donate and you get access
01:07:56 Steph what AI is back up and running where you can query me in whatever native language you choose and I will almost certainly
01:08:01 Respond and it's a very very good. It's been trained on a whole bunch of podcasts whole bunch of books and all that kind of stuff
01:08:07 as well
01:08:08 What are your thoughts on Jay Dyer? Would you debate him again? Um, I'm
01:08:12 Not sure. I mean
01:08:15 I'm not sure that people will you know, I'll ask this question another time. Maybe we'll talk about this Sunday
01:08:20 I am getting invites to go on bigger shows again, and I'm still half and half about that
01:08:24 But we can talk about that on Sunday
01:08:25 I get your feedback on that because I'm brilliant enjoying what it is that we're doing here and I'm the cost-benefit doesn't really seem to
01:08:32 Be worth it to me. But if you have any thoughts, we'll talk about that on Sunday
01:08:36 Maybe we'll make the second half donor only on Sunday. All right. Thanks everyone. Lots of love. Take care. Have a wonderful wonderful evening
01:08:43 I'll talk to you soon. Bye
01:08:45 You
01:08:47 You
01:08:49 [BLANK_AUDIO]