Mondelēz International Italia, un modello virtuoso per un’agricoltura che coniuga profitti e valori

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Anche il business può essere sostenibile, conciliando profitto e valori. È il caso di Mondelēz International Italia che ha presentato a Roma presso Palazzo Ripetta i risultati dello studio “Il Gruppo Mondelēz International in Italia: impatto economico e sociale”, realizzato da Ref Ricerche.

Con i suoi due impianti produttivi in Piemonte, Gruppo Mondelēz International ha generato un valore aggiunto per l’Italia di 514 milioni di euro, con un impatto occupazionale di 6.772 posti di lavoro. Ma il Gruppo ha ottenuto grandi risultati anche nella parità di genere nel benessere su lavoro.
00:00 [Italian]
00:04 Business can also be sustainable by reconciling profits and values.
00:07 It is the case of Mondelēz International in Italy, which today presented in Rome,
00:11 near Palazzo Ripetta, the results of the study "The Mondelēz International Group in Italy,
00:16 economic and social impact", carried out by the Ref Ricerche.
00:19 The event was attended by the Senator Giorgio Maria Bergesio,
00:23 Vice President of the 9th Commission of Industry, Commerce and Tourism and Agriculture of the Senate,
00:29 who, intervening, underlined the commitment that the Government is carrying out
00:33 to protect a sector and its operators from the vision of the Comparto that is Europe.
00:37 And there are impressive numbers, those of the Mondelēz International Group in Italy.
00:41 In Piedmont, where the two production sites of the company are located,
00:45 the leader in the food industry, generated in 2022 an added value of 96 million euros,
00:51 with an occupational impact of 1,359 jobs.
00:56 In Italy, the impact translates into 514 million euros and 6,772 jobs,
01:01 867 in direct, 5,905 in indirect.
01:06 It has become fundamental to include the social and environmental aspects.
01:12 Certainly, Mondelēz in Italy has a relevant impact on the territory and how we contribute to the economy.
01:18 We have about 870 employees, but the induction of the people we touch
01:25 and our activity is close to 7,000 people.
01:28 In the last ten years, the company has invested 62.1 million euros
01:32 for the development of its Italian production facilities in quality, security, innovation and sustainability.
01:38 A commitment that rhymes with sustainability and society.
01:42 On the one hand, by intervening on the most important food chains, grain, milk and cocoa,
01:47 so that they all become from a sustainable agricultural model.
01:51 On the other hand, to ensure that by 2025 100% of their packaging is designed to be recycled.
01:57 As for grain, which is the main raw material of our biscuits,
02:02 we have a sustainable agriculture program called Harmony.
02:06 At the end of 2022, 98% of the grain needed for our biscuits in Europe
02:14 came from sustainable agriculture.
02:18 Mondelēz International Italy has been ranked among the top 10 companies
02:22 with more than 500 employees in the Best Workplace Italy 2024 ranking of Great Place to Work
02:28 and has obtained the gender parity conformity certification,
02:32 which translates into 46% of women in the Italy Leadership Team.
02:37 Some data that we are proud to share today are those regarding our executive leadership,
02:45 where 46% is made up of female colleagues,
02:48 51% of the middle management roles are also represented by women,
02:53 and this parity allows the organization to move from the phase of hiring to the phase of joining.
03:00 The company then launched a new approach to work based on flexibility and trust,
03:05 introducing the short week and supporting the shared parenting,
03:10 to the point of recognizing an extra two-week leave for my dad, for a total of four weeks.
