• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Quello del 2024 è un salone di rilancio, che consentirà di mantenere la leadership di Genova e dell'Italia nel settore della nautica da diporto e rilanciare l'immagine del nostro Paese all'estero. Sono le parole di Edoardo Rixi, viceministro delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, in occasione della conferenza stampa di presentazione del 64° Salone Nautico Internazionale in programma a Genova dal 19 al 24 settembre.


00:00It will be a great nautical show, you will be able to see the progress made on the waterfront and it will be a relaunch show.
00:16I think it will be a show that will allow to keep the leadership of Genoa and Italy in the nautical sector and to relaunch the image of our foreign country.
00:28I think it will be a growing show compared to last year and a show that will allow this city, this region,
00:38we hope, at least during the exhibition of the show, to go and discuss the issues of the economy,
00:46on issues of the relaunch of the country's industrial system, especially the system of tourism and nautical,
00:52which this year has given absolutely interesting figures at the international level,
00:57of which Genoa is once again one of the world's top strategists.
