不像火箭什么都不做 魏家祥:马华没功劳也有苦劳!

  • 5 months ago
八点最热报 | 马华总会长魏家祥今天以不点名的方式,在面子书发视频反击。他强调马华从不邀功,但没有功劳也有苦劳,不能接受“数十年来毫无贡献或一文不值”的侮辱和指责!(主播:蔡心慧)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 Although Ma Hua and the Action Party are now under the same roof of the United Government,
00:09 they are not on good terms.
00:11 The two parties occasionally play the game of air-tight confrontation.
00:15 The former Secretary-General of the Action Party, Lu Zhaofu,
00:17 was a guest on the morning show "Gelasgov's General"
00:19 when he was a guest on the morning show "Gelasgov's General",
00:21 he said he did not hate Guo Zhen,
00:23 he just did not like Ma Hua.
00:25 He said that the public generally thinks
00:27 Ma Hua is a party dog,
00:30 only takes care of people with money and status,
00:33 but ignores the interests of the people, especially the Chinese.
00:36 A week after the incident,
00:38 Ma Hua's Chairman, Wei Jiaxiang,
00:39 today, in an unnamed way,
00:41 sent a video to counterattack in the Facebook group.
00:43 He emphasized that Ma Hua never asked for credit,
00:46 but there is no credit, but there is also hard work.
00:49 He cannot accept that he has not contributed or been worthless for decades,
00:53 so casually accusing and insulting.
00:55 Wei Jiaxiang said, "Since independence,
00:58 the most important mission of Ma Hua
01:00 is to be a "Kinshan Ambassador"
01:02 and actively promote harmonious relations between the ethnic groups."
01:05 In addition, Wei Jiaxiang also noted
01:07 the contributions of Ma Hua in education,
01:09 medical care, and business,
01:11 including training talents for the country,
01:13 and helping young people to start a business, etc.
01:15 At the beginning of the video,
01:17 Wei Jiaxiang also made a "Macao-China history"
01:19 and emphasized that the Ma Hua Association
01:21 has been designated as a "non-pro-government" party since its founding.
01:25 Ma Hua is not a party boss.
01:28 Ma Hua's Chairman, Wei Jiaxiang,
01:30 posted a video on social media yesterday
01:32 in an unnamed way
01:34 to counterattack the "pro-government" argument
01:36 proposed by Rocket Secretary Lu Zhaofu.
01:38 He emphasized that although the Chairman of the Ma Hua Association,
01:41 Chen Zhenlu, came from a business association,
01:43 he has been leading Ma Hua,
01:45 but has been fighting for a new life in China.
01:47 The civil rights he fought for during the founding of the country
01:50 was not for the sake of the businessmen and their children,
01:53 but for the sake of the people of Malaysia.
01:56 At that moment, Ma Hua was not designated as a "non-pro-government" party.
01:59 The leader was a business association leader,
02:03 but the entire struggle was peaceful.
02:06 My best example is that my parents are all workers.
02:12 As the Chairman, if I were a "non-pro-government" party,
02:15 I would have the opportunity to become the Chairman.
02:17 And as the Secretary-General, as far as I know,
02:20 his father might be a newspaper reporter.
02:23 Wei Jiaxiang also criticized the Action Party in the video,
02:26 accusing Ma Hua of not seeing his own shortcomings.
02:29 In the early days, Rocket proposed that Malaysians
02:32 should be fair and abolish the "anti-nationalism" policy.
02:35 Ma Hua was regarded as a failure because it could not be implemented.
02:38 But now the Action Party has become the government,
02:40 and it cannot keep its promises.
02:43 What's more serious is what they accuse us of.
02:46 They say Ma Hua and Wu Tong are "in the same boat".
02:50 Wu Tong is responsible for corruption and corruption.
02:53 This is what they say.
02:55 The entire ethnic issue was caused by Wu Tong.
02:58 Ma Hua was regarded as a "younger brother" who could not do anything
03:01 and could not govern.
03:03 So Ma Hua has no ability to govern Wu Tong.
03:06 So they accuse Ma Hua of being a failure.
03:10 Today, we are in the same boat.
03:13 Is there another drama?
03:16 It depends on who sang the song.
03:18 "Hui, Hui, Hui."
03:20 What happened to Hui? Where did he go?
03:23 Wei Jiaxiang emphasized that Ma Hua did not need to be credited.
03:26 But he could not let people accuse him.
03:29 He has not contributed in decades.
03:32 He opposed the Action Party.
03:34 In order to oppose,
03:35 they would sing the anti-nationalism song
03:37 as long as it was Ma Hua's policy.
03:39 But politics is about benefiting the people.
03:41 Some universal values must be maintained.
03:44 Ma Hua did not contribute, but he did suffer.
03:47 He could not be regarded with an insult.
03:50 Can you continue?
03:51 Ma Hua continues to do the right thing.
03:53 Today, you accuse us of being worthless.
03:56 You say we did not do anything.
03:58 I believe that the people's eyes are bright.
04:01 So please do not look at me with such an insult.
04:05 We did not contribute, but we did suffer.
04:08 We did not do anything.
04:12 The End
04:15 The End
04:18 The End
