• il y a 6 mois
00:00 Hey family Pasidarius here we are man
00:03 Well, this is the second message in a series of messages on discernment. It's called red flags and in this message
00:10 We're using the biblical character Saul in the Old Testament as a case study for
00:16 Toxic behavior. I want you to be able to identify
00:20 Some of these traits in Saul and then I know I want you to be able to make adjustments
00:25 Accordingly, I think this message is gonna help you do that. I always have one ask I unashamedly haven't asked
00:30 Unapologetically haven't asked because the Bible says freely you give freely you should receive if this message blesses you would you please
00:39 Send it to somebody else. Maybe that God puts on your heart that it may bless
00:43 Also, we want to help as many people as possible. I can't do that without your help. Take care
00:47 God bless and so we're in a series where we're exploring this biblical theme called discernment and
00:54 The series is called red flags
00:56 and last week I did part one of a message called six traits of toxic people and
01:02 This is important being able to identify
01:05 This is important because you need to be aware of these when you see these it should be a red flag
01:10 If it's a business partnership
01:12 If it's somebody that's hiring you if it's somebody you're hiring if it's somebody you're going into business with if it's a friendship
01:18 If it's definitely for somebody you're about to marry
01:21 Right
01:23 Okay, so so we identified three traits on last week we're going to conclude
01:30 Concluded on this week, but we're going to use a biblical character in the Old Testament named Saul last week
01:36 We explored three traits from a biblical character named Judas
01:40 This week we're going to explore three more traits in a biblical character named Saul
01:45 So in 1st Samuel chapter number 18 verse number 5 it says this whatever mission Saul sent him on
01:52 David was so successful that Saul gave him a high rank in the army
01:58 This pleased all the troops and Saul's officers as well
02:03 And when the men were returning home after David killed the Philistine
02:06 The women came out from all the towns of Israel to meet King Saul with singing and dancing
02:11 with joyful songs and with timbrels and lyres and as they danced they sang Saul has slain his thousands and
02:18 David his tens of thousands
02:23 Saul was very angry this refrain displeased him greatly
02:28 They have credited David with tens of thousands. He thought but me with only thousands
02:33 Insecurity will make you minimize your accomplishments
02:40 One more can he get but the kingdom and from that time on Saul
02:46 Kept a close eye on David
02:48 Watch this. It don't take long the next day an evil spirit
02:53 Came forcefully on Saul. He was prophesying in his house
02:57 While David was playing the liar as he usually did Saul had a spear in his hand and he hurled it
03:04 Saying to himself I'll pin David to the wall
03:08 But David eluded him twice
03:11 And so today we're gonna
03:16 Explore and unpack part two of six traits of toxic people if you expect God to speak to you today
03:22 Come on, clap your hands if you expect to hear from him
03:25 Ladies and gentlemen, it's the 1130
03:32 It's it's the 1130
03:38 So so let's not waste any time with unnecessary preaching preliminaries
03:44 That this season of your life is too critical is too crucial is too
03:50 consequential
03:52 For us to not get right to the primary point of this preaching presentation
03:57 Here it is. The course and the quality of our life is not just determined by who we are or what we have
04:07 It's equally impacted by who we with
04:09 Somebody just talk back to the preacher and say who you with
04:15 In other words your company affects your calling
04:20 people can affect your peace and
04:23 Individuals can interfere with your assignment. I
04:27 can say this with confidence because of an
04:31 Observation that a sage named Solomon made that he put in the book of a Bible called Proverbs and in Proverbs 13 20
04:39 Solomon says these words walk with the wise and
04:43 become wise
04:45 For a companion of fools suffers harm
04:48 Listen to what he says in the first part of the truism and that is I become like who I walk with
04:54 Yeah, yeah you maybe you've heard it described this way culturally that my association
05:02 breeds assimilation
05:04 But then he says something else not only walk with the wise to become wise for a companion of fools suffers harm
05:09 So in other words, I don't have to be a fool to suffer harm. I
05:13 Just have to have fools as companions
05:16 and
05:19 For those who have difficulty
05:21 Embracing what Solomon is saying Paul confirms what Solomon says in the Old Testament in the New Testament
05:29 When Paul says in first Corinthians 15 33 do not be misled
05:34 Bad company
05:38 can corrupt
05:40 Good character in other words. There is no such thing as a neutral relationship
05:47 They are either making you better. Come on here 1130 or they are making you worse
05:54 They are an asset or a liability
05:57 It is addition or subtraction
06:00 Come on here. I'm either moving forward or you're pulling me backwards
06:07 But I believe that many of us have an attitude similar to the sons of Issachar who the Bible said
06:14 understood the times and
06:16 Knew what Israel ought to do and I believe I'm talking to some people that understand the time you in
06:23 Yeah, when some people look at their time
06:25 If somebody look at the watch and you and they ask or ask what time is it?
06:30 They're gonna say 1206 but for those of us who are discerning the season we in with somebody asked us
06:37 What time is it? We're gonna say it's my time
06:39 Well, I sense it
06:44 It's my time
06:46 Yeah, someone's gonna look at the calendar and say what season is it and they're gonna say it's spring season
06:53 But those of us who are like the sons of Issachar will discern and say it's my season to spring
06:59 I'm getting ready to spring in this season. I'm getting ready to advance in this season. I sense this is a pivotal
07:08 consequential catalytic season in my life
07:13 And
07:14 Just like I got to steward every other area of my life. I got a steward
07:20 this season
07:23 with wise
07:25 decisions
07:27 And if I'm serious about this sentiment then I'm going to be
07:34 Serious about upgrading my discernment because I can't make good decisions
07:40 Without good discernment why pastor because things are not always what they look like
07:47 So I need more than common sense I need more than street smarts
07:55 I need more than paranoia that comes from pain or cynicism that comes from scars. I need God
08:02 To help me see beyond what my natural eyes can see come on help me here
08:07 I need God to help me see what they not showing me
08:12 I'm trying not to run. It's too early. I need God to help me hear what they not saying I
08:18 Need I need
08:22 Discernment am I talking to anybody to just sense you in a sensitive season?
08:26 That the people you picking for your team gotta be the right people and the people you're bringing in your life
08:32 Gotta be the right people and the people you dating in this season gotta be the right people
08:38 I
08:40 Need discernment
08:44 Because because I need the God-given ability
08:47 That's biblical discernment to assess the true nature of an individual or an opportunity so that I can govern myself
08:53 Accordingly, I need discernment because I know there is no such thing as a perfect
08:59 relationship or a perfect business partnership or a perfect friendship
09:05 But there's a difference between imperfect and toxic
09:09 And
09:15 Sometimes they swim in the same stream
09:18 So I need discernment
09:20 To help me see the difference because things are not always what they look like and the text that we just read here in
09:28 First Samuel chapter 18 is an incredible example of this
09:34 first Samuel 18
09:36 Exposes us to a season in David's life after he defeats Goliath now. I don't really have time
09:43 To lean into this the way I like to lean into I don't have time to bother this
09:49 the way that I like to bother this because see
09:54 The fact that David starts dealing with this with Saul in chapter 18
10:00 Just after he dealt with Goliath in chapter 16 says to you. There's never a season where you're not fighting something
10:07 But thank God that God gives you your Goliath in chapter 16
10:15 Because after you've handled Goliath in 16, you're not even losing sleep over Saul in 18
10:22 Just high-five somebody and tell him I've been through worse
10:26 Yes, indeed
10:27 If you knew what the chapter 16 of my life looked like if you think I'm gonna survive everything
10:34 I survived and fall out and give up and throw in the towel now
10:39 Devil you should have got me before chapter 16
10:42 David has defeated Goliath
10:55 We see and the Bible says he is walking back to Jerusalem
11:00 With Goliath's head in his hand
11:04 Y'all better come get me. He's walking back with his head in his hand
11:10 Why because once he knocked Goliath down the Bible says he goes to Goliath and he?
11:17 Takes Goliath sword and he uses it against Goliath. He takes what the enemy
11:24 Was about to use on him
11:26 he said I'm getting ready to use this on you and
11:30 Some of you need to step into a give me that attitude
11:35 Your Goliath is been trying to use the breakup against you been trying to use the heartbreak against you
11:42 But you need to say give me that and I'm gonna take what you use against me and I'm gonna turn this pain in the purpose
11:52 I'm gonna turn this agitation into an anointing
11:54 I'm gonna turn this suffering into a spiritual weapon of mass destruction
12:01 What the devil meant for evil God will use it for give me that
12:05 He took his sword and
12:12 Use what the enemy was gonna use on him on the enemy and he's walking back
12:17 With Goliath's head in his hand
12:20 He's
12:22 Got evidence of
12:25 What he's overcome
12:28 Every now and then
12:30 Y'all not talking to me every now and then you got to remember
12:35 the Goliath
12:38 That you've overcome
12:40 See, I don't know. I didn't see it. But if you allow me to use my sanctified imagination
12:44 He wasn't walking with his head down
12:47 He was walking with his head up
12:50 He's probably saying to himself I did that
12:52 Y'all aren't talking to me it wasn't arrogance it was awareness
13:00 He gave all the credit and all the glory to God
13:03 But every now and then you gotta pick up Goliath's head and say I survived that I survived that
13:11 I came through that I made it through that I got evidence that I'm a overcomer
13:18 It's in me it's in me it's in me it's in me it's in me it's in me it's in me
13:22 It's in me. He's in me. He's he's in me and greater is he that is in me than he that's in the world
13:30 Are y'all gonna help me preach over here?
13:33 So text says
13:42 text says I
13:45 Text says I want you to see what happens after he defeats Goliath. He defeats Goliath y'all not ready
13:52 Are y'all ready for this?
13:54 God uses him to defeat Goliath and then when Saul see how God starts using him now Saul start using him
14:02 Let me go over here I
14:14 Said
14:16 when Saul saw
14:18 How God was using him then Saul starts using him
14:22 Because your elevation
14:25 Makes you a candidate for exploitation
14:27 When you start winning now Saul starts getting interested
14:36 Am I making sense here
14:44 I said am I making sense?
14:46 Why cuz the text says we read it verse 5 give it to me guys give it to me
14:49 It says here that David that excuse me that whatever mission Saul sent him on
14:56 David see this is this is part of the narrative that's often overlooked after David defeats Goliath what happens?
15:03 The text says whatever mission Saul sent him on so Saul starts sending David on other missions
15:10 But
15:12 He's on did you did you see that?
15:17 Okay, he's only able to do that in verse 5 because of what happened in verse 2
15:22 Give me verse 2 guys
15:25 Cuz verse 2 reveals the seed of a toxic trait
15:29 From that day Saul kept David with him listen to the words and did not let him
15:40 Did
15:42 Let him return home to his family the text doesn't say he asked him to stay
15:48 Y'all miss this is
15:52 saying he didn't let him go and
15:55 During this time you've got you've got to be clear that that the Kings
15:59 Words were like edicts or laws that it wasn't you didn't get an opinion on the matter
16:07 Does that make sense? This is why when you read stories in the Bible, let's say like Bathsheba. You don't excuse
16:12 But you need to have a broader understanding of the circumstances surrounding her decision
16:18 Because most people that are judging people are judging without details
16:23 Y'all not talking to me
16:26 Because she had when the king called for her she had two options you come or you die
16:32 I
16:34 I'm not excusing but you have more empathy when you understand the details
16:42 So here's what you see you see a subtle abuse of authority
16:51 Okay, so it reveals a toxic trait that many people call imperfection
16:59 But it's toxic and it's a trait called manipulation
17:02 Mm-hmm. No, no
17:05 No, when I say the word don't assume that just because we're saying the same word we mean the same thing
17:11 Let me tell you what I mean when I say manipulation here it is. Here it is
17:17 Manipulation family is the use. I
17:20 Don't know if y'all can handle this. It's the use of flattery
17:27 Generosity, uh-oh or spirituality
17:31 To exploit someone's ignorance
17:36 Their weakness or their deficits so they can disarm them and control them
17:43 Flattery you so amazing
17:48 Nobody like you you so nice generosity. Let me give you
17:56 Something spirituality you you've been in my spirit
18:00 Here it is they say I've been praying for you PA PRA why Angie
18:14 Because they're setting you up to pray on you PR EY
18:24 Using spirituality to disarm you because they see ignorance they see something you don't know
18:32 They see an area you a weekend or they see a deficit that you have
18:39 Are y'all hearing what I'm saying and so Saul not letting David
18:49 Go back home
18:51 was an expression of
18:53 manipulation
18:54 because it's an attempt to control and
18:58 Whenever there's an attempt to control that is not activity that's prompted by God's Spirit
19:05 Because God influences not controls
19:09 Did you hear what I just said he won't even make you get saved
19:14 Did you hear what I just said
19:19 Yeah, so so so so whenever there's an attempt to control that isn't prompted by God's Spirit
19:26 That is prompted by another spirit that influence an Old Testament character named Jezebel
19:33 Whoo, so the spirit of Jezebel is the spirit that influenced Jezebel
19:40 So it's not Jezebel. That was the issue
19:44 It's the spirit that was influencing Jezebel and spirits don't have genders
19:50 Jezebel did but the spirit that influenced her didn't and the same one that influenced her to be
19:58 Manipulative is the same one that was influencing Saul
20:02 But the manipulation only works if there's ignorance if there's a weakness
20:14 or if there's a deficit and
20:16 David had a deficit that made him subject to manipulation
20:22 What was the deficit pastor? It was a daddy deficit
20:26 Come on here. All right, when you have a deficit and
20:41 Somebody gives you what's normal. It feels like they doing you a favor
20:45 When you've been disrespected so long then you meet somebody that respect you now respect feel like sweet
20:58 See see in first Samuel chapter 16 verse 10 the Bible says this this is what's happening
21:10 There's a kingmaker a person God picks that that he uses to pick Kings
21:16 They were called judges religious and civil leaders
21:19 Samuel was one of those judges
21:21 so that's why there's a book in the Bible called first Samuel and
21:24 Second Samuel and it details stuff that happened in the life and in the ministry of Samuels not just about Samuel
21:31 But about those that Samuel influenced and so the Bible says that God tells Samuel. Oh, he says listen
21:37 my next king
21:40 Is that a man named Jesse's house?
21:42 So Sam you go to Jesse's house and say God said I
21:47 Thought I was at a
21:51 Change church. I
21:53 Say Samuel
21:55 Goes to the house is that God said
21:57 Okay, I'm gonna try it one more time
22:01 Samuel walks up to the front door walks up to the porch rings the doorbell Jesse opens the door Samuel says God said
22:09 God said
22:11 There's a king in the house
22:15 so the text says
22:18 Jesse had seven of his sons passed before Samuel
22:23 Somebody say seven here's what shady he has eight sons
22:35 But he only called seven and the Bible says that that the Lord said to Samuel
22:43 The Samuel says to Jesse the Lord has not chosen these
22:47 So he asked Jesse are these all the sons you have?
22:51 Jesse said they're still the youngest but he's sending a sheep
22:55 Samuel says sin for him
22:58 We will not sit down
23:00 until he arrives
23:04 David is living in a house with a daddy
23:07 That doesn't even believe enough in him to give him the opportunity that he gave to the other sons
23:16 But the Bible says
23:21 Samuel said the Lord had not chosen these
23:26 seven people
23:29 Get to the opportunity first
23:32 Seven people put their application in first
23:35 seven people
23:38 audition first
23:40 seven people put in the bed first
23:43 Seven people have the interview first, but when God's got something for you
23:49 It doesn't matter who gets there first
23:53 He'll hold it in place until you get there. No, no, no, no, no, no. Yes
24:00 Yes
24:02 The text says
24:12 He is sending the sheep and Samuel said sin for him
24:16 God will make
24:19 the same person
24:21 That did not want you to be exposed to the opportunity
24:26 Have to escort you to the opportunity
24:30 Walk me to the office
24:32 That you didn't want me to have
24:34 Okay, I
24:47 Gotta show you something. We got to get out of here. I got to show you something. Uh, be seated, please
24:52 in first Samuel 18
24:54 Verse 11 says this
24:59 Saul hurled the spear verse 11 saying to himself. I'll pin David to the wall
25:06 But David alluded him twice
25:09 David alluding him twice makes sense to me now
25:12 Cuz of the daddy deficit see you throw a spear at me you don't get twice I
25:20 Mean I dodged a spear that's all I need is
25:27 Oh
25:29 It's like that
25:31 Why did he say he stayed because just because something is toxic doesn't mean it's all bad
25:44 It's ultimately bad, but it's not all bad because remember verse 5
25:53 David was so successful that Samuel promoted that Saul promoted him and gave him a high rank in the army
26:00 So he did something him his daddy never did
26:03 Did you hear what I just said
26:11 His dad never saw his greatness
26:17 He felt like Saul did
26:20 His dad didn't even want to expose him to opportunities
26:23 Saul did
26:26 so now David feels like
26:28 When Saul gives him what he actually earns
26:31 He's giving him something. He doesn't deserve
26:34 But verse 5 tells us what Saul gave him he earned
26:40 Because it says everywhere he sent him he was successful
26:44 But when you've been operating with a deficit
26:49 People will give you something that you actually earned and you'll be responding like they did you a favor
26:55 Are you hearing what I'm saying I said, are you hearing what I'm saying?
27:06 Therefore I'm praying in this Oh God. I got to go
27:11 I'm praying in this season that God gives us eagle eyes to see Saul's
27:17 those who will exploit
27:19 vulnerabilities that we don't even know we have
27:22 You need people in your life to support you in the area of your deficit not
27:27 Exploit you in the area of your deficit. Come on here
27:31 But I got to be able to see that imperfection
27:41 It's not manipulation manipulation is toxic, but this is not the only toxic trait Saul exhibits here's another one family
27:48 I want you to see what happens in 1st Samuel chapter 18 verse 6
27:51 It says when the men were returning home after David killed the Philistine the women came out from
27:56 From all the towns of Israel to meet King Saul was singing and dancing with joyful songs timbers and lies as they dance
28:02 they say Saul slain his thousands and
28:04 David his tens of thousands
28:07 Saul was a very angry
28:09 Saul was a very angry
28:16 Pastor what are you saying? What does this show us? It shows us that some toxic traits have triggers
28:27 This is why time does not allow you to see fruit
28:36 Seasons do
28:38 It's not how long you've known them is what seasons have you seen the man
28:47 whoo
28:50 Because you can't have known you can have known them for a long time
28:53 But you don't know how they operate in certain seasons. I need to see what come out of you when you under pressure
29:00 I need to see what come out of you when things don't go your way
29:04 I need to see how you respond. Come on
29:07 Some toxic traits have triggers and here's a trait that had a trigger
29:12 Here's a trait that had a trigger it is insecure competitiveness
29:17 Now not watch this it's what I call a hybrid trait I'm arguing it's not toxic until it becomes hybrid
29:26 because you can be insecure and that's imperfect, but it doesn't mean toxic and and
29:33 Competitiveness isn't always bad at all
29:35 Like it depends the extreme but competitiveness in and of itself isn't even bad
29:41 comparison is
29:44 Got me but when there's insecure competitiveness and that's on your team that's in your bed
29:54 That's in your life
29:59 Then that becomes toxic here it is insecure competitiveness is when a person's competitive drive is
30:06 Driven and significantly fueled by their unaddressed insecurities
30:12 They have a deep-seated sense of
30:16 inadequacy or insecurity that is combined with an intense desire to
30:21 Outperform or dominate others not purely for the sake of achievement, but as a means to validate their self-worth
30:28 It's
30:30 Like when you got this insecure competitiveness you end up competing with the wrong people
30:38 Why you competing with me
30:42 We supposed to be winning together
30:44 We on the same team all of us getting ready to eat. Why are you upset that I'm eating?
30:52 And
30:54 So this insecure competitiveness
31:00 produces what I call emotional erratic ism
31:03 It's like erratic. It's like one day you love me and then I got Bob. I got Bob
31:10 It's like you so hot and cold. I don't know what to do
31:13 I'm y'all not talking to me one day. You're blowing me up and then the next day you won't return my calls. What's what's the problem?
31:20 I
31:22 Don't know Ontario they ready to go
31:26 Here it is here it is text says this it says verse 10
31:35 Are y'all ready for this?
31:38 the next day an evil spirit
31:40 From God came for something on saw it doesn't mean God sent he's holy. So it doesn't mean God sent it means God allowed
31:49 Because whenever you refuse direction you forfeit protection
31:53 Every parent knows that does that make sense when you're telling a child? Hey, don't do this
32:01 They may think you're trying to control a life you to be you got a life. I got a life
32:07 Everybody got life, right?
32:09 But let's say if you're a parent you telling the child don't jump on a glass
32:12 Coffee table to a child it can feel like you're trying to restrict my freedom
32:17 When ultimately you're trying to preserve their protection
32:19 When ultimately you're trying to preserve their protection
32:25 Because if I tell you not to jump on a glass table
32:30 It's because I know it may not break on the first jump and it may not break on the second jump
32:37 But if you keep jumping the tables gonna break and when your feet need stitches
32:45 You're gonna have a way less freedom
32:47 You think I'm come on come on you're not trying to you're not trying to restrict their freedom you're trying to preserve their freedom
32:58 And when God's like yo, don't just just follow my direction
33:03 It's his way of saying you're gonna keep jumping on that table
33:06 And you're gonna say I cut you
33:09 the table did I
33:13 Got to go play that's it. You're gonna say I cut you the table cut you I
33:17 Knew inherent in the table was the capacity to harm you
33:23 So I gave you instruction not because I was gonna punish you the table does
33:27 So an evil spirit came on him he's prophesying
33:35 While David's playing the liar as he usually did he has a spear in his hand and then he throws the spear
33:42 So how you prophesy and doing some spiritual?
33:45 Then you throwing a spear at me doing some shady you erratic
33:53 But what happens is sometimes because they prophesy you excuse the spear
34:05 All
34:07 Right, I'm over time here it is number three here's something else I'm gonna show you it's a third trick
34:17 So so number one manipulation that's not imperfect. That's toxic
34:20 so when you're talking about a friendship a business partnership or a romantic relationship
34:25 If you keep playing with the fire of manipulative people
34:29 Get ready to be burned
34:32 and
34:34 Please don't blame God
34:36 Cuz you're hurting that change church
34:38 Number two when you see the red flag of
34:50 Insecure competitiveness, I mean I can't even testify without you testifying
34:59 You know God really blessed me this week you me to bless me wait up can I finish my syntax
35:05 Can I have this moment, please I will even give you a moment just give me mine
35:16 You can you can ignore that red flag, but if you keep playing with that fire you're gonna get burned
35:29 And then the final one is exploitive opportunism
35:33 Saul found out his daughter liked David and this man says give me the scripture guys
35:42 Saul says I'm gonna give my daughter to David so that she might be a snare to him so that the Philistine
35:50 found
35:52 You're going to exploit your own daughter over an opportunity
35:55 You should take now
35:58 When God give you an opportunity you should take advantage of it shouldn't you?
36:01 But you shouldn't exploit people
36:05 to get one and if you see
36:09 people throwing other people under the bus
36:12 For an opportunity and you think there's something so great about your character and
36:19 your anointing
36:22 That is never gonna happen to you. You are naive because their activity is
36:27 predicated on their character not yours
36:30 There's no amount of good you can be to an opportunist that changes them
36:37 And I gotta go
36:49 But too many of us are seeing these flags and
36:52 Because of like a warped view of spiritual now next week. I'm gonna tell you what to do with them
36:57 Cuz the Bible tells us not just what to look for but how to respond cuz some of y'all y'all cutoff game is too quick
37:04 You like one flag out over lose my number blocked
37:11 Period over sorry
37:17 You leaving in the middle of dates check, please
37:20 Ma'am I only brought the water out. That's all I need I know enough right now
37:25 We don't even need to make it to the salad um I know right now. This is never happening again
37:31 Let's go
37:45 So next next week we're gonna talk about three types of boundaries and and
37:50 And how you manage because there's some stuff this toxic you can't walk away from depending on the situation
37:56 So when there can't be a limitation, how can how can there be some limitation? I?
38:01 Want to walk you through that I had a had a guy say to him a person's nevermind
38:09 I'm just but I said too much already, but we'll talk about that next week
38:15 But many of you I want you to hear me you're in a season where you have to understand
38:20 That's stewarding your assignment your purpose, and I'm so big in the purpose because that's the only way you're gonna be fulfilled
38:26 There is no promotion that will fulfill you
38:29 It will see it'll be elusive. It's like man is what Tim Keller costs. It's like marrying um
38:34 Leah thinking you're getting Rachel
38:38 It's like I think this is gonna make me feel a certain way, and then when you get it is like a
38:43 because
38:45 Purpose is the only thing that fulfill you
38:48 The carrot keeps moving
38:50 Am I making sense?
38:52 So I keep talking about this because it's the only way you're gonna be fulfilled and content
38:56 And it's the only way you're gonna have the joy to Lord and be happy
38:58 So you stewarding your assignment means stewarding your soul
39:03 And here's what I believe God's dealing with us on
39:06 You can't have a whole soul if you keep letting people put holes in your soul
39:12 Can a wound heal if it keeps getting reopened
39:16 So at some point I gotta stop the bleeding
39:21 So I can become home
39:24 This is your season to stop the bleeding
39:27 Did you hear me
39:31 This is the season to move differently, and I'm praying that God gives us the grace to do that
39:38 Father open the eyes of our heart give us eyes like an eagle
39:44 That we could see
39:47 What natural eyes cannot see
39:50 In Jesus name
39:54 Amen if you're here today, and you've never
39:56 Been to a church
39:59 And you've never been to a church
