• last year
Day in the Life of a Student Nurse in the South Eastern Health Trust


00:00 Hi, my name is Genevieve Kibreigh. I'm a student nurse with Queen's University Belfast and
00:07 welcome to a day in the life of a student nurse. Firstly, I get to the hospital about
00:11 7 o'clock in the morning and here's me just walking in to listen to handover. First, I
00:18 did some clinical observations, then I had a bit of a break, then I did some blood glucose
00:22 monitoring. After this, I took a patient up to renal for dialysis. Then I returned to
00:28 the ward and obtained some blood samples from some of the patients. After this, I then prepared
00:36 some IVs alongside my mentor. There were some patients on the ward requiring some IV antibiotics,
00:44 so here we are just preparing that. Firstly, I mix up the antibiotic with some water and
00:53 then I then inject it into a saline bag. Then I just spike the bag and that's me just priming
01:11 the line and this should be then ready to administer to the patient. After this then,
01:17 I got some lunch, then after that I got the opportunity to go round to theatres with one
01:22 of the patients on the ward to watch gallbladder being removed. So that's me just throwing
01:27 out my scrubs. I then returned to the ward to do some clinical observations. Then there
01:31 was a patient on the ward requiring an iron infusion, so here I am just preparing that
01:36 with my mentor. Firstly, I draw the iron solution up into a syringe. Then I insert it into a
01:44 sodium chloride bag. Then here's me just priming the line which will then be ready to administer
02:00 to the patient. Following this, I then logged my hours on my night pad and that was me just
02:12 going home ready to do it all again tomorrow.
02:15 (upbeat music)
