• 6 months ago
Episod 503 My #QuranTime 2.0 Isnin 29 April 2024 Surah Al-An'am (6: 135-136) Halaman 145

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-An'am ayat 135-136 halaman 145 ini adalah:
* Ancaman tentang akibat bagi setiap kesyirikan dan kezaliman di dunia (135)
* Kesesatan dan pendustaan orang-orang Musyrik (136)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 135-136 halaman 145:
* Saling memperingatkan sesama manusia tentang kebaikan (135)
* Sabar dan ikhlas dalam ketaatan agar diterima segala amal (135)
* Jangan mengada-adakan sesuatu yang tiada dalam syariat agama (136)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [No audio]
00:15 [Music]
00:16 When we talk about faith, it is not just faith in the individual level,
00:21 but it needs to be conveyed and it needs to be fought for.
00:25 And Baidkata in Surah Al-An'am provides guidance and advice to the Prophet on how to fight
00:32 so that the struggle is full of spirit and not easy to break the law.
00:37 And this is what we will follow in this episode.
00:41 [Music]
01:02 [Arabic]
01:30 [Prayer]
01:43 How are you ladies and gentlemen?
01:45 We meet again in My Quran Time, Quran Salat Unfaq once again today.
01:49 Together we look at verses 135 and 136 of Surah Al-An'am,
01:54 which provide guidance on faith, teach the companions and at the same time teach us to continue to increase our faith.
02:02 And today we will read together with Ustaz Abdul Rahman.
02:07 Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah,
02:12 I am happy as usual.
02:13 And we are pleased to have our companion here.
02:15 We are pleased to have our companion here, Ustaz Tim.
02:19 Ustaz Tim is far away.
02:20 Yes, Ustaz Tim is far away now, Masha'Allah.
02:22 We are together with the people of Pondok, Mas, Nurul Hasanah, Kampung Bukit Belimbing, Kuala Selangor.
02:30 Selangor Darul Ihsan.
02:31 How are you? Peace be upon you.
02:33 Peace be upon you.
02:35 Ustaz Tim is far away now.
02:36 Yes.
02:37 But he is far away now.
02:38 He is a neighbor.
02:39 A neighbor.
02:40 Masha'Allah.
02:41 And also our companion.
02:42 Yes, our companion.
02:43 We are together and we pray to Allah SWT to bless our companion to the end of his life.
02:49 He is reading the Quran and if there is a time when he is not very enthusiastic,
02:55 remember that, what is it, Ustaz Tim?
02:57 "Wa li-kul linda raja'atu mimma 'amilu"
02:59 The verse that we read in the previous episode.
03:02 And let us pray together this time with the prayer, "Subhanakallah ilmalana illa ma'allamtana innaka antala 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilma amin ya rabbal 'alamin."
03:13 The prayer that we read in this surah is actually "Maha suci mu'iyya Allah"
03:17 because the perfect, the perfect source of perfection is Allah.
03:23 So sometimes we are not perfect which causes us to be weak in spirit,
03:26 tired of reading the Quran, but we want to continue today
03:30 by looking at our synopsis first.
03:33 Let us pay attention.
03:34 Verse 135, "Threatenment of the consequences of every discrimination and cruelty done by every human being in this world."
03:42 Next, in verse 136, "Misguidance and deceit of the polytheists that must be understood, that must be explained together."
03:52 Together we read verse 135 and 136 together with Ustaz Tim.
03:56 Thank you, Ustaz Fazrul.
03:58 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
04:00 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi ta'ala wa barakatuh.
04:02 Alhamdulillah wa salatu wa salamu ala Rasulullah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala wa ba'da.
04:07 How are you, ladies and gentlemen, the audience who are with us,
04:13 who are with the programs of Al-Quran,
04:16 who are trying to make My Quran Time one of the programs or one of the broadcasts that cannot be forgotten or avoided.
04:26 It must be promised.
04:27 MashaAllah.
04:28 Hopefully, our efforts or sincerity with Al-Quran, Allah SWT will be granted
04:35 and Allah SWT will record it in our blessing list.
04:38 We will meet Allah SWT one day.
04:41 Hopefully, the love of Allah SWT will continue to surround our lives.
04:46 Ameen. Ya Rabbal 'Alamin.
04:48 The verse that we want to read for this episode is in the middle of page 145.
04:53 We want to read two verses, verse 135 and verse 136.
04:58 It's quite long.
05:00 Let's try to read this beginning using the Taranum Saba.
05:05 Can you? What is the Taranum now?
05:08 Saba.
05:09 Oh, you said it with a Saba sound. Saba.
05:12 Saba.
05:13 It's a Saba sound, right?
05:14 Yes.
05:15 The sound of the Saba is Taranum.
05:17 Let's try these two verses.
05:19 Are you at home or are you with us now?
05:21 Let's do it together.
05:22 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
05:28 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
05:34 Say, "O my people, work according to your position. Indeed, I am working."
05:45 Then you will know whose is the end of the home.
06:00 Indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed.
06:10 And they assign to Allah some of the crops of the field and the cattle as a share.
06:31 They say, "This is for Allah, according to their claim, and this is for our partners."
06:47 But what is with their partners does not reach Allah.
07:04 And what is with Allah does not reach their partners.
07:18 Evil is that which they judge.
07:28 Evil is that which they judge.
07:41 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
07:47 May Allah Almighty grant us the recitation of the verses 135 and 136 of Surah Al-An'am as guidance for us.
07:55 Allah Almighty has said that whatever is promised in Surah Al-An'am,
08:00 "It will surely come."
08:04 "And whoever tries to oppose the decree of Allah,
08:10 will not be able to free himself from the decree of Allah."
08:17 In the verse 135, Allah Almighty teaches the Prophet Muhammad when the polytheists opposed him.
08:24 They were taught to be in Tawheed and to oppose the Prophet.
08:30 The opposition became more and more powerful.
08:34 And at that time, Allah taught the Prophet,
08:37 "Say, 'O my people, do what you are commanded.'
08:42 "O my people, do what you are commanded."
08:51 That is their teaching.
08:58 And we will also do the best strategy for what the Prophet Muhammad has believed in.
09:10 So, there are two groups.
09:13 And when Allah Almighty taught this,
09:15 Allah Almighty said that the polytheists at that time were not only speaking in tongues,
09:22 they were also beating, beating, and torturing the companions.
09:31 And at that time, Allah taught the Prophet,
09:36 "O my people, do what you are commanded."
09:41 "And we will do what we are commanded."
09:44 This is a lesson for those who believe.
09:48 Not even a little bit of truth is used to convey the truth.
09:54 And not even a little bit of truth is used to be tortured or tortured by those around.
10:00 Why?
10:01 Because they know that there is a punishment on the side of Allah.
10:05 Like Bilal.
10:06 They know that when the words of the Prophet are said,
10:09 it actually raises the level of Allah Almighty.
10:14 Because this is true.
10:15 It is true.
10:16 Why should we admit defeat?
10:19 There, rational companions, and at the same time,
10:22 in our lives, we should not admit defeat.
10:25 If someone else says, "I do not want to read the Quran.
10:28 I do not want to learn the Quran.
10:29 It is tiring.
10:30 We are old.
10:31 We do not have to study the Quran.
10:33 You have your own business.
10:35 I will do it."
10:36 Why?
10:37 "Fasawfata'lamu namang takunulahu aqibatuddar."
10:42 Why?
10:43 "Later, you will all know.
10:45 You will all know who you are, what your status is.
10:49 You will be where you are in the aqibatuddar."
10:52 The effect when it reaches the hereafter.
10:55 That is, whether it is heaven or hell.
10:58 If you are so sure, you are right, then go on.
11:01 That is what the Prophet said to the people there.
11:06 And the conclusion at the end of verse 135 is important
11:09 for us to understand, to delve into, in a little while.
11:13 We will take a break.
11:14 Like Quran Time, Quran Salat and Fahad.
11:16 [Music]
11:46 [Music]
12:04 [Music]
12:33 [Music]
12:43 [Music]
12:53 [Music]
13:03 [Music]
13:13 [Music]
13:33 [Music]
13:53 [Music]
14:13 [Music]
14:19 [Music]
14:44 We are back in Quran Time, Quran Salat and Fahad.
14:46 We will take a break together to look at verse 135 and verse 136.
14:51 How the Prophet Muhammad SAW was taught by Allah and the companions,
14:56 along with us, with the word "Kul"
14:58 "Say it, deliver it to those who are against faith."
15:03 With the words, "Do what you want to do.
15:06 I will do what I want to do, truly.
15:10 You will know who and what will happen when it comes to the end of the world."
15:17 The effect of what will happen in the hereafter.
15:19 And one statement that is told at the end is,
15:22 "Indeed, he or she will not be successful, the oppressors."
15:30 So in this verse, there is a style of approach.
15:35 In this verse, the Prophet did not say, "You are wrong, you are a traitor."
15:40 No, he did not.
15:41 But in a subtle manner, he said, "Do what you want to do.
15:46 I will do my job.
15:48 Then we will see who and what will happen."
15:51 But the oppressors, those who do not appreciate Allah,
15:55 those who do not put something in its place, will not succeed.
15:58 So, whether it is there or the oppressors, we will see later.
16:03 So this is a test, when we are with people who do not agree with what we bring.
16:10 If we are the oppressors, we are the ones who have to taste it.
16:14 But if it is, what is the term?
16:16 Who eats? Budu.
16:17 No, chili.
16:18 The one who eats chili will feel it.
16:20 Spicy.
16:21 So when we test in this way, without neglecting, without killing the person,
16:27 the person who hears it will think, "Oh, that's right.
16:30 He is sincere.
16:31 He does not force us."
16:33 And we continue what we do if we are sure that it is the path of truth.
16:39 And speaking of these oppressors, what is the nature of the verse 136?
16:44 Let's read it together with Al-Fadlul-Sastan.
16:46 Thank you, Al-Fadlul-Sastan.
16:48 Ladies and gentlemen, may Allah Almighty bless you.
16:51 Dear father, we want to read verse 136.
16:56 In verse 136, there are many words that are mentioned in the word "inna".
17:04 So be careful.
17:06 And one question, in the word "sa'a", at the end of verse 136,
17:11 what word is "sa'a"?
17:14 Share your answers.
17:15 Okay, let's read verse 136 using the word "sikah".
17:20 Let's try "sikah".
17:22 Ladies and gentlemen, please imagine.
17:24 Imagine.
17:26 "Sikah".
17:27 What?
17:28 "Sikah".
17:29 "Sikah".
17:30 Okay.
17:31 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
17:34 [Arabic]
17:36 [Arabic]
17:51 [Arabic]
18:11 [Arabic]
18:31 [Arabic]
18:51 [Arabic]
19:14 [Arabic]
19:21 That was the reading of verse 136.
19:24 After verse 135, Allah said,
19:26 [Arabic]
19:28 "The wrongdoer shall not prosper."
19:30 And this success is not only in the hereafter.
19:32 It is certain that the wrongdoer will be defeated or destroyed.
19:37 But in the world, Allah gives success to Prophet Muhammad SAW,
19:41 to the companions because they are "amil".
19:44 [Arabic]
19:45 "We are striving for the truth that has been obtained from Allah, the Rich, the Merciful."
19:52 "The One who has mercy."
19:53 And this is a lesson for us.
19:55 So that we do not get involved in wrongdoing.
19:58 And one of the wrongdoings is stated,
20:00 [Arabic]
20:04 That is, what do they do?
20:06 They provide some of the crops and animals for Allah while saying,
20:11 "According to their expectations."
20:13 What did they say?
20:15 [Arabic]
20:17 "One part is for Allah."
20:19 [Arabic]
20:21 "And the other part is for their slaves."
20:24 What is being associated with that.
20:26 So what is the lesson that we learn here?
20:28 So that we do not become wrongdoers.
20:30 Do not get success in the world or in the hereafter.
20:34 When you do something not fully for Allah.
20:39 Here, they also provide some of the crops and animals for Allah.
20:47 But there are also for their slaves.
20:51 They say, "This one has an apple, etc."
20:56 Because for them, they still believe in a big God and a small God.
21:02 And this cannot be done by people who believe.
21:07 Why?
21:08 Because when we speak fairly to Allah,
21:11 all of this is up to Allah.
21:14 We read the Quran, we read it fully.
21:17 We follow what Allah says fully.
21:20 There is no such thing as 50 follow the Quran,
21:22 50 follow what their parents do.
21:24 If someone is married,
21:26 50 follow the Quran,
21:27 even the saints follow the Quran.
21:29 But for those who follow the Tawaf, the sweet food,
21:32 the 7 generations of blessings,
21:35 that is not a practice that we can continue.
21:39 Because of worries.
21:40 It is like those who were in the time of the Meccan polytheists.
21:44 They divided, there is a part of Allah,
21:46 but there is a part that was not made for Allah,
21:50 but was made for "Lishuraka ina"
21:53 And this is a big lesson about why they lost.
21:56 The Muslims, if they want to win,
21:59 they have no choice but to go back to the Quran fully.
22:03 And our faith, our worship,
22:06 in our lives,
22:07 do not divide it.
22:09 Because if not,
22:10 it will invite defeat,
22:14 humiliation to the Muslims themselves.
22:17 Even though the name is Islam,
22:18 but the content that we need to pay attention to,
22:21 that is, it needs to be fair to Allah.
22:24 And this leads to the word of choice today.
22:27 We see,
22:28 the word "Wa ja'alulillahi mimma dharra'a minal hard"
22:32 That is the word "dharra'a"
22:34 means to provide,
22:36 to fill,
22:37 to create,
22:38 to make.
22:39 And this is the word that we see in verse 1-6,
22:42 how the polytheists,
22:45 when Allah gives them,
22:47 plants,
22:49 livestock,
22:50 this is one of the reasons why this surah is called "Al-An'am"
22:53 Why "Al-An'am"?
22:55 "An'am" is a blessing from Allah,
22:57 that is,
22:58 animals that we can feed,
23:00 some are used for vehicles,
23:01 some are used as food,
23:04 and what do they do?
23:06 They should use it to get closer to Allah.
23:09 That is,
23:10 feed,
23:11 get energy to do worship,
23:13 or use it to pay the "Sahawah"
23:15 if there is a "Sahawah"
23:16 if it is to be used as a vehicle.
23:18 But Allah says,
23:20 "Al-An'am" is a blessing to make life easier for food,
23:23 they use it to feed the animals.
23:26 Then to give to Allah.
23:28 This is Allah,
23:29 this is yours.
23:30 In our Islamic tradition,
23:32 if we sacrifice,
23:33 it is not for Allah to eat.
23:35 We sacrifice for,
23:37 the "taqwa" is to reach Allah,
23:39 but the meat,
23:40 all of that,
23:41 is to give help to people around us.
23:45 So this is the first part of verse 1-6,
23:48 and we will continue in a moment,
23:50 what is the reality when they give
23:53 a part to Allah,
23:54 a part to the "Berhala"
23:56 or the things that they have ascribed.
23:59 Nowadays,
24:00 people say,
24:01 if you put a goat,
24:02 I met a person in a country,
24:04 he said he was a "sembleh kerbau"
24:06 and he put his head near a hill,
24:08 because he has a fire-lit mountain,
24:10 if you put it there,
24:11 the mountain will not be on fire,
24:13 it will not explode,
24:14 but there are also explosions,
24:16 and finally,
24:17 what I want to say is,
24:18 they believe in things that have no basis,
24:21 and that is the source of oppression,
24:24 which causes even the Muslims,
24:26 who do this oppression,
24:28 not to be given success by Allah SWT.
24:30 We will take a break now,
24:32 Quran Time, Quran Salah.
24:34 Quran Time, Quran Salah
24:44 Quran Time, Quran Salah
25:04 Quran Time, Quran Salah
25:22 Quran Time, Quran Salah
25:40 Quran Time, Quran Salah
26:06 Is there another hadith?
26:10 The second one is,
26:12 the mentality of some of our society,
26:16 which believes that,
26:19 on the night of the 27th of Ramadan,
26:22 the night of the 27th of Likur,
26:24 the soul will return,
26:27 or on the month of Ramadan,
26:28 the souls that have passed away,
26:30 will return to their homes to see their descendants,
26:33 their grandchildren.
26:35 This is also not the case.
26:38 Sometimes, some of our society,
26:40 provides a way.
26:42 Why?
26:44 If it's to show the way, then it's fine.
26:47 But if it's to believe,
26:49 there is such a belief,
26:51 that for the angels to come easily,
26:55 or for the souls of the ancestors,
26:58 to return to their homes,
27:00 then this is not the case.
27:02 It's contrary to the hadith.
27:06 Quran Time, Quran Salah
27:08 Quran Time, Quran Salah
27:12 Quran Time, Quran Salah
27:16 Quran Time, Quran Salah
27:43 Quran Time, Quran Salah
27:46 Quran Time, Quran Salah
28:07 Believe,
28:09 Your promise,
28:12 Because I am certain of what is in your bosom,
28:17 The fragrance,
28:19 As high as heaven,
28:22 Not a glimmer,
28:24 When you are tired,
28:27 Oh, tormented,
28:30 The soul longs,
28:32 As if it were in a desert,
28:37 The fragrance,
28:40 The fragrance of flowers,
28:42 Not a glimmer,
28:44 The firmness of faith,
28:49 Love,
28:51 Never fades,
28:53 And is scattered,
28:55 In the fear,
28:57 The fear of the deceiving eyes,
29:00 The fragrance,
29:02 The fragrance of flowers,
29:05 Not a glimmer,
29:08 When you are tired,
29:11 Oh, tormented,
29:14 The soul longs,
29:17 As if it were in a desert,
29:20 The fragrance,
29:22 The fragrance of flowers,
29:25 Not a glimmer,
29:27 The fragrance of flowers,
29:30 Not a glimmer,
29:33 The fragrance of flowers,
29:36 Not a glimmer,
29:39 The fragrance of flowers,
29:42 Not a glimmer,
29:45 The fragrance of flowers,
29:48 Not a glimmer,
29:51 The fragrance of flowers,
29:54 Not a glimmer,
29:57 The fragrance of flowers,
30:00 Not a glimmer,
30:03 The fragrance of flowers,
30:06 Not a glimmer,
30:09 The fragrance of flowers,
30:12 Not a glimmer,
30:15 The fragrance of flowers,
30:18 Not a glimmer,
30:21 The fragrance of flowers,
30:24 Not a glimmer,
30:27 The fragrance of flowers,
30:30 Not a glimmer,
30:33 The fragrance of flowers,
30:36 Not a glimmer,
30:39 The fragrance of flowers,
30:42 Not a glimmer,
30:45 The fragrance of flowers,
30:48 Not a glimmer,
30:51 The fragrance of flowers,
30:54 Not a glimmer,
30:57 The first word is kul.
31:00 With a "k" sound.
31:03 Don't change it to "k"
31:06 Don't "kul"
31:09 Try to practice it.
31:12 Sorry, the direction is not clear.
31:15 The teacher is at home.
31:18 Let's explain.
31:21 Please pronounce the letters "k" and "l"
31:24 One more time.
31:27 One more time.
31:30 One more time.
31:33 That's right.
31:45 The "k" sound is in front of the "l" sound.
31:48 The "k" sound is in front of the "l" sound.
31:51 Try it.
31:54 The "k" sound is in front of the "l" sound.
32:00 Try to pronounce it correctly.
32:06 The "w" sound is in front of the "l" sound.
32:09 Try to pronounce it correctly.
32:12 Try to pronounce it correctly.
32:15 Try to pronounce it correctly.
32:18 Try to pronounce it correctly.
32:21 Try to pronounce it correctly.
32:24 Try to pronounce it correctly.
32:27 Try to pronounce it correctly.
32:30 Try to pronounce it correctly.
32:33 Try to pronounce it correctly.
32:36 The "i" sound is usually in the lower register.
32:39 The "i" sound is usually in the lower register.
32:42 The "i" sound is usually in the lower register.
32:45 The "i" sound is usually in the lower register.
32:48 The "i" sound is usually in the lower register.
32:51 The "i" sound is usually in the lower register.
32:54 The "i" sound is usually in the lower register.
32:57 The "i" sound is usually in the lower register.
33:00 The "i" sound is usually in the lower register.
33:03 The "i" sound is usually in the lower register.
33:06 The "i" sound is usually in the lower register.
33:09 The "i" sound is usually in the lower register.
33:12 The second one is in the word "aqibatud-dawr".
33:15 The second one is in the word "aqibatud-dawr".
33:18 The second one is in the word "aqibatud-dawr".
33:21 The second one is in the word "aqibatud-dawr".
33:24 The second one is in the word "aqibatud-dawr".
33:27 The second one is in the word "aqibatud-dawr".
33:30 The second one is in the word "aqibatud-dawr".
33:33 The second one is in the word "aqibatud-dawr".
33:36 The second one is in the word "aqibatud-dawr".
33:39 The third one is in the word "aqibatud-dawr".
33:42 We are used to it, right?
33:44 That is the "aqibat".
33:46 Right?
33:47 It should be.
33:49 That is the "aqibat".
33:51 That is the real "aqibat".
33:53 That is an example.
33:55 So, once again.
33:56 Keep the "qaf".
33:57 And the "waqaf" in the "dawr" is thick.
34:01 Because before that, the "dawr" letter is up.
34:04 So, it should be thick.
34:08 Don't do that.
34:09 Don't do that.
34:10 "Dawr" is thick.
34:13 Try it.
34:20 MashaAllah.
34:27 The third one is the last one.
34:30 The verse 135.
34:32 "Innahu la yuflihu al-zalimun."
34:44 Try it.
34:45 MashaAllah.
34:56 MashaAllah.
34:57 "Innahu sabdu atasurafnun."
34:59 Keep it.
35:00 "Innahu."
35:04 "Wajib al-gunah."
35:05 Two movements.
35:06 Then, the letter "ha".
35:08 Keep the "fa".
35:14 "Fa".
35:15 Try "fa".
35:16 Let the "fa" sound first.
35:25 Try it.
35:28 If we cut the middle part, it becomes "la yufa".
35:31 It becomes "fa".
35:32 It becomes "hiduk".
35:34 Try it.
35:37 "Bedas".
35:45 "Bedas".
35:46 "Bedas" too.
35:47 "Bedas" too.
35:48 You can say "bedas" in the song.
35:50 "Ha bedas".
35:51 So, you have to be careful.
35:52 So, that it doesn't change to "ha".
35:54 Okay.
35:55 Then, the last one.
35:56 "Al-zalimun".
35:57 "La yuflihul zalimun".
35:59 Let's try.
36:00 The verses 1, 3, 5.
36:01 We want to memorize a few words.
36:04 Please.
36:15 [Reciting]
36:34 Try again.
36:35 [Reciting]
36:51 Please.
36:52 [Reciting]
36:55 Try to hold your eyes.
36:57 Don't look.
36:58 [Reciting]
37:02 Try it.
37:03 [Reciting]
37:29 [Reciting]
37:44 Try again.
37:45 [Reciting]
37:50 I will read it and you continue.
37:51 [Reciting]
38:03 MashaAllah.
38:04 Try again.
38:05 [Reciting]
38:16 MashaAllah.
38:17 Alhamdulillah.
38:18 You have already got some of the verses 1, 3, 5.
38:21 Repeat it.
38:22 Then, continue.
38:23 [Reciting]
38:24 Until you finish.
38:25 Okay?
38:26 InshaAllah.
38:27 Hopefully, Allah SWT will give us the spirit.
38:29 And Allah SWT will open our hearts and make it easier...
38:32 ...for us to memorize the words from Al-Quran.
38:36 Hopefully.
38:37 InshaAllah.
38:38 Ameen.
38:39 Ya Rabbal 'Alamin.
38:40 We will take a break for a while.
38:41 There is more that we want to share after this.
38:43 See you after this.
38:44 In the next episode of Quran Time, Quran Salat.
38:48 Infaqo.
38:49 InshaAllah.
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42:27 Welcome to Quran Time, Quran Salat.
42:29 Welcome. We are looking at the verses 135 and 136.
42:33 How Allah states that the oppressors, the people who are not just in their belief in Allah,
42:40 Allah should be the one to be raised, the one to be fought for as the source of truth.
42:45 But for these oppressors, it will not succeed.
42:48 In this world, it will not succeed.
42:50 And in the hereafter, even more will be punished by Allah SWT.
42:55 And what is the oppression that occurs in their way of thinking,
42:59 is stated in the verse 136.
43:02 Once again, we will read and we will pay attention to the second part.
43:07 That the confusion that exists in them is what should be avoided as a believer.
43:15 Verse 136. Once again, with Ustaz Ramzi.
43:18 Thank you, Ustaz Fazrul.
43:19 Ladies and gentlemen, the people of the world,
43:21 we thank Allah SWT.
43:23 We want to read verse 136 once again.
43:26 Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, the fathers who are sharing the answers.
43:30 [Urdu]
43:35 We will try verse 136 with Taranum.
43:39 Greetings to the fathers from Kuala Selangor.
43:43 What song do you want us to read?
43:45 A song?
43:46 Can we do a hijaz?
43:47 Oh, we have been waiting for this.
43:50 We will try Taranum Hijaz.
43:52 We will read it together.
43:53 [Urdu]
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45:30 May Allah bless this verse 136,
45:32 which explains the way of thinking for those who are unjust,
45:36 which Allah states at the end of verse 1, 3, 5,
45:39 which is some of them are for Allah,
45:42 from the plants and food,
45:44 the animals,
45:45 and some are for the 'ishuraka'ina',
45:47 which is for their slaves.
45:49 And then what happens?
45:51 [Urdu]
45:56 [Urdu]
46:05 What does it mean?
46:06 They are given two parts.
46:08 One part is for Allah.
46:09 For Allah, He wants to give to His guests.
46:12 Not to feed Allah.
46:13 He gives to His guests,
46:15 the poor people,
46:16 orphans, for example.
46:18 And more than that,
46:20 some of it is for Allah,
46:21 which is also given for slaves.
46:23 Okay, that is one part.
46:24 Another part is for slaves.
46:26 Slaves do not eat, for example.
46:28 The one who eats is the slave keeper.
46:30 That is the scammer.
46:32 The deceiver in this part of religion,
46:34 which has been going on since the old times until now.
46:36 The slave keeper is just waiting.
46:38 We get 20%,
46:40 20%,
46:41 30%.
46:42 He takes that part,
46:44 and what happens is,
46:46 this part cannot be reduced.
46:48 It cannot be reduced.
46:49 So, even if Allah's part is reduced,
46:51 it is okay.
46:52 Because,
46:53 this part of the slaves,
46:55 if it is reduced,
46:56 the slaves will get angry.
46:57 They will get angry.
46:58 This is their belief.
47:00 And finally,
47:01 what does Allah say here?
47:02 For the slaves,
47:04 it did not reach Allah.
47:06 For Allah, it did not reach.
47:08 And finally,
47:09 what we get from this matter
47:11 is a very bad way of thinking.
47:14 Allah says,
47:15 "As they judge,"
47:16 Their way of judging is
47:18 that they can be divided,
47:20 they can be deceived by Allah,
47:22 they can use the slaves as a platform.
47:29 For what?
47:30 For the slave keeper,
47:31 this is actually an industry.
47:33 An industry.
47:34 If we look at the history,
47:35 the slaves are not just a belief,
47:39 but behind it,
47:40 there are businessmen
47:41 who sell slaves.
47:42 The slave keeper.
47:43 The slave keeper gets a commission.
47:44 And when we talk about slaves,
47:46 when we talk about slaves among humans,
47:48 in the tradition of half-religion,
47:50 to ask for forgiveness,
47:51 you have to pay money.
47:52 You have to pay money,
47:53 and then later,
47:54 he will ask for forgiveness from Allah.
47:56 And then he will get his commission.
47:58 So, this does not happen
47:59 in the Islamic religion itself.
48:01 Why?
48:02 Because if we want to ask for forgiveness,
48:03 we have to be direct with Allah.
48:04 We do not have to steal,
48:05 or have to make a loan first,
48:07 or pay a goat,
48:09 and then we will be forgiven.
48:11 It is not necessary.
48:12 And sometimes,
48:13 there are people who use that method.
48:15 When they go to Mecca,
48:17 they say,
48:18 "We make a loan, right?"
48:19 They say, "We pay for the goat."
48:21 The goat,
48:22 if we follow,
48:23 I once asked someone,
48:26 he said,
48:27 "How many sheep should we get?"
48:28 "Eight sheep."
48:29 "Eight sheep."
48:30 But the loan is for two sheep.
48:31 "Where are the other six sheep?"
48:32 He said,
48:33 "The one that is there,
48:34 is the commission."
48:35 Wow,
48:36 he got the commission.
48:37 So, actually,
48:38 behind this religion,
48:39 if we do not pay attention
48:40 to the truth,
48:41 "Sa'ma yakhkumun"
48:43 the very bad assessment
48:45 or the way of thinking
48:46 that is given,
48:48 and this is the cruelty
48:49 that happens to the polytheists,
48:51 and sometimes,
48:52 it is embedded in this religion,
48:54 and this is what causes
48:56 these cruel people
48:58 not to be given success
49:00 by Allah SWT.
49:02 This leads to our resolution
49:03 for today.
49:04 Let us see.
49:05 The first is,
49:06 we remind each other,
49:07 as humans,
49:08 about kindness.
49:10 This is what we learn
49:11 from the verse
49:12 that is in the 135th verse,
49:13 just now,
49:14 to continue to practice,
49:15 and do not become
49:17 a cruel person.
49:19 The first.
49:20 The second,
49:21 be patient and sincere
49:22 in your obedience
49:23 so that all the actions
49:24 that we do are accepted.
49:25 This is important
49:26 because it is to avoid
49:29 from being cruel.
49:31 These cruel people
49:32 are doing something
49:33 because other than Allah,
49:35 they do not want to be patient
49:37 because of Allah SWT.
49:39 The third,
49:40 do not neglect something
49:41 that is not in the religious law,
49:43 one of which is
49:44 to share a portion for Allah
49:46 because you do not want to be guilty.
49:48 This is for Allah.
49:49 This portion is your commission
49:51 under the table, for example.
49:53 These things
49:54 should not be mixed up
49:55 with worries
49:56 as in the hadith of the Prophet,
49:58 Allah does not need
49:59 syuraka,
50:00 does not need
50:01 competitions
50:02 to be given something.
50:04 And apparently,
50:05 everything that is given
50:07 by these polytheists
50:09 is rejected altogether
50:10 by Allah SWT.
50:12 We pray to Allah SWT
50:13 that our faith,
50:14 our faith
50:16 can be always maintained
50:18 and always maintained
50:20 until we reach
50:21 the heaven together.
50:22 Thank you.
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51:45 May Allah accept our prayers
51:47 and accept all the deeds
51:48 that we do
51:49 throughout this day.
51:50 And dear brothers and sisters,
51:51 do not forget to join
51:52 in the movement of the Quran
51:53 as a platform.
51:54 Dear brothers and sisters,
51:55 contribute and also
51:56 contact the number in the description
51:57 for us to hold
51:58 various programs
51:59 of the awareness of the Quran
52:00 and at the same time
52:01 for us to spread
52:02 the pure understanding of Tawheed
52:05 far from the polytheism
52:07 that may not be known
52:09 by some
52:10 of our community members.
52:12 [Arabic]
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52:27 By Quran Time,
52:28 Quran Salah Al-Infah.
52:29 Inshallah.
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