• 6 months ago
Episod 504 My #QuranTime 2.0 Selasa 30 April 2024 Surah Al-An'am (6: 137) Halaman 145

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-An'am ayat 137 halaman 145 ini adalah:
* Hasutan dan buruknya pengaruh pemimpin orang-orang Musyrik (137)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 137 halaman 145:
* Jangan menafikan hukum Allah dan buat perkara yang batil (137)
* Beri didikan yang betul kepada rakyat selaku pemimpin yang beriman (137)
* Jauhi dan tinggalkan orang yang beri pengaruh buruk kepada manusia (137)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [The following is a translation of the Quranic verse in the Quran]
00:16 In Surah Al-Na'am, Allah explains about the faith that needs to be fought within oneself, and more than 40 times the word "Kul"
00:23 [The following is a translation of the Quranic verse in the Quran]
00:35 We will follow the discussion about this matter in this episode
00:39 [The following is a translation of the Quranic verse in the Quran]
01:01 [The following is a translation of the Quranic verse in the Quran]
01:22 [The following is a translation of the Quranic verse in the Quran]
01:35 How are you ladies and gentlemen? We meet again in My Quran Time
01:38 Quran Salat Infah today, together we want to see, read, understand one verse, verse 137 from Surah Al-Na'am, page 145
01:49 Together we will see how guidance from Allah SWT guides our faith
01:55 And today we will read this verse 137 with Al-Fadhil Ustadh and Midi Abdul Rahman
02:01 Alhamdulillah Al-Fadhil Ustadh, today is the last day of Al-Fadhil Ustadh, the last day of Al-Fadhil Ustadh
02:09 We will read only one verse today
02:11 Oh, only one verse, but that is Al-Quran Al-Safas, if we say one verse in three or four lines, even though one line is not enough, Al-Safas
02:23 The treasure is always there
02:25 The treasure is always there, that is why we need Allah to help us with our prayers
02:31 And today we are with our guest in the studio
02:34 Yes, Al-Safas
02:35 Assalamualaikum
02:36 Oh, we are with the people of Mas, Nurul Hasan, Bukit Belimbing village, Selangor, Selangor Darul Ihsan
02:47 How are you all?
02:49 Alhamdulillah, thank you for coming to Teratak Quran Time
02:53 I forgot, Al-Safas, there are some jizakas, our young jizakas
02:58 Yes, they are all Pentadabur
02:59 Pentadabur, Alhamdulillah
03:00 There is no Ori?
03:01 Ori is also there
03:02 Alhamdulillah
03:03 We have Ustaz Fakrul, Ustaz Zaki and Ustaz Ulfi, where are you? I can't find you
03:10 And also the group of Istiqamah, today, Ahlan wa Sahlan, the group of Istiqamah at home
03:15 We pray that Allah will continue to guide us with the prayer of Subhanaka
03:20 Ilmalana illa ma'allamtana innaka antala 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilma amin ya rabbil 'alamin
03:28 We will pay attention to what is the summary of verse 137, only one verse today
03:33 That is the bad and bad influence of the leaders of the polytheists
03:38 Which is called or which is related to the devil in this Surah Al-An'am itself
03:44 Let's read together verse 137, the leader of Al-Fadl, Ustaz Zaki
03:49 Thank you, Fatiha Fadzron
03:51 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim
03:52 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Ta'ala Wabarakatuh
03:54 Alhamdulillah, thumma alhamdulillah, wa sallatu wassalamu 'ala Rasulillah, wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi man wala
04:00 Allahumma salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'ala alihi sayyidina Muhammadin
04:03 How are you, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, dear viewers
04:06 May Allah's mercy be upon you
04:09 Alhamdulillah, we are together and this episode we are in verse 137
04:16 We want to read together, God willing
04:18 Ladies and gentlemen, dear viewers, is Taranum a strong one today?
04:25 Raji?
04:27 RAS, MashaAllah, it sounds like RAS
04:30 We want to try this start with using Taranum RAS, verse 137
04:35 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
04:38 Quran Recitation
05:00 Quran Recitation
05:05 Quran Recitation
05:32 Quran Recitation
05:59 Quran Recitation
06:17 We have read verse 137 together
06:21 We learn guidance from Surah Al-An'am, page 145
06:27 In the previous episode, we have met with several things from the Jahiliyyah era
06:33 Among the polytheists, among them in verse 136
06:37 When they were given crops, when they were given livestock
06:41 They divided one part for Allah
06:44 Another part for the 'Lishu Raka'ina'
06:47 That is for the slaves or things that they have associated
06:51 And apparently, even though they said it was for Allah
06:54 They were also playing a scam
06:57 They said it was for Allah, to be given to the poor, orphans, or those who need it
07:04 There was also a part of it that was given to the 'Berhala'
07:08 It means that for Allah, it can be a discount
07:10 It can be a game, but for 'Berhala', it cannot be a discount
07:13 Why? Because it is not just a strict 'Berhala'
07:16 'Berhala', how can you say that?
07:18 But because there is a 'Berhala' keeper
07:20 On the other hand, he is the one who tries to take advantage of the division that is happening
07:26 Behind him, there is a 'Tunggu'
07:28 The 'Tunggu' says, if you give less than 30% or 20%, you will be angry
07:33 You will be crazy, your son will not pass the SPM
07:36 For example, right?
07:37 If those things can appear in their minds
07:40 Because there are people who try to bring words from the devil
07:46 From the devil who tries to distance humans from Allah
07:50 In verse 137, Allah says, "And all of that is happening because of Zayyana li-kathir minal mushriqin"
08:00 Which is because it has been decorated for most of the polytheists
08:05 Who decorated it?
08:07 If we look at the previous verses, every prophet has an enemy among the devil, which is among humans and jinn
08:14 Which means, if there is a jinn who is spreading the rumors
08:18 He will say, you actually have to share this to be 'Berhala'
08:23 If we look at it later, there is also that this cannot be disturbed
08:26 This is only for men, this is only for women
08:29 All kinds of ideas, all kinds of ideas that are being thrown by the devil and are being believed by polytheists
08:36 But there is also a devil among humans
08:39 The advice of the Meccan face is that if we do not take care of the 'Berhala' that is there
08:47 We are afraid that the devil will be angry with us
08:50 If nowadays, we are afraid of a mountain, we are afraid of a tsunami
08:57 The tsunami actually has a power
09:01 We do not find that power
09:04 We do not find it, but our ancestors did
09:06 And they told us that if we want to be safe from the tsunami or a big flood
09:10 We have to share, that is the beginning
09:12 Chicken, grill, etc
09:15 Whereas all of that is a kind of deception
09:19 That is being decorated, Zayyana is being decorated with that deception
09:23 To the way of thinking and the way of feeling
09:26 He feels that sharing the chicken
09:29 He feels that we will be protected by God
09:33 God or the guardian of the forest or the guardian of the sea
09:36 And this is a polytheistic thing that needs to be kept away from the believers
09:42 And the source of this polytheism, Allah stated in this verse
09:47 The term is "Kotla'au la dihim"
09:50 Killing their children
09:52 So if we notice in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 30
09:56 The angels asked, "Does Allah want to make the children of Adam or the Prophet of Adam
10:01 To be the ones who cause destruction and spill the blood?"
10:05 How can someone who has a good disposition, a cute baby
10:09 But after that he is a virgin
10:11 How can he be a destroyer and a killer
10:14 If the guidance of this faith is not followed closely
10:19 "Fa man tabi'an hudai"
10:21 Which Allah stated in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 38-39
10:24 The effect is "Kotla'au la dihim"
10:28 Killing their children
10:29 Why did polytheists in the time of the Prophet kill their children?
10:32 We will follow the discussion after this
10:34 We will take a break and return with Quran Time
10:36 Quran Salat Infa'ah
10:37 Inshallah
10:38 [Music]
10:47 [Music]
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11:25 [Music]
11:54 [Music]
12:04 [Music]
12:16 [Music]
12:36 [Music]
12:56 [Music]
13:16 [Music]
13:36 [Music]
13:41 [Music]
14:04 We are back in Quran Time, Quran Salat Infa'ah
14:07 We are watching together the 137th verse from Surah Al-An'am
14:11 How Allah explains "Wa Qadhalik"
14:14 What has been explained in the previous verses
14:17 Related to the act of polytheism
14:19 The act of oppression done by people who polytheize Allah SWT
14:25 And in Surah Luqman Allah states
14:27 "Inna shirkala dhulmun 'azim"
14:29 This polytheism is the oppression, the darkness that invites stress
14:33 "Dhul" means darkness
14:35 If you are in darkness
14:37 Imagine you are at home watching TV
14:39 It is dark
14:41 It is dark in a dark room, in a dark night
14:44 It is like Prophet Yunus in the fish belly
14:48 "Dhul-Ummaj" or "Dhul" is the darkness that invites mental illness
14:55 And that is why we should not invite the darkness in life
15:02 And of course, by keeping away the act of polytheism
15:06 To Allah SWT
15:09 And what is said in this verse 137
15:12 That is, the act of polytheism is mostly attributed to the polytheists
15:19 The polytheists, the non-Muslims
15:21 But among the Muslims, we have to be careful
15:24 When it is attributed to the way of thinking
15:27 Or the way of feeling when doing something
15:31 For certain people, they say they do not want to buy a house in the fourth level
15:36 They want to buy a 3A level house
15:38 They feel that living in a 3A level house is safer than a 4A level house
15:42 Because they feel that there is a close proximity to death
15:47 Even though, actually, remembering death is good
15:50 But that is because the 3A level house is decorated with a more noble idea
15:55 More safe than death
15:57 Compared to the 4A level house
15:59 The 4A level house is more noble
16:02 More rich
16:03 Whereas, that is only in a certain language
16:06 It does not come from our own creator
16:10 That is why we want to read verse 137
16:12 How do we understand
16:14 What is the reason for the pinnacle of polytheism
16:18 To be able to kill one's own child at a previous time
16:22 And there are still some people
16:24 When the husband and wife are married
16:27 And the child is 3 or 4 years old
16:29 They say, "Let's just abort it"
16:31 Apparently, aborting is not due to health factors
16:33 But due to concern for the issue of sustenance
16:35 And that is also a polytheistic thing
16:37 That we need to distance in life
16:41 Verse 137, once again with Ustaz Tarwizi
16:43 Thank you, Ustaz Fass
16:44 Ladies and gentlemen
16:45 Finally, the indication of Allah SWT
16:48 We want to read once again verse 137
16:51 We have tried it with Taranum Ras
16:53 Let's read it with Taranum Jiharkah
16:57 InshaAllah we will try Taranum Jiharkah
16:59 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
17:02 And thus did He make beautiful for many of the polytheists
17:13 The killing of their children
17:18 And their partners to return them
17:37 And to cover them with their religion
17:48 And if Allah had willed, they would not have done it
18:04 So leave them and what they invent
18:16 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
18:22 May Allah bless you, Ustaz Fass
18:23 Verse 137, we repeat the reading
18:25 To understand one of the pinnacles of polytheism
18:28 Is killing children
18:30 Killing male children, why?
18:32 Because they are poor
18:34 This is explained in Surah Al-Isra verse 31
18:37 We may have time to read it later
18:39 And they kill female children
18:41 Because they say that the female children will be ashamed of them
18:44 So they play with the choices
18:46 If they say that the child was killed, it was only for a while
18:50 Why?
18:51 Because they put the Shurakah
18:55 What they attribute as the pinnacle of their worship
19:00 Even though some say that they give this to Allah
19:03 And this to the polytheists
19:05 I love Allah
19:07 But the polytheists are put as Shurakah
19:12 So in this case, what is the purpose of this thing
19:17 To destroy or destroy them
19:21 And mix up the religious affairs
19:23 Two things
19:24 Damage and mixing up the religious affairs
19:27 To the point of confusion
19:29 When it is confusion, the way of thinking
19:31 So there is a master, a PhD
19:34 If we study in a doctorate
19:38 He is the most logical person based on facts
19:42 Based on knowledge
19:43 But this fear
19:47 Fear of ghosts
19:49 He is not afraid of God
19:50 He is afraid of ghosts
19:51 He combines between God and ghosts
19:54 At the same time
19:55 We must be careful
19:58 So that the ghosts are far away
20:00 For someone who is really knowledgeable
20:04 It is not that easy
20:05 Be careful, the ghosts will run away
20:07 Then, be careful, the ghosts will come back
20:09 Why did these things happen?
20:13 Because
20:14 So that the religion is confused
20:19 Mixed up
20:21 And that is one of the objectives of our enemies
20:25 To become their gang
20:27 Because they have been determined
20:29 And we will read in Surah Al-A'raf later
20:32 Surah number 7
20:33 How the devil and the devil himself
20:36 These enemies try to be determined
20:39 To invite them to be their party
20:42 To where?
20:44 To hell
20:45 That is what we have to be careful
20:47 And this is the verse number 137
20:50 And we see the choice of words today
20:53 We will watch together
20:54 The word is
20:56 "Wa liyalbisu alaihim dinahum"
21:00 "Wa liyalbisu"
21:02 It is difficult to pronounce
21:03 And the word "labisa"
21:05 Used, mixed up 23 times
21:08 It is mentioned in the Quran
21:10 It appears in Surah Al-Kahfi, Surah Fatir
21:12 And also Surah Ad-Duhan
21:13 And one of the ways they confuse it
21:16 Mixed up
21:18 When they feel that killing a child
21:21 Will ensure their safety
21:23 From the issue of sustenance
21:25 And this is one of the references
21:27 To Surah Al-Isra verse 31
21:29 We will read together with Al-Fatihah
21:31 Thank you Al-Fatihah
21:33 Ladies and gentlemen
21:34 May Allah bless you
21:35 We will read the 31st verse
21:38 Surah Al-Isra verse 285
21:41 "I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan"
21:43 "And kill not your children out of fear of a disaster"
22:01 "We provide for them and for you"
22:09 "Indeed, their killing is a great sin"
22:22 "Allah Almighty has spoken the truth"
22:30 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
22:31 Surah Al-Nazim verse 31
22:33 From Surah Al-Isra
22:34 As an additional reference
22:35 To understand about
22:36 Ideology
22:38 Or the thought
22:39 That is in a dilemma
22:40 When someone
22:41 Does shirk to Allah
22:42 One of them is
22:44 Fear of the issue of sustenance
22:46 The issue of sustenance is a big issue
22:48 Because there are people
22:50 Who are willing to take ransom
22:51 Because they feel
22:52 If they take ransom
22:53 They will get more money
22:54 But in reality
22:56 They are not sure that
22:58 The halal sustenance
22:59 Is something Allah has granted
23:01 And the haram sustenance
23:03 Is something that does not receive blessings
23:06 And can cause someone
23:08 To be more unhappy
23:10 In their life
23:11 So in this verse 31
23:13 Allah says
23:14 "Do not kill your children out of fear of poverty"
23:19 "Allah has said"
23:21 "We provide for them"
23:23 He can say
23:24 "We provide for them"
23:25 "We provide for them"
23:27 But Allah has put
23:28 "We"
23:29 As a confirmation
23:30 To us
23:32 To us
23:33 Who knows
23:34 I have three children
23:36 And my wife is pregnant
23:38 I have to take pills
23:40 For example
23:41 I have not yet gone to the doctor
23:43 The doctors who are watching this program
23:46 You have to make sure
23:47 The advice is good
23:48 Don't say
23:49 I advise you
23:50 You have too many children
23:52 You have too many children
23:53 Give your wife a chance
23:55 But she is pregnant
23:57 "We provide for them"
23:58 The word "We provide for them"
23:59 If it is not because of health factors
24:01 Without referring to the experts
24:03 And various angles
24:05 To determine the law
24:07 We are finally worried
24:09 We are deviating from the power
24:11 The power of Allah SWT
24:13 So Allah affirms
24:14 "We"
24:15 Actually provide for them
24:17 And for you
24:18 Allah starts with them
24:20 What he is worried about
24:21 Is the child
24:22 In another verse Allah says
24:24 "We provide for you"
24:25 Allah has determined
24:27 What is the term
24:28 If in surah Al-An'am
24:29 We have studied
24:30 The creature
24:31 Which we do not provide for
24:33 Allah provides for
24:34 If we have a cat
24:36 We may feel like
24:37 We provide for it
24:39 But in the forest
24:40 Or in the sea
24:41 All of that
24:42 Has been provided for
24:44 By Allah
24:46 But it requires faith
24:48 How do we believe
24:49 That today
24:50 Our prayer is not there
24:52 In the old verse
24:54 "Allah gives me oxygen"
24:56 It is not there
24:57 And "He takes out from my lungs
24:59 Carbon dioxide"
25:01 It is not there
25:02 Because we know
25:03 Allah takes care of oxygen
25:05 And we have the provision
25:07 To take out carbon dioxide
25:09 At the appropriate time
25:11 And there are many other things
25:12 Allah provides for
25:13 As a confirmation
25:14 How pure faith
25:16 Is what is brought
25:18 In the guidance
25:20 From Jesus
25:22 We will take a break
25:23 We will be back after this
25:24 In Quran Time
25:25 Quran Salat Infah
25:26 Quran Salat Infah
25:28 Quran Salat Infah
25:30 Quran Salat Infah
25:33 Quran Salat Infah
25:36 [In the name of Allah]
25:38 [The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful]
25:41 [O Lord of the worlds]
25:54 [The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful]
26:18 [Music]
26:28 [I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan]
26:32 [Music]
26:45 [Music]
26:57 The most present
26:59 The most mentioned in the hadith
27:01 Prophet Muhammad PBUH
27:02 Is only one
27:04 Which is
27:05 Tomorrow we will know
27:06 Not tonight
27:07 So we will not know tonight
27:09 Except
27:10 If we use the verse of the Quran
27:11 Salam
27:12 What does Salam mean?
27:13 It means peace
27:14 Or
27:15 Peace
27:16 The problem is
27:17 Peace is different for everyone
27:18 Some people
27:19 They are not at peace
27:20 What to do?
27:21 It's not the night that is peaceful
27:22 Or not peaceful
27:23 If it's a sign from the Quran
27:25 It's just Salam
27:26 But in the hadith
27:27 The only hadith
27:28 That tells about the sign
27:29 Is
27:30 The next morning
27:31 The sun that is shining
27:32 Is not too bright
27:34 And the atmosphere
27:36 In the next morning
27:37 When the sun is shining
27:38 Is not too bright
27:39 Is not too hot
27:40 And is not too cold
27:42 Is not too cold
27:43 And is comfortable
27:44 That's all
27:45 In the hadith
27:46 That's all the signs
27:47 That we can know
27:48 What does it mean?
27:49 It means we can only know
27:50 The night is peaceful
27:52 After it passed
27:53 Not as time passed
27:55 Like tonight
27:56 Let's WhatsApp our friends
27:57 And let's pray
27:59 And let's pray
28:01 And let's pray
28:03 And let's pray
28:05 And let's pray
28:07 And let's pray
28:08 And let's pray
28:35 And let's pray
29:03 And let's pray
29:13 And let's pray
29:26 And let's pray
29:50 And let's pray
30:18 And let's pray
30:24 Our efforts to be eternal
30:26 For Allah SWT
30:28 And guidance
30:30 Is a very worthy thing
30:33 And very valuable
30:35 In our lives
30:37 To seek and continue to seek guidance
30:39 Don't say it's not exciting
30:41 We have to seek
30:43 Sit down
30:45 There's rice
30:46 There's wheat
30:47 There's rice
30:48 There's fat
30:49 There's liver
30:50 Just look at it
30:51 It's not like that
30:53 There must be
30:54 There's an effort
30:55 To seek guidance
30:57 And speaking of guidance
30:58 I had a lecture abroad
31:00 I had a chat with him
31:02 He's a professor
31:03 Who teaches chemical
31:04 Chemistry
31:05 He's a wise person
31:06 He has a PhD
31:07 And I asked him
31:08 How many children does he have?
31:10 How is his family?
31:11 He said he has two children
31:13 He said I don't need more
31:15 I said okay
31:16 He doesn't need more
31:17 Why?
31:18 Because he said
31:19 People used to have a lot of children
31:20 Because they were farmers
31:21 Later on, the children could help him
31:22 To plow the fields
31:24 Now, in the modern age
31:25 He said
31:26 Children don't need a lot of help
31:27 Because they can add to it
31:28 The lability of having a lot of trouble
31:29 He said
31:30 Oh, this way of thinking
31:32 That's in verse 137
31:34 Actually, it's not
31:35 The 1400 years ago
31:37 Even now
31:38 There are people who feel
31:39 That later on, there will be a lot of children
31:41 They will have a lot of trouble
31:43 We should just enjoy our lives
31:45 Whereas for those who have faith
31:47 They know that
31:48 A good child is the one
31:49 Who is very worthy to pray for
31:51 This is for those who have children
31:52 Those who don't have children
31:53 That's one story
31:54 But his mindset
31:55 A lot of children to plow the fields
31:58 Because he doesn't need it
31:59 Because he has a PhD
32:00 He has a salary
32:01 He doesn't need children
32:02 Because the children will trouble him
32:04 So, that's the guidance
32:06 MashaAllah
32:07 Thank you, Fatiha Safar
32:08 Allow me to share
32:10 MashaAllah
32:11 Let's pause for a moment
32:14 For our Tajweed recitation
32:17 What is the word
32:18 That we would like to share today
32:20 Let's watch
32:21 "Aulbillah minashaytanir rajim"
32:23 Please
32:34 Please
32:35 MashaAllah
32:44 In this verse
32:45 Between the letters "Dhal"
32:47 "Wa kadhalika"
32:48 Try
32:49 Then after that
32:56 "Zai"
32:57 So, not all of it
33:01 "Dhal"
33:03 All of it
33:04 Then
33:05 "Zai"
33:07 So, be careful
33:08 There is "Dhal"
33:09 There is "Zai"
33:10 Yes
33:26 That means
33:27 The tip of our tongue
33:28 "Dhal" and "Zai"
33:29 The tip of our tongue
33:30 Good
33:31 Then
33:32 The second one
33:33 "Aulbillah minashaytanir rajim"
33:34 Please
33:43 "Shurakaahum liyurduhum"
34:09 What is that?
34:10 "Shurakaahum liyurduhum"
34:12 "Li"
34:13 "Li"
34:14 "Mutasil"
34:15 Four or five movements
34:16 Good
34:17 Then
34:18 "Hum" meets "Li"
34:19 "Mimati" meets "Lam"
34:20 So, it becomes
34:21 "Izhar"
34:22 "Shafawi"
34:23 Please explain our verse
34:24 "Shurakaahum liyurduhum"
34:30 Try
34:31 "Liyurduhum"
34:38 Okay
34:39 He said
34:40 "If you say 'Li' I will say 'Li'"
34:42 I am just giving an example
34:44 Okay
34:45 Then
34:46 The last one
34:47 Which is
34:48 At the end of verse 137
34:51 "Fa dharhum wa ma yaftarun"
35:00 Please
35:01 "Fa dharhum wa ma yaftarun"
35:09 MashaAllah
35:10 "Fa dharhum"
35:11 Try
35:12 "Fa dharhum"
35:14 The letter "Dha"
35:15 One "Dha"
35:16 "Fa dhar"
35:17 Then the letter "Ra"
35:18 Which is dead
35:19 Dead line
35:20 The letter before it
35:21 The "Dha" is above
35:23 So, the "Ra" is sounded
35:25 Thick
35:26 It is sounded thick
35:27 "Fa dharhum"
35:31 Okay
35:32 "Mimati" meets "Waw"
35:34 "Izhar"
35:35 "Shafawi"
35:36 Don't hold it
35:37 "Fa dharhum"
35:38 Too long
35:39 "Fa dharhum wa ma"
35:42 Try
35:43 "Fa dharhum wa ma yaftarun"
35:47 The "Ra" is sound thick
35:49 The "Ra" is in front
35:50 "Yaftarun"
35:55 Please
35:56 "Fa dharhum"
36:01 I am a little confused
36:03 Some students
36:04 They said
36:05 "It is difficult, Ustaz"
36:06 "How to do it?"
36:07 "I just shake my head"
36:08 "MashaAllah"
36:09 Hopefully, we can do it
36:11 Little by little
36:12 Day by day
36:13 We read the Quran
36:14 "Taranum"
36:15 "Taranum"
36:16 InshaAllah
36:17 We want to try to memorize the verse 137
36:19 Pay attention
36:20 "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem"
36:22 "Wa kathalika zayyana li kathirim minal mushrikin"
36:33 Please
36:34 "Wa kathalika zayyana li kathirim minal mushrikin"
36:44 "Wa kathalika zayyana li kathirim minal mushrikin"
36:55 "Wa kathalika zayyana li kathirim minal mushrikin"
37:06 "Wa kathalika zayyana li kathirim minal mushrikin"
37:18 "Wa kathalika zayyana li kathirim minal mushrikin"
37:29 Try not to look at Musaf for a moment
37:32 Or don't look at this
37:33 Please pause for a moment
37:35 We want to try these five
37:36 "Wa kathalika zayyana li kathirim minal mushrikin"
37:40 Ready? One, two, start
37:42 "Wa kathalika zayyana li kathirim minal mushrikin"
37:53 Yes, you can do it, insyaAllah, Alhamdulillah
37:56 It's just the end, aunty
37:59 "Mushrikin"
38:01 It's okay, we'll practice it many times
38:04 A little bit more
38:05 "Qutla'auladihim"
38:09 Try
38:10 "Qutla'auladihim"
38:13 "Qutla'auladihim"
38:20 "Wa kathalika zayyana li kathirim minal mushrikin"
38:29 "Qutla'auladihim"
38:32 Seven kalimah
38:33 One, two, start
38:35 "Wa kathalika zayyana li kathirim minal mushrikin"
38:44 "Qutla'auladihim"
38:47 Allahu Akbar, Alhamdulillah
38:49 She said, "Shukur, Alhamdulillah"
38:51 She also memorized some kalimah
38:54 Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Shukur to Allah SWT
38:57 If we pay attention, it's really a great achievement
39:00 It's not "Wa kathalika" is one word
39:02 It's one letter, right?
39:04 "Man qur'a harfan min kitabillah falahu hasanah wal hasanatu bi'ashri anthaliha"
39:10 Each letter is multiplied by ten
39:13 So, we are grateful to Allah SWT
39:15 Who has given us the Quran
39:18 And has given us guidance from Allah SWT
39:20 Hopefully, we continue to give the gift of the An-Nuqrah
39:24 May Allah SWT bless us with the truth
39:27 And hopefully, Allah SWT will make it easier
39:29 Inshallah
39:31 We will continue in the next episode
39:34 In My Quran Time, Quran Salat
39:37 Infah, Inshallah
39:39 [Music]
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43:12 Welcome back to My Quran Time, Quran Salat
43:14 Infah
43:15 We are looking at the verse 137
43:18 How Allah explains
43:19 How people who associate others with Allah
43:23 Actually, because they feel
43:25 They are decorated with what they think
43:28 What they do
43:30 And we need to understand this
43:32 So that in our lives, we will always ask
43:34 What I am doing is in accordance with what Allah wants
43:39 In accordance with what is in the Quran
43:42 In the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW
43:44 Not just a theory
43:47 That is used in the end of verse 137
43:53 Once again, we read verse 137
43:55 To understand how
43:58 When someone takes the path of guidance
44:01 Or the path of misguidance
44:03 How do we make sure
44:05 Not to fall into this dark abyss
44:09 Verse 137 with Ustaz Tanweer
44:11 Thank you, Father Fadharul
44:13 Ladies and gentlemen
44:14 Viewers, fathers
44:16 Those who are blessed with the mercy of Allah
44:18 Verse 137
44:20 It is below page 145
44:23 We will read it again
44:24 We will try to use Taranum Nahawan
44:27 InshaAllah
44:28 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
44:31 And thus it was made appearing to many of the polytheists
44:41 Before their children, their associates
45:01 That they may be guided and that they may wear their religion over them
45:23 And if Allah willed, they would not have done it
45:48 But they have left it, and they do not remember
45:57 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
46:05 May Allah bless you
46:06 Verse 137
46:07 At the end Allah says
46:09 Although Allah wills, if Allah wills
46:12 They will not do these things
46:16 One of them is to kill their children
46:19 And many other things
46:21 They understand that this is a sign of their servitude to Allah
46:27 And at the same time, they are put in the conditions that exist
46:30 So Allah says
46:31 Although Allah wills, if Allah wills
46:33 Allah will not let them do it
46:35 But maybe some people ask about the polytheists
46:39 In another surah, it is stated that
46:41 If Allah wills, we will not do these things
46:44 They blame Allah
46:46 And blaming Allah is like we have seen in the story of Iblis
46:52 And Allah Almighty
46:54 In the incident of Iblis and Adam
46:55 When Allah said, "Why did you not prostrate?"
46:58 Iblis blames Allah
47:00 "Because you asked me to prostrate"
47:02 He likes to blame others
47:04 This is the attribute of Iblis
47:06 Which we want to keep away
47:08 And when we talk about
47:09 Although Allah wills, if Allah wills
47:12 Allah will not let them do it
47:14 We are not questioning Allah
47:16 In this verse, we will question
47:18 "Oh, if so, how can I be a person who is prevented from doing polytheism to Allah Almighty?"
47:26 That is the word of responsibility that needs to be there
47:29 And who will say that?
47:30 The believers
47:31 The believers do not say
47:33 If Allah wills, Allah will not make them polytheists
47:36 But Allah does not want to do it
47:38 That is not a believer
47:40 A believer in the decree of Allah Almighty
47:42 A positive believer
47:43 Always proclaim to Allah
47:45 That Allah is perfect
47:47 "Wa lillahi'l-matalli'l-'aqla"
47:48 Allah is very high
47:50 The low, the imperfect is me
47:53 I have to humble myself
47:55 And try to follow the best of what Allah wants
48:00 Which is to follow the guidance of Allah Almighty
48:04 And at the end
48:05 "Fadharhum wa mayi'aftarun"
48:06 Leave it
48:07 Leave them
48:08 For what is their lie
48:10 This is a warning
48:12 A warning actually
48:14 To the polytheist
48:15 But also to us in life
48:17 If we sin
48:19 If we sin
48:21 If we are tested
48:22 Until we quickly repent
48:24 That is a blessing
48:25 Blessing means Allah calls us
48:28 And we still have a heart
48:30 Who wants to return to Allah as Prophet Adam
48:33 Once missed
48:34 Approaching the tree
48:36 But wants to return to Allah
48:39 Repenting
48:40 With what prayer?
48:41 "La ilaha illa anta subhanaka"
48:43 Is that it?
48:44 That is the prayer of Prophet Yunus
48:46 What about the prayer of Prophet Adam?
48:48 "Rabbana la tuziqulubana"
48:51 "Rabbana zalamna anfusana"
48:53 "Banyak do'a"
48:54 "Banyak do'a hafiz"
48:55 Alhamdulillah
48:56 And what is the challenge?
48:59 When someone is left
49:01 Like a dog
49:03 We have discussed before
49:04 A dog or a monkey
49:05 If given a short rope
49:06 When it is a little misplaced
49:08 It is pulled back
49:09 It will realize
49:10 But if given a long rope
49:12 A monkey or a dog
49:15 If there is a long rope
49:16 It can run
49:18 Then what will die?
49:20 A dog will die
49:22 People say a cat will die
49:24 And that is what we are afraid of in our lives
49:26 If we make mistakes
49:28 And Allah does not rebuke us
49:30 When Allah says "fatharhum"
49:32 "Leave it"
49:33 It means Allah wants to see
49:35 How far you want to go against Allah
49:38 Not grateful to Allah
49:40 And hopefully
49:41 With this verse
49:42 It becomes a reminder to us
49:45 Do not let us be left behind
49:46 When we are reminded
49:48 Many times in the Quran
49:50 We are determined
49:52 To fix what we believe
49:55 Actually, that thing
49:57 We need to get back quickly
49:58 Do not let us be left behind
50:01 As in this verse
50:02 "Fatharhum wa mayaftarun"
50:04 The Prophet was told to leave them
50:06 Because Allah will take care of it
50:08 And this is important
50:10 Because there are things in life
50:11 We have to face the challenges
50:14 There are things that Allah said
50:16 Leave it, let Allah settle
50:17 Because the capacity of man
50:19 Is only limited to
50:21 Delivering the best message
50:23 From Allah SWT
50:25 Which brings our resolution today
50:27 We will see
50:28 First, do not deny Allah's law
50:31 And do wrong things
50:33 That is the first thing we learn
50:35 From the verse 137
50:38 Second, give the right education
50:40 To the community
50:41 As a leader who believes
50:43 This is a big responsibility
50:45 Not to do things
50:47 That violate the Tawheed and faith
50:49 To Allah
50:51 And third, stay away
50:52 And leave people
50:53 Who have a bad influence on humans
50:55 For example, if we follow
50:57 Social media
50:58 Or influencers
50:59 Who do not even base their words
51:01 On the Quran
51:02 They just play with words
51:04 And say things that are dirty
51:05 And unfollow them
51:06 Why?
51:07 Because they are worried
51:08 That they will become
51:09 "Shuraka"
51:10 That they will become
51:11 People who teach us
51:12 To be "Shirik"
51:14 They are not "Berhala"
51:16 But they are
51:17 "Berhala" in the form of
51:19 Influencers
51:20 Who bring
51:21 Bad ideas
51:22 From their faith
51:24 To Allah
51:25 We pray to Allah
51:26 For our family
51:28 To be protected
51:29 From
51:30 From
51:31 Lies
51:32 Or
51:33 Illegitimate things
51:34 That are done
51:35 Without any basis
51:36 About Allah
51:37 May Allah bless you
51:38 Thank you, Father
51:39 In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful
51:43 Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'Alamin
51:45 Wassalatu wassalamu 'ala ashrafil anbiya wal mursalin
51:48 Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in
51:51 Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan kami
51:52 Kami mawhun kepadamu
51:54 Ya Allah
51:55 Agar diampunilah
51:56 Dosa-dosa kami yang banyak ini
51:58 Ya Allah
51:59 Amalan kami pula amat sedikit
52:00 Ya Allah
52:01 Maka kasihanilah kami
52:02 Ya Allah
52:03 Kasihanilah kami Ya Rahman
52:04 Kasihanilah kami Ya Rahim
52:06 Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan kami
52:07 Ibu ayah kami
52:08 Ibu ayah mertua kami
52:09 Kami ampunilah
52:10 Dosa-dosa mereka
52:11 Ya Allah
52:12 Begitu juga muslimin, muslimat, mu'minin dan mu'minat
52:15 Bi rahmatika Ya Rahman Rahimin
52:17 Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan kami
52:18 Kurulniakan petunjuk dan hidayahmu
52:20 Sedang tiasa melingkari kehidupan kami
52:22 Ya Allah
52:23 Moga-moga kehidupan kami
52:25 Setiap detik saat hidup kami
52:27 Dikurulniakan rida-mu
52:29 Ya Rahman Rahimin
52:30 Rabbana zalamna anfusana
52:32 Wa illam tawfirlana wa tarhamna
52:35 Lala kunanna minal khasirin
52:39 Wa sallallahu ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi baraka wa sallam
52:43 walhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin
52:45 Takbir Allah
52:46 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
52:48 Allah mengkabulkan doa kita, menerima amal kita selama hari ini
52:51 Dan, Tuan-Tuan jangan lupa untuk bersama dalam Tabung Gerakan Al-Quran
52:54 Sebagai satu platform untuk kita sama-sama menyumbang
52:57 Dan juga menghubungi nombor di talian
52:59 Mencadangkan program-program bagaimana lagi
53:02 Program ataupun kesedaran Al-Quran ini dapat kita sebarkan
53:05 Mungkin Tuan-Tuan adalah pemimpin di organisasi, di sekolah
53:09 Ataupun di community
53:10 Yang kita harapkan idea dan cadangan untuk kita bersama, bergabung
53:14 Memastikan Al-Quran ini dapat disebarkan ke seluruh pelusuk dunia ini
53:20 InsyaAllah
53:21 Kita bertemu lagi pada siri akan datang
53:23 Untuk terus kita menalami surah Al-An'am sebagai bekalan iman
53:26 Menumbuhkan jati diri keimanan pada Allah
53:29 Like Quran Time, Quran Salat, infaak.
53:32 Al-Quran Al-Fatihah
53:35 Allahumma arhamna bilquran
53:43 Waj'al luna imaman wa nuran wa hudan wa rahman
53:54 Allahumma dhakirna minhuma nasina
54:03 Wa 'allina minhuma jahila
54:12 Wa ruzquna tilawatahu
54:19 Anaa al-layli wa a'trafan naam
54:31 Wa ja'al hulana hujjatayn
54:39 Al-Fatihah
54:43 Al-Fatiha
54:46 [Music]
55:01 [Music]
