Matin infos - 20/04/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Matin infos - 20/04/2024


00:00Thank you for joining us for this round of news, here are the headlines.
00:18Tensions in the Middle East, the international community calls for restraint after an Israeli attack on Iran.
00:25The UN Secretary-General calls on all countries concerned with the escalation of violence, details to be followed in this daily news.
00:3534,012 people killed and 76,833 injured, this is the last macabre assessment in the Gaza Strip.
00:41In more than six months of war, Israel continues to carry out offensives on Palestinian territory.
00:48The African Cup, the Nations of Futsal, Morocco will defend its title in the final against the falling Angola of Egypt.
00:54The Atlas Lions have won 6-0 against Libya.
00:57We meet again right now for the development.
01:02Welcome ladies and gentlemen, we start the news with Iran, where strong explosions have been reported after Israel threatened to respond to the attack launched by Iran against its territory last weekend.
01:15Tehran has reported two or three explosions that occurred yesterday near a military base in the center of the country, according to state television.
01:27These strong explosions were heard in the disappearing province and the causes are not yet known.
01:34Iran has re-activated its air defense in several provinces.
01:39Drones were shot down but there have been no missile attacks so far, said Iranian authorities.
01:48Washington has been warned of the Israeli attack perpetrated this morning, or rather yesterday, on Iran, but has not approved the operation or played any role.
02:01In its execution, officials cited by American media have declared.
02:07NBC and CNN, citing sources related to the question and an American official, reported that Israel had warned Washington of its operation on Iran.
02:17According to CNN, Israel announced the day before in the United States that it would take measures to counteract Iran in the coming days.
02:27The White House did not comment on the Israeli strike immediately.
02:33A bombing on Friday night on a military base in Iraq, sheltering troops from the army and former pro-Iran paramilitary Hashd al-Shabi, reported security sources in an already explosive regional context.
02:53A military official and an interior ministry official were not able to identify those responsible for this aerial bombing, which targeted the base of Qalso in the province of Babylon, nor to say if it was a drone strike.
03:08The United States has not conducted air strikes in Iraq.
03:11Today, the American military command for the Middle East reacted on social media shortly after this announcement.
03:20Let's stay with the United States, which put an end to yesterday's dream of full and complete adhesion of the UN Palestinians,
03:28putting, without surprise, Orveto at the Security Council, to an unanimous claim by their Israeli ally in the middle of the war in Gaza.
03:37For several weeks, Palestinians and Arab countries have been imploring the Council to accept that a Palestinian state already recognized by the majority of capitals
03:47take its legitimate place within the United Nations in vain.
03:51The United States, which did everything to delay the vote, did not hesitate to resort to Orveto's rights, which they regularly use to protect their Israeli ally,
04:01a decision immediately denounced by the Palestinian Authority, which sees a blatant aggression.
04:07And still in the conflict in the Middle East, the Ministry of Health of Hamas announced yesterday that the report had exceeded 34,000 people killed in the Gaza Strip.
04:21Hamas and the Palestinian Authority condemned the American veto on the adhesion of Palestine to the United Nations.
04:29At least 42 additional deaths have been reported in the last 24 hours.
04:33However, the report has 34,012 people killed, according to a statement from the Ministry, which lists 76,833 injured in more than six months of war.
04:46The vision and commitment of His Majesty King Mohammed VI in favor of South-South cooperation,
04:52was highlighted yesterday in Washington in front of the Organization of American States,
04:56intervening at a meeting of the OEA, of which Morocco is an observant member.
05:03The United Kingdom Ambassador to the United States, Youssef Amrani,
05:07stressed the efforts and major initiatives that Morocco undertakes to support other African countries in the various development sectors.
05:17This commitment is also reflected in the relations of the Kingdom with other countries in the South, especially in Latin America.
05:27Let us now go to Niger, where the United States finally agreed yesterday to withdraw thousands of soldiers from the country,
05:34at the request of the regime of Nyamey, from the coup d'état of July, in order to boost Russia's power in the region.
05:42The number two in American diplomacy, Kurt Campbell, accepted the request of the Nigerian authorities at a meeting in Washington
05:50with Prime Minister Ali Mahamad Lamin Zayn, as stated by several American officials, under cover of anonymity.
05:58The US Department of State did not immediately react officially. The withdrawal schedule has not yet been specified.
06:07Direction, the United States, in the context of the historical trial of Donald Trump.
06:13The jury of 12 members and 6 plaintiffs was held yesterday in New York and will therefore be able to enter the background of the case.
06:21As of Monday, the first American ex-president to appear in a criminal trial.
06:26Donald Trump is considered to have concealed payments intended to buy the silence of a former star of the movie, Stormy Daniels.
06:35A few days after the 2016 scrutiny he won on the phone in front of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton,
06:43the Republican candidate again protested on Friday in court against a fraudulent trial that prevents him from campaigning, according to him.
06:53After 10 hours spent at the airport, the Berkane Air Force was finally able to leave the Oari airport in Medellin, Algeria,
07:02to head for the hotel under the diligence of the CAF.
07:06The RSB staff agreed to join the hotel with a promise to recover all the equipment that had been confiscated by the Algerian authorities.
07:16The RSB officials warned the African Football Confederation that they would not dispute the match if they did not recover their jersey from the complete map of Morocco.
07:31They only have one match left to keep their title of African football champion.
07:36The Lions of Atlas won against Libya 6-0.
07:41Following this victory, the protégés of the Champs-Élysées are qualified for the final
07:47and on the same occasion get their tickets for the next World Cup in Uzbekistan.
07:52In the final, the Moroccans will face Angola, Egypt's downer, 7-3.
07:57As a reminder, the first three teams of this African competition will win their tickets for the World Cup scheduled for September 14 to October 6.
08:12The 20th edition of the Spring Festival of the Elysées is open in Essaouira,
08:19organized within the socio-cultural space of Artsouiri.
08:23This event offers a series of exceptional musical performances, chamber music and lyrical art.
08:30An edition that continues until April 21.
08:33Special envoy from Medellin TV to Essaouira, Ilham Berada, will tell us more.
08:38First of all, I can tell you that it is very beautiful here in Essaouira
08:42and it is beautiful to welcome this 20th edition of the Spring Festival of the Elysées
08:48that comes back to us after five years of absence.
08:51The Spring Festival of the Elysées is organized by the Essaouira Mogador Association
08:55and the Tenor Foundation for Culture.
08:58And for this 20th edition, it was an opportunity to come back a little bit
09:02on all these years that have welcomed musicians, artists, young talents here in Essaouira.
09:08And to tell us about it, I have the pleasure of having Dynamis Seyd
09:11who is the artistic director of the festival
09:13and the general director of the Tenor Foundation for Culture.
09:17Dynamis Seyd, thank you very much for accepting our invitation.
09:20A little word about these 20 years first.
09:23We are very happy to celebrate our 20th year after five years of absence, as you said.
09:28We wanted this edition to be a commemorative anniversary show.
09:31So we will revisit the history of the festival.
09:33For 20 years, there have been different themes that have crossed the festivals
09:36and here, each concert will be dedicated to a year in the end
09:39to commemorate a little bit everything that has happened during these 20 years.
09:42What is important is that you have specified in your statement
09:45that this edition also marks a new partnership with the Essaouira Mogador Association.
09:52What can you tell us about this new partnership?
09:55Concretely, what is it?
09:58Concretely, it is to mutualize the forces.
10:01The Essaouira Mogador Association is in perfect knowledge of the terrain of Essaouira,
10:04of its subtlety, of its buildings, all that.
10:07And then the Tenor Foundation for Culture, it organizes
10:09a hundred events in classical music every year.
10:12So it has a little bit of expertise in this organization.
10:15The idea is that one supports the other, helps the other
10:18to give even more scope and even more resonance to this festival.
10:21So in 2001, when this festival was launched,
10:24because until today it must be specified that this festival
10:27is the only classical music festival in Morocco,
10:30you imagined so many artists, so many encounters,
10:33so many musicians, so many hopes and dreams realized
10:38thanks in particular to the program of young talents.
10:43If you had to imagine this festival again in 2001,
10:49would you have imagined it that way?
10:52So, Mr. André Azoulay, the founder of this festival,
10:55said yesterday at the opening that when he created the festival,
10:58no one predicted that he would be there after 20 years.
11:02And we even gave him a year of life by telling him that Malheur and Brahms
11:05did not have their place at Essaouira.
11:07And I think that all the background work that has been done
11:09during these 20 years has shown that it was absolutely wrong,
11:11that Essaouira welcomes all music and is welcome.
11:15And indeed, this morning of young talents that you are talking about
11:17is very special because now it makes a lot of sense.
11:20Indeed, 20 years ago, I played at this morning of young talents
11:23like many other people.
11:25And these young talents who were there like little dolls
11:27are today very great artists and are also programmed
11:30in these festivals, but in other international festivals.
11:32This shows that it is a passage that has already been able to draw these talents,
11:36which is a scene of passage, and then the road turns and we move forward.
11:39The festival itself was a young talent somewhere,
11:42and today it is much more confirmed.
11:44So, one last question.
11:4620 years, it's still very young,
11:48there is still a lot to do.
11:50Can we say that today the festival,
11:52which has become an important meeting point
11:54and a turning point of our national and international cultural scene,
11:57has been able, through these 20 years,
12:00to give the keys of this music,
12:04which seems to us at the beginning maybe so difficult,
12:06but when we listen to it,
12:08we find ourselves there without realizing it,
12:11because it is still classical music.
12:13Lyrical singing is not something easy.
12:16We always doubt that they are not accessible.
12:18How did this festival manage to make this closed music
12:23such an open music for so many audiences?
12:26It is indeed one of the prejudices against which the festival fights.
12:31Classical music is basically popular music.
12:33It is not difficult to listen to, absolutely not.
12:36You just have to give yourself the chance to be able to get in touch with it.
12:39We did several things to relax the public on this issue.
12:43First, we chose themes.
12:45So that during a long weekend,
12:48we immerse ourselves with a theme
12:50and so we have time to appropriate,
12:52to know who Beethoven is,
12:53to know, for example, who Brahms is,
12:55or when we are going to talk about the Viennese school,
12:57during a whole weekend,
12:58to have references in the ear,
12:59who is Mozart, who is Schubert.
13:01So this idea of ​​themes allows you to guide listening.
13:03And on top of that, each concert is presented.
13:06We can't do it like that in a scene,
13:08we don't know what we're going to listen to.
13:09No, we explain, we prepare the ear a little bit,
13:11and then you just have to say two or three things.
13:13You just have to say in what context the composer was when he composed this work, for example.
13:16You just have to say that this work was written in the middle of a war.
13:18Or you just have to say that Bartholomew was retreated into the countryside
13:21and that he discovered the popular songs.
13:23And then, here are a few little keys,
13:25immediately put landmarks in the ear
13:27and allow a more attentive listening.
13:29And then, much quieter,
13:31because we don't need to be a scientist,
13:33to be a doctor to listen to classical music at all.
13:35Absolutely not.
13:36You just have to chase this prejudice
13:38that really has no reason to exist.
13:41Thank you very much, Dina,
13:43thank you for answering our questions.
13:45I remind you that you are first a pianist,
13:47before being the artistic director of the festival,
13:51but also the general director of the Tenor Foundation
13:54for Co-Organizing Culture
13:56with the Esaouira Moegador Association
13:59of the Festival Le Printemps Musical des Alizés,
14:02which is held until Sunday here in Esaouira
14:06for this 20th anniversary edition.
14:11This is the end of this newscast.
14:13Thank you for following it.
