• l’année dernière


00:00:00Father, we thank you for this and other opportunity to minister to these,
00:00:04your precious sheep. Thank you, Lord, that revelation and
00:00:07knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic
00:00:12force. Father, I pray that you will speak
00:00:15through my vocal cords and think through my mind.
00:00:18None of me and all of you, it's in Jesus' name we pray.
00:00:22And everybody said, amen. You may be seated.
00:00:28If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of first…let's go to book of
00:00:35Romans chapter 5, verse 2, and then Romans chapter 4, verse 16.
00:00:42We're going to talk about faith and grace in the midst of discomfort.
00:00:46And I pray that, of course, this is not something that we'll minister to our
00:00:52fathers today, but for every individual here, because one of the things I've been
00:00:57trying to make clear is that we cannot get better.
00:01:00We cannot grow and we cannot mature in our comfort zones.
00:01:05And so to live a life as a Christian and we're constantly asking God, you know,
00:01:11to keep us in our comfort zone, it's just not going to happen.
00:01:14You can't grow in your comfort zone. You can't grow when everything's always
00:01:18going well. You can't go when everything's always
00:01:21working out the way you want it to work out.
00:01:23You can't grow when, you know, you appear to be able to avoid the things that
00:01:28happen in life. Things happen in life because it gives
00:01:32to you an opportunity to grow and to mature and to get better and to look back
00:01:37one day and realize that you're not like you used to be.
00:01:42And so what do we do in the midst of discomfort?
00:01:47Well, I say we've got to recognize how to fight the good fight of faith
00:01:51in discomfort, and we've got to understand all that we've learned about
00:01:55the grace of God in discomfort. Take note of these two Scriptures,
00:01:59Romans chapter 5 and 2. He says,
00:02:01by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand
00:02:07and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.
00:02:10And so we understand that while grace is a person, his name is Jesus,
00:02:15Jesus full of grace and truth, grace represents all of the finished works
00:02:20of Jesus Christ, all the things that are already done.
00:02:24You are already righteous. You're already deliberate.
00:02:27You're already healed. Because of what Jesus did on that cross,
00:02:30there are certain things that are finished. They are done.
00:02:35So a lot of times we pray, God, give me this, give me that,
00:02:38and in fact, he's already done it. It's already finished.
00:02:41It's already made available to you. It's now a matter of knowing how to lay
00:02:46hold of what's been finished by grace of God, by grace,
00:02:52everything that pertains to life and godliness has already been done.
00:02:56And the Scripture says in Romans 5 and 2 that we access this grace.
00:03:01We access healing. We access deliverance.
00:03:04We access righteousness. We do it by faith.
00:03:08And yet there have been a lot of weird things said about faith and what faith is
00:03:14and what it's not, and we've got to learn exactly what it is if we are to use it
00:03:20to access it. I like to say it like this,
00:03:23grace makes, but faith takes. Faith takes what grace has
00:03:29already made. We access this grace by the faith of God.
00:03:35And then in Romans chapter 4, 16, he basically says the same thing,
00:03:40therefore, it is of faith that it might be by grace.
00:03:44So, if you want the finished works of Jesus to be manifested in your life,
00:03:50again, he says, that's going to happen by faith.
00:03:54And we've got to understand what that means.
00:03:57What is faith and grace in the midst of discomfort?
00:04:01Now, let's look at the book of 1 Peter chapter 5 and verse 10,
00:04:06first through the King James and then the NLT.
00:04:09And I want to talk to you about this discomfort.
00:04:13This is not anything we should complain about.
00:04:16Well, I'm in the midst of discomfort. You're not the only one and you won't
00:04:20ever be the only one. Every man or woman who's alive will
00:04:24understand the place of pain and the place of discomfort,
00:04:29but it's designed so that we ultimately can mature into the image of the Lord
00:04:35Jesus Christ. First in the King James, 1 Peter chapter 5 and 10.
00:04:39Everybody on the bus? I know I went through that pretty quick.
00:04:42Everybody got that? Okay. He says, verse 10,
00:04:48but the God of all grace who hath called us unto eternal glory by Christ Jesus
00:04:55Christ, or by Christ Jesus, after that you have suffered a while.
00:05:01He's going to make you perfect after you've suffered a while.
00:05:05He'll establish you after you've suffered a while.
00:05:08He'll strengthen you after you've suffered a while and he'll settle you after you've
00:05:12suffered a while. The NLT says it like this.
00:05:19He says, in his kindness, God called us to share in his eternal
00:05:24glory by means of Jesus Christ. So, after you have suffered a little while,
00:05:30he will restore you after you've suffered a little while.
00:05:34He will support you after you've suffered a little while.
00:05:37He'll strengthen you. He will place you on a firm foundation.
00:05:43Now, I'm not here to talk about where the suffering came from,
00:05:46whether, you know, God did it or the devil did it.
00:05:50All I know is the Bible says, they that live godly shall suffer
00:05:54persecution. And all I know is that, you know,
00:05:58when people won't allow God to teach them, life will, you know.
00:06:03There'll be some things to happen in your life to help you to understand that you
00:06:08need God, all right? And you can grow in those
00:06:11particular areas. So, one of the things I want to submit
00:06:15to you is that suffering is the catalyst, or let me use a synonym,
00:06:20the stimulus, or the…it's the thing that will ultimately kind of help you
00:06:31to understand that you can grow from what you go through.
00:06:37You don't have to quit from what you go through.
00:06:38You can go. Suffering will encourage Christlikeness.
00:06:46Somebody says, I don't believe that. Keep living.
00:06:50It will be the catalyst for Christlikeness.
00:06:53See, Jesus suffered with us even though he already suffered for us.
00:07:01And that's powerful that he suffered for us, but he's also willing to suffer
00:07:06with us. Now, go to Romans chapter 8 and 29.
00:07:11Romans 8 and 29. I tell you, the devil's going to be
00:07:15in trouble because all of the stuff he's been able to do to move you,
00:07:18once you understand what's going on, you're not going to be able to be moved.
00:07:22In fact, he's going to get frustrated. I used to do this to you five years ago
00:07:26and this is what happened. And now, you'll say to him,
00:07:29I'm not like I was five years ago. I have grown.
00:07:33You are not dealing with the same person you dealt with five years ago.
00:07:38And I just thank God for that. I thank God we have a growing,
00:07:41maturing church that life can't do to you what it used to do to you and expect for
00:07:48the same thing to happen. Maybe you would curl up and cry five
00:07:51years ago. Now, you will turn to your Scripture
00:07:53and read the Word and pray in the Holy Ghost or call somebody and bless them.
00:07:57God wants to mature you. Now, look at this in Romans chapter 8
00:08:03and verse 29. He says, for whom he did foreknow,
00:08:07he also did, he predestined. I mean, before time,
00:08:11he predestined for us to be conformed to the image of his Son that he might be the
00:08:17firstborn amongst many brethren. Now, here's what God said.
00:08:23Each of us, he has predestined for us to be conformed into the image of Jesus.
00:08:30The objective of this life, that when it is over with as Christians,
00:08:35that we look like Christ, that we're being conformed.
00:08:39Right now, all the stuff you're going through, you're being conformed into the
00:08:42image of Jesus. All the stuff you've been through,
00:08:45you're being conformed into the image of Jesus.
00:08:48Might not look like it, might not feel like it, but you're going to wake up one
00:08:52day and realize you got more love operating now than you had before.
00:08:57You have more empathy operating in your life than ever before.
00:09:01You're more generous than ever before. The stuff you'll give somebody now,
00:09:04you wouldn't even thought about giving it to them before.
00:09:08You're being conformed, glory to God. All of the stuff that you've had to go
00:09:13through, every time you got knocked down, disappointed, all this stuff,
00:09:16all of it, God says, I'm going to take all of the mess that you've had to encounter
00:09:21in your life, and as long as you keep pursuing me, I'm going to use it.
00:09:26I'm going to mold you. I'm the potter.
00:09:28You're the clay. I'm going to make you after my will.
00:09:32You're going to look back one day, and you're going to just...
00:09:35You remember that song, my soul looks back and wonder how I got over?
00:09:38Well, I'm telling you how you got over. It was Jesus that was helping you over.
00:09:42All right? So now, how does this work?
00:09:47We're being conformed, predestined to be conformed into the image of His Son,
00:09:53so that He might be the firstborn amongst many brethren.
00:09:56All right, Philippians chapter 3 and 10. Let me do this, and that'll be our summary,
00:10:02and I think we can move on. Philippians chapter 3 and 10.
00:10:05He says that I may know Him. Now, I think this past week,
00:10:09the Lord said to me that Christianity, without a relationship with the Christ,
00:10:18is nothing but religion that keeps you in bondage. Think about it.
00:10:25What is Christianity if you don't have a relationship with Jesus?
00:10:29If all Christianity is in your life is coming to church, learning the rule,
00:10:34and trying to keep the rule, then your Christianity is nothing
00:10:37but a religion. But real Christianity has relationship with the Christ,
00:10:44so you can come to know Him. So you don't have to act like a Christian
00:10:49when church is over with. You're just walking in your
00:10:51relationship with Jesus Christ. You ain't got to be cautious of who's
00:10:56around or who saw you at the mall. You're going to act like you act
00:11:02because you know Christ. You're not going to act like you act
00:11:04because you're afraid somebody watching you, and that's a problem.
00:11:07You got to get fed up with trying to do stuff to get people's approval.
00:11:11You got to learn how to live this Christian life in a relationship
00:11:16with the Christ. Amen? That I might know Him and that I might
00:11:22know the power of His resurrection, that I might know the fellowship
00:11:26of His sufferings being made. Now, notice, now you can be made
00:11:30conformable unto His death. The fellowship of His suffering,
00:11:32remember I defined that for you. In this word fellowship,
00:11:35it comes from an old Greek word, kononio, which means a giving
00:11:40and receiving. If you go out to lunch to somebody and you fellowship
00:11:43with them, they got a part of that fellowship at the lunch,
00:11:45and you have a part of that fellowship at the lunch.
00:11:48There's a giving that comes from you and a receiving from the other,
00:11:51and a giving that comes from the other and a receiving from you.
00:11:54That's what fellowship is all about. Well, he says that we ought to know Him
00:11:57and the fellowship of His suffering. That means that we're not going
00:12:01to suffer the same way Jesus suffered. Jesus' part of the fellowship
00:12:06of His suffering is this, He suffered to obtain the victories
00:12:12that we didn't have. He suffered so we can now have healing.
00:12:16He suffered so we can now be made righteous. He suffered because now
00:12:20we can be made whole, okay? Now, He's not expecting for us to go
00:12:25through the same suffering to try to get what He's already gotten.
00:12:28That wouldn't make sense. He suffered because He needed to get
00:12:32what we didn't have. So we already have everything that pertains
00:12:35to life and godliness. So what's my part of the fellowship
00:12:39of the suffering? His part was to die to get the victory.
00:12:44My part is to maintain the victory that He died to get for me.
00:12:50So that means Satan's job is to see if he can stop you from holding
00:12:57on to what Jesus obtained. Our job, maintain.
00:13:03Maintain righteousness. All right, I'm born again.
00:13:06Now, I'm the righteousness of God. Now, all hell is coming against me
00:13:09to try to convince me that I am not righteous.
00:13:13So the attack for you daily is going to be in your mind,
00:13:17trying to change the way you think. Because if he can change the way
00:13:20you think, if he can get you to quit believing in your mind,
00:13:24then you'll see it translated in your life. If he can work on you enough to say,
00:13:29for you to say, I don't believe I'm righteous. Uh-oh.
00:13:32I don't believe I'm redeemed. I don't believe I'm holy.
00:13:36If he can do that either through religion or hard times,
00:13:40then he has become very successful in stopping you from maintaining the victory
00:13:45that he died to obtain. So understand how to play the chess game.
00:13:50It ain't about who did something to you at work.
00:13:53It's about the devil trying to get you to change your mind about the victory that
00:13:58Jesus died to obtain. So every day you wake up,
00:14:01you're waking up believing what Jesus has obtained for you.
00:14:05I believe I'm healed, even though when you're hurting.
00:14:08I believe I'm healed, even though you're sick.
00:14:11I believe I'm righteous, even though you acted a fool last week.
00:14:14I believe I'm redeemed, even though it don't seem like he redeemed.
00:14:17That's the whole game. Can he convince you through a variety
00:14:22of ways that you are not what he said you are? You know the greatest fear that a
00:14:29believer can have is to be afraid that what Jesus said, to be afraid that what
00:14:34Jesus promised is not true. That's the greatest fear.
00:14:38I am afraid that what he said about me being righteous is not true.
00:14:43That's the biggest fear you can have. I am afraid what he said about me being
00:14:47delivered is not true. And so you fall one crazy time and Satan
00:14:52say, see there, see there, if you was really like he said,
00:14:55then you wouldn't have failed that time. Don't let the devil do you like that.
00:14:58When he talks that kind of stuff, you say, hey, devil, it ain't over yet.
00:15:02It ain't over yet. I failed today, but I'm like Micah
00:15:06tomorrow. When I fall, I shall arise.
00:15:10Don't rejoice too quick, devil. It ain't over yet.
00:15:13I have not finished my journey. And that's the attack.
00:15:17That's the spiritual attack. Satan has a meeting with his demons
00:15:22every day to come up with a strategy to try to knock you off what you're
00:15:28standing on. Unlike us, Satan strategizes on how to
00:15:34defeat you. And you've got to say, I am not defeated.
00:15:39Satan is a defeated foe. That's the thing.
00:15:42He's trying to convince you of what's true about him.
00:15:48No, this is what's true about you. You're the one who was kicked out of
00:15:51heaven. Uh-uh, you're talking about yourself.
00:15:57And it frustrates the devil when you keep responding in a way that contradicts what
00:16:02he's trying to get you to fear. And every night, you can go to bed
00:16:06knowing I defeated the devil again. He tried to make me think I was no good,
00:16:12but I am. He tried to make me think I'm not holy,
00:16:14but I said I'm holy. I felt a little funny when I said I'm
00:16:17holy, but I'm going to say it anyway. I'm not saying I'm holy because I feel
00:16:22holy. I'm saying I'm holy because he said I'm
00:16:25holy. I'm saying I'm holy because he died to
00:16:27make me holy. I'm saying I'm holy because that's the
00:16:30victory that I got. Be careful of the religion that's going
00:16:39forth today that tells you you messed up so bad that you got to forget everything
00:16:46Jesus has done for you. That's when you remember it.
00:16:50That's when you remember it. I just want to just make the devil tremble.
00:16:55Could everybody shout, I'm the righteousness of God now?
00:16:57I'm the righteousness of God now. Okay, now watch this.
00:17:01This is really unusual in church, but would you say out loud,
00:17:05I'm holy right now? I'm holy right now.
00:17:09All right, some of y'all struggled a little bit.
00:17:10What? No, how many of you believe that you're
00:17:14holy right now? Now, why, why, why, why?
00:17:18You're not holy because of what you have done to be holy.
00:17:23See, you ain't no longer living through us.
00:17:24We are now living through him. I'm not living through me.
00:17:28I'm living through Jesus Christ. I am whatever Jesus is.
00:17:32See, the only reason I'm righteous right now is because Jesus is righteous.
00:17:36If Jesus wasn't righteous, I wouldn't be able to be righteous.
00:17:39But because Jesus is righteous, I'm righteous.
00:17:42And somebody said, yeah, but you misbehaved last week.
00:17:45Yeah, but as long as Jesus is all right, I'm all right.
00:17:47Whenever you think you ain't all right no more, check in with Jesus.
00:17:51Jesus, you all right? Yeah, I'm all right.
00:17:53That means you still all right. And as long as he all right,
00:17:56you all right. As long as he holy, you holy.
00:17:59As long as he's righteous, you righteous.
00:18:11So, since we find purpose in suffering, and that purpose is to be conformed
00:18:17into the image of Christ, the question is, should we not resist the suffering?
00:18:25Should we not resist the tribulation and the persecution and the pain?
00:18:29Should we just tolerate it for our good and glory?
00:18:33No, I'm not going to tolerate anything from the devil or anything from life.
00:18:40Just because discomfort comes doesn't mean you have to just take it.
00:18:48I ain't going to sit there and just take something that's not my victory.
00:18:55Well, does God mind if you drink a little Mad Dog?
00:18:58See, you're asking the wrong question.
00:19:03The question is, do I want to be a slave to anything?
00:19:11Uh-uh. I'm getting ready to fight.
00:19:17Because in the midst of the discomfort, that's how I grow.
00:19:22If I'm lifting weights and I'm trying to build muscle, it ain't going to do me good
00:19:26to lift a broomstick every day. Somebody got to apply some pressure.
00:19:35And when that pressure comes and I resist that weight, the heavier it gets,
00:19:43the more I resist, the more I develop.
00:19:48So, bring it on, devil.
00:19:51I bitch-pressed the trumpet you threw at me last month.
00:19:55I'm a little stronger this month.
00:19:57Add it on, slap it on now.
00:20:00Bring it on.
00:20:01Uh-uh, this a little rough.
00:20:03I'm going to need to watch this.
00:20:04I'm going to need a spotter.
00:20:07And Jesus is always there to spot you.
00:20:11Jesus is there to spot you, and he's going to stay there to spot you
00:20:16until you can do it yourself, which means I've developed.
00:20:21Get out of this little thing.
00:20:22As Christians, we're not supposed to have no problems.
00:20:24You're not supposed to have no hard time.
00:20:26Ain't nothing bad supposed to happen to you.
00:20:28And if it does, then you ain't no real Christian.
00:20:31That is tomfoolery.
00:20:32That's a bunch of crap.
00:20:34Honey, when stuff happens in your life, that's an opportunity for you to grow.
00:20:38That's an opportunity for you to bust up more demons.
00:20:41That's an opportunity for you to get stronger and stronger and stronger until
00:20:45you done got so strong the devil don't even want to fool with you no more.
00:20:48The devil got to have a mean to vote to see if anybody want to stop by your house.
00:20:56And they say, who want to go in there today?
00:20:58I ain't going in there today.
00:21:00I went in there last week, and I tell you what, they shout it out.
00:21:03They never would shut up saying hallelujah.
00:21:05They kept dancing.
00:21:06They kept shouting.
00:21:07I thought I had them.
00:21:08And I thought some tears were coming out of their eyes.
00:21:11And I realized they were crying because they were enjoying whooping my tail.
00:21:14I ain't going in that house no more.
00:21:16The Bible says, he seeketh whom he may devour.
00:21:20Which means he can't devour everybody, hallelujah.
00:21:24And you ought to be the people that he has to talk about whether or not they want
00:21:28to mess with you today.
00:21:30And I'm telling you, world changing, the devil is getting fed up messing
00:21:33with you because he can't defeat you.
00:21:36He can't knock you down.
00:21:38He can't get you to say, I'm broke.
00:21:40He can't get you to say, I'm sick.
00:21:42He can't get, he...
00:21:54We're going to resist.
00:21:57We're going to resist.
00:21:58It ain't over till it's over.
00:22:00And as long as you got breath in your body, honey, maybe you didn't see it last
00:22:04week, maybe you didn't see it last month, but you don't have to see it to believe it.
00:22:09That's what's so special about us.
00:22:11We don't necessarily have to see the manifestation to know we already got
00:22:15the manifestation.
00:22:16See, we're not confessing something to try to get something to come to pass.
00:22:21We're confessing it because Jesus has already gotten it to come to pass.
00:22:25And what we say, we say because we believe it.
00:22:28We want to mess the devil up because he can't believe we're saying this.
00:22:32All the pain, and all the sickness, and all the shame, and all the stuff you
00:22:36don't went through, and you got the mitigated gall to stand up in front
00:22:39of somebody and declare that you are the righteousness of God.
00:22:51I'm going to shout today, I'm tearing something up.
00:22:56I'm tearing something up because God been too good to me.
00:23:02God been too good to me for me to sit back and deny what the grace of God has
00:23:08made available to me.
00:23:10I am not going to disregard it.
00:23:12I'm not going to be quiet about it.
00:23:14I'm not going to act like it didn't happen.
00:23:18I'm going to shout unto God with a voice of triumph.
00:23:21I'm going to praise him anyhow.
00:23:23I'm going to say, glory to God.
00:23:32My God.
00:23:36It ain't over with yet, devil.
00:23:40You hit me with another shot.
00:23:42But when, listen, when sin abounds, y'all didn't hear what I just said.
00:23:51When sin increases, grace is going to increase more.
00:23:55And when sin increases, grace is going to increase more.
00:23:59Y'all don't understand what I'm saying.
00:24:02Sin, no matter how much of it you do, will never be greater than God's grace.
00:24:13Now, you religious folks, you got a problem with that because you have more
00:24:20faith in sin's ability to send you to hell than you have faith in grace's
00:24:26ability to send you to heaven.
00:24:29Sin ain't never going to outdo God's grace.
00:24:33I just...
00:24:50Do you actually think that you're crazy is more powerful than grace?
00:25:06Taff and I were having a conversation yesterday.
00:25:07It was profound.
00:25:11She said, people concerned about, oh, Lord, about people...
00:25:20What the hell is she at?
00:25:24What are you talking about?
00:25:26People concerned about don't take any advantage...
00:25:29What was taking advantage of?
00:25:32Come on, help me, baby.
00:25:34Help me.
00:25:35Real quick.
00:25:37So, there's this belief or theory that you can abuse grace.
00:25:42And so, the thinking is because you are under grace, and if you keep sinning,
00:25:50you are being abusive.
00:25:52And so, the more you sin, the more you are being abusive to God.
00:25:58And so, there's this concept that in relationships, we see God as a human in
00:26:05terms of being abusive.
00:26:06We don't see his nature of being spiritual, and his character is that of,
00:26:13you can't compare human relationships with our heavenly relationship.
00:26:18And listen, the Bible says, God is not a man.
00:26:36And you think you're abusing him because of the abuse you done got
00:26:40from somebody else.
00:26:42But I am here to tell you, world changes.
00:26:47You ain't got nothing strong enough to abuse God's grace.
00:26:53Do you actually think you got something strong enough to abuse God's grace?
00:26:58God can't be abused.
00:26:59You understand what I'm saying?
00:27:01So, as much junk as you have in your life, as much crap as you got in your life,
00:27:07as much sin as you got in your life, he said, my son, Jesus,
00:27:12is strong enough to take all of your junk and still not be abused,
00:27:18still get up on the third day, still be seated on the right hand of God
00:27:24the Father Almighty.
00:27:25And after you think you have abused him, he coming back again.
00:27:37You can't abuse God's grace.
00:27:43See, you think he going to get tired of you.
00:27:47You think you don't want him out and he just can't take it no more.
00:27:52He will outlast you.
00:27:55You ain't going to outlast him.
00:27:57You can get crazy every day.
00:27:58You can go to all kinds of junk joints all the time.
00:28:02You can cuss and create some cussing words.
00:28:05But one day, you're going to wake up and you're going to come to the end
00:28:08of your sin.
00:28:10And after, you can't even think about no other way to sin.
00:28:15Jesus is going to still be there.
00:28:22He going to still be there.
00:28:28And that's what makes his grace so amazing, that it cannot be abused,
00:28:33that it will not weaken.
00:28:35Honey, when your sin increases, his grace will always stay on the top,
00:28:41ready to turn you around, honey.
00:28:45So, I don't know what kind of church you want to go to after this one,
00:28:49but I ain't going to stop preaching this wonderful, awesome, everlasting,
00:28:54eternal grace.
00:29:00His grace is sufficient.
00:29:11Well, I'll tell you one thing.
00:29:13You got people around here talking about, they're just going to keep
00:29:16on sinning.
00:29:17I don't know if they're ready for this, Lord.
00:29:20You sure?
00:29:30Bishop, this heavy.
00:29:38This, this, this, this.
00:29:40I want you to remember two words, regard and disregard.
00:29:44Tell me.
00:29:45Come on.
00:29:48Oh, my God.
00:29:49Y'all sure?
00:29:49Y'all ready, y'all?
00:29:55Titus chapter 2 says that the grace of God will teach you how to live godly,
00:30:08and it'll keep you away from ungodliness.
00:30:13So, over the years, we have defined godliness by its fruit,
00:30:19and we've defined ungodliness by its fruit.
00:30:22You're ungodly when you lie, and you cheat, and you murder.
00:30:27But you know what ungodliness is?
00:30:31A total disregard of God.
00:30:38You know what it means to be ungodly?
00:30:41That you so disregard God that you don't even believe you need him to bless
00:30:47you no more.
00:30:48That's ungodly.
00:30:55It's when you don't even give him no more attention because you don't think he
00:30:59that necessary.
00:31:00Ask Siri.
00:31:01Ask Siri what ungodly means.
00:31:05Even Siri know what ungodly means.
00:31:09It means to no longer give attention to the one that you used to trust.
00:31:16And it said grace will teach you how to regard God.
00:31:25Grace will teach you how to give him attention.
00:31:31Grace will teach you that when you wake up, it was God.
00:31:35Thank you, Jesus.
00:31:37Grace will show you when the doctor said you're sick, I got to regard God.
00:31:40Help me, Lord.
00:31:42Grace will teach you when you sow seeds, oh, Lord, bless my seed.
00:31:51This is strong.
00:31:53Now, I ain't finished, but here I go.
00:31:57Sow when he shed his blood to forgive you of your sins, and you choose another
00:32:07method to try to get clean, you have disregarded what the blood of Jesus has
00:32:20made available for you.
00:32:25And in your attempt to try to deal with your ungodliness, you became ungodly
00:32:34because you disregarded what Jesus has done for what you are now trying to handle
00:32:42through your own self-effort, which means you are back into dead works trying to get
00:32:49God to do something for you if you're good enough to deserve his good.
00:33:00I'm not going to disregard God.
00:33:03I need him.
00:33:05I need him.
00:33:07I need him when I wake up.
00:33:08I need him to preach this sermon.
00:33:10I need...
00:33:11Are you kidding me?
00:33:12All this stuff come out.
00:33:13How does this stuff come out just like this?
00:33:16This was not my plan.
00:33:17For this to come out?
00:33:21They sure not going to talk about Creflo, I don't care.
00:33:25If I cared, I would not be preaching this gospel of grace.
00:33:31They already think I'm crazy.
00:33:33They already think I'm Batman.
00:33:35I don't care.
00:33:40Because grace is teaching us to not disregard him.
00:33:49Don't disregard his blood.
00:33:52Don't disregard his son.
00:33:55Don't disregard his grace, his mercy.
00:33:58Don't disregard it.
00:34:00That is ungodliness.
00:34:03And we're so busy judging you from all of the fruits of ungodliness,
00:34:08but all that fruit showed up because you disregarded him.
00:34:12Some of us business is sitting there like, what?
00:34:29Is he telling people they can sin?
00:34:31See, that's what religion tells you.
00:34:33You're not factoring in the Holy Spirit of grace whose job is to change your desire
00:34:47about your behavior.
00:34:50You're going to grow in such love with Jesus, there are just certain things
00:34:56you're not going to want to do because your love for him just won't let you do
00:35:02it the way you used to do it.
00:35:06You're going to wake up one day and weed won't be enough of a high because God has
00:35:17taken you higher than weed.
00:35:22And now you're disregarding weed to give regard to God.
00:35:28And that's why I say, unless you have a relationship with Jesus Christ,
00:35:31you can't live this through your doctrinal understanding from church.
00:35:37You got to know him.
00:35:40And when you know him, you ain't got to argue about whether you
00:35:44can have slushball liquor or...
00:35:50You ask why?
00:35:52I'm trying to get a buzz.
00:35:53Well, I can get a buzz by praying in tongues for 30 seconds.
00:35:58Oh, there go my buzz.
00:36:01See, the Holy Ghost is going to take you down a real walk.
00:36:10Church is just going to take you down some more laws and some more rules and
00:36:13regulations that you are not successful at keeping in the first place.
00:36:17And every time you break them, you feel more condemnation.
00:36:20You feel more defeated.
00:36:21You wonder if I can ever do this.
00:36:23And people are telling you how bad you are, how awful you are.
00:36:26And you're like, yeah, I am bad.
00:36:28Yeah, I am awful.
00:36:29And all of a sudden, you just feel like, I don't even know how I can do this.
00:36:32But when you walk down the road with the Holy Ghost, hey, and when you start acting
00:36:36bad and awful, you know what he'll say?
00:36:38Yeah, that was bad and awful, but I ain't leaving you.
00:36:41I'm going to stick right here with you.
00:36:44I'm going to be so good to you, it's going to change your mind
00:36:47about your bad and awful.
00:36:49You ain't going to want to go where you used to go.
00:36:52You ain't going to want to do what you used to do.
00:36:54You ain't going to want to watch what you used to watch.
00:36:57You ain't going to even want to talk like you used to talk because you know me.
00:37:01And when a man comes to know me, they're knowing more than a list of rules.
00:37:06They're knowing the author from which all of this has come from.
00:37:13And we don't believe this because we don't want to pay the price
00:37:17called relationship.
00:37:22Nobody want no relationship with God.
00:37:23I just want to go tell me what I'm supposed to do, what I'm not supposed
00:37:26to do, and go home.
00:37:28You mean tell me you want me to live like this?
00:37:34And they that know their God, and that's the problem with the church.
00:37:40Got too many church folks, they don't know their God.
00:37:42They know eight commandments, but they don't know their God.
00:37:44They don't even know 10 commandments.
00:37:45But when you know your God, when you know your God, you'll start living according
00:37:54to Scripture you ain't even read yet.
00:37:58Whoa, when you know your God, you'll learn how to pray a prayer that ain't
00:38:07nobody taught you yet.
00:38:08When you know your God, you'll know how to love in a way that nobody
00:38:13showed you how to love.
00:38:14When you know your God, ain't nobody got to tell you to give.
00:38:18Ain't nobody got to tell you to sow.
00:38:20When you know your God, there's something on the inside that said,
00:38:24everything I got came from him.
00:38:26Let me see how I can bless him with what is already his.
00:38:36When you know your God, you ain't giving up on your children no matter
00:38:39what nobody say.
00:38:41That's my child.
00:38:43And I remember when I act just as crazy as they did.
00:38:47In fact, that's where they got some of it from.
00:38:49They got it from me.
00:38:51And if I am ever convinced that God can help my children, I just need to go in the
00:38:56mirror and look at myself and say, look at what God has done in my life and then
00:39:03start shouting, if he did it once, he'll do it again.
00:39:13You don't need nobody giving you no off-the-wall rules about how to raise
00:39:17your kid in the wrong way.
00:39:22Your child is just a result of your trauma.
00:39:28Just a result of the secrets you didn't even tell them and your secrets leaking
00:39:32out in front of you in your children's life.
00:39:38But you got a God who's like an eagle stirring in a nest.
00:39:45And just when you think that, can't nothing change, hallelujah,
00:39:50you pick up the phone one day and they say, mama, I don't know what's happening
00:39:56to me.
00:39:58I just don't want to live this way no more.
00:40:02I don't know what's going on with me.
00:40:05I just want Jesus.
00:40:08I don't even know how to spell his name.
00:40:11But I know there's something that's stirring on the inside of me.
00:40:16Somebody say, what's that?
00:40:17That's your prayer.
00:40:18That's your standing in victory.
00:40:20I'm telling you, it ain't never going to be too late.
00:40:24Now, it might be late, but it ain't going to be too late.
00:40:30But look at you.
00:40:34Look at you.
00:40:37Yeah, you ain't told your whole testimony.
00:40:39Look at you.
00:40:42Well, that's before I got saved.
00:40:43Well, let's talk about after you got saved.
00:40:45You was a fool after you got saved, some of you.
00:40:47Look at you.
00:40:50And God never stopped working and he never will.
00:41:00He never will.
00:41:03So, God's not a man that you can abuse like other men do.
00:41:10His grace is literally something out of this world.
00:41:19And we keep trying to bring his grace on the level of doctrine.
00:41:30And his grace will show you doctrine that your mind can't
00:41:35even hardly comprehend.
00:41:40So, that's why I won't be sending people to hell no more.
00:41:46Well, I know they definitely going to go to hell by 11.
00:41:55Because God...
00:41:57Listen, you remember those two thieves on the cross?
00:42:04You remember that?
00:42:05This thing was getting ready to happen with one of them.
00:42:08Well, with both of them.
00:42:13You looked over there at that man.
00:42:17He said, you believe?
00:42:21He said, yeah, I believe.
00:42:24Well, today, now watch this.
00:42:29Today, are you with me in paradise?
00:42:35That man didn't have time to go to church.
00:42:40He didn't have time to have no prayer life, huh?
00:42:45He didn't have time to do no good deeds.
00:42:49He didn't have time to play church.
00:42:52He believed, and today, that day, he was with Jesus.
00:43:02Now, the other one didn't believe, and that day,
00:43:07he was in hell.
00:43:10And the distinction was, will you believe Jesus or will you
00:43:17work to try to have a dead work, enough dead works to see
00:43:26if you can get him to let you in?
00:43:31All he wants you to do is believe him, and some of us,
00:43:33we got a hard time to do that.
00:43:34I don't know about that.
00:43:35I don't know about that.
00:43:36I don't know about that stuff Rev.
00:43:37Dollar talking about.
00:43:38Everything I done said, I can show it to you in a bunch of
00:43:40Scriptures in the New Testament, and then show you the shadow of
00:43:45it in the Old Testament.
00:43:46I ain't making up nothing.
00:43:50You just ain't ready, and I have, and I'm trying to tell you.
00:43:54And now, you're sitting up there like, I don't know.
00:43:58You ought to know what your sinful, crazy self.
00:44:00You ought to be so happy.
00:44:02You ought to be so happy I'm talking like this.
00:44:04You ought to be doing cartwheels up and down the stairway.
00:44:06You're sitting up there talking about, I don't know about Jesus
00:44:09forgiving me of all my sins.
00:44:10I don't know he going to forgive all of them because, you know,
00:44:12I was a hellraiser.
00:44:13He know you was a hellraiser.
00:44:15That's why you need him because ain't nowhere in the world you
00:44:17going to get in in your own will with your hellraiser self.
00:44:21Ain't nowhere in the world he going to do it.
00:44:25We so backwards.
00:44:27We so backwards.
00:44:28We let religion, first of all, it was the world.
00:44:31Now, it's church, folks.
00:44:38And then, God sent this beautiful gift of grace,
00:44:41and we don't know if we want it.
00:44:43I don't know about that grace.
00:44:45All right, so let me tell you what you're saying.
00:44:47Let me tell you what you're saying.
00:44:49Grace is Jesus full of grace and truth.
00:44:57Grace is the truth that makes man free.
00:45:01So, when you say, I got a problem with that grace stuff,
00:45:04you know what you're saying?
00:45:05I got a problem with Jesus because every principle I share
00:45:08of grace is a principle of the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:45:15Everlasting forgiveness, never leave you nor forsake you,
00:45:21friend of sinners, go to sinner's house and eat with
00:45:25them, while the church saying, hey,
00:45:27we got a problem with Jesus going to the house of a sinner.
00:45:31For you to be judgmental of sinful behavior,
00:45:34you have to believe that you don't have done.
00:45:42Oh, Lord, you got to help me.
00:45:44I have sinned.
00:45:45No, you got more than sin.
00:45:46You have sins.
00:45:50Yeah, you do.
00:45:51You have sins, but all of your sinful behavior is not what
00:45:57separated you from Christ.
00:46:01What separated you from Christ was the sinful nature,
00:46:07and your sinful nature has been dealt with the day you got born
00:46:13And now that you're born again, you have a new creation,
00:46:18no longer have a sinful nature.
00:46:21But you keep misunderstanding the sinful nature versus the
00:46:27sinful behavior.
00:46:31Your sinful behavior did not separate you from Christ.
00:46:37If that was the case, Jesus wouldn't have been able to hang
00:46:39out with the disciples none.
00:46:44The sinful nature has been dealt with.
00:46:49You have a new creation that is now going to escort you from the
00:46:55sinful behavior.
00:46:59But you didn't get free from your sinful behavior the day you
00:47:02got born again.
00:47:04You still have some misbehaving.
00:47:09So for us to judge another person's sinful behavior when
00:47:13we're still dealing with some ourselves.
00:47:20We're still dealing with some ourselves.
00:47:23And so what we call sin is the big ten.
00:47:26Adultery, murder, we don't do them ten.
00:47:37But them other 603, we'd be weighing out.
00:47:40Bad attitude, arrogant, not walking in love, selfish.
00:47:54Yeah, but that's a little sin.
00:47:55So when did the Bible make a distinction between big sin and
00:47:58little sin?
00:47:59Where at?
00:48:01You know what sin is?
00:48:02Sin is missing the mark.
00:48:06So you mean to tell me you don't miss the mark?
00:48:08So you're so flawless you don't miss the mark.
00:48:13Well, you missed the mark the other day when you went past
00:48:15that person that was naked and homeless.
00:48:19But you were too scared they were going to pull a knife out
00:48:22on you so you, you know, you didn't even ask God.
00:48:24You didn't even regard God to find out if he wanted you to
00:48:27stop or not.
00:48:31We all miss the mark.
00:48:34But for you to look at somebody and say how awful they are,
00:48:39you just missed the mark.
00:48:41Because you have to see yourself as, I'm perfect.
00:48:46Well, we're perfect in Christ, but it's still manifesting.
00:48:52For all have sinned and come short.
00:48:58Falling short is inferiority.
00:49:00Falling short is missing the mark.
00:49:02Somehow you got to convince yourself you don't fall short
00:49:05no more.
00:49:06For you to act the way you act towards other people like,
00:49:09you know, they did this, but at least I hadn't done that.
00:49:12Well, now that's self-righteous.
00:49:16How, how is it that you ain't got no issues no more all of a
00:49:22And the rest of us believe it every day.
00:49:24Lord, help us to have a good day today.
00:49:28And then at the end of the day, and you did real good in
00:49:30comparison with somebody else, but the Bible says we must not
00:49:32compare ourselves with one another.
00:49:35He said it ain't wise comparing yourself amongst yourself.
00:49:38And you still come up at the end of the day, a good Christian
00:49:41saying, Lord, I think I could have did better with my mouth.
00:49:45Keep helping me to choose better words.
00:49:47I chose pretty good today, but, you know, I kind of got off.
00:49:51I had that little woolly thing, and I just kind of, I got off.
00:49:54I got off, and that cuss word came.
00:49:56I thought the book of cuss was buried.
00:49:58It just, it came out.
00:49:59They pissed me off.
00:50:01So, cuss came out, and I, oh, love Jesus.
00:50:05Well, God loves that.
00:50:08God said, okay, we'll work on that.
00:50:10But another Christian say, look at you, shame on you.
00:50:14And then what we do is we shame people.
00:50:16We shame people out of church.
00:50:17We shame people out of relationship with God.
00:50:19We shame people in order to make us feel better about us missing
00:50:23the mark.
00:50:31Oh, the hell I done called for teaching the truth.
00:50:36I ain't got nobody else but y'all, but if y'all leave,
00:50:47I'm going to still keep teaching it.
00:50:50I'd rather catch hell here than to go to hell.
00:50:52And I ain't going to hell, but still the thought of it just,
00:51:01it's the truth.
00:51:02My life ain't never been the same.
00:51:04I'm free.
00:51:05I'm delivered.
00:51:06I'm happy.
00:51:08I know how to go on vacation now.
00:51:13I try to give so I can get people to say, wow.
00:51:17You know, I go to the restaurant, and I know this girl,
00:51:19this is the only way she's going to make money.
00:51:22I ain't sitting up there trying to sit, you know,
00:51:24give her $2.
00:51:26Man, I want to make her a holler.
00:51:32And baby, I go to tip.
00:51:33She come back.
00:51:34She said, did you mean to give me this?
00:51:37I said, well, how much was it?
00:51:39She said, $250.
00:51:40I said, yeah.
00:51:41She said, that's more than what I get on my check.
00:51:44I said, oh, that's, really?
00:51:46Let me add a little bit more to it.
00:51:48That's almost poverty.
00:51:50Because God blessed you, and you got the gall not to want to be
00:51:57a blessing to somebody else.
00:52:01Then you get mad at me because you see me operating
00:52:07in my harvest?
00:52:10I ain't stun you.
00:52:14I ain't stun you.
00:52:19Y'all better watch out for Kremlin tapping in.
00:52:21You know, Kremlin and them talking that great stuff,
00:52:23and tapping up there talking about that biblical equality
00:52:25stuff, that biblical equality.
00:52:28That biblical equality, that ain't God.
00:52:31Ain't no woman supposed to be in no pulpit?
00:52:33You just saw her in the pulpit.
00:52:34What you talking about?
00:52:35Ain't no woman supposed to be in no pulpit?
00:52:37That ain't God for a woman to be in a pulpit.
00:52:39And you went to school?
00:52:44You tell somebody you went to school.
00:52:49You went to seminary.
00:52:50You probably went to a cemetery.
00:52:52You didn't go to no seminary.
00:52:53Because if you went to the real seminary,
00:52:55you'll find out that the majority of the churches in the
00:52:57Book of Acts were pastored by women.
00:53:01You mean to tell me a woman can raise your big head self,
00:53:04but the woman can't raise no people in the church?
00:53:07What is the matter with us?
00:53:09Of course God has called women into the ministry.
00:53:12Of course God has called women to preach on the pulpit.
00:53:16Of course God has called women to lay hands on the sick and see
00:53:19them recover.
00:53:20Of course God has called women to do mighty, mighty works.
00:53:24And we come with that old dumb stuff,
00:53:29dumb doctrine.
00:53:30Well, we suspend you because you got women in your church.
00:53:34Your mama need to spank your tail.
00:53:36Your mama need to whoop your butt for being so,
00:53:38for embarrassing her like that.
00:53:41Well, you got to understand, everybody's culture not there.
00:53:46I'm not preaching culture.
00:54:00Don't nobody care about your culture?
00:54:02Your culture is wrong.
00:54:03Your culture needs to be adjusted.
00:54:05Your culture needs some word infusion.
00:54:07You care about no culture?
00:54:08I said this when I was in Africa the other week ago.
00:54:10I'm like, I don't.
00:54:11And them gims sitting there like, mama, you better.
00:54:13You better straighten up.
00:54:15Either you believe the Word or you don't.
00:54:17But we talk about you believe the Word and then we get to
00:54:19this part where I don't know our culture.
00:54:21I don't care about your culture.
00:54:22Your culture didn't call you to beat up a woman.
00:54:24No culture didn't call you to beat your wife down.
00:54:26Your culture didn't call.
00:54:27That ain't God.
00:54:28Your culture can't.
00:54:29There's enough grace for your stupid culture,
00:54:35whatever culture it may be.
00:54:42Well, now here's the deal.
00:54:44Here's where we are.
00:54:46The way I hear you preaching, I just don't believe it.
00:54:49Still, that's where we are.
00:54:51That's where we are.
00:54:52You believe your tradition that doesn't line up with the Word
00:54:56more than you believe the Word.
00:54:58So, don't ever tell nobody you want the Word.
00:55:00Don't tell nobody you want the Word.
00:55:04I want the Word.
00:55:05No, you don't.
00:55:07No, you don't.
00:55:09These Scriptures I literally can go to the Bible and show you.
00:55:13Some man tells you..
00:55:15And this is the problem with men.
00:55:17Most men are victims of condemnation.
00:55:21They don't feel like they're enough.
00:55:23They don't feel like that they got enough.
00:55:26And they got that from their daddy who didn't feel like he
00:55:29And in each case, he had to cover his insecurity up with a
00:55:33false sense of superiority.
00:55:36And so, black women trying to figure out why men don't want
00:55:39to get married because they're scared.
00:55:41They don't know what to do.
00:55:42They're still victims of toxic masculinity.
00:55:45They're still victims of a man supposed to do this and a man
00:55:49supposed to do that.
00:55:51And they just ain't even built like that.
00:55:54But since a man supposed to act this way,
00:55:57the toxicity puts pressure on them to try to keep the man
00:56:03And man's supposed to like sports,
00:56:05but you like arts.
00:56:08But you ain't no man.
00:56:09That's a woman DNA.
00:56:12Just in case you don't know, males have estrogen and
00:56:21And the beauty of a gift is suppressed because of toxic
00:56:28And the boy can't grow up to be who he need to be because of
00:56:32the father's false sense of superiority.
00:56:34So, don't come telling nobody you want the word.
00:56:45You don't want no word.
00:56:48You want to dominate a woman because everybody told you you
00:56:51need to dominate that woman.
00:56:52Man, a man's supposed to tell the woman.
00:56:56I tell you what, I was so scared when I got married,
00:56:58I wish I could have told somebody.
00:57:00Time to walk down the aisle, I couldn't hardly see the
00:57:03beautiful woman for seeing this big responsibility.
00:57:06Like, God, dog, what am I supposed to do?
00:57:09I got to feed her, I got to do all this stuff.
00:57:12I wonder if she agreed to it.
00:57:13I need to find out.
00:57:14What in the world?
00:57:16I was scared.
00:57:20And she was, too.
00:57:21We wasn't supposed to be getting married that day.
00:57:24I didn't know what to do.
00:57:29And then you get around a dude who think he know what to do.
00:57:31No, here's what a man's supposed to do.
00:57:33He's supposed to lead like this.
00:57:36Well, that's not part of my culture to lead like that.
00:57:38In fact, she lead better like that than I do.
00:57:40When a man's supposed to pay the bill, I can't count.
00:57:53But the pressure is on that guy to keep man law,
00:57:58which brings toxicity.
00:58:00And then you get married.
00:58:02Wow, so sad.
00:58:04And ain't nobody there to tell you that we don't want to tell
00:58:15you what the man's supposed to do.
00:58:17We want to tell you what Jesus does.
00:58:22Whether you the man or the woman, here's how to carry
00:58:26yourself in this situation and in that situation.
00:58:29You got to be a man.
00:58:31Yeah, but the wife said, I can't cook.
00:58:36The man said, I've always wanted to be a chef.
00:58:40But I can't do it because all my friends say, man,
00:58:44you a weak dude.
00:58:46Your wife don't cook for you.
00:58:48I make my wife get in there and cook for you.
00:58:50He want you to believe that story he telling himself.
00:58:52Because if she around, she like, make who?
00:59:00And then after sex, you curled up sucking your thumb
00:59:05saying, mommy.
00:59:11Our society is so ignorant because we have placed values
00:59:17on all of these laws that were culturally given to us.
00:59:21And you got a man walking around trying to be hard,
00:59:28trying to be cool to cover up his inferiority.
00:59:35To cover up the fact that he's anointed as an architect
00:59:38to decorate something like ain't nobody ever decorated.
00:59:42But that's supposed to be the woman.
00:59:48And we are victims of the secret trauma that was passed
00:59:56down from our fathers to their sons.
01:00:01And now you trying to pass it down to your son about what a
01:00:05man's supposed to do instead of let's discover how God
01:00:11wired you.
01:00:26Men don't do that.
01:00:27Men do that.
01:00:28And then we pass you on the back if you done been with six
01:00:32women and you got kids by six women.
01:00:34Well, that's how man do.
01:00:35Maybe that's the only way you can love is you got love
01:00:38with six women.
01:00:39That's just plain ignorant.
01:00:41And you're still defining your masculinity by what's in
01:00:56between your legs.
01:01:06Man time.
01:01:07Well, let me go and get my..
01:01:10I think I'm going to be delivered from plant-based
01:01:12eating today.
01:01:17There's a grace for meat.
01:01:23I ain't mean to mess up y'all father's day.
01:01:26I was just trying to finish a series and we got involved in
01:01:31all this stuff and I don't know.
01:01:35Take whatever you can take from of it and pray for me for the
01:01:39rest of it, you know.
01:01:42Bow your heads.
01:01:43Father, we thank you.
01:01:44We need you.
01:01:48We need you every day, every hour,
01:01:51every minute, every second.
01:01:53We need you.
01:01:56Oh, be our Lord and our Savior.
01:01:59Help us to depend on your grace and not to disregard all that
01:02:06you have made available for us and to us.
01:02:12Show us how to have a relationship with you and from
01:02:16that relationship with you and then show us how to have a
01:02:19relationship with other people.
01:02:23Help us.
01:02:25Oh, you know we need it.
01:02:28Help us to be what you have called us to be,
01:02:34to do what you called us to do.
01:02:42Lord Jesus, there are some precious gifts in this place.
01:02:49Men who have struggled to find out who they are and today I
01:02:58pray freedom, freedom in their lives to go on a journey with
01:03:05you to become that great individual that you've called
01:03:13them to be.
01:03:17I thank you for it now.
01:03:22In Jesus' name.
01:03:27I want to read this to you.
01:03:34In the book of 2 Corinthians chapter 9 he said,
01:03:41remember this, so I thought you should send these brothers ahead
01:03:47of me to make sure the gift you promised is ready but I want it
01:03:51to be a willing gift, not one given grudgingly.
01:03:58Remember this, a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get
01:04:01a small crop but the one who plants generously will get a
01:04:07generous crop.
01:04:10You must each decide in your heart how much to give and don't
01:04:15give reluctantly or in response to pressure for God loves a
01:04:20person who gives cheerfully and God will generously provide all
01:04:25you need and then you will always have everything you need
01:04:30and plenty left over to share with others as the Scripture
01:04:33says, they share freely and give generously to the poor and their
01:04:38good deeds will be remembered forever.
01:04:43As we take the time to honor God with our financial gifts,
01:04:51we are also tapping into the wisdom that says there is
01:04:55something about Christian people who give generously to the work
01:04:58of the kingdom that opens heaven over their lives.
01:05:05And I pray world changes that you will start living life under
01:05:12an open heaven, that unusual surprises will come your way and
01:05:20things will happen and you will remember the day I gave with a
01:05:26generous heart.
01:05:31Today, connect your giving with your relationship with Jesus
01:05:36Christ and watch.
01:05:41Just as I said about grace, there is something called the
01:05:44grace of giving.
01:05:47God wants to change your life if you let it.
01:05:52Jesus' name.
01:05:56If you need an offering in the bloke, raise your hands.
01:05:58Some say, why are you taking up offering like this?
01:06:02Because it's a part of everything we do.
01:06:04We give the Lord glory due unto his name, bring an offering and
01:06:09worship him in the beauty of his holiness.
01:06:12And a lot of people don't see that.
01:06:15They just think it's ludicrous for anybody to even mention an
01:06:21offering in church and yet the scripture over and over and over
01:06:25and over does.
01:06:28I am hungry for you to operate in the blessings.
01:06:32I am hungry for you to operate under an open heaven.
01:06:38And I believe this has a lot to do with it.
01:06:42As we prepare to bring our gifts before the Lord and to worship
01:06:45him in the beauty of his holiness, those of you who are
01:06:50here, those of you who are watching through stream,
01:06:59We are determined that this gospel will be preached in all
01:07:03the world.
01:07:05God, give me health and give us strength and then the end
01:07:11will come.
01:07:15Something good is gonna happen to you.
01:07:17I was thinking about all the stuff that happened in Atlanta
01:07:22and I was thinking about, oh, our members are gonna be
01:07:24alright, man.
01:07:25They walked out with the final blessing.
01:07:28They got covered in the blood.
01:07:29They walked out with angels watching over them.
01:07:35Praise God.
01:07:40I gotta go back and listen to this teaching and see what I say.
01:07:58Taffi coming out here on the pulpit
01:08:00starting good trouble.
01:08:04We talk like that all the time.
01:08:06We look at stuff.
01:08:08Because we want to grow in Jesus more and more every day.
01:08:10Hold your offerings up.
01:08:12Father, we take great pride in you.
01:08:14We take great pride in you.
01:08:16We take great pride in you.
01:08:18We take great pride in you.
01:08:20We take great pride in you.
01:08:22We take great pride in you.
01:08:24We take great pride in you.
01:08:27We take great honor in sowing into the kingdom today.
01:08:33Thank you for allowing us to be able to give.
01:08:37Thank you for allowing us to sow and to live life under an open
01:08:44We praise you for it now in Jesus' name.
01:08:49Let's just go ahead and receive this offering.
01:08:51I would ask how many of y'all are going out to a restaurant
01:08:58but some of y'all are like, oh no,
01:09:00we're standing at home.
01:09:01We're cooking at home.
01:09:02Praise the Lord.
01:09:06If you're here today and you've never made Jesus the Lord of
01:09:11your life, that's what it's about, man.
01:09:15It's giving Jesus your life, accepting this grace that he's
01:09:20made available.
01:09:21He says, I made a grace available to the whole world but
01:09:27not everybody in the whole world received it.
01:09:30Let's receive it.
01:09:33Let's get born again.
01:09:38So, if you're here and you've never made Jesus your Lord and
01:09:42personal Savior, I want you to get your Bibles and make your
01:09:45way on down front.
01:09:46Secondly, if you're here and you want to rededicate your life to
01:09:50Jesus Christ, do it.
01:09:55Number three, if you want the baptism in the Holy Spirit with
01:09:58the evidence of speaking in tongues, no more fear.
01:10:03I want everything that God has for me.
01:10:06And last but not least, maybe, just maybe,
01:10:09he's calling you to join this church,
01:10:12this radical church of grace people who just believe Jesus.
01:10:21You've got to make your decision.
01:10:24So, I've given you an opportunity,
01:10:26number one, to get born again, recommit yourself to Jesus,
01:10:29join the church, receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
01:10:31I can't make the decision for you but you can.
01:10:35In Jesus' name.
01:11:05Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King.
01:11:11Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King.
01:11:19Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King.
01:11:27Hallelujah, hallelujah, we're going to see the King.
01:11:34No more dying there, no more dying there.
01:11:39We are going to see the King.
01:11:44No more dying there.
01:11:47We are going to see the King.
01:11:52No more dying there.
01:11:55We are going to see the King.
01:11:59Hallelujah, hallelujah, we're going to see the King.
01:12:06No more crying there.
01:12:10Because we are going to see the King.
01:12:15No more crying there.
01:12:18We are going to see the King.
01:12:22No more crying there.
01:12:25Because we are going to see the King.
01:12:29Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. We're going to see
01:12:36the King. I don't know what that was.
01:12:59We're going to see the King. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. We're
01:13:07going to see the King. Soon and very soon. We're going to see
01:13:14the King. Oh, soon and very soon. We're going to see the
01:13:23King. We're going to see the King. Soon and very soon. We
01:13:30are going to see the King. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
01:13:36Hallelujah. We're going to see the King. No more crying there.
01:13:42No more crying there. We are going to see the King. He's
01:13:48going to wipe all your tears away. No more crying there. We
01:13:52can rejoice in Him. We are going to see the King. No more
01:13:56crying there. No more crying there. We are going to see the
01:14:01King. We are going to see the King. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
01:14:08We're going to see the King. Congregation, don't you
01:14:12appreciate everybody that came? Father, we thank You and we
01:14:22pray for those who have come down thinking that every burden
01:14:25be removed or a yoke be destroyed. They'll never be the
01:14:28same again. We honor You for them now. Do the work, Lord. Do
01:14:34the work in Jesus' name. And everybody say amen. At this
01:14:39time, if you'll turn this way and follow this individual to
01:14:42the prayer room, they're going to take you and minister to you,
01:14:45give you a biblical understanding how to obtain and
01:14:46maintain what you can't receive, and you'll never be the same
01:14:51again. Church, would you stand for our final blessings again?
01:14:56Happy Father's Day, and I pray that God will be so in everything
01:15:02you do today in Jesus' name. And now may the Spirit of grace guide
01:15:08you throughout this day and throughout this week. We declare
01:15:13that what God has already commanded the angels to do, they
01:15:17will do it watching over you lest you dash your foot against
01:15:20the stone. We plead the blood of Jesus over your life, your
01:15:26family, your children, that no hurt, harm, or danger will come
01:15:31your way. A thousand will fall at your side, 10,000 at your
01:15:37right hand, but it shall not come near you. And Father, we
01:15:41declare that we live life this week under an open heaven, and
01:15:48may the blessings of grace abound more and more and more.
01:15:53And now unto him who is able to keep us from falling and to
01:15:58present us faultless before the Almighty God, be glory, majesty,
01:16:03dominion, and power both now and forever. And everybody said,
01:16:11amen. Happy Father's Day. God bless you. Have a wonderful day.
01:16:16Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Amen. We have a special guest with us
01:16:24today. I was so excited. I said, I'm going to come up here and
01:16:29hang out with y'all. Well, all right then. It's Father's Day,
01:16:32so the fathers, you know, it's just like, it was so good today,
01:16:36right? It was so good. Giveaways were good. The work was good. The
01:16:42worship was good. Everything was good. Amazing service today. I'm
01:16:47telling you. Y'all just do what y'all normally do. Well, we
01:16:52definitely got so much out of service today, and we always
01:16:55share like a nugget, something that we got. And really that one
01:16:59drop might was that you can't abuse God's grace. And I was
01:17:02just like, okay, God. But Aiyana, you had something that
01:17:06you want to share too. For me, it was, I'm going to say it the
01:17:10exact way pastor said it. Sin ain't never going to outdo God's
01:17:14grace. You better preach. Listen. That's it right there.
01:17:19I mean, I was just thinking about how we think that it can,
01:17:25you know, um, and we think so many times that he feels like we
01:17:31feel and that we can abuse him. My son texts me. He was like, we
01:17:35can't trigger God. Nope. Oh, that's good. That's good. Right?
01:17:41Listen, because we think that, you know, oh, God is up there
01:17:44going to have a meltdown and he's coming apart and he just
01:17:47can't take it anymore. You know, it's just like, it's, it's
01:17:52limitless is grace. And I hope that's what people got today
01:17:55because I mean it, it, it is, oh my goodness. It's scandalous.
01:18:01It's reckless. You can't abuse it. Um, oh my goodness. It's not
01:18:07cheap, but it's free. Yeah. Yeah. That right there, that
01:18:12right there. Okay. You got me jumping on the inside and I try
01:18:17to keep it cool, but man, listen, it makes me think about
01:18:20our daughters and the way that I get triggered, but God is not a
01:18:23man. He is God. Listen. Well, listen, this is what we want you
01:18:29to do. Make sure we know y'all got a lot of nuggets out of
01:18:31today. So make sure that not only you get this in your
01:18:34spirit, but also share this with somebody that you love. Get this
01:18:37message playing over and over, repeat, repeat, repeat, catch
01:18:41all the re-heirs and man, it'll bless your life. God is so good.
01:18:45He can not be triggered. And you listen, I almost dropped this
01:18:49mic. All right. Look, let me, let me look at this script where
01:18:53we, so now we want to make sure that, um, that you did get an
01:18:58opportunity to also give today. Of course, we just shared those,
01:19:01uh, the different ways that you can participate, but if you did
01:19:04not, we want to share it one more time. We have a few
01:19:06different ways. One, you can text the word world changes,
01:19:10leave a space and then add your amount and text that to 74483.
01:19:14You can also write where you are. Just go to worldchanges.org
01:19:17creflodollarministries.org or also scan the QR code that's on
01:19:20your screen. You can mail in your gifts to 2500 Burdett road,
01:19:24college park, Georgia 30349. Or if you would like to call it in,
01:19:28you can call it in to 866. Ooh, Lord. I thought I memorized my
01:19:33number, but you can call it 866-477-7683. Amen. Amen. Well,
01:19:42listen, um, we know that it's father's day and, um, I know I
01:19:46am excited and I'm so honored to be a father and to have a
01:19:50father and my spiritual father and the fathers that are around
01:19:53us. Uh, we of course just honor all of you fathers, all of you
01:19:57dads, man, y'all are amazing. Salute to you for showing up.
01:20:00We need you. We see you, all the things you do, you are seen,
01:20:04you're known, keep doing what you're doing. Just hang in
01:20:08there. Regardless. Don't throw in the towel. You have such an
01:20:12important and significant part in our lives. Your children are
01:20:16dependent on you. Your future generations are depending on
01:20:19you. The heavenly father, your parents are dependent on you. So
01:20:23let's do it. Let's keep doing it. Keep it going. You got this
01:20:27step by step. So we have just a couple of announcements,
01:20:30actually just one. And it's a big announcement. Somebody
01:20:33said real big. So what do we have? Grace life, grace life,
01:20:392024 is coming up guys. It's a few weeks away. So make sure
01:20:44and register today by texting grace life to 51555 or visiting
01:20:50worldchangers.org. We have so many amazing speakers. I'm so
01:20:55excited. It's about to be an amazing few days. Listen, so
01:20:59make sure and register today. We have men's, we have children's,
01:21:05we have women's, we have ministers and leaders. Oh, I'm
01:21:09excited. I'm excited. So don't miss out on pastor, pastor
01:21:13Taffy, Mike Smith, Clarence McClendon, Inky Johnson, Greg
01:21:17Dickow, Andrea Creighton, Hezekiah Walker, Doe, Brian
01:21:20Courtney Wilson, and so much more. July 11th through the 13th
01:21:24right here in the international city of College Park, Georgia.
01:21:29Make sure and be there guys. We want to see you guys there in
01:21:33these blue seats. We're so excited. So come on out. Yes,
01:21:37yes, yes. We're excited. It's gonna be a great day. I am. I
01:21:41mean, we are so full of revelation. And you got to come
01:21:45and get it. Come and get it. That's what it's all about. You
01:21:47got to come and get it. So do not delay. Register today. Well,
01:21:53we love you guys. Before we close out, is there anything
01:21:56pastor Taffy you want to share with anyone? Love you all. Thank
01:21:58you so much. Just continue to spend time with God and your
01:22:02personal relationship developing and growing in Him. That's what
01:22:07it's all about. Amen. Amen. With all that, we want you to have an
01:22:11amazing, amazing Sunday. Get you something good to eat. All
01:22:15right. Just a little small piece of cake. Just a small one
01:22:19cookie, fellas. One. Okay. We working on something. But still
01:22:23man, happy Father's Day. We salute you and you all be
01:22:29Hey, everybody, I'm standing in the World Dome. We are getting
01:22:32ready for the reunion. Grace Life 2024. Now, you should have
01:22:37registered already. If you haven't, do it now. Watch this.
01:22:40Now, now, now, now, now. Why? It's going to be the greatest
01:22:44assembly of people wanting to learn how to live the Grace
01:22:48Life. It will make a mark in your life that will never be
01:22:52erased. Let's register right now. Grace Life is coming, baby.
01:22:55And we're going to meet you there.
01:23:10I'm a world changer, changing the world everywhere I go. I'm a
01:23:17world changer, anointed with the power of the Holy Ghost. I'm a
01:23:24world changer, telling the world of God's saving grace. I'm a
01:23:32world changer, making a mark that cannot be erased. For God
01:23:41has equipped us to go higher, to make a mark that cannot be
