Resting and Realizing in True Faith (Pt 2) - Creflo Dollar

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00:00:00If you have your Bibles with you, go with me to the book of
00:00:03Galatians chapter 2 and verse 20.
00:00:08Last week, we talked about resting and realizing or resting
00:00:12in true faith, and we want to continue that.
00:00:15We didn't get a chance to finish.
00:00:17Resting in true faith, what does that look like?
00:00:21It's one thing for you to hear a Scripture or you hear a teaching
00:00:25from the pulpit, but what does it look like in your everyday
00:00:28life, because we're talking about living this life of grace,
00:00:33living the grace life.
00:00:35So, what does it look like to rest in this true faith?
00:00:41Well, Galatians chapter 2 and 20, let's read it out of the NLT
00:00:44first, Galatians chapter 2 and verse 20, and this will be our
00:00:49key Scripture for today.
00:00:51He says, my old self has been crucified with Christ.
00:00:57It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.
00:01:03Say that, say Christ lives in me.
00:01:08So, I live in this earthly body.
00:01:12How do I live in this earthly body now that Christ lives in me?
00:01:16I live in this earthly body trusting in the Son of God.
00:01:21Christ lives in me, and I live in this earthly body trusting
00:01:27and relying and depending on the Son of God.
00:01:33The Son of God who, by the way, who loved me and who gave
00:01:38himself for me.
00:01:40He loved me and demonstrated his love for me by dying for me.
00:01:46He loved me and demonstrated his self, demonstrated his love for
00:01:49me by going to the cross and dying and going to hell for me.
00:01:55Here's the thing that I don't want you to forget.
00:01:58I don't want you to just let it slip.
00:02:00I live by the faith of the Son of God.
00:02:05That's how I live.
00:02:06I live by his faith, praise the Lord.
00:02:10We live our lives resting in his faith.
00:02:16His faith is the only faith.
00:02:19His faith is completed.
00:02:22His faith is done.
00:02:25His faith is finished.
00:02:29And I live my life, we live our life by the faith of the Son of
00:02:35We live our life by the faith that is complete, that is
00:02:38finished, and that's done.
00:02:39Praise God.
00:02:40I live my life by the faith of the Son of God, and so
00:02:45understand his faith is perfect and it's finished.
00:02:50Jesus now takes God's faith and literally Jesus is an embodiment
00:03:00of God's perfect, completed, and done faith.
00:03:04And so, you and I live by God's faith, which is Jesus' faith.
00:03:12Jesus' faith is a reflection of God's faith, and we're living by
00:03:17the faith of Jesus Christ, and his faith is finished.
00:03:22Say finished.
00:03:24His faith is complete.
00:03:25Say complete.
00:03:27His faith is done.
00:03:29Say done.
00:03:30We live by that faith.
00:03:33We don't live by a faith that needs to get better.
00:03:38We don't live by a faith that needs to be perfected.
00:03:42We live by a faith that's done, that's perfect, that's finished,
00:03:47that's done, that's complete.
00:03:51We live by the faith of Jesus Christ.
00:03:54Now, what happens sometimes as we live our lives, we forget
00:03:58That's the topic sentence.
00:03:59That's the text of our life.
00:04:01We live our faith.
00:04:02I live my faith by the Son of Jesus Christ.
00:04:04What happens is when things happen, all of a sudden now we
00:04:07want to live by our human created faith and forget that
00:04:10we have a perfect, complete, and done faith.
00:04:13And so, when you look at situations, you're trying to,
00:04:15you know, stir your faith up so you can get the job done, and
00:04:19you don't understand that you live by the faith of the Son of
00:04:21God, which means the job's done.
00:04:24You live by the faith of the Son of God, which means you're
00:04:27You live by the faith of the Son of God, which means you're
00:04:30You're not forgetting this and then taking upon yourself your
00:04:35faith, which has been proven to be different than his faith.
00:04:39He gave you the measure of faith, which means he gave you
00:04:43his faith.
00:04:45You have his faith.
00:04:48Look at how you treat his faith.
00:04:49You treat his faith like it's inadequate and not enough and
00:04:55needs you to do something to make it better.
00:04:59Oh, this didn't happen because I didn't have enough faith.
00:05:05No, he gave to every man the measure of faith.
00:05:07Everybody got the same measure of faith.
00:05:09And guess what measure you got?
00:05:11You got his faith.
00:05:12That's the measure you got.
00:05:13He measured his faith to Jesus, and now we live by the faith of
00:05:17Jesus Christ.
00:05:18So, you're always possessing a perfect, complete,
00:05:22and done faith.
00:05:26But religion keeps telling us, now, wait a minute.
00:05:29Now, brother, darling, you got to do these three things if you
00:05:31want this to work.
00:05:33And if it don't work, something wrong with your faith.
00:05:36Ah, the first thing you ought to say is, it's not my faith that
00:05:39I'm living by.
00:05:41I'm living by the faith of the Son of God.
00:05:44Now, that's, I know this got to do something to your thinking
00:05:46because all our lives, all of us did not think that it was a
00:05:51perfect faith, that we needed to grow in faith.
00:05:55No, we need to grow in grace.
00:06:00Are you following what I'm saying now?
00:06:02All right, now watch this.
00:06:03Let's go real slow with this.
00:06:04I want to make sure you get this.
00:06:06God is making our lives resting in his faith.
00:06:12So, it's no longer what I have to do to get the promises
00:06:19of God.
00:06:20It's not about doing, it's about resting.
00:06:26So, God's made these promises and he's already done everything
00:06:30that needs to be done.
00:06:31And religion tells you, all right, now you got to do this
00:06:35in order to get this.
00:06:36You got to do good in order to get God to be good to you.
00:06:40And it's not, it is not about your doing.
00:06:44Ooh, boy, it took some time to renew my mind because everything
00:06:49about, everything about my salvation was about me doing
00:06:53something to get God to do something.
00:06:57And if I don't do my part, he can't do his part.
00:07:00You really think God needs your part to do his part?
00:07:06That the power of God is subject to what you do?
00:07:09You understand that?
00:07:13God, God, God is so powerful.
00:07:16We talked this in Bible study this past week.
00:07:19God is so powerful, he's even more powerful than your will,
00:07:23which he gave you, he gave you the right to choose whatever you
00:07:25want to choose and he won't interfere with that right.
00:07:28He's so powerful, he'll change your desire.
00:07:31He'll change the way you thought you wanted to go.
00:07:33Who you think you're dealing with?
00:07:37You're dealing with the, he created you.
00:07:39He made you know everything about you.
00:07:41He know how to get you, how to, he know how to get you to turn
00:07:43left, how to get you to turn right.
00:07:44He know you.
00:07:45That's why he know everything about you.
00:07:47He know exactly what button to push to get you to do what he
00:07:50wants you to do and he ain't making you do it.
00:07:52You going to make your mind up to do it.
00:07:55Like some of you already made your mind, I'm going to serve
00:07:57you for the rest of my life.
00:07:58You made your mind up.
00:07:59I ain't smoking that weed no more.
00:08:01You made your mind up.
00:08:02I ain't going to no more clubs.
00:08:03I ain't drinking no more liquor and God just sitting there
00:08:05saying, okay, because the Bible said he's working on your desire
00:08:09so that you'll want to do what pleases him.
00:08:15Turn your neighbor and say, God working on me too.
00:08:20Sometimes we see it in church, talking about, yeah,
00:08:22he sure working on y'all.
00:08:24It's not about doing, it's about resting and when I do that,
00:08:34I don't wonder if I have enough faith.
00:08:39When I live by the faith of the son of God, I never again wonder
00:08:43if I have enough faith.
00:08:45If I live by the faith of the son of God, I never have to
00:08:48wonder if my faith is strong enough or adequate enough or
00:08:52complete enough.
00:08:54I'm living by his faith that's already strong, adequate,
00:08:59complete, finished, and done.
00:09:03Ooh, don't that do something to you?
00:09:05No, you ain't got to be concerned no more about whether
00:09:08your faith can get the job done.
00:09:10Number one is his faith.
00:09:12Number two, the job is finished.
00:09:16So, whatever victory you have to face today, you need to open
00:09:19your mouth up and echo victory done.
00:09:23Whatever pain you feel in your side, say healing done.
00:09:28Some frustration come your way, say joy done.
00:09:32We've got to learn how to live in the finished.
00:09:40So, you'll never again wonder if I have enough faith.
00:09:45And then, I don't have to try and build my faith up.
00:09:52If you live by the faith of the son of God, I don't have to try
00:09:56to build my faith up.
00:09:57I only need to live life resting in his faith.
00:10:05Live life resting in the faith of the son of God.
00:10:10Oh, but Brother Dollar, don't we have to believe?
00:10:14Yeah, yeah, absolutely you have to believe.
00:10:17Believe what?
00:10:18Believe it's his faith.
00:10:20Believe it's his faith that we live in.
00:10:22That's what you believe.
00:10:24You're believing it's his faith that we live in.
00:10:26And you're believing that we rest in his faith.
00:10:31That's what you're believing.
00:10:32I believe it's his faith, and I believe I'm resting in his
00:10:34faith, that's what you believe.
00:10:38Well, I believe I'm healed.
00:10:39Well, that's already done.
00:10:40If you believe in his faith, and you believe you're resting in
00:10:44his faith, then all that's finished.
00:10:47Glory be to God.
00:10:52And then we realize that his beliefs and that his believing
00:10:59is already finished in us, that his belief, see, he believes
00:11:05you're righteous.
00:11:07He believes you're holy.
00:11:10He believes you're healed.
00:11:11He believes you're deliberate.
00:11:13He believes you're prosperous.
00:11:17My God.
00:11:18I need to believe what he believes.
00:11:22I need to believe what he believes.
00:11:25Jesus is what God believes about us.
00:11:30I need to believe what he believes.
00:11:33His believing is already finished in us.
00:11:37I really sat down and thought this through.
00:11:39So, God, here's what you're saying.
00:11:42I need to wake up when confronted with life and every
00:11:47life issues, now that I realize that I live my life through the
00:11:51faith of Jesus Christ, I wake up and I confront all of my issues
00:11:55by reminding every issue that the victory is finished.
00:12:01You go to the doctor, the doctor say,
00:12:06look like you got that.
00:12:07You say, it's finished.
00:12:09He don't know what you're talking about, but you know
00:12:10what you're talking about.
00:12:13You go looking at your mailbox, and Bill's in there, and you're
00:12:15going to sit up there.
00:12:16I'm going to show you some things.
00:12:18You don't sit up there and whine and complain about it.
00:12:20You immediately go to finished.
00:12:25You immediately go to finished.
00:12:26Whatever you're thinking about.
00:12:28Lord, I need this.
00:12:29Oh, I need to do that.
00:12:30Lord, help me here.
00:12:31I don't care what it is.
00:12:32It's done.
00:12:33You understand?
00:12:34God called the end at the very beginning.
00:12:36It's finished.
00:12:37He ain't in heaven waiting on you to send him a request.
00:12:39Don't you know God knows your mind before you even say
00:12:47You see that several times in the New Testament.
00:12:49God answers somebody who ain't asked nothing.
00:12:52Because he knows their mind.
00:12:56You got to know God know everything.
00:12:58You got, we got to quit this belittling God trying to bring
00:13:01him on a religious level so we can be satisfied
00:13:04with much activity.
00:13:08It's time for us to rest in this.
00:13:10And we're going to prove this.
00:13:11Several of you have already proved this.
00:13:13Several of you are getting results.
00:13:15And there are two things that are happening.
00:13:17You remind yourself that it's finished and then you enter into
00:13:19a peace and a rest and a confidence and you're not
00:13:21stressing over it.
00:13:22And then the next thing you see is the manifestation of the
00:13:24finished showing up in your realm.
00:13:26And I'm going to preach this, preach this, preach this until
00:13:31you're being overrun by the glory of God that is increasing
00:13:36in your life.
00:13:38Somebody say it's finished.
00:13:41And that's not based on what you see.
00:13:43You can look at a wreck and say it's finished.
00:13:46Glory be to God.
00:13:49It's time for us to stop trying to get God to move in on our
00:13:52realm and for us to settle in where he is.
00:13:59No, it doesn't look finished right now, right here in this
00:14:03It don't look like it's done in this dimension.
00:14:05It don't look like it's completed in this dimension.
00:14:07That's where his perfect faith comes from.
00:14:10When you start living by the faith of Jesus Christ, then
00:14:13everything you see in this dimension is finished,
00:14:16completed, done, and peace shows over you and you enter into a
00:14:20rest because you realize why am I fretting and stressed out over
00:14:25something that's done.
00:14:28You know what the big battle is for us?
00:14:30Standing there.
00:14:33You know what the devil and the life and the tricks he wants to
00:14:37Get you to move from there.
00:14:40You know how he gonna do it?
00:14:41He gonna start talking to you here.
00:14:44So, it's gonna be here to try to get you to move from there and
00:14:48if he can get you to move from there, then you'll entertain
00:14:51other stuff and he can borrow your mouth.
00:14:54That's why demons want to possess people because they ain't
00:14:57got no voice no more.
00:14:59They are disembodied spirits.
00:15:02Those evil wicked spirit, disembodied spirits looking for
00:15:09Why are they looking for somebody?
00:15:12Because that body has a voice.
00:15:14It has a mouth and they can't defeat you as long as you are in
00:15:19the finished.
00:15:21So, they gotta get you out of the done.
00:15:23They gotta get you out of the now.
00:15:25See, as Christians, we have to live in the now.
00:15:28Everything we do has got to be in the now.
00:15:30Now is not bound by time.
00:15:33I'm healed now, not later on.
00:15:36I'm delivered now, not later on.
00:15:38Glory to God, I'm prosperous now, not later on.
00:15:42I'm the righteousness of God now, not later on.
00:15:45So, what does it mean to rest?
00:16:04We already said it's not inactivity.
00:16:06So, what does it look like to rest?
00:16:10What if a Christian says, yes, I'm at rest?
00:16:12How do you know if that's authentic or is he just talking?
00:16:15Well, how do you know that's real?
00:16:17Well, I'm resting in the Lord.
00:16:20Just keep listening, keep listening, keep listening,
00:16:22keep listening.
00:16:24They'll tell you whether they're at rest or not.
00:16:27What does it look like?
00:16:29Well, it means, now think about this as I say it.
00:16:34When you rest, it means to be in confidence.
00:16:38You're in confidence.
00:16:41I'm at rest, I'm in confidence.
00:16:44I'm at rest, I'm in trust or reliance.
00:16:49That's what trust means.
00:16:51At rest, I'm in confidence.
00:16:53It's not inactivity, but inactivity,
00:16:55I am in confidence.
00:16:57It's not an absence of work, but while I'm working,
00:17:00I'm in confidence.
00:17:02While I'm getting up in the morning, I'm in confidence.
00:17:05While I'm going to work, I'm in confidence.
00:17:07While I'm living my life, I'm in confidence.
00:17:09I'm in reliance on God.
00:17:11I am trusting God.
00:17:12It literally, rest means to totally depend on God
00:17:16for support, for help, for power.
00:17:20Really, to depend on God for everything,
00:17:23everything you need.
00:17:24It's complete surrender and trust,
00:17:27complete surrender and trust.
00:17:30It means that we cast our cares over on him,
00:17:34knowing that he cares for us and that we are not created
00:17:38to carry worry, stress, and anxiety.
00:17:42To rest means that I cast my care totally on him,
00:17:49and all of a sudden now, I have a way to examine whether
00:17:52or not a person is at rest.
00:17:55If a person is at rest, then the cares are no longer
00:18:00in his possession.
00:18:03If a person is at rest, then the worry is no longer
00:18:07in his possession.
00:18:10If a person is at rest, the anxiety is no longer
00:18:17in his possession.
00:18:20But wait a minute, brother Dallin, I mean, we're humans.
00:18:23Humans worry, and humans carry care, and humans are anxious.
00:18:32And I was going back and forth with God this morning
00:18:36about 4.30, and he said, let me say this to you.
00:18:43You gotta be careful not to be so satisfied with being human,
00:18:48you neglect being spiritual.
00:18:53He said, yeah, you are human, but you're the human that I want
00:18:57to learn how to be spiritual.
00:19:01I said, thank you, Lord, because I was saying, oh yeah,
00:19:04but God, we're human.
00:19:07He said, yeah, and it's finished.
00:19:09So, you're gonna have to choose.
00:19:12You can choose to carry the care and say, I'm worried.
00:19:19I'm sorry, I'm worried.
00:19:20That's what I do, I worry, okay?
00:19:25And in worry, you have allowed yourself to step out of finished.
00:19:32And in care, you've allowed yourself to step out of finished.
00:19:35I'm just telling you.
00:19:36So, if ain't nothing coming in your dimension, it's because you
00:19:40saying you at rest and you not.
00:19:46Yeah, but ain't that doing something?
00:19:49Yeah, it's deciding to stay in finished or step out of finished.
00:19:55It's finished whether you worry or not.
00:19:58But if you want the manifestation of the finished, rest.
00:20:05That's what rest look like.
00:20:07Rest looks like a person who ain't worrying no more.
00:20:10And listen, this is not like in two minutes you got this.
00:20:14This is your journey now.
00:20:17My journey now is I carry a lot of care.
00:20:21Help me, Lord.
00:20:23Help me, Lord, to stay out of care and in the finished.
00:20:31And then every time you see yourself in care, oh God, hop
00:20:33in the finished.
00:20:35I got a little something I've been practicing lately.
00:20:37I say, it's a trick.
00:20:41Every time I'm over here with care and anxiety and I'm getting
00:20:44ready to be overwhelmed with something that I don't need to
00:20:47be meditating on, it's like a trick.
00:20:49I say, it's finished.
00:20:50And then I say, that's a trick.
00:20:52I just talk real loud because I know.
00:20:54Devil, that's a trick.
00:20:55I know you.
00:20:55That's a trick.
00:20:57And I'll be walking around.
00:20:58I'm like, that's a trick.
00:21:01I get to worrying about something.
00:21:03I can't believe such, you know, and then I stop.
00:21:05That's a trick.
00:21:07Purina Cat Child, right back where I was in the finished.
00:21:10See, a lot of times you'll walk out of the finished, but make
00:21:13sure you're Purina Cat Child back in there.
00:21:15Some of y'all don't even know what that was.
00:21:17You remember that commercial with the cat?
00:21:20Remember the commercial with the cat that the cat used to move?
00:21:22Purina Cat Child, cha-cha-cha.
00:21:25Remember that?
00:21:28All right, all right.
00:21:30I have to show you the practical part of this because we're still
00:21:43in the physical body and the care shows up sometimes.
00:21:47But if I can just get you to know when you out of finished
00:21:51and into care and shed that care and get back in finished.
00:21:56And if you can stay in finished long enough, God will take care
00:22:00of the care.
00:22:01If you stay in finished long enough, you're gonna look back
00:22:03at your dimension and the care is gonna be gone
00:22:05because God cares for you.
00:22:08Care, isn't it amazing?
00:22:10Care and stress and anxiety can also translate into cancer,
00:22:15heart disease, and high blood pressure.
00:22:17Isn't that something?
00:22:18It can manifest something because you out of that realm
00:22:22over into this realm and you don't think about it.
00:22:24Ain't nothing wrong with where we're in.
00:22:26Yeah, it is.
00:22:30It is.
00:22:31It takes you out of care.
00:22:35Look at Hebrews chapter 4, verse 9 through 11.
00:22:38Is everybody on the bus?
00:22:39Everybody following me here this morning?
00:22:43Because the glory is increasing in your house.
00:22:49You heard what I just said?
00:22:50I said the glory will increase.
00:22:52Now I'm saying it's already started.
00:22:55It's already started.
00:22:56Some of you, you better open your eyes.
00:22:58It's already started in your house.
00:23:00You got to shed some stuff off you.
00:23:03See, right now, you can exist in two dimensions,
00:23:08the spiritual where it's finished or the physical
00:23:11where you're gonna be meeting a whole bunch of stuff to try
00:23:15to get you out of your stance.
00:23:17Having done all to do to stand, stand therefore having your
00:23:23loins gird about you with truth.
00:23:26All right, look at this, verse 9 through 11.
00:23:33He said, there remaineth therefore a rest to the people
00:23:36of God.
00:23:38It still remains.
00:23:39Even after Israel didn't enter into the rest,
00:23:41he says the rest is still here, still remains.
00:23:45Verse 10, for he that is entered into his rest,
00:23:50he also has ceased from his own works as God did from his.
00:23:54Now, notice what he says.
00:23:56Those who entered into the rest, we know that he's entered into
00:23:59the rest because he ceased from his own work.
00:24:03What is it that you're doing trying to get what God's
00:24:05already done?
00:24:08That's what religion is.
00:24:09Religion, the most powerful operation of God's faith is when
00:24:16you're resting in the finished.
00:24:20It's when you're resting in the finished.
00:24:22When you are about trying to do something to manipulate the
00:24:26system to try to get God to do something for you,
00:24:29it's not only dead works, but it's your own works.
00:24:33But the guy who's entered into the rest, you can tell,
00:24:36because he has ceased from his own works just like God did
00:24:40from his.
00:24:40When God was working six days and then he stopped,
00:24:44you could tell on the seventh day he wasn't working no more.
00:24:46That's what we were doing, folks.
00:24:54You come up and tell somebody, I'm sick.
00:24:57They say, say this 20 times, 20 times.
00:24:59Say this 20 times, say it 20 times.
00:25:01You come back and say, I'm still sick.
00:25:03You say, add 10 more.
00:25:04Say it 30 times, 30 times, 30 times.
00:25:06You come back and say, I'm still sick.
00:25:08Say, oh, how are you saying that?
00:25:10Are you saying it's whispering?
00:25:11Do you have authority in your confession?
00:25:13Do you have authority in your confession?
00:25:15So, I go home and I scream it and I'm sweating and it still
00:25:23ain't working, I must be missing something.
00:25:25Well, you must have sin in your life.
00:25:27It must be sin, sin, sin, sin.
00:25:29And then watch this, and then after all of that,
00:25:31then you come at the last time and say,
00:25:33well, something's wrong with your faith.
00:25:35So, what does that leave you?
00:25:36It leaves you in condemnation, it leaves you in shame.
00:25:39It leaves you saying, I gotta work something in order
00:25:46to get this to happen.
00:25:53Verse 11, let us labor, therefore, to get rich.
00:25:59Let us labor, therefore, to get healed.
00:26:06Let us labor, therefore, to get a good marriage.
00:26:11Let us labor, therefore, to do one thing,
00:26:14enter into that rest.
00:26:18This is so interesting.
00:26:19Lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief,
00:26:24of not entering into that rest.
00:26:31Labor to enter into that rest or you will be another example
00:26:35of unbelief, of not entering into that rest.
00:26:38Oh, I believe I'm healed.
00:26:43Well, rest.
00:26:44Well, it hurt, you know.
00:26:46That's what belief looks like.
00:26:51Belief looks like rest.
00:26:55That's what it looks like.
00:26:57That's what it looks like.
00:26:58But religion tells you there are six things you gotta do.
00:27:01There are seven things you gotta do.
00:27:03And then they confuse you by mixing it.
00:27:06Well, God will love you unconditionally,
00:27:10but you gotta do something conditionally.
00:27:12And, oh, which one is it?
00:27:14God ain't double-minded.
00:27:18Which one?
00:27:22You're a sinner saved by grace.
00:27:25Which one?
00:27:26Am I a sinner or am I saved by grace?
00:27:29I got saved, so I wouldn't be a sinner no more.
00:27:31But now that I'm saved, you're telling me I ain't nothing
00:27:33but a sinner saved by grace.
00:27:35Well, which one is it?
00:27:37I'm confused.
00:27:38Inquiring minds want to know.
00:27:40I don't know what's happening, sinner or saved by grace.
00:27:43Because if I've been saved by grace, I'm no longer a sinner.
00:27:46And the Bible says now that you are saved by grace,
00:27:48you are not a sinner, you are a saint.
00:27:51You're the righteousness of God.
00:27:53But we keep buying all of that religious jargon.
00:28:02I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being
00:28:04confused about Jesus.
00:28:06I love Jesus, but I don't understand it.
00:28:12Jesus said, take my yoke upon you and learn of me.
00:28:18For my yoke is easy and my burdens are light.
00:28:24I don't know who y'all been talking to.
00:28:26Look at Matthew chapter 11.
00:28:37Well, I hadn't finished this.
00:28:38Well, did I read 11?
00:28:41Okay, I'm working on 11 right now.
00:28:43Let us labor, therefore, to enter into that rest,
00:28:45lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief
00:28:48for not entering into that rest.
00:28:50So, if we are willing to receive what Jesus has for us,
00:28:55we will enter into the rest.
00:28:59If we will to receive what Jesus has for us,
00:29:04we will enter into the rest.
00:29:06And the greatest faith a person could have is to rest in what
00:29:10Jesus has already done.
00:29:14Let me show you something.
00:29:15Matthew 11, 28, 29 in the Message Bible.
00:29:19Matthew 11, 28, 29 in the Message Bible.
00:29:21You're gonna hear that illustration over and over
00:29:24and over again.
00:29:25Every time a promise is discovered,
00:29:27then somebody's gonna come up with six ways to do it.
00:29:30Every time a promise is discovered,
00:29:32yeah, but you gotta do your part,
00:29:34because they don't have confidence that God's
00:29:36already done it.
00:29:37They don't have confidence that God can change you,
00:29:39that he can change your heart.
00:29:40And I tell you, the people that I know that's been living this
00:29:43grace life, they have amazing testimonies how they're changed,
00:29:47and it wasn't because of what they did.
00:29:49God been working in them.
00:29:50God been doing it.
00:29:51How many can bear witness of that?
00:29:53And you can't take no credit for it.
00:29:57I don't know what that is, and yet some of us who've been in
00:30:01church all our lives, and doing, and doing,
00:30:03and doing, and doing, it seems like it gets progressively
00:30:08It gets worse, and then you fall into crazy stuff instead of
00:30:12having confidence that God says I,
00:30:14he says, I am able to keep you from falling.
00:30:17That's what he said, and you ought to stand in that.
00:30:20But you know what you do?
00:30:21You try to keep yourself from falling.
00:30:25Well, praise the Lord, I, you know,
00:30:27I'm single, and so this man, you know,
00:30:30he a preacher.
00:30:31He invited me to the hotel.
00:30:32Girl, you couldn't see that?
00:30:35Everything was telling you it was not to go there.
00:30:38You couldn't see that?
00:30:43You couldn't figure that out?
00:30:46Preacher invited you to the hotel?
00:30:52Well, he prophesied, and you know,
00:30:55what's wrong with us?
00:31:05No, you're laughing.
00:31:06That stuff is happening, and instead of standing on the
00:31:11promise, he is able to keep me from falling,
00:31:16and to present me faultless before the Almighty God.
00:31:19Be glory, majesty, dominion, and power.
00:31:23Now, I can't step away from that scripture and talk about,
00:31:27oh, Lord, I got to do this.
00:31:28Oh, Lord, I got to do that.
00:31:30No, I got to stand.
00:31:31I got to believe it's finished.
00:31:32I believe he's already released every device necessary to keep
00:31:36me from falling.
00:31:37I got to believe even when on the inside I want to do
00:31:40something crazy.
00:31:41When I go do it, it just ain't going to work.
00:31:43When I go call it, the line going to be busy.
00:31:45When I go drink it, it's going to be water.
00:31:47I got to believe that he has already looked ahead of my
00:31:51foolishness and decided to do something before I get there.
00:31:55He is able to keep you from falling.
00:31:57Don't play with me this morning.
00:32:07My God, I am so fed up with this.
00:32:14Like you're greater than God.
00:32:16Like you can do it better than he's already done it.
00:32:20First of all, you're trying to do something.
00:32:22He has already done what you're trying to do.
00:32:24All right, apologies, apologies, apologies.
00:32:39Apologies, apologies.
00:32:40My lips should have been sweeter,
00:32:44sweeter than the day before.
00:32:47Matthew 11, 28 through 30, this describes what I think I'm going
00:32:58through right now.
00:33:00Are you tired, worn out, burned out on religion?
00:33:10Come to me.
00:33:12Yeah, come to him.
00:33:15Get away with me and you'll recover your life.
00:33:19That's what it felt like.
00:33:20It felt like I was so drenched in religion when I finally
00:33:24understood Jesus and this amazing grace,
00:33:27I recovered my life.
00:33:31He says here, Jesus says,
00:33:32I'll show you how to take a real rest.
00:33:38And then he goes on and says, you want to take a real rest?
00:33:40Walk with me.
00:33:43Walk with me.
00:33:44And walk with me.
00:33:46Watch how I do it.
00:33:50That's why I came here.
00:33:51Watch how I do it.
00:33:52You ain't see Jesus somewhere, you know,
00:33:54fretting and all that other kind of stuff going on.
00:33:58Somebody said, except that time in the Garden of Gethsemane.
00:34:00Yeah, but he snapped right back.
00:34:01He was in the finish the whole time.
00:34:05He said, learn the unforced rhythms of grace,
00:34:13the rhythm that can't be moved by your efforts.
00:34:17It's unforced rhythm of grace.
00:34:21He said, I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
00:34:24Keep company.
00:34:25Here's the key.
00:34:26Here's the key to rest.
00:34:27Keep company with me.
00:34:33Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and
00:34:40Now, look at Hebrews 4, just 10 and 11 in the mirror
00:34:51This is something I wanted to bring out.
00:34:53Hebrews 4, 10 and 11 in the mirror translation.
00:34:58I believe that you're gonna get this,
00:35:01and I believe when you walk out of here,
00:35:03you're gonna say, I got this.
00:35:04And I believe you're gonna start a life in the finished.
00:35:06And I just believe all kinds of glorious things are gonna
00:35:09start happening.
00:35:10And you're gonna say, whoa, this stuff works,
00:35:12you know, and you're gonna see yourself walking out the finish
00:35:16and then hurry up and get back in the finish.
00:35:18This has been a strong revelation that God's revealed
00:35:21to us, and I ain't got time to be fussing with folks because
00:35:23they wanna stick with what's already heard.
00:35:25I ain't trying to do that.
00:35:26I got to see Jesus for myself, you understand?
00:35:30Verse 10 and 11, God's rest celebrates his finished work.
00:35:42So, when you're in the rest of God, in the rest of God,
00:35:44you're celebrating what's already done.
00:35:47In the rest of God, you're celebrating what's
00:35:50already finished.
00:35:52Glory to God.
00:35:53You're gonna be moving into a prayerful worship.
00:35:56Glory to God.
00:35:59Next verse.
00:36:01Whoever enters into God's rest immediately abandons his own
00:36:07efforts to improve what God has already perfected.
00:36:12And that's what religion is.
00:36:14Religion is an effort to try to improve something that God has
00:36:20already perfected.
00:36:22That's what religion does.
00:36:24Is fear based?
00:36:26Do this or God gonna get you?
00:36:29Don't do this, God gonna get you.
00:36:33If you don't give 10%, I mean, you know, the Lord forbid if you
00:36:36give a 90%, but if you don't give 10%, oh, you can give 90,
00:36:42but you gotta give that 10 first.
00:36:43It's ludicrous.
00:36:48You give out of your heart, but you know why that happens?
00:36:52You're doing that to try to improve on what God has already.
00:36:56Listen to that.
00:36:58You're trying to improve what's already perfect?
00:37:02That's just like you're showing up trying to improve God.
00:37:04Well, you know, Jesus, you could have said it a little easier
00:37:07than what you said.
00:37:11Trying to, religion is the attempt through our efforts to
00:37:17try to improve what God has already perfected.
00:37:21Now, I got news for you.
00:37:25He's perfected you.
00:37:29The Bible says he made you holy and perfect and wisdom.
00:37:33You can't see that right now in your state, in your life,
00:37:42but it's finished in the realm of the finished,
00:37:44so get in the realm of the finished,
00:37:46and when it's finished, it's finished,
00:37:48can begin to find its glorious place in you.
00:37:56I knew it wasn't supposed to be this hard.
00:37:59I knew it wasn't supposed to be this frustrated.
00:38:02I knew it wasn't supposed to be so complicated.
00:38:07His yoga is easy.
00:38:10It's easy.
00:38:14Well, I ain't never heard it like that before.
00:38:16Well, you're hearing it now.
00:38:21It's time to get free.
00:38:23Now, a critical aspect of walking in the rest of God,
00:38:28here it is, is to give him all of your cares.
00:38:34So, what does rest look like?
00:38:36Lord, help me, because I can't do that by myself.
00:38:40It happens periodically.
00:38:43It doesn't happen as much as it used to happen, thank God,
00:38:46but there are times I still find myself carrying something
00:38:50that I don't need to be carrying.
00:38:52Well, that's the journey piece.
00:38:54That's the place where you know God and you trust him and you
00:38:58rely on him and say, continue to help me.
00:39:03Notice this, what he says here in 1 Peter chapter 5,
00:39:05verse 6 and 7 in the King James Verse.
00:39:081 Peter chapter 5, 6 and 7 in King James.
00:39:10Now, humility is a guy who gets under the mission of another.
00:39:14When you humble yourself under the hand of God,
00:39:16you're saying, God, I'm submitting myself to your way
00:39:18of doing things.
00:39:20Humility, I'm submitting myself to your way of doing things.
00:39:22Pride, I am going to submit to my way of doing things, okay?
00:39:26See the difference?
00:39:28Humility, submitting to God's way of doing things.
00:39:30Pride, submitting to your way of doing things, all right?
00:39:34He says, humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand
00:39:36of God.
00:39:38I'm submitting myself to God's way of doing things.
00:39:40And then he says, when you submit yourself to God's way of
00:39:42doing things, humility, he said, he will exalt you in due time.
00:39:47Due time always comes, but we got to quit trying to do
00:39:51something to try to make God do it in our time.
00:39:54Timing is everything.
00:39:57This message 30 years ago would have been out of timing and it
00:40:01would have been called heresy.
00:40:05To some, it's still called that.
00:40:06You can prophesy to somebody that's something that's true way
00:40:09ahead of time, and if it don't happen right away, they thought
00:40:13you missed God.
00:40:14I've seen that.
00:40:15I've seen that in my life and ministry.
00:40:17I've said things and it didn't happen right away, and three
00:40:19years later, just what I said, it was just too soon.
00:40:26Verse 7, casting all your care.
00:40:30Now, here's humility.
00:40:32Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you.
00:40:37So, what happens when you don't cast your care upon him?
00:40:40You're now submitting to your way of doing it.
00:40:43I don't want to cast my care on him.
00:40:45I don't want to stop worrying.
00:40:47Okay, so, all right, so there it is.
00:40:50There it is.
00:40:51At least you'll know.
00:40:53At least you'll know.
00:40:54At least you won't be going around deceived.
00:40:56At least you'll know.
00:40:57I am not interested in submitting my life to his plan.
00:41:04His plan is abiding to finish.
00:41:08I think it's all right to worry every now and then.
00:41:12That's just like saying I think it's all right to have adultery
00:41:14every now and then.
00:41:19Casting all your care upon him, why?
00:41:21He cares for you.
00:41:24Now, I thought, man, surely there's got to be some more to
00:41:26that, so I went to the mirror translation, verse 7 and 8.
00:41:30Of course, we understand this part of humility, but I saw
00:41:34something in the mirror translation that was pretty
00:41:37amazing, verse 7 and 8.
00:41:38He says, take immediate action when it comes to
00:41:42distractions and cares.
00:41:45I saw the urgency of dealing with care and distraction.
00:41:52It's not taking your time to deal with it, but it's like,
00:41:56don't let this settle in.
00:41:59Don't let it settle in.
00:42:01Take immediate action when it comes to distractions and cares.
00:42:08So, if there's care and distractions, a distraction is
00:42:12an intrusion of the mind to try to cause confusion, he says,
00:42:15take immediate action.
00:42:16Are you taking immediate action, or have you been carrying this
00:42:19thing for like a month?
00:42:21Take immediate action.
00:42:23He says in verse 8, he says, fling them upon the Lord.
00:42:29I got the picture of like, you know, when you got something
00:42:32and you're flinging it with your finger, fling it upon the Lord.
00:42:36That's how it needs to be treated.
00:42:38The distraction and the care, fling it upon the Lord.
00:42:43He's got your best interest at heart.
00:42:46He's got your back.
00:42:50Like, why are you carrying this when God's got your back?
00:42:56So, what he says is, don't let it settle in you immediately.
00:43:00Fling it.
00:43:02Get rid of it.
00:43:05Come on, let's try that.
00:43:06Some of y'all, some of y'all, well, how you do that?
00:43:09I'm telling you right now.
00:43:10So, let me give you an illustration.
00:43:12Just take, you know, just in your mind's eye, take the care
00:43:17of the distraction.
00:43:18Go ahead and put it in the right hand.
00:43:20Just take your left hand.
00:43:21Just humor me.
00:43:22Put it in your right hand.
00:43:23Yeah, yeah.
00:43:24And then ball it up, right?
00:43:26All right, now, now, now, go get it back.
00:43:28All right?
00:43:29Now, fling it.
00:43:30Get it away.
00:43:32All right.
00:43:33Ain't gonna give me all your care.
00:43:35And that's the problem.
00:43:36We keep taking everybody's care upon ourselves, and you need to
00:43:40build some boundaries up so you don't be walking around with
00:43:44somebody else's care and somebody else's distraction.
00:43:48And most of the time, the care you got, you got it from
00:43:50somebody else.
00:43:51How you feel?
00:44:08I mean, I want you out here just like walking.
00:44:11Praise God.
00:44:12And somebody, somebody, somewhere, somebody,
00:44:15Can I talk to you for a minute?"
00:44:21And you just ask him,
00:44:22is you gonna put some care on me?
00:44:25Because I'd like to at least have a nice ride home.
00:44:28Can't do it no more.
00:44:36I've come to realize that my body can't handle it no more.
00:44:40It won't take it no more.
00:44:42I can't take all your care on me.
00:44:44I can't take it because you mad at me
00:44:45because I ain't counseling you.
00:44:47I can't take it because I won't see you.
00:44:49Ain't but one person.
00:44:50I'm a doggone one person.
00:44:52Sweet lips, sweet lips, sweet lips.
00:44:59Everything I had here in my body was stress care based.
00:45:07And I resigned from it.
00:45:08I absolutely quit it.
00:45:11I resigned from it.
00:45:14I would love to have everybody I minister to
00:45:17to just love me and think I'm the greatest.
00:45:19That's just not real.
00:45:22So, I have built boundaries.
00:45:25And I respect those boundaries
00:45:26and I won't let anybody disrespect them.
00:45:31And you do what you got to do
00:45:32and I got to do what I got to do,
00:45:34but I do not believe in pastor abuse.
00:45:38And when I sit there like some little lamb
00:45:41and just allow all of your care to be dumped on me
00:45:44when you know the same Holy Ghost that I know
00:45:47and you know how to pray like I pray
00:45:50and you know how to get to the realm of the finished
00:45:52just like I know.
00:45:53Don't come at time I ask you some question.
00:45:55Well, where that scripture at?
00:45:56You ask Siri where that scripture at.
00:45:58You don't ask pastor where that scripture at.
00:46:02They got AI and everything.
00:46:03You ask them.
00:46:05I am not available.
00:46:06My capacity has reached its full for the day
00:46:09and I'm going home and fix me a peanut butter
00:46:11and jelly sandwich
00:46:12and I ain't taking nobody care with me.
00:46:15You better get on board.
00:46:16You better get on board that care
00:46:18and that stress going to knock you out.
00:46:19It's going to give you cancer.
00:46:21It's going to give you all of these other disease
00:46:23walking around with shingles and balls on your back
00:46:26because you caring everybody else's mess.
00:46:40I'm done.
00:46:41I'm over that.
00:46:43I want you to like me, but if you have to make a decision,
00:46:45hey, praise the Lord.
00:46:52I want to live as long as the Lord allowed me to live.
00:46:54I don't want to be dying and I didn't finish my job
00:46:56because I wanted to do, you know,
00:46:58what the pastor supposed to do.
00:47:00How do you know what the pastor supposed to do?
00:47:02You don't even know what you supposed to do
00:47:03trying to tell a pastor what he supposed to do.
00:47:06I don't got real College Park.
00:47:10I completely forgot the supposed to do
00:47:12and went straight to posed to do.
00:47:16You know, we do that sometime, you know,
00:47:18a row of shelves, we call it shiver row.
00:47:29We're laughing about it,
00:47:30but it has taken out more people than cancer.
00:47:33It's taken out more people than diabetes, stress.
00:47:41Because physically, medically speaking,
00:47:43here's what people don't know.
00:47:45You can go to the doctor and get all the supplements
00:47:47and you can take all of the great little things
00:47:49and you can take all your smoothie and your ginger.
00:47:53You can take all of your stuff you want to take
00:47:56and go get your treatment and get an IV and all of that.
00:47:59But when you're stressed out, it closes your cells
00:48:02and all of that supplement just bouncing off
00:48:04and just going to just visit you in the toilet
00:48:06when you're finished.
00:48:07It ain't going to the cells.
00:48:11Because you're stressing it, tighten them up.
00:48:19You got to do it.
00:48:23It's time to rest.
00:48:25I ain't gonna read no letter
00:48:26about somebody saying something bad about me.
00:48:30When somebody is critical,
00:48:32it's because they're still in condemnation.
00:48:34Condemnation, that's proof that you're still in condemnation.
00:48:38I don't want to read something from somebody
00:48:40who is in condemnation.
00:48:42Don't come telling me,
00:48:44let me tell you what such and so said about you.
00:48:46I don't want to know.
00:48:48I'm going to be more upset at you for telling me
00:48:51because I want to know.
00:48:52I have no space for that no more.
00:48:55Now, I used to, when I was in my 20s and 30s,
00:48:57oh, bring it on, bring it on.
00:49:00I'm the pastor of the year, bring it on.
00:49:03But now in my 60s,
00:49:06boy, you better keep that to yourself.
00:49:07I don't want none of that.
00:49:14Not today or tomorrow.
00:49:25I'm just fussing now.
00:49:26I ain't even preaching no more.
00:49:28I'm just fussing.
00:49:30I'm just fussing, boy,
00:49:31the N-word went by my mind twice.
00:49:33I'm just fussing.
00:49:36I done got better.
00:49:37I ain't said it.
00:49:3930 years ago, it'd have been all out there, boy.
00:49:42And I'd have gave you a spiritual reason
00:49:43to justify why I said it.
00:49:47Thank God for growth.
00:49:49Thank God for growth.
00:49:50Thank God for his grace.
00:49:55Thank God for his grace.
00:49:58Philippians 4, 6 through 7.
00:50:01Let's look at the NLT first, and then the mirror.
00:50:06I want you to get this, man.
00:50:07I want some stuff to end in your life today.
00:50:10I want you to live good, sleep good, wake up good.
00:50:13I want you to be happy.
00:50:14I want you to go on a trip,
00:50:16go down a boat, do a raft drive,
00:50:18go eat you some good food in the country somewhere, boy.
00:50:21Go look at a waterfall.
00:50:23I want you to be happy.
00:50:24Get on a roller coaster. Hold your wig down. Do what you got to do. I want you to have a good time
00:50:31Jesus said I've come that you might have life and have it to the full until it overflows
00:50:37Hallelujah under the law. You're miserable under the law. You're stressed out under the law
00:50:42You just messed up but under this grace, it ought to be clean living baby. It ought to be living life in abundance
00:50:52Ain't doing this no more
00:50:57That's why I wore my jeans and tennis shoes
00:51:00I don't care what you're talking about me what what I ought to wear
00:51:03You don't know what's in my closet. I'm fussing again. Let me calm down
00:51:18Philippians chapter 4
00:51:22And verse 6 in the NLT he said don't worry about anything
00:51:31Instead pray about everything
00:51:35Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done
00:51:43finished completed
00:51:48Now look at this he said then you will experience God's peace
00:51:55Which exceeds anything we can understand
00:51:59His peace will guard your heart and your minds as you live
00:52:04in Christ
00:52:06Now look at this in the mirror translation same verses
00:52:11Let no anxiety about anything watch this distract you that's what it does
00:52:17It's an intrusion of your mind trying to distract you
00:52:22Rather translate moments into prayerful worship
00:52:28Hmm and soak your requests in gratitude before God
00:52:38In this place of worship and gratitude you will witness how the peace of God within you
00:52:46The awareness of your oneness in Christ Jesus beyond the reach of any thought that could possibly
00:52:53unsettle you
00:52:56The devil to keep coming at you, but if you do it this way, he won't be able to unsettle you
00:53:06He says just like the sentry guard secures the city
00:53:11Watching out in advance for the first signs of any possible threat
00:53:16your deepest feelings and
00:53:18The tranquility of your thoughts are fully guarded there in that place of peace
00:53:29Praise God
00:53:31Second Chronicles 20
00:53:33Just two verses here. It's a long story 22 through 25. I'm just gonna share two verses in
00:53:39Second Chronicles Jehoshaphat was
00:53:42Being attacked by the surrounding countries
00:53:45of course, he freaked out and
00:53:48he just knew to go to God immediately and
00:53:52He turned to the Lord and began to pray and talk to God and
00:53:56They decided well, what we're gonna do is we're gonna praise our way through this when you praise God
00:54:01It's because you know was already finished
00:54:05We've been praising God trying to get him to do something instead of praising God for what he's already done
00:54:10You get praise to your kid when they bring straight A's home
00:54:14Praise them for the things that they do and who they are
00:54:17In verse 22 and when they begin to sing and to praise the Lord set
00:54:22Ambushment against the children of Ammon Moab and Mount Seir
00:54:26Which were come against Judah and they were smitten
00:54:31for the children of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir utterly to slay and to destroy them and
00:54:40when they had made an end of
00:54:43The inhabitants of Seir everyone helped to destroy another
00:54:49Did you catch what happened here they started praising God and in the midst of praising God God
00:54:55Turned the people that were trying to attack them and he caused them to attack one another
00:55:01They end up killing each other
00:55:04While they were over there praise the Lord hallelujah. God is good. They started killing on one of us. Don't you talk about my mama?
00:55:11It's the killing each other they killed each other
00:55:15Then verse 25 tells you what happened after they killed each other and when Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the spoils of
00:55:21them they found among them in abundance both riches with the dead bodies and
00:55:28Precious jewels which they stripped off for themselves more than they could carry away and they were three days in
00:55:35Gathering of the spoils. It was so much. I
00:55:39Am telling you if you'll start praising God
00:55:42God a turn your enemies against one another and I'm telling you the spoils that belong to them
00:55:49Will show up in your life and I don't know how many days it's gonna take for you to get the victory
00:55:55Spores of the Lord, but I'm telling you if you'll give God that opportunity
00:56:04My goodness
00:56:08When people entered into praise
00:56:11God slew their enemies
00:56:14Hmm and then verse 46 and 10, I'm gonna let y'all go. Oh, I'm gonna let me go
00:56:24Little both little both
00:56:29Psalms 46 and 10. Let's look at the King James and then the message. This is really really good
00:56:36Psalms 46 10 and the King James
00:56:43Psalms y'all sleep back there. I ain't in 2nd. Sam. You Psalms
00:56:5046 and 10. Thank you
00:56:55No pastor Sam second Samuel better
00:57:00You know this be still
00:57:08What do you know?
00:57:10You know, it's finished man
00:57:12Be still and know that I'm God. I will be exalted among the heathen and
00:57:19I will be exalted in the earth
00:57:22Now look at this in the message Bible and then I'm gonna wrap it up
00:57:28The message Bible same verse
00:57:38Tension all
00:57:40See the marvels of God he plants fire flowers and trees all over the earth
00:57:46Bans war from pole to pole breaks all the weapons
00:57:50Across his knees now. Here it is verse 10
00:57:54Step out of traffic
00:57:57Step out of the traffic
00:58:00Take a long loving look at me your high God your high God above politics
00:58:10Yeah, that's in there ain't it
00:58:14And above everything so what he said is all of the stress and the care
00:58:22Step out of the traffic
00:58:25All this business and all this stuff that's going on in your head step out the traffic and
00:58:32Take a look at me
00:58:35He says I'm above everything. I'm above your politics and I'm above everything else
00:58:41Isn't it interesting that that words translated politics?
00:58:45You ain't doing none God didn't know about it before it happened
00:58:51Be still and know
00:58:53That I'm God is what he was saying
00:58:58Enter into God's rest by maintaining unwavering confidence in Jesus knowing that your trust
00:59:05In his finished works is what gives you access to the manifestations you are believing for
00:59:12your trust in his finished works your
00:59:16Your standing in what's done is what gives you access to the manifestations you're believing for
00:59:23How do I get manifestations in those areas?
00:59:26It's my trust in his finished work. It's my trust in what's done. It's my trust in what's complete
00:59:33It's my trust in what's finished that gives me access
00:59:38To manifestations, it's not your work and trying to perfect what's already been perfected
00:59:47But it's your trust in the finished works
00:59:50We are to spend our time resting in the realm of the finished resting in his faith in us
01:00:00Not as work. I'm not saying believe as work, but by just resting in Christ finished works
01:00:07That made all of us righteous all of us redeemed and everything
01:00:13That's what rest looks like
01:00:16Now so that you'll know
01:00:19Don't ask that question, where's God?
01:00:22Don't ask that question. Where's the manifestation?
01:00:26Don't ask that question. Why hadn't this happened? He promised it
01:00:31Where's your trust is
01:00:34It in the finished
01:00:36Or is it in some type of well-designed scheme of yours to try to get what he's already perfected
01:00:44We abide in the realm of the finished
01:00:51You got it
