00:00:00Read it.
00:00:02Praise God.
00:00:06Last week, we changed our service up.
00:00:08We're doing an offering before the sermon.
00:00:11So those of you who go to work can make sure you get it all.
00:00:19Galatians chapter 6, verse 7 through 10 in the King James and
00:00:24then in the message.
00:00:30Now, as I shared with you last week, God told me to begin to
00:00:33take about five minutes and teach on giving because there's
00:00:37a generation that doesn't understand it.
00:00:40And so, a tithe equals 10%.
00:00:48A tithe is an offering, but an offering is not limited to 10%.
00:00:53I'm saying that because I remember when I taught that
00:01:00tithing was not a requirement under the covenant of grace,
00:01:04people thought that meant don't give no more.
00:01:06I meet people all the time.
00:01:11Well, we're not required to tithe.
00:01:14Tithe equals 10%.
00:01:15You're not required to give 10%.
00:01:17Under the new covenant, you give out of your heart.
00:01:23You don't give based on a law or based on, you know, a set thing.
00:01:29You give out of your heart.
00:01:32And so, a tithe is just an offering.
00:01:35It's 10%, but an offering is not necessarily a tithe because
00:01:39under the New Testament, you give whatever God puts on your
00:01:43heart to give, whatever percentage God puts on your
00:01:45heart, and if you understand that, say amen.
00:01:47So, not tithing does not mean not giving.
00:01:54In the New Testament, it talks about generous giving, but it's
00:01:58done from the heart, and that's the difference in keeping a law
00:02:04that threatens you and tells you that you're going to be cursed
00:02:08with a curse if you don't give a certain percentage.
00:02:11You just know it's not God, right?
00:02:13So, tithing takes it out of a heart, out of a cheerful heart,
00:02:18out of a heart that has already given you Jesus, and then giving
00:02:24flows from you.
00:02:26Giving should not be to try to get God to do something, but
00:02:29giving flows from you because of who you are now.
00:02:33So now, watch this Scripture in Galatians chapter 6, verse 7
00:02:37through 10.
00:02:37He says, "'Be not deceived, God's not mocked.
00:02:40Whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.'"
00:02:44What a promise, that if we sow it, we're gonna reap it.
00:02:48In verse 8, "'For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh
00:02:53reap corruption, but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of
00:02:57the Spirit reap everlasting life.
00:03:00And let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due season
00:03:03we shall reap if we faint not.
00:03:05As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good
00:03:09to all men, especially unto them who are of the household of
00:03:14Now, let's look at this in the message real quick.
00:03:17He says, "'Don't be misled.
00:03:19No one makes a fool of God.
00:03:24What a person plants, he will harvest.'" Now, that's a, that
00:03:28is a promise that gives us authority in the financial
00:03:32realm, it's a promise that what you plant, you will harvest.
00:03:37"'A person who plants selfishness, ignoring the needs
00:03:43of others and ignoring God, will harvest a crop of weeds.
00:03:49All he'll have to show for his life is weeds, but the one who
00:03:54plants in response to God," see, we're responding to God,
00:03:57"'letting God's Spirit do the growth work in him, harvest a
00:04:02crop of real life, eternal life.'"
00:04:06So, let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good, and he
00:04:12calls giving and planting doing good.
00:04:15He says, "'Don't get fatigued.
00:04:17At the right time, we will harvest a good crop if we don't
00:04:21give up or quit.
00:04:23Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work
00:04:28for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in
00:04:32the community of faith.'"
00:04:33If you've experienced saving faith, that work is gonna
00:04:37flow from you.
00:04:39If you have to be, you know, badger to give, it's not flowing
00:04:45from you, you know.
00:04:47It flows from you because of who you are and who lives on the
00:04:52inside of you.
00:04:53And then finally, Luke chapter 6, 38 in the NLT,
00:04:56Luke chapter 6, 38.
00:04:58I said I never would read this again in verse 38, but based on
00:05:04what we're talking about now and what we're gonna talk about this
00:05:06morning, you're gonna be amazed on how much understanding you
00:05:10get on some things that we just did not take time to look at.
00:05:13He said, "'Give, and you'll receive your gift with return.'"
00:05:17He says, "'Give, and you'll receive.
00:05:19Your gift will return to you in full, pressed down, shaken
00:05:22together, and to make room for more, running over and poured
00:05:26into your lap.'"
00:05:28He says, "'The amount you give will determine the amount you
00:05:31will receive back.'"
00:05:32Ladies and gentlemen, maybe you wanna rip these Scriptures out
00:05:36of the Bible and go out and just start slandering the whole
00:05:40thing, but they're in the Bible, and they're in there because
00:05:43God wants you to have authority in this financial realm.
00:05:48He wants you to be open, to hear from him,
00:05:50to give to other people.
00:05:52He wants you to be open, to hear from him, to help other people.
00:05:56It's like what we studied last week in the book of James.
00:05:59And he said, if you have really experienced saving faith and you
00:06:03have God dwelling in you, then from you will come good works,
00:06:08that you don't need to add good works in order to be saved.
00:06:10He says, now that you are saved, from you will come good works.
00:06:13And you'll not look at a person who's naked and say,
00:06:16go away, we pray that you be clothed.
00:06:18You won't look at somebody who's hungry and say,
00:06:20be ye filled with food.
00:06:22But because of who's living on the inside of you, it flows.
00:06:26Giving flows from you.
00:06:28It flows from you into other people's lives.
00:06:32And so, this morning, let's pray and ask God to,
00:06:35that's where it comes.
00:06:36It's about you allowing the Spirit of God to lead and guide
00:06:40you in your giving versus giving out of fear a 10 percent
00:06:45because somebody told you you're gonna be cursed with a curse.
00:06:47Under the New Testament, everything is heart-based.
00:06:51God wants from you what flows out of your heart.
00:06:55And that's why he did what he did first.
00:06:58He put the love of God in you, and from that love and from that
00:07:02salvation, giving flows forth.
00:07:06Goodwill flows forth.
00:07:08It flows out of you.
00:07:09If it doesn't flow out of you, then I can guarantee you you're
00:07:13doing something to try to add work and try to get God to do
00:07:16something as a result of what you do.
00:07:19And so, Father, we thank you for the opportunity to give,
00:07:22the opportunity to sow, and the opportunity to plant,
00:07:25and to stand on these Scriptures to see them come to pass.
00:07:29And I thank you, Lord, that regardless of what's going on in
00:07:32this earth's economy, we are operating by your kingdom
00:07:36We trust you, and we trust you on the inside of us.
00:07:40In Jesus' name, amen.
00:07:43At this time, if you need an offering envelope,
00:07:45if you'll raise your hands, then ushers will go ahead and get it
00:07:48to you, and you'll get better.
00:07:50Each Sunday as we do this, you won't be so stiff and so quiet
00:07:53trying to like, oh, my God, he's talking about me, you know.
00:07:57You know, after a while, you'll be saying, praise the Lord,
00:07:59shut up, but right now, you're like, what are you doing?
00:08:02What are you doing?
00:08:03Praise God, teaching you from the Word of God.
00:08:06Now, once you prepare your offerings, I'm gonna pray over
00:08:10it, and then we're gonna get right into this message.
00:08:13I have enjoyed this series so much, and yet there is still a
00:08:17ways to go in what we're learning, and I thought this is
00:08:21really, really gonna make sense when you hear what we're talking
00:08:26about today.
00:08:28Hold your offerings up if you're ready.
00:08:30Father, we thank you for the opportunity to give
00:08:33out of our hearts.
00:08:35We thank you for the opportunity to stand on the Word and to
00:08:38trust you and to know that you will not be mocked or made a
00:08:42fool of, that whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he harvest.
00:08:46And I thank you for the harvest of those who are giving from
00:08:50their heart, that it's flowing from their salvation, it's
00:08:53flowing from that saving faith that's in us, and we praise you
00:08:57for it right now in Jesus' name, and everybody say it, amen.
00:09:02Ushers, go ahead and receive the offering.
00:09:04Now, we're talking about an increase of glory in your house.
00:09:08Now, don't be surprised now when you start doing these things
00:09:11that I'm teaching you during offering time,
00:09:13that stuff happens.
00:09:14Don't give yourself credit.
00:09:15You just say, praise the Lord, amen.
00:09:18And God's Word is true, amen.
00:09:22Boy, I sure enjoyed praise service and all the music this
00:09:25morning, it was so good.
00:09:27Amen and amen, praise the Lord.
00:09:35Now, this morning, we're going to get into something that you've
00:09:43heard it, you've heard it before, you've read these
00:09:46scriptures before, but from my understanding, somehow the
00:09:53pulpits have used it to put fear into people and it just never
00:10:02quite gelled with me as I looked at it and as I read it.
00:10:05We're talking about true faith and how it fits in our lives.
00:10:09If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of Philippians
00:10:13chapter 2 and verse 12, Philippians chapter 2, verse 12.
00:10:20Father, I thank you for this and other opportunity to minister
00:10:23to these, your precious sheep.
00:10:25I thank you, Lord, that revelation knowledge will flow
00:10:27freely, uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or
00:10:30demonic force.
00:10:32And Father, I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords
00:10:35and think through my mind.
00:10:36None of me and all of you, it's in Jesus' name we pray and
00:10:39everybody said, amen.
00:10:42Philippians chapter 2, verse 12, first in the King James.
00:10:47Let's read it out loud, verse 12.
00:10:48Ready, read.
00:10:50Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my
00:10:55presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own
00:11:02salvation with fear and trembling.
00:11:08Now, here's the question we're gonna deal with.
00:11:10Is Philippians 2 and 12 telling us we need to work for our
00:11:15salvation or that our salvation must be maintained by our works?
00:11:24What is it saying?
00:11:25Again, here's what we're gonna deal with.
00:11:27Is Philippians 2 and 12 telling us we need to work for our
00:11:31salvation or that our salvation must be maintained by our
00:11:46What is it saying here?
00:11:48Because if we don't get this right, we're gonna fall right
00:11:50back into working to try to get God to do something.
00:11:54Now, you know he's not talking about working to be saved
00:11:58because the Bible makes it clear in Ephesians chapter 2 and 8,
00:12:00we'll look at it in a minute, where you were saved by grace
00:12:04faith, and that not of your own, it is a gift of God, not of
00:12:09works, lest any man should boast."
00:12:14Now, let's read Philippians 2, 12 and 13, and let's read it out
00:12:20loud in the NLT.
00:12:22Philippians 2 and 12 and verse 13.
00:12:27All right, now watch this.
00:12:29Dear friend, you always followed my instructions when I was with
00:12:33you, and now that I am away, it is even more important.
00:12:40Work hard to show the results of your salvation.
00:12:47Obeying God with deep reverence and fear, 13.
00:12:53For, now notice 12 and 13 go together.
00:12:57For God is working.
00:12:59Work out your salvation, for God is working in you, giving
00:13:08you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.
00:13:15I was never satisfied with any explanation of this Scripture,
00:13:20even that I gave up until right now, what we're getting ready to
00:13:23show you.
00:13:25Paul says to work out your salvation, not work for your
00:13:32own salvation.
00:13:33Paul says work out your salvation, not work for your
00:13:39own salvation.
00:13:41God's salvation comes by grace through faith, right?
00:13:44In Jesus Christ and in his finished works, not by our
00:13:47works, we're saved not by our works.
00:13:49We're saved by through the finished works of Jesus.
00:13:53Now, when we say work for our own salvation, it implies that
00:14:01it is not enough to just believe in the Lord Jesus to be saved.
00:14:06So, if you're looking at this Scripture and it says, it's not
00:14:09enough for you to believe, you gotta work out your salvation.
00:14:12I've heard that.
00:14:13I've been condemned with that.
00:14:15No, no, no, no, I know you think you're saved, but the Bible
00:14:18says you gotta work it out.
00:14:21Somebody already worked it out.
00:14:24Well, is it enough to believe?
00:14:26Well, let's look at three Scriptures right quick.
00:14:28I mean, is it enough to believe?
00:14:29I don't want you to belittle your belief.
00:14:31He talks about believing and that's enough to get saved, but
00:14:35then from the pulpit, you'll hear, no, you gotta work out
00:14:38your salvation.
00:14:39It's like, dude, which one?
00:14:41Well, I believe that believing is enough.
00:14:44Look at St. John chapter 3 and verse 16.
00:14:49John 3, 16, and then John 6, 40.
00:14:52Now, notice what he says here.
00:14:54I want you to be secure in the power of your believing.
00:14:58He said, for God so loved the world that he gave his only
00:15:01begotten Son that whosoever, what?
00:15:05Believeth in him should not what?
00:15:07But have what?
00:15:09And he said, whosoever did what?
00:15:11He didn't say nothing about you gotta work it out.
00:15:15Whosoever believed shall not perish, shall be saved.
00:15:20All right, look at John chapter 6 and verse 40.
00:15:24John chapter 6 and verse 40.
00:15:28He says, and this is the will of him that sent me, that everyone
00:15:33would see the Son and what?
00:15:36Believeth on him may have what?
00:15:40Everlasting life, and I'll raise him up at the last day.
00:15:43He says, anybody that what?
00:15:47And then finally, I like this one, Romans 10 and verse 13.
00:15:52Romans 10 and verse 13.
00:15:55He says, for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord
00:15:58shall be saved.
00:15:59I ain't seen nothing about I gotta work it out.
00:16:03I mean, I love the song, work it out, baby, need a pair of
00:16:06shoes, but I ain't found nothing about no work it out.
00:16:10Are you listening to me now?
00:16:13Now, notice back to Philippians 2 and 12.
00:16:18Paul is addressing believers who are already saved.
00:16:25Wherefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my
00:16:29presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out, work
00:16:35out your salvation.
00:16:38So, he's addressing believers who are already saved.
00:16:42He is saying we can work out our salvation because God is
00:16:47supplying us.
00:16:49In verse 13, we can work it out because what God is doing in
00:16:52verse 13.
00:16:53In verse 13, he's supplying us the willingness.
00:16:57In verse 13, he's supplying us the power and even the pleasure
00:17:01in doing it.
00:17:02And please understand, you cannot work out what has not
00:17:06been worked in.
00:17:10Are you listening to me?
00:17:12See, God had to work something in you in order for it to come
00:17:15out of you.
00:17:17You can only work out what has been worked in.
00:17:22And what is it that has been worked in?
00:17:25But remember what salvation includes, the Greek, zozo.
00:17:30It includes the blessing of healing.
00:17:32He said that's gonna come out of you.
00:17:34That's gonna be worked out of you.
00:17:36Glory to God.
00:17:37And understand, healing is in you.
00:17:41Salvation is in you.
00:17:43And so, he is saying work it out, but it's God who's working.
00:17:47Oh, my God.
00:17:49So, the point is there is stuff you're carrying that is going to
00:17:54come out of you and from you.
00:17:56Glory to God.
00:17:57Salvation includes the blessing of healing.
00:18:00Healing's in you, it's gonna come out you.
00:18:03Rescuing is in you, it's gonna come out of you.
00:18:06Deliverance is in you, it's gonna come out of you.
00:18:09Preservation is in you, it's gonna come out of you.
00:18:11It is being worked out of you.
00:18:13It's being worked out of me.
00:18:15Glory to God.
00:18:16There's stuff that God's working on and he's working it out of
00:18:21Oh, my gosh.
00:18:23He's working it out of you.
00:18:24But I can only do this because the Lord first worked it in me.
00:18:30If he didn't work it in me, it ain't gonna come out of me.
00:18:37Oh, my gosh.
00:18:40Sometimes as believers, I don't think we know what we have in
00:18:45us, and you know you got something good in you because
00:18:50it's God who worked it.
00:18:52And boy, it was a work too.
00:18:53He worked it in you, and now that he got it in you, he said,
00:19:00now go ahead and reconcile this thing.
00:19:02Work it out of you.
00:19:03Oh, but I'm gonna be doing the work.
00:19:05Yeah, y'all don't hear me.
00:19:09All right, let's, we had a great time in Wednesday Night Bible
00:19:12Study looking at the Greek.
00:19:13Let's look at the Greek verb for the word works.
00:19:17It is in something in our language is called the present
00:19:23active continuous form, which means it's not that he worked
00:19:29it or he will work it.
00:19:33It is constantly working.
00:19:36In other words, it's actually saying God who is working in
00:19:40you, God who is working in you.
00:19:44Think of that.
00:19:45God is working in you.
00:19:48I got one person that got it.
00:19:50Everybody that sat up there and said, oh, okay.
00:19:53Okay, okay then.
00:19:55No, no, God's working in you.
00:19:57You still think God is just seated on the throne.
00:20:03He working.
00:20:05See, in the Old Testament, you worked for him, but in his new
00:20:08covenant of grace, he's working for you.
00:20:11Y'all don't understand.
00:20:12He's working.
00:20:13God is working.
00:20:15God is working in you, and when you know that God is working,
00:20:19and when you know God is always working, that's what this verb
00:20:22is, he is always working in you, you don't have to depend on
00:20:27your own self-effort to do the work.
00:20:29You don't have to depend on your own strength to work it, to work
00:20:33out your salvation in the way that you treat your family,
00:20:37your own strength to work out your salvation in the way you
00:20:40live your testimony at work, to work out your salvation in the
00:20:45way you operate in your relationship with other peoples.
00:20:49Don't have to love others in your own strength because in
00:20:56your own strength, loving other people can be exhausting.
00:20:59And he not asking you to love everybody in your own strength.
00:21:06He says, it's in you, I'm working in you all the time,
00:21:0924-7, we gonna get this out of you.
00:21:13You keep relying on what you have in your own strength, but
00:21:16he says, I've made some deposits on the inside of you, praise
00:21:19God, and I'm working to bring it out of you.
00:21:23All right, all right, come on, let me calm down.
00:21:26What is he saying?
00:21:29Be aware and be open to what I'm doing.
00:21:35Are you willing today to be aware and be open that God is
00:21:39working in you?
00:21:41See, that's hard for a lot of times for people.
00:21:43They just can't grab a hold of this thing that God's working in
00:21:48me right now.
00:21:50Yeah, but pastor, I ain't perfect, nobody is.
00:21:52He's working in you right now.
00:21:54Why is he working in you right now?
00:21:56Because you have it on deposit, but we gotta, he's working in
00:22:00you so you can see the manifestation of what's in you.
00:22:04That's called glory.
00:22:07So, you can see the manifestation that's gonna come
00:22:10out of you, praise God.
00:22:11Yeah, but I know I can do better.
00:22:13He do too, he working in you.
00:22:17He work, every time you act a fool, every time you get messy,
00:22:21every time you get crazy, remember, remember,
00:22:25remind yourself, he's still working in me.
00:22:28You just messed up, he's still working in me.
00:22:31Your baby need a pair of shoes, you got put in jail,
00:22:33he's still working in me.
00:22:34He's still working in me.
00:22:36You got a divorce, he's still working in you.
00:22:38He working in both of y'all, he's still working in you.
00:22:41None of your crazy gonna stop his work.
00:22:45He's still working in you.
00:22:47All right, let's ease in here.
00:22:52I'm almost where I wanna be here.
00:22:56And what he says is, I need you to be aware.
00:22:58Something happens when you are aware and you're open
00:23:01to what God's doing.
00:23:02I'm open to what God's doing.
00:23:05I'm open to the fact that I'm not there, wherever that place
00:23:08may be, but I know he's working in me.
00:23:12I'm open to this, that wherever I am now, it's just I pitched a
00:23:16tent there, but I'm not obligated to stay there, okay?
00:23:23Okay, it's just temporary.
00:23:25I'm not obligated to stay there.
00:23:26I'm going to be moving.
00:23:31You still cussing, but I'm not gonna always be cussing.
00:23:36You cussed somebody out last night.
00:23:38It might have been your wife or your wife cussed you out.
00:23:40I don't know who, but he working in you.
00:23:46You need to be open that God is working in you,
00:23:51because this is what he's saying.
00:23:53I need you to believe that I'm working in you.
00:23:56I need you to believe and be aware that I'm working in you.
00:24:00I'm working in you.
00:24:01I will give you the willingness to do it, and I will give you
00:24:08the performance of my will.
00:24:12You need to rest.
00:24:14My God, in his working in you, the willingness is gonna come.
00:24:20Look at this.
00:24:21Look at Philippians chapter 2, 13 in the NLT.
00:24:29He is working in you.
00:24:31He is working in you, and he says,
00:24:34I need you to rest in the work that I'm doing, and if you'll
00:24:37just rest in the work that I'm doing, you gonna be willing.
00:24:42For God is working in you, verse 13.
00:24:45For God is working in you.
00:24:46Say that.
00:24:47Say, God's working in me.
00:24:49What is he doing?
00:24:51Giving you the desire.
00:24:54So, notice what God is doing.
00:24:54He says, now, trust that I'm working in you,
00:24:57but I am working on your desire.
00:24:59You've picked up desires in life that contradict what I have put
00:25:04in you, so I'm working on your desire.
00:25:08So, some of you are gonna wake up.
00:25:11I don't know when, I don't know how long, I don't know today,
00:25:13but you're gonna wake up one day and you're not gonna want what
00:25:16you used to want, and who gets the credit for that?
00:25:22Not you, not me.
00:25:26God's working on your want-to's.
00:25:28God's gonna take away your want-to's and give you some new
00:25:31want-to's, because those old want-to's messing you up,
00:25:34but God says, please remember, I'm working on you now.
00:25:37I'm working on you, and what am I working on?
00:25:39I'm working on your desires.
00:25:41You're gonna get up one day, you're gonna, normally,
00:25:45if somebody would've jumped in front of you on the expressway,
00:25:50you would've clowned, oh, no, you did not jump in front of me
00:25:53and you saw me, but when somebody take your parking space
00:25:56at Walmart and you saw me, you know I'm gonna confront her.
00:26:01I'm gonna, oh, no, no, you know, you messing with the wrong,
00:26:03you already know, I'm from College Park,
00:26:05you know you don't pull in front of me like that.
00:26:08I'm from College Park, I'm gonna have to go up there
00:26:09and confront you, and that one day comes and it happens,
00:26:14and he's been working on your desires, and you're like,
00:26:16you know what, I'm gonna let you have this one,
00:26:21and it gradually moves to, I'm gonna let you have this one too,
00:26:23you know what, no problem, and it moves from no problem
00:26:28to, you know what, God bless you.
00:26:32Can't nobody do that but God, and some of you know what I'm
00:26:35talking about, because some of the desires you used to have,
00:26:39you don't have those desires that you used to have five years
00:26:42ago, ten years ago, and you're trying to figure out,
00:26:44you're talking about something happening to me.
00:26:46I'm telling you what's happening to you.
00:26:49He's working in you.
00:26:54Come on, say it again, God's working in me,
00:26:57and he's working to give you desires and power.
00:27:02Power is the ability to get the job done.
00:27:05Not only is he gonna work on your desires,
00:27:07but he's gonna give you the ability to do what pleases him.
00:27:12You used to always fall to your flesh.
00:27:15I mean, every time a situation came up,
00:27:17you fell to your flesh, but now your desire's been worked on,
00:27:23and now you have the ability to do what pleases God.
00:27:26Watch this, instead of doing what pleases you.
00:27:30Your lives have been wrapped up in ego and selfishness,
00:27:35and God's working on that, and that's why we gotta get away
00:27:39from this fantasy of, you got saved today,
00:27:42and you perfect 15 minutes later.
00:27:45I'm trying to share.
00:27:46It's a journey, guys.
00:27:48It's a journey, and the day you believe,
00:27:51and the day you got born again, that's the day he started
00:27:54working on the inside of you, and it's a journey,
00:27:57and you got to, like Taffi was saying,
00:27:59you got to hold on to the flourishing finish.
00:28:03You can't let that go, that God started the work.
00:28:07He's going to complete the work.
00:28:09He's gonna finish the work.
00:28:11God'll never leave what he started up to you to finish.
00:28:15And when you rest in his working in you,
00:28:29the willingness comes.
00:28:31I'm going to enter into the rest, and every day,
00:28:35I put it on my mouth and say,
00:28:36God, I rest in the work that you're doing in me.
00:28:42Lord, I just thank you for the work that you're doing in me.
00:28:46Father, I just praise you for the work you're doing in me.
00:28:49And when you find rest in the work that he's doing in you,
00:28:53the willingness on your part to yield to it will show up,
00:28:58because you're resting in that finished work.
00:29:01Now, let's go back to, let's see, Philippians chapter 2,
00:29:08verse 12.
00:29:09Now, here's the part that really got people off.
00:29:11It's the last part.
00:29:13He says, work hard to show the results of your salvation.
00:29:20Obeying God with the, King James says,
00:29:23with fear and trembling.
00:29:25What about the fear and trembling part?
00:29:29Well, it doesn't mean being terrified of God,
00:29:34terrified that you're not doing enough to please an angry God.
00:29:38That's not what it means.
00:29:39I thought it did at one time, that he said,
00:29:41work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
00:29:45It doesn't mean that you're supposed to be terrified of God.
00:29:47Doesn't mean that, you know, you're concerned that God's an
00:29:52angry God and he's going to get you.
00:29:55This phrase is a Hebrew expression for being awed by the
00:30:02goodness of God.
00:30:04The word awe, it is a feeling of reverence and admiration.
00:30:10In other words, what he is talking about here is that this
00:30:15work of, when it comes to fear and trembling,
00:30:17back up to that whole sentence, when it comes back to fear and
00:30:20trembling, he says, you're going to be at awe at how God will
00:30:24work out your own salvation.
00:30:26He says, he is going to do the work and you are gonna be in
00:30:31fear and trembling, not afraid, but you're gonna be at awe at
00:30:36seeing how amazing God's work has been in your life.
00:30:42Let me give you an illustration, two of them.
00:30:43Mark chapter 5 and verse 33.
00:30:47Go to Mark chapter 5 and verse 33.
00:30:50And in Mark chapter 5 and verse 33, he says,
00:30:52the woman fearing, this is the woman with the issue of blood.
00:30:56She touched the hem of his garment and she was made whole.
00:30:58But the woman fearing and trembling,
00:31:02knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him
00:31:09and told him all the truth.
00:31:11You know what happened?
00:31:12She touched the hem of his garment,
00:31:14she was immediately made whole, and the Bible talks about that
00:31:19this woman fearing and trembling.
00:31:21What happened?
00:31:21She was at awe.
00:31:23She was at awe.
00:31:24She was in total reverence and admiration for what had happened.
00:31:30She saw the goodness of God impact her life,
00:31:34and she was at awe.
00:31:36She was fearing and trembling, not afraid because God is angry.
00:31:40You know, I thought when they said fearing and trembling,
00:31:42I thought Jesus was getting ready to get on her
00:31:44because she touched him.
00:31:47She was at awe, she fearing and trembling in awe of what had
00:31:52just happened to her.
00:31:54Oh, my goodness.
00:31:55God said, I'm getting ready to do that to you.
00:31:58I'm gonna bring you to a place of reverence and admiration.
00:32:03Oh, watch what I'm getting ready to work out of you today.
00:32:09My goodness.
00:32:12Look at Jeremiah 33 and 9.
00:32:15Jeremiah 33 and 9.
00:32:19Man, some of y'all give me the impression that you came
00:32:21to get the Word.
00:32:29Even got the baby shouting back there.
00:32:31I think she almost said, say it, Pastor.
00:32:33My God.
00:32:37Jeremiah 33 and 9.
00:32:39Now, watch this, and it shall be to me a name of joy,
00:32:43a praise, and an honor before all the nations of the earth,
00:32:47which shall hear all the good that I do unto them.
00:32:52And notice what happens as a result of the good that he does
00:32:55unto them, and they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness
00:33:01and for all the prosperity that I procure unto it.
00:33:07Church, get ready.
00:33:09Get ready to fear and tremble at the manifestations
00:33:14of a good God.
00:33:16God's getting ready to bring stuff out of you that you forgot
00:33:20that he put on the inside of you.
00:33:22You're not gonna be worried.
00:33:24You're not gonna be upset.
00:33:25You're not gonna be ready to kill yourself.
00:33:27Depression ain't gonna win no more.
00:33:29Honey, you're gonna trust that God is working on the inside
00:33:32of you, and when he brings what's in you on the outside
00:33:36of you, when he changes your want to and give you a new
00:33:39want to, you're gonna be at awe of such a mighty God who can be
00:33:44so good to me.
00:33:45Who is this God that healed me?
00:33:48Who is this God that set me free?
00:33:51Who is this God that delivered me from my past?
00:33:54I am at awe.
00:34:01Are y'all listening to me?
00:34:06So, here's the deal.
00:34:08It's all about God first supplying us with everything
00:34:12we need.
00:34:13He first supplies us with everything that we need,
00:34:17and then he starts working it in us,
00:34:19and then he works it through us.
00:34:21He supplies what we need first, and then he starts working in
00:34:25us, and then he starts working through us.
00:34:27Nothing happens until he first puts the supply in you.
00:34:31This ain't you.
00:34:32This is the supply he put on the inside of you.
00:34:35You didn't have it before you believed,
00:34:37but the day you believed, he put salvation on the inside of you
00:34:40and made a commitment to work it out of you, praise God,
00:34:43so you might be at awe at the goodness of the Lord.
00:34:46Let me give you a little illustration.
00:34:51First John 4 and 19, and then Romans 5, 5.
00:34:55First John 4 and 19.
00:34:58You've heard ever since you've been going to church with your
00:35:01grandmama how people love God, how people love God,
00:35:04as if they had the ability to do that on their own.
00:35:07You can only do godliness as a result of what he first put on
00:35:12the inside of you.
00:35:14He said, we love him.
00:35:15He said, this is how, this is why you love him.
00:35:17He says, because he first loved us.
00:35:21We love him because he first loved us.
00:35:24He first gave us the supply.
00:35:27Look at Romans 5 and 5.
00:35:28This is him giving us the supply.
00:35:31He says, and hope maketh not a shame because the love of God is
00:35:35shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost,
00:35:38which is given unto us.
00:35:41If you just slow down a little bit and start noticing,
00:35:44he first gives us the supply, and then he starts working it
00:35:48through us and with us.
00:35:50He first gives us the supply.
00:35:52He first, you couldn't have no faith.
00:35:54He gave you a supply of his faith.
00:35:56Glory to God.
00:35:57He gave you a supply of his love.
00:35:59He gave you a supply of healing.
00:36:01You got to recognize he gave you a supply of soundness
00:36:03and preservation.
00:36:04He has supplied you, hallelujah, and I can do all things through
00:36:09the supply, through the supply.
00:36:14That's why you should abhor poverty and lack because you
00:36:22know whatever it takes to deal with that lack,
00:36:27the supply has already been given to you.
00:36:30You only need to start looking inward, hallelujah,
00:36:34for what needs to come on the outside, praise God.
00:36:37God's got a million ways to get you out of debt in a week.
00:36:40You don't need but one, praise the Lord.
00:36:44The supply is already done.
00:36:46The supply is already on the inside of you.
00:36:49I'm telling you, when God says, I will supply all of your needs
00:36:53according, what?
00:36:54All of your riches in glory in Christ Jesus who is on the
00:36:58inside of you.
00:37:00You have been blessed with all spiritual blessing in heavenly
00:37:04places in Christ Jesus who's on the inside of you.
00:37:07But you think your provisions come from the outside in.
00:37:13No, because of what you believe and Jesus has supplied you
00:37:19first, everything in this life you need comes from the inside
00:37:25Now, this, ladies and gentlemen, Taffi and I are qualified to
00:37:28talk about it because everything you see today came from the
00:37:33inside out.
00:37:35We didn't have no money.
00:37:37We didn't have nobody doing nothing for us.
00:37:38We didn't have none of that.
00:37:39We just, we had, all we had was belief that it was in us
00:37:43somewhere and God would bring it out, praise the Lord.
00:37:47Hallelujah, glory be to God.
00:37:50Hallelujah, glory be to God.
00:37:53And I'm telling you, it's on the inside of you.
00:37:55I just need you to become God inside minded.
00:37:58I need you to become supply inside minded.
00:38:01I need you to quit letting the devil talk to you and telling
00:38:04you this ain't gonna happen and that ain't gonna happen.
00:38:06You walk with God, God's walking with you.
00:38:08He put it on the inside of you.
00:38:11I will supply, I will get the job done.
00:38:14When you see all that Jesus has done for you and what he is
00:38:27doing for you, even now, you'll find it easy to work out your
00:38:33salvation in the way you treat other people.
00:38:37You'll be able to relate to others and carry out your
00:38:45responsibility with a spirit of love and honor and humility.
00:38:50There are things that God has put on the inside of you.
00:38:54Don't come talking about, well, you know, I can love them,
00:38:57but I don't know about that.
00:38:59Well, she done got on my last nerve.
00:39:02You are not letting nobody get on your last nerve.
00:39:04I mean, that's the last one.
00:39:06Look at Philippians chapter 2, verses 2 through 4.
00:39:14Philippians chapter 2, verses 2 through 4.
00:39:21He said, "'Fulfill ye my joy.'"
00:39:25Look at this in the NLT, if you'll turn there real quick,
00:39:30He says, "'Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly
00:39:33with each other, loving one another and working together
00:39:37with one mind and purpose.'"
00:39:40Don't be selfish.
00:39:43Don't try to impress others.
00:39:46Don't try to impress others.
00:39:49Don't be selfish.
00:39:50Those are two big things today in the world, right?
00:39:52Being selfish and trying to impress others.
00:39:55You're trying to impress people who don't care.
00:39:58You're trying to impress people who don't care with money
00:40:00you don't have.
00:40:05Don't be selfish.
00:40:06Don't try to impress others.
00:40:08Be humble.
00:40:09Thinking of others as better than yourself.
00:40:13That's gotta come from the supply.
00:40:18Don't look out only for your own interest, but take an interest
00:40:24in others also.
00:40:28Now, that's that real safe stuff right there.
00:40:32That's that stuff that comes from the inside out.
00:40:35Ain't talking about that stuff where you labor yourself as a
00:40:37Christian and then go act like you're a part of the first
00:40:41church of Beelzebub.
00:40:45I mean, what is it?
00:40:46Christians don't care about folks?
00:40:48Christians so busy that they're only concerned about self.
00:40:50They're only concerned about their own interests.
00:40:52And I ain't trying to give you none of my bag, because I wish I
00:40:57could help you, but praise the Lord.
00:41:01You're missing out on opportunities, opportunities.
00:41:06And I'm telling you, one day as he works on your desires,
00:41:10you're gonna be willing to do those things.
00:41:14I'm still trying to figure out, well, I'm not trying to figure
00:41:16out now.
00:41:17No, now, what is it that moved out of my wife that said,
00:41:20go to the strip clubs and help the ladies on the poles,
00:41:23show them their significance, show them that they're loved,
00:41:26provide a place for them to go so they don't have to be on the
00:41:29street working for their pimp, all right?
00:41:32And then when we finally get them to come to church, some
00:41:37good old Christian talking about, you can't come in here
00:41:40without a blanket.
00:41:41I said, Lord Jesus, or give them a blanket, cover yourself up.
00:41:46You ought to be ashamed of yourself coming here like this.
00:41:48Now, you need to leave and go find your, this is not where you
00:41:51need to be.
00:41:54Well, yeah, you do need to be here.
00:41:56You do need to be here.
00:41:57You need to listen, though.
00:41:58You do need to be here, because that ain't how that work.
00:42:02So, instead of you dogging somebody out because they're not
00:42:04dressed appropriate like you think they are, how about
00:42:06taking them shopping after church?
00:42:10Well, pastor, I'm just saying, she get up there and the
00:42:17deacons will start lusting over her shoulder or knee or calf.
00:42:22That boy, that boy hard up.
00:42:23The Lord, there's something.
00:42:26Are you kidding me?
00:42:30Well, church folk get on, church folk get on folks that they
00:42:32how they dress.
00:42:33I mean, when tapping, a little shoulder thing,
00:42:35well, that's inappropriate.
00:42:36That ain't your wife.
00:42:40If she want to show her deltoid muscles,
00:42:45let her show her deltoid muscles.
00:42:47You go to your wife.
00:42:48You worry about how she dress.
00:42:49You leave mine alone.
00:42:50Sweep off your own front porch before you try to sweep off
00:42:54Sweet lips, sweet lips, sweet lips, sweet lips,
00:42:56sweet lips, sweet lips.
00:42:57Y'all was supposed to tell me, y'all should've been inside.
00:43:01Sweet lips, come on here.
00:43:02Sweet lips, pastor, sweet lips, sweet lips.
00:43:04But now I'm understanding.
00:43:09Tap and sit on there like, what, how you get over there?
00:43:19Now I'm understanding the work of the Holy Spirit,
00:43:22why it is, it is continuous.
00:43:25It is continuous work.
00:43:29He's continuing to work on us.
00:43:33And out of you, things are gonna come.
00:43:35Desires to do good works are gonna flow out of you.
00:43:39Desire to want to give to others is gonna flow out of you.
00:43:45Because he's working in you.
00:43:46And that's the great part, because if we were doing the
00:43:49work ourselves, we would only work on what we want to work on.
00:43:54You need the love, huh?
00:43:55Mm, I ain't working on that today, I'm on.
00:43:57How you listening to me?
00:44:03All right, go to Philippians chapter 2 and verse 14 and 15,
00:44:08and then I'm gonna get into something here.
00:44:11Philippians 2, 14, and 15 in the NLT.
00:44:15Philippians 2, 14, 15.
00:44:17He says, do everything without complaining.
00:44:19I didn't say anything.
00:44:27You know, when you complain, you remain.
00:44:40What, the same?
00:44:42Do everything without complaining and arguing,
00:44:46so that no one can criticize you.
00:44:49Live clean, somebody shout, clean living.
00:44:51Innocent lives as children of God,
00:44:55living like bright lights in a world full of crooked
00:44:59and perverse people.
00:45:03See, this is the life of grace.
00:45:05It's like, let me do the work in you,
00:45:07and you'll end up doing these things.
00:45:10Let me work in you.
00:45:12These things are gonna come out.
00:45:13It's a journey.
00:45:15It's a journey.
00:45:16They might all not come out at the same time,
00:45:18but it's a journey.
00:45:20The promise we have is he will finish the work.
00:45:24He will see the flourishing finish.
00:45:30Say out loud, God's working on me.
00:45:33God's working in me.
00:45:36God is continuously working out of me what he desires to see.
00:45:43See, we tried to do all these things in Philippians 2,
00:45:4714, 15 on our own power and self-effort and not depending
00:45:54on him to do these things.
00:45:59Now, I'm gonna show you something,
00:46:01and I think this will really bless you.
00:46:07When God sees faith, it is to him an opportunity to go
00:46:15to work for you.
00:46:17When God sees faith, what it says to him is,
00:46:27I can work for them.
00:46:32I want you to, I wanna get this in your thinking.
00:46:35When God sees faith, and I'll talk to you more about it
00:46:38next week, but it's his faith.
00:46:42We live by the faith of the Son of God.
00:46:44It's his faith.
00:46:47When God sees his faith in you, it says to him,
00:46:54this is my opportunity to go to work for them.
00:46:57I'm gonna say it two more times.
00:47:00I need you to get this.
00:47:02I gotta break through that religious mindset that we built
00:47:05up in the past of we work to make this happen.
00:47:09We gonna add our work to faith in order for this to happen,
00:47:14and we saw in Philippians 2 last week that that's not what
00:47:16we're talking about, James, saying,
00:47:18hey, dude, if you have really experienced saving faith and
00:47:24that you're saved with that saving faith,
00:47:27then from that saving faith, we should see good works coming
00:47:31as a result of who you are now, all right?
00:47:34And so, that faith that we believe and that we're operating
00:47:39in, you know, here's somebody that says,
00:47:41well, don't you supposed to believe?
00:47:43Yeah, I believe.
00:47:44That it's his faith, and I believe that he gave me his
00:47:49faith, and I live by the faith of the Son of God.
00:47:53So, the faith that I live by is not weak faith and little faith.
00:47:57It's his faith, and they didn't have that before Jesus came.
00:48:02It's his faith.
00:48:03Now, I think I did this before, but I'm gonna do it again.
00:48:08I need to agitate your traditional mindset of what
00:48:14faith is because every time you and I stand on something and
00:48:18every time you and I hold on to something,
00:48:21God's saying, ooh, there's their faith.
00:48:26I can go to work for them.
00:48:28I can go to work for them.
00:48:29Now, listen to this.
00:48:30Let's agitate, you know, again, what faith is,
00:48:35and then we'll pick up with this next week.
00:48:41Faith is simply a response to what grace has already
00:48:48made available.
00:48:51So, we were saved by grace.
00:48:55We responded by faith.
00:48:58You follow what I'm saying?
00:48:59So, faith is my positive response to what God has
00:49:05already done.
00:49:07Faith is my positive response to the supply that he's
00:49:12already given.
00:49:14I'm responding to it.
00:49:15I'm not, my faith is not making the supply.
00:49:20My faith is not manufacturing anything.
00:49:24My faith is responding positively to what he's
00:49:28already done.
00:49:29So, by his stripes, I'm healed.
00:49:30I'm already healed right now, so I'm gonna have a positive
00:49:33response to healing that I've already received,
00:49:38and by his stripes, I'm healed.
00:49:39So, the first place that your faith is gonna show up is in
00:49:41your mouth, in your tongue.
00:49:43Now, I open my mouth up and I say, yeah, I'm healed right now.
00:49:45I believe I receive it.
00:49:46I'm responding positively to what grace has already
00:49:50made available.
00:49:53Everybody see that?
00:49:54All right, now, faith is not something you do to get God
00:50:01to respond.
00:50:02Faith is not something you do to get God to respond.
00:50:06Hadn't we thought that?
00:50:08I'm gonna do this, and then God's gonna respond.
00:50:12Faith is your positive response to what he's already done.
00:50:16Faith is not you doing something to try to get God to respond.
00:50:21How many of us in our lives have been trying to do stuff to try
00:50:24to get God to respond?
00:50:27I believe in the name of Jesus.
00:50:28I believe in the 2020 vision, and you take them Coke bottle
00:50:31glasses off and ask me if I wanna ride home.
00:50:36You think that by taking the glasses off,
00:50:38you can get God to respond, and God's like,
00:50:40I've already done everything I'm gonna do.
00:50:43It is all about how you respond to what I've already done.
00:50:47Does everybody see that?
00:50:53Everybody got that?
00:50:54Now, see, those of you who haven't gotten it yet,
00:50:55here's what's happening.
00:50:56Everybody's fighting against that old mindset.
00:51:01No, no, no, no, I don't agree.
00:51:03I got to do something first, and then God'll respond.
00:51:07If I take one step, then he'll do the rest,
00:51:11but I gotta do something first.
00:51:12I gotta do something, and I'm telling you,
00:51:14you have no part of what Jesus has already done except respond.
00:51:25This is why glorious manifestation is very rare
00:51:28in your life because you're questioning whether or not Jesus
00:51:35is enough, and you're questioning whether or not
00:51:39grace is done enough, and you're questioning whether or not
00:51:42you really have supply, all questionings.
00:51:45All right, here's the second point.
00:51:48Faith, this is big.
00:51:50I get a lot of letters from these.
00:51:53Oh, my goodness.
00:51:55Faith doesn't move God.
00:51:57I'll catch it.
00:52:03All right, pastor, come on, finish it, finish it.
00:52:07Faith doesn't move God.
00:52:10It moves us into position to receive what God has already
00:52:16provided by grace.
00:52:20Faith doesn't move God.
00:52:22Faith moves us to get in position to receive what he's
00:52:27already done by his grace.
00:52:29I mean, your faith is not moving God to heal you.
00:52:33God healed you 2,000 years ago, so faith moves you to get in
00:52:37position to line up with what's already been done.
00:52:42I don't know if I can, I can't receive that.
00:52:46You don't receive that, you ain't receiving nothing because
00:52:51God's already moved.
00:52:54He's already moved.
00:52:57Now, the question is, will you move and get in position with
00:53:00what grace has already done?
00:53:03That's what fasting is all about.
00:53:06Fasting is all about moving you in position to receive from God.
00:53:11You remember in the Scriptures this boy was throwing himself
00:53:17in a fire and doing all kinds of stuff, and the disciples tried
00:53:21to heal him, and they couldn't heal him.
00:53:23And the boy's father went to Jesus and said,
00:53:25how come they couldn't heal him?
00:53:27And Jesus took the disciples aside, and he answered the
00:53:31question, the reason why they couldn't heal them.
00:53:35Watch this, it wasn't because they didn't, you know,
00:53:41have enough faith to move God.
00:53:44Jesus said, they didn't cast that demon out because this kind
00:53:51cometh not out except by prayer and fasting.
00:53:57And everybody thought he was talking about this kind of demon.
00:54:01He wasn't talking about the demon.
00:54:04He was talking about this unbelief.
00:54:11He said this unbelief is not dealt with except by prayer
00:54:15and fasting.
00:54:16He was saying the issue is you didn't believe it, disciples,
00:54:19because y'all had saw this boy throwing up and acting a fool.
00:54:22He says, I don't know why.
00:54:23You did it before.
00:54:25You've done it several times before, but now you put your
00:54:27eyes on it and your ears and you saw it, and the doubt kept
00:54:30coming in, and so you needed to go on a fast so that you can get
00:54:34rid of the unbelief so you can line up with what already
00:54:40See, y'all send a pimp, I'm gonna fast to get more power.
00:54:43You got all the power you ever gonna get from him.
00:54:46No, I'm gonna fast.
00:54:50No, no, everything you got, God has given to you, you got it all.
00:54:55You got, ain't no more Holy Ghost to be given.
00:54:57Ain't no more degrees of faith to be given.
00:54:59Ain't no more different kind of healing to be given.
00:55:03When he put the supply on the inside of you, glory to God,
00:55:07you got everything that he, and you got it, you got it.
00:55:11He can't give you no more faith.
00:55:12He gave you his faith.
00:55:13He's the author and the finisher of it.
00:55:15He is the, so fast it was even given to deal with unbelief to
00:55:25get you to line up, but we still, in such arrogance, think
00:55:30we gonna move God.
00:55:35Like he need to be moved.
00:55:37He in the right spot.
00:55:39You need to go on over there where he is.
00:55:46Bless God, I'm gonna use my faith and move God.
00:55:48Ha, ha, that sounds good.
00:55:53Number three, faith does not cause a positive response from
00:56:09Faith is your positive response to what God has already
00:56:14provided, already provided.
00:56:19God resides in the realm of the finished.
00:56:23He said, it is finished, it's done.
00:56:27It's done and not to be undone.
00:56:30It's done, it's finished, it's completed.
00:56:34It's done.
00:56:35So, I figured we need to get over in that same dimension
00:56:38where he is, in the realm of the finished.
00:56:41So, when the doctor says you're sick, you go to God and say,
00:56:44Father, I thank you that I'm healed.
00:56:46He said, yep, finished, and you stay right there and finished.
00:56:50How long you stay there until you get what you stand there?
00:56:53Stand there for how long you stand?
00:56:55You stand there for until you get what you're standing
00:56:57there for.
00:57:03Last one.
00:57:05This is pretty heavy right here.
00:57:09Faith only takes possession of what God has already provided
00:57:13by grace.
00:57:15Faith appropriates or takes possession of what God has
00:57:20already provided.
00:57:22God's already done all the things you're asking him to do.
00:57:26He's done it now and forever.
00:57:30It's done.
00:57:31It's finished.
00:57:33In the Greek, it is finished, done, completed.
00:57:36He is the author and finisher of our faith.
00:57:39He is the faith founder.
00:57:42He's the fountainhead of our faith, the conclusion and the
00:57:45completion of our faith.
00:57:47Done, done, done it, completed, done.
00:57:50If you got on the cross and said, it is finished,
00:57:53he is done.
00:57:57And so, faith only appropriates what God has already finished.
00:58:07Faith gets what God, through grace, has already done.
00:58:12Now, here's the part.
00:58:14If God hasn't already provided it independent of your effort
00:58:20and prior to your need, your faith can't make it happen.
00:58:22Let me do that again, and then I'll break it down.
00:58:24If God hasn't already provided it, whatever that it is,
00:58:26independent of your effort and prior to your needing it,
00:58:28then faith can't make it happen because faith doesn't make.
00:58:30Grace makes.
00:58:31Faith takes what grace makes.
00:58:33So, what we've done is we said, I'm going to use my faith to
00:58:50make this thing happen when I need it.
00:58:54And he's like, uh-uh.
00:58:55Grace has made what you need without your effort.
00:59:01You now have to receive it with the faith you have of Jesus
00:59:04Christ, and we keep trying to use our faith to make it.
00:59:07And it got kind of crazy for a while because we started using
00:59:09faith to try to, like a little genie lamp or something.
00:59:11I'm a, faith is so, God's done so much for us, and we're just
00:59:20trying to use our faith.
00:59:21We can only figure out how to use your faith to get a car.
00:59:25That ought to be like the wet with the water, and you think
00:59:30it's big time.
00:59:31Then you get a car.
00:59:32Oh, look at what God did.
00:59:34For real?
00:59:35He got you a car, but he couldn't straighten out your
00:59:37little nice, nasty attitude?
00:59:38For real?
00:59:39Well, by my, I'm going to use my faith to get that woman's
00:59:45Well, grace didn't make that husband for you, so faith can't
00:59:49take that husband, because faith can only take what grace makes.
00:59:53Well, I'm going to use my faith to rob the government of the
00:59:57taxes, and well, grace didn't make that, so faith can't take
01:00:02Faith can only take what grace has made, so you got to get in
01:00:06the Word and find out what grace made, or you'll start using
01:00:11You got to find out what grace made, or you'll start using
01:00:15faith like a genie in a lamp to try to get all the kind of stuff
01:00:19that grace didn't make.
01:00:20Some of y'all quiet now, because you came here this morning.
01:00:24Well, bless God.
01:00:25I'm going to use my faith for promotion.
01:00:27Well, grace made promotion.
01:00:28Go ahead and get it.
01:00:29Well, I'm going to use my faith for abundant living.
01:00:31He did that.
01:00:33I'm going to use my faith for healing.
01:00:35Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:00:36It's his faith.
01:00:37Well, you can call it yours.
01:00:39But I would tell you to remind yourself, you live by the faith
01:00:41of the Son of God.
01:00:42It's his faith, and he gave you his faith.
01:00:44I don't have no big problem.
01:00:45I did have a problem with it, but I don't have no big problem.
01:00:47You lay in claim to his faith just as long as you believe it's
01:00:50Now, I'm not just talking little principles here.
01:00:52I'm teaching what I have come to know and understand in my
01:00:55I'm teaching what I have come to know and understand in my
01:00:58I'm teaching what I have come to know and understand in my
01:01:03I'm teaching what I have come to know and understand in my
01:01:06In my life.
01:01:07I tried all that other stuff.
01:01:11I tried all that other stuff.
01:01:13I tried it all.
01:01:14And when people wouldn't get up from the dead, and when stuff
01:01:19didn't change, and when stuff didn't go through, and I'm like,
01:01:22God, am I missing it?
01:01:24What am I doing?
01:01:25And he said, I just need you to know me more because Christianity
01:01:32cannot be successful without a relationship with him.
01:01:37It can't just be about principles.
01:01:39It's gotta be about a relationship with him.
01:01:41It's gotta be about a personal relationship with him.
01:01:44And we wanna be Christians without a personal relationship
01:01:46with him.
01:01:47And so, what we do is just come to church without no relationship
01:01:50with him, write down the little principles.
01:01:52I got five ways I'm gonna be enriched by next month.
01:01:55And then when it don't work, now you mad at God, mad at church,
01:01:59and, hey, them church people get on my nerves, and everybody
01:02:01get on your nerves.
01:02:02And now you got church hurt because you didn't fulfill what
01:02:04you wanted to give, and now it don't work, and everybody,
01:02:07blasphemous and everything like that.
01:02:09And you didn't understand that ain't how it work in the first
01:02:12God wants to get to know you.
01:02:15God wants you to get to know him.
01:02:17God wants you to have a personal relationship with him every day.
01:02:21And if you have a personal relationship with God every day,
01:02:23you'll find yourself not having to put certain things up before
01:02:28God because it's like the wet with the water.
01:02:30You get a relationship with God, you gonna get wet.
01:02:33But you going around, you know, putting tape on your head,
01:02:43got that Scripture in, got that Scripture in.
01:02:45I'm gonna tattoo a Scripture under my arm so nobody can't see
01:02:48what I'm believing for.
01:02:49And you do all of that stuff, and God just sent up there.
01:02:54I love him.
01:02:55Look at him.
01:02:56I love him.
01:02:57They say, angel, how y'all coming with working that out in
01:03:01They didn't hear him get it out of them before they.
01:03:03And it's all because we're so used to saying what people have
01:03:08already said, and not getting into the Word ourselves,
01:03:14going to the original Greek language,
01:03:16find out what it says, and live a life.
01:03:19And what we produce is a bunch of weird people.
01:03:22They call themselves Christians, bunch of weirdos.
01:03:24Hey, how you doing?
01:03:27Well, this is the day the Lord has made.
01:03:29Whoa, whoa.
01:03:30I just asked how you doing.
01:03:33Just reply, I'm doing well today.
01:03:35And if you're not doing so good, just tell him,
01:03:38well, you know, right now I don't feel too good,
01:03:40but I'm believing God, man, and everything's gonna be well,
01:03:43and I'm standing on his promises.
01:03:45It ain't got to be as deep and weird as we have made it.
01:03:49And our people just don't want to be a bunch of,
01:03:51you know, a bunch of weird people
01:03:53who call themselves Christians.
01:03:56No, no, not everybody can handle this.
01:04:02I don't care.
01:04:03I mean, I love you and everything,
01:04:07but I have been delivered from approval addiction,
01:04:10and I don't need your approval to say what the Lord is leading
01:04:15me to say to you right now, and I say that with sweet lips.
01:04:20And the struggle we'll have in this season is struggling
01:04:27with what I've always heard with what the Spirit of God
01:04:35is revealing to me now.
01:04:40So, I do it from a living perspective.
01:04:42I look at my life, and I compare to when I was doing this
01:04:48to what I'm doing now, and I'm no longer sweating
01:04:52like a sinner.
01:04:53I'm experiencing sweatless victories because I pursue
01:05:01a relationship above the mechanics,
01:05:05and God wants you to have a relationship with him.
01:05:10I challenged our men yesterday.
01:05:12Together, we were talking about procrastination,
01:05:15and I challenged our men.
01:05:16I said, start somewhere.
01:05:19Get up in the morning and pray for two minutes, just two,
01:05:25but do it every day until you're ready to increase it.
01:05:29And I said, take a book, take the Bible,
01:05:32read just three lines, but be consistent at reading
01:05:37those three lines, and then we got you to your body.
01:05:40I said, movement, get some kind of movement.
01:05:42I said, take a walk or something for just 10 minutes,
01:05:48but be consistent at it because procrastination is dangerous
01:05:54because it'll rob you of the harvest and the purpose
01:05:58that God has for your life.
01:06:05I got four minutes left.
01:06:06Somebody say, well, you've been preaching a long time.
01:06:08No, I'm with the clock.
01:06:10I'm with the clock because the Falcons got one more
01:06:12preseason game, and brother, we gonna be getting out
01:06:17of church like Methodists.
01:06:30Now, hopefully this was a foundation for next Sunday.
01:06:35It will be very radical, but you can handle it.
01:06:41For the last, what is this, the fourth week?
01:06:43For the last four weeks, I've laid a foundation.
01:06:46Now we're gonna hit that thing, and the glory of the Lord
01:06:51is going to increase in your lives, in your relationships,
01:06:57in the things you do.
01:06:59God is calling some of you into entrepreneurship.
01:07:01Some of y'all gonna get some ideas.
01:07:03Some of y'all gonna get some insights.
01:07:05Some of y'all gonna get some revelation,
01:07:07and it wasn't a demand for it maybe 40 years ago,
01:07:11but now there's a big demand for it right now.
01:07:16I believe in 25-year-old millionaires, and listen,
01:07:20I know it's not about that, but if God can give you an idea
01:07:24and you have a good heart, the devil need to tremble
01:07:30because we can help some people.
01:07:33We can help some people.
01:07:34We already made our mind up that these kids in some of these
01:07:37schools that don't get the school program no more,
01:07:39we already made our mind up, all right,
01:07:41if the government's not gonna do it, we'll do it.
01:07:43We'll feed every last one of them,
01:07:45but I'm not having them go to school hungry,
01:07:47and they can't learn.
01:07:48I'm not gonna do that.
01:07:49I mean, we can feed folks.
01:07:52I'm not doing that, and then whatever else they don't do,
01:07:55we'll figure that out when it comes,
01:07:59but this church is going to be a blessing to the community.
01:08:02We're gonna bless people.
01:08:04We're gonna bless.
01:08:05Yeah, I don't think I'll say that, but praise the Lord.
01:08:07All righty then, I'm done.