Danger Mouse Danger Mouse S07 E003 Duckula Meets Frankenstoat!

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
00:30Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
01:00Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
01:31C'est ici que Dendrimouse,
01:33Stout-Hearted, etc., etc.,
01:35et Penfeldt, son assistant pour les poissons,
01:37son assistant pour les poissons,
01:40s'amuse à la vacances... en ski.
01:42Il s'amuse à la vacances en ski.
01:44Mes vacances sont toutes en ski.
01:46Je sais, c'est la même chose pour tes skis.
01:47Maintenant, calmez-vous, Penfeldt.
01:48Allons-y avec le ski.
01:50Oh, merde.
01:51Ce matin, nous allons attaquer le géant Shlalom.
01:54Je ne suis pas très enthousiaste contre les géants,
01:56mais tout est mieux que le ski.
01:58Le géant Shlalom s'amuse à la vacances, Penfeldt.
02:01Ah, bien, dans ce cas, nous n'avons pas besoin de l'attaquer.
02:04Il va probablement brûler son cou, de toute façon.
02:06Penfeldt, un Shlalom est une course en descente,
02:09remplie d'obstacles.
02:10Hmm, ça ressemble à la vie ou à la mort.
02:13Prends soin de toi, Penfeldt.
02:14Tout ce que tu dois faire, c'est de te rappeler
02:16de garder ton centre de gravité au-dessus de ton streptocarpus,
02:19latéralement croisé dans une main gauche,
02:22Assure-toi que tu dégages fort avec ton sac,
02:24et suis-moi.
02:25Oh, bien, et je pensais que ça allait être difficile.
03:30Uh, do you know you've got your left ski on your right foot?
03:34I didn't know there was a left and a right.
03:36And you've got someone else's ski on your left foot.
03:38Oh, heck!
03:39Probably that chap over there, the one on the stretcher.
03:41Oh, crumb!
03:42I say, are you going to be long down there?
03:44I don't know.
03:45I can't remember.
03:46I want to get there on my own.
03:48All right, all right.
03:49I only asked.
03:50Excuse me.
03:51Oh, pardon?
03:52Eh? What?
03:53Is he...
03:55Danger Mouse?
04:00I've got something for you.
04:04Is he all right?
04:05Yes, he always does it this way.
04:07It saves the wear on his skis, you see.
04:10Eh, um...
04:12Do you know he's got his left ski on his right foot?
04:16Was there something you wanted?
04:17Oh, yes.
04:19Message from Colonel K.
04:21Top secret.
04:24I say, you're not Agent 57, are you?
04:26Disguised as a St Bernard.
04:27No, I'm Agent 14.
04:30What's a St Bernard?
04:31A St Bernard...
04:32Doesn't matter.
04:34Let's have the message.
04:37Ah, bonjour, D.M.!
04:41Ah, bonjour, D.M.!
04:52Je vais baisser le volume.
04:54Désolé de vous interrompre, D.M.,
04:56mais je vous envoie ce message enregistré.
04:58Message enregistré?
04:59Non, non, ne vous interromptez pas, D.M.
05:01J'ai dû l'enregistrer.
05:02Les communications normales ne sont pas disponibles.
05:04Ah, je vois.
05:05Alors, qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans ce message enregistré?
05:07Ah, oui, oui, je suis heureux de vous poser cette question, oui.
05:09Pour vous informer d'une menace à la sécurité mondiale.
05:12Oh, oui!
05:13Il y a un rapport que Castle Stuck-n-Dote
05:15est en train de voir Frank Counterfoil.
05:17Castle Stuck-n... Frank Counter...
05:19Est-ce que vous avez raison, Colonel?
05:21Non, non, juste un instant, D.M.
05:22Je ne suis pas sûr que j'ai raison.
05:23Ce que je veux dire, c'est que Sticklefrankenfool
05:25est en train de voir Countercatastrophe, vous savez.
05:28Ah, ah, ah, oui.
05:29Docteur Frankenstote est en train de voir Count Duxula.
05:32Count Duxula, très bien.
05:34Docteur Frankenstote, le brillant mais mauvais scientifique.
05:36Oui, Penfold.
05:37Docteur Frankenstote, le brillant mais mauvais scientifique.
05:39Non, Count Duxula, le Vampire-Duc de Transylvanie.
05:42Oui, Penfold.
05:43Count Duxula, le Vampire-Duc de Transylvanie.
05:45Oh, les carottes!
05:46Oui, Penfold.
05:47Oh, les carottes!
05:48Oui, D.M.
05:49Oh, les carottes!
05:50Si ces deux gardent une performance,
05:51si elles n'ont pas de balance,
05:52si elles ne forment pas une alliance...
05:54Oh, Ray.
05:55Bien fait.
05:56Le monde sera affronté
05:57par un désastre de proportions terrifiantes.
05:59Je me souviens, je...
06:00Je dois demander à Mme Boto
06:01comment les compagnies d'alimentation?
06:03Bien, D.M.
06:04Il vaut mieux vous en parler.
06:05Alors, les alimentations de Mme Boto?
06:06C'est un problème.
06:07Oui, c'est vrai.
06:08Ah, et une dernière chose.
06:10Oui, monsieur?
06:11N'est-ce pas votre assistante qui sait
06:12qu'il a le pied gauche de sa moto sur le pied droite?
06:14Oui, je pense qu'il le sait.
06:15Oui, je pense qu'il le sait.
06:17Que se passe-t-il?
06:18Le recording s'est arrêté.
06:19Il a perdu le fichier.
06:20Ah, je vois.
06:21Je vois.
06:22Juste un instant.
06:23Si c'était un message enregistré,
06:24si c'était un message enregistré,
06:25comment... comment...
06:26Il et moi, nous...
06:29Bon, ça ne m'inquiète pas.
06:30Allons, Pinto, c'est assez de yoga pour un jour.
06:35Pinto, s'il te plaît, mange.
06:37Allons, il faut qu'on soit sur le chemin.
06:38Et gardez un oeil sur le compte.
06:40Euh, non, seconde force, ne t'inquiète pas.
06:41Tu as déjà un oeil sur le compte.
06:43Bonne chance, Diem.
06:44Avec des lignes comme celle-ci, on va l'avoir.
06:46Au revoir.
06:47Au revoir.
06:49Quelle épaisse tête.
06:51Quelle neige froide.
06:53Et Danger Mash est plutôt cool aussi.
07:02Il y a le Supriqué dans le Rossini.
07:36Oh, j'ai faim!
07:37Give us a hand.
07:38Give us a hand.
07:44Cor, j'ai faim!
07:49Yes, wait.
07:51Wait for the applause.
07:55At my first app-app-app-appearance in this show!
08:00There's only one word for your appearance in this show!
08:02What's that?
08:04Help! Help! All crumbs!
08:07All carrots!
08:08Yes! But no g-g-g-garlic!
08:10I don't like garlic!
08:11No, I don't like g-g-g-garlic either!
08:14Are you allergic?
08:15No, I'm a vampire!
08:17Oh yes! Every line a laughter line, folks!
08:20But don't tell me that! Tell them!
08:22Yes, but e-e-enough of this!
08:25Quick! We're under-running!
08:27To business!
08:29For he today that sheds his blood with me
08:34sh-sh-sh-shall be my supper!
08:38Oh, crikey!
08:39Chuck says fast!
08:41Oh! You think I should, like, t-t-t-take it s-s-s-slower?
08:46Okay, f-f-f-for good notes, son!
08:50For he today that sheds his blood
09:01I mean, Count Ducula, that you are caught in the act!
09:04Yes! Act four!
09:05F-f-f-fifteen-three! Act away!
09:07Well, it's curtains for you!
09:11Meur! Meur!
09:13Not yet, I f-f-think.
09:17Till we meet again, white wonder!
09:28Wha-what? What p-p-p-p-p-p-thou thwart me, th-th-th-th-tharlet?
09:34He never touch your violet! He was only...
09:38Dreadful vengeance!
09:47​cca on integrated
09:53​I.P thinking
09:57​mad world
10:01​chr déjà
10:08C'est ce qu'il y a d'intéressant ici !
10:31Bien, Penfold, maintenant c'est ta chance de mettre ces années de entraînement et de dédicace à l'école des agents secrètes à l'examen.
10:38Hein ?
10:38Je vais te laisser sélectionner la porte.
10:40Oh, chef, peux-je, chef ?
10:42Oui, tu peux.
10:43Peux-je vraiment sélectionner la porte ?
10:44J'ai dit oui.
10:45Hurray ! Je dois continuer à courir.
10:47Oui, tu dois.
10:47Je ne dois pas être trop excité, je ne dois pas !
10:49Non, non, tu ne dois pas.
10:50Non, je ne dois pas, je ne dois pas !
10:51Je ne dois pas être trop excité. Oh, cram, oh, écou, crikey !
10:54Penfold, qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
10:55Je suis... Je suis... Je suis trop excité, chef.
10:59Oui, oui, tu l'es. Maintenant, sélectionne juste la porte.
11:04Il faut se concentrer.
11:06C'est ce qu'ils appellent...
11:08... la pente.
11:09Bien. Je sélectionne une clé à iron de 1927,
11:12un bicycle en bois poli,
11:14avec une porte de clé en or, remplie d'anonymat, et...
11:17Chef ! Chef, où es-tu ?
11:19Je me suis remonté, Penfold.
11:20Oh, écoute, attends-moi !
11:58Oh, chef ! Regarde !
11:59Qu'est-ce qui arrive, Penfold ?
12:00La porte est en service !
12:03Ah, tu voudrais un pot de thé et des tarts ?
12:05No, I would like to track down Count Ducula. Just leave it alone.
12:09They never work, Chief.
12:10Come on.
12:11Honnest, they don't.
12:12Penfold, come on, get a move on.
12:14They never work.
12:16Ring for service.
12:30You have to be joking.
12:32The assistant was out.
12:33Don't you have a patch over both eyes, Juggiers?
12:36The score is deuce. Play on.
12:47Dangerous, I think.
12:48Now, where's my assistant, Dennis Ball?
12:52I think the top spin took him that way.
12:56Penfold! Penfold!
12:59Penfold, are you there?
13:00Just made a jolly good joke...
13:04What are you doing?
13:06Hey, just a minute, that's my line.
13:12Good grief.
13:14What's that?
13:16Who's he?
13:18What's he up to?
13:21A little while.
13:22Such a little while.
13:24And my vampire-matic machine will be complete.
13:28It's a vampire-matic?
13:31What on earth is it?
13:32It's an eye, Dr. Frankenstout.
13:37It's Dr. Frankenstout?
13:39Yes, or his double.
13:40He rules the world!
13:42He wants to rule the world?
13:44He will, don't they all?
13:45But what I don't understand, DM,
13:47is what that machine of his is supposed to do?
13:50Yes, at last, I have programmed my vampire-matic
13:53with Count Ducula's personality.
13:55Count Ducula?
13:57Yes, Count Ducula.
13:59And by merely speaking a word of command,
14:02the device will produce a swarming block of flats.
14:06A block of flats?
14:08A flock of bats.
14:09Ooh, a flock of bats!
14:11Yeah, a flock of bats!
14:13Yes, well, I think they've got the idea by now.
14:15Then my vampire servants will bring the world under my control.
14:21The friend?
14:23The friend?
14:24Oh, sorry, me glasses got steamed up.
14:26Try it again.
14:27The fiend?
14:28Yes, well, that's better.
14:29I wonder where Ducula is.
14:31I wonder where Ducula is.
14:33That's three of us, because I wonder...
14:36I need him to control the vampoids.
14:39Clark, never trust a theatrical.
14:44Chief, aren't vampoids what you take for a sore throat?
14:47No, Penfold, these vampoids are what'll give you a sore throat.
14:50Oh, heck!
14:51Now, let's get down there.
14:52What? I mean, how?
14:54Just jump.
14:55Oh, heck!
14:58And don't forget to bend your knees.
15:01Now he tells me!
15:03Come on, Penfold, no time for that. You should go to bed earlier.
15:06No, I just shouldn't get up.
15:08What a fiendish device.
15:10We must stop those two villains. We must scotch their evil plan.
15:13You mean stick a haggis in the wax?
15:15Yes, stick a ha... No, Penfold, don't start being silly again.
15:19No, Chief. Sorry, Chief.
15:20So, all that stands between the world
15:23and a terrifying swarm of blood-sucking mechanical vampire bats
15:27is that start button.
15:30Which start button?
15:31This start button.
15:32Now, we must destroy this sinister invention before anyone starts it up.
15:36What's that?
15:37It sounds like a block of flats.
15:39What's a flat?
15:40A flock of bats.
15:42Your imagination's working overtime again, Penfold.
15:44So is that joke. It's the second time round.
15:46Yes, well, don't stand there being silly.
15:48Just a flock of bats.
15:50Who said that?
16:07Oh! What?
16:09Humbled at our fears at their feet,
16:12the thawing heroes of our time?
16:17Poor souls.
16:19You're looking a little down in the mouth.
16:23You get that, son? Down in the...
16:26Look here, web-wonderful.
16:30Pathetic pipsqueaks.
16:32So, you have activated the vampire magic.
16:37Some chubby goggling fool has mentioned the bats.
16:42Yes, I did.
16:43That's what I said.
16:44Just a minute.
16:45So, until my first scientific colleague
16:48has activated the self-destruct device...
16:51Oh, that's the everlast,
16:54but that thing had not set his canon
16:57against self-disorder.
17:02This should be awful.
17:04Oh, crikey.
17:06We shall be surrounded by a block of flats.
17:09You've done that one.
17:12Ah, the bats that go poof in the mipe.
17:18Frankenstote's back.
17:21Yes, what?
17:22Just nicer than his front.
17:24No, not Frankenstote's back, Benvo.
17:27Frankenstote's back.
17:29Oh, I see. Silly me.
17:31That mean old bat.
17:33All right, I'll bowl you a bowl instead.
17:37Oh, chief, you didn't do very well with that.
17:39I beg your pardon?
17:40Well, you got a duck.
17:44Yes, thank you, Penfold.
17:46Now, come on.
17:48We've got to stop Frankenstote.
17:50Well, I'll just explain my joke,
17:52because some of them aren't very...
17:57Right, Gamenstote, the Frank's up.
18:00Er, no, sorry.
18:03Right, Upton's Frank, the tame go.
18:06Oh, drat.
18:16Right, Frankenstote, the game's up.
18:18Oh, thank goodness, my feet are killing me.
18:20Steady on.
18:22I'm not my feet are killing me.
18:24I'm not my feet are killing me.
18:26I'm not my feet are killing me.
18:28I'm not my feet are killing me.
18:30I'm not my feet are killing me.
18:32Not you, him.
18:34The game is far from up.
18:36I don't think I know a game called far from up.
18:39Penfold, shut up. What do you mean?
18:41I mean that one word of command
18:43to my voice-sensitive vampir-matic
18:46and you will be batted to bits.
18:49Oh, very good.
18:51So, give the doctor a hole-in-one.
18:54Give the doctor a hole-in-one.
18:57No, that's not what I was going to say.
18:59Take no notice. Take no notice.
19:02Gallop apace, you fiery curs of the footed steed.
19:06Count Docula.
19:08Frankenstote, it is true that we are in great danger.
19:12The bleached danger man now stalks through the land
19:20A hole-in-one.
19:22A hole-in-one.
19:24I have the falling thickness.
19:33Coeur, chief, how deep is it?
19:35Oh, I forgot to give the machine any measurements.
19:38All the way, Penfold.
19:40Coeur, count Ducula's on a slow stout to China.
19:46Collapse of stout parting.
19:48Yes, yes. All right, Penfold.
19:51Come on, it's time to get back to HQ.
19:53All right, call me a cab.
19:54Don't you dare.
19:56Spoil sport.
19:57Now, will you get us a car?
19:59No, I'm sulking.
20:01Sulk, sulk, sulk, sulk.
20:03Oh, well, if the machine can get us a hole-in-one, it can...
20:06Can get us a driver.
20:08A driver.
20:10Good afternoon, sir. Where to, sir?
20:12Baker Street, please.
20:13Very good, sir.
20:15Come on, Penfold.
20:17I've got the driver.
20:18Oh, all right, then.
20:19Is he taking us to our bunker?
20:22Oh, no, don't start again.
20:24Are we going to your club?
20:26Please, Penfold.
20:28I've got some nice tea in the caddy.
20:31And some greens.
20:34I shall be putting them on the tea trolley.
20:37Oh, for heaven's sake.
20:44Coeur, look, it's gone down the drain.
20:46It must have had a basinful.
20:49Yes, haven't we all?
20:51Oh, dear.
20:52Do you require assistance?
20:55Penfold, you're treading a very thin line.
20:58If you don't feel like laughing, don't force it.
21:09That looks a nice place, doesn't it, Penfold?
21:12You know, we've got some holiday left.
21:15And so, hopefully, ends yet another adventure
21:18featuring our fearless friends,
21:20frightening the frightful fiends who threaten...
21:22Sorry, sorry.
21:23Threaten the peaceful citizens of this mighty metropolis,
21:27the once financial hub of the world.
21:30I've just said that.
21:31Sorry, we're starting the script all over again.
21:33Do you realise that?
21:34Sorry, if I do this, I'm going to spend the rest of my life
21:37in a mental hospital.
21:39I'm going to spend the rest of my life in a mental hospital.
21:42Sorry, if I do this, I'm going to spend the rest of my life
21:45just going round and round in circles.
21:50He's the greatest.
21:51He's fantastic.
21:53Wherever there is danger, he'll be there.
21:55He's the ace.
21:56He's amazing.
21:58He's the strongest, he's the quickest, he's the best.
22:01Danger Mouse.
22:04He's terrific.
22:06He's magnificent.
22:07He's the greatest secret agent in the world.
22:10Danger Mouse.
22:12He's the fastest, he's the greatest, he's the best.
22:16Danger Mouse.
22:18Danger Mouse.
22:21Danger Mouse.