• 6 months ago


00:00Submit the budget to the city council when it is done.
00:04How many times has the council president called?
00:09Oh, well, you know what?
00:14When we submit our budget, you can call him 15 times a day.
00:18Hi, come on in.
00:20I can't submit until we have discussed
00:23the allocations to the school system.
00:25You know what, block his number.
00:27I'll call him back, yeah.
00:28I'll call him back when I'm done being annoyed.
00:30Okay, thanks.
00:34I'm sorry I interrupted, that sounded important.
00:36Oh, everything's important right now.
00:39Oh, I'm sorry, that my timing wasn't better.
00:41Oh, no, no, your timing is perfect.
00:45Just ask Ace, right Ace?
00:47Maybe he can fix the budget.
00:49Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:54I thought you left before I got up
00:56and that's why your side of the bed was empty.
00:58Not this time.
01:02What happened?
01:04Christina came over late last hour, bachelorette bash.
01:08She and Jocelyn got into a fight and she was so mad
01:11she was practically levitating when she got here.
01:14I didn't want to disturb you after she left,
01:15so I just crashed out here.
01:17I don't love the fact that Christina was out late
01:19and emotionally stressed.
01:21Well, it isn't an every night thing for her.
01:23Brooklyn's shower was a special occasion.
01:25I get that, but I mean, it's reasonable, right?
01:29To expect a pregnant woman to change her habits somewhat.
01:31And she has, TJ.
01:34Did you expect Christina to sit at home
01:36every night for nine months?
01:37Of course not, no.
01:38Christina has to live her life.
01:40Brooklyn's shower was a big deal
01:42and she shouldn't have missed it.
01:44Sounds like the party was actually a lot of fun
01:46until she and Jocelyn got into it.
01:51I hate to be the pregnancy police,
01:53but it worries me that Christina got so worked up.
01:57I am so happy and thrilled to be back
01:59with the best team and the business.
02:01I mean, you guys are the reason
02:03the Metricourt had a five-star rating
02:05and was considered the finest hotel in Western New York.
02:09And you're going to be the reason
02:10we get that fifth star back, right?
02:18You could always tell how much you love the Metricourt,
02:20even on your tough days.
02:22It always puts a smile on your face
02:23whenever you talk about it.
02:24Congratulations on getting it back.
02:26Thank you.
02:27I really miss this place, you know?
02:29I bet.
02:31It's so sudden, though.
02:31What happened to Nina?
02:36Much as I wish you weren't here,
02:40since you are,
02:41do you have any contacts at Highmark Stadium?
02:44Highmark Stadium?
02:46Don't see the Bills drafting you anytime soon,
02:48so you might want to stick with what you know.
02:50I want to do a future Crimson cover at the Bills Stadium.
02:53So anyway, if you would like me
02:56to make the deadline for this issue,
02:58please take a number and wait.
03:01Anywhere that's not here.
03:04I expect you to make the deadline.
03:06I just thought you might want to know
03:07I ran into your daughter last night.
03:10Put in a good word for you.
03:12You saw Willow?
03:14What exactly did you tell her?
03:17Well, I didn't want her to get suspicious,
03:18so I kept it short and sweet,
03:20but just figured you might need a boost
03:23after selling your half of the hotel
03:25and getting it back into Carly's hands.
03:28Well, here's what's gonna happen.
03:29If I fix it, that means you're out of a job.
03:36Bad time?
03:40No, it's never a bad time when I see you.
03:46Well, you may not feel that way
03:48when you see who I found waiting outside.
03:54But I'm glad you're out of here.
03:57Good luck.
03:58I will see you out of here.
04:00You have a good day.
04:03Good luck, Will.
04:05Good luck dad.
04:06Good luck wrestling.
04:09And thank you.
04:11Good luck.
04:12Good luck.
04:13I'll be waiting outside.
04:16See you later.
04:17Okay, good boy.
04:18Good luck.
04:21Good luck.
04:22trying to run a city and raise a baby at the same time.
04:25Yeah, I never imagined it this way.
04:28I, sometimes I feel like I'm not doing
04:31either one of these things very well.
04:33I don't know.
04:34For a baby that's been through so many huge changes,
04:39he just looks pretty happy.
04:40So he must be doing something right.
04:42Oh, thank you for saying that, sweetie.
04:45I think I'm lucky that I can work
04:47from home whenever I need to.
04:49I'm also really lucky that Jordan
04:52agreed to stay on as deputy mayor,
04:53because I could not do this without her.
04:55Where are we going, darling?
04:57You know, she's my stealth weapon at City Hall.
05:00Well, I think Jordan's probably like that wherever she works.
05:03Nobody sees her coming.
05:04And then when they do, it's like, boom, it's too late.
05:07It is true.
05:08Absolutely true.
05:09But still, it's kind of stressful because I'm
05:11trying to get the budget done.
05:12Nanny's got the day off.
05:14And of course, today's the day that Ace
05:17woke up on the wrong side of the crib,
05:18and decided he didn't like cereal at all.
05:21Well, maybe it doesn't have to be that way.
05:23Oh, no, it won't be.
05:24As soon as I get the budget done,
05:26it's going to get a lot easier for me.
05:28No, I mean, maybe I can help.
05:35I'd like it better if the surrogate carrying our baby
05:38was at home in bed instead of at a party,
05:42getting into a screaming fight with Joselina.
05:44A screaming fight?
05:45OK, look, do I wish that Christina had been home in bed
05:47by 8 PM with a bottle of spring water in one hand,
05:50prenatal vitamins in the other, and a Ruth Bader Ginsburg
05:52lecture streaming from her phone?
05:53Yes, that would be great.
05:55But it's not going to happen.
05:57I love the picture you painted, though.
05:58But it's not a realistic picture,
06:01not for saints who aren't my sister.
06:03And that would make Christina miserable, which wouldn't
06:05be good for the baby either.
06:06No, it'd be bad for both of them.
06:08And look, this wasn't Christina's fault.
06:10I mean, the alcohol was flowing.
06:12But Christina was drinking.
06:13No, no, no, no, no, no.
06:14No, of course not.
06:17Jocelyn had been drinking.
06:19And after she'd had a couple, she
06:21just started going in on Christina
06:22about all the terrible things Sonny has done.
06:25OK, but are any of the things that Jocelyn said true?
06:29Do you talk about your patients?
06:32Fair enough, but Christina is an adult now.
06:34OK, she should have some idea about who
06:37and what Sonny is by now.
06:38You would think so.
06:40But Christina is better than most at compartmentalizing.
06:44She knows he steps across the line every now and again.
06:46But the dad that she worships isn't
06:48capable of flat-out cruelty.
06:51Look, Sonny is not your dad.
06:54He's not my dad.
06:56This one is not our problem.
06:57This is all Christina, OK?
06:59But it isn't, not really.
07:02Look, I know that it is a little late to bring this up now.
07:05But from the moment Christina offered to carry our baby,
07:07I have dreaded the day that we'd have to deal
07:11with Sonny being in our lives.
07:14So did Sonny throw up in his arms
07:16and let you run right in there?
07:18I have no idea what you're talking about.
07:20It was so generous of you to sell your half the hotel
07:23to Jason so that he could, in turn, give it to Carly.
07:26Truly, Sonny saw that selfless act
07:29and rewarded you accordingly.
07:32Wait, did Sonny not know that he was supposed to do that?
07:35I don't know what Sonny knows or what he thinks.
07:42Seems to be something missing.
07:44Two things, actually.
07:46Your wedding and engagement rings.
07:50I sold the hotel.
07:51I signed the divorce papers.
07:52I closed the chapter of my life that
07:54had anything to do with Sonny.
07:58Good for you.
08:00That's it?
08:01Expecting something else?
08:03No, I was expecting you, actually, to leave.
08:05But since you're still here, I assume that you want to gloat.
08:08So let's hear it.
08:09And I'm very busy.
08:10So can you please give me your best shot,
08:12make it fast, so I can get back to work?
08:14Sorry, I'm drawing a blank.
08:17If it's true that misery loves company,
08:21then you and I really are made for each other.
08:26Nina's back where she belongs, behind the desk at Crimson.
08:30Yeah, that's so great for Crimson.
08:32I just know Nina really did, she loved running the Metro Court.
08:35So I can't imagine she gave this up without a fight.
08:37Yeah, well, no one forced her to sell.
08:39Her choice.
08:40A lot of money, though.
08:41How did you come up with the fight?
08:42OK, I'm going to stop you right there.
08:44I'm not going to discuss my finances with you.
08:46I'm sorry, it's none of my business.
08:48No, it's not.
08:49But my dad bought it back for you, right?
08:56Well, and he wasn't happy that I didn't want him to help me.
08:59In fact, it got pretty heated.
09:01Really, that doesn't sound like him.
09:03But it does now.
09:05Sonny's always had a temper.
09:07But lately, it's gotten worse.
09:08He's more reactive, more volatile.
09:11And honestly, Ava's a bad influence.
09:15Why are you here?
09:16I need to speak with you.
09:18Yeah, we can talk if it's about Corenzo's coffee business.
09:21No, it's a non-business family matter.
09:25Well, the thing is, since now you're an FBI asset,
09:30an FBI asset has no connection to my family.
09:35How connected are you to your family these days?
09:43Yeah, I thought I remembered everything, every moment.
09:48But since I lost Spencer, it seemed like more memories
09:52come back every day.
09:54Yeah, I know what you mean.
09:57I hope the good ones outweigh the bad.
10:00When it comes to Ace, they're both.
10:03I see some of Spencer in Ace's face.
10:06And Spencer loved his little brother.
10:10But I also know that I wasn't as supportive
10:13as I should have been.
10:14Well, I think that had everything to do with Esme
10:18and nothing to do with Ace.
10:21I was on my way to the gallery, and I
10:23thought I'd pop by to see if there's anything
10:26I can do for you today.
10:27Uh, no, I appreciate that.
10:31I'll be fine.
10:34Well, then I'll see you later tonight.
10:45If you're here to tell me you brought back
10:47Carly's half of the Metro Corps to sign it over to her,
10:52I already know.
10:54And I don't give a damn.
10:57So what I do know is I can't trust you and Carly anymore.
11:04I know what you think about me.
11:07But you have a bigger problem.
11:09What's that problem?
11:11Someone you still claim to care about.
11:15Well, I mean, maybe my dad has been a bit more on edge lately.
11:18But that makes perfect sense because of everything
11:21you just went through with Nina, so.
11:23And it's my dad.
11:25I mean, this is what people do.
11:26They exaggerate, and they take one little thing that he did,
11:29and they completely blow it up out of proportion.
11:32I was just at Brooklyn's shower, and Jocelyn
11:36was trying to tell me that my dad ordered
11:38Dex to kill Cyrus Renault when he was
11:41in the hospital and helpless.
11:45Christina, your father and I have
11:48been divorced for a while now.
11:49I don't know what he's doing, and I don't want to know.
11:53But I can tell you, there are certain questions
11:55you don't want to ask because you're
11:57not going to like the answers.
11:59What Sonny does is his choice, and it's his responsibility.
12:03And if I were you, I'd stay out of it.
12:16Well, mine just got a lot better.
12:18Yeah, mine too.
12:19I'm meeting Brooklyn in a few.
12:22Why don't you join us?
12:23I'd love it.
12:24Oh, I can't.
12:25I can't.
12:26OK, well, maybe we'll talk later.
12:27I haven't seen you since I left Brooklyn's shower
12:29to attend Chase's bachelor party.
12:32I know.
12:32Yeah, I know.
12:33We have so much to catch up on.
12:35I'll call you this afternoon, and we can find a time.
12:38I just want to be able to focus and be with you
12:41and talk to you about everything in person.
12:43Are you sure? I can reschedule.
12:45Oh, no, no, no. Don't be silly.
12:46That's totally fine.
12:52Look, Sonny has lived in Port Charles a long time.
12:56He's got a lot of exes and a lot of kids.
12:59I mean, it's probably six degrees of separation between Sonny
13:01and everybody in this town, but he isn't a big presence
13:05in all of their lives.
13:06My mom had a baby with him, and he
13:07isn't a big presence in hers.
13:09But he is in Christina's.
13:10And after this baby is born, she can go on being daddy's girl,
13:14and you and I will be here in our home with our child,
13:19a child we wouldn't have if it weren't for my sister.
13:22I know.
13:22I'm not trying to sound ungrateful.
13:25I hope you don't feel ungrateful or regretful.
13:31After Andrea lost our child, I was heartbroken.
13:35I thought that we would never find another surrogate.
13:38And when Christina stepped up and offered,
13:40it was the answer to our prayers,
13:42or at least it was to mine.
13:45Or mine, too.
13:47But we can't forget her history.
13:48And we won't.
13:50But my sister, she's not just our incubator.
13:55She's also a human being with a job and friends and a life.
14:00And no matter what she's done in her past,
14:04Christina would never do anything
14:06to endanger our child.
14:08That I know.
14:09I know that Christina would never mean to do anything,
14:13even the slightest bit problematic.
14:14But running around, defending her dad, I mean,
14:18that's not just emotionally stressful.
14:20That could be physically dangerous.
14:23Look, Christina and Sonny have always had a special bond.
14:26And I think when she came here, it was just her last-ditch
14:29effort to get somebody to tell her that Jocelyn was wrong
14:33and the things that she said weren't true.
14:35But you couldn't tell her that, could you?
14:37I did my best, but I might end up prosecuting the man.
14:44I hope it doesn't come to that.
14:46Me, too.
14:51But it definitely won't if I am late to court,
14:54because I will not have a job.
14:58I love you.
14:59I love you.
15:00I know there was a time that I made Spencer feel like that I
15:05had to make him choose between me and Ace.
15:08But it was really about Esme.
15:10I was just so angry at her that I wanted her out of our lives.
15:13But that meant distance from Ace.
15:16And by pushing Spencer away from Ace,
15:18it was really pushing him away from me.
15:20You know, honey, Spencer was a very smart young man.
15:23He knew how difficult that dynamic was.
15:26And he knew that he was going to have a hard time
15:28I know how difficult that dynamic was.
15:30And I am sure he understood.
15:33I hope you're right.
15:35But that got me thinking.
15:39It's a really great day.
15:41And it's a nice day outside.
15:42Maybe I can take Ace to the park,
15:45if you're OK with that.
15:46I am very OK with that.
15:49Ace loves to go to the park, don't you, sweetheart?
15:52Oh, one thing, though, be forewarned.
15:55He's at a phase where everything he finds,
15:57he puts in his mouth.
15:59Well, I guess that builds up the immune system.
16:02I will be sorry to see that hit his mouth.
16:06But honey, are you sure you have time now to do this?
16:09Yeah, definitely.
16:10I mean, I'm not at the gallery every day.
16:12And you're busy.
16:15Well, yes.
16:16But you know, you love working at the gallery.
16:18And I wouldn't want you to give up anything that you love.
16:22But you can go to the park.
16:23Yeah, I do love it.
16:24And I love Ava.
16:28But she's really good at what she does.
16:32And she doesn't really need me.
16:33And maybe I could talk to her about changing my schedule.
16:37And if it's OK with you and Ace, we
16:40can make this a regular thing.
16:42Just something to think about.
16:46Come on, guy.
16:48You want to go to the park?
16:49Let's go.
16:49Let's go have some fun.
16:51Say bye, Grandma.
16:52Bye-bye, sweetheart.
16:53Oh, wait.
16:54Hang on.
16:54Can't leave without the diaper bag.
16:56That's important.
16:57Thank you.
16:59You two have fun.
17:02Have fun with Trina in the park.
17:06Thank you, sweetheart.
17:07Thank you so much.
17:10Well, I don't know if we're made for each other.
17:13But I think there's some part of you that speaks to me.
17:18And some part of me that speaks to you.
17:23Well, all the parts of me are saying, please leave.
17:29Because I remember about 45 minutes
17:31that we were together that wasn't exactly miserable.
17:36Well, that moment of weakness that will never
17:39be repeated in this lifetime.
17:41Besides, you know, we've already reached the heights
17:43of not exactly miserable.
17:46What more is there to achieve, Drew?
17:48Total misery?
17:51Oh, I think you and I both have already achieved that.
18:04Well, looking the way it does, I
18:06think a summer drop for this single is likely.
18:10What about your wedding?
18:11It won't be a conflict.
18:12I promise.
18:13Look, once this single drops online,
18:16we will decide on a venue and showcase it.
18:19And I have lots of ideas.
18:20But let me know what you're thinking, OK?
18:22Will do.
18:23We'll invite VIPs and really make a splash.
18:25And we'll do it here.
18:26Really? Not in the city?
18:28Look, your single is going to be great.
18:32And anyone who's anyone is going to go wherever
18:34they have to to hear it.
18:36Everyone goes to the city.
18:37Doing it Port Charles is going to make it more exclusive,
18:40more insider-y.
18:43I love it.
18:44I'm in.
18:44But you know, you don't have to prove
18:46yourself as a manager to me.
18:47I already have total faith in you.
18:50Thank you.
18:50That's how I justify the faith, by working hard.
18:53OK, but I saw you at your shower.
18:55And you were loving every part of the bride-to-be experience.
18:58Don't you want to embrace it?
18:59I am.
19:00But you're also taking care of me.
19:03I just don't want you to miss out on anything because you're
19:06having to deal with my stuff.
19:08You mean career?
19:10If we push for a few weeks, my career will survive.
19:14And it's not like I don't have enough on my plate
19:16with all the deception photo shoots.
19:18Look, it's very sweet of you to consider my personal schedule.
19:23But I can't help but wonder if this is less about my wedding
19:28and more about whatever's going on between you and your mom.
19:34I hope it's OK I dropped in.
19:35Oh, absolutely.
19:36You're welcome anytime.
19:38I ran into Carly at the restaurant upstairs.
19:41The staff was welcoming her back.
19:44Yes, the once and future co-owner.
19:49I'm surprised you sold.
19:50I thought you really enjoyed owning part of the MetroCorp.
19:53I did, I did.
19:54But, you know, people change.
19:55Their priorities change.
19:58And yours was getting my dad back.
20:00When I said that I would do anything
20:02to be back with your dad, I meant it.
20:03And Jason offered to buy my half of the hotel.
20:06And I was led to believe that Sonny would
20:08approve if I sold.
20:10It turns out that the opposite was true.
20:14What happened?
20:15Well, Christina, I just miscalculated in the most
20:18damaging way possible.
20:21That doesn't sound like you.
20:23Well, we all have our blind spots, don't we?
20:26And Ava Jerome was mine.
20:34I want your opinion.
20:35I just uncrated this one.
20:37What do you think?
20:38Well, I'm no expert, but I like it.
20:43I like it, too.
20:44I'm taking a bit of a risk on this artist,
20:46but I really think they're going to hit and make it big.
20:50Does Trina agree?
20:52Oh, well, I'll be sure to ask her.
20:53Trina has an excellent eye, even when she's not herself.
21:00She's still grieving Spencer.
21:03I do, too, every time I look at Ace.
21:08Jocelyn is convinced that you intend to eliminate
21:11her ex-boyfriend, Dex.
21:13She's convinced about a lot of things,
21:14and most of the time, she's wrong.
21:20Is she wrong about this, Sonny?
21:23Cardi and Michael have done everything
21:26to make me look bad in her eyes.
21:29I guess they got what they wanted.
21:32Well, what about Christina?
21:33What about Christina?
21:35She's pregnant.
21:36She's carrying Molly and TJ's baby.
21:40I don't want her upset.
21:41Well, it might be too late for that.
21:44Jocelyn told Christina that after you beat Cyrus
21:47nearly to death, that you ordered Dex to finish the job.
21:59Don't choose on her.
22:00Her mother, she and Carly, just stay out of things
22:02they don't understand.
22:03If anything happens to Dex, Jocelyn's going to blame you,
22:07and so is Christina.
22:08What do you want me to do?
22:09Just be the man Christina thinks
22:11you are, just leave the kid alone, Sonny.
22:13The kid is a vet.
22:14He knows a lot of things.
22:16He's a liability.
22:17If he becomes a cop, yes, Jocelyn told me he applied.
22:20You were on the inside.
22:21You know what the stakes are, don't you?
22:22I know that if Dex did not give up anything yet,
22:25the odds are he's not going to.
22:26I can't take that chance.
22:30Sonny, you've got to think about this.
22:34If anything happens to Dex, Joc, Carly, Michael,
22:37they know that you're going to be behind it,
22:39and so will Christina.
22:41What is that going to do to Christina?
22:43Is that what you want?
22:45I don't get it.
22:46I felt that Ava was your best friend.
22:50Oh, I did too.
22:51It just turns out that she's just really good
22:53at impersonating a best friend.
22:55See, I let myself forget something
22:58that I learned about Ava a long time ago,
23:00that when Ava Jerome wants something,
23:03she doesn't let a simple thing like friendship stand in her
23:06She wants what I have for that hat.
23:10My dad.
23:13Now that the ink is dry on the divorce papers,
23:16Ava's exactly where she wants to be,
23:18down the hall in Sonny's guest room.
23:20That is, when she's not busy running interference
23:22and keeping everyone else away.
23:24My dad's not going to fall for that.
23:26Are you sure, Christina?
23:28Because I've got the divorce papers,
23:30and Ava's got the room in the penthouse.
23:33And she was the one that floated the idea
23:35that I should turn in Carly and Drew into the SEC.
23:38Now, I take responsibility.
23:39I did make the call.
23:41But I had help getting there.
23:45Ava's been playing the long game beautifully.
23:49And I fell for it.
23:52Lime and sinker.
23:55How could you not see Spencer and Nicholas
23:57every time you look at Ace?
24:00He's such a cute baby, though.
24:01Hopefully that eases a little bit of the pain.
24:04Oh, yes, it definitely does.
24:06Having Ace makes things a lot easier.
24:08I think that's why Trina landed on my doorstep today.
24:13She wanted to take Ace to the park.
24:15And I, of course, said yes.
24:17And then, if that went well, she wanted to take care of him
24:21on an ongoing basis.
24:24Spencer's gone.
24:25And Trina wants time with his baby brother,
24:27like a last link to the boys she loved.
24:32It crossed my mind, too.
24:34You've seen a lot more of her than I have.
24:37How does she seem to you?
24:40She's up and down.
24:41Although, I haven't seen her too much lately.
24:43We've been on different schedules.
24:46I'm sure that you've heard the gossip.
24:49I can't say that I have.
24:50Gossip about what?
24:53Some very small-minded people are
24:54trying to make something tawdry out of my living with Sonny.
24:58And really, all Sonny is doing is
25:00opening his home to me and Avery to keep us safe.
25:03But I know that I'm getting off track here.
25:04We're talking about Trina.
25:05And I know that there are several stages to grief,
25:09But eventually, you have to start living your life again.
25:15I'm just not sure that's what Trina is doing.
25:18Is it possible that spending time with Ace
25:21is her way of clinging to the past?
25:27The Buffaloes?
25:31Hi, TJ.
25:32How are you?
25:33I'm on my way to work, so nothing to complain about yet.
25:36Oh, well, I don't think you've had the good fortune
25:38of meeting Mr. Ace Kassadin yet.
25:41Ace, this is Dr. Ashford.
25:45Spencer's little brother.
25:48Pleasure to meet you, Ace.
25:51Ace and I are just getting some air.
25:54And the mayor's getting a well-needed break.
25:57Well, whatever you're doing, you're smiling a lot.
26:00And it's nice to see.
26:03And I believe you're the reason for that.
26:08OK, we also need to put up the new bottles that just came
26:11in before the dinner rush.
26:15So the rumors are true.
26:19Carly Spencer's back in the hotel business.
26:21She is indeed.
26:23Looks like you hit the ground running.
26:25Well, I may or may not have made a list of things
26:27I wanted to change if I ever got the MetroCorp back.
26:30Well, it's really good to see you back at the helm.
26:34I only wish I could have been the one
26:35to make it happen for you.
26:37Well, you know, you were always so generous that it
26:41didn't feel right accepting.
26:44I'm assuming you got a better offer from Jason.
26:49He didn't give me an opinion.
26:50I found out he bought the MetroCorp when he handed
26:52me the signed paperwork.
26:54Well, good for him.
26:55And good for you for accepting it.
26:57I know how much this place means to you.
26:59And the only thing that really matters
27:00is that you have it back, right?
27:03I'm happy for you.
27:04Thank you.
27:06I'm happy for me too.
27:08Your mother is an excellent business manager.
27:12But I just don't understand what she's thinking when
27:14it comes to your personal life.
27:16She says she doesn't want anything to distract
27:19my fans from my music.
27:20But the relationship between fans and artists has changed.
27:24Social media has created an entree into artists' lives.
27:28And it's made fans feel more connected and invested
27:32and even more loyal.
27:34I mean, it's a good thing.
27:37She hasn't come right out and said it.
27:39But I think my mom is really afraid that my fans will see
27:43my being gay as a negative.
27:45No offense, but what year does she think it is?
27:47It's hard to know sometimes.
27:48Please, your fans love you.
27:51And this is the music industry.
27:52You're hardly the only gay artist out there.
27:55My mom just doesn't want to risk losing any fan support.
27:58Being honest about who you are is just as
28:01likely to expand your audience.
28:04I'm sorry I got all wound up.
28:07OK, I'm just going to say one more thing,
28:09and then you can tell me to shut up.
28:10Are you kidding?
28:11I love wound up Brooklyn.
28:13Fan base and potential ticket sales aside,
28:16don't you think that being truthful about who you are
28:18will only make your life and Christina's better?
28:22Every time I have been at my dad's place, Ava's there.
28:26And let me guess, she's talking about Avery.
28:28She's playing that mom card hard.
28:31Actually, Avery hasn't even been there.
28:35But do you know that my dad's drinking again?
28:36Yeah, I know, and I hate it.
28:38I don't think he has a problem, but you
28:40made it clear that mixing alcohol and his meds
28:42was a bad idea.
28:44It is.
28:45But he's still taking his meds.
28:48That's good.
28:49He's just taking it with a shot of whiskey now.
28:53Well, maybe Sonny forgets the risks when Ava's pouring.
28:58You know, I think people grieve on their own timetable
29:01and in their own way, and I think this is just Drina's.
29:06Maybe I should be ashamed to admit it,
29:08but when Nicholas and I parted ways,
29:11I didn't even turn around to wave.
29:14Well, I still feel the loss, but then again, I'm his mother.
29:17I'm not the woman who he cheated on, among other things.
29:21Among many, many other things.
29:22Yeah, I'm a little curious.
29:24Have you spoken to him at all?
29:27I declined a few calls from Pentonville.
29:29Have you been in touch with him?
29:31Yeah, a little bit.
29:32They're transferring him out of state.
29:34Well, I'm sorry.
29:36I know that'll make visitation very difficult.
29:39Yeah, and I know that he did horrible things,
29:41but he'll always be my son, of course.
29:44I completely understand.
29:47And as far as Trina goes, I guess
29:49we just have to let her find her way through this thing
29:52and be there to support her.
29:56Well, I'm fortunate that Trina seems to find solace in work.
30:00Her extra hours here have been a huge help,
30:03since Sonny and Avery need me at home.
30:06I thought you weren't staying.
30:08Wait a minute.
30:09Do you call Sonny's place home now?
30:13Stay away from my family.
30:14Stay away from my business.
30:16Sonny, if you have Dex killed, you're
30:17not just going to be facing criminal charges.
30:19You're going to lose everything.
30:20You could lose Christina, or you're
30:23going to have to lie to her.
30:24And you don't like being lied to.
30:25Are you prepared to do that?
30:27If Dex dies and Christina looks you in the face and goes,
30:29Dad, did you kill Dex?
30:31What are you going to say?
30:33Who are you to judge me?
30:34Look, you haven't done what I've done.
30:37I love Christina, and I love my kids.
30:40I protect them.
30:41What about you?
30:43You disappeared on your sons.
30:45You abandoned them for more than two years.
30:48You have no right to tell me what to do.
30:54My dry eyes of Sonny's place as home,
30:57and I'm glad about that.
30:58I would hate for her to feel like a guest at her dad's,
31:01And of course, Sonny wants her to feel at home there, too.
31:05Yeah, I get it.
31:06I understand.
31:07And for obvious reasons, we feel very safe and secure there.
31:11And I didn't realize how much I miss that feeling
31:15since Esme broke into Windermere.
31:20Well, I don't think Esme's going to be
31:23a danger to anyone anymore.
31:26But there were other incidents, and some
31:29having to do with Sonny's business.
31:30And he insisted that Avery and I stay with him.
31:34Well, I'm glad he's being careful,
31:35and I'm sure it's nice for Avery to be near her dad.
31:39But what about you?
31:43What do you want?
31:46Yeah, this little guy makes everyone smile.
31:49Is it just me, or is he growing really fast?
31:52No, yeah, he's definitely a big guy.
31:54No question.
31:58Makes me wonder about my home baby.
32:01When's, uh, when's Christina due?
32:05Can't get here soon enough.
32:07Nervous father-to-be?
32:09I would be under any circumstance,
32:11but Christina has a way of making problems of her own.
32:14I mean, I'm grateful to her, but her family.
32:17Look, don't stress.
32:20Call this guy.
32:22You know, stay in the moment and focus on the here and now.
32:28What do you say, Ace?
32:30Serena thinks that you've achieved zen.
32:32If so, can you please show me how?
32:37I'll show it to you.
32:42I don't know if my being out would make
32:43things easier for Christina and me.
32:46Our relationship is still very new,
32:48and I want to protect it, at least for a little while.
32:52I don't blame you.
32:53So maybe in a year.
32:55A year, five years, or never.
32:58It's your call, not mine, and no one else's.
33:01OK, I just wanted to give you a perspective that
33:03wasn't coming from your mom.
33:05I appreciate that.
33:08But I think for now, Christina and I are
33:12happy with the way things are.
33:14Thanks for understanding.
33:18When we were together, we just couldn't get things quite right.
33:22But we sure did try.
33:24We sure did.
33:27Cost us, though, didn't it?
33:28Assets, money, careers.
33:32Your freedom.
33:34But now we got to reset, sort of back to normal.
33:41I mean, kind of a new, old normal, I guess.
33:46Things are back the way they're supposed to be.
33:59I'm sorry, Christina.
34:01Sonny's not my problem anymore.
34:04The divorce is a done deal.
34:06If Ava wants him, she can have him.
34:09Not if I have anything to do with it.
34:12Christina, Christina, please, wait.
34:15Be careful.
34:16What do you mean?
34:17Well, Ava hasn't survived this long by playing by the rules.
34:20And she's really good at making sure that no one
34:23sees it when she breaks them.
34:28My dad's in a very vulnerable place
34:30right now because of his breakup with you
34:32and because he's estranged from Carly and Michael.
34:35He used to really rely on them.
34:36And now, for whatever reason, he can't.
34:40Ava is living there.
34:41She's Avery's mom.
34:44My dad is letting his guard down at a time
34:46when he really shouldn't be.
34:48He knows what Ava's capable of.
34:50My whole family does.
34:52Maybe Ava looks at us, and she thinks
34:54that we've forgotten about Morgan
34:57and about Connie Falconeri.
35:00But we haven't.
35:01Before you lecture me on what to do with Christina,
35:05try being a father to Jake and Danny.
35:09Sonny, too many people know that Dex worked for you.
35:15Any move you make against him is going to incriminate you.
35:18So please, for your sake, for everybody else's sake,
35:20just leave Dex alone.
35:22Or what?
35:24I'll have to stop you.
35:28He'll die trying.
