• il y a 6 mois


00:00C'est pas possible !
00:30Oh non ! Les haletons et les oiseaux m'ont attrapé !
00:39Zut !
00:41Bonjour Piglet ! Réveillez-vous !
00:45Pooh et moi sommes venus vous emmener au camping !
00:48Ca-ca-camping ?
00:50Oui ! La mer de l'extérieur !
00:54La nature appelle !
00:57Pooh, Tigger, je ne sais pas...
01:00Ma maison pourrait m'en manquer !
01:02Allons, Piglet, on va s'amuser !
01:05On va construire un camp !
01:06Et manger de l'honneur !
01:07Et cuisiner des marshmallows !
01:09Et manger de l'honneur !
01:10Et le meilleur de tous !
01:11Manger de l'honneur ?
01:13Non ! Dormir sous le ciel ouvert !
01:16Mais qu'est-ce qu'il y a avec les haletons et les oiseaux ?
01:21Oh, laissez-les trouver leur propre camp !
01:24Non, je veux dire...
01:26Bon, je n'ai jamais rencontré un...
01:28J'entends qu'ils sont très...
01:31Ne vous inquiétez pas, les haletons !
01:33Si ils apparaissent, je les donnerai les 0-1-3 !
01:35Je les donnerai les 4-7 !
01:36Je les donnerai les 8-2 !
01:38Vous vous foutez de mon arithmétique !
01:46C'est étrange !
01:47Je pensais que j'avais amené plus d'honneur que ça !
01:54Hey, mon pote, j'ai construit le camp !
01:56Et maintenant, que fais-je ?
01:58Oh, peut-être que si on avait du bois de feu, on pourrait allumer un feu...
02:02Il devient un peu sombre...
02:05C'est ça ! Le bois de feu !
02:06Très bonne idée, mon pote !
02:07Tinker est l'expert en bois de feu !
02:11Où dois-je regarder ?
02:13Là-bas, dans la forêt...
02:17Le bois de feu dans la forêt ?
02:20Vous avez raison !
02:21T-T-F-N !
02:22Au revoir !
02:29Non, pas de bois de feu ici...
02:31Pas de bois de feu ici non plus...
02:33Pas même de bois de feu là-bas...
02:40Cette forêt semble fraîche de bois de feu !
02:49Topeka ! J'ai trouvé !
02:52Le bois de feu !
02:58Il est temps de partir !
03:10Je n'arrive juste pas à attendre qu'on arrive à notre maison chère...
03:14Et juste en temps pour un petit déjeuner d'ananas !
03:20Oui, Maman, il n'y a rien comme l'ananas !
03:23Et il n'y a aucun endroit comme...
03:26D'asperger !
03:27à notre maison!
03:33N'est-ce pas merveilleux?
03:37Hum! Délectable!
03:39Oh! Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui a envie de retourner à la maison?
03:41Ne sois pas ridicule, Piglet!
03:43Pourquoi nous n'avons pas encore raconté les histoires de fantômes?
03:47Les histoires?
03:50Oui, tu as raison, ce n'est pas assez effrayant.
03:53Je sais! Comment d'autres histoires que des oiseaux et des héfalumps?
04:05Notre maison!
04:08Sors de mon chemin! Sors de mon chemin!
04:09Mange la vie, Bones!
04:10Mange les enfants d'abord!
04:11Ahooga! Ahooga!
04:13Dive! Dive!
04:17Dive! Dive!
04:26Piglet! Piglet!
04:43Hey! That no good heffalump's takin' our firewood!
04:48Tigger, where are you?
04:51I'm waiting for you to come find me.
05:02Oh, excuse me, but I thought you were a woozle.
05:06I'm not a woozle.
05:08I know. Lucky for me.
05:11I'm a heffalump.
05:13A heffalump!
05:15Please, Tigger, don't say that.
05:18I'm a heffalump.
05:20I'm a heffalump.
05:22I'm a heffalump.
05:24Please, don't yell. It scares me.
05:28Oh, I'm sorry.
05:30Funny, I didn't know heffalumps were such very small animals.
05:34I thought they were big and scary.
05:37Scary? Nah.
05:40You know what's really scary?
05:43Being lost.
05:45Oh, d-d-dear.
05:48Are you sure this is going to work, Tigger?
05:52Oh, positively.
05:54The way to a woozle's firewood is through his honey.
05:57But we've got to find Piglet.
05:59Don't worry, buddy bear.
06:01Piglet's probably home sweet home in it.
06:03We've got to get our firewood back.
06:09Hmm. Something smells yummy.
06:12Oh. Oh.
06:14Oh, no.
06:16Oh, no.
06:18Oh, no. It must be honey.
06:21Oh, dear. Papa's got honey feet.
06:25Oh, no.
06:27Oh, no, come on.
06:29Oh, there it is, Mama.
06:31Oh, stop. Stop, I tell you.
06:34I can't take it anymore. I can't stand it.
06:37I want it.
06:39I love it when honey plays hard to get.
06:52It worked! It worked!
06:57Oh, my. We've fallen into a deep, dark pit.
07:03Don't you remember, Papa dear?
07:05You're allergic to deep, dark pits.
07:07Oh, yeah.
07:12Unusual weather we're having, Tigger.
07:15What do you mean, poo boy?
07:17It seems to be raining.
07:20Heffalumps and woozles.
07:24Can you see our way home, Piglet?
07:29Well, what can you see?
07:32Tree tops.
07:34And a long way down.
07:39What do we do now, Piglet?
07:43Call for help?
07:49It's my woodpile. I saw it first.
07:52That's no woodpile. That's my house.
07:57No, it's firewood.
07:59I saw it. I saw it.
08:01No, you don't.
08:03Help! Help!
08:06My baby!
08:10Help! Help!
08:12There they are.
08:14Poo, we're stuck.
08:18And can't get down, too.
08:21Never fear. Papa Heffalump is here.
08:24Step aside. Step aside.
08:27Tigger the Rex respects one side.
08:29A climbing tree.
08:31Watch where you're going, you thunderclimber.
08:33Papa, you're awfully high.
08:37Don't you remember?
08:39You're allergic to high heights.
08:41Heights, too.
08:53My baby!
08:55Whatever shall we do?
08:58What we need is...
09:04Now, remember, everyone,
09:06on the count of three.
09:12Can we get down now?
09:16That's the way to throw your weight around.
09:21Oh, bother.
09:23For a camping trip, I sure am doing a lot of flying.
09:27Yeah, and a lot of landing, too.
09:30Sorry we thought your house was a woodpile,
09:33Mr. Halflehip...
09:35Mr. Halfahump.
09:37We'll help fix it up in the morning.
09:40You're rootin' tootin', you will.
09:44It was all one big misunderstanding.
09:48Have a marshmallow?
09:52Oh, dear, Papa.
09:58Don't you remember?
10:00Oh, yeah.
10:13Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
10:44In that case, may I take it for a walk?
10:47Well, if you're careful not to pop it.
10:50I shall take care of it as if it were...
10:53as if it were honey.
10:56Then it's in the best of hands, Pooh.
11:05Here we go floating
11:08Anywhere we please
11:10Holding you tight as I can
11:14You're safe as a honeypot
11:17You always will be
11:19And I'll be right there when we land
11:24You're snuggly-woggly
11:27Snug as a boggly
11:31You're snuggly safe in my hands
11:41Why, you flying feather duster!
11:53There's got to be a way to keep those birds out of my garden!
12:03I've got it!
12:05A brilliant idea!
12:09But I need that balloon.
12:12Oh, hello, Robert.
12:14Why, hello, Pooh Bear.
12:18Nice balloon you've got there.
12:21Yes, isn't it?
12:23Christopher Robin let me borrow it.
12:26You know, I was wondering if I could borrow it from you.
12:33Well, I don't know.
12:39Yes, fresh honey.
12:46You know, watching Christopher Robin's balloon has made me a bit hungry.
12:51Rabbit, you don't suppose you could look after it for me?
12:57Well, Pooh, I suppose I could.
13:00Always glad, happy, ready to help.
13:04But be very, very careful with it.
13:07I promised Christopher Robin that I would take care of it.
13:11You're just the thing I need.
13:27There. That should do it.
13:31There. That should do the trick.
13:54Oh, hello. You must be a friend of Rabbit's.
13:58Have you come to visit him?
14:01Oh, no need to be shy. I'm a friend of Rabbit's, too.
14:20Run, Tigger, run!
14:22There's a big monster right behind me!
14:25Where? Where?
14:27Let me at him! Let me at him!
14:30Hey, don't get pushy! Don't get pushy!
14:33I think he's mad.
14:35Oh, a tough guy, eh?
14:37Ha! You missed me!
14:40This guy isn't so tough.
14:45Hmm. This calls for a little strategy.
14:48Listen, Piglet, follow me.
14:52OK, Piglet, now here's the plan.
14:56Get him!
15:04Good work, Piglet! You got him on the run!
15:07Don't let go!
15:09What's going on?
15:12The balloon!
15:14It's gone!
15:22Oh, my! Oh, my!
15:29I got you, kid! I got...
15:35Where's the balloon?
15:38How could you? How could you?
15:42How could we what, Bunny Boy?
15:45You broke my scarecrow!
15:48Oh, my! Oh, my! The balloon!
15:50I borrowed it from Pooh Bear!
15:52Who borrowed it from Rusty for grabbing?
15:59It's Pooh Bear! Quick, back to the house!
16:02I've got to go home!
16:19What happened to the...
16:21The balloon's asleep, Pooh Bear.
16:24I don't hear it sleeping, Rabbit.
16:29You know, it's much smaller when it sleeps.
16:33Why, absolutely! They have to shrink, Pooh,
16:37so they can fit in a bed.
16:40For goodness sake.
16:42Wake up, balloon.
16:45Go back to Christopher Robin.
16:48No, you wake it, Pooh.
16:52Why, it's not sleeping. Its eyes are open.
16:56But shouldn't it be big now?
16:59Now that it's awake, I mean.
17:01That's no good.
17:03Pooh, we popped the balloon.
17:06Oh, bother.
17:10What shall I tell Christopher Robin?
17:13You don't suppose he'd believe it was asleep, do you?
17:16No. I must tell him the truth.
17:19No, no, no.
17:21If you tell him that we popped his balloon,
17:24he'll never talk to us again.
17:27We must make a pact
17:29to never tell Christopher Robin about this.
17:32Now, raise your right hands and right legs.
17:37Now, jump up and down and promise,
17:40friends together, friends apart,
17:42I'll never, never, cross my heart,
17:45tell how this balloon was popped.
17:47And if I do, I hope I... drop.
17:51Now, you hide it.
18:03Can't sleep either, huh, balloon?
18:11You, Pooh Bear, have been accused of popping a balloon.
18:16He broke my balloon!
18:19How can I ever speak to him again?
18:23Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
18:27Pooh Bear, how do you plead?
18:30Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
18:33Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
18:36Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
18:39How do you plead?
18:42Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
18:45Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
18:48Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
18:51Christopher Robin!
18:55Oh, my! It's Pooh Bear!
18:58He's going to tell Christopher Robin about the balloon.
19:06Watch where you're going!
19:09You almost made me drop Christopher Robin's balloon!
19:13But I'm Christopher Robin's balloon!
19:16What are you talking about? I've got his balloon!
19:28Now what are you three up to?
19:32I'm sorry, but I broke your balloon, Christopher Robin.
19:37No, I did. Tiggers are the ballooniest breakers.
19:41I'm actually the one who popped it.
19:45Christopher Robin, we're sorry, but we all broke your balloon.
19:52Christopher Robin, I have broken your balloon.
19:58It's not broken. It's only untied.
20:02The air's out of it.
20:09Oh, no! Not again!
20:12Hold on, you two balloony brains!
20:18Oh, my! Oh, my! Oh, my!
20:22Hey, come back, you bum lunatics!
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