• 7 months ago
Ekonom senior meminta pemerintah, terus memperkuat konsumsi domestik, dan perluasan pasar global guna menghadapi tantangan ketidak pastian perekonomian dunia. Founder dan Ekonom Senior CORE Indonesia, Hendri Saparini menilai, meski perekonomian Indonesia masih cukup kuat menghadapi berbagai guncangan global.


00:00 Meanwhile, senior economic advisors ask the government to continue to strengthen domestic consumption
00:05 and global market expansion in order to face the challenges of the uncertainty of the world's economy.
00:10 Senior economist and founder of Core Indonesia, Hendry Saparini,
00:14 estimates that although Indonesia's economy is still strong enough to face various global threats,
00:19 the government must be vigilant about various indicators of economic weakness in a number of developed countries.
00:25 For that, the government must strengthen domestic consumption,
00:30 and network the potential of market expansion and investment from a number of state partners.
00:37 What they need is a market.
00:41 So, if the products are produced from domestic,
00:46 and the policy is made so that it is absorbed by the domestic market,
00:51 it is a policy without having to issue additional tax.
00:56 So, if the tax or fiscal policy is limited,
01:01 the tax should not be so high, the spending should not exceed the limit,
01:06 and the debt should not exceed the limit.
01:08 But the government policy is unlimited.
01:11 For example, we have to choose the sector that we have the advantage in.
01:18 Mr. Akbar said that agriculture is no longer a priority.
01:22 But it is a sector that we can rely on.
01:26 If we give this agricultural sector support,
01:31 which is now the golden age,
01:35 I am sure the agricultural sector will be able to...
01:37 [Music]
