PMLN Leader Bilal Kiyani Ka PTI Leader Kay Bayan Say Itefaq

  • 5 months ago
00:00 Bilal K. Ani, Mr. Jagda has said that policies should be changed.
00:03 Mr. Shah agrees that there is no doubt that such policies are in place at this time
00:10 which are a great help to the poor people of the country.
00:13 Do you agree or not?
00:14 It's rare but I think it's good that when we find moments of agreement.
00:20 Are you getting a consensus in my program?
00:22 No, no. I think in the long term, medium term, whenever,
00:27 I agree with this that we have to clear the distortions in the market.
00:32 No, you can say it directly.
00:34 I have started with this that what he has said about the price of wheat,
00:40 we should get out of the government by price setting.
00:43 And the truth is that in our government branches, not only here but outside too,
00:47 there is no capacity to set an efficient market price.
00:50 The government should set the market price but
00:55 it doesn't mean that you should leave the farmers completely at the mercy of the market.
01:00 As Mr. Shah said and I think Mr. Jagda was also implying this.
01:03 He was saying that we should definitely provide help to the farmers
01:08 but not directly otherwise, not by setting the prices.
01:13 Otherwise, as I told you that the Punjab government is also going to do it
01:17 that in the field of agriculture, seeds, pesticides, mechanization,
01:20 they should be given direct support.
01:22 And in the future, they should decide what they want to grow and what they want to grow.
01:27 And if the market sets the price, then maybe it will be beneficial for the farmers
01:30 and the Pakistani citizens too.
01:32 So I think this is the part of the corrections that our economy needs.
01:36 There are reforms in it.
01:38 Okay, the consensus is done. I am happy about that.
01:40 There are reforms in it, including the tax, including the tax responsibility,
01:43 which Mr. Jagda mentioned and on which our government is working.
01:46 Okay, it is a very good thing to have this consensus.
01:49 Opposition and the government are moving towards consensus at this time.
01:52 So I am very proud that this consensus has been done in my program.
01:55 Now let's see what happens on this.
01:57 But Mr. Rana Sinhaullah is saying something about the People's Party.
02:00 That although they are in the Wafaaqiyat, but now they will also become a part of the Cabinet.
02:04 Listen.
02:05 People's Party is a part of the current government of the Wafaaqiyat.
02:10 The coalition government is in Wafaaq.
02:12 PMLM is a major partner, but we are leading the coalition government.
02:17 They are present at some places and not at some places.
02:20 So in the Cabinet, yes, the Prime Minister has requested yesterday.
02:24 And Bilawar Bhutto Zardari has promised positive attention and thought on it.
02:30 Mr. Shah, it has been two days since the attention and thought request was made by the Prime Minister.
02:37 That attention and thought ended.
02:39 When are you becoming a part?
02:41 I heard there are about eight ministries and such numbers are coming.
02:46 We are also seeing this on social media and national media.
02:51 We don't know about it.
02:52 But as Mr. Rana said, again the meeting with the Prime Minister, the meeting with the Chairman, was said to him a few days ago.
03:03 He has said it before too.
03:05 But the decision so far is not to take part.
03:10 And the way he is saying that the Chairman said that we will think about it.
03:16 When he sits among such people, he says that it is not appropriate to give a strict answer.
03:26 But as far as I know, there is no such decision at this time.
03:30 We have different opinions.
03:33 But the advice that is given is that such a thing should not be made.
03:43 But let me also clarify one more thing.
03:45 We are supporting the government.
03:49 We are with the government.
03:51 And we are supporting the federal government with the same responsibility.
04:01 They will never be blackmailed that we are not a part of their executive.
04:06 So now they should have a say.
04:08 Because the situation of the country is such that we should not do anything like this.
04:13 But Mr. Shah, I am sorry I am cutting you short.
04:15 But at this time, it seems that there is some insecurity on the side of PMI.
04:21 That is why they are inviting you to become a part of the Cabinet again and again.
04:24 Now, this is a matter of strong consideration.
04:29 Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that you have said that you will not give a strict answer.
04:31 You have made the matter a little ambiguous.
04:34 I don't know what will happen.
04:35 Is this matter going to the Central Executive Committee or not?
04:39 Yes, it will definitely go there.
04:44 Because as I told you, there are different opinions and different thoughts in our party's senior cadre.
04:51 So, the decision will be made through the Central Executive Committee.
04:56 And it will be made public.
04:58 But the speculations and the number of ministers that are being given,
05:05 and other big talks are being made,
05:08 and the number of ministers is distributed in the provinces as well.
05:14 There is nothing like this.
05:15 And now it is just a rumor.
05:19 Fair enough.
05:21 I will talk about the morning talks.
05:24 Mr. Bilawal, you have raised your hand on the People's Party.
05:29 You have said many times that you will become a part of the Cabinet.
05:32 They are consistently saying that they will not become a part of the Cabinet.
05:35 Is PMLN insecure without becoming a part of the Cabinet of the People's Party?
05:39 Look, I think, first of all, the background is this.
05:42 That a government was formed, which is a political formula of the People's Party and PMLN.
05:49 At that time, I think, the Cabinet was discussed.
05:52 They made a decision in the CEC.
05:54 In fact, I think, before this, the two parties had a talk.
05:57 The People's Party repeatedly made this decision.
06:00 They also said in the media that they will not become a part of the Cabinet.
06:02 Anyway, this was the decision of the Jamaat.
06:04 Now, as Mr. Shah mentioned, Mr. Shabaz Sharif and Mr. Bilawal met a few days ago.
06:10 And after that, if there was any such thing, I don't know.
06:14 But I think, this is such a thing, which can be possible at any stage during the course of this government.
06:20 Because, by being together with both the Jamaats, this government is established in this partnership.
06:26 So, it is possible that it is at the leadership level.
06:28 But, as Mr. Shah said, if such a thing happens, then definitely, their Jamaat will go to the CEC.
06:35 I would like to say this as a member of my party, that I think, there is no such desperation.
06:44 I mean, you can say that there is some insecurity.
06:46 I think, the way our government is working, especially at the economic level,
06:50 the inflation has come down, discussions with IMF are going on,
06:53 Saudi Arabia's investment is going on.
06:55 So, the work is going on.
06:58 But, I think, definitely, the overall political formula between the two Jamaats,
07:05 which has been well followed by both the parties,
07:08 which is the foundation of this stable government,
07:12 then definitely, if there is an understanding between the two Jamaats,
07:16 that the People's Party should be included in the cabinet, then it is possible.
07:19 Obviously.
07:20 I was saying, I will go to Mr. Taimur about the province.
07:23 Mr. Taimur, the People's Party, even before, in the beginning, after the elections of 8th February,
07:29 the news was coming that you said that if you want to make a government, then you make it.
07:32 Then, you refused.
07:33 Then, obviously, the second option was that PMI and People's Party should make a government together.
07:39 Now, at this time, in KPK, where you are in power,
07:42 Pakistan is the governor of People's Party, Faisal Kareem Kundi Sahib,
07:45 and obviously, as a representative of Wifaq, you will have to deal with a lot of things.
07:53 You will have to get in touch with him and there are a lot of KPK issues with Wifaq.
07:58 Do you think that it is better for Pakistan People's Party to be the governor?
08:02 Maybe, it is easier for you to work with them than with PMLN?
08:06 How do you see Faisal Kareem Kundi Sahib, Pakistan People's Party, being placed as the governor?
08:12 By the way, Ali Ameen Khan's relatives are also there.
08:16 Yes, they are.
08:17 Okay, the area is the same, the relatives.
08:19 So, my point is that there is a term in Pashto,
08:25 Tarboorwali, your rivalry with your relatives is very high.
08:30 So, I honestly don't know how their personal relationship is,
08:34 but the fact that elections are fought against each other a lot,
08:38 so I am not sure that at least politically, it will be more smooth.
08:46 Okay, so this not being more smooth politically,
08:50 did this give a sign that the CM did not go to the oath-taking ceremony?
08:56 Was there a problem of relationship or a party issue?
09:01 I did not follow this, but in such a polarized environment, you can expect this.
09:10 When the country is normal, we reach an equilibrium,
09:16 then maybe it will be possible.
09:19 I think, being a governor or not, it does not make a difference,
09:25 it is a constitutional role.
09:27 Earlier, he was the governor of the JUIF, now he is in the People's Party.
09:32 There is a JUIF in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,
09:35 the People's Party has almost no vote bank.
09:38 Yes, one thing they have said,
09:41 I don't know how much role they can play,
09:45 they said that for the right of the province, they are working together.
09:49 They are talking a lot about this.
