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Episod 522 My #QuranTime 2.0 Sabtu 18 Mei 2024 Sesi Ulang Kaji Surah Al-An'am (6: 152-165) Halaman 149-150 Bersama Tokoh Ilmuan

Hari ini My #QuranTime 2.0 mengulangkaji Surah Al-An'am ayat 152-165, halaman 149 hingga halaman 150. Turut sama berkongsi ilmu ialah Pensyarah Fakulti Pengajian Quran dan Sunnah, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Ustaz Mohd Shamsul Hakim Abd Samad.

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [Music]
00:21 Iman in Surah Al-An'am explains how our commitment to the Quran,
00:26 with guidance from God, and it is not just in the heart and also in the mouth of words,
00:32 it is embodied in everyday life, more responsible and not blaming people around,
00:38 rather than blaming God.
00:40 We follow the discussion in the episode of Ulang Kaji this time.
00:44 [Music]
01:05 In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
01:13 [Arabic]
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01:50 [Arabic]
02:02 How are you ladies and gentlemen?
02:04 We meet in My Quran Time, Quran Salat Unfaq today.
02:07 We want to review two pages that we have studied this week,
02:12 which is page 149 and page 150, the last page of Surah Al-An'am,
02:19 providing guidance on how we build faith and what is the implication of faith in life,
02:26 to our prayer, to our worship, to life and death.
02:30 And today we will review with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Shamsul Hakim.
02:35 How are you Ustaz?
02:36 Alhamdulillah, I am well.
02:38 Alhamdulillah, I am well too.
02:39 And Ustaz Tar, how are you?
02:41 Alhamdulillah, I am well too.
02:43 Alhamdulillah, we are grateful to have our friends here in the studio today.
02:49 With our friends who are steadfast,
02:51 I will be steadfast with Quran Time.
02:54 We are at the end of Surah Al-An'am,
02:56 we want to review with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Shamsul Hakim.
02:59 Let us start with the prayer.
03:01 [Al-Fadhil Ustaz Shamsul Hakim]
03:10 Today we will review with verse 152 which was read a while ago.
03:14 [Al-Fadhil Ustaz Shamsul Hakim]
03:18 Allah has stated several guidance, there are 10 things in verses 151, 152 and 153.
03:25 At the end of verse 152, it is concluded with
03:27 [Al-Fadhil Ustaz Shamsul Hakim]
03:32 We will continue with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Shamsul to explain why at the end of verse 151,
03:37 there is [Al-Fadhil Ustaz Shamsul Hakim]
03:40 but here there is [Al-Fadhil Ustaz Shamsul Hakim]
03:43 Please proceed.
03:44 [Al-Fadhil Ustaz Shamsul Hakim]
03:45 Allah's choice of a word,
03:49 we see that it is in accordance with the theme of the verse.
03:54 And what is opened and closed in a verse,
03:57 there is a compatibility.
03:59 If we look at the verse 151, Allah has closed it with
04:04 [Al-Fadhil Ustaz Shamsul Hakim]
04:06 Hopefully we all know why it is used there.
04:10 But why for verse 152 which we started discussing in this session,
04:16 Allah closes it with verse 152?
04:21 If we look, there are four things that are contained in verse 152.
04:26 Starting from the prohibition of touching the property of orphans without their rights,
04:31 followed by Allah's request for us to do a consideration or a consultation with honesty,
04:37 followed by speaking honestly in our conversation,
04:41 until the command from Allah so that we hold on to our promise to Allah SWT.
04:47 If we look at this, it is something that was known to the polytheists a while ago.
04:54 This means that this is not a new thing that was commanded to them.
04:59 Therefore, this has become a habit before this,
05:03 for them to do or act as Allah SWT has said.
05:09 These four things.
05:11 Therefore, in the remembrance of Allah in verse 152,
05:14 Allah closes it with "La'allakum tazakkaron"
05:17 meaning, do not let what you have known before from these four commandments,
05:23 you forget it, while it is a thing that you have known for a long time.
05:29 Therefore, this is the adjustment of "La'allakum tazakkaron" in the context of verse 152.
05:34 Thank you Ustaz Shamsul,
05:36 to explain that what has been conveyed,
05:38 these four things from verse 152,
05:40 is something that has been known to be remembered and made as a practice of the effect of faith
05:47 that has been stated throughout this Surah Al-An'am.
05:50 And it is not just faith in the heart.
05:54 I bear witness, I say "La ilaha illallah"
05:58 but there is an effect of integrity that is shown by not touching the property of orphans,
06:03 except with the right,
06:04 and then when selling, buying,
06:07 when speaking,
06:09 and also when we have a promise,
06:12 a promise with Allah that needs to be perfected.
06:15 We continue with verse 153,
06:17 we will meet with the words that we usually say on Sabaan Hari in Surah Al-Fatiha,
06:23 this time it is explained by verse 153,
06:26 we read it together with Ustaz Al-Fadhil.
06:29 Thank you Ustaz Fazrul, Ustaz Shamsul Hakim,
06:31 ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen,
06:34 dear viewers, may Allah's mercy be upon you,
06:37 we want to read verse 153,
06:41 let's try to read it using Taranun Bayyati, inshallah.
06:46 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
06:50 And this is my straight path, so follow it,
07:07 and do not follow other ways, lest he separate you from his way.
07:20 That is what He has commanded you, that you may be righteous.
07:39 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
07:45 We have read from verse 153, Allah says,
07:50 "And this is the straight path, so follow it."
07:53 The word 'sirat' is here,
07:55 and then followed by the word 'ansabil'
07:58 there is the word 'sabil' and also 'sirat',
08:00 what is the difference between these two words?
08:02 If we look, as Ustaz has started our introduction,
08:05 this is starting from verse 6 of Surah Al-Fatiha,
08:10 when Allah Almighty wants to explain the path of Islam,
08:14 usually the word 'tarik' is used,
08:19 because 'tarik' in the language,
08:23 is a straight path,
08:26 which is not divided,
08:29 usually it is like that,
08:31 and what comes from 'tarik' is,
08:34 then, there are some branches,
08:37 and those branches are no longer used as 'tarik' in Arabic,
08:41 because it is more like 'sabil',
08:44 'sabil' in Arabic is a path that is separated from 'tarik'.
08:49 Then, Allah Almighty has mentioned the straight path of Islam,
08:54 which Allah has asked Prophet Muhammad SAW to show us,
08:59 so that we know, that is the path we must follow,
09:03 and it is the only path,
09:05 there is no other path than it,
09:07 then Allah uses the word 'tarik',
09:09 whereas when Prophet Muhammad SAW was commanded by Allah,
09:14 to instruct us not to follow the other path than the path of Islam,
09:19 the path of Islam was differentiated,
09:21 even the usage of the word was differentiated from 'tarik',
09:25 the word was used,
09:26 'wa la tatabi'u subula',
09:28 it is not said,
09:29 'wa la tatabi'u turuqa',
09:31 but it is said, 'wa la tatabi'u subula',
09:33 so that people know that Islam is not another Islam,
09:36 and there is no other Islam than this,
09:39 that is the only Islam that was brought by Prophet Muhammad SAW,
09:44 that we are asked to follow,
09:46 so do not follow the other path than the path of Islam,
09:52 then this is the difference between 'tarik' and 'sabil' in this verse,
09:57 Allah Almighty knows best.
09:58 InshaAllah, that is the explanation of the word 'sirat',
10:01 the word 'tarik' and also 'sabil',
10:03 there is a difference in meaning,
10:05 and of course it is explained as what was said earlier,
10:08 to state that our daily request is a big highway request,
10:15 which needs to be given attention and we always pray for it,
10:19 to reach the heaven of Allah SWT,
10:22 we will take a short break,
10:23 Baik Quran Time, Quran Salat, infaak, inshaAllah.
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14:08 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
14:11 we are back in my Quran Time,
14:13 Quran Salat, infaak,
14:14 together we are looking at pages 149 and 150,
14:17 at the end of Surah Al-An'am,
14:19 how Allah says in verse 155,
14:21 "And this is the Book of the Qur'an which We have sent down with full blessing.
14:25 Follow and be mindful that you may receive mercy."
14:29 This verse is present after the story of Prophet Musa SAW,
14:33 what is the connection between verse 154 and 155?
14:37 Allah SWT has given us a call to follow the path of Prophet SAW,
14:43 so when we are called to follow the path of Prophet SAW,
14:46 there must be a guidance that we must follow,
14:50 if not, it is the Qur'an that Allah has given us as a guidance.
14:55 But when the Arab Musyikin,
14:58 a while ago, rejected the Dawah of Prophet SAW,
15:02 they felt that it was not wrong,
15:05 it was wrong in what they were supposed to do.
15:08 Whereas before that,
15:10 for the Arabs,
15:11 they had faith in the Prophets that Allah SWT had sent,
15:16 meaning that their faith was in faith.
15:19 The story that they knew from the guidance of Prophet Musa SAW,
15:23 is something that they knew,
15:25 even the Book that Allah sent down to Prophet Musa SAW,
15:29 they knew,
15:30 that is the Torah,
15:31 the Arabs knew about this.
15:33 But unfortunately,
15:34 they failed to glorify the Prophet that Allah SWT had sent to them,
15:40 they also failed to glorify the Book that Allah had sent to them,
15:45 so here Allah SWT was planning to bring the Arab Musyikin back to the true path of faith.
15:53 What should they do?
15:55 Before this,
15:57 you can believe in the guidance of a human being to become a Messenger,
16:01 and it is in accordance with the Book.
16:03 So why do you oppose the decision of Prophet Muhammad SAW,
16:07 which is also given to him the Book?
16:10 This is a form of indignation,
16:13 or we call it the anger of Allah towards them,
16:16 which if we look at the style,
16:18 is not different from what Allah SWT had done to the Musyikin of Quraysh,
16:23 in a form that is almost the same,
16:25 but involving the rights of Allah himself.
16:27 If you open Surah Al-An'am,
16:29 verse 91, Allah says,
16:31 [Al-An'am, verse 91]
16:37 They are giving the true respect to Allah,
16:40 when they say that Allah did not send anything to them,
16:43 in their effort to reject what was brought by the Prophet SAW.
16:48 In the verse 91, Allah SWT says to them,
16:52 [Al-An'am, verse 91]
16:58 Who then has sent down the Book to Prophet Moses,
17:03 which is a sign and a clarification to their doubts?
17:07 If the God they know has sent down the Torah to a Messenger,
17:13 whom they themselves have accepted,
17:15 why does it not mean that the same God,
17:17 who sent the Messenger,
17:19 which is Prophet Muhammad SAW,
17:21 the Book which was given to them,
17:24 they failed to believe in it.
17:26 This story is like a benchmark to the polytheists,
17:32 that they are double-standard.
17:35 You can accept Moses,
17:37 but when you mention Muhammad,
17:39 you reject him.
17:40 Why is that?
17:41 That is a form that Allah has given,
17:43 an interesting style to make it a constant accountability,
17:46 not only to Prophet Moses,
17:48 but even to us if we choose to believe in half of it,
17:51 and reject the other half.
17:53 I would like to ask Father Losad Shamsul to explain
17:56 how the relationship between the verses 154-155,
18:02 the belief in Prophet Moses,
18:04 they accept,
18:05 but with Prophet Muhammad,
18:06 because it is common,
18:07 sometimes the people close to us,
18:09 we do not want to be okay,
18:11 we create problems,
18:12 people are far away,
18:14 but when they come close,
18:15 we know that this person is possible,
18:18 he is a son of a daughter,
18:20 a close person,
18:21 we do not see the exceptions,
18:23 even though we know that Prophet Muhammad,
18:27 peace be upon him,
18:28 was brought with the Quran,
18:29 that is not a choice of a human,
18:31 but a blessed blessing from Allah SWT.
18:35 And at the end of verse 155,
18:37 "la'allakum turhamun",
18:38 usually if we hear the Quran,
18:42 "la'allakum turhamun",
18:43 but in this verse,
18:44 why is there this "turhamun" again?
18:47 If we look in the Arabic style,
18:50 there is a rule that is called "attarji"
18:53 and also "attamanni",
18:55 in the Malay language,
18:56 it is called "harapan" only,
18:58 and in the Arabic style,
18:59 there are two "harapan",
19:00 one "harapan" that is impossible to be fulfilled,
19:02 that is called "tamanni",
19:04 and there are ways,
19:05 or ways of expressing this thing,
19:08 for example,
19:09 the word used is "laita",
19:11 "laita" if we hear in any Arabic speech,
19:14 or in the Quran,
19:15 for example,
19:16 "ya laitani kuntu turaba",
19:18 at the end of Surah An-Naba,
19:20 the polytheists who do not believe in Allah,
19:23 they hope that when death comes in their lives,
19:26 or if they are standing in front of hell,
19:28 the hellfire of Allah,
19:29 they hope that they will be earth,
19:33 not just humans,
19:34 so that they will not be burdened
19:36 with questions and punishments later on.
19:39 But the "harapan" like that,
19:41 we know that it is impossible to be fulfilled,
19:43 because we are actually already blessed by Allah
19:46 to become humans.
19:47 But there is another type of "harapan"
19:49 that has a possibility to be accepted,
19:52 it is called "taraji",
19:54 "taraji" is from the word "ar-raja'",
19:56 but this "raja'" has a possibility of being possible,
19:59 and a possibility of not being possible,
20:01 it depends on what we do,
20:03 for example,
20:04 in the seasons when we fast,
20:06 Allah says,
20:07 "la'allakum taktakun",
20:09 hopefully from the fasting that we build
20:11 with full of faith
20:12 and hope for the reward from Allah,
20:14 there is something called
20:16 "mudah-mudahan",
20:17 that does so,
20:19 Allah will put in it,
20:21 the "taqwaan"
20:22 but there are also people who do not go out of their fasting,
20:26 except for hunger and thirst,
20:28 they do not have the "taqwa" that has been given,
20:30 the "harapan" for people who are truly fasting.
20:33 So here, Allah SWT
20:35 mentions about the Al-Quran that Allah has revealed,
20:38 there are two attributes that Allah mentions here,
20:40 that is "mubarakun",
20:42 Allah revealed together with the Al-Quran
20:44 is the blessing,
20:45 the goodness that if someone
20:47 has obtained it,
20:49 then he will obtain the goodness
20:51 that will last in his life.
20:53 Who does not want this?
20:55 And the second,
20:56 "mudah-mudahan,
20:57 "wattakuh,
20:58 "mubarakun fattabi'uh,
20:59 "wattakuh",
21:00 we must follow,
21:01 we must hold on,
21:04 follow all the commandments
21:06 and also the prohibitions,
21:07 "wattakuh" here,
21:08 protect ourselves,
21:09 do not let us break the guidance
21:11 that Allah has given from the Al-Quran,
21:13 "la'allakum turhamun",
21:15 with what we have obtained from the blessings
21:17 by following and protecting ourselves,
21:20 we will be blessed.
21:22 But among the people who accept
21:24 the revelation of the Al-Quran,
21:26 if they break the commandment,
21:29 Allah asks us to follow,
21:31 Allah asks us to protect ourselves
21:32 by following the guidance of the Al-Quran,
21:35 suddenly we do not want,
21:36 even though we know that the Al-Quran
21:38 is a blessed Quran,
21:40 it is the opposite of what Allah wants to give
21:43 from "turhamun",
21:45 if we have ever heard the statement,
21:47 "rubbaqarin walquranu yal'ano",
21:51 or in the statement that was mentioned
21:53 by Alimamul Ghazali in the book of Ihya'ul Mudin
21:55 was made aware to Qaul Anas Ibn Malik,
21:57 people said it is a hadith,
21:59 but in fact it is not a hadith,
22:01 or there are also those who say
22:03 it is the pen of a Tabe'in,
22:05 that is Maimun Ibn Mahran,
22:06 who died in 1116 or 1117,
22:10 he said,
22:12 "rubbaqarin walquranu yal'ano",
22:15 how many of the people who read the Al-Quran,
22:18 when they read the Al-Quran,
22:20 like you read the Al-Quran,
22:22 Ustaz Tarmizi read the Al-Quran,
22:24 everyone is happy to hear,
22:25 the mercy of Allah that we can feel in ourselves,
22:28 but in the case of reading the Al-Quran,
22:31 it may happen to some people,
22:34 for example, we have heard,
22:36 there are some orientalists,
22:38 who sometimes when we read about their background,
22:41 they read the Al-Quran,
22:43 sometimes they are better than us,
22:45 names like Theodor Noldekar,
22:47 Ignace Golziher,
22:48 Bergistra,
22:49 and others,
22:51 if you read about their history,
22:53 they study the Al-Quran,
22:54 we are not from the perspective of that study,
22:57 but what is the result of that reading,
23:00 for us believers,
23:01 the result that is expected,
23:03 the main thing is,
23:04 "Hudallil muttaqid"
23:05 but there are people who read the Al-Quran,
23:08 it is not the guidance that comes in,
23:10 to bring them closer to what they should have received,
23:13 from the command of Allah,
23:15 but from the reading of the Al-Quran,
23:17 that is what makes them more disbelievers,
23:19 towards Allah,
23:20 the Arabs,
23:21 who know how to read the Al-Quran,
23:23 who hear it from the mouth of the Prophet SAW,
23:27 not all like Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq,
23:29 not all like Omar RA,
23:32 and also the companions,
23:34 there are among them,
23:36 who can still read the Al-Quran,
23:38 but unfortunately,
23:39 with what is read,
23:41 that is what is against the Prophet SAW.
23:44 I would like to ask Al-Fadlul-Ustaz Shamsul,
23:46 to explain the "La'allakum Turhamun"
23:48 so that we can have mercy,
23:50 when we,
23:51 from the full of blessings Quran,
23:53 we follow and we take care of ourselves,
23:56 from being disobeyed,
23:58 to the existing rules,
24:00 not only academic,
24:02 not only reading to add more,
24:04 collection of notes,
24:06 or the culture of thinking,
24:08 but to be practiced,
24:11 that is what invites the mercy,
24:13 great love from Allah SWT.
24:16 We take a short break,
24:18 we will be back after this,
24:19 to continue with My Quran Time,
24:21 Quran Salah Deen Fahadah.
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25:54 We have mentioned earlier,
25:56 that some people say,
25:58 that the night happened in one time only,
26:00 this is not true,
26:01 because it is not based on the hadith,
26:03 and it is not based on the Quran.
26:05 The second,
26:07 that people say,
26:09 the sign is the tree of sujud,
26:11 the tree of sujud,
26:13 the mosque was overturned,
26:15 it fell on the ground,
26:17 all the signs are not in the hadith.
26:20 Maybe it is based on experience,
26:23 the experiences of people,
26:25 they tell their experiences,
26:26 but we do not know,
26:27 their experiences are based on the tree,
26:29 or the tree fell,
26:30 or the tree was messed up.
26:31 Someone said,
26:32 I put a stick of kain tuwala in the ground,
26:36 tomorrow morning,
26:37 maybe the night was messed up,
26:39 he thought it was the same tree,
26:41 he stuck it in the ground,
26:42 and it was on the ground.
26:43 That is one of the beliefs that people believe,
26:46 that is the sign of the tree of sujud,
26:48 but it is not.
26:49 It is not the sign of the tree of sujud,
26:50 maybe it is based on the experiences of people,
26:52 that are different from one another.
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27:18 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
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27:23 [Arabic]
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28:09 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
28:10 We are back again in my Quran Time,
28:11 Quran Salat Infaq
28:12 Together we are looking at pages 149 and 150
28:16 from Surah Al-An'am,
28:17 and we read a while ago,
28:19 verse 156,
28:20 starting with the word Antaqulu,
28:22 and in verse 157,
28:24 Aw Takulu,
28:26 after the verse that explains the Quran,
28:30 as a book that is full of blessings.
28:33 We continue together with Al-Fadli Ustaz Shamsul
28:35 to explain the two words,
28:37 Antaqulu and Aw Takulu,
28:38 what is it about?
28:40 Subhanallah,
28:41 if we see,
28:42 it is fun to read the Quran,
28:44 among its fun,
28:46 from one verse to another,
28:48 it has its connection.
28:50 But,
28:51 to get this connection,
28:52 we need to look into it,
28:54 or to dig into it.
28:56 Look at the meaning,
28:57 if we see,
28:58 open the translation,
28:59 you will find,
29:01 it is said there,
29:02 so that you do not say,
29:04 if we take the word,
29:06 as if we do not see the word,
29:09 "not" there.
29:10 But in the interpretation,
29:11 there is actually a word,
29:13 which is omitted,
29:14 because it is understood in the form of,
29:16 Siyaqul Ayah.
29:17 Siyaqul Ayah is the context of the verse.
29:20 That is,
29:21 this verse is to state the actual purpose.
29:24 Why did Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
29:26 send down the Quran,
29:27 which is full of blessings,
29:29 ready with its content,
29:31 and also the guidance,
29:32 what we need to do with the Quran,
29:34 that was sent down earlier.
29:35 People must ask,
29:36 why did Allah need to send down the Quran?
29:38 Is it not enough with Allah bringing our Prophet,
29:40 Muhammad SAW?
29:42 Right?
29:43 There are so many,
29:44 not even following,
29:45 just asking,
29:46 complaining,
29:47 there are so many of us.
29:48 That is what happened in the time of the Prophet SAW.
29:51 So, in order to answer,
29:53 the questions that are expected to arise,
29:56 why did Allah need to send down the Quran?
29:58 Is it not enough with the Prophet Muhammad SAW,
30:00 who came to us with his guidance?
30:02 So, here Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
30:04 says,
30:05 so that there is no one,
30:07 who can come with their reasons,
30:10 in the form of speeches,
30:12 that they come with,
30:13 their claims,
30:14 "We have never sent down the Quran,
30:16 or any other book from Allah,
30:18 like the one Allah sent down to Prophet Moses,
30:21 complete with the Quran,
30:23 with the book,
30:24 which is the Torah,
30:25 and also the Prophet that was sent down."
30:26 So, that is the first thing,
30:28 that Allah stated in verse 156.
30:30 Similarly,
30:31 if their claim,
30:32 they say,
30:33 if to them,
30:34 a book was sent down,
30:36 which can explain,
30:37 all the things that they need to do in life,
30:39 then that will give them more guidance.
30:42 Whereas,
30:43 that is the Quran,
30:44 that Allah sent down to us,
30:46 which contains guidance.
30:48 That thing is already there,
30:49 and the story is already easy.
30:51 But, the question is,
30:53 why do you still not want to follow,
30:55 the Prophet Muhammad SAW?
30:58 These two verses,
30:59 are the answer,
31:00 before any doubts,
31:02 that are raised.
31:04 People say,
31:05 "Cut it early,
31:06 cut it early,
31:08 give us an excuse,
31:09 there is no excuse,
31:10 the answer is already there,
31:11 just look for it."
31:12 This verse,
31:13 we will know,
31:14 the Quran,
31:15 closes a door for doubt.
31:18 "There is no doubt in it,
31:19 and the evidence is certain."
31:21 Allah SWT.
31:22 MashaAllah,
31:23 that is how the Quran,
31:24 has the method to close,
31:25 all the doubts,
31:26 that are raised,
31:27 questions that are raised,
31:28 in the future.
31:29 And that is,
31:30 of course,
31:31 obtained from the pen,
31:32 from Allah SWT.
31:33 Allah can read it early,
31:34 compared to,
31:35 if we say,
31:36 "This book is good,
31:38 we do not know,
31:39 where people want to go against it."
31:41 Apparently,
31:42 it has already been provided,
31:43 and the provision is,
31:45 in two different verses,
31:46 in two different verses,
31:48 if the Quran is revealed,
31:50 and secondly,
31:51 if we already have the Quran,
31:52 we will surely be good.
31:53 Whereas,
31:54 "Eh, it is already there."
31:55 It is already there.
31:56 As a reminder to us,
31:57 if we say,
31:58 we are talking about,
31:59 the Muslims,
32:00 why are there still,
32:01 those who are left out,
32:02 those who are not advanced,
32:03 if we get,
32:04 if we get a guidance,
32:06 we will surely be advanced.
32:07 Actually,
32:08 it is already there,
32:09 that guidance,
32:10 that we need to,
32:11 to follow,
32:12 that we need to give,
32:13 our commitment time,
32:14 to Allah's guidance,
32:15 Allah SWT.
32:16 Talking about,
32:17 the religion that,
32:18 gives this success,
32:20 the response,
32:21 from this religion,
32:23 is shared,
32:24 in verse 159.
32:26 We read,
32:27 this verse first,
32:28 to give attention,
32:29 together,
32:30 how this religion,
32:31 needs to be treated,
32:32 with,
32:33 the truth,
32:34 the truth,
32:35 verse 159,
32:36 with us.
32:37 Thank you,
32:38 Ustaz Fazrul,
32:39 Ustaz Syams,
32:40 Syamsul Hakim.
32:41 InshaAllah,
32:42 maybe at the end,
32:43 we will hear,
32:44 our voice,
32:45 this is from Ramadan,
32:46 Ustaz Faz,
32:47 Masjid Putra.
32:48 InshaAllah.
32:49 Wait for it.
32:50 Wait for it.
32:51 Is it a chapter,
32:52 or just a verse?
32:53 We will see.
32:54 Ok,
32:55 we will try first,
32:56 verse 159,
32:57 Ibu Ayah,
32:58 we will try,
32:59 we will read together,
33:00 using,
33:01 using,
33:03 I seek refuge with Allah,
33:04 from the accursed Satan.
33:06 Those who have divided their religion,
33:13 and have become sects,
33:16 you are not of them in anything.
33:24 Their command is only to Allah,
33:43 then He will inform them,
33:54 of what they used to do.
34:03 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
34:11 Surah Al-Nazim, verse 159,
34:13 at the end of Surah Al-An'am,
34:15 Allah mentions about,
34:16 "There are those who have divided their religion,
34:19 and have become sects,
34:22 and Allah says,
34:23 'You are not of them in anything.'
34:27 This is not from them,
34:28 this is a big declaration,
34:31 actually.
34:32 Is this a statement,
34:33 or addressed,
34:34 to those who are not Muslims,
34:36 or to us as Muslims?
34:38 If we look at the interpretation of this verse,
34:41 what was said by Ibn Abbas,
34:42 when he was interpreting the group,
34:44 who were called,
34:45 as the "dividers of religion",
34:47 it is not as if,
34:49 the assumption for the majority of the Arab people,
34:52 that Muhammad was the cause of the division of the people,
34:55 and so on.
34:56 But the cause of the division,
34:58 is when the religion,
34:59 which is supposed to unite the people,
35:01 because our God is the One God,
35:04 the religion that has been brought to us,
35:07 is also Islam,
35:08 the straight path.
35:11 If all people,
35:12 were to go towards that unity,
35:14 then all people would unite.
35:16 But this is what is called,
35:18 as a decree from Allah,
35:20 the choice that is given to man,
35:22 to either remain in the true unity,
35:25 or choose something,
35:27 that will eventually result in division,
35:30 in the religion that we understand,
35:32 our religion,
35:33 which is the way of life.
35:34 So, when Ibn Abbas said,
35:37 "Innaladina farraqu dinahum",
35:39 Ibn Abbas said,
35:40 "Humul mushrikun",
35:41 they are the Mushrikun,
35:43 who originally,
35:44 they have been united with the religion of Tawheed,
35:47 since the time of Prophet Ibrahim AS,
35:49 they have destroyed,
35:51 both the path of religion,
35:53 and glorifying God,
35:55 in the form of worship,
35:57 which is not true,
35:58 that is the division of the people.
36:00 How many divisions,
36:01 that need to be worshipped at that time,
36:03 for every person,
36:04 for every thing,
36:05 will be a struggle.
36:06 So, at this time,
36:08 when the Prophet SAW came,
36:11 bringing back the teachings,
36:13 that united them,
36:14 suddenly,
36:15 the one who brought the division,
36:17 was the Mushrikun themselves,
36:19 by bringing,
36:20 what has been the source of the division,
36:22 before the presence of Prophet Ibrahim AS,
36:25 and what is after,
36:26 from the time of Prophet Noah AS,
36:29 which became the division of the people,
36:31 is when the people,
36:32 worship something else,
36:34 than Allah SWT.
36:36 So, if this verse,
36:37 is directed to the Mushrikun,
36:39 especially,
36:40 one of the rules in the Quran,
36:42 that we know,
36:43 our scholars have put this rule,
36:46 "Al-ibrah,
36:47 in general,
36:48 is more special,
36:49 because,
36:50 the teaching for us,
36:52 is not only stopped,
36:53 by a special reason,
36:55 or a special person,
36:56 instead,
36:57 the teaching is for all of us.
36:59 Dear friends,
37:00 if we want to see,
37:01 the unity of this Ummah,
37:02 can happen,
37:03 with the truth,
37:05 we must bring,
37:06 all of our society,
37:08 to return,
37:09 to the true Islam,
37:11 the Islam that has been,
37:12 put in its foundation,
37:13 by the Prophet,
37:14 which the Prophet said,
37:15 "Taraqtufikum amra'in,
37:16 ma'in tamassaktum bihima,
37:17 lam tadillu ba'di abada,
37:19 kitaballah wa sunnati."
37:21 These two things,
37:22 whenever we hold on to them,
37:24 then we will not,
37:26 be distracted,
37:27 be distracted,
37:28 be distracted,
37:29 by things that,
37:30 we should not be distracted by.
37:32 We say,
37:33 "Ustaz Faz wears a turban,
37:34 I wear a brown shirt,
37:35 this is not a problem,
37:36 I can sit for a while,
37:37 we can smile."
37:38 But,
37:39 the division,
37:40 from the path of religion,
37:41 that we know,
37:42 it will not,
37:43 bring us,
37:44 to the true unity,
37:46 but the division,
37:47 that is waiting.
37:48 That is why,
37:49 we need to hold on,
37:50 to the Quran,
37:51 to the Sunnah of the Prophet,
37:52 for the safety,
37:53 of our unity,
37:54 insha'Allah.
37:55 Wallahu ta'ala al.
37:56 Thank you,
37:57 for explaining,
37:58 what is the term,
37:59 "Farraku dinahum"
38:00 when the Muslims,
38:01 accuse the Prophet,
38:02 of division,
38:03 it turns out,
38:04 they are the ones,
38:05 who divide.
38:06 And how,
38:07 to learn,
38:08 in our own religion,
38:09 that this religion,
38:10 needs to be taken,
38:11 seriously,
38:12 not the "Farraku",
38:13 we reject a part,
38:14 the other,
38:15 we take,
38:16 or we prioritize,
38:17 one part only,
38:18 that causes,
38:19 we,
38:20 to be,
38:21 in groups,
38:22 in groups,
38:23 this one,
38:24 likes to talk about politics,
38:25 this one,
38:26 only talks about economy,
38:27 whereas,
38:28 all of that,
38:29 needs to be taken,
38:30 in a way,
38:31 in a whole.
38:32 We take a break,
38:33 we will be back,
38:34 in My Quran Time,
38:35 Quran Salat,
38:36 Infa'ah,
38:37 Insha'Allah.
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42:12 Allah, Allah, Allah,
42:13 Astaghfirullah,
42:14 Insha'Allah.
42:15 Hafaz,
42:16 I think that's not enough.
42:17 Yes, that's not enough.
42:18 That's not enough.
42:19 Because we are at the fourth block,
42:20 we have to,
42:21 that's the only thing,
42:22 because we also want to know,
42:23 what is the content of this verse,
42:25 we will be back in My Quran Time,
42:27 Quran Salat,
42:28 Infa'ah,
42:29 to re-read page 149 and 150,
42:32 with Qari,
42:33 together with Penta Dabur.
42:35 Actually,
42:36 My Quran Time is just one person.
42:37 Just one person,
42:38 we can,
42:39 I only ask questions.
42:41 So,
42:42 in this verse,
42:43 we usually read,
42:44 our Dua'a,
42:45 our Iftihar,
42:46 "Indeed, I pray to You, O My Sufi,
42:48 O My Master,
42:49 O My Death,
42:50 and to Allah,
42:51 the Lord of the Universe."
42:52 In this verse,
42:53 163,
42:54 "Umirtu wa'ana awwalu muslimin."
42:56 In the Dua'a of Iftihar,
42:57 I usually read,
42:58 I don't know,
42:59 I'm afraid I'm wrong,
43:00 "Umirtu wa'ana minal muslimin."
43:04 So,
43:05 is it wrong,
43:06 or what is correct?
43:08 If we look,
43:09 it's interesting,
43:10 Masha'Allah,
43:11 when we look at the interpretation,
43:13 that,
43:14 "No matter where the Prophet is asked to reveal,
43:17 'wa'ana awwalu muslimin',"
43:19 if we look,
43:20 this Islam is not only
43:22 started from the time of our Prophet Muhammad SAW,
43:26 it has even existed since the first human being,
43:29 which was Prophet Adam AS.
43:31 The religion of the Prophets was Islam.
43:33 But why did Prophet SAW
43:36 say,
43:37 or was asked to say,
43:38 that he was the first person
43:41 to submit to Allah SWT?
43:44 If we look,
43:45 among the things that were shared by
43:47 Imam Ibn Ashur
43:49 and the book of Tahrir and Tanwir,
43:51 that this statement was not based on
43:53 claiming that he was the first person to be Muslim.
43:56 But it was based on
43:58 a statement that was meant
44:01 as a statement
44:03 to show the truth
44:05 that he was the person
44:08 who competed
44:10 to show the best Islam.
44:13 The word "awwalu muslimin"
44:15 is not from the point of view
44:17 that he was the first person to be Muslim.
44:20 But it was from the point of view
44:22 that he was the person who tried
44:24 to show the best Islam
44:26 because he was the example
44:28 for the Ummah.
44:29 As we said,
44:31 in the class,
44:32 I was the first person in the class.
44:34 Look, he is sitting in the back.
44:36 It means that he was the best student
44:38 in that class.
44:39 So this statement taught us
44:42 that no matter how we declare
44:44 our Islam,
44:45 no matter how we use the word
44:47 "minal muslimin"
44:48 as if we were a part of the Muslim community,
44:51 but how should we declare Islam?
44:54 And we understand that Islam
44:56 is a form of our declaration.
44:58 Show it as if we want people to see
45:00 that we are the best people
45:02 in our religion.
45:04 Because in our lives today,
45:06 sometimes people are ashamed
45:08 to admit that they are Muslims.
45:10 They are afraid that today's term
45:12 is the best term for Islam.
45:14 But we cannot admit that we are the worst.
45:17 "Nauzubillah minzali"
45:18 We apologize for that term.
45:20 We should be proud
45:22 that we are different from others
45:24 in terms of Islam.
45:25 From our commitment,
45:27 we are committed to hold on.
45:29 And that is what Allah SWT
45:31 asked the Prophet SAW to declare.
45:34 Even though we already know
45:36 that in our reading,
45:38 we recognize ourselves as a part
45:40 of the Muslim community
45:42 that are all committed to Allah.
45:44 But from the point of commitment,
45:46 we should show the best Islam
45:48 so that it can be an example
45:50 for others.
45:51 Allah SWT
45:52 So that is the explanation
45:54 of the term "wa'ana awwalun muslimin"
45:56 at the end of verse 1, 6, 3.
45:58 If we combine "wa'ana minal muslimin",
46:00 we are indeed a part of the Muslim community.
46:03 But we also want to bring
46:05 the best, for example,
46:07 the best piece of Islamic steel
46:09 to our lives.
46:10 And for the best of other people,
46:12 we will get the best Islamic people
46:14 from this verse every day
46:16 in the prayer of iftikhthah.
46:18 The challenge is that
46:20 some people say that
46:22 I am a Muslim at the end.
46:24 Or you go first,
46:26 you are the first,
46:27 I am a bit late.
46:28 That happens a lot
46:30 when we feel that
46:32 the commitment to Islam is
46:34 "al-harfin"
46:35 just on the side.
46:36 The emphasis is given
46:38 in verses 1, 6, 2, 1, 6, 3
46:40 which we repeat as the meaning
46:42 that our Islam needs
46:44 a Muslim who is willing
46:46 to be put forward.
46:48 We put forward and we are proud
46:50 that we are chosen
46:52 as Muslims who will
46:54 continue to do the work
46:56 to show an example
46:58 to the whole world.
47:00 So this is one
47:02 daily declaration
47:04 that we say in the prayer
47:06 of iftikhthah to strengthen our faith
47:08 and hopefully Allah will lead us
47:10 with our iftikhthah.
47:12 Because sometimes the prayer of iftikhthah
47:14 is just a passing by.
47:16 And because it is not
47:18 if the fatiha is strong.
47:20 It is obligatory.
47:22 In the past, I also had that mindset.
47:24 The sunnah does not have weight,
47:26 it does not have something important.
47:28 Apparently, all the words
47:30 in the prayer are something
47:32 that needs to be meant.
47:34 We need to face or read
47:36 with humility, then it will
47:38 give birth to the effect of action
47:40 towards Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
47:42 We pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
47:44 so that our iftikhthah after this,
47:46 after we have learned this surah Al-An'am
47:48 is an iftikhthah that
47:50 is very meaningful, full of
47:52 tawhid and responsibility
47:54 to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
47:56 At the end, we pray with
47:58 the words of Ustaz Shams.
48:00 In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
48:02 All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
48:04 And peace and blessings be upon
48:06 the most honored of the prophets
48:08 and messengers.
48:10 Our prophet Muhammad,
48:12 and upon his family and
48:14 companions.
48:16 O Allah, have mercy on us with the Quran,
48:18 and make it for us
48:20 an imam, a light,
48:22 a guidance, and a mercy.
48:24 O Allah, remind us of them
48:26 that we have been forgotten,
48:28 and teach us from them
48:30 that we have been ignorant.
48:32 And grant us the recitation of it
48:34 at night and
48:36 at the end of the day.
48:38 And make it for us
48:40 a proof, O Lord
48:42 of the worlds.
48:44 O Allah, O
48:46 the one who turns hearts,
48:48 make our hearts firm upon your religion
48:50 and upon your obedience.
48:52 Our Lord, give us in this world
48:54 a good deed, and in the hereafter
48:56 a good deed, and
48:58 protect us from the punishment of the Fire.
49:00 Peace and blessings be upon
49:02 our prophet Muhammad,
49:04 and upon his family and
49:06 companions.
49:08 And all praise is due to Allah, the Lord
49:10 of the worlds.
49:12 Ameen, ameen, ya rabbal 'alamin.
49:14 May Allah accept our
49:16 prayers today, and hopefully
49:18 with the conclusion of Surah Al-An'am,
49:20 we strengthen our
49:22 self-confidence with the declaration
49:24 that we must say in our
49:26 prayer, "Indeed, my prayer
49:28 is to give life and to die
49:30 for Allah, the Lord of the worlds."
49:32 This is what we want to campaign,
49:34 what we want to stir up
49:36 in the movement of Al-Quran.
49:38 The opportunity, dear brothers and sisters, to support, to contribute
49:40 and also to connect the number in the
49:42 call to make sure that what we read
49:44 in our prayer, what we live
49:46 is a response to
49:48 our worship,
49:50 our true faith
49:52 to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
49:54 I would like to thank
49:56 Ustaz Shamsul for being with us today,
49:58 and we have finished today's Ustaz, Surah Al-An'am.
50:00 Tomorrow, inshaAllah,
50:02 Surah Al-A'raf, the seventh Surah.
50:04 If Al-An'am
50:06 Alaillah, related to the
50:08 blessings Allah has brought, we will
50:10 meet with Ayyamillah,
50:12 historical events that
50:14 reveal that Allah has
50:16 helped the people before,
50:18 and has helped us, and has strengthened
50:20 our faith to reach the heaven of Allah
50:22 one day.
50:24 My Quran Time, Quran Salat Imfaq, inshaAllah.
50:26 Allahumma arhamna bilquran
50:34 wa aj'al lana imaman wa nuran
50:40 wahudan wa rahman
50:44 Allahumma dhakirna
50:50 minhuma nasina
50:54 wa allina
50:58 minhuma jahila
51:02 waruzukna tilawatahu
51:10 ana al-layli wa atrafan
51:20 [Music]
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