• last year
00:01:39Chicas, chicas, pasen la pelota hacia abajo.
00:01:42Pelota por abajo.
00:01:44Pasa a Lisa.
00:01:46¿Quién pasa así la pelota?
00:01:48Pasar la pelota por abajo.
00:01:50No dar en la cara.
00:01:53Bien hecho.
00:01:55Buenos días, Olga.
00:01:56Buenos días, Katia.
00:02:01Sí, Katia.
00:02:05Qué bien.
00:02:06Cuánto tiempo.
00:02:08Katia, ¿dónde está tu cámara?
00:02:10¿Nos vas a sacar las fotos hoy?
00:02:12Déjenla tranquila.
00:02:13Váyanse a jugar.
00:02:15No, hoy no.
00:02:17Como acordamos.
00:02:19Sí, chicas.
00:02:20A correr el campo.
00:02:21A jugar, a moverse.
00:02:23Dejen a Katia en paz.
00:02:26Yo también.
00:02:27Olga, Leon y Dovna, ¿el director está?
00:02:29Por supuesto.
00:02:30¿Dónde más va a estar?
00:02:31Está en su oficina.
00:02:34¿Puedo ir contigo?
00:02:35Lisa, Lisa, ¿dónde vas?
00:02:37Katia está con el resto de las niñas.
00:02:39Corre, corre, que estamos en educación física.
00:02:56Cada vez que me marcho, me despides como si me fuera al Polo Norte.
00:03:00No me gusta cuando me dejas sola.
00:03:03No, si me voy solo un día.
00:03:05Voy hacia allá y de vuelta.
00:03:07Cuentas mal, Volodia.
00:03:09Estaré sin ti durante dos días.
00:03:12Está bien.
00:03:13Si no quieres pasar la noche sola, puedes llamar a Katia y que venga a hacerte compañía.
00:03:18¿Qué te parece?
00:03:20Volodia, Katia y yo tenemos un asunto muy serio que hablar contigo.
00:03:25Katia me pidió que hablara contigo, pero quería que nos juntáramos todos y discutirlo en familia.
00:03:32¿Crees que deberíais decírmelo?
00:03:34Sabes, no todos los días tu hija tiene...
00:03:37Asuntos importantes que hablar.
00:03:39Katia decidió dedicar su parte del negocio familiar a la construcción de un nuevo edificio para el internado.
00:03:47En mi opinión es una idea fantástica.
00:03:50Así que eso es lo que ella decidió, ¿eh?
00:03:52Y tú, como siempre, la consientes todo.
00:03:55Está bien, está bien.
00:03:58El resto de las preguntas las veremos en la próxima lección.
00:04:01Se pueden ir.
00:04:04Hola, Katia.
00:04:06He anotado algunas cosas a tener en cuenta para el nuevo edificio.
00:04:09Espero que sirva para algo.
00:04:17Acordamos que tú ibas a presentar todos los documentos.
00:04:21¿No recuerdas que el fin de semana ibas a ir a la fiesta de cumpleaños de mamá?
00:04:24Yo no lo he olvidado, pero no estoy seguro de que sea lo correcto.
00:04:27Estás en fiestas y yo con mis asuntos.
00:04:29Ya he hablado con mi madre y ella se lo comentará a mi padrastro.
00:04:36Esto parece increíble.
00:04:39Llevamos 20 años buscando dinero para un nuevo edificio y nada.
00:04:43Llamamos a todas las puertas y nada.
00:04:45Y de repente apareciste tú.
00:04:48Y haces sesiones de fotos y cumples nuestros sueños.
00:04:54Eres un ángel.
00:04:58Me haces sonrojar.
00:04:59¿Qué clase de ángel seré?
00:05:01El mérito es de mi papá, no el mío.
00:05:03Monto el negocio, me doy una parte.
00:05:07¿Qué pasa con mi petición?
00:05:10Sí, lo siento.
00:05:15Aquí hay una lista completa de los documentos necesarios para adoptar a Lisa.
00:05:19Los entregaré personalmente a las autoridades de tutela para que no haya retrasos.
00:05:23Muchas gracias.
00:05:24¿Me lo llevo?
00:05:25Sí, por supuesto.
00:05:26¿Cuánto tiempo crees que llevará?
00:05:28Quería ir al campo con mi madre y Lisa.
00:05:31Estoy segura de que se llevarán bien.
00:05:35Lo del campo mejor dejémoslo para más tarde.
00:05:38Puedes llevarla a casa y dejarla que conozca a su familia,
00:05:42pero tiene que volver a dormir aquí.
00:05:44Sabes, estas son las reglas.
00:05:47Ah, lo siento.
00:05:54Sí, entiendo. Voy ahora mismo.
00:05:56Disculpa, por favor, tengo que irme.
00:05:58¿Llamaron al médico?
00:06:25¡Buenos días a ti también!
00:06:27Mamá, ¿cómo estás?
00:06:29¿Hija, es el corazón otra vez?
00:06:30No, una pequeña aritmia, pero ya estoy mejor.
00:06:33Estaba preparando a Volodia para el viaje de negocios y me puse nerviosa.
00:06:38Lo de Mirandre, ¿en qué quedamos?
00:06:40Que me avises de tus viajes de antemano para que yo pueda quedarme con mi madre.
00:06:44Y si el ataque hubiera ocurrido cuando ya te habría sido, ¿quién llamaría la ambulancia?
00:06:48Katia, Volodia, ¿qué están haciendo?
00:06:50Es mi culpa, me puse nerviosa.
00:06:52Me quedaría en casa y se me pasaría.
00:06:54Katia, por favor, ¿acaso querías que cancelara una reunión importante?
00:06:57A mí, a diferencia de ti, me importa nuestro negocio.
00:07:00Por favor, no me conviertas en un monstruo.
00:07:02Llamé a la ambulancia, esperé a tu madre.
00:07:04Estuve consolándola.
00:07:05Vaya, se me está haciendo tarde.
00:07:07Adiós, me tengo que ir.
00:07:08Nos vemos.
00:07:09Os llamaré cuando llegue.
00:07:10Sí, Volodia.
00:07:12Lo siento.
00:07:15Katia, tú también tienes que ir a trabajar.
00:07:18Mamá, ¿qué dices?
00:07:19¿Qué trabajo?
00:07:20Me quedaré contigo.
00:07:36Hola, ¿estás en casa?
00:07:39Está bien, voy para allá.
00:07:49Katius, ven aquí.
00:08:02Katius, ¿por qué eres tan dura con Volodia?
00:08:05Me preocupo mucho cuando discuten.
00:08:09Sabes que le ha molestado mucho hoy saber que ya has tomado la decisión.
00:08:14Ha sido mi error.
00:08:15Tuve que contarle todo desde el principio.
00:08:18Y ahora pienso que no confío en él.
00:08:21Mamá, estoy tratando de controlarme con él.
00:08:25Pero me cuesta.
00:08:27Lo siento.
00:08:28Katia, es una buena persona.
00:08:31Y lo siento mucho.
00:08:33Que no lo veas.
00:08:36Sí, estoy muy feliz con él y...
00:08:39Sabes lo desesperada que estaba cuando papá falleció.
00:08:42Volodia, él me salvó.
00:08:45He resucitado gracias a él.
00:08:51San Volodia podría haber cancelado el viaje de negocios para quedarse contigo, ¿verdad?
00:08:59La desesperación habla en ti.
00:09:02Después de la muerte de Timur, todos son enemigos para ti.
00:09:06Aprendiste muy pronto lo que era ser viuda.
00:09:08No voy a discutir.
00:09:10Tu marido era una persona maravillosa.
00:09:14Pero ya han pasado tres años.
00:09:17¿Cuánto tiempo más vas a llorarlo, Katia?
00:09:20¿Qué tipo de ropa es esta?
00:09:22¿Qué son estos vestidos de vieja?
00:09:24Todavía eres joven, Katia.
00:09:25Todavía tienes que vivir y vivir.
00:09:27Mamá, yo uso lo que es cómodo para mí y para mi trabajo.
00:09:31Ya lo hemos hablado.
00:09:33No hablemos de eso.
00:09:35Pero no hablo solo de la ropa.
00:09:37Una mujer no puede estar sin un hombre.
00:09:39Es contra la naturaleza.
00:09:42Y te escondes del mundo detrás de tu cámara.
00:09:44No tienes de qué preocuparte por mí.
00:09:46El día de tu cumpleaños voy a traer a una persona y te la presentaré.
00:09:51¿Y quién es?
00:09:54¿Estás saliendo con alguien?
00:09:56Mamá, esto es una sorpresa.
00:09:58Pero estoy segura de que te gustará.
00:10:00Te lo prometo.
00:10:16Hola, Ira, sí.
00:10:19Sí, en el tren, sí.
00:10:21Sí, pronto estaré en casa.
00:10:23Solo una cosa.
00:10:25Antes de ir a casa, pasaré a comer.
00:10:28Tengo una comida de negocios, ¿entiendes?
00:10:30No me esperéis, llegaré tarde.
00:10:32Adiós, nos vemos.
00:10:34Qué bovic.
00:10:35¿No te deje en paz tu anciana?
00:10:38No quiero.
00:10:41Tienes razón.
00:10:43Si supieras lo cansado que estoy de ella,
00:10:47esta manía que tiene de llamarme siempre me molesta.
00:10:52Yo mismo me sorprendo de todo lo que estoy aguantando.
00:11:00Solo puedo descansar contigo.
00:11:04Si ella se enterara de que no fui a ninguna parte
00:11:07y que veo su ventana desde mi casa.
00:11:10¿Y qué querías?
00:11:11¿Te has casado con una vieja rica?
00:11:13Ten paciencia.
00:11:18Hubo riqueza, ya no la hay.
00:11:20¿Sabes lo que quiere hacer su hija?
00:11:23Quiere gastar su parte en la construcción de un internado.
00:11:26Tirará un montón de dinero.
00:11:28No pasa nada.
00:11:30Ya me verán.
00:11:32No te preocupes por el dinero.
00:11:34Les espera una vida muy feliz.
00:11:39Quizá deberíamos asociarnos con tu salón para este caso.
00:11:44¿Por qué?
00:11:45¿Cómo que por qué?
00:11:47Van a invertir dinero en el internado.
00:11:49Es nuestra oportunidad.
00:11:51Diremos que tú eres el mediador.
00:11:54Solo tenemos que decirle al cliente
00:11:57que transfiera el dinero cuanto antes.
00:12:00Y será nuestro.
00:12:02Sí, Dinochka.
00:12:04Haremos un buen negocio.
00:12:06¿Y qué?
00:12:07¿Vas a robar este dinero?
00:12:08¿Para qué robarlo?
00:12:10Solo quiero una pequeña compensación.
00:12:12Me lo merezco.
00:12:22Aún tenemos que pasar por tu salón.
00:12:25Dejé ahí un regalo para Ira.
00:12:27Tienes que dejármelo en el coche.
00:12:28Venga, vamos.
00:12:29Tenemos que irnos ya.
00:12:42¡Soy la primera!
00:12:43Ten cuidado.
00:12:44No te caigas allí.
00:12:48Vengan, vengan.
00:12:50Yo, yo, yo.
00:12:52Chicas, se los pido,
00:12:53pórtense bien.
00:12:56¿Y quién es este?
00:12:57Se llama Rizek.
00:12:59Ayer ganamos el partido
00:13:00del fútbol femenino.
00:13:02Nos regalaron juguetes
00:13:03y quise regalártelo a ti.
00:13:06Es muy chulo.
00:13:08Lo pondré en mi mochila
00:13:09para que vea todo.
00:13:10Tú ve a comer pastel, bebé.
00:13:14Katia, ¿puedo hablar contigo un minuto?
00:13:16¿Por qué has gastado
00:13:17tanto en comida?
00:13:18¿En comida?
00:13:19¿El pastel lo hice yo?
00:13:22¿Es en serio?
00:13:23Ahora, un segundo.
00:13:25¿Por qué no lo pruebas?
00:13:29¿Te gusta?
00:13:35Es porque es la receta
00:13:36de mi abuela.
00:13:37Hay ciruelas,
00:13:38pasas y nueces.
00:13:39Bueno, ¿qué?
00:13:41Pues dime,
00:13:42¿qué tenemos que hacer ahora?
00:13:43Pon a todas las chicas aquí.
00:13:44Sobre este fondo,
00:13:45entre dos pelotas.
00:13:47¿Todas han comido?
00:13:48¿Están listas?
00:13:50Bueno, ya escucharon.
00:13:52Déjenme que las guíe.
00:13:54Están muy lindas.
00:13:56Lisa, quiero pedirte un favor.
00:13:58Agarra el dinero.
00:13:59Por favor,
00:14:00ve a la tienda de regalos.
00:14:01Aquí, ¿ves?
00:14:02Compra globos.
00:14:03Diez, veinte,
00:14:04de diferentes colores.
00:14:05Lisa, espera.
00:14:06Coge las monedas
00:14:08y dame esto.
00:14:10Listo, vete.
00:14:12¿Qué es esto?
00:14:13Katia, para allá.
00:14:19¿Vamos a poner la luz?
00:14:31Es bonito, ¿cierto?
00:14:36Qué chico más mono.
00:14:39Sí, es lindo.
00:14:40Una pena que esté casado.
00:14:42¿Viste el anillo en su dedo?
00:14:44¿Cuándo eso ha sido un obstáculo?
00:14:48Chicas, por favor.
00:14:50Su regalo está listo.
00:14:52Y tienes razón sobre el chico.
00:14:54está casado.
00:14:56¿Es su esposo?
00:14:58¿Quién nos tiraría de la lengua?
00:15:00Lo siento.
00:15:02¿No pudo encontrarse
00:15:03a alguien más decente?
00:15:04Oye, guapa.
00:15:13Qué globos más bonitos.
00:15:22Hola, Dina Vasilievna.
00:15:24Hola, Teoma.
00:15:25Sí, Luda.
00:15:27Será suficiente hasta el fin de semana.
00:15:29Luego te traeré más.
00:15:30La cajita está en su lugar.
00:15:31Envuélvemelo rápido,
00:15:32que tengo mucha prisa.
00:15:34Teoma, ¿me lo acercas a Esperanto?
00:15:36Sí, claro, por supuesto.
00:15:39Más rápido, date prisa.
00:15:45Dina, vamos, vamos.
00:15:47Ya voy, Bobik.
00:15:49Llegamos tarde.
00:15:50¿Por qué estás enfadado?
00:15:51Ahora te traen ese regalo todo yo.
00:15:53Dina Vasilievna, ya está lista.
00:15:57Llegar tarde no es nada bueno.
00:15:58¿Qué te pasa?
00:15:59¿Qué te pasa?
00:16:00Más globos.
00:16:01Más, más, más, por favor.
00:16:02Y se separaron.
00:16:03Se separaron un poco.
00:16:04¿Quién es el más divertido aquí?
00:16:06¿Quién es el más divertido?
00:16:08Sí, levanten las manos.
00:16:10Agarremos lluvia.
00:16:11Atrapemos, atrapemos la lluvia.
00:16:14¿Me acercas?
00:16:18Y ahora vamos a bajar los brazos.
00:16:20Hacer las caras muy, muy serias.
00:16:22Muy serias.
00:16:23Muy serias.
00:16:33Quiero una foto con mi esposo.
00:16:35Que se parezca un cuadro.
00:16:37¿Sería posible?
00:16:39¿Para cuándo lo quieres?
00:16:42Dentro de una semana.
00:16:44Hay una dieta.
00:16:45Estar una semana con kefir y manzanas.
00:16:47Así te adelgaza la cara.
00:16:49Ya sabe.
00:16:51Qué buenas fotos tiene.
00:16:52¿Están a la venta?
00:16:53Yo las compraría.
00:16:55Son de mi hermano, pero no decido sobre ellas, por desgracia.
00:17:00Ah, le preguntaremos a ella.
00:17:02Una pregunta.
00:17:03Dígame las fotos.
00:17:04¿Están a la venta?
00:17:05Las compraría.
00:17:06No, lamentablemente no están a la venta.
00:17:08Pero hay otras similares en el catálogo.
00:17:10Puedes coger.
00:17:11Sabina, un momento.
00:17:14Para el futuro, las fotos de Timur no están a la venta.
00:17:20¿Te enseño el catálogo?
00:17:53Katia, no me oyes.
00:17:55La clienta ha escogido dos carteles, pero queda poca tinta en la impresora.
00:17:59Voy a cambiarla.
00:18:00Si necesitas algo urgente para imprimir, hazlo ya.
00:18:03Tengo algo urgente.
00:18:12Hola, mamá.
00:18:13Hola, hija.
00:18:15Dime, ¿tu bolodia ya ha regresado del viaje de negocios?
00:18:18En el tren de día, como siempre.
00:18:22¿Y cuándo es el tren?
00:18:23A la una y media.
00:18:24¿Quieres hablar con Bolodia?
00:18:26Si es urgente, llámalo.
00:18:27Ahora está en la obra.
00:18:29Es sobre el internado.
00:18:30Te lo contaré todo más tarde.
00:18:32Todo va según lo previsto, Vladimir Andreevich.
00:18:34Pedimos una carrilla en Italia y pinturas para las fachadas.
00:18:37Deberían traerlos para final de mes.
00:18:40Tan pronto como lo consigamos, terminamos y entregaremos el trabajo.
00:18:44Espera un momento.
00:18:45¿Pero por qué compras en Italia?
00:18:47¿Es que acaso nuestros materiales son peores?
00:18:49Para el revestimiento trabajamos con productos italianos.
00:18:51Siempre ha sido así.
00:18:53Así quería el propietario anterior.
00:18:55Ya veo.
00:18:56Solo producto italiano, ¿da?
00:18:57No trabajamos con otros.
00:18:59Oye, será mejor que no me alecciones.
00:19:02Cancela el pedido.
00:19:04Y cómpralo nuestro.
00:19:05Y que sea barato, ¿entendido?
00:19:07Te doy tres semanas.
00:19:09Si no cumples el plazo, te quitaré el premio.
00:19:12Os quitaré a todos el premio.
00:19:14¿Cómo diga?
00:19:15Por supuesto que sí.
00:19:16Ah, viene a verme.
00:19:17¿Es Katia?
00:19:18Así es.
00:19:19Hace mucho tiempo que no la veo.
00:19:20Antes venía mucho con su padre.
00:19:22Ey, déjala pasar.
00:19:24Katia, hola.
00:19:25Buenas tardes.
00:19:27¿Se puede saber por qué estás tan triste?
00:19:29¿Es porque tu madre tiene arritmia y crees que es culpa mía?
00:19:39Saqué esta foto por la mañana.
00:19:41En ese momento cuando supuestamente estabas en un viaje de negocios.
00:19:45Siempre supe que engañabas a mamá, pero ahora tengo pruebas.
00:19:49Sí, interesante.
00:19:51¿Hace cuánto que me sigues?
00:19:53Ya sabía que eras fotógrafa, pero resulta que eres paparazzi, ¿eh?
00:19:57No te he seguido.
00:19:58Tuve una sesión de fotos en el parque y estabas tan entretenido que ni siquiera me viste.
00:20:03¿Se lo dices tú a mamá o debería hacerlo yo?
00:20:06Katia, Katia.
00:20:08Solo sabes crear problemas.
00:20:09¿Por qué no puedes simplemente vivir, eh?
00:20:12Primero decides gastar millones en huérfanos.
00:20:14Y ahora me vienes con esta maldita foto.
00:20:20¿Sabes que puedo imprimir más, no?
00:20:24Se lo enseñaré a mi madre de todos modos.
00:20:27¿Por qué no se puede engañar a la gente que te cree?
00:20:30Eso es asqueroso.
00:20:31Bolodia, haz las maletas.
00:20:38¿Qué ha pasado?
00:20:39¿Qué hay ahí?
00:20:40¿Alguien ha caído?
00:20:42Llame a una ambulancia.
00:20:44Le admiran de ver.
00:20:45Muy bien, tú no has visto nada.
00:20:47Tienes que hacer como si nada.
00:20:49Te pagaré, ¿entiendes?
00:20:50Te pagaré muy bien.
00:20:51Pero Katia...
00:20:52¿Qué pasa con Katia?
00:20:53Está viva, ¿no lo ves?
00:20:55Haremos lo siguiente.
00:20:56Todo esto fue un accidente, ¿lo comprendes?
00:20:58Si dices lo contrario, te meteré en la cárcel.
00:21:00¿Te queda claro?
00:21:01Incumpliste las medidas de seguridad.
00:21:03¿Qué hace gente sin casco andando por el medio de la obra, eh?
00:21:06¿Lo entendiste, eh?
00:21:08No diré nada.
00:21:10Y otra cosa más.
00:21:11Escribe ahora mismo la solicitud de despide.
00:21:13Yo te llevaré el dinero luego.
00:21:15Si no podías aguantar la situación y te fuiste,
00:21:17te llevaré el dinero por la tarde.
00:21:19Esta tarde lo tendrás todo, te lo prometo.
00:21:24Venga, muchachos.
00:21:25Qué hacen quietos.
00:21:26Póngase a trabajar.
00:21:27Esto no es un circo.
00:21:28Venga, vamos, vamos.
00:21:29Malditos vagos.
00:21:34Tiene la tensión bajada.
00:21:35Cualquier cosa, llámeme de inmediato.
00:21:37Muchas gracias.
00:21:38Volodya, ¿cómo es posible?
00:21:42No tengo palabras.
00:21:44¿Cómo la permitieron entrar en la obra sin casco?
00:21:46Violaron las medidas de seguridad.
00:21:48No puedo creerlo.
00:21:50Yo estaba lejos, pero cuando me di la vuelta...
00:21:54No te preocupes.
00:21:55El culpable ya fue castigado.
00:21:57¿Por qué no te advertí?
00:21:59Me llamó antes de ir a la obra.
00:22:00Te estaba buscando.
00:22:01¿Por qué lo hacía?
00:22:02No lo sé.
00:22:04Cariño, ¿quieres que te lleve a casa?
00:22:06Mira lo pálida que estás.
00:22:08Llegas a casa, te tomas tus pastillas y descansarás.
00:22:11Me quedo mientras hablaré con los médicos y veré qué tal está ella, si la podemos visitar.
00:22:16No iré a casa.
00:22:17Me volveré loca y...
00:22:27Les pido disculpas.
00:22:28Soy familia de Aselina.
00:22:30¿Cómo está?
00:22:33Heridas leves recibidas durante la caída.
00:22:36Tendrá que andar un par de semanas con un yeso en la pierna.
00:22:39Pero eso no es lo más grave.
00:22:41Hay problemas más serios.
00:22:43Hubo un fuerte golpe en la cabeza.
00:22:45Hicimos una resonancia magnética y un examen.
00:22:48La paciente tiene amnesia selectiva.
00:22:51Además, también una pérdida parcial de memoria.
00:22:55Ella no recuerda los sucesos del último año.
00:22:57Pueden acompañarme.
00:23:12¿Por qué me están engañando?
00:23:14¿Por qué pusieron aquí el calendario del próximo año?
00:23:18Diles que lo guarden, mamá.
00:23:20Dios, Katia.
00:23:22Le he dado a su hija una inyección de sedantes.
00:23:25Dormirá durante varias horas.
00:23:27Doctor, ¿se va a recuperar?
00:23:29¿Algún procedimiento?
00:23:31Tengo contactos.
00:23:32Haremos cualquier cosa.
00:23:33Nosotros haremos lo mejor.
00:23:35Pero la experiencia nos dice que cada caso de amnesia es único y diferente.
00:23:40La mediación solo es una parte de la terapia.
00:23:43El cerebro reaccionará mejor si hay pistas sobre el pasado.
00:23:47Coja su teléfono.
00:23:48Mire las fotos con ella.
00:23:50Con calma, revisen todo.
00:23:52Lean mensajes.
00:23:54Tal vez reaccione a algo.
00:23:56Recetaré unos medicamentos.
00:23:58No hay problema con eso.
00:24:01recetamos los medicamentos de aquí, pero en su caso...
00:24:04los importados y probados son los mejores.
00:24:07Pueden comprarlos online.
00:24:14Volodya, ¿qué estás haciendo?
00:24:16¿Qué ocurre?
00:24:17Estoy buscando su teléfono.
00:24:22¿Qué es eso?
00:24:25Sí, esto...
00:24:26Sabes, Katia...
00:24:28es una traviesa.
00:24:30nos sacó una foto.
00:24:32A escondidas, sin permiso.
00:24:34¿Quién es él?
00:24:38Ven conmigo, yo te cuento.
00:24:41Es su prometido.
00:24:43Ella me lo presentó a mí.
00:24:45Quería presentártelo en el día de tu cumpleaños.
00:24:49Así es.
00:24:50Y aquí estábamos eligiendo el mejor regalo para él.
00:24:54Katia estaba...
00:24:55haciendo unas fotos, no muy lejos.
00:24:58Menos mal que me dio tiempo a guardar el regalo en la bolsa.
00:25:00Se hubiera arruinado la sorpresa.
00:25:02Todo salió bien.
00:25:03Me parece un chico simpático.
00:25:04No sabe nada de Katia.
00:25:06Tengo que llamarlo.
00:25:08Me pregunto cómo lo tendrá grabado en su teléfono.
00:25:12El teléfono está roto.
00:25:14No funciona.
00:25:15Por supuesto que no funciona.
00:25:17Le llamaré desde el mío.
00:25:18Yo tengo su teléfono.
00:25:20¿Qué pasa?
00:25:21Le llamaré desde el mío.
00:25:22Yo tengo su teléfono.
00:25:23Y si le llamas tú...
00:25:24podrías asustarlo.
00:25:26Ya sabes cómo reaccionas.
00:25:30No hay señal.
00:25:31Saldré afuera y lo intentaré desde ahí.
00:25:51Ahí incluso es peor.
00:25:52Saldré a la calle y le llamaré desde afuera.
00:25:54Y de paso compraré...
00:25:55un nuevo teléfono para Katia.
00:25:57Un regalo.
00:25:58Gracias, cariño.
00:25:59No hay de qué.
00:26:00Nos vemos.
00:26:01Enseguida vuelvo.
00:26:07¿Y qué?
00:26:09Si Dios quiere, todo se solucionará.
00:26:11Todo saldrá bien.
00:26:16Habla más alto.
00:26:17Tienes que regresar al salón de inmediato.
00:26:19Te lo explicaré todo allá.
00:26:27Iroshka, hola.
00:26:28Ya encontré a nuestro prometido.
00:26:30Conseguí llamarle.
00:26:31Voy a buscarlo, así que pronto estaremos por ahí.
00:26:35Timoshka, tú mismo decías que necesitabas dinero para la cirugía de Sergey.
00:26:39¿Cuánto necesitabas?
00:26:40Vovik Tolodara, dime cuánto.
00:26:42¿Qué están diciendo?
00:26:43¿Se han vuelto locos?
00:26:44¿Qué me ofrecen?
00:26:45Ya les dije que no.
00:26:46Además, ya estoy casado.
00:26:47Escucha, chico.
00:26:48Nadie te está diciendo que te cases con ella.
00:26:50Solo tienes que ir una vez conmigo al hospital.
00:26:53Hacer ahí lo que te pida y listo.
00:26:55Estarás libre y con dinero.
00:26:56¿Qué más quieres?
00:26:57Me niego a hacerlo.
00:26:59Volodya, espera.
00:27:15No entiendo por qué lo estás rechazando, Boba.
00:27:17Te ofrece mucho dinero.
00:27:22Está bien.
00:27:24Está bien.
00:27:25Pero no le digas nada a mi mujer.
00:27:26Si no, me mata.
00:27:27¿Y por qué iba a hacerlo?
00:27:28Cuanto menos sepa, mejor.
00:27:29Le diré que tienes que venir conmigo.
00:27:31Ya sé.
00:27:32Diremos que le vamos a felicitar a esta, la jefe de la inspección, ¿vale?
00:27:35Le tomamos un ramo de flores.
00:27:37Lo haces por tu hijo.
00:28:12Katiush, hijo.
00:28:13Estoy aquí.
00:28:19Katiusha, adivina quién viene ahora.
00:28:23Volodya le contó todo y ya están de camino hacia aquí.
00:28:26¿Y quién es Artyom?
00:28:28Pues no lo conocía hasta hoy.
00:28:30Eres tan reservada, Katiusha.
00:28:32Artyom es tu prometido.
00:28:36¿Por qué dices eso?
00:28:38¿Qué Artyom?
00:28:40Mamá, ¿qué pasa con Timur?
00:28:42¿Qué Timur?
00:28:43Timur es cosa del pasado, Katiusha.
00:28:45La vida continúa.
00:28:47Artyom te ayudará, Katiusha.
00:28:50El médico dice que ahora no puedes estar sola.
00:28:53Te llevamos a nuestra casa, ¿te parece?
00:28:55O dime si prefieres que Artyom te cuide.
00:28:57No, por supuesto que no quiero que Artyom me cuide.
00:29:01No quiero a ningún extraño a mi lado.
00:29:03Ay no, Katiusha, no digas así.
00:29:05No es un extraño.
00:29:06Si lo has elegido tú misma.
00:29:23Buenos días.
00:29:24¿Puedo hablar con Katia?
00:29:26¿Quién pregunta por ella?
00:29:29Soy Kirill, el director del orfanato.
00:29:38No entiendo.
00:29:39No entiendo.
00:30:05Quita esa mierda de mi vista.
00:30:07Sí, por supuesto.
00:30:24¿Y qué le escribo?
00:30:39Ahora envíaselo.
00:30:46Escúchame, socio.
00:30:48Tienes que memorizar una pequeña biografía.
00:30:50Katerina Ivanovna Karilina.
00:30:52Tienes que saberlo al pie de la letra.
00:30:54Para no pinchar.
00:30:55¿Está claro?
00:30:56Sí, sí, claro.
00:31:01Está bien, repasemos de nuevo.
00:31:03¿Cómo se llamaba su marido?
00:31:05Era fotógrafo, como Katia.
00:31:07¿Cómo murió?
00:31:08Mientras conducía un quad.
00:31:09Tuvo un accidente y no pudieron salvarlo.
00:31:13Quítate la insignia.
00:31:15Sí, por supuesto.
00:31:21Y el anillo.
00:31:35Que Dios te salve.
00:31:39Chicas, hemos llegado.
00:31:44Entra, entra, pasa.
00:31:49Hola, Irina.
00:31:50Soy Artyom.
00:31:53Gracias, Artyom.
00:31:54De verdad, lamento mucho que nos conozcamos en estas circunstancias.
00:31:57Pensábamos hacerlo en su cumpleaños, ¿sabe?
00:32:01Así que eres Artyom.
00:32:02Te estábamos esperando, ¿verdad, Katyusha?
00:32:08Hola, Katia.
00:32:09Veo que te metiste en problemas sin mí.
00:32:13¿Tampoco me recuerdas?
00:32:20Disculpen, ¿podríamos quedarnos a solas?
00:32:22Sí, por supuesto.
00:32:24Katyusha, Volodya y yo te compramos un teléfono nuevo.
00:32:27Tu viejo se ha roto.
00:32:29¿Qué pasa, mi niña?
00:32:47Si quieres que me vaya y desaparezca por completo de tu vida,
00:32:52dímelo si tú quieres.
00:32:54Será duro, pero lo comprenderé.
00:32:57¿Cómo nos conocimos?
00:32:59¿Cómo nos conocimos?
00:33:02Hace poco, unos seis meses.
00:33:05Estabas en el parque haciendo una sesión de fotos.
00:33:08Te invité a tomar un café.
00:33:13¿Por qué no te he presentado todavía con mi familia?
00:33:17¿No crees que es un poco extraño?
00:33:25Es todo por timor.
00:33:28Sé lo difícil que resulta iniciar una nueva relación después de su muerte.
00:33:32No quería apresurarme.
00:33:34Volodya, miro con qué gusto se eligió el ramo.
00:33:37Los hombres no suelen tener un buen gusto para esto.
00:33:41Cómo me gusta este Artyom.
00:33:43¿Has notado cómo se comporta?
00:33:45Me pregunto cómo será su familia.
00:33:58¿Artyom a dónde va?
00:34:00Katia dijo que estaba cansada y quería dormir.
00:34:03¿Habló con ella?
00:34:05Lo intenté, pero no funcionó.
00:34:08Soy un extraño para ella, la asusto.
00:34:11No debería ser así, lo siento, me voy.
00:34:14¿Pero cómo que se va?
00:34:16No, Artyom.
00:34:18Usted es nuestra única esperanza.
00:34:20Ella al final le recordará.
00:34:22Katia lo necesita.
00:34:24Por primera vez en tres años la vi sonreír cuando oí que ha habido cambios en su vida.
00:34:29Artyom, no le soltaré.
00:34:31Si quiere, me arrodillaré ante usted.
00:34:34¿Qué está diciendo? No haga eso.
00:34:36Por favor, perdone a Katia.
00:34:38Ve cómo está, hablaré con ella.
00:34:40Artyom, tal vez puedas intentarlo de nuevo.
00:34:51Está bien, lo intentaré de nuevo.
00:34:54Vamos, nos sentaremos aquí y me contará todo de usted mientras Katia duerme.
00:34:59Excelente, pues.
00:35:01Yo les dejaré aquí solos y mientras me iré a trabajar me esperan allá.
00:35:07Debo retirarme.
00:35:09Sí, Bolodia, sí.
00:35:11Ve y Artyom me llevará.
00:35:13¿Vino usted en auto?
00:35:15Por desgracia, mi coche está lejos.
00:35:17No hay problema, llamaremos un taxi.
00:35:19Está bien, seguimos en contacto.
00:35:21Sí, Bolodia.
00:35:22Te amo.
00:35:52Ya veo.
00:36:22¿Pero qué es esto?
00:36:24Tenías que haber visto la cara que puso ese idiota.
00:36:28Quería arrodillarse.
00:36:30Qué drama.
00:36:32Deberían contratarla en el teatro.
00:36:36Oye, lo importante es que Artyom no diga nada de lo que no debe.
00:36:41¿Y qué hacer?
00:36:43¿Qué hará?
00:36:45¿Qué hará?
00:36:47¿Qué hará?
00:36:49¿Qué hará?
00:36:50No diga nada de lo que no debe.
00:36:52¿Y qué hacer ahora, Bobik?
00:36:54Tranquila, no pasa nada.
00:36:56Si ha mostrado la debilidad una vez, lo hará más veces.
00:36:58Ofrécele dinero y aceptará.
00:37:00Yo lo pagaré.
00:37:02Todo esto nos compensa.
00:37:04Mientras él está con Irka, podemos arreglar nuestros asuntos.
00:37:07Por Dios, ¿y qué le diré a su mujer?
00:37:09Amor mío, invéntate lo que sea.
00:37:11Para eso somos socios.
00:37:13Yo ya tengo mis problemas.
00:37:15Está bien, adiós.
00:37:17Un beso.
00:37:20Un beso.
00:37:30Adiós, adiós.
00:37:34¿Por qué estoy sola? ¿Dónde se ha perdido mi marido?
00:37:37Oludog, no te lo imaginas.
00:37:39¡Qué suerte hemos tenido!
00:37:41No te imaginas, hubo tanta gente importante.
00:37:44En fin, hablando con uno,
00:37:46me enteré que un local está en alquiler justo en la zona donde yo quería.
00:37:52¿Y qué?
00:37:57Teoma y yo fuimos ahí a reservarlo.
00:37:59Él está negociando con ellos ahora.
00:38:01¿Y no pudo llamar a su esposa?
00:38:04¿Por qué?
00:38:06Me preocupo.
00:38:08¿Por qué preocuparse?
00:38:10Tres semanas para poner el sitio bonito y ya está.
00:38:12Y a Teoma le daré un premio extra.
00:38:14¿Te parece?
00:38:16¿Por qué te enfadas, Luda?
00:38:19¿Me quedaré sola aquí a trabajar?
00:38:22¿Cómo que sola? ¿Y yo qué?
00:38:24Por cierto, en esta situación ya me hanca de vacaciones.
00:38:27Empieza mañana.
00:38:29Venga, vete, vete.
00:38:35Buenas tardes.
00:38:37¿Cómo puedo ayudarle?
00:38:38Necesito un juego de copas.
00:38:40Ahí hay uno de los azules.
00:38:42Venga, a trabajar.
00:38:44Es cristal, chico.
00:38:47Ah, ni siquiera sé cómo puedo ayudarle.
00:38:50Katia no guarda nada de eso aquí.
00:38:53Sabes, los doctores dijeron que trajera cualquier cosa que pudiera ayudar.
00:38:57¿No recuerda nada en absoluto?
00:39:00Tiene amnesia parcial.
00:39:02Algunas cosas sí, otras no.
00:39:04A ti, sin embargo, te recuerda.
00:39:05Sí, Katia además pidió que cambies la sesión de fotos para otro día.
00:39:09Ya te imaginas en qué estado se encuentra.
00:39:12Claro, no estará para el trabajo.
00:39:14Vaya historia.
00:39:17Eh, no, no sé qué más.
00:39:20Vete, vete, yo puedo echar el vistazo solo.
00:39:35¿Encontraste algo?
00:39:37No, no lo creo.
00:39:39Nada especial.
00:39:45Me llevo esto.
00:39:47Tal vez lo recuerde.
00:39:49Oh, vaya.
00:39:51Llego tarde.
00:39:53¿Quién es?
00:39:55¿Quién es?
00:39:57¿Quién es?
00:39:59¿Quién es?
00:40:01¿Quién es?
00:40:03¿Quién es?
00:40:05Voy a llegar tarde.
00:40:07Espera, Katia me pidió que grabara unas fotos en un pincho.
00:40:10What are you doing here?
00:40:38Kirill Sergeyevich, I don't have time for anything.
00:40:41And it's very important for me to make a gift.
00:40:44Katea's mother's birthday is this Sunday.
00:40:48I can't go there empty-handed.
00:40:51By the way, Katea also invited me.
00:40:56It's good that we're together.
00:40:59Because I'm only afraid.
00:41:01What do you think?
00:41:03Do you think they'll like it?
00:41:05With that gift, of course.
00:41:07Let's just do this.
00:41:08We have to keep the edge.
00:41:10You'll have time to finish it tomorrow.
00:41:12And now go to sleep, okay?
00:41:28Let me keep it and that's it.
00:41:30Yes, keep it.
00:41:32Kirill Sergeyevich.
00:41:34Turn around and don't look.
00:41:36I don't want him to know where my secret place is.
00:41:40Okay, hide it.
00:41:49You can look now.
00:41:52Let's go.
00:42:02Girls are so cunning.
00:42:04They don't want to do anything themselves.
00:42:06And they steal from me.
00:42:14Sergei, please, son.
00:42:16Let's go home.
00:42:17Mom is tired.
00:42:19Her legs hurt.
00:42:22I'll wait for my father.
00:42:23It's late.
00:42:27Mom, it's dad.
00:42:37Why aren't you at home?
00:42:38Don't you have keys?
00:42:39I wish.
00:42:42Someone has me here for two hours now.
00:42:44He says, I don't want to go home until dad arrives.
00:42:46Who would he have inherited that disgusting character from?
00:42:49It's clear who.
00:42:50Oh yeah?
00:42:51From you.
00:42:55Did you forget your wedding ring?
00:42:57I forgot it.
00:43:01I was fixing the car and I took it off.
00:43:05You took it off?
00:43:07Come on, let's go.
00:43:28Lisa, I'm sorry.
00:43:30I loved you.
00:43:33Lisa, I'm sorry.
00:43:41I'm going to give you an injection, okay?
00:43:44You had a bad dream.
00:43:46I was asking someone for forgiveness.
00:43:49Yeah, I don't remember.
00:43:51A man said.
00:43:52I think Lisa.
00:43:57I don't know any Lisa.
00:44:01Everything will be fine.
00:44:21Can you cut more sausages?
00:44:22No, thanks.
00:44:23I don't want to.
00:44:24Cut for you and Sergei.
00:44:25So we have those.
00:44:29I don't know.
00:44:31I have a bad feeling.
00:44:32I don't like that the aunt is separating us.
00:44:34And if she wants to send you to that place forever.
00:44:37Liuda, I already told you.
00:44:39It will be three weeks and we will have money for the operation.
00:44:41Even more.
00:44:42We can pay the mortgage.
00:44:45Tima, for what mortgage?
00:44:46Wait, we've already talked about it.
00:44:48What are we going to do?
00:44:50That we would go to the city to improve Sergei's health.
00:44:53I'm not going to stay here.
00:44:54After the operation it's over.
00:44:55Home, to the town.
00:44:57Do you want to work for four cents and eat bread and water?
00:45:00I don't want to.
00:45:01We'll operate on the boy and we'll stay here.
00:45:05In the end we'll get them fixed.
00:45:09I don't know.
00:45:11You were a respected person in the town.
00:45:13You were the director of the house of culture.
00:45:15And here what?
00:45:16A lawyer who sells flowers?
00:45:17I don't know.
00:45:20And after all we have our own house there.
00:45:23The garden, the people.
00:45:24They are all family and friends.
00:45:29Here we will have everything.
00:45:30Even better.
00:45:33Apartment, car and a good school for Sergei.
00:45:36At least he has a good life.
00:45:39Yes, you're right.
00:45:41But here in the city people somehow become very selfish and evil.
00:45:45Look at my aunt.
00:45:47What did she say?
00:45:48I will go to the city, I will get married, I will have children.
00:45:51And now?
00:45:53She's with a married man.
00:45:54And half the people in the city are like Dina.
00:45:58And be careful with women like that in the new place.
00:46:04Serioga, come have breakfast.
00:46:08Here, eat bread.
00:46:10Straight back.
00:46:23Did you call Katia?
00:46:25I haven't got it.
00:46:26Not calling or sending messages.
00:46:28I hope nothing happened to her.
00:46:31I'll try with the street phone.
00:46:33Wait for me here.
00:46:35We've been waiting for two hours.
00:47:04Hello, Katia.
00:47:06We're waiting for you at the boarding school.
00:47:10Excuse me, but who are you?
00:47:14I'm Kirill.
00:47:16I'm calling from a cabin because your phone stops cutting my calls.
00:47:23Kirill, you know what's going on.
00:47:25You and I probably know each other, but I don't remember you.
00:47:29Please remind me who you are.
00:47:33What? I don't understand.
00:47:35Come on, I want to talk to Katia.
00:47:38You can put me on the phone with her.
00:47:40I'm Katia.
00:47:41Katia, it's me.
00:47:43You must have had something to do with me.
00:47:45Please remind me who you are.
00:47:52You know, I don't have any.
00:47:55I'm sorry to have bothered you.
00:48:07Are you Flores?
00:48:08Do they give you a lift?
00:48:09That's right.
00:48:10We'll talk later.
00:48:13I have a question.
00:48:15Do you know anything about a boarding school?
00:48:18I just got a call from there.
00:48:20And they told me they were waiting for me.
00:48:24No, I have no idea.
00:48:27I didn't get involved in your business.
00:48:34And Sabina?
00:48:35Sabina, she...
00:48:37Are we still working?
00:48:38Sabina, Timur's sister?
00:48:40Yes, she's still in the classroom.
00:48:46Then I'll ask her...
00:49:08Hi, Katia!
00:49:11Hi, Sabina.
00:49:13Tell me, please.
00:49:15I had something to do with a boarding school today.
00:49:22Yes, that's me.
00:49:23You sponsor it.
00:49:24The plans...
00:49:25Not for today, nothing.
00:49:27Cancel everything for Irina Alexandrova's birthday.
00:49:31Damn it!
00:49:32I'm sorry, I forgot.
00:49:34It's okay.
00:49:37How are you doing?
00:49:39Can you handle it without me?
00:49:41Nothing, fine.
00:49:44I'll call you later.
00:49:47Well, okay.
00:49:49Oh, God.
00:49:52Okay, let's see.
00:49:54Let me help you with things.
00:49:55Come on, let's go.
00:49:56No, I don't need help.
00:49:58Let me...
00:49:59It's not necessary, thank you.
00:50:01Wait, please.
00:50:38Lisa, sit down.
00:50:42Sit down, please.
00:50:47Let's see.
00:50:51I talked to Katia and...
00:50:54She doesn't want to come.
00:50:58I don't believe you.
00:51:00Katia has promised me.
00:51:04Katia has promised me.
00:51:16Has she changed her mind?
00:51:20Well, to understand what it was about, I already talked to her.
00:51:24It seemed like she was talking to a stranger.
00:51:33But don't think badly of her.
00:51:35You know, not everyone dares to adopt a child from another person.
00:51:40Katia got scared and decided to end the relationship.
00:51:45And that's better than giving the child back.
00:51:52Did you lose something?
00:51:54I left my phone at the office.
00:51:56Maybe I'll change my mind and call.
00:51:57Yes, run, run, look for it.
00:52:00Well, girls, let's go, let's go.
00:52:09What do you say, my friend?
00:52:11They told you she wouldn't come, so she won't come.
00:52:15Shall we have lunch?
00:52:17Katia will take me anyway.
00:52:20What am I going to do with you?
00:52:23Okay, you stay here.
00:52:27I'm going to work, but I want to see you at the table for lunch.
00:52:31Without complaining.
00:52:34Look at me.
00:52:47Volodya, the children have arrived.
00:52:58We were waiting for you.
00:53:02Hello, good morning.
00:53:03Happy birthday.
00:53:05Thank you, Artyom.
00:53:06Mom, congratulations.
00:53:07Thank you, my heart.
00:53:08There's no place for that, but I'll think of something.
00:53:11Take it off, what are you waiting for?
00:53:12Let me help you.
00:53:13Help me.
00:53:14It's been a long time since men have been in charge here in the kitchen.
00:53:28Girls, don't run.
00:53:37Didn't he call you?
00:53:40Where's Lisa?
00:53:41Lisa is sitting in the room, waiting.
00:53:43I'm going to talk to her.
00:53:44Talk to her, Kirill Sergeyevich.
00:53:48What's up?
00:53:49Stop right now.
00:53:50Kirill Sergeyevich, she's started.
00:53:52Let's get out of here.
00:53:53Take her.
00:53:57Tell me what happened.
00:53:59They laughed at me.
00:54:01They said no one needed me.
00:54:04Katya doesn't need me either, does she?
00:54:16Well, here's our gift.
00:54:24How cute.
00:54:30Well, tell me, do you like it?
00:54:32A lot.
00:54:34God, how beautiful, thank you, thank you.
00:54:38Did Artyom choose it too?
00:54:40Of course, he chose it, I was just by his side.
00:54:43Artyom, a toast.
00:54:45Come on, young man, toast.
00:54:47Let's see.
00:54:51Irina Alexandrovna, I would like to write poems for you,
00:54:55but unfortunately I don't have such a gift,
00:54:57so I will recite Omar Khayyam.
00:55:01Wow, I'm very nervous.
00:55:06A flower must be presented,
00:55:09a poem must be completed,
00:55:11and a beloved woman must be happy.
00:55:14Otherwise, it is not worth assuming something that is beyond her power.
00:55:19I thank you for Katya and wish her a happy birthday.
00:55:22Happy birthday.
00:55:24Thank you.
00:55:27Artyom, it has been very moving.
00:55:30Volodia, you should learn.
00:55:32It's too late for me, love.
00:55:36You're good.
00:55:38Mom loves poetry.
00:55:40My dear appetizers, salads,
00:55:42I will look for the Cajun dishes.
00:55:44No, no, leave me, it's his birthday.
00:55:46No, Artyom, I'll go.
00:55:47Let him help if he wants.
00:55:48Why do you stop the initiative?
00:55:50He's in the oven.
00:55:52Katyusha is so polite.
00:55:54Now I understand why you fell in love with him.
00:55:56Mom, please.
00:55:58I fell, I fell, but I approve it.
00:56:02I'll help you.
00:56:05Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen,
00:56:08the meat.
00:56:10Artyom, what about your job?
00:56:12What perspectives do you have?
00:56:14Honestly, I have no perspective.
00:56:16Stability is enough.
00:56:18And why don't you work in our company?
00:56:21Volodia will find you a good position.
00:56:24We will provide you with a decent salary.
00:56:26What do you say, Katyusha?
00:56:29Let Artyom decide.
00:56:31No, it's not necessary.
00:56:32It would be uncomfortable.
00:56:33My love, Artyom does not have professional training.
00:56:36If I remember correctly, he worked in the culture sector.
00:56:40That's right, I'm a director of the National Theater.
00:56:44Well, what can this guy do at the construction company?
00:56:48Organize a dance?
00:56:51But you don't have professional training either.
00:56:54And this does not prevent you, a former soldier,
00:56:57direct the company that my father had founded,
00:56:59a professional architect.
00:57:08Today's earnings.
00:57:13In the morning, Artyom took one more bouquet of flowers.
00:57:16Okay, deduct it from the balance.
00:57:25Curiously, my husband takes bouquets of flowers every day,
00:57:28and I thought he was repairing the place.
00:57:31Luda, you're like a little girl.
00:57:33Until they give us a license for repair,
00:57:35do you know how many papers we need?
00:57:37And who gives them?
00:57:38Some fat old ladies.
00:57:39And who will they give them to before me?
00:57:41Or a nice man with flowers.
00:57:43Come in, smile, give flowers, and the paper is ready.
00:57:48I don't know.
00:57:49It seems to me that you and Kiuma are hiding something from me.
00:57:52Well, where is the place?
00:57:53I would go there on a weekend with Seriorki
00:57:55so that he can see his son in broad daylight.
00:57:57As if you didn't know where it is.
00:57:59No, Kiuma didn't tell me.
00:58:02What a great guy.
00:58:03He's out of town on the road.
00:58:06Will you take a child so far?
00:58:08And this Luda, don't eat the coconut.
00:58:10Let's work, girls.
00:58:13Goodbye, Anyuta.
00:58:37I didn't count on you so fast.
00:58:39I thought you'd still be at home.
00:58:42How are you?
00:58:44A little hoarse, I don't remember anything.
00:58:47My head hurts, but in general, everything is fine.
00:58:50I've canceled all your photo sessions.
00:58:53How do you see it?
00:58:54What should I tell the clients?
00:58:56I don't even know how I see it.
00:58:59Actually, I just wanted to stop by here
00:59:02to see how I feel.
00:59:04But if something is urgent, I can sign now.
00:59:06Yes, yes.
00:59:10Here, as always, there are invoices, taxes.
00:59:15One second.
00:59:25Your pendrive.
00:59:26What's there?
00:59:27The last photo session, before the accident.
00:59:30You asked me to correct the color and record it for the boarding school.
00:59:35For the boarding school?
00:59:37For the boarding school.
00:59:39So that's why they called me.
00:59:42Listen, do you have their address?
00:59:45I'll find it.
01:00:02I'm here for Katia.
01:00:04Yes, Katia, they're asking for you.
01:00:06Hi, Katia.
01:00:09Don't you know each other?
01:00:11We didn't have time.
01:00:13I've heard a lot about you.
01:00:15You're Sabina, Timur's sister.
01:00:17I'm Artyom.
01:00:21Didn't he tell you anything about him?
01:00:25That's weird.
01:00:26But leave it.
01:00:28I'll explain everything to you later.
01:00:32See you soon, Sabina.
01:00:34Your mother called me and she's waiting for us for dinner.
01:00:36We have to buy lemons.
01:00:37You shouldn't have given her your number.
01:00:39She likes to give instructions.
01:00:41And keep in mind that she ignores text messages.
01:00:43You have to call her for any reason.
01:00:45Yeah, I noticed that.
01:00:46I need to go somewhere.
01:01:02Thank you.
01:01:03You're welcome. Let's go.
01:01:05I didn't even know you were a wizard.
01:01:07It's a shame I only had one candy.
01:01:09The rest of the kids will be offended.
01:01:12I told you, she came for me.
01:01:17Hi, girl.
01:01:24What's your name?
01:01:30Okay, let's go.
01:01:32Bye-bye, everyone.
01:01:39Lizonka, what did Katia say?
01:01:50Please tell me about these pictures.
01:01:52I have memory problems due to an injury,
01:01:54and the doctor said anything can give me clues.
01:01:57Maybe being here will help me remember.
01:02:02I don't remember.
01:02:04Katia always came alone.
01:02:06Yeah, I know.
01:02:09Artie is my fiancé.
01:02:14Even so?
01:02:18Okay, I'll show you the pictures.
01:02:27There they are.
01:02:30This is Marina.
01:02:32This is Toma.
01:02:34These are the kids from the group Señor.
01:02:36You took some pictures for the school album.
01:02:39I just saw this girl.
01:02:41She caught my attention.
01:02:44Lisa, you've seen her before.
01:02:46And you don't remember anything about her.
01:02:51What should I remember about her?
01:02:55She was a very good friend.
01:02:57You talked about a friendship and you were going to adopt her.
01:03:01That's horrible.
01:03:05That's why you called me that day, right?
01:03:07She was waiting for me.
01:03:10Tell me, you didn't know anything about Lisa either.
01:03:13What? Me? No, I had no idea.
01:03:18That's weird.
01:03:21I understand everything now.
01:03:23It's a good time, and anyway...
01:03:29After all, what should we do with this?
01:03:32What is it?
01:03:34This is a proposal for the construction of the new building.
01:03:37We discussed it with you.
01:03:39You were going to send it to your father's company.
01:03:44Yes, I wanted to dedicate a part of his business to charity.
01:03:47I promised you, right?
01:03:49Can I take it?
01:03:51Yes, of course.
01:03:52Thank you.
01:03:54Tell me, what's the best way to deal with Lisa?
01:03:58Maybe I should talk to her and explain everything to her?
01:04:04I don't think it's necessary for now to tell her anything now.
01:04:10It's too much new information.
01:04:12For you and for Lisa.
01:04:14And for me.
01:04:19Okay, thank you very much.
01:04:32Tell me, did you often come to your boarding school?
01:04:36Yes, quite often.
01:04:39Would you let me come again?
01:04:42Katia, we will always be happy to have you.
01:04:45Come, of course.
01:04:48The problem is that...
01:04:51Our children are very vulnerable, and it's hard for them to forget the offenses.
01:04:57But I'll talk to Lisa and explain everything about what happened to you.
01:05:02Thank you.
01:05:03Well, I'll take the USB memory, so I can print the photos,
01:05:07and I'll have a reason to come back.
01:05:09Yes, of course.
01:05:10Thank you, thank you.
01:05:22Hey, if you don't mind, I'd like to go to boarding school too.
01:05:26I could teach magic tricks to the kids.
01:05:31Artem, I hope you don't mind.
01:05:36But I feel like this is a personal story.
01:05:41I understand, I understand.
01:05:44You don't remember anything, and I don't know anything.
01:05:47It would be strange for the boarding school principal.
01:05:54You know, I've learned a new magic trick.
01:05:58You know, I've learned a new magic trick.
01:06:01Let me show you.
01:06:05Let's go.
01:06:06Let's go, let's go.
01:06:08That's why I'm asking you.
01:06:10Katia is in trouble.
01:06:12We have to help her.
01:06:13We can't pressure her.
01:06:14It's not true, he's lying.
01:06:16Katia doesn't want to take me, and now he's making it all up.
01:06:19Lizonka, you're not doing well.
01:06:21And you're doing well.
01:06:22Adults lie all the time.
01:06:24Katia is just like my mother.
01:06:26She swore she loved me.
01:06:27She promised she wouldn't leave.
01:06:29But then she left me here.
01:06:31I hate them.
01:06:34Olga Leonidovna.
01:06:35Leave her alone for a moment.
01:06:37For a moment.
01:06:58Is Sergey sleeping?
01:07:00I bought him a pineapple.
01:07:02And this is for you.
01:07:08Thank you, but we don't sell flowers here.
01:07:12Can't I buy flowers for my wife?
01:07:14You can.
01:07:24What's going on?
01:07:26Stop it, silly.
01:07:38Why are you smiling?
01:07:40I got the money.
01:07:42Now we'll have enough for Sergey's surgery.
01:07:52Timo, why did they pay you so much money?
01:07:54Do you pay $100 at the new place?
01:07:56I only brought what they gave me.
01:07:59Is this legal?
01:08:01You know, you can't be happy with bad money.
01:08:03I told you, I only took the money they gave me.
01:08:05What do you want me to do?
01:08:06When I'm done, they'll give me more.
01:08:13I promised Sergey that his father would take him to school in the morning and pick him up in the afternoon.
01:08:19Yeah, hey, in the morning I'm sure I can, but in the afternoon I don't think I can.
01:08:23I see.
01:08:24Now this place is more important to you.
01:08:26Oh, but why are you angry?
01:08:28Why do you get like that, huh?
01:08:31Sergey is still awake.
01:08:32Come on, it's okay.
01:08:33Come on.
01:08:35Kirill, we have problems.
01:08:37Lisa has disappeared.
01:08:39She's not in class.
01:09:05Oh, great.
01:09:06They're a great couple.
01:09:07Can you tilt your head a little to the light?
01:09:10That's it.
01:09:11Wow, great.
01:09:12And now more people.
01:09:13More together.
01:09:18I think we're done.
01:09:19They did a great job.
01:09:20How do I look?
01:09:21Do I look thin?
01:09:22Yes, thin like a model here.
01:09:25I'll edit all the photos tomorrow at 11 and you can pick them up.
01:09:28Okay, thanks.
01:09:29So see you tomorrow.
01:09:32Shall we have a drink?
01:09:36Are you done?
01:09:37That's right.
01:09:38I came to pick you up.
01:09:40Flowers again?
01:09:41You're going to ruin yourself with them.
01:09:43I'm just following the doctor's recommendations.
01:09:45You have to fill your life with beautiful emotions.
01:09:49Okay, thanks.
01:09:51I'll give my mother the flowers, okay?
01:09:53Does it bother you?
01:09:54She loves your bouquets.
01:09:58Hey, won't you mind if I don't walk you home today?
01:10:01I have some important matters.
01:10:03No, of course not.
01:10:04I don't even know how you spend so much time with me.
01:10:06How come you haven't been fired yet?
01:10:09We're on vacation, so won't it bother you?
01:10:21You said the day we met, we went to a cafe.
01:10:25Why don't we go there for a coffee?
01:10:31Let's go.
01:10:48Luda, what are you doing?
01:10:58Can you even imagine what was going on here without you?
01:11:01Everything went upside down.
01:11:03The teachers stopped classes.
01:11:05We called the police.
01:11:06Aren't you ashamed?
01:11:08Where were you?
01:11:10You're not saying anything?
01:11:13I see you didn't think about us at all.
01:11:16Kirill called the authorities.
01:11:19Thank God you're back safe and sound.
01:11:25You're staying here until dinner.
01:11:27And when Kirill gets here, he'll talk to you.
01:11:49Katyusha, why are you coming alone?
01:11:51Where's Artyom?
01:11:52Isn't he coming for dinner?
01:11:54Artyom and I saw each other earlier.
01:11:56He said he was busy.
01:11:59As usual, I made room for four.
01:12:02Volodya, why aren't you saying anything?
01:12:04What's up with Artyom's job?
01:12:06Do you know where to put him?
01:12:08Hey, what's going on?
01:12:09Is it that urgent?
01:12:14I'm just here for a coffee.
01:12:17I just asked.
01:12:23My heart hurts.
01:12:26Do you want me to call the doctor?
01:12:32It's happening to me.
01:12:33Volodya, will you solve the problem with Artyom, please?
01:12:39What's the problem?
01:12:47All right.
01:12:48Tell him to come tomorrow.
01:12:49In fact, I need a new foreman.
01:12:53You think he'll fix it?
01:12:55I thought he'd work in the offices.
01:12:57It's all right.
01:12:58We'll see how the process goes.
01:13:00Besides, soon we'll finish the project, so we'll just have to supervise.
01:13:05It's nothing special.
01:13:07You'll know better.
01:13:09I just want us to help him.
01:13:12I want Artyom to feel our support, Volodya.
01:13:21Enjoy your meal.
01:13:22Thank you.
01:13:23Thank you.
01:13:25Katya, please call Artyom.
01:13:27Tell him to talk to Volodya about his new job.
01:13:29And tell him to leave what he's doing now.
01:13:31What kind of job is this?
01:13:33He's almost 40 and still can't afford a flat.
01:13:36He's on rent.
01:13:37And so far away.
01:13:38Besides, what kind of car does he have?
01:13:40Your dad and I had one like this a hundred years ago.
01:13:42So what?
01:13:44We're a family.
01:13:45We have to support each other.
01:13:47All of us.
01:13:51Listen to me.
01:13:52Could you not work at the table?
01:13:54We're having dinner.
01:14:13Good pictures.
01:14:14Thank you.
01:14:15Can you imagine how happy the kids will be when they get out of class?
01:14:20It's just that I didn't get the format right.
01:14:22They're too small.
01:14:24They'd look better bigger.
01:14:26Here, please.
01:14:27This one, for example, I'll print bigger.
01:14:32Tell me, that Artyom who came with you...
01:14:36Have you been together a long time?
01:14:40Why do you care?
01:14:44Well, you didn't tell me anything about the relationship.
01:14:49And could this somehow affect my relationship with Lisa?
01:14:53I thought that in terms of adoption, the preference was given to couples.
01:14:58Yes, it's like that.
01:15:00It seemed to me that you trusted me.
01:15:06Look, how funny.
01:15:08I forgot that I didn't like getting out of the pictures.
01:15:10And you told me to get there.
01:15:14Do you like the picture?
01:15:15I can print a bigger one for the office wall.
01:15:21Yes, great.
01:15:48Are you going to hide from me for a long time?
01:15:51Can we talk?
01:15:58Lisa, I understand that you are offended.
01:16:01But it's not my fault that this happened.
01:16:03I really want to fix it.
01:16:06Help me remember who I am.
01:16:10I had already told you everything.
01:16:12Give me my gift.
01:16:13I don't want you to have it.
01:16:16I don't know what you're talking about.
01:16:17You're lying.
01:16:25Katia, let's go.
01:16:26It will be better this way.
01:16:43Ania, write a bouquet for Dina.
01:16:47Aniutka, look what a loving husband I have.
01:16:49He brings flowers to someone every day.
01:16:52To me, just a bouquet all this time.
01:16:55Luda, don't start.
01:16:56You know it's work stuff.
01:16:57Yes, you are very hardworking.
01:16:58And what time do I wait for you at home?
01:17:01I'll be late today.
01:17:02But yesterday I was with Sergey and I fulfilled my obligations.
01:17:05So today will be calmer.
01:17:07And where did you leave the car?
01:17:10I left it at the mechanic.
01:17:12The engine doesn't work.
01:17:14It should be ready, so I'll go get it.
01:17:19The engine is failing.
01:17:22Ania, finish the job for me today.
01:17:25I'll let you go out tomorrow early, okay?
01:17:28Where are you going?
01:17:29Work, work.
01:17:39Do you hate me too?
01:17:40But why?
01:17:42Because I don't remember anything.
01:17:45I don't trust anyone.
01:17:46People must convince me.
01:17:48Very comfortable, right?
01:17:50But I can't do anything.
01:17:53And I doubt everything.
01:17:57And I doubt you.
01:17:58I'm sorry.
01:18:02To be honest, I wouldn't know what to do in your situation.
01:18:05You've been through a lot of stress.
01:18:07You know, there's a theory ...
01:18:09According to which we face misfortune ...
01:18:13To solve what was wrong.
01:18:17You're good.
01:18:19Sorry about the hospital.
01:18:23Yeah, forget it.
01:18:24I'm glad you're in my life.
01:18:26Just give me time to remember, okay?
01:18:29To remember who I am and who you are too.
01:18:33Yes, maybe it's for the best.
01:18:39Why don't we start from the beginning?
01:18:42As if nothing had happened.
01:18:44As if that day in the hospital was really the first time.
01:18:50What do you say?
01:18:52What do you say?
01:18:55Don't drive me crazy.
01:18:56I can handle what's on my mind and what I have to remember.
01:19:00It's terribly cold here.
01:19:02Let's go.
01:19:06What's wrong?
01:19:09Do you feel bad?
01:19:10No, I just have a cramp in my foot.
01:19:12Is that how old age begins?
01:19:14It hurts here.
01:19:15Sclerosis here.
01:19:16What do you say about sclerosis?
01:19:17Give me your bag.
01:19:18Thank you.
01:19:19Can you hold my glass, please?
01:19:24Come on, let's go, let's go, let's go.
01:19:41You know, Mom will be happy to see you.
01:19:43No, not today.
01:19:44It's too late.
01:19:46Tomorrow I start a new job and I have to get up early.
01:19:49Have you taken it in the end?
01:19:51Won't you regret leaving what you did?
01:19:53I didn't do anything.
01:19:55Serve, bring, no perspective.
01:19:57I wanted to change for a long time.
01:19:59Thanks to your mother for giving me this opportunity.
01:20:03You know, I didn't imagine they would make me a boss.
01:20:05I'm a little scared.
01:20:07I would have preferred to have studied a little before getting to work.
01:20:10Don't worry.
01:20:12They are always in time to lower you to a normal worker.
01:20:16I believe in you.
01:20:26I'm glad I met you.
01:20:38Yes, Ira.
01:20:40Today I'm up to work.
01:20:42Dinner without me, okay?
01:20:43I understand.
01:20:45Mom, I'm home.
01:20:47Katia came.
01:20:49So we'll have dinner together and gossip about you and Artem.
01:20:52But don't take long, I won't go to bed without you.
01:20:55Okay, I'll try to finish as soon as possible.
01:20:58A kiss.
01:21:00Another, goodbye.
01:21:09What do you think?
01:21:11We have an hour and a half.
01:21:13Will you have time?
01:21:16I hope I can help you.
01:21:18Oh, Bobik.
01:21:20You're not the little soldier you used to be.
01:21:22The one who took me in his arms and took me to the fifth floor.
01:21:24What memories.
01:21:26If I got drunk, I would also take you to the fifth floor.
01:21:30Let me go.
01:21:32Let him go, Bobik.
01:21:34Since you've been with Irina and look how your belly has grown.
01:21:38Aren't you afraid I'll go with someone younger?
01:21:43For example, with Artem.
01:21:46I'll steal my niece's husband.
01:21:49And what?
01:21:51Artem is a young and cute boy.
01:21:54It turns out he likes money.
01:21:56And I, with your wealth, will be an enviable bride.
01:22:00Don't joke about that.
01:22:03Bobik, let me go.
01:22:07How can I leave you?
01:22:14What did you want me to do?
01:22:16Reject all that money?
01:22:18Our son needs care.
01:22:28Don't pretend to do it for a sick child.
01:22:31Do you think she suffers little?
01:22:44Give it all back and reject it.
01:22:46We don't need that money.
01:22:49I can't do that.
01:22:51I gave my word.
01:22:53Lyuda, understand him.
01:22:55They offered me a good job.
01:22:57What I earned in a month, I didn't earn it in half a year.
01:23:00What do you want me to do? Reject it now?
01:23:02I do it for you, for you and for my son.
01:23:06No, don't use us to justify it.
01:23:09I don't know what to do.
01:23:10No, don't use us to justify it.
01:23:18You made your decision without consulting me.
01:23:22Now do whatever you want.
01:23:36Give me back the ring.
01:23:40Give me back the ring.
01:23:44Give me back the ring.
01:23:57Now go.
01:24:02Lyuda, what are you doing?
01:24:04What about the child? What are you going to do?
01:24:07I wouldn't tell Seriosca the truth.
01:24:10That you exchanged us for money.
01:24:14That you sent us a little to compensate.
01:24:16Give me the ring.
01:24:46What's wrong with you?
01:24:48I was thinking.
01:24:50If it's not a secret, then what?
01:24:52About art.
01:24:54And about everything in general.
01:24:56You won't believe me, but I've been thinking about you all day.
01:25:00Katia, daughter, why do you keep art at a distance?
01:25:03Why don't you live together?
01:25:07You have a big empty apartment.
01:25:09No, I'm not kicking you out.
01:25:11You can live with us, there's room for everyone.
01:25:16Together, mother.
01:25:21I can't understand one thing.
01:25:27It's a little weird.
01:25:29It seems to be afraid of something.
01:25:31Constantly trying to please me.
01:25:34Understand what I like.
01:25:36How I'm going to react.
01:25:38And I don't feel comfortable with him.
01:25:40On the other hand, Kirill seems to have known me for years.
01:25:44And it's easy with him.
01:25:48Who is he?
01:25:50Kirill is the director of the boarding school.
01:25:53We are building a new building.
01:25:56And Kirill...
01:25:59He reminds me a little of Timur.
01:26:01He has the same look.
01:26:03It's like he sees through me.
01:26:10Oh, I knew you'd stay.
01:26:13I brought you some tea.
01:26:14Oh, thank you very much.
01:26:17And why aren't you going to rest?
01:26:19I was drinking tea with our music teacher.
01:26:23Still, she decided to quit.
01:26:26I tried to persuade her, but in vain.
01:26:29The salary is very low.
01:26:31The money doesn't come at all.
01:26:33So you can put an ad on the internet about the vacation.
01:26:37I'm thinking about going through the music schools and asking around.
01:26:40Maybe there's a teacher who needs partial or part-time work.
01:26:44And we'll have it here.
01:26:48And what are you doing here working at night?
01:26:50Yes, I prepare letters for sponsors.
01:26:52Maybe someone will help with the furniture.
01:26:56Yes, I understand it's early, but Katia just delivered the documents to the company.
01:26:59You know how sponsors are.
01:27:01They can take years.
01:27:03In the end, Katia is a great person.
01:27:06She is in those conditions and yet she keeps her word.
01:27:10Well, yes.
01:27:12And how is Lisa?
01:27:14As always.
01:27:16She fights with everyone.
01:27:18And how is she not going to do it with the character she has?
01:27:23It will never be different.
01:27:25With a mother like that, between the bars for the third time.
01:27:29And see her daughter only when she gets out of jail.
01:27:32Well, I'm sure Lisa will reconcile with Katia.
01:27:42And you?
01:27:44And what about me?
01:27:46Are you going to give up just by seeing her with a boy?
01:27:51Do you think I'm blind?
01:27:53And I didn't see how you looked at them?
01:27:56Olga Leonidovna, those are just fantasies.
01:27:58Don't forget that Katia is your daughter.
01:27:59I have a purely business relationship with her.
01:28:03You will know.
01:28:06But I, in your place, would fight for her.
01:28:17Great, then I'll be there in half an hour.
01:28:22Sabina, hello.
01:28:24Tell me, is what I asked you ready?
01:28:26That's right.
01:28:27I printed it yesterday.
01:28:28One moment.
01:28:35Here you go.
01:28:36Are you going to the boarding school again?
01:28:37Thank you.
01:28:38Yes, I promised them.
01:28:40Have a good day.
01:28:41And you too.
01:28:45Do you like it?
01:28:46Yes, a lot.
01:28:48That's good.
01:28:51And tell me your ...
01:28:54You're tired of Artyom.
01:29:06Why do you say that?
01:29:09Isn't this ...
01:29:12a wedding ring?
01:29:18Wedding ring?
01:29:37The phone is not available at the moment.
01:29:39Leave your message after the beep.
01:29:44Artyom, I'm looking for you.
01:29:45Call me when you can.
01:29:46It's urgent.
01:30:25I think in five days, or six at most,
01:30:27we'll finish everything.
01:30:28That's the optimism I like.
01:30:31With the new capataz,
01:30:32we'll even get over those deadlines.
01:30:34Vladimir Andreyevich,
01:30:35don't be happy too soon.
01:30:36Look at what they left us.
01:30:37Instead of normal materials.
01:30:38What are you teaching me?
01:30:39What are you teaching me?
01:30:40Besides, now the person in charge is Artyom.
01:30:42Artyom, what else?
01:30:44Artyom Ilich.
01:30:45All the questions for you.
01:30:54All the questions for him.
01:30:55And you don't listen to them.
01:30:56Do you know what they'll tell you?
01:30:58They should delay the deadlines,
01:30:59so they charge more.
01:31:01Boys, listen to me.
01:31:03We have to finish this as soon as possible.
01:31:05And you...
01:31:06will be the new in charge.
01:31:11Come here.
01:31:12What are you doing there?
01:31:13Look, Artyom Ilich.
01:31:14In a month we'll have to do it all.
01:31:17I don't know.
01:31:18I have to think about it.
01:31:19How do you know?
01:31:21You're the boss.
01:31:22I have to do the work.
01:31:23I'm nobody here.
01:31:24I don't understand anything.
01:31:25Did you call her?
01:31:27It seems she came without calling.
01:31:28And here...
01:31:29the network is bad.
01:31:32Hi, how are you?
01:31:34Good morning.
01:31:35Working as a messenger.
01:31:36You left the papers at home.
01:31:38Regarding the internet.
01:31:39Thank goodness I saw them.
01:31:41Katia called me ten times.
01:31:43She called me too.
01:31:44Maybe something happened.
01:31:45Let me call her.
01:31:46One second.
01:31:47Yes, of course.
01:31:48Volodia, I have an idea.
01:31:50We can all have dinner together.
01:31:52Is there a restaurant nearby?
01:31:57Yes, of course.
01:31:58There's one nearby.
01:31:59Let's go.
01:32:02Artyom, come with us.
01:32:09Here you go.
01:32:15Good afternoon.
01:32:16Good afternoon.
01:32:17Can I help you?
01:32:18Excuse me,
01:32:19by any chance,
01:32:20do you know this woman?
01:32:22Of course I do.
01:32:23This is our boss.
01:32:25Luda, this is Artyom.
01:32:27Go get the groceries.
01:32:28Let's go.
01:32:31It seems you've already been told
01:32:32that this is our boss.
01:32:34And we're not obliged
01:32:35to answer your questions.
01:32:37What are you doing here?
01:32:40I don't understand
01:32:41why you're so rude to me.
01:32:42I just want...
01:32:43And you don't pay us for
01:32:44I just want...
01:32:46Anything else?
01:32:49No, thank you.
01:32:54Now anyone can come in.
01:32:56I don't understand what's wrong with you.
01:32:58Who is she?
01:32:59Don't meddle
01:33:00where they don't call you.
01:33:14Come in.
01:33:15Kirill Sergeyevich,
01:33:16may I?
01:33:20Come in.
01:33:22Your order.
01:33:23Thank you.
01:33:25It looks very good.
01:33:27You know,
01:33:28I'll order later.
01:33:32Why did Katya call you?
01:33:33Why did she tell you
01:33:34that she wanted to come here?
01:33:36I don't know.
01:33:37She'll have questions
01:33:38about the boarding school.
01:33:40I'm asking you,
01:33:42find time
01:33:43and see in advance
01:33:44how much work there is.
01:33:45It's very important
01:33:46for Katya.
01:33:47All right.
01:33:48I'll go there.
01:33:49I promise.
01:33:52I'll do it
01:33:54I promise.
01:33:55Dear God.
01:34:01Now we're all together.
01:34:03I'm glad you're all here.
01:34:08This picture rings a bell.
01:34:10Volodya was in our house
01:34:11and then he disappeared.
01:34:13why is this woman
01:34:14touching you?
01:34:19She's not just any woman.
01:34:24What was her name?
01:34:25Your aunt, right?
01:34:26What did you say her name was?
01:34:27Dina, Donya...
01:34:29Yes, that.
01:34:31And now let me
01:34:32do my order quietly, huh?
01:34:39Hi, Dina.
01:34:40How are you?
01:34:42Hi, Dina.
01:34:43How are you?
01:34:44And that mess in the closet.
01:34:45Can't you take the dust off?
01:34:47Hi, Luda.
01:34:49Why are you twisting my face?
01:34:50Did you get up
01:34:51with your left foot?
01:34:54I work here for three
01:34:55and the salary is the same.
01:34:57And on top of that, she yells at me.
01:35:03So you mean
01:35:05I introduced you
01:35:06to Artem
01:35:07and his aunt?
01:35:09You're not confused.
01:35:14don't you remember
01:35:15that you and I
01:35:16didn't have an easy relationship?
01:35:19when on your mother's
01:35:21I asked you
01:35:22what to give her,
01:35:24you told me about Artem
01:35:25and we went to his living room
01:35:26to look at things.
01:35:28To make a consultation.
01:35:30Honey, did you like the gift?
01:35:31I loved it.
01:35:33It's from that day.
01:35:34Yes, you know everything
01:35:35so well.
01:35:36Maybe you can explain to me
01:35:37why Artem
01:35:38has the engagement ring
01:35:39in the photo.
01:35:42Or you can explain it
01:35:43to me yourself.
01:35:46I don't understand anything.
01:35:52Good afternoon, Kirill.
01:35:53Did you call me?
01:35:54Yes, we called you.
01:35:56Oleg Kalianidovna,
01:35:57dear, congratulations.
01:35:59I came to pick up my daughter.
01:36:02I was released
01:36:03under amnesty.
01:36:05Hello, Raya.
01:36:07I wasn't expecting you.
01:36:09Olga Kalianidovna,
01:36:10prepare Lisa.
01:36:12We'll send her home.
01:36:17How long have you been with her?
01:36:20The last time I remember
01:36:21she came back in mid-year.
01:36:24Oleg Kalianidovna,
01:36:25I don't argue.
01:36:26It's my fault.
01:36:28But I've changed.
01:36:30I swear for my daughter's sake
01:36:31I'll do anything.
01:36:33She's my blood.
01:36:37How has Lisa been around here?
01:36:38She's better than you.
01:36:40Are you going to work
01:36:42or are you going to live
01:36:43with the help Lisa gives you?
01:36:45I know mothers like you.
01:36:48I wouldn't let her
01:36:49get close to children.
01:36:50I'm begging you, please.
01:36:51Do what I've told you.
01:36:53Let her wait.
01:36:54Lisa is in class now.
01:36:56When she comes back
01:36:57and has lunch with everyone,
01:36:59maybe I'll let her go.
01:37:08Kirill Sergeyevich,
01:37:10why are you talking to me like that?
01:37:12I made a mistake.
01:37:13It can happen to anyone.
01:37:15But I'm her mother,
01:37:16not just any aunt.
01:37:17Raisa, the problem is
01:37:18we've heard it many times.
01:37:20I made a mistake.
01:37:21I'm not to blame.
01:37:23Okay, we...
01:37:25But Lisa believes you.
01:37:26And what's the result?
01:37:28You grow up to be a mother.
01:37:31I understand.
01:37:36That's Lisa.
01:37:39God, how she's grown up.
01:37:45My beauty.
01:37:50Katya, it's a shame
01:37:51you don't remember.
01:37:54you wanted to get married
01:37:55after your mother's birthday.
01:37:57And the wedding rings...
01:37:59you exchanged them
01:38:02when Artyom gave them to you.
01:38:05That's how we decided to do it.
01:38:06The wedding rings too.
01:38:08I put mine on
01:38:09and you were going to put mine on too.
01:38:11But I took mine off
01:38:12when this happened.
01:38:14God, poor Artyom.
01:38:18Why didn't you tell us
01:38:19about your relationship?
01:38:23Wait, where's your ring?
01:38:25We have to inspect
01:38:26the whole house, Katyusha.
01:38:28Of course we will.
01:38:29We'll look for it.
01:38:32Artyom, I'm sorry
01:38:33I got mad.
01:38:34I'm sorry.
01:38:37you have to introduce me
01:38:38to your aunt without fail.
01:38:40Soon we'll be a family
01:38:42and we must stay together.
01:38:45Next Sunday
01:38:46is our wedding anniversary.
01:38:48Let's celebrate it
01:38:49in this restaurant.
01:38:51And Artyom will bring
01:38:52his aunt to the party.
01:38:54it's a family party.
01:38:56We never invite strangers
01:38:57to our parties.
01:38:59Volodya, who's talking
01:39:00about strangers?
01:39:02Katyusha, please
01:39:03invite Sabina too.
01:39:05I haven't talked to her
01:39:06in a long time.
01:39:07Mom, how are you?
01:39:08Are you feeling bad?
01:39:10I'm just excited
01:39:11about some new information.
01:39:13Mom, do you want to go home?
01:39:14Yes, of course.
01:39:15I'll go with you.
01:39:16No, keep having lunch.
01:39:17We'll see each other later.
01:39:18Volodya, do you remember
01:39:19what you promised me?
01:39:20Yes, I will, I will.
01:39:21I'll do everything
01:39:22after lunch.
01:39:23Don't worry.
01:39:24Get some rest.
01:39:32They'll almost find you.
01:39:35Well done.
01:39:37You acted very well.
01:39:41I'll pay you for something.
01:39:45I'm not alone
01:39:46for the money.
01:39:50Very well.
01:39:57This dress
01:39:58is going to Thailand.
01:39:59These pants
01:40:00are going to Thailand.
01:40:02And this blouse
01:40:03is going to Thailand.
01:40:06And this swimsuit
01:40:07is also going
01:40:08to Thailand
01:40:09with Dina.
01:40:17I don't understand.
01:40:18What's so wrong
01:40:19with the building?
01:40:21Well, the building
01:40:22has been in bad shape
01:40:23for a long time.
01:40:24We change the ceiling
01:40:25every year.
01:40:27Come on, I'll show you.
01:40:28Come on, come on.
01:40:30If it's just the ceiling,
01:40:31we'll fix it
01:40:33It'll take a day.
01:40:35There are problems
01:40:36at every step.
01:40:37There's only
01:40:38a shared bathroom
01:40:39with a shower
01:40:40in the whole building.
01:40:41The girls and the boys
01:40:42all take turns
01:40:44depending on the time.
01:40:45The cables are all
01:40:47The kids sleep
01:40:48ten people
01:40:49in one room.
01:40:50How do you understand,
01:40:51Katia and I
01:40:52want to do something
01:40:53so the kids
01:40:54have some
01:40:55personal space.
01:40:56An elementary possibility
01:40:57of showering
01:40:58whenever they want.
01:40:59Yes, yes, of course.
01:41:00That's very moving.
01:41:01But I'm a businessman
01:41:02and I think about
01:41:03how to optimize
01:41:04the costs.
01:41:05Do you understand
01:41:06how much
01:41:07we're talking about?
01:41:09Yes, of course.
01:41:10Katia and I
01:41:11discussed everything
01:41:12and I thank her
01:41:13for giving us
01:41:14this opportunity.
01:41:17Kirill Sergeyevich.
01:41:20It's done.
01:41:21I'll take it.
01:41:24Well, Lisa,
01:41:25better than at home
01:41:26or anywhere.
01:41:27Don't forget us,
01:41:30Now we're talking
01:41:31about the construction
01:41:32of a new building.
01:41:33Come when they build it.
01:41:34Katia will be happy
01:41:35to see you.
01:41:38Let's go, daughter.
01:41:39We won't bother
01:41:40the people.
01:41:43Come on.
01:41:47Why did he talk
01:41:48about Katia to that girl?
01:41:49Or did he think it was her?
01:41:51Yes, she is Lisa.
01:41:53Katia wanted
01:41:54to get her
01:42:04Vitalievich, look.
01:42:05The anchors are starting.
01:42:07We've drilled
01:42:08about 20 holes.
01:42:09Well, drill more.
01:42:12But this never happened.
01:42:13We do something wrong.
01:42:14It will fall soon.
01:42:16Maybe we could
01:42:17tell the new foreman.
01:42:20I already told him.
01:42:22So what?
01:42:24Work, don't ask.
01:42:34I'm coming.
01:42:44Why is there
01:42:45such a mess?
01:42:48I'm going to Thailand.
01:42:49I have to go naked.
01:42:51That's fine.
01:42:52First we have to
01:42:53fix some problems.
01:42:57I'm sorry.
01:42:58I'm sorry.
01:42:59I'm sorry.
01:43:00I'm sorry.
01:43:01I'm sorry.
01:43:02Katia found the photo
01:43:05where you go out
01:43:06grabbing me.
01:43:08She put on a show
01:43:09in front of Irka.
01:43:16Artyom and I fixed it.
01:43:18We said you were
01:43:19his aunt, you know?
01:43:21Now he's determined
01:43:22to meet you,
01:43:23so it will be better
01:43:24if you do it.
01:43:25And don't spoil it,
01:43:27You better be quiet.
01:43:28I'm so stupid.
01:43:32What are you looking at?
01:43:41Problems don't
01:43:42stop growing.
01:43:44Katia and Irka
01:43:45are determined to
01:43:46fix the boarding school
01:43:47and that principal
01:43:48spends the money
01:43:49as if it were his.
01:43:52What about yours?
01:43:54Tonight they should
01:43:55get to 17 million.
01:43:57They did.
01:43:58Okay, do the following.
01:44:00Buy dollars.
01:44:02We don't know
01:44:03what will happen
01:44:04with the euro.
01:44:05Come on.
01:44:06We have to save.
01:44:07Okay, I'm leaving.
01:44:08To Irina's house
01:44:09to do my paper.
01:44:11To report
01:44:13about my visit
01:44:14to boarding school.
01:44:15I hope it burns.
01:44:16Vodk, what do I do
01:44:17with the place
01:44:18and this apartment?
01:44:19Throw everything away?
01:44:20You have to close
01:44:21the salon
01:44:22and the apartment
01:44:23is too late to sell it.
01:44:24Talk to the agent.
01:44:25Maybe we can do something.
01:44:26Don't fire me.
01:44:32Katia, what are you looking for?
01:44:34Tell me and I'll help you.
01:44:36My engagement ring
01:44:37with Artem.
01:44:39Did you get married?
01:44:41You didn't tell me anything.
01:44:42No, we're not married.
01:44:45We were going to.
01:44:48Listen, I don't understand anything.
01:44:51He's not at home either.
01:44:57it's as if
01:44:58they turned me into someone else.
01:45:00Wedding rings,
01:45:01flowers every day.
01:45:02You know Timur and I
01:45:03laughed at all that.
01:45:08Timur was like that.
01:45:10Artem is different.
01:45:13Was it an expensive ring?
01:45:16I don't know.
01:45:19Look, don't get mad.
01:45:21They'll buy a new one.
01:45:23They're not married yet.
01:45:28And Vladimir
01:45:29was here
01:45:30looking for something
01:45:31while you were in the hospital.
01:45:36Around here.
01:45:38They told him to take something to the hospital.
01:45:42Oh, he took your toy.
01:45:44My toy?
01:45:46A fox.
01:45:48That day you came back from recording in the park,
01:45:51you said it was a gift.
01:45:55Is that what Lisa gave me?
01:46:04Good afternoon.
01:46:05Your photos will be ready in an hour.
01:46:16Katia, listen.
01:46:17It turns out that
01:46:18I understand,
01:46:19you and I talked about this topic,
01:46:21but people ask.
01:46:23What do people ask?
01:46:26About Timur's photos.
01:46:28Last time they wanted to buy them,
01:46:29but you don't want to.
01:46:31And your word is the one that counts.
01:46:34I would like people to enjoy
01:46:35my brother's photos.
01:46:40And I didn't want to?
01:46:44No, I think it's a good idea.
01:46:47We could organize an exhibition
01:46:49and donate the money to the boarding school.
01:46:51We would invite dad's friends.
01:46:53They are rich people.
01:46:54The boarding school needs sponsors.
01:46:57I think it's a good idea.
01:47:00I wanted to ask you something.
01:47:06Tell me,
01:47:07what do you think about this little friend?
01:47:10He's cute.
01:47:12I really want to give it to Lisa
01:47:14and tell her about the fox.
01:47:34Tell me,
01:47:36how are you?
01:47:38Are you alive?
01:47:40Better, Volodia.
01:47:42I even slept a little after the pill.
01:47:46You've been living.
01:47:49Are you kidding?
01:47:51I cleaned the car with the alcohol wipes.
01:47:54I smelled them.
01:47:57What's wrong?
01:47:59Help me.
01:48:00My back hurts.
01:48:01Come on.
01:48:02I'll help you.
01:48:11I'm very clumsy.
01:48:13It's okay.
01:48:14They're just women's toys.
01:48:16You have a lot in the box.
01:48:19This was your first gift,
01:48:20the symbol of our love.
01:48:22And I wanted to put this bracelet
01:48:24on our anniversary.
01:48:26It's okay.
01:48:27Give it to the jeweler.
01:48:29He'll fix it.
01:48:30He'll leave it as new.
01:48:34I can't get my head off
01:48:36that image of Din
01:48:38holding your arm.
01:48:40What do you want to know about her?
01:48:42She's from the province.
01:48:43They're all like that there.
01:48:45Look at Artyom.
01:48:46He's been in the company
01:48:48for a week,
01:48:50and he's made friends everywhere.
01:48:54I think that's all of them.
01:48:56I'll count them.
01:48:58There were 37 pieces.
01:49:00I thought it would be the years
01:49:02you and I would live together.
01:49:06Tell me what you want.
01:49:16Hi, Katia.
01:49:22Have you seen Lisa?
01:49:24Lisa's not here.
01:49:25Her mother took her
01:49:26around lunchtime.
01:49:30Thank you.
01:49:39Kirill, good morning.
01:49:48Tell me,
01:49:49is it true about Lisa?
01:49:51Yes, I'm sorry.
01:49:52I didn't have time to tell you.
01:49:54It was unexpected.
01:49:56Okay, yes.
01:49:58If I had known
01:49:59her mother would take her,
01:50:01I would have brought her a gift before.
01:50:04I won't see her now?
01:50:08I understand.
01:50:09Thank you.
01:50:13I have an idea.
01:50:15I wanted to visit her on Sunday
01:50:18to see how her life is now.
01:50:20We could go together.
01:50:22I'd love to.
01:50:24But I can't this weekend.
01:50:28Well, on Monday then.
01:50:30What do you think?
01:50:31I can on Monday.
01:50:33In the first half of the day.
01:50:36Then until Monday.
01:50:38I have another question.
01:50:40Can I leave this little friend with you?
01:50:42It was a gift for Lisa.
01:50:45We'll give it to her together.
01:50:47Yes, of course.
01:51:01Why are you here?
01:51:03I told you clearly
01:51:04I didn't want to see you here.
01:51:06I decided to ask for an advance.
01:51:08Is the surgery tomorrow?
01:51:12Take it.
01:51:15Take it.
01:51:16You'll need it at the hospital.
01:51:18Buy something for the doctor.
01:51:20A cognac or something.
01:51:24Couldn't you make a transfer?
01:51:28It was important to come here
01:51:29in the middle of the night
01:51:30and show how affectionate you are.
01:51:32Now you have time for that.
01:51:35It's weird that your Katia left you alone.
01:51:38Don't start.
01:51:39We have you to be polite, right?
01:51:42You've become something like her, haven't you?
01:51:44I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
01:51:46I just wanted to ask.
01:51:48Did you talk to Katia?
01:51:50What for?
01:51:51Where did you see her?
01:51:53She came to the salon alone
01:51:55asking about you and Dina.
01:52:00Don't worry.
01:52:01I didn't tell her anything.
01:52:03That's what I needed.
01:52:06And just when I get rid of her,
01:52:08my aunt shows up
01:52:09and starts asking me about you and your relatives,
01:52:11even the seventh generation.
01:52:13You tell me, please, what interest do you have?
01:52:16Dad, you're back forever.
01:52:18And young Katia?
01:52:19No, she didn't come back.
01:52:20Get out of here, please.
01:52:21I'll be back tomorrow.
01:52:22You don't have to come
01:52:23and we don't need your help either.
01:52:25We'll take care of it ourselves.
01:52:26Please don't come.
01:52:27Get out of our lives.
01:52:40Bolodia, are you working without days off again?
01:52:43Yesterday, today, tomorrow.
01:52:45What do you want me to do?
01:52:46We're finishing the project.
01:52:47We have to check everything ourselves.
01:52:49The clients arrive in a week.
01:52:51Besides, you're doing a great job
01:52:53and I'd like you to have more time
01:52:55to spend with Katia.
01:52:56It's okay.
01:52:57That way she'll learn to make money.
01:52:59Hey, where's my phone?
01:53:00Where is it?
01:53:01It was here.
01:53:03Yes, yes, the restaurant.
01:53:05What time should I pick you up?
01:53:07We'll go on our own.
01:53:09I told Katia to go to the beauty salon.
01:53:11See you at the restaurant.
01:53:13Don't eat, please.
01:53:15Okay, okay.
01:53:16Bolodia, and please,
01:53:18pick up the jewelry bracelet.
01:53:20There's a receipt on the table in the hallway.
01:53:27I already have the receipt.
01:53:29Okay, see you.
01:54:31Good afternoon, Olga Leonidovna.
01:54:33Good afternoon.
01:54:37Why don't you stay at home?
01:54:40Well, I did all the work
01:54:42and I thought of visiting you.
01:54:44You won't kick me out, will you?
01:54:48And you plan to do it for a long time,
01:54:50spend all weekends with me?
01:54:52Look who's talking.
01:54:53You also have a job, don't you?
01:54:55Yes, I do.
01:54:57I'm a lawyer.
01:54:59Look who's talking.
01:55:00You're also at work all the time.
01:55:07I'm looking to see
01:55:08when you'll get wings on your back.
01:55:10You've become so good that you disgust me.
01:55:15I don't understand.
01:55:18Do you like Katia?
01:55:20You like her.
01:55:21So, how do you let another man be by her side?
01:55:26A memory like everyone at school
01:55:28we were separating you from Vovka,
01:55:30from the Parallel Group,
01:55:31just because he began to court
01:55:33a girl you were dating.
01:55:36What happens to you now?
01:55:39Yes, what memories.
01:55:43That situation was so difficult
01:55:45and now it turns out that Katia deceived me.
01:55:47About Artyom, he didn't tell me anything.
01:55:50I thought she trusted me, but no.
01:56:07And what did Artyom do when he was a child?
01:56:10He took his mother's boots,
01:56:12that is, my sister's,
01:56:14and with a red paint,
01:56:16with which they paint the walls,
01:56:18he painted the boots
01:56:20and set up a cat show with boots.
01:56:23Do you remember what your mother did to you?
01:56:25Yes, it was like that.
01:56:26Of course it was.
01:56:27And I protected him.
01:56:28I always defended him.
01:56:31Let's have a drink.
01:56:32Let's drink, my loves.
01:56:34Can we?
01:56:35We already have, we already have.
01:56:37We have.
01:56:38A toast to meet you,
01:56:40to me, to us.
01:56:42And for you to know that Teoma
01:56:44is not without a family.
01:56:46He has an aunt.
01:56:49I will always be with you.
01:56:53Hey, calm down.
01:56:55One for the other, that's all.
01:56:57Let's drink.
01:57:04Dina has such a beautiful bracelet.
01:57:06Can I see it?
01:57:10A very rare object.
01:57:12Yes, Volodia gave me one.
01:57:14It's very similar, isn't it?
01:57:15He bought it a long time ago.
01:57:17I would buy one more just in case.
01:57:19I don't remember.
01:57:22I would have already asked you, but
01:57:24are you married?
01:57:28Unfortunately not.
01:57:30Does he have a family in his town?
01:57:33Well, he will be missing his land.
01:57:36Nature will be fine there.
01:57:38In Baranovka?
01:57:40But if it's the end of the world.
01:57:42Please, it's midday in Naoto.
01:57:45Every summer we go there for watermelons.
01:57:48Friends, we have watermelons in Baranovka.
01:57:51It's just impossible.
01:57:53We all have to go there together.
01:57:56are you married?
01:58:01And why do you ask me?
01:58:03What do you mean, why?
01:58:06We'll get you married there quickly.
01:58:08Do you know how many single soldiers we have?
01:58:11What a coincidence we have.
01:58:13My Volodia also served in those regions.
01:58:16Volodia, don't you remember?
01:58:17Maybe you knew Aya Dine Artyom.
01:58:20What are you saying?
01:58:21Our military city was closed.
01:58:23But you told me they went to the town to buy milk.
01:58:27Diana, did she have a cow?
01:58:30It sounds like very nice music.
01:58:32And Ekaterina,
01:58:34do you want to dance with me?
01:58:37God, Artyom,
01:58:39no, please.
01:58:41Sit down, please.
01:58:42Katia, what are you saying?
01:58:44Go dance.
01:58:45Let's go.
01:58:46Let's go.
01:58:47Don't make me sad.
01:58:49See, it's not negotiable.
01:59:08when will we eat?
01:59:13Mom, I want to eat.
01:59:15Yes, dear.
01:59:16Now mom cooks the pasta.
01:59:44Beautiful couple.
01:59:49How does my Artyom look?
01:59:53His Katia.
01:59:57And I'm going to Thailand.
02:00:00I won't even be able to come to your wedding.
02:00:03Are you going on vacation?
02:00:09I'll live there with the Thai.
02:00:11Nothing keeps me here.
02:00:13In fact,
02:00:14I don't even have children to stay here.
02:00:28Calm down.
02:00:30What are you doing?
02:00:32Dina, calm down.
02:00:36Don't pay attention to him.
02:00:38My dears,
02:00:39I love you.
02:00:44please call a taxi.
02:00:46Call a taxi
02:00:48for Dina.
02:00:49Yes, yes, of course.
02:00:50It's okay, leave him.
02:00:51Leave me.
02:00:53don't ever hurt him, Katia.
02:01:07Come on, let's go.
02:01:09Hurry up.
02:01:11Dina, let's go.
02:01:13We must go.
02:01:14Katia and Ira are so nice.
02:01:15Hey, calm down.
02:01:17Why does Bobik talk so badly about them?
02:01:19And Sabina?
02:01:20Come on, let's go.
02:01:21She's great.
02:01:22I also want an otaku tattoo.
02:01:29I wouldn't have embarrassed you much.
02:01:30Too much?
02:01:31You didn't stop making a fool of yourself.
02:01:34I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
02:01:36I'm sorry.
02:01:39At home I had a cognac.
02:01:42For more courage.
02:01:43Come on, let's go.
02:01:44And here there was only wine.
02:01:46Come on.
02:01:50Bobik gave you all the money?
02:01:53He gave me half.
02:01:54Next week he'll give me the rest.
02:01:56No, no, no.
02:01:57That's not good.
02:01:58While he's here,
02:01:59take all his money.
02:02:01Got it?
02:02:02Okay, okay, I got it.
02:02:03Got it?
02:02:04In a week it will be late.
02:02:06But quiet.
02:02:07Let's go.
02:02:08Did you hear me?
02:02:09Come on, let me sit.
02:02:10Although I'm drunk,
02:02:11my advice is good.
02:02:20Sit down.
02:02:21I'm going, I'm going.
02:02:25Watch your feet.
02:02:28How is she?
02:02:29Honestly, not very well.
02:02:33Will you take her?
02:02:34Of course.
02:02:35I'll ask the taxi driver to wait for me.
02:02:36I'll be right back home.
02:02:38Don't be angry.
02:02:42Take your legs off.
02:02:51Is this my fox?
02:02:53It's mine, right?
02:02:54That's right.
02:02:57Forget to give it to you.
02:02:59Lisa was looking for it.
02:03:00It's her gift.
02:03:03Now it appeared.
02:03:05Okay, we're leaving.
02:03:06Sabina, let's get closer.
02:03:08No, no.
02:03:09I'll go see my friends.
02:03:10Thank you.
02:03:12Good night.
02:03:27Mom, where are you going?
02:03:29I'm going to get some air.
02:03:31I missed my life in freedom.
02:03:37Maybe I'll find a new dad.
02:03:40You study so mom won't be ashamed of you.
02:03:44Come on, bye.
02:03:47You'll wait.
02:03:48I can't stand a little.
02:04:07Irachka, do you want me to stay?
02:04:10No, Volodya.
02:04:11Go rest.
02:04:12You'll be tired.
02:04:13Katusha and I will talk a little.
02:04:15We'll wait for Artyom.
02:04:17Close the door.
02:04:18There's a current.
02:04:19Of course.
02:04:20Thank you.
02:04:21Artyom called me.
02:04:23He said he had left his aunt.
02:04:25And that they were on their way back.
02:04:29Esadina is a peculiar woman.
02:04:32You could be an artist.
02:04:34He must have inherited it from his family.
02:04:37Katya, Artyom and you make such a beautiful couple.
02:04:48Yes, we are a beautiful couple.
02:04:50Yes, it seems to me that Artyom is worried about his relationship.
02:04:54Did he tell you something?
02:04:55No, he didn't tell me anything.
02:04:56I just see that he is suffering because of your indecision.
02:05:00If they decided to get married, do it.
02:05:03Don't take too long, Katya.
02:05:04Mom, they are our things, okay?
02:05:06Katusha, are you hungry at night?
02:05:09No, I want to make a cake.
02:05:10Tomorrow morning, we'll go see the little girl.
02:05:14I mean, will it be Artyom and you?
02:05:18Kirill and me.
02:05:20Kirill is the director of the boarding school.
02:05:22I told you about him.
02:05:23Yes, Kirill, I remember.
02:05:24And how old is he?
02:05:25Is he married?
02:05:26And if he has no family, introduce him to Sabina.
02:05:28She alone will never know anyone.
02:05:31Mom, why should I do that?
02:05:33You only think about getting everyone married.
02:05:35I just want all the people on earth to be happy.
02:05:41You are with Artyom and I am with Volodya.
02:06:01I'll leave you, I'm going to sleep.
02:06:06Aren't you tired?
02:06:07I'm about to fall.
02:06:09You know, I understood everything.
02:06:11I just don't understand why you're lying.
02:06:13What did you understand?
02:06:15That Dina and my stepfather don't say they've known each other before.
02:06:18They looked at each other all night, he served his land, they have the same bracelets.
02:06:22In the photo he touches him like an old friend.
02:06:25And if there was something between them, and what?
02:06:27It doesn't matter.
02:06:28Mom would understand.
02:06:29Of course she would understand.
02:06:30Everyone has a past, you don't have to be ashamed.
02:06:39What are you saying?
02:06:40Did I get it right about my stepfather, Dina?
02:06:48Look at me.
02:06:52Katia, please.
02:06:54Don't force me.
02:06:56I have no right.
02:06:58I have...
02:07:00so much to tell you.
02:07:04I'm very afraid of losing you.
02:07:06You talk like my mother, please don't pressure me.
02:07:13I screwed up.
02:07:15It's okay.
02:07:31Good morning.
02:07:32Can we come in?
02:07:33Of course, come in if you came.
02:07:36I'm sorry we came without warning.
02:07:39Your phone doesn't work.
02:07:42Let me introduce you to the new volunteer, Katia.
02:07:46Good morning.
02:07:47Let's see, pick up your things and go, I have some guests.
02:07:51What do you care?
02:07:53And tell me, where is Lisa?
02:07:55We know she goes to school in the afternoon.
02:07:57She went to the supermarket.
02:08:01For you.
02:08:02Oh, thank you.
02:08:03It's homemade, with plums, raisins.
02:08:05Lisa likes it.
02:08:06Raisa, I warned you the last time that the girl needs a separate desk.
02:08:11Oh, and why doesn't she like this one?
02:08:16There's more light.
02:08:20I told you to leave.
02:08:23Oh, Lisa.
02:08:24Come in, come in, come in.
02:08:26The inspectors are here.
02:08:29Hello, Lisa.
02:08:32Lisa, why are you standing?
02:08:33Did you bite your tongue?
02:08:35People brought you a gift, thank them.
02:08:38Raisa, better show me what's in the kitchen.
02:08:41What do we have in the kitchen?
02:08:44While I was in jail, they took out all the furniture.
02:08:48They even took the fridge.
02:08:59This is for you.
02:09:01Do you like it?
02:09:03And I also found your gift, the hat.
02:09:06Did you give it to me?
02:09:08Therefore, there is no place to store the products.
02:09:12And who will give me a fridge?
02:09:15You know, everyone can criticize.
02:09:17But go find a good job after jail, you'll see.
02:09:21It's not easy.
02:09:22And you know, everyone can also look for excuses.
02:09:25There are many jobs.
02:09:26In the orphanage there is a vacancy for a concierge.
02:09:29Go fix the papers.
02:09:31I'm not going to go down so much.
02:09:33I know his job by heart.
02:09:35You can't buy anything.
02:09:37You know, if you need money ...
02:09:39No, don't give him money.
02:09:41We don't need anything.
02:09:42Get out of here.
02:09:43Did you hear me?
02:09:46Raisa, I have a serious conversation with you.
02:09:57Yes, Vovik.
02:09:58Are you sleeping, drunk?
02:09:59Wake up.
02:10:00We have to charge that money.
02:10:03What time is it?
02:10:04Dina, stop joking.
02:10:06Take an aspirin and get to work.
02:10:09I'm going.
02:10:13I'm going.
02:10:15I'm going.
02:10:17I'm going.
02:10:19I'm going.
02:10:21I'm going.
02:10:23I'm going.
02:10:24I'm going.
02:10:27I'm going.
02:10:29Well, what?
02:10:31The cake was accepted.
02:10:32Liza also stayed with the cartel.
02:10:35You lost it.
02:10:37Yes, Raisa was about to keep it.
02:10:40But Lisa took it and gave it to me.
02:10:42Thank you.
02:10:43Have you seen how they live?
02:10:45And what do they eat?
02:10:46Only bread and milk.
02:10:47They can't keep doing this.
02:10:48We have to do something.
02:10:49I don't know, maybe for the neighbors.
02:10:50Give them money?
02:10:51They need help, but not with money.
02:10:53The mother will spend it on drink.
02:10:54It's better to bring food and things.
02:10:56Then let's go to the supermarket.
02:10:57I've seen one near here.
02:11:15You have to get used to the fact that Lisa is with her own mother.
02:11:18We are strange to them.
02:11:20You can't impose yourself.
02:11:21This could make Lisa angrier.
02:11:23Kirill, a child can't and shouldn't live like this.
02:11:26I understand that sometimes children live better in a boarding school than at home.
02:11:30But there is the law that defends families even as it is.
02:11:35All those who grew up in a boarding school have a difficult destiny.
02:11:39We got there for different reasons.
02:11:41But in the end we believe that the parents will come back for us.
02:11:46Are you also from a boarding school?
02:11:49Yes, besides this.
02:11:51I remember how my parents went to earn money and I stayed with my grandmother.
02:11:55I remember when my mother called Sey Hartog, who brought dollars.
02:12:00It was her last call.
02:12:04And what happened?
02:12:06I don't know.
02:12:07They disappeared.
02:12:08They didn't say anything.
02:12:10There were people and there were no people.
02:12:13And when my grandmother died, they sent Olga Leonidovna's group.
02:12:17She had a terrible time.
02:12:18She had a terrible time with me.
02:12:21I escaped like five times.
02:12:23I wanted to find my parents on my own.
02:12:26And at the same time, I started a fight like Lisa.
02:12:29The police knew me.
02:12:31And then Olga Leonidovna prepared the shock therapy for me.
02:12:34She asked the former graduates of boarding school to send me to La Colonia by noon.
02:12:39It worked.
02:12:41I graduated from school with a medal.
02:12:44I served.
02:12:45I served.
02:12:49And then I came back.
02:12:53I had already told you before.
02:12:55And you too.
02:12:56About you and your parents.
02:12:58About Timur.
02:12:59About how he died.
02:13:01Not a word about the new boyfriend.
02:13:05I don't know why no one knew Artem.
02:13:08And I don't know why he doesn't know anything about Lisa.
02:13:11Everything is very strange.
02:13:12As if I led two parallel lives that did not cross.
02:13:17Why is that?
02:13:20I don't know.
02:13:22Let's find out.
02:13:24And don't worry about Lisa.
02:13:26We don't abandon our loved ones.
02:13:31You are very strong.
02:13:33I believe you.
02:13:35And Lisa is very lucky to have you.
02:13:39I won't let them hurt you.
02:13:53Why did you hang up?
02:13:57I thought you were in the hospital.
02:13:59I didn't call you not to bother you.
02:14:01So, how are you?
02:14:03All right, thank you.
02:14:05Thank you for your interest.
02:14:07The operation, thank God, went well.
02:14:10But I was so nervous.
02:14:12And I wanted to relax a little while she was sleeping.
02:14:15By the way, see how you fix everything without me.
02:14:18Because we are closed.
02:14:20Dina didn't tell you anything?
02:14:22She said she would let you know herself.
02:14:26About what?
02:14:28It's over.
02:14:29We are preparing the closure.
02:14:31I'm collecting the remains.
02:14:33She closes the deal.
02:14:36She came in the morning saying,
02:14:38That's it.
02:14:40I'm tired, I'm leaving.
02:14:42She's even selling the apartment.
02:14:44Can you imagine?
02:14:46Ah, Luda.
02:14:48Do you think she will pay us the finiquito?
02:14:51Because in my previous job they deceived me and they didn't pay me.
02:15:00Are you listening to me?
02:15:04Maybe it's for the best.
02:15:06Maybe it should be like this.
02:15:16Are they all your husband's works?
02:15:18Yes, but they are not all.
02:15:20They all don't fit.
02:15:22There are more in digital.
02:15:24Timur took out many.
02:15:29He used to be a fool.
02:15:32He hid his works.
02:15:33He was jealous when someone looked at them.
02:15:42I thought somehow they connected us.
02:15:45Timur and me.
02:15:54And now we are looking for places to hang all Timur's works.
02:15:59This is great.
02:16:03You know you can count on me.
02:16:05To load, to drive or to install Timur.
02:16:08Thank you.
02:16:10Tell me, is it important that the exhibition is in the center?
02:16:14No, of course.
02:16:16The important thing is that there is a lot of space.
02:16:19So that all the works fit.
02:16:21And if we do the exhibition in our boarding school?
02:16:24It's a great idea.
02:16:26And people will see those who need help.
02:16:29How strange that it didn't occur to me.
02:16:31And the children will make gifts for everyone.
02:16:33We solved so many problems in just a minute.
02:16:36Location, place to store the works, security.
02:16:41Kirill found a perfect place for the exhibition.
02:16:43Good morning.
02:16:45I already knew who you were.
02:16:47You are the one in the picture of the children.
02:16:49Yes, it's me.
02:16:51Excuse me.
02:16:56Kirill, forgive me, please.
02:16:58But my mother dreams of marrying Sabina.
02:17:00And she gave me instructions to find out if you are single.
02:17:03I guess I asked you before.
02:17:06Yes, I told you.
02:17:09Nothing has changed since then.
02:17:12I'm also alone.
02:17:15Although I was married.
02:17:17But my wife left me.
02:17:19She thought I was a loser because I dedicated time to the children of others.
02:17:23How horrible.
02:17:25But you are the noblest of all I know.
02:17:31Excuse me, please.
02:17:37Don't you mind?
02:17:41What happens is that we have already been friends.
02:17:44And thank your husband for worrying.
02:17:47But I won't be able to marry Sabina because...
02:17:50I liked a girl a long time ago and...
02:17:53She is now with another.
02:18:01Katia, they call for a photo session.
02:18:06Excuse me, do you have a moment?
02:18:08Yes, of course.
02:18:10I just interrupted, right?
02:18:12No, why do you say that?
02:18:14Do you think I'm blind and I don't see how they look?
02:18:17They are connected.
02:18:19Listen, haven't you been infected by my mother?
02:18:21She also sees connections where there are none.
02:18:23No, it's just that I know you well.
02:18:25Yes, you have Artem, but you are different from him.
02:18:28I like you more now.
02:18:30You were like that with Timur.
02:18:41How are you?
02:18:43Can you see me?
02:18:45Yes, don't shake the child.
02:18:47Thank you for calling me, I was worried.
02:18:49You're welcome, I called for a matter.
02:18:51What is this?
02:18:53The money, thank you, we didn't need it.
02:18:55And what happened with the operation?
02:18:57We have to pay for it.
02:18:59There is no need.
02:19:01They couldn't bring a boy from the neighboring town,
02:19:03and the doctors had already met,
02:19:05so they gave us their turn for free.
02:19:07As you can see, the Lord God is saving us from your bad money.
02:19:12Come on, tell him.
02:19:14Is everything there?
02:19:16I didn't take a penny.
02:19:18Shiroshki and I don't need your money either.
02:19:21Liuda, keep the advance.
02:19:22It's my job.
02:19:24We have to take the boy to the sanatorium,
02:19:26he needs fresh air.
02:19:28You know, the air in the town is not less fresh.
02:19:30You are obsessed with the town.
02:19:32We already agreed to stay in the city for him.
02:19:34You and I don't agree on anything.
02:19:36You made up a new life, a new wife,
02:19:38maybe you already gave him a baby.
02:19:42What Liuda?
02:19:44I've had enough.
02:19:46I already lived in this city.
02:19:48I saw how people live,
02:19:50and how some for money are able to do anything.
02:19:52I don't want my son to be like you.
02:19:56We will be poor, but with a clear conscience.
02:20:02Timo, why are you so quiet?
02:20:06Say goodbye to dad.
02:20:22Why are you stepping so hard?
02:20:35Mom, that was my cake.
02:20:39They feed you at school.
02:20:41I know the rules,
02:20:43the poor must be fed.
02:20:45And if they don't feed you,
02:20:47I'll make a scene, you'll see.
02:20:50But I'm hungry.
02:20:52I'm used to the fact that at the boarding school
02:20:55we always eat at this time.
02:20:57And that's it, you'll get used to it.
02:21:00People go on a diet especially
02:21:03to be thin.
02:21:05Give me the money then.
02:21:07I'm going to buy food for dinner,
02:21:09because you'll come back again at night.
02:21:11There is no money, Lisa.
02:21:13If you gave the wallet to that aunt yourself,
02:21:16you are honest, noble.
02:21:18Now fix them as you know.
02:21:20I should go steal.
02:21:22Why not?
02:21:24Didn't I steal for you when you were little?
02:21:27Because of you I went to jail every two by three.
02:21:30That's it.
02:21:32And I took care of you.
02:21:34Now you take care of me.
02:21:36Is that clear?
02:21:38Let me carry it.
02:21:40Thank you.
02:21:46Hello, Katia, it's me.
02:21:48Where are you?
02:21:50Listen, can I go see you?
02:21:52I heard a strange voice.
02:21:54Is everything okay?
02:21:56It's important. Are you at the studio?
02:21:58No, I'm at the boarding school.
02:22:00We're preparing an exhibition.
02:22:02Yes, I know where it is.
02:22:04Now I'll go there.
02:22:06No, you don't have to come.
02:22:08Katia, it's very important.
02:22:10I'd better go.
02:22:12Are you at work?
02:22:16Okay, then I'll go there.
02:22:20Has something happened?
02:22:40Let's see, girls.
02:22:42That's all. Here's your money.
02:22:46Luda, this is for you.
02:22:48I put a little more for you because we're like relatives.
02:22:52Thank you, Anya.
02:22:54You could have thanked me.
02:22:58Thank you for what?
02:23:02For putting my husband under another woman?
02:23:05Or for depriving my son of having a father?
02:23:07And what was left for the poor to do?
02:23:10You did it yourself.
02:23:12How proud, you couldn't stand a little for the good of the child.
02:23:14I won't have as much endurance as you.
02:23:16And you've completely lost your dignity.
02:23:18Clung to the husband of another person.
02:23:20You get into the family of others.
02:23:22How do you feel? Don't you feel ashamed?
02:23:25Well, yes.
02:23:28And you, so noble, what are you doing here?
02:23:31Go tell everything to Katia, his mother.
02:23:34Do you think I like that story?
02:23:36I'm disgusted with myself.
02:23:38I'm hoping they know everything.
02:23:40I just lack courage, you understand?
02:23:42I understand.
02:23:44But I won't touch your shit.
02:23:46You've gotten into this yourself.
02:23:49And you have to go out, but you're sure you're comfortable.
02:24:11Where is Artem?
02:24:13He's over there.
02:24:19Artem, what happened? Are you okay?
02:24:23We have to talk.
02:24:25My whole life depends on it.
02:24:27Are you sure? Let's talk in the car.
02:24:29Katia, wait.
02:24:31Will you be with me?
02:24:33Are you going to marry me?
02:24:35I'll explain everything to you later.
02:24:37But I need an answer now.
02:24:39Do we have a future?
02:24:41I don't understand you. We'll talk at home.
02:24:43No, no, I have to make a decision, understand?
02:24:47Wait, you have to know.
02:24:48I have a son.
02:24:50Get him out of there!
02:24:57Doctor, tell me, how is he?
02:24:59He just fainted.
02:25:01We did some tests.
02:25:03There are no serious injuries.
02:25:05But it will be better if he stays in the hospital today.
02:25:07Tell me, can I come in?
02:25:18How are you?
02:25:21So you have a son?
02:25:25So you managed to hear it.
02:25:28And who are you, Artem?
02:25:31I don't understand you.
02:25:33You weren't in my life, were you?
02:25:35We don't know each other.
02:25:38Do you remember now?
02:25:42Do you understand that this is cruel?
02:25:43I almost go crazy looking for a ring that doesn't exist.
02:25:46You know I could believe you.
02:25:48Believe that you are my destiny.
02:25:50Marry you.
02:25:52And it turns out that you are nobody to me.
02:25:54Don't say that.
02:25:56You mean a lot to me.
02:26:00All because of the photo.
02:26:03I was right.
02:26:05Dina is my stepfather's lover, right?
02:26:09Obviously yes.
02:26:10Then it's clear why they need you.
02:26:12Why do you need them?
02:26:14I'll explain everything to you.
02:26:16I couldn't do it any other way.
02:26:21Buy flowers and pay whatever you want.
02:26:26Buy flowers and pay whatever you want.
02:26:31Buy flowers.
02:26:36Get out of here.
02:26:37You can't ask for alms here.
02:26:39I'm not asking for alms.
02:27:08Buy flowers.
02:27:26Is it for money?
02:27:30And that your son had an operation?
02:27:32It wasn't necessary in the end.
02:27:37Artem, take it off.
02:27:42Katia, please, I beg you.
02:27:44I didn't think I would love you.
02:27:47Give me a chance.
02:27:50When they love, they don't lie.
02:27:53Never to anyone.
02:27:57And you lied to me and your wife.
02:28:00You can't do that.
02:28:02Hi, Artem.
02:28:04What wife?
02:28:05What's going on here?
02:28:08Let's go.
02:28:11I don't understand.
02:28:13Are we leaving today?
02:28:15We're leaving in two hours.
02:28:17Katia called me, she remembered everything.
02:28:19Your son couldn't take it, he said everything.
02:28:21He betrayed us completely.
02:28:23Now they know everything.
02:28:25Both Katia and Irka, do you understand?
02:28:27They know everything.
02:28:29Look, I loved Katia.
02:28:31I don't know why I'm telling you this.
02:28:33Listen to me.
02:28:35I just want you to take what's essential.
02:28:37Where's the money?
02:28:39Here, in the bag.
02:28:41Take it.
02:28:43And where's the rest?
02:28:45If there are restrictions in the ATM,
02:28:47take what I could.
02:28:49Why do you worry?
02:28:51The rest is in the card.
02:28:53Idiot, you couldn't have gone to the bank window
02:28:55like all normal people.
02:28:57Don't yell at me.
02:28:59I'm not yelling, let's go.
02:29:01Wait, please, my mom's picture.
02:29:03Let's go, I said.
02:29:05Let's go.
02:29:13Oh my God, I asked you to leave.
02:29:15Katia, Irina Alexandrovna, they called me from the store.
02:29:18They want to talk to you.
02:29:20They say it's urgent.
02:29:24Hello, good afternoon.
02:29:26I'm Katia, I'm listening.
02:29:28And the money that was supposed to go to the boarding school?
02:29:32I understand, thank you.
02:29:35Mom, it's the financial director.
02:29:37Half an hour ago, Vladimir ordered to transfer all the money
02:29:40to an intermediary company.
02:29:42We're bankrupt.
02:29:47What is this, a joke?
02:29:49No, it's not a joke.
02:29:51It's not a joke.
02:29:53It's not a joke.
02:29:54What is this, a joke?
02:29:59He stole all the money.
02:30:01He stole the boarding school money.
02:30:05I don't believe it.
02:30:07Volodia couldn't have done it.
02:30:09What an idiot I am.
02:30:12Dina told me everything.
02:30:14Your aunt.
02:30:16What does your aunt have to do with this, Artyom?
02:30:19She knew everything and I could have warned her.
02:30:25Why are they taking so long?
02:30:27Calm down, don't get nervous.
02:30:29It's our turn.
02:30:31Don't worry.
02:30:33How do you plan to marry me if you haven't divorced Ira?
02:30:36Oh yeah, you still love me, don't you?
02:30:39My God, I'm so tired of your nonsense.
02:30:42Let's go.
02:30:44Good morning.
02:30:46Good morning.
02:30:48Your passport.
02:30:50Thank you.
02:30:51Your passport.
02:31:03What's wrong? Is there a problem?
02:31:06Come to passport control.
02:31:16Vladimir Andreevich Bobrov.
02:31:18Dina Nikolayevna Razinovna.
02:31:20What a surprise.
02:31:36The phone is not available at the moment.
02:31:45Do you want him?
02:31:47Yes, hello.
02:31:49I called and you didn't answer the phone.
02:31:51I went to Sabina's office.
02:31:53She said you were in trouble.
02:31:55She gave me the address.
02:31:57I should have warned you.
02:31:59But I remember how you disappeared the last time.
02:32:01And I was worried.
02:32:03I'm sorry.
02:32:05I forgot I was going there at night.
02:32:07So many things have happened.
02:32:09I'll tell you everything.
02:32:11We have to go home.
02:32:13Mom is tired.
02:32:14Let's go.
02:32:26She fell asleep.
02:32:28Would you like some tea?
02:32:30Black, green, infusions?
02:32:32It doesn't matter.
02:32:35Black, then?
02:32:44Thank you.
02:32:56I didn't imagine your first day at my house like this.
02:33:04Do you remember everything?
02:33:09I'm sorry.
02:33:10And I want to tell you that there was nothing between Artem and I.
02:33:15They made me believe there was.
02:33:17But there was no parallel life.
02:33:24Are you waiting for someone?
02:33:26No. Let's go.
02:33:36Katia, I...
02:33:37Get out of here.
02:33:38Wait, we have to talk.
02:33:41They told you no.
02:33:42What part don't you understand?
02:33:44I'm not talking to you.
02:33:47Katia, one minute.
02:33:55Done. He apologized.
02:33:57He says he won't bother you anymore.
02:34:00Did you hit him?
02:34:04No. What do you say?
02:34:05He tripped on the stairs.
02:34:10Let's go.
02:34:20We're closed.
02:34:29I see that life has hit you too.
02:34:32Tell me, are you going to see Vladimir Andreevich?
02:34:35If he doesn't go to jail, I'll see him.
02:34:37Give this to me.
02:34:39Are you crazy? Keep it.
02:34:41You ruined your life for this money.
02:34:43That's why I want to give it back.
02:35:00So what do you say, Mr. Bobrov?
02:35:03What does he want?
02:35:04What does he want?
02:35:06All this...
02:35:08...are false accusations.
02:35:11Do you want me to be honest?
02:35:13My stepdaughter...
02:35:15...can't stand me.
02:35:16She can't forgive me for running her father's business.
02:35:18Besides, you know, I do it with a lot of success.
02:35:21For nine years she has tried to get me out of this business.
02:35:24And at the same time show her mother...
02:35:26...how bad I am.
02:35:30So you don't transfer money either?
02:35:32Of course not.
02:35:33Of course I did.
02:35:35I've already told you all the details.
02:35:37I was trying to expand the business, but if you don't believe me...
02:35:41By the way, the intermediaries returned everything.
02:35:46Yes, wow, how ingenious.
02:35:48You know, she used to have the imagination...
02:35:50...to accuse me of sexual fantasies with my own secretary.
02:35:54You know, and now look...
02:35:58You tell a very interesting story, Mr. Bobrov.
02:36:03I have the testimony...
02:36:05...of a witness.
02:36:07His former manager.
02:36:10And what?
02:36:13He says he didn't see anything.
02:36:15That he was busy.
02:36:17He was doing his things.
02:36:20I just don't understand one thing.
02:36:23Why did he resign immediately after the accident at the post?
02:36:27You know, tell me yourself if you would stay with an employee...
02:36:30...who constantly violates security rules.
02:36:38You have answers for everything, Vladimir Andreevich.
02:36:42A very intelligent person.
02:36:55Let go of me!
02:36:57Let's see.
02:36:59I'll undress you while you take the cheese and chorizo, understand?
02:37:02And if they catch you, run, run, don't wait for me.
02:37:05I won't do it, let go of me!
02:37:08Otherwise, you'll starve to death, understand?
02:37:10You don't ask me for anything.
02:37:12I don't care, but I won't steal like you.
02:37:18What a whore.
02:37:22Do you want pancakes?
02:37:24I don't want.
02:37:26I have no appetite.
02:37:35I'm here.
02:37:42How could she do it?
02:37:44She brought her lover.
02:37:46To our anniversary.
02:37:50She humiliated us both.
02:37:56You were right when you wanted to open my eyes.
02:37:59I didn't believe you.
02:38:02I'm sorry, daughter.
02:38:09Everything will be fine.
02:38:12Now everything will be fine.
02:38:15And it won't hurt you, don't worry.
02:38:28Okay, I'll bring pancakes now.
02:38:30Now we're going to eat pancakes, sweet, tasty, as you like.
02:38:40By the way, he called the financial director.
02:38:43He said the money is already in the company's account.
02:38:46So we'll build the boarding school the way we wanted.
02:38:50What did I say?
02:38:59He managed to get out without charges.
02:39:02They let him go.
02:39:08Thank you.
02:39:20Let's go.
02:39:23Come on, come on, don't sleep.
02:39:26Go ahead.
02:39:33Mom, look how I can.
02:39:35Sergei, just be careful.
02:39:37Look, dad.
02:39:39Hey, hello.
02:39:41Why don't you answer my calls?
02:39:45I haven't seen them.
02:39:46Yeah, I passed by the house.
02:39:49Good thing the neighbors told me they had gone home for a walk.
02:39:53Dad, what's wrong with Daris?
02:39:55It's nothing. What, are we going back to town?
02:39:58It's fine there, calm down.
02:40:00What do you think if we go fishing?
02:40:02Serioski, come down.
02:40:04And who told you we were waiting for you?
02:40:07Liuda, I was a fool.
02:40:09I don't expect you to forgive me just like that.
02:40:12I can't be alone, I'll be lost without you.
02:40:16Sergei, let's go, the bus is leaving.
02:40:18I can do it on my own.
02:40:29Come in, Serioski.
02:40:39And when you decide what you want,
02:40:43you know the way.
02:40:44I've decided everything.
02:40:46I brought the car, let's go together.
02:40:49We already bought the tickets.
02:40:51I'm not like you, I don't waste money.
02:40:56Come on.
02:40:58Get in, get in.
02:41:14Let's go.
02:41:44Just be careful.
02:42:11Olga, Leonidovna, Lisa is there.
02:42:15Kids, kids, step aside.
02:42:19Lisa, Lisa.
02:42:22How are you here?
02:42:24I escaped from her.
02:42:26My mother wanted me to steal.
02:42:28And I don't want to be like her.
02:42:30Have you seen Kirill or Katia?
02:42:32Katia? And why?
02:42:34They went to see you and bring you food.
02:42:38You're pale.
02:42:40Have you eaten today?
02:42:44Let's have lunch now.
02:42:46Let's have lunch.
02:42:48Kirill will come and fix it.
02:42:50Can I stay?
02:42:52It's not that easy, honey.
02:42:54But I'm sure we'll figure something out.
02:42:57Guys, guys.
02:43:01Wash your hands.
02:43:03Katiusha, have you left yet?
02:43:14What did you forget here?
02:43:16Do you want me to make you a complete list?
02:43:19I come for the underpants and socks.
02:43:21I don't know.
02:43:23I don't know.
02:43:25I don't know.
02:43:27I don't know.
02:43:29I don't know.
02:43:30I don't know.
02:43:32Don't be silly.
02:43:34Pack your things and leave.
02:43:36I don't want to see you anymore.
02:43:38I'm going to change all the locks.
02:43:40Did you hear me?
02:43:42I heard.
02:43:44I just, I'll take what I gave you, okay?
02:43:46I want to save you the bad memories, okay?
02:43:48And take it all.
02:43:50So your money will have one in return.
02:43:52By the way,
02:43:54I didn't tell you the story of this beautiful bracelet.
02:43:56I won the cards.
02:43:58You wouldn't believe it.
02:44:00Yes, I even had another one, but I gave it to a whore for her services.
02:44:08She was a beautiful woman, a queen.
02:44:18And tell Katia that I'm very angry.
02:44:31And where is Lisa?
02:44:34In the dining room. Now they feed her.
02:44:37Kirill, but we have to say something. Raisa will completely destroy her.
02:44:42Yes, I called social security and explained the situation.
02:44:46We are going to start the process of depriving Raisa of maternity.
02:44:50I think it's the best decision.
02:44:52Yes, it's been a while, but we'll save Lisa.
02:44:55Can I talk to Lisa now? Alone?
02:45:00Sure, there she is.
02:45:15Rock, paper, scissors, one, two, three. Rock, paper, scissors, one, two, three.
02:45:20Lisa, you're ready. You're going home with the social security workers.
02:45:24Lisa, I'll give you an address now. This is my mom's address. Now I live with her.
02:45:36If you suddenly feel bad, we're waiting for you here.
02:45:41At any time. My mother's name is Irina.
02:45:44I know, you already told me.
02:45:55Very good.
02:46:00Katia, do you remember Timur a lot?
02:46:06Yes, every day.
02:46:10He would like the idea of ​​the exhibition very much.
02:46:13He loved children a lot, just like you.
02:46:25Why didn't I notice it before?
02:46:28Oh, we put it here in vain.
02:46:33I wanted someone to play the piano during the exhibition, but the music teacher has left.
02:46:40I'll ask my mother, and she'll play at the exhibition.
02:46:44And if we convince her, you'll even have the best music teacher.
02:46:48And if we convince her, you'll even have the best music teacher.
02:46:53That's fantastic. Do you think she'll accept?
02:46:56Yes, she just needs to have people around her.
02:47:00Yes, of course.
02:47:09We're here. My own daughter has reported me.
02:47:13And what did you want?
02:47:16That they take me and you stay here alone?
02:47:19Look, have you seen?
02:47:21There's nothing of yours here.
02:47:23And it will never be.
02:47:25Do you understand?
02:47:27Everything is mine here.
02:47:30If I want, I burn it. If I want, I throw it away.
02:47:33Let's see what you've hung up here. I don't like it at all.
02:47:37I'll change it for a bottle. Do you hear me? Do you understand?
02:47:40Don't touch it!
02:47:47Against whom have you raised your hand?
02:47:50What a whore you are.
02:47:52Come on, run!
02:47:56You'll be back, yes.
02:47:59Who needs you?
02:48:10Who needs you?
02:48:13Who needs you?
02:48:16Who needs you?
02:48:19Who needs you?
02:48:22Who needs you?
02:48:40Who needs you?
02:48:52Good morning. Is Katia here?
02:48:59Katia is not here.
02:49:02It must be Lisa.
02:49:05Yes, you are.
02:49:08My girl.
02:49:10My girl.
02:49:14You are my angel.
02:49:16You saved me from something so terrible.
02:49:24Mom fell asleep.
02:49:26Well, you and I will eat and we will also go to sleep.
02:49:32Are you holding up?
02:49:34I'll spend the night at your house.
02:49:36Yes, I called Kirill and he allowed me.
02:49:39Take it.
02:49:41In the morning we'll go get your books and notebooks.
02:49:44And we'll buy you a new phone so you can be in touch.
02:49:48I'll have my own cell phone?
02:49:50Of course. Otherwise, how will I know when I'm going to pick you up from school?
02:50:05I love you.
02:50:06I love you.
02:50:34I thank you for finding the time to be here today.
02:50:41I am grateful to you.
02:50:43And to your mother.
02:50:44And to your father.
02:50:46To Sabrina.
02:50:47To Timur.
02:50:48Because it's all thanks to you.
02:50:49I thank you all.
02:50:50Thank you.
02:50:58We have a surprise.
02:50:59As you know, my father's company is building a new building for the boarding school.
02:51:04And Kirill came up with everything.
02:51:06Thank you, Kirill.
02:51:08We used all your ideas.
02:51:10And we're going to show this project for the first time.
02:51:23There's something cute here. Look.
02:51:26Yes, it's my little fox.
02:51:27My little fox.
02:51:42Are you done?
02:51:44Thank you.
02:51:51Are you happy?
02:51:53Yes, of course.
02:51:54There are sponsors for the computer room and the gym.
02:51:57Really? Perfect.
02:52:01This is an old friend of my father's.
02:52:03And he has his own clothing company.
02:52:05Can you talk a little more here?
02:52:14Let's go out and talk.
02:52:16Come on.
02:52:17Come on.
02:52:24So you're the one who wants to be Melissa's mother.
02:52:27No, I want to be her tutor.
02:52:29She already has a mother.
02:52:31And who do you think you are?
02:52:35So listen here, tutor.
02:52:37You'll have Lisa if you live up to my conditions.
02:52:42Raisa, you forget.
02:52:44They're going to take your country from you.
02:52:47We'll see.
02:52:49An acquaintance of mine will hire me a good lawyer.
02:52:52Oh, the stepdaughter.
02:52:54Go, go. I'll finish.
02:52:56Leave him.
02:52:59What kind of theater is this?
02:53:01You know, I learn from you.
02:53:03So memorize it.
02:53:05Raisa will do what I say.
02:53:07If you want to take his daughter, take her.
02:53:10But you and your mother will leave me the whole company for me.
02:53:14It will come to you with the part that we have already paid.
02:53:18Thanks to my mother, she felt sorry for you.
02:53:22Listen to me carefully.
02:53:24I'll give the money to Raisa.
02:53:26She and her daughter will go to another city.
02:53:28And there in a month Lisa will have a misfortune.
02:53:30A run-in, for example.
02:53:32Do you know how many fools there are on the road?
02:53:35And you will be the only culprit.
02:53:38Listen to me.
02:53:40You'll call me when the documents are ready.
02:53:43And don't think about telling anyone.
02:53:45Otherwise, Lisa will have a very bad time.
02:53:47Is something wrong here?
02:53:49Old man, I'll look for you anywhere if she asks me.
02:53:52Do you understand?
02:53:54Querel, Querel, Querel, let him go.
02:53:56What do you want? What are you looking for?
02:53:58My death.
02:54:00What do you say? Live.
02:54:02Do you know how many interesting things are waiting for you?
02:54:04Isn't that right, Katyusha?
02:54:11Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama, no, no, no, no, Mama, Mama.
02:54:41I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
02:55:11I'm sorry.
02:55:42Tell me, why are you so serious?
02:55:44Is it because of the orphanage?
02:55:46Don't worry.
02:55:48We have a rich government.
02:55:50They'll build something.
02:55:52They'll be fine.
02:55:56I hope everything is here.
02:55:58That's right.
02:56:00Good afternoon, Mr. Bobrow.
02:56:02Good afternoon, Mr. Bobrow.
02:56:04Good afternoon, Mr. Bobrow.
02:56:06Good afternoon, Mr. Bobrow.
02:56:08Good afternoon, Mr. Bobrow.
02:56:09Good afternoon, Mr. Bobrow.
02:56:13I haven't seen you in a long time.
02:56:15We're here as a family.
02:56:17Ready to have some tea.
02:56:19I can see that.
02:56:21You're with your stepdaughter.
02:56:23And I'm surprised.
02:56:25You said you had some conflicts with her.
02:56:28You know, families are like that.
02:56:30Sometimes they reconcile.
02:56:35You won't believe this.
02:56:36They showed me a very interesting video in the morning.
02:56:38I want you to take a look at it too.
02:56:40Listen to me carefully.
02:56:42I'll give the money to Raika.
02:56:44She and her daughter will go to another city.
02:56:46And there, in a month, Alisa will have a misfortune.
02:56:48An accident, for example.
02:56:50Do you know how many fools there are on the road?
02:56:53You used the girl in this?
02:56:55You're a wretch.
02:56:58Oh, wow.
02:57:06Come on.
02:57:37Listen, kid.
02:57:39You'd better stay out of this.
02:57:41I'll finish you now.
02:57:44This is for Inila Alexandrovna.
02:57:51And this is for Lisa.
02:57:56And this is for Katia.
02:58:07Come on.
02:58:24Are you going to hit everyone for us now?
02:58:29It was unintentional.
02:58:36I love you.
02:59:06I love you too.
