• last year
00:02:01¿Sabe cuántos artículos de código laboral está infringiendo?
00:02:05Honestamente, no lo sé. Tengo más claro el código penal.
00:02:08¿Qué pasó otra vez? Regresé a Moscú hace dos horas. Esperaba tener un día libre.
00:02:12Lo sé, pero tenemos una emergencia.
00:02:15Tienes que tomar el tren a Moscú dentro de media hora. Te voy a llevar a la estación.
00:02:19No voy a ir. Busque a otra persona.
00:02:21Sí, vas a ir.
00:02:23¿Es porque no tengo familia?
00:02:25No, mi la lleva. Es porque eres la única a la que puedo encomendarle esto.
00:02:31Es un caso muy especial. Hay que hacerlo todo sin causar mucho ruido.
00:02:38¿Encuentran muerto al coronel Konovalov en Yaroslavl?
00:02:42¿Es nuestro Konovalov?
00:02:46¿Me da tiempo para cepillar los dientes?
00:02:49Sí, apresúrate.
00:03:02¡Hola amigos! Estoy frente a la famosa Casa del Arco.
00:03:08Decenas de residentes de esta casa en los años 30 del siglo XX
00:03:12fueron asesinados por las manos ensangrentadas de la NKVD.
00:03:16Un fantasma se volvió a ver hoy y aquí,
00:03:18pero esta vez no es el espíritu de la víctima de la represión, para nada.
00:03:23Es un fantasma de la carroza de pilón.
00:03:27Sí, lo han oído bien. ¿No me creen?
00:03:30Tengo una testigo viva de los eventos de esta noche.
00:03:34Tamara Ivanovna tiene la palabra.
00:03:37Sí, es verdad. La vi.
00:03:40No pueden grabar aquí.
00:03:42Vaya, ¿oyeron eso?
00:03:46¿Quiénes son ustedes? ¿El comité de investigación?
00:03:49¿Y qué pasó? ¿Fue alguien asesinado?
00:03:51¿Y dónde? ¿En esa casa? ¿Puedo ser el testigo?
00:03:53¿Usted? No.
00:03:56Teniente, ¿me quieres explicar qué está pasando aquí?
00:04:01Perdone, mi mayor.
00:04:02Usted, señora, creo que sí podría ser una testigo presencial.
00:04:06¿Lleva pasaporte?
00:04:08Sígame, vamos.
00:04:11Atención, por favor. Este es el Teniente Gratz, este es el Mayor Trunov.
00:04:15Realizaremos una inspección del apartamento y del cuerpo en su presencia.
00:04:19Usted tendrá que observar nuestras actuaciones y confirmar su legado.
00:04:22¿Lo tiene claro?
00:04:30Uf, Edik, ¿cómo terminaste metido en esto?
00:04:34Escuché que trabajaron juntos.
00:04:38Sí, durante tres años, hasta que lo transfirieron a Moscú.
00:04:44Vaya, me están llamando desde Moscú.
00:04:48Mayor Trunov, dígame.
00:04:51Sí, sí.
00:04:54¿Cómo? ¿Quién? ¿Y por qué?
00:04:58No, no tengo objeciones. Está bien, la recibiremos.
00:05:03¿Qué pasó?
00:05:05Nikita, vete ya mismo a la estación para recibir a la Capitana Vilayeva, la nueva jefa de nuestro equipo de investigación.
00:05:13No entiendo, ¿y usted?
00:05:15Moscú mandó a su experto aquí. Estaremos a su cargo.
00:05:20Así que, ve, llévala al hotel.
00:05:25Así no mete las narices donde no debe.
00:05:30Yaroslav, estación de tren Moskovski. Comité de investigación.
00:05:40Soy Capitán Victoria Vilayeva.
00:05:43Yo soy el Teniente Grach. Bienvenida, Yaroslav. Me dijeron que la llevará al hotel.
00:05:48Espere, ¿a qué hotel? Vamos a la escena de crimen.
00:05:51Los expertos ya están allí. Le entregarán las fotos y los informes.
00:05:54¿El cuerpo sigue en el apartamento?
00:05:57Entonces, vamos ahí, rápido.
00:06:05Una vecina oyó un portazo en el apartamento de Lubyomirov. Es donde se encontró el cuerpo.
00:06:11Vio a una prostituta salir corriendo de su apartamento.
00:06:15Ella bajó para expresarle a Lubyomirov su indignación y encontró al cuerpo del coronel Konolavov allí.
00:06:24Victoria Lesotrovna, ¿me está escuchando?
00:06:27Sí, claro.
00:06:29Señor Lubyomirov, según el protocolo, estamos identificando al cuerpo encontrado en su apartamento.
00:06:36Por aquí, por favor. ¿Conoce a ese señor?
00:06:41Una media roja. Me mareo. No soporto ver esto.
00:06:48Espere, espere, espere. ¿Sabe usted quién es ese señor?
00:06:52Es Edik. Edik Konolavov. Perdón.
00:07:03¿Qué es lo que dijo sobre una media roja? No entendí.
00:07:11Hace poco salió mi libro, de las leyendas más oscuras y sangrientas de Yaroslavl.
00:07:19Se presentará hoy.
00:07:22Nuestra casa, por ejemplo, fue habitada por un agente de policía secreto.
00:07:29Un día encontró a su esposa con un amante y lo mató.
00:07:33Y a ella la estranguló.
00:07:37Con una media roja.
00:07:39Como si las páginas con imágenes de mi libro cobraran vida.
00:07:49¿Y por qué el coronel Konolavov se hospedó en su apartamento y no en el hotel?
00:07:54Era un viejo conocido mío. No es la primera vez que se queda en mi casa.
00:07:58El miércoles lo recibí en la estación, lo entregué en la llave y me fui al campo.
00:08:04Tengo una casa allí.
00:08:07Philip Wolfovich, querido. ¿Cómo está usted?
00:08:11Señor Adib, ¿y a usted qué le trae por aquí?
00:08:14Vine a apoyar a mi amigo y asegurarme de que los policías lo traten de manera apropiada.
00:08:19Claro. Hacemos bien nuestro trabajo.
00:08:21Sí, por supuesto. ¿Es por eso que se agarra el corazón?
00:08:24Súbete al auto, te llevo a mi casa.
00:08:25¿Hace falta que firme la prohibición de salir?
00:08:27Pues hágalo. Si lo necesitan, envíenle una citación.
00:08:31¿No ve que está mal? ¿Quiere que muera también?
00:08:38¿Es el propietario del piso? ¿Quién le dio el permiso de dejarle ir?
00:08:42¿Y a quién debería pedirle permiso?
00:08:44A mí. Soy Capitán Belaeva. ¿Está ahí el cuerpo?
00:08:50Bueno, stop. Esperen un momento. Colóquenlo donde estaba.
00:08:54Ella es la Capitana Victoria Belaeva, la nueva jefa del equipo de investigación.
00:09:02Mi apellido es Dunning. Soy médico forense.
00:09:05¿Asfixia mecánica?
00:09:07Sí. De momento es asfixia mecánica.
00:09:10¿Puedo pedirle permiso?
00:09:13Mi apellido es Dunning. Soy médico forense.
00:09:16¿Asfixia mecánica?
00:09:18Sí. De momento es difícil determinar la hora de la muerte por las acciones que realizó.
00:09:23La actividad física afecta la velocidad del rigor mortis.
00:09:26Lo sé. Trunov, ¿qué versión tiene usted?
00:09:29Homicidio involuntario durante el acto sexual. La chica se excedió.
00:09:34¿Y por qué él no la detuvo?
00:09:36Porque no pudo quitarse las esposas de las manos, aunque evidentemente lo intentó.
00:09:40Mire, tiene hematomas en las muñecas.
00:09:44Parecen antiguos. ¿Tal vez lo dejaron inconsciente antes de eso?
00:09:49La autopsia lo dirá.
00:09:52Vamos a ver si tiene marca de agujo o de una pistola paralizante.
00:09:56Siempre me gusta obtener una imagen completa de la situación.
00:09:58No tiene nada en la parte delantera. Ya lo he revisado.
00:10:05Lo haré sola.
00:10:08¿Una linterna?
00:10:19Una marca de aguja.
00:10:22No fue homicidio involuntario, sino premeditado.
00:10:28La sangre para el análisis toxicológico.
00:10:30Por supuesto.
00:10:32¿Dónde está el atestigo?
00:10:35¿Quién es el atestigo?
00:10:37Soy yo.
00:10:40Sí, vi a esa puta. O sea, a la asesina.
00:10:44Salió corriendo y...
00:10:46¿A qué hora la vio?
00:10:48Justo después de la mediano...
00:10:50¿Y sabe a qué hora vino?
00:10:52Bueno, yo qué sé. No hago guardia en su puerta.
00:10:55Oí el grito y luego ¡pam!
00:10:58¿Podría describir su rostro?
00:11:00No me acuerdo. La vi desde arriba.
00:11:03¿Le llevaba medias?
00:11:05Que la vi desde arriba.
00:11:07Ya, por ahora puede irse.
00:11:10¿Dónde está la ropa de Konovalov?
00:11:12No la hay.
00:11:14Puede que la asesina se la haya llevado para cubrir sus huellas.
00:11:18Inspecciona los vertedores cerca.
00:11:20De acuerdo.
00:11:23¿Y esto qué es?
00:11:25Encontramos esto al lado de la habitación.
00:11:41¿Sabe quién hace los dulces así?
00:11:48Envíen esa bolsa para la tectoloscopia.
00:11:50Averigüen dónde Konovalov llamó para invitar a esa chica.
00:12:03Victoria Alexandrovna. ¿Quiere empanadas dulces?
00:12:06¿Y dónde está mi escritorio?
00:12:11Si no le gustan las dulces, puedo traerlas de pescado.
00:12:14No, gracias.
00:12:17¿Hay noticias?
00:12:19Sí. Tengo tres cosas que decirle.
00:12:21Las huellas dactilares en la bolsa con pasteles pertenecen a una mujer.
00:12:25No aparecen en la base.
00:12:27Yo y el informático hackeamos una aplicación de taxis y descubrimos que a las 12 y 10
00:12:31alguien pidió un taxi desde la casa de Lubio Mirov hasta el Hotel Pájaro de Fuego.
00:12:36Usó una tarjeta falsa.
00:12:38¿Hay algo más?
00:12:40El coronel Konovalov hizo la última llamada telefónica
00:12:43al servicio de entrega de la cafetería Pájaro de Fuego en el hotel del mismo nombre.
00:12:47Es la tasca de Avdiv.
00:12:49¿Avdiv es el que se llevó a Lyubomirov?
00:12:52Con su permiso.
00:12:54Me gustaría ver a alguien que se atreva a impedir que haga algo.
00:12:57Pronto verá a esa persona. Pienso reunirme con él.
00:13:01Denme la dirección de esta...
00:13:06Por supuesto. Pero no nos servirá de nada.
00:13:08¿Por qué?
00:13:10El lugar está cerrado por evento privado.
00:13:13La presentación del libro de Lyubomirov. Hay una lista privada.
00:13:17Se requiere una orden para acceder allí.
00:13:21Ya pensaremos en algo.
00:13:23Encuéntren al taxista para los datos del grabador.
00:13:26Tal vez esta mujer aparezca ahí.
00:13:32¿Qué haces?
00:13:34Ve a buscar al taxista.
00:13:36Señor, cálmese, por favor.
00:13:38Si no, lo voy a ingresar en prisión por 15 días...
00:13:41...por insultar a un oficial de policía.
00:13:43Mi esposa desapareció. Nadie la está buscando.
00:13:46A ustedes no les importa nada.
00:14:04Estamos haciendo todo lo posible para encontrar a Lilia Olegnova.
00:14:16Let's talk somewhere else.
00:14:21It's a pleasure to see you.
00:14:23It's fate that brought you to me.
00:14:26Why would I want to find your wife?
00:14:29The one you cheated on me with two years ago.
00:14:32Is she a model?
00:14:34She's an actress.
00:14:35And now you want me to find her?
00:14:39Don't you think it's a bit absurd?
00:14:41I don't have a choice.
00:14:43It's been three days and they haven't done anything.
00:14:45They were on tour in Russia,
00:14:47presenting their show in Yaroslavl.
00:14:49Since that moment I have lost contact with her.
00:14:52I was going to attend a book presentation party.
00:14:56That gave her a lot of excitement.
00:14:58I'm sure something happened to her.
00:15:01Help me.
00:15:03Well, I'm not on vacation here.
00:15:05I don't have a private detective to do this kind of work.
00:15:08I'm investigating a murder.
00:15:10Well, you don't look well.
00:15:12You need to rest.
00:15:14I'm not here to rest, Fika.
00:15:20If I have time, I'll ask the guys if they found anything.
00:15:23But I can't promise you anything.
00:15:25Listen, if you need anything, money, anything...
00:15:28Sirius, I don't need anything from you.
00:15:30Are you hungry?
00:15:32There's a cafeteria around here and they have delicious desserts.
00:15:37Are you kidding me?
00:15:48Let's see... Desserts...
00:15:59Dessert delivery service.
00:16:01What would you like to order?
00:16:03And what would you recommend?
00:16:07Although not everyone is available today for an event.
00:16:11You know, a friend of mine ordered a cake with chocolate cream yesterday.
00:16:16I'd like to order it.
00:16:18Unfortunately, it was removed from the menu.
00:16:21Have a nice day.
00:16:23Thank you.
00:16:25Mankov, this is Belyaeva.
00:16:27Bring me the evidence of Lily Limanova's case.
00:16:33I received a photo.
00:16:35The girl asked for a cab from Louis Vomiroff's house last night.
00:16:38And then she went to the restaurant in Avdiv.
00:16:40Canavada also called the dessert delivery service of the same restaurant.
00:16:44We have to go there. Maybe we'll find that girl.
00:16:49I brought the evidence of Lily Limanova's case.
00:16:52Put it on my desk.
00:17:05Thank you.
00:17:17Thank you very much.
00:17:19Can I get a smoke?
00:17:36My captain.
00:17:39Let's go, Lieutenant Grach.
00:17:45Hey, she's prettier than usual.
00:17:49It's a pleasure to meet you.
00:17:51Your invitations, please.
00:17:53Here you go.
00:17:55Are you Lily Limanova?
00:17:57Yes, that's right.
00:17:59And you must be Colonel Konovalov.
00:18:01Colonel Konovalov.
00:18:05My love, have you changed your last name?
00:18:07Of course not. This is my wife, Sergey Limanov.
00:18:10The colonel is not coming.
00:18:12I'm sorry, but I can't let you in with someone else's invitation.
00:18:18I spent six hours in the beauty salon.
00:18:21I bought a very expensive dress for an event with which Konovalov left me stranded.
00:18:26My husband canceled all his plans and came from Moscow.
00:18:28And you don't let us in because of some rules that you don't even know where they come from.
00:18:33It seems to me that you want me to make a scandal.
00:18:38No, Lily Olegovna.
00:18:40No scandals, please.
00:18:42You and your husband can come in.
00:18:45That's better.
00:18:47Let's go, Sergey.
00:18:53What an audience.
00:18:55Do you know anyone here?
00:18:56Yes, half the people.
00:18:58That's Oleg Nefiodov, the owner of a quarter of Yaroslav's commercial assets.
00:19:04And there's Ivashkin, the king of lemonade.
00:19:08So the cream of society has gathered at the presentation of Yaroslav's book of legends?
00:19:13Didn't they say anything else to do?
00:19:15This book was staged at Yaroslav's main theater.
00:19:19See that man with whom everyone is taking pictures?
00:19:23It's Proshkin, the leading actor.
00:19:24And I thought the cultural capital was St. Petersburg.
00:19:33Thank you.
00:19:35Now I have a complete collection.
00:19:38I saw your interviews, I attended your conferences, I am your great admirer.
00:19:42You have inspired me in my professional life.
00:19:45Wow, are you a historian?
00:19:47No, I'm a ghost hunter.
00:19:50And how are you?
00:19:51I haven't been able to capture anyone with the camera yet, but I always feel strange presences.
00:20:00At this moment it comes from room 306.
00:20:04What room are you referring to?
00:20:06It's a very bad place.
00:20:08That's where the strawberry with cream worked.
00:20:11I feel that your spirit is still there and you and I could try it.
00:20:16Young man, you are delirious.
00:20:17Never in my life had I written that in my books.
00:20:20Where did you get that from?
00:20:22I have my sources.
00:20:24Listen, young man, I already gave you my autograph.
00:20:27Please, have some respect for other people.
00:20:30Friends, does anyone else want me to sign the book?
00:20:39Haven't you left yet?
00:20:42I'm working.
00:20:43I'm working.
00:20:45The boys found Konovalov's clothes in the dumpster.
00:20:49The exam showed that he hadn't changed his clothes in three days.
00:20:53There were traces of lead and brick in his pants.
00:20:57I don't understand anything.
00:21:00And you, have you been able to find out anything?
00:21:05The death occurred around 11.30 at night.
00:21:09The toxicological analysis showed the presence of a strong muscle relaxant in the blood.
00:21:15So when they were strangling him...
00:21:18He couldn't move.
00:21:20He felt it and understood everything.
00:21:23But he couldn't do anything.
00:21:26And the bruises on his wrists?
00:21:29They had occurred at least two days ago.
00:21:32He also has a fracture in his right thumb.
00:21:35Was it the same one?
00:21:36He tried to get out of there and couldn't.
00:21:41Besides that, he was weakened and dehydrated.
00:21:44There was no presence of food in his stomach and intestines.
00:21:51They kept him handcuffed.
00:21:54At least for two days.
00:22:00It wasn't that whore who killed him.
00:22:06I don't know.
00:22:27Good evening. She is very beautiful.
00:22:30Thank you.
00:22:32I would like to steal her for a while to talk to her.
00:22:34I would do that.
00:22:36But you will have to buy my cake.
00:22:38I can't leave here until it's on the plate.
00:22:41I see.
00:22:43How much is your cake?
00:22:47Could you give me a discount?
00:22:50I'm not hungry. I just wanted to talk to you.
00:22:57Give me your meringue.
00:22:59Enjoy your meal.
00:23:01Thank you.
00:23:02The powdered sugar is paid separately.
00:23:05I don't need powdered sugar. What's your name?
00:23:08Anna Pavlova.
00:23:10Very well.
00:23:13This is a prostitute.
00:23:15The desserts on the menu are prostitutes.
00:23:18Now it's clear what kind of desserts they brought to Konovalov.
00:23:24That way?
00:23:26Where are you going?
00:23:28We should follow him.
00:23:30I don't think it's that easy.
00:23:32I bet they have guards everywhere.
00:23:36Then we have to buy a dessert.
00:23:46Moscow officials live up to their name.
00:23:55Is it cherry?
00:23:57I like it. I'll take it.
00:24:02I don't need it.
00:24:08I told you I couldn't come in here.
00:24:11We have another room for you.
00:24:13How much?
00:24:1550,000? Is that okay?
00:24:17No? Then I'll give you 100,000.
00:24:21No, you can't.
00:24:23Just let me in so I can set up the equipment.
00:24:25I need to register the paranormal presence.
00:24:27I told you to stay out of it.
00:24:29Let me go. It hurts.
00:24:32I told you to stay out of it.
00:24:46Where's room 307?
00:24:48It's at the end of the corridor.
00:24:55Be careful with the sugar. You've eaten enough.
00:25:02Let's go.
00:25:33Room 307
00:25:46Here's the killer cake.
00:25:58No, please. Don't do it.
00:26:00I didn't see anything.
00:26:02And I think you did see the colonel's body in the apartment.
00:26:05Is there a reason for you to kill me?
00:26:07Tell Avdiv I didn't see anything.
00:26:09I'm not going to tell anyone.
00:26:11I'm not going to call the police either.
00:26:13Please, tell him.
00:26:15Don't kill me, please.
00:26:17Calm down. I'm not going to kill you.
00:26:19I'm just going to arrest you for the murder of Konovalov.
00:26:22But I didn't kill him.
00:26:24When I got there, he was already dead.
00:26:26Are you afraid of heights?
00:26:30Nothing. Let's go.
00:26:32Let's go.
00:26:39Good evening.
00:26:41Mr. Avdiv.
00:26:43Yes, but you are not Lilia Limanova.
00:26:46Who are you?
00:26:48I am Captain Victoria Belyaeva of the Investigation Committee.
00:26:55Nice to meet you.
00:26:57Can I talk to you for a moment?
00:26:59Yes, of course.
00:27:03By the way, what are you doing here?
00:27:06I doubt the Moscow Investigation Committee has any questions about my business.
00:27:11The committee may not.
00:27:13And I have more and more questions.
00:27:15The committee is investigating the death of Colonel Konovalov.
00:27:19You were friends.
00:27:21Friends, better known.
00:27:24The close friend of Lyubomirov, not mine.
00:27:27When was the last time you saw him?
00:27:30A few days ago.
00:27:34And one of his pastry shops saw him recently.
00:27:37One of his desserts, or whatever his prostitutes are called.
00:27:40But that doesn't matter.
00:27:42Can I talk to the girl who met Konovalov?
00:27:46Is she here?
00:27:48I don't understand what you're talking about.
00:27:50Do you have champagne? It's very good.
00:27:52No. Don't lie to me, Avdiv.
00:27:54He asked for a taxi from Casa del Arco to his place.
00:27:57Where is it?
00:27:59I don't understand what you mean.
00:28:01I'm the owner, not the recruiter.
00:28:03I spoke to the delivery service, but officially.
00:28:08If you don't have any more questions, leave my place.
00:28:16I have one more question.
00:28:19How did you know that I wasn't Lillian Limanova?
00:28:22Do you know her?
00:28:27Do you know where she is now?
00:28:32Oh, sorry.
00:28:35It's very important.
00:28:37Yes? Did you come? And why did you take so long?
00:28:41Of course, I'm going to welcome you.
00:28:48Good evening, gentlemen.
00:28:51And ladies.
00:28:57Today we are releasing the new book...
00:29:01...of our respected academician, Philip Ljubomirov.
00:29:05The collector of the legends of Jaroslav.
00:29:09But before the author tells us about his book...
00:29:13...I suggest you watch a short film about our talented...
00:29:22Artistic trajectory of Philip Ljubomirov.
00:29:27Philip Ljubomirov, the chronicler of Jaroslav.
00:29:36I can't believe it.
00:29:38How many greedy scoundrels have gathered here today.
00:29:44They are traitors and swindlers.
00:29:48They have come here on the day of the execution...
00:29:51...in front of the tower Zaneskaya...
00:29:53...to hear about the ghosts.
00:29:57It's time to settle accounts.
00:30:00In five minutes, that restaurant will become even more venerous.
00:30:07What will happen to all of you if you die?
00:30:13So you will make the most terrible new legend of Jaroslav.
00:30:23A few days later.
00:30:29Send an operation group to Cajaro del Fuego.
00:30:37They won't leave me alone.
00:30:40My parents live in a village. I have to hide.
00:30:43Not a village.
00:30:47In the investigation committee.
00:30:51Let's go.
00:30:54My captain.
00:30:56Have you seen Avdiv?
00:30:58Ah, the chocolate cake.
00:31:00Good job, Gretsch.
00:31:02And one more thing, the dust like this is in every room.
00:31:06Be careful, it stains.
00:31:08Very good.
00:31:10Interrogate her without pressure. She didn't kill him.
00:31:13Yes, I didn't.
00:31:15She was in a taxi on her way to Konovalov when they were strangling him.
00:31:18The boys found out.
00:31:20Yes, I told them.
00:31:21We'll check it out.
00:31:37Seryosa, come to Cajaro del Fuego.
00:31:40I have a clue about Lilia.
00:31:41Let's see, beautiful, tell me. Do you know the colonel?
00:31:44Everyone knows him.
00:31:46He's covering up for the Firebird.
00:31:49I mean, he was covering up.
00:31:51He came very rarely to solve the problems.
00:31:55Both external and internal.
00:31:58With the staff.
00:32:00Is that why you thought he was going to kill you?
00:32:03I don't know.
00:32:05I don't know.
00:32:07I don't know.
00:32:08Is that why you thought he was going to kill you?
00:32:13We had a girl, Angela.
00:32:16I think Konovalov loved her more than anyone else.
00:32:20After one of his visits, she disappeared.
00:32:24Avdiev said she had died of an overdose.
00:32:27And her dessert was removed from the menu.
00:32:30They forbade us to talk about it, but we didn't believe him.
00:32:34Because Angela...
00:32:36She didn't even drink alcohol.
00:32:39And drugs, let alone talk.
00:32:41So you think she was killed?
00:32:44But why?
00:32:46I don't know.
00:32:48I'm very scared.
00:32:51So is she the ghost in the room?
00:32:55Strawberry with cream.
00:32:57She wore red underwear.
00:32:59The girls are still afraid to work in her room.
00:33:03I see.
00:33:05Sergeant, keep an eye on her.
00:33:13Lilia wouldn't get involved in that.
00:33:15Prostitutes, drugs, it can't be.
00:33:18There must be a mistake.
00:33:20I'm not saying she's involved in this.
00:33:22Maybe she was invited to this event as a tour star.
00:33:25Yes, she was often invited to presentations and premieres.
00:33:28But it has nothing to do with this.
00:33:30Calm down.
00:33:32We'll find out.
00:33:33Avdiv said...
00:33:35My captain, it seems Avdiv killed Conovalo.
00:33:38Because he was her accomplice.
00:33:40Both are involved in the murder of that girl.
00:33:42The boys found something.
00:33:46A mobile phone was found under the window.
00:33:57This is Avdiv's mobile phone.
00:33:59Supposedly it has traces of blood.
00:34:04There are more strange things.
00:34:08Look at this.
00:34:10I've never seen anything like it.
00:34:12A fridge in the safe.
00:34:23A red sock.
00:34:25They strangled Conovalo with an almost identical sock.
00:34:29Is this where all the lovers of strangling meet?
00:34:32With red socks or what?
00:34:34They are compromising data.
00:34:36They kept the sock in the fridge to do the DNA analysis.
00:34:40I don't think Avdiv keeps evidence against himself.
00:34:46This evidence will help us find the real murderer.
00:34:50I think Avdiv is in danger.
00:34:52The murderer killed Conovalo and kidnapped his partner.
00:34:55We have to find him urgently.
00:34:56That's right, Captain.
00:34:58Where is your car?
00:35:00I've already checked everything here.
00:35:03There's nothing.
00:35:05Finish that and I'll see you at the committee.
00:35:22Are you done?
00:35:26Yes, a little.
00:35:28Do you want a cab?
00:35:30No, let's take a walk.
00:35:41You were saying something about Avdiv, but the communication was cut off.
00:35:46Avdiv knows something about Lilia, but he disappeared.
00:35:50If we find him, we'll find Lilia.
00:35:54Thank you.
00:35:56You're welcome.
00:35:58Can I help you?
00:36:00No, it's okay.
00:36:03But there's one thing.
00:36:07What is it?
00:36:10I need you to answer a very important question for me.
00:36:14Tell me.
00:36:19Why did you choose her and not me?
00:36:27We lived together for four years.
00:36:30Why didn't you propose to me?
00:36:32And with her, you married after how long?
00:36:35Two months.
00:36:37You see?
00:36:42You don't want to answer me?
00:36:46Do you care so much to know now?
00:36:49If I ask you, I do care.
00:36:57I loved you very much.
00:36:59I mean it.
00:37:02I wanted you to be my wife.
00:37:04To start a family.
00:37:07But you never told me.
00:37:10Because I saw you dreaming about something else.
00:37:16This is easy, Vika.
00:37:18I, like any man, dreamed about ordinary things.
00:37:21I wanted to be the head of a family.
00:37:23Do you understand me?
00:37:25Something normal.
00:37:29I wanted my wife to wait for me with a delicious dinner when I got back from work.
00:37:33I wanted us to go on vacation together.
00:37:36How many times did we go on vacation together?
00:37:41Not a single time.
00:37:44Because you were addicted to work.
00:37:47I told you that at that time we didn't have a job.
00:37:51I told you that at that time we didn't have a job.
00:37:54Yes, of course you did.
00:37:56You always found an explanation when you canceled appointments.
00:38:00When you came home at three in the morning.
00:38:03Even when I found you stabbed in the hospital.
00:38:06But I didn't need your explanations.
00:38:09I needed you.
00:38:11I see.
00:38:13So it's my fault.
00:38:15I told you a thousand times to find another job.
00:38:18Or be a housewife.
00:38:20You could have dedicated yourself to yourself and the home.
00:38:24But no.
00:38:26You wanted to save the world.
00:38:28Catch the criminals.
00:38:30No, of course they are good things, but...
00:38:32My daughter is different.
00:38:36I feel like a man by her side.
00:38:41So she's the wife of your dream.
00:38:44A woman waiting for her man with mammoth.
00:38:48Something like that.
00:38:50I see.
00:38:52Thank you for your honesty.
00:38:54Is that all?
00:38:56Do you want to tell me something else?
00:39:00You know, when we broke up, I felt devastated.
00:39:03And now I understand that everything was for the best.
00:39:08If I find out anything about Lilia, I'll call you.
00:39:12I'll ask for a taxi myself.
00:39:20I'll call you.
00:39:33Is something wrong?
00:39:35Cristina, the chocolate cake.
00:39:37She recognized the strawberry with cream.
00:39:41The fingerprints of Konovalov and Avdiv were found in the safe.
00:39:46So it wasn't Avdiv who killed the strawberry, but the client.
00:39:50Konovalov and Avdiv covered him up and blackmailed him.
00:39:54We have to do the DNA analysis of his fingerprints left in the media.
00:39:58We've already sent them to the lab.
00:40:00I think it's clear who the killer is.
00:40:02The ghost hunter.
00:40:04Why do you think that?
00:40:06He was next to the house where Konovalov was killed.
00:40:09Then he came to the presentation and tried to enter the room where the strawberry with cream was killed.
00:40:15Yes, the killers return to the crime scene.
00:40:17Yes, to taste what he did.
00:40:19And Konovalov killed him to stop the blackmail.
00:40:22And Avdiv too.
00:40:24Thanks, good job.
00:40:26Now we just need to know where he is.
00:40:30He's online.
00:40:32Hello friends.
00:40:34We are already 20,000. This is incredible.
00:40:37The annual night hunt of the ghost of the red commissioner was released.
00:40:44I'm sure he'll show up today.
00:40:47Follow me, like and share it with your friends.
00:40:52What commissioner?
00:40:54It's another urban legend.
00:40:56During the revolution, whites lined up in the Yaroslav theater, which was surrounded by the reds.
00:41:03The commander offered the whites to lay down their weapons, but they were captured and shot just below the Sanamenskaya tower.
00:41:13Now every year, on the day of his execution, the ghost of the red commissioner appears.
00:41:20And that whore tries to capture him with the camera.
00:41:23Let's go to the tower now, and the operational group.
00:41:32Hello friends.
00:41:34There are two minutes left until five in the morning.
00:41:37Let's hope. I feel something is going to happen.
00:41:40What is that?
00:41:43I see something.
00:41:45It's him.
00:41:47Can you see him?
00:41:58For participating in the massacre and attacking the workers of a fabric of fabrics.
00:42:04For distributing scandalous pamphlets among the actors.
00:42:09I order the condemned to be shot.
00:42:16Have you heard that?
00:42:18This is incredible.
00:42:22He's leaving.
00:42:24Let's follow him.
00:42:26Friends, someone is sitting on a bench.
00:42:29I told them this would be a bomb.
00:42:32Here you have.
00:42:39The Red Commissioner
00:43:00Have you seen that?
00:43:02The commissioner took out the Mauser and shot.
00:43:06Here is the body.
00:43:08The evidence is needed.
00:43:10It was the Red Commissioner who killed him.
00:43:12Did you identify him in a very elaborate way?
00:43:15No, I did not kill anyone.
00:43:17I'm a chronicler, not a murderer.
00:43:20I'm a poet of ...
00:43:22Hey, watch out!
00:43:24I'm a poet of my hometown and its history.
00:43:27Let's see, Mr. Tsaryov, poet and chronicler, tell me.
00:43:30How did the crime scene end?
00:43:32First, let me communicate with my subscribers.
00:43:35They think I became a victim of the Red Commissioner.
00:43:39I need to make a stream from the scene of ...
00:43:41You were the first to link to the scene of the murder of Konovalov.
00:43:45And he kidnapped Avdiev from the party.
00:43:47They kicked me out?
00:43:49Yes, they kicked him out.
00:43:51At the service entrance, he entered Avdiev's office through the window.
00:43:54Then he appeared on the Snamenskaya Tower.
00:43:57I go there every year.
00:43:59To record.
00:44:01You can see my video.
00:44:03I was not there.
00:44:05It was the Red Commissioner who killed him.
00:44:07It was the ghost who killed him.
00:44:09Ghosts do not exist.
00:44:11You think?
00:44:13And what do you tell me about Miron's carriage in front of Konovalov's house?
00:44:17The witness saw her with his own eyes.
00:44:19The carriage was also near the restaurant.
00:44:22Perhaps the criminal transported the victims.
00:44:25He is detained for 48 hours.
00:44:27No, please.
00:44:29I need to make a stream.
00:44:32When you finish with that, look for traces of the carriage.
00:44:35Next to Konovalov's house too.
00:44:39What is here?
00:44:41It has a needle mark on the neck and a bullet wound in the heart.
00:44:44The shirt is burned. The shot was to burn clothes.
00:44:47Yes, it has a penetrating wound.
00:44:49The rest is identical to Konovalov's case.
00:44:51He was immobilized and murdered.
00:44:54But the clothes are clean.
00:44:56They did not kidnap him?
00:44:58Yes, he fled the fire to fall into the embers.
00:45:007-6-2 or 7-6-3?
00:45:02Well, it seems to have a good eye.
00:45:04The bullet for the ballistics.
00:45:06Where is Trunov and Grach?
00:45:08Trunov is looking for the witness.
00:45:10And Grach is doing a reconstruction of the events.
00:45:20Filming a movie?
00:45:22My captain.
00:45:24Can I see?
00:45:26Of course. Take the starting position.
00:45:32In that place he took out the gun.
00:45:34One more step.
00:45:36And he shot.
00:45:40Let's see.
00:45:42The helmet should have flown there.
00:45:45Up here.
00:45:48Let's see.
00:45:51Did you find the commissioner?
00:45:55The guys checked the traffic cameras and video surveillance.
00:45:57He did not leave the area.
00:45:58The helmet is not there either.
00:46:00Although it should be here.
00:46:02Do not you consider the version of the paranormal origin of the criminal?
00:46:05What nonsense.
00:46:12What a surprise.
00:46:14A smoke machine.
00:46:17Well, it turns out that those paranormal things ...
00:46:20They are nothing more than normal smoke.
00:46:24While everything was covered in smoke,
00:46:26the criminal moved the body to the bench.
00:46:28Smoke, mirrors ...
00:46:30As if it were a theater.
00:46:32It really is a theater.
00:46:34What is that?
00:46:36Such marks are for the actors to know their places on the stage.
00:46:38Gretsch, come with me.
00:46:40And what do I have to do?
00:46:42Tell Atrono to look for Ivamirov and talk to him.
00:46:46Do not look for the helmet, it is not here.
00:46:59Is he?
00:47:05Arkady Proshki.
00:47:07As a red commissioner.
00:47:09We visit him tomorrow.
00:47:28Good morning.
00:47:30Can we come in?
00:47:36My face.
00:47:39Oh no, it's okay.
00:47:41Thank God.
00:47:43It's fake.
00:47:45That's why you didn't find the helmet.
00:47:47And I wonder why they enter my dressing room without permission,
00:47:49when I'm rehearsing a monologue.
00:47:51Who are you?
00:47:53Victoria Belaeva from the investigation committee.
00:47:55I'm investigating two murders.
00:47:57And what do I have to do with that?
00:48:02And you, Mr. Proshkin?
00:48:05Is the suspect.
00:48:11Are you here?
00:48:29What's up, Trunov?
00:48:31Vitya, why did they leave the evidence under the ultraviolet light?
00:48:35The DNA was completely burned.
00:48:39Damn it.
00:48:41How are we going to explain it to the bosses of Moscow?
00:48:44I wonder the same, Vitya.
00:48:46He deserves a good beating.
00:48:50Yes, Viktor Igorevich?
00:48:53Good afternoon again, Major.
00:48:55Why are you looking at me like that?
00:49:09Listen, gentlemen.
00:49:11What was I going to tell you?
00:49:13I don't know what your names are.
00:49:15There must be a misunderstanding.
00:49:18A streaming was being recorded here.
00:49:21And I must have been mistaken.
00:49:23And I should appear at the right time.
00:49:25You understand me, right?
00:49:27And didn't you see a corpse?
00:49:29Next to you?
00:49:31There was a lot of fog, that is, smoke.
00:49:33You know that smoke irritates the eyes.
00:49:36That's why I closed my eyes as I crossed it.
00:49:39Who hired you for that work?
00:49:42The Lyubomirov Foundation.
00:49:44It's promoting a new book.
00:49:46It's called The City of Mysteries.
00:49:48It's based on the myths and legends of Yaroslav.
00:49:50Did Lyubomirov himself tell you what to do?
00:49:54It was one of his assistants.
00:49:57I think I have a correspondence.
00:49:59I'll show it to you.
00:50:01Excuse me.
00:50:03Here it is.
00:50:05You can see it.
00:50:07Zamenskaya Square.
00:50:09Install a smoke machine.
00:50:11Start it at 5 o'clock sharp.
00:50:13Read a monologue at 5.01.
00:50:17There are three incoming calls.
00:50:18First act.
00:50:20The Prophet.
00:50:22The video for the presentation.
00:50:24Second, the commissioner for a streaming in the square.
00:50:26Third, the dwarf guard at midnight.
00:50:28Theatrical residence.
00:50:30Did you accept the proposal?
00:50:32I could reject it.
00:50:34No problem.
00:50:36No need.
00:50:38We'll set you up.
00:50:40That Lyubomirov surprises me more and more.
00:50:49The Prophet.
00:51:10Filipp Bolfovich.
00:51:14Are you leaving?
00:51:16Remember the ban on leaving?
00:51:18I don't want to go back to my apartment in the city.
00:51:21I don't feel safe here.
00:51:25I thought it was the other way around.
00:51:27There's no hospital around here.
00:51:29If I have a heart attack, the doctors won't have time to get here.
00:51:31And if someone wants to kill me, no one will hear my screams.
00:51:34I see.
00:51:36Did you order a taxi?
00:51:40Cancel it.
00:51:42Give me the suitcase.
00:51:44I'll take you to the city before you realize it.
00:51:48I'll think you're hiding from the police.
00:51:50No, of course not.
00:52:08It'll be a pleasure.
00:52:10Thank you.
00:52:40Here it is.
00:52:44The Legend of the Dwarf Guard.
00:52:45I was reading Lyubomirov's book.
00:52:47I didn't know there was a brothel in the theater before the revolution.
00:52:50His city is full of vices.
00:52:52And what does it say?
00:52:54The brothel guard was a dwarf.
00:52:56Don't ask me how he ended up there.
00:52:58It doesn't say anything about that.
00:53:00Then he fell in love.
00:53:02With one of the prostitutes.
00:53:04Then the revolution started and that girl was murdered.
00:53:06The dwarf blamed himself for not being able to save his beloved.
00:53:09He was devastated and hanged himself in one of the rooms.
00:53:12End of story.
00:53:14And how could that help us?
00:53:16The murderer is preparing another execution.
00:53:20In the residence? I don't think so.
00:53:22There are many witnesses there.
00:53:24But he did it in the Firebird.
00:53:26Speaking of the Firebird...
00:53:28Maybe this legend is an allusion.
00:53:30There are no dwarves, but a courtesan to death, yes.
00:53:32Strawberry with cream?
00:53:36We analyzed the cases with overdoses of girls aged 20 to 25 in the last six months.
00:53:40It says she was dressed in red and white.
00:53:41We have two red stockings.
00:53:43One of them has traces of DNA that were not intentionally erased.
00:53:46And what about the DNA analysis?
00:53:48I don't know.
00:53:50We haven't received the results yet.
00:53:52How strange.
00:53:54Let's talk to the experts.
00:54:06Can I ask you an uncomfortable question?
00:54:08We found out something about your foundation during the raid on Abid's restaurant.
00:54:12And what about my foundation?
00:54:14We dedicate ourselves to cultural events, we carry out...
00:54:17No, I'm not talking about that.
00:54:19I'm talking about the new foundation,
00:54:21to which you began to redirect financial flows.
00:54:24How did you dare to leave Abid and Konovalov stranded?
00:54:28Didn't they find out about this and you took them out of the way?
00:54:32Philip Morfovich?
00:54:34I had a dispute.
00:54:35Commercial with them.
00:54:37Suddenly they decided that my participation in our common foundation should be reduced
00:54:43and that I take care of all the projects.
00:54:46Presentations, books, plays.
00:54:50That's why I created my own foundation.
00:54:53To avoid disputes.
00:54:55Do you understand me?
00:54:57But I didn't kill them.
00:55:00I thought I would stage their deaths.
00:55:03Do you think I would stage their deaths
00:55:07based on the myths of my own books?
00:55:13Well, if you have any more questions, send me a quote.
00:55:20But don't leave the city, okay?
00:55:23Okay, and...
00:55:25Have we arrived?
00:55:26Yes, Philip Morfovich.
00:55:33Take care.
00:55:51Hello, Volodya.
00:55:56Why are there so many people here?
00:55:59Trunov, why didn't you tell me that Mankov destroyed the evidence?
00:56:06Don't worry, Captain. I was able to extract the cells.
00:56:10Look at what I found.
00:56:14It's not just a sample of DNA, but two.
00:56:17The middle DNA belongs to the woman and the edges to a man.
00:56:22They wrapped the fist with the sock. It's killer DNA.
00:56:26Okay, Mankov, you're forgiven.
00:56:28Hey, have you done a comparative study of the bullet that came out of Abdiv?
00:56:33No, but I'm going to do it right now.
00:56:36Come with me, Trunov.
00:56:42Here's our file.
00:56:50Look, Ansela Tumanova, born in 2001.
00:56:54She was found in a field in the spring.
00:56:56The autopsy showed that she had an overdose.
00:56:59There are no signs of violent death.
00:57:01And this is her mother.
00:57:03She worked in the makeup theater.
00:57:05She went to jail for theft charges as part of a criminal gang.
00:57:08There she gave birth to Ansela.
00:57:10The girl was raised in an orphanage.
00:57:12There is no information about her father.
00:57:14And where is he now?
00:57:16One moment.
00:57:18He left prison immediately after the death of his daughter.
00:57:21They reduced the penalty for the death of his only family member and good behavior.
00:57:24I think we should exhumate Ansela's body.
00:57:27Let me see who was in charge of the case.
00:57:32Oh, yeah, Lieutenant Konkin.
00:57:35He's a smart kid.
00:57:37It's a shame he's gone.
00:57:39We have to talk to him.
00:57:41Well, do it.
00:57:57How are you?
00:57:59Very well.
00:58:02Lieutenant, it's you.
00:58:05I didn't recognize you at first.
00:58:07What a surprise.
00:58:09Good afternoon, Major.
00:58:12How are you?
00:58:14What are you doing here?
00:58:16Do you have a day off?
00:58:18Or do you need help?
00:58:20That sparkle in your eyes looks familiar.
00:58:22No, I don't need you to keep an eye on anyone.
00:58:25You can't do it anymore because you're a civilian.
00:58:28Well, yes.
00:58:30And it's a shame.
00:58:32You're wasting your talent.
00:58:34The devil with the talent.
00:58:36At least now I can sleep in peace.
00:58:38I sleep like a log.
00:58:40I work in my garden.
00:58:42I go fishing.
00:58:44I collect mushrooms and berries and...
00:58:48I'm tired of looking for girls in the fields.
00:58:55I'm sorry to bother you, Lieutenant.
00:59:00I found out something.
00:59:02Do you remember Ancela Tumalba?
00:59:08No, I don't remember anything.
00:59:11Lieutenant, do you want me to interrogate you officially?
00:59:15Did you find out anything?
00:59:21Are you going to punish me?
00:59:24It depends on you.
00:59:26On what you tell me.
00:59:47Victoria Alexandrovna,
00:59:49I can say with certainty that the bullet that killed Abdee
00:59:52was fired from a Mauser, registered in the name of Colonel Konolvalov.
00:59:56The gun was not found next to the body.
01:00:00This is the route that was drawn for Proshkin.
01:00:03It should pass along the residence to the north.
01:00:06Here he should recite his monologue.
01:00:08Stand under a tree, recite a monologue, make a bow and throw it in a branch.
01:00:12And I would do it without blinking.
01:00:14He's an actor, they rarely ask questions.
01:00:16So, who is the victim?
01:00:19Donin is here.
01:00:21He just left. Can I call him?
01:00:23No. Issue a search warrant.
01:00:25Come on, quick.
01:00:27Can you explain to me what's going on?
01:00:30Konolvalov and Donin pressured Lieutenant Konkin
01:00:34to close the case of Tumalba
01:00:36for death by overdose.
01:00:38But in reality, she was strangled.
01:00:41Let me guess, half red?
01:00:45All this time, Donin played against us.
01:00:48It was not Mankov who put the half under the ultraviolet light, but Donin.
01:00:52So, Donin falsified the results of Angela's autopsy?
01:00:56He did not do the autopsy.
01:00:58Konolvalov gave the order.
01:01:00He did it.
01:01:02Apart from that, he gave him the evidence.
01:01:04So that he could blackmail the murderer of Tumalba?
01:01:06Arzela's mother came to see Lieutenant Konkin.
01:01:09She begged him on her knees to tell her what had happened to her daughter.
01:01:12Konkin told her everything and resigned.
01:01:15Could it be a revenge of Arzela's mother?
01:01:18I'm going to look for her.
01:01:20If you find her.
01:01:27Tell me, Levanov.
01:01:30What do you mean, down?
01:01:34Okay, I'm going down.
01:01:37I'll be right back.
01:01:42I'll be right back.
01:01:59I can not let him enter his room.
01:02:01It is very serious.
01:02:03It has latent tuberculosis.
01:02:05It is not contagious, but it is still serious.
01:02:08You can see it from afar.
01:02:10Are you sure it's Tatiana Tumalba?
01:02:13There was an epidemic in the colony.
01:02:16The third part of the prisoners and staff were infected.
01:02:21Many people died.
01:02:24Many were put on probation to end their lives at home.
01:02:28Do you understand?
01:02:30She is sleeping. I do not think I can talk to her.
01:02:33Then I'll ask you.
01:02:35How do you think ...
01:02:37Could she have left the hospital without anyone seeing her?
01:02:41Look at her.
01:02:43She can not even breathe without help.
01:02:46But when she was better, she had visits.
01:02:52And who came to see her?
01:02:54I do not know.
01:02:56I do not know.
01:02:58I do not know.
01:03:00I do not know.
01:03:02I do not know.
01:03:04Some men. I do not know their names.
01:03:07How much is left?
01:03:10Not much.
01:03:23I just wanted to tell you that ...
01:03:27I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings during our last talk.
01:03:32Do not apologize. I wanted to know the truth and you told me.
01:03:36You love your wife and I do not.
01:03:43And I love my job.
01:03:45So everyone is happy.
01:03:47We are just friends.
01:03:49Better said, people who have a common happy past.
01:03:53But we have no future in common.
01:03:56My captain.
01:03:58Poshkin disappeared.
01:04:00The theater director received this message from an unknown number.
01:04:19The killer kidnapped Poshkin to help us?
01:04:22It seems so.
01:04:24Did you find Angela's mother?
01:04:26Yes. Grach says he could not have killed anyone.
01:04:30He exhumed Angela's body.
01:04:32His material was compared to Amelia's DNA.
01:04:35The DNA of the woman is Angela's?
01:04:37And the second DNA?
01:04:39The values ​​indicate type 2 diabetes and high levels of heart medicine.
01:04:45That is, the common diseases of older people.
01:04:49Did you take a DNA sample from Liubomirov?
01:04:54Yes. I'll check it.
01:04:59He killed Angela.
01:05:01And then he decided to leave Konovalov and Avdiv planted with his foundation.
01:05:05They could have threatened him with that evidence.
01:05:09Then he decided to kill them to hide the traces of his crime.
01:05:14Then, Donin is in danger.
01:05:18And the kidnapping of Poshkin is a distraction.
01:05:21Search Donin's number.
01:05:26Let's go.
01:05:52Filipp Bolfovich.
01:05:54Are you here?
01:05:58They found a red sock.
01:06:02He said he had a proposal for me.
01:06:23Captain. Donin's cell phone went out in Liubomirov's apartment.
01:06:54I understand. Thank you.
01:06:59The DNA in the middle of the safe is Liubomirov's.
01:07:03I see.
01:07:05It turns out that he strangled Angela and those two covered him to blackmail him later?
01:07:10Yes, correct.
01:07:12At your service.
01:07:15Hello. Here is the recording of the apartment cameras.
01:07:19Very well.
01:07:24Donin's cell phone.
01:07:29Look at him. He is in good physical shape.
01:07:31How much could Donin weigh? 80 kilos?
01:07:34That son of a bitch pretended to be weak to divert suspicions.
01:07:38I don't think he pretended. He really has a lot of diseases.
01:07:41Where could he have taken him?
01:07:44He is not in his country house.
01:07:45We follow his car, but we lost him in the forest.
01:07:48Wait. But he has an amparo.
01:07:51The one who kept Konovalov?
01:07:53I doubt he used it this time.
01:07:55Jeff had clean clothes.
01:07:58They kidnapped him an hour before the murder. He wouldn't have had time.
01:08:01Yes. And now he has to keep Donin somewhere during the middle of the day.
01:08:05Do you think he will kill again according to his book?
01:08:07I'm sure. He wants to hang the mocholo at the ghost house.
01:08:11Yes. He doesn't know we stopped him.
01:08:13And the car body prints? Did you find them?
01:08:15Yes. In front of the arch house and in the square.
01:08:18There is no trace of brick.
01:08:21The brick is from the beginning of the last century. It is no longer manufactured.
01:08:25As in Konovalov's clothes.
01:08:27Let's check Lubomirov's apartment.
01:08:30Maybe we'll find a clue there.
01:08:34This seems to be the house we are looking for, Captain.
01:08:38It is a building from the 80s, not an old brick.
01:08:41We are looking for a needle in a haystack.
01:08:43We have to understand Lubomirov.
01:08:45Lubomirov. It is a kind of ritual for him.
01:08:49Each murder and place has to do with the legends of his books.
01:08:53Mysteries of a dwarf.
01:09:00Trunov, have you checked the list of buildings recently burned with the myths of Lubomirov?
01:09:06No. To tell the truth, I couldn't think of it.
01:09:16Here. Pedro and Pablo's Park.
01:09:19Every night, the owner of the park inspects his property, going through five ponds.
01:09:23He severely punishes people who leave garbage and disturb peace.
01:09:27In the park there is an annex in the ruins of the 19th century.
01:09:31He is waiting for the reconstruction.
01:09:34Let's go.
01:09:36Very good. Let's go.
01:10:15Let's go.
01:10:31Lubomirov! Hey!
01:10:34Philip Volfovich! I came for the money.
01:10:37You have nothing to fear.
01:10:40I also want to escape.
01:10:42I could help you, Philip Volfovich.
01:10:45I could help you.
01:10:50Where is that annex?
01:10:52There, in the eastern part of the park.
01:10:54And what is this?
01:10:58That's Viron's carriage.
01:11:15Thank you for him.
01:11:17You take care of Donin. I'll go to the annex.
01:11:45Don't be afraid.
01:12:15Lubomirov. He's the murderer. Lubomirov.
01:12:23Lubomirov. He's the murderer. Lubomirov.
01:12:34So you don't care who rents the carriage?
01:12:37What do you mean I don't care?
01:12:39He sent me his picture.
01:12:41Everyone knows the academic Lubomirov.
01:12:44He told me where I should leave it and then pick up the carriage.
01:12:50And he paid me well.
01:12:52And why didn't he pick it up himself?
01:12:55He said he was afraid of getting close to people.
01:12:59He didn't want to contract the coronavirus again.
01:13:03Now that I remember, he was wearing a mask.
01:13:07I recognized him from afar by the picture.
01:13:10Do you understand me?
01:13:12He's a very good person.
01:13:14Captain, I'm sorry to interrupt you.
01:13:17What happened?
01:13:28He escaped through the sewer.
01:13:30I didn't see him in the dark. I ran past him.
01:13:33We have to find out where those communications are going.
01:13:38Come on, Gretsch.
01:13:58How is he?
01:14:00There are multiple traces of blood inside the bag.
01:14:04There was torture.
01:14:06Someone was put a bag over their head.
01:14:07He was bleeding, flabbergasted, bleeding from the nose.
01:14:10I'm going to do a DNA test,
01:14:12but I think the person they tortured was Konovalov.
01:14:15He revealed the plan and betrayed the killer and his accomplices.
01:14:18Are there any fingerprints?
01:14:20The person holding this bottle was wearing gloves.
01:14:23Give it to me.
01:14:26What are those spots?
01:14:28I don't know.
01:14:30To tell you, I have to do a test.
01:14:35Mankov, step back.
01:14:38Don't worry, it's me.
01:14:40Gretsch, are you here?
01:14:42My captain, I found out where the communications are going.
01:14:45I also found this.
01:14:48What do you mean, where is it?
01:14:50Look at the sole.
01:14:52It's size 45,
01:14:54but it's cut so that it leaves footprints of 43.
01:14:58Good job.
01:15:00Go on.
01:15:02Tomorrow we have to talk to Christina.
01:15:04Tomorrow we have to talk to Christina.
01:15:18Come on, help me.
01:15:21Hold him on that side and me on this side.
01:15:26How are you? Did they reward you?
01:15:29You'd rather have a better life, wouldn't you?
01:15:32I understand you.
01:15:34It would be much easier and faster.
01:15:36Isn't it?
01:15:42We reviewed your cases while you were unconscious.
01:15:47First I thought you were facing 10 years.
01:15:52Now I think it's more.
01:15:54It's not the right way to pressure the suspect, Major.
01:16:00If everything is so bad, I have nothing to lose.
01:16:02If everything is so bad, I have nothing to lose.
01:16:04That's why I have no reason to confess.
01:16:06I'm going to wait for an agreement of guilt.
01:16:10We have the testimony of Lieutenant Konkin.
01:16:13Even if you confess, you will be recognized as an accomplice.
01:16:16If not, you will be charged as the organizer of the murder.
01:16:20What do you say?
01:16:22Are you ready to talk?
01:16:27It seems so.
01:16:29Go ahead.
01:16:31Write everything you know about Konovalov and Anzela.
01:16:57Here's the witness.
01:16:58Good morning.
01:17:00Do you know this man?
01:17:04Academician Lubomirov.
01:17:06He's our regular customer.
01:17:08He's a friend of Avdeev.
01:17:10When was the last time you met Anzela?
01:17:13He asked her many times.
01:17:15The last time I think it was...
01:17:17So, after Lubomirov asked her, you didn't see her again?
01:17:23Good morning.
01:17:24Good morning.
01:17:26The substance in the bottle is the base of a make-up.
01:17:29It is curious that the DNA of the base of make-up and Anzela's DNA are related.
01:17:35And that man?
01:17:37Do you know him?
01:17:39He came after Anzela's funeral.
01:17:41He asked for her.
01:17:43But the guards didn't let him in.
01:17:46But who is Anzela's father and the avenger?
01:17:49Yes, he organizes those theatricalized murders to intimidate Lubomirov.
01:17:52He's preparing his execution.
01:17:54To the hospital, quickly.
01:18:12Hello, Tania.
01:18:14I don't have much time.
01:18:16I came to say goodbye and tell you that...
01:18:18It won't be long before he comes for the death of our daughter Anzela.
01:18:23I promise you.
01:18:25He will pay you for everything he did to Anzela.
01:18:28For everything.
01:18:30Me too.
01:18:32I'm guilty.
01:18:35I abandoned you...
01:18:38when you got pregnant.
01:18:40I didn't fight for you when you were in jail.
01:18:49And I took Anzela to the orphanage.
01:18:53Although she could have stayed with me.
01:18:59Tania, I made so many mistakes.
01:19:07It's time.
01:19:11For the first time in my life, I feel like I'm doing the right thing.
01:19:18Wish me luck.
01:19:28Where are you going?
01:19:30Yes, we can.
01:19:32When was the last time you saw Proshkin?
01:19:34Half an hour ago.
01:19:36He was still asleep, of course.
01:19:38He took a lot of sedatives.
01:19:43Now we're going to wake him up.
01:19:48Where is he?
01:20:18No, please, don't do it.
01:20:20If you need money, tell me how much you want.
01:20:23Or if you want the new roles.
01:20:25I have other books.
01:20:27We could make movies.
01:20:29And series.
01:20:31I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill your daughter.
01:20:34I don't even remember anything.
01:20:36I was high.
01:20:38Do you understand me?
01:20:40I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill your daughter.
01:20:43I don't even remember anything.
01:20:45I was high.
01:20:46I was high.
01:20:48Do you understand me?
01:20:50We went a little too far in the game.
01:20:52It was a miscalculation.
01:20:56I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill her.
01:20:59She was a human being.
01:21:01And my daughter.
01:21:04You should be proud of yourself.
01:21:08You will go down in the history of the city.
01:21:11You will be a new ghost of Jaroslav.
01:21:13And then...
01:21:15Someone will write a macabre story about it.
01:21:19Do you understand me?
01:21:49He has already visited Ansela's mother.
01:21:52Do you have any idea?
01:21:57When I was driving, I read a legend.
01:22:01About an orphan from Kirov.
01:22:03Bad people sent him to the other world.
01:22:05And now his spirit is begging for the nights.
01:22:08No, Proshkin is an actor.
01:22:10Revenge is a play for him.
01:22:12In the end, the murderer must know why he is being punished.
01:22:16It is the revenge of the father.
01:22:18Where did Ansela's body go?
01:22:20Next to the old bridge.
01:22:22Come and get me.
01:22:41You will suffer and die like my daughter.
01:22:44It's for Ansela.
01:22:48For Tanya.
01:22:51And for me.
01:23:00Take care of Grach.
01:23:03Calm down, calm down.
01:23:05Look, everything will be fine, my daughter, everything will be fine.
01:23:08Press it, press it hard.
01:23:11Take a deep breath.
01:23:16Calm down, calm down, calm down.
01:23:18Hello, ambulance.
01:23:42End of the game, Proshkin.
01:23:47Stay still.
01:24:12My captain.
01:24:14My captain.
01:24:15Hello, Lieutenant.
01:24:17And where is the Major?
01:24:19He was sent on a new mission.
01:24:22And I'm on leave.
01:24:24That's why I came to say goodbye to you.
01:24:26He's very kind.
01:24:30Where is she going?
01:24:32To the village.
01:24:34Her parents live in the countryside.
01:24:42Well, I have to go.
01:24:44Don't hold a grudge against us.
01:24:46At first we behaved in an unkind way.
01:24:49Don't worry.
01:24:50They did a great job.
01:24:52We need specialists like that.
01:24:54Thank you, but I prefer to stay in Yaroslavl.
01:24:57Take care.
01:24:58Greetings to Tronov.
01:25:05At the last moment, as always.
01:25:07The important thing is that he didn't arrive late.
01:25:09Yes, Colonel.
01:25:11The case is closed.
01:25:12It will not be made public.
01:25:14Yes, very carefully.
01:25:16No problem.
01:25:17The murderer is found.
01:25:20How ugly.
01:25:24Send me a photo.
01:25:26And I'll make the boarding.
01:25:33That's Lila.
01:25:39Let's go.
01:25:56Come on, move.
01:26:02Hurry up.
01:26:09What are you doing?
01:26:11Do you remember how much this is worth?
01:26:14Now I collect everything.
01:26:16Don't be clumsy.
01:26:17At least today.
01:26:18As soon as the ship arrives, go there.
01:26:21And don't get close to the grandparents.
01:26:23Our public.
01:26:25They are groups and tourists with the children.
01:26:27Is that clear?
01:26:29That's better.
01:26:31And what is that statue?
01:26:33There is no such thing in our brochure.
01:26:35I don't know.
01:26:36What is that statue?
01:26:38There is no such thing in our brochure.
01:26:40In our brochure there is everything.
01:26:59She is dead.
01:27:08Princess Anastasia.
01:27:13A car is coming for me now.
01:27:15I'm going with you.
01:27:17Strangers can't be in the crime scene.
01:27:19Vika, I'm not a stranger.
01:27:21What if it's her?
01:27:29I recognize her hands.
01:27:33Her hair, her shoulders.
01:27:35Limanov, calm down.
01:27:36The video is of poor quality.
01:27:38Don't get desperate ahead of time.
01:27:41Tell me, Yevgeny Alegovich.
01:27:43I've already arrived.
01:27:44I'm about to fall.
01:27:46But I always dreamed of taking a tour of the Golden Ring.
01:27:52Limanov, go to the hotel.
01:27:54I know what your wife looks like.
01:27:56If I find something, I'll call you.
01:27:58No, I'm going with you.
01:28:00As you wish.
01:28:12You can't go through.
01:28:16I'm calling you.
01:28:24You can't go through.
01:28:28I'm calling you.
01:28:34Good morning.
01:28:35I'm Captain Belayev of the Investigation Committee.
01:28:37Good morning.
01:28:38It's true that they say Moscow never sleeps.
01:28:40We thought you were coming in the afternoon.
01:28:42I'm Andrey Anisimov, the Chief Investigator of the Interdisciplinary Department.
01:28:45Nice to meet you.
01:28:47And this is our foreign doctor, Yuri Sinelnikov.
01:28:49Good morning.
01:28:53Seriously, it's not her.
01:28:55Yes, I'm sure.
01:28:57Take my things to the hotel.
01:28:58I'll send you the address.
01:29:00What hotel am I going to live in?
01:29:02Well, it's not a hotel as such.
01:29:04It's a high-rise.
01:29:05The hotels are full.
01:29:06But the house you're going to live in is very good.
01:29:07Tell me the address.
01:29:09Plaza Uspenskaya 1.
01:29:13The cause of death?
01:29:15Judging by the wrinkled furrow, he died of mechanical asphyxia.
01:29:18But this is preliminary.
01:29:20Everything points to it.
01:29:22And one more thing.
01:29:24Look, apparently it was stabbed.
01:29:27Post-mortem wound.
01:29:28It's not blood.
01:29:30The estimated time of death?
01:29:31Yesterday, between 9 and 11 at night.
01:29:33I'm going to confirm it after the autopsy.
01:29:35I think I'm done.
01:29:37Yes, that's fine.
01:29:39Do the autopsy as soon as possible.
01:29:47It seems to be traces of drag.
01:29:49Where are they taking him?
01:29:51I don't know.
01:29:52We haven't found out yet.
01:29:54The criminal just arrived.
01:29:56He had to return from vacation.
01:29:58Murder doesn't happen here.
01:29:59Did you find any evidence?
01:30:01Bring the evidence.
01:30:03Let's see.
01:30:04Nothing special.
01:30:05A can of paint.
01:30:06In aerosol.
01:30:07Bronze color.
01:30:09He was on the walk.
01:30:19Here they painted the body.
01:30:20There are surveillance cameras in the park.
01:30:22Of course not.
01:30:23This is not Moscow.
01:30:25We have only four cameras in the whole city.
01:30:27Excuse me.
01:30:29I have an urgent call.
01:30:31No, I haven't picked it up from the delivery service yet.
01:30:34Tell your grandfather to bring him the gift at night.
01:30:36Katia, stop it.
01:30:38We have a murderer.
01:30:40I don't know.
01:30:42I don't know.
01:30:44I don't know.
01:30:46I don't know.
01:30:48I don't know.
01:30:50Tell him I'll go congratulate him with the gift at night.
01:30:52Excuse me.
01:30:54The expert is here.
01:30:56All right.
01:31:00Don't come any closer.
01:31:04Why is the body still here?
01:31:06Let me introduce you to our operative, Roman Kirsanov.
01:31:08This is Victoria Vilayeva, Moscow's chief investigator.
01:31:13There's a girl here.
01:31:14Come here.
01:31:16Her name is Sofia Fulina.
01:31:18She says she knows the murderer.
01:31:21It seems she's my mother.
01:31:25Come with me.
01:31:27Look closely, please.
01:31:29Look closely, please.
01:31:40Is she your mother?
01:31:44What's her name?
01:31:52What did she do for a living?
01:31:54We have a travel agency, Sanfia.
01:31:57Calm down.
01:31:59Take her home.
01:32:01We'll question her later.
01:32:03I think we can...
01:32:05...finish and leave.
01:32:07No, Andrei Viktorovich.
01:32:11Yes, you're right.
01:32:13Guys, search the park.
01:32:15Bring anything suspicious.
01:32:16We'll also question the local farmers and sellers.
01:32:19The victim's legs are not fully painted.
01:32:22Something may have scared the murderer and there may be witnesses.
01:32:25Perfect. Do it.
01:32:27Igor Ivanovich, the evidence.
01:32:29Let's see, guys.
01:32:43Look what we've come to.
01:32:44That Moscow investigator gives us orders.
01:32:48Andrei Viktorovich, I'm sure we're dealing with a serial killer.
01:32:52But, well...
01:32:54As soon as we find that bastard, we'll put him in his place.
01:32:59Your partner has found something.
01:33:08He hasn't done any operational work in a long time.
01:33:11It's okay, he's going to take a leak.
01:33:12It's dangerous at my age.
01:33:14What happens if I break into pieces?
01:33:18I found it.
01:33:20Here are the prince's hat and knife.
01:33:22The case is solved.
01:33:24It was the monument to Prince Dmitri who killed Fulina.
01:33:26I wonder why they fought.
01:33:28Could it be because of the tourists?
01:33:30Maybe they had, I don't know, a flash mob or something like that.
01:33:33I don't know, I told him we don't have a camera.
01:33:36And the tourists do have them.
01:33:39Look at this.
01:33:42What are you doing?
01:33:44We have to find that prince.
01:33:46There's no need to look for him.
01:33:48He's next to the palace.
01:33:50It's a shame we can't put a monument in the cartel.
01:33:52How funny.
01:33:54The mimes paint the body.
01:33:56Maybe the can belongs to him.
01:33:58Maybe he got a bad head and went from the game to murder.
01:34:01Excuse me, it's my comrade.
01:34:03I have to go.
01:34:07Excuse me, it's my comrade from Yaroslavl.
01:34:10Hello, I'm at the crime scene. Is it urgent?
01:34:13I have new information about Lilia Limanova's case.
01:34:17Raman, give me a notepad.
01:34:24Take a note.
01:34:27Thank you, I owe you one.
01:34:31Andriy Viktorovich, check Fulina's house.
01:34:36I'll be back as soon as I can.
01:34:44Why so many things to do today?
01:34:47Come on, Andriy.
01:34:49You won't have time to buy a gift.
01:34:51Don't worry.
01:34:53I'll take care of the police, the district and the witnesses.
01:34:57Thank you, Raman.
01:34:59You're welcome.
01:35:01I owe you one.
01:35:06Thank you.
01:35:51Limanov, get up.
01:35:56Wake up.
01:36:01Sorry, I fell asleep.
01:36:02I have news.
01:36:04Lilia is alive. She got on the bus to Uglich.
01:36:07Thank God.
01:36:09She was caught by the surveillance cameras.
01:36:11Here's the bus number and the time of departure.
01:36:16Let's go to the station?
01:36:18No, I can't. I have a lot to do.
01:36:20Go alone.
01:36:25Thank you for everything.
01:36:51Did you find out anything?
01:36:53Yes. There's a strange bill. It was issued yesterday.
01:36:59Uglich Bank. Bill.
01:37:04Do you know what your mother bought yesterday?
01:37:10Victoria Alexandrovna is here again.
01:37:13I checked the car.
01:37:15But nothing. I only found five lipsticks and four lipsticks.
01:37:19Go to that address and find out what Fulina bought.
01:37:27Look, I'm sure this is the beauty salon.
01:37:35Do you know that man?
01:37:39No, I've never seen him.
01:37:43It's hot.
01:37:45Did you pick up the gift?
01:37:47Yes, it looks like a real one. It has a leather cabin and rubber tires.
01:37:50Well, it doesn't matter.
01:37:53I've been collecting information.
01:37:56The murderer is Anna Petrovna Fulina, 47 years old.
01:37:59She's been divorced since 2002.
01:38:02She has a daughter, Sofia Fulina, who was born in 2004.
01:38:06There's no information about her father.
01:38:08Oh, and one more thing.
01:38:10She also has a son from the first marriage, Dmitry Konyshin.
01:38:13He was born in 1999 and lives in Moscow.
01:38:19I don't have brothers. My mother would have told me.
01:38:22Find Konyshin and tell him about his mother's death.
01:38:25Find out where she grew up and if she had any conflicts.
01:38:28Okay, I'll do it.
01:38:41Sofia, you have to be strong.
01:38:46We've always kept the house clean and well-organized.
01:38:50Forgive our experts. It's their job.
01:38:54Yes, I know.
01:38:58Only now do I begin to realize that she will never come back here.
01:39:06Who could have done that to her?
01:39:09We'll find out. With your help.
01:39:12What was your mother doing yesterday?
01:39:15I don't know.
01:39:16What was your mother doing yesterday?
01:39:19Maybe she noticed something strange?
01:39:21No, nothing. We had breakfast, cleaned the house,
01:39:25and went on a tour for a VIP client at 5 p.m.
01:39:30Her boat left at 10.30 p.m., and she was in a hurry.
01:39:35Was she carrying a bag?
01:39:37Yes, a black leather bag.
01:39:40Was the tour in the car?
01:39:42Yes, it was in the company's car.
01:39:44And who drove it?
01:39:46It's been a long time since she's worked with us.
01:39:49I need Sebasilio's contacts and the client's information.
01:40:08Come on, Marucia. Sit down.
01:40:11Hold on tight. Very good.
01:40:16Excuse me.
01:40:18No problem.
01:40:20So, when was the last time you saw Fulena?
01:40:23At 11, more or less. We took the client to the boat.
01:40:27I wanted to take Ana Petrovna home.
01:40:30But she said she was going for a walk.
01:40:33I left her near the street with Somolskaja.
01:40:36And what did you do?
01:40:38I parked the car next to the travel agency, and I fell asleep.
01:40:41It's just that I have another treasure like this, but smaller.
01:40:45It doesn't let me sleep.
01:40:47I have two jobs, and they let me sleep in the company.
01:40:50Another job is in the IT field?
01:40:52Ah, no.
01:40:54That was in the past.
01:40:57I studied, but I left it.
01:40:59Because I had to support my family.
01:41:01I'm a driver, but when there are no tours, I perform the duties of a guard.
01:41:05I do everything. I have two children, and my wife is on maternity leave.
01:41:08And what time did you leave the agency?
01:41:10About 7. I woke up and went home.
01:41:13Do you know that man?
01:41:19Come here, my child.
01:41:21It's okay.
01:41:23Everything will be fine.
01:41:26I saw that prince once next to the palace.
01:41:30To tell you the truth, I don't like that kind of art.
01:41:33Did you have any conflicts with clients or employees?
01:41:36Don't cry, my sun.
01:41:38Let me know.
01:41:40I don't understand.
01:41:43You have to be very smart to do something like that.
01:41:46She was very good.
01:41:48I had a lot of respect for her.
01:41:50She raised Sonia alone, and now she's an orphan.
01:41:56Thank you.
01:41:58You're welcome.
01:42:00Calm down, my sun.
01:42:13Miss, look at this beautiful silk handkerchief.
01:42:17It's made by our artisans.
01:42:20That color will look good on you.
01:42:24Where did you get this mirror?
01:42:26It's not for sale.
01:42:28Why don't you buy a handkerchief?
01:42:30I'm on the committee.
01:42:35He threw it away, and the mirror was hanging from a tree.
01:42:38So I took it, so the birds wouldn't break it.
01:42:42Who threw it?
01:42:44Well, an actor.
01:42:49His body was painted.
01:42:51Acting like a prince.
01:42:53He scared everyone.
01:42:56This one?
01:43:00Do you know that woman?
01:43:04It's Annet.
01:43:06She brought the tourists here.
01:43:08Until that artist scared everyone.
01:43:09Could you give me details?
01:43:12Annet brought her tourist.
01:43:14And that little actor was here.
01:43:16When he saw Annet, he grabbed her by the arms.
01:43:19And he started screaming something.
01:43:21Then that tourist was scared to death.
01:43:24Annet didn't know what to do.
01:43:26She pushed that little actor.
01:43:28And they ran to the door.
01:43:30And they didn't buy anything.
01:43:32Although their clients always buy from them.
01:43:35But Annet didn't know what to do.
01:43:36They didn't buy anything.
01:43:38Although their clients always buy souvenirs.
01:43:41Because I have quality merchandise.
01:43:43They're not from China.
01:43:45And I always gave Annet her commission.
01:43:48And now there's no one.
01:43:50Annet doesn't come here anymore.
01:43:52That actor also disappeared.
01:43:54And when did that happen?
01:43:56About a week ago.
01:44:03Nothing. Thank you.
01:44:04You're welcome.
01:44:15Fulina is not a random victim.
01:44:17She had a personal conflict with the Memo.
01:44:19Do you think?
01:44:21I'm sure.
01:44:23Ivanovich, are the results ready?
01:44:25No, I haven't prepared the report yet.
01:44:27I can read it to you.
01:44:29Go ahead.
01:44:31Particles of black leather were found
01:44:33His daughter said she was wearing a black purse.
01:44:35They may have strangled her with a purse strap.
01:44:38Particles of blood and epithelium were found
01:44:40in the nails of the murderer
01:44:42and left no more than a day ago.
01:44:44That's something.
01:44:46He may have clung to him with his nails.
01:44:48The blood is from the woman.
01:44:50The Memo is not a woman.
01:44:52We have to find out how the blood of another person
01:44:54ended up under Fulina's nails
01:44:56during the murder or before.
01:44:58Find all the witnesses of Fulina's last tour.
01:45:00Captain Victoria, we are short of staff.
01:45:09We are in the church of St. Dimitri over the blood.
01:45:12This is where Prince Dimitri,
01:45:14Ivan the Terrible's youngest son,
01:45:18He arrived in Uglich at the age of six months.
01:45:20He died when he was eight and a half years old.
01:45:23His image appears in the icons
01:45:25and on the shield of our city.
01:45:27But he is portrayed as older than he was
01:45:29at the age of 15 years.
01:45:31Can I ask you a few questions?
01:45:33Yes, of course.
01:45:35Do you know that woman?
01:45:37And who are you?
01:45:39From the Moscow Investigation Committee.
01:45:41Oh, well.
01:45:43Is it about the murder?
01:45:47I'm sorry, but I can't help you.
01:45:49I don't know anything about that.
01:45:51No, thank you.
01:45:58Good morning.
01:46:00Good morning.
01:46:02You know that woman, don't you?
01:46:04Yes, I saw her yesterday.
01:46:06She was fighting with another woman.
01:46:09Could you describe the other woman?
01:46:12Well, she's chubby,
01:46:14not very tall,
01:46:16almost the size of the bell tower.
01:46:18I was telling her about the rudeness.
01:46:20I told them they were in a sacred place,
01:46:22but they didn't pay attention to me.
01:46:24I don't know why,
01:46:25but I was preparing for the night shift,
01:46:27I think around six in the afternoon.
01:46:29And why did they fight?
01:46:31No idea.
01:46:34The chubby woman was shaking these keys,
01:46:36saying she knew everything.
01:46:38Can I see them?
01:46:40Hotel El Comienzo del Amor.
01:46:42Maybe she dropped them
01:46:44when the other woman nailed her nails to her face.
01:46:46I picked them up.
01:46:48I thought they would come back.
01:46:50Can I take them?
01:46:52Yes, of course.
01:46:53Thank you.
01:46:55Take a picture of me.
01:46:57Come on.
01:46:59I want to go out too.
01:47:01Excuse me, can I take this?
01:47:03Yes, of course.
01:47:05Thank you.
01:47:07Come on, we've been here all afternoon.
01:47:15El Comienzo del Amor.
01:47:17A posada with stucco
01:47:19in the house of the Pugudalov merchants.
01:47:21In the apartment above the arch
01:47:23lives Mikhail Chekhov,
01:47:25the famous writer's younger brother.
01:47:42Welcome to our wedding.
01:47:44What are you doing here?
01:47:46And you?
01:47:48I'm working.
01:47:50I'm going to play.
01:47:51You're a traitor.
01:47:53Marina, we agreed that we would trust each other.
01:47:57If you don't trust me,
01:47:59our marriage doesn't make sense.
01:48:03I'm forced to work with that...
01:48:05She doesn't even distinguish Schubert from Adams.
01:48:07I do extra work
01:48:09so you don't have to tell the stupid tourists
01:48:11the same thing from morning to night.
01:48:17I'm sorry.
01:48:19Calm down, Marina.
01:48:21Please, don't be a baby.
01:48:23Ah, Victoria Alexandrovna.
01:48:25What a surprise to see you here.
01:48:28The bill on Fulina's laptop
01:48:30is Catherine's payment.
01:48:32It was ordered to this address.
01:48:34Who are you watching?
01:48:36The woman Fulina fought with.
01:48:39Have you learned the oath?
01:48:41Now we're going to rehearse it.
01:48:43Do you understand what I mean
01:48:45when I tell you that I would like to be happy
01:48:47when I marry you?
01:48:48If you promise me you'll love me forever.
01:48:51If I could be happy by your side.
01:48:53Then I agree to marry you.
01:48:56Olga Vladikina, Mikhail Chekhov.
01:48:58December 9, 1895.
01:49:01I was the one who found the dates.
01:49:03Yes, it was you.
01:49:05And I created a tour dedicated to Chekhov's love.
01:49:07And you told him everything.
01:49:09Calm down.
01:49:11You tell everyone.
01:49:13Stop, please.
01:49:15They'll have to come with us.
01:49:18We're investigating the murder of Anna Fulina.
01:49:20Was she killed?
01:49:22Follow us.
01:49:24And what about our wedding in the form of a play?
01:49:26The wedding at the Tetrarch.
01:49:28The play has already been seen.
01:49:34Tell me your name and last name
01:49:36and what do you do for a living?
01:49:38I'm Marina Semyonovna Velitskaya,
01:49:40owner of the Velitskaya estate.
01:49:42You had a fight with Anna Fulina
01:49:44at the Church of St. Dmitry, right?
01:49:46We just had a disagreement.
01:49:48These things happen between colleagues
01:49:50and we are also friends.
01:49:52Excuse me.
01:49:54Did you have a disagreement over that?
01:49:59Hey, did you know that...
01:50:01Don't touch it.
01:50:03This is evidence.
01:50:05Excuse me.
01:50:07Did you know that Mikhail Chekhov and Olga Vladikina
01:50:09met and got married in Uglich?
01:50:11She was showing him her love
01:50:13in such a beautiful way.
01:50:15Olga then lived in...
01:50:17Don't change the subject, please.
01:50:21It was my idea
01:50:24to make a tour dedicated to his love.
01:50:27I wanted to restore Chekhov's room,
01:50:29show it to tourists,
01:50:31organize weddings in the style of the 19th century
01:50:34with oaths based on his letters.
01:50:36And Anna stole my idea.
01:50:38And how do you know?
01:50:40I found this
01:50:42in my husband's pocket.
01:50:44That bitch hired Denis
01:50:46to play at the weddings.
01:50:48Damn it!
01:50:50Excuse me.
01:50:52We have to talk about the dead.
01:50:55And how did you know about Fulina's death?
01:50:58A colleague of mine.
01:51:00Where was she yesterday
01:51:02after 11 p.m.?
01:51:05At home.
01:51:08Can anyone confirm it?
01:51:10Maybe your husband?
01:51:14At that moment,
01:51:16he was playing at Olga's Riviera.
01:51:18At the hotel?
01:51:20At the hotel's restaurant.
01:51:22Is he your main source of income?
01:51:24I am his source of income.
01:51:39A little late,
01:51:41but here's your morning coffee.
01:51:43Thank you.
01:51:47Serve yourself.
01:51:49Uglich's cheese is better than Swiss.
01:51:52We even have our own research center
01:51:55for cheese production.
01:51:59It's good.
01:52:01And what do you think of Beriskaia?
01:52:04I don't think she'd kill her friend
01:52:06for stealing your idea.
01:52:08That's absurd.
01:52:10By the way,
01:52:12I investigated Fulina's VIP client.
01:52:14He really left at 10 p.m.
01:52:16And what about Fulina's son?
01:52:18We haven't found him.
01:52:20He's not at the location.
01:52:24He doesn't answer our calls.
01:52:27There are no bank cards
01:52:29with his name on them.
01:52:31He has no social media.
01:52:33Do you have any pictures?
01:52:35Yes, a black and white one.
01:52:36Here it is.
01:52:38I asked Moscow for information,
01:52:40but you know,
01:52:42it takes a lot to answer.
01:52:44By the way,
01:52:46the technical service found out
01:52:48that Fulina withdrew 2 million rubles
01:52:50from her account yesterday.
01:52:52Does your daughter know about this?
01:52:54No, that's the point.
01:52:56And the money disappeared.
01:52:58We checked the recordings
01:53:00of the travel agency cameras.
01:53:02Vasily Glushkov parked his car
01:53:04at 11 p.m.,
01:53:06and left at 10 a.m.
01:53:08Did you check yesterday's recordings?
01:53:12Check the recordings of the other days.
01:53:14All right.
01:53:16My wife is calling me.
01:53:18My grandson turns 5 today.
01:53:20We have guests.
01:53:22Vika, you're young.
01:53:24You need to understand a few things.
01:53:26You think work is all that matters.
01:53:29Until I was 50,
01:53:31I thought the same thing.
01:53:33Now I'm starting to realize
01:53:34what's going on.
01:53:36But I get confused
01:53:38about my children's birthdays.
01:53:40I'm sorry I didn't see them grow up.
01:53:42I don't want that to happen to my grandson.
01:53:45Go home, Andriy Viktorovich.
01:53:47See you tomorrow.
01:53:49Are you sure?
01:53:53All right.
01:53:55Don't stay too late.
01:53:57Katya, I'll be there in five minutes.
01:53:59I told you not to call me
01:54:01when I'm at work.
01:54:02All right.
01:54:08I'm going to check the recordings.
01:54:18Yaroslav region's main investigation department.
01:54:32Yaroslav region's main investigation department.
01:54:52Eight miles.
01:55:03Have you checked your watch?
01:55:06Not when I'm at work.
01:55:08I need an answer to a request
01:55:10about Dmitri Kanischen.
01:55:12I'll send it to you tomorrow.
01:55:14I promise.
01:55:16Go to bed.
01:55:18All right.
01:55:32All right.
01:56:03Limanov, hello.
01:56:05What are you doing?
01:56:07Come to the committee.
01:56:09I'm locked up.
01:56:11I'm serious.
01:56:15I'll wait for you.
01:56:33I'm here.
01:56:35Where are you?
01:56:37I'm here.
01:56:43what a splendor opens its way through that window.
01:56:47It's the East.
01:56:49Julieta, the Sun.
01:56:52Radiant Sun,
01:56:54kill the envious Moon.
01:56:56Limanov, I'm not for Shakespeare.
01:56:58Go to the guard and tell him to open the door.
01:57:01Do you want the whole committee to laugh at you tomorrow?
01:57:06Go down the balcony.
01:57:08There's one there.
01:57:10Are you crazy?
01:57:12Don't be afraid.
01:57:14I can help you.
01:57:30Come on.
01:58:20All right, come on.
01:58:22I can invite you to dinner.
01:58:24I could tell you what I found out today.
01:58:26But I'll choose the restaurant.
01:58:28All right.
01:58:30Let's go to the Bolga Riviera.
01:58:32Sounds romantic.
01:58:36Let's go.
01:58:48Did he help you choose?
01:58:50Yesterday we ate a very delicious celery.
01:58:53That's why I decided to go to the Bolga Riviera.
01:58:56It's our specialty.
01:58:58Is there live music?
01:59:00Yesterday we were told that Denis Velitsky was going to play.
01:59:03We came at eleven and there was no one.
01:59:05Denis left at eleven.
01:59:07He usually plays until two in the morning.
01:59:10But yesterday he was in a hurry.
01:59:12If you want, I can ask for him.
01:59:14No, thank you.
01:59:16Bring us the cell phone.
01:59:20I'll be right back.
01:59:27Investigation Committee.
01:59:29Good evening.
01:59:31Good evening.
01:59:33Did Velitsky say why he left earlier yesterday?
01:59:35He plays until eleven.
01:59:37Sometimes he has more time to request clients.
01:59:39Yesterday he asked for dinner and champagne in his room.
01:59:41Where is the entrance to the hotel?
01:59:45Thank you.
01:59:47Never reserve in advance.
01:59:49So we put it in any available room.
01:59:51Sometimes he spends all the money he earns in a room and champagne.
01:59:56I brought it here.
01:59:58This one?
02:00:02And this one is married.
02:00:04His wife Marina is a very good woman.
02:00:06He loves that woman madly.
02:00:08Do you know her?
02:00:10Of course.
02:00:12Honestly, I'm sick of this.
02:00:14The other day I saw her and told her the whole truth.
02:00:16I think I did the right thing.
02:00:18Because yesterday that scoundrel did not come.
02:00:20And what exactly are you investigating?
02:00:22The murder of that scoundrel.
02:00:24Oh my God.
02:00:26Let's go.
02:00:30I wanted to tell you what I discovered.
02:00:32But you left so long ago
02:00:34that I built a fleet of boats.
02:00:37How nice.
02:00:39Tell me.
02:00:41The bus driver recognized her.
02:00:44He wanted to ask her for an autograph, but he did not dare.
02:00:47He got off in the big town.
02:00:50I'm going there tomorrow.
02:00:55Are you coming with me?
02:00:59I have a suspect who could have a very strong motive.
02:01:02Just to murder.
02:01:04What do you mean?
02:01:08Are you still mad at me?
02:01:10Do not start.
02:01:13I already explained everything to you when we were in Llanos.
02:01:18For me, you are just the husband of a missing woman.
02:01:21That's all.
02:01:23Excuse me.
02:01:26I'm sorry.
02:01:28I'm sorry.
02:01:30I'm sorry.
02:01:32I'm sorry.
02:01:34I'm sorry.
02:01:35I'm sorry.
02:01:42Andrey Viktorovich.
02:01:44We urgently need to interrogate Marina Velitskaya.
02:01:47You can not.
02:01:49Nocturnal interrogations are prohibited.
02:01:52We will interrogate her tomorrow.
02:02:21I made you an omelette.
02:02:23It's fried as you like.
02:02:25Thank you.
02:02:35Why do not you sleep at that time?
02:02:37I'm making you breakfast.
02:02:39What a good boy.
02:02:46It looks like it's burned.
02:02:48It does not matter.
02:03:05Good morning.
02:03:06Good morning.
02:03:08Captain Victoria, Velitskaya disappeared.
02:03:12We should have arrested her yesterday.
02:03:14Yes, I know.
02:03:15Where is your husband?
02:03:16At the station.
02:03:17Thank goodness.
02:03:18One more body is the last thing we need.
02:03:20We did not go looking for him.
02:03:21He came on his own.
02:03:23For what?
02:03:24To report the disappearance.
02:03:26What for?
02:03:27To report the disappearance.
02:03:29What for?
02:03:30To report the disappearance.
02:03:32What for?
02:03:33To report the disappearance.
02:03:37Imitate a search warrant on Velitskaya.
02:03:39And I thought he was a serial killer.
02:03:41And it turns out that a wife killed a lover.
02:03:43How boring.
02:03:45Maybe it's not her?
02:03:46We'll know when we find her.
02:03:48Well, everything is clear.
02:03:50He killed his rival and took two million.
02:03:52Not bad.
02:03:54Too simple.
02:04:00Too simple.
02:04:01Quiet, you look prettier.
02:04:26Vasily, I'm sorry.
02:04:28I'm Sonia Fulina.
02:04:30Could you please come?
02:04:32I think there's someone next to my house.
02:04:36I checked the owners of the cell phones, but nothing.
02:04:39Moscow sent an answer about Fulina's son.
02:04:42It has impressive records.
02:04:45After the divorce, Dima stayed with his father.
02:04:49He hanged himself.
02:04:51Almost in front of him.
02:04:53Fulina took him.
02:04:55However, less than a month later,
02:04:57he was sent to a psychoneurological center in Moscow.
02:05:02He didn't visit him,
02:05:04nor did he pick him up after he was recorded.
02:05:07Why did he leave him in the boarding school?
02:05:09The employees of the center say
02:05:11he was obsessed with his mother.
02:05:14After his father died,
02:05:16he was afraid he would be late.
02:05:18He didn't leave her alone for a minute
02:05:20and tied her with a rope at night.
02:05:22And when his half-sister Sofia was born,
02:05:23he tried to strangle her.
02:05:25After reaching puberty,
02:05:27he was removed from the psychoneurological center.
02:05:30He graduated from the circus school.
02:05:32He has no criminal record.
02:05:34That's how it looks now.
02:05:37But it's our meme.
02:05:41The son detested by his mother.
02:05:43There can't be no clues.
02:05:45I've been looking for him everywhere.
02:05:47In hotels, in stores, but nothing.
02:05:49I asked a lot of people about him,
02:05:51and no one could find him.
02:05:53Maybe he's underground.
02:05:55Although I also checked a couple of places like this.
02:05:58Connie Sheen's cell phone was turned off
02:06:00the night of the murder,
02:06:02an hour before Fulina's death.
02:06:13Victoria, I'm Vasily, Anfia's driver.
02:06:15Someone is chasing Sonia.
02:06:17I'm going to her house.
02:06:19What do I do if the killer is there?
02:06:21I'll be right there.
02:06:23I've seen you at your sister's house.
02:06:25I'm afraid of what you might do.
02:06:27You shouldn't have taken him off the record.
02:06:29I'm going to Sophie's house.
02:06:31You look for Belitzke.
02:06:42Have some water.
02:06:44Good afternoon.
02:06:48Tell me something.
02:06:53Is this the boy you saw in the garden?
02:07:01I don't know.
02:07:03Is he my brother?
02:07:07I don't understand why my mother didn't tell me anything.
02:07:14You'll see.
02:07:17When he was a little girl,
02:07:19he tried to strangle her.
02:07:24I'm sorry.
02:07:26I'm going to get some fresh air.
02:07:51Let her go.
02:08:17He's gone.
02:08:19I need help.
02:08:21Get close to the area.
02:08:47Is this Belitzke's bag?
02:08:51Captain Victoria.
02:08:53We're facing a serial killer.
02:08:56I'd say almost the same.
02:08:58A woman's body was found,
02:09:00covered in ink.
02:09:02This is the second murder in two days.
02:09:04It's about a maniac who kills women
02:09:06and turns them into statues.
02:09:08The investigators will have to find out
02:09:10who these ominous messages are addressed to.
02:09:18Let's start with you.
02:09:20The time of Belitzke's death is yesterday,
02:09:22around 11 o'clock.
02:09:24She was strangled and then stabbed in the chest.
02:09:26But the knife is different
02:09:28from the one used in Fulina's case.
02:09:30Like the other time,
02:09:32the knife and the murder weapon
02:09:34were not found.
02:09:36She was strangled with a belt.
02:09:38Black skin particles were found
02:09:40in the wound.
02:09:42But the material of the bag she was carrying is different.
02:09:44And what about the burn?
02:09:46In the victim's neck,
02:09:47there's a 5-millimeter-diameter wound
02:09:49in an area of up to 3 centimeters.
02:09:51It's a paralyzing gun wound.
02:09:53Is the paint analysis ready?
02:09:58The bronze paint of the first and second victims
02:10:00differ in composition.
02:10:02The first is acrylic aerosol,
02:10:04and the second is paint in car aerosol.
02:10:06Probably the first crime was spontaneous,
02:10:08and the second was planned.
02:10:10The second time,
02:10:12the killer was well prepared.
02:10:14He used a paralyzing gun.
02:10:15He also prepared a murder weapon.
02:10:17The first time,
02:10:19he lacked paint,
02:10:21and this time,
02:10:23his body was completely covered.
02:10:25The main suspect is...
02:10:28Dmitry Kanyshin.
02:10:30He's probably suffering from a mental disorder.
02:10:32He's angry with his mother.
02:10:34He came to Uglich,
02:10:36but Fulina didn't want to talk to him.
02:10:38She decided to pay him,
02:10:40so she withdrew 2 million from her account.
02:10:42After the tour,
02:10:43her lover was waiting for her at the hotel,
02:10:45but she never got there.
02:10:47In the morning,
02:10:49her body was found in the park.
02:10:51It's true. Everything fits.
02:10:53Kanyshin hated his mother for having abandoned him.
02:10:55It's obvious that in the boarding school,
02:10:57his life wasn't easy.
02:10:59That's why he killed her,
02:11:01and covered her with paint
02:11:03to keep the money.
02:11:05I don't know why Fulina was killed,
02:11:07but what does it have to do with Velitskaya?
02:11:10He's a psychopath.
02:11:12Psychopaths are like that.
02:11:14He killed a friend of his mother
02:11:16because he wanted to kill her.
02:11:18Why not?
02:11:25We talked to the residents of the houses
02:11:27next to the river, but nothing.
02:11:29And what about Kanyshin?
02:11:31Nothing. We couldn't find him.
02:11:33I thought he had escaped
02:11:35until he started chasing his sister.
02:11:37Today we combed the whole area again,
02:11:39including churches and museums.
02:11:41Yes, yes.
02:11:43Well, I've been running all night.
02:11:45Vika, we need to talk.
02:11:47Didn't you find her in the big town?
02:11:51Okay. Wait a minute.
02:11:55I don't know how you can disappear
02:11:57in such a small city like this.
02:11:59You need a place to sleep
02:12:01and food to buy.
02:12:03I think we're missing something.
02:12:05If Victoria Alexandrovna hadn't let him go...
02:12:07We have to call the police
02:12:09to comb the area.
02:12:11Wait a minute.
02:12:14I think I know where he can be.
02:12:17The only place
02:12:19where he can stay,
02:12:21eat and hide
02:12:23is the monastery.
02:12:25We have to look for him there.
02:12:27Great. I'm going there.
02:12:29No, your job is to protect Sonia Fulina.
02:12:33Excuse me.
02:12:35Is there any news about Lilia?
02:12:37I asked my people about her,
02:12:39as you asked me.
02:12:41She recognized her car.
02:12:43At first, she didn't think
02:12:45a star like her would get in her car.
02:12:47She got off at the last stop
02:12:49in the town of Ulenia.
02:12:51A big guy came to see me,
02:12:53apart from you.
02:12:55He said he was a journalist.
02:12:57Obviously it's a lie,
02:12:59because he looked like a convict.
02:13:01I didn't tell him anything.
02:13:03Thank you.
02:13:05I don't like this at all.
02:13:07It's strange.
02:13:09She got off near the big town
02:13:11because she took the bus
02:13:13instead of asking for a taxi.
02:13:15What don't you understand?
02:13:17Eli is hiding the fingerprints.
02:13:19Your wife is hiding from someone,
02:13:21and that someone is watching you.
02:13:25Limanov, use your head.
02:13:27Only you and my partner, Gretsch,
02:13:29know which bus your Lilia got on.
02:13:32You know it too.
02:13:34Look, there's a women's monastery in Uleima.
02:13:36Maybe he's hiding there,
02:13:38like that psychopath you're looking for.
02:13:39Don't you hear me?
02:13:41Someone was watching you.
02:13:43Go to the hotel and don't leave.
02:13:45If you don't, I won't help you.
02:13:47I'm investigating it on my own.
02:13:49Listen, we have another dead woman.
02:13:51I need to register her home.
02:13:53As soon as I'm done, I'll help you.
02:13:59Why the hell should I protect that Sonya?
02:14:02My job is to catch the murderers,
02:14:04not to watch the girls.
02:14:06Obviously he got in the way
02:14:07and is hiding in the monastery.
02:14:09It's the perfect time to catch him.
02:14:12And I'll do it.
02:14:15Where are you going?
02:14:17Don't tell her.
02:14:18Don't tell her.
02:14:36Her mother's old friend and competition
02:14:39was murdered today.
02:14:41Don't be afraid.
02:14:43Leave the girl alone.
02:14:45Get out.
02:14:46Get out of here.
02:14:48Or I'll kick your ass.
02:14:54you have to hide in a quiet place.
02:14:57Her agency has a farmhouse in Proskovye.
02:15:00How about I take her there?
02:15:02She could bathe in the river and recover.
02:15:04I don't know how to swim.
02:15:06It's a very nice and quiet place.
02:15:09There are no journalists there.
02:15:11Get ready and let's go.
02:15:17Denis Olegovich.
02:15:19Do you know the password to your wife's laptop?
02:15:24Denis with Latin letters,
02:15:29It's my birthday.
02:15:42why don't you tell me
02:15:43that Fulina was your lover
02:15:45and that you were waiting for her
02:15:47at the hotel the night of the murder?
02:15:49Because I'm a fool.
02:15:51I didn't want Marina to find out about this.
02:15:54Anna and I had an adventure,
02:15:56nothing more.
02:15:58And Marina loved her.
02:16:07I can't believe it.
02:16:09I found something.
02:16:11What a curious document.
02:16:13It was deleted yesterday,
02:16:15but I managed to recover it.
02:16:17I found out that my husband was unfaithful
02:16:19and I followed Anna.
02:16:21I had to kill her.
02:16:23For half the money, I forgot everything.
02:16:25When was that written?
02:16:28Yesterday at 3.32 pm.
02:16:30Just after we let Belitskaya leave the committee?
02:16:33That could be a reason.
02:16:35The mime doesn't work.
02:16:36Belitskaya was blackmailing him.
02:16:38Could be.
02:16:40Who was that letter sent to?
02:16:44Wait a minute.
02:16:46Let me see the printer's memory.
02:16:48Here it is.
02:16:50The letter was printed yesterday at 3.33 pm.
02:16:55So Belitskaya printed the letter
02:16:57and gave it to someone.
02:16:59The question is, who?
02:17:01We have to find out where she was
02:17:03and what she was doing at that time.
02:17:04And trace the location of her cell phone.
02:17:06Yes, you're right.
02:17:34Vika, would you like an empanada?
02:17:36No, thank you.
02:17:38I'm not in the mood for that.
02:17:40To the Ethnographic Museum in Ivashkovo.
02:17:42And what are we going to do in Ivashkovo?
02:17:44The boys found Belitskaya's cell phone yesterday.
02:17:47From 3.45 pm to 4.30 pm.
02:17:49We're going to look for it.
02:17:51We're going to look for it.
02:17:53We're going to look for it.
02:17:55We're going to look for it.
02:17:57We're going to look for it.
02:17:59We're going to look for it.
02:18:01We're going to look for it.
02:18:02From 3.45 pm to 4.30 pm.
02:18:04She was at home.
02:18:06Then her cell phone was taken to the dock.
02:18:08Then to Ivashkovo.
02:18:10At 11.00 pm she came home and turned off her cell phone.
02:18:12I called her travel agency.
02:18:14The guide got sick and he went on a tour.
02:18:16That is, since he wrote the letter until his death,
02:18:18he has been in the museum.
02:18:20Hey, could she have met the killer there?
02:18:22That's what I'm trying to find out.
02:18:24What are you waiting for?
02:18:26Let's go.
02:18:28We should have been in Ivashkovo a long time ago.
02:18:32Let's go.
02:18:55Oh, welcome.
02:18:57What a pleasure to see you here.
02:18:59Do you want to ride a horse?
02:19:00We are not tourists, but researchers.
02:19:02We wanted to ask you a few questions.
02:19:05All right.
02:19:07Come in, please.
02:19:13We took this picture at about 10.00 pm.
02:19:18You said she was here from 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm
02:19:20and she didn't go anywhere.
02:19:22No, she didn't.
02:19:24We have a very complete and intense program.
02:19:26Horses, crafts.
02:19:28Since they're here, maybe they want to ride a horse.
02:19:30No, thank you.
02:19:32Maybe another time.
02:19:35Yes, yes.
02:19:37Thank you, thank you.
02:19:39The driver said he had picked up Marina
02:19:41by her house and left her there
02:19:43around 11.00 pm.
02:19:45And at that time, her cell phone was off.
02:19:47The killer was waiting for her by her house.
02:19:49But why?
02:19:51She couldn't have given him the letter.
02:19:53She didn't have time for that.
02:19:57And if it wasn't Marina who wrote that letter?
02:20:05Maybe Denis decided to kill Marina.
02:20:09He made it look like she wrote a letter to the killer
02:20:13and he killed her.
02:20:15And actually, he killed her himself.
02:20:17In fact, he's the only person who benefits
02:20:21from Marina's death.
02:20:23In that case, he inherits her business.
02:20:25We have to check his cover
02:20:26at the time of his wife's death.
02:20:28Let's go.
02:20:57I'm sorry.
02:20:59I mistook you for someone else.
02:21:01Dima's gone.
02:21:05Is this the Dima you're talking about?
02:21:08Yes, he gave me his sweater.
02:21:10That's why you mistook us.
02:21:12Has he been living here for a long time?
02:21:16I'm Kirsanov, the operative.
02:21:18We're looking for Dmitri Konishin.
02:21:20Is he here?
02:21:22I'm sorry, I can't tell you
02:21:24without being blessed by the priest.
02:21:26I'm going to call Father Mikhail.
02:21:32Andrei Viktorovich.
02:21:34I found him.
02:21:36He's really hiding in the monastery.
02:21:38I'll be watching him here.
02:21:40Good job, Kirsanov.
02:21:42But be careful.
02:21:46Look at this.
02:21:48Our BB King was in the square
02:21:50from five in the afternoon
02:21:52to twelve at night.
02:21:54He didn't go anywhere.
02:21:56But he could have written the letter.
02:21:58But why?
02:22:02To kill his wife.
02:22:04Captain Victoria,
02:22:06this can't be.
02:22:08He's got a quarter.
02:22:10To kill his wife
02:22:12with someone else's hands.
02:22:15I think I understand.
02:22:17Denis made it seem
02:22:19that Marina knew
02:22:21who killed Fulina.
02:22:23Actually, he knew it himself.
02:22:25So when he wrote that letter,
02:22:27Denis had the murderer
02:22:29kill Marina.
02:22:31What a clever plan.
02:22:34Work, Andrei Viktorovich.
02:22:43BB King.
02:22:45Dmitri came here
02:22:47about two weeks ago.
02:22:49He confessed and asked me
02:22:51to let him stay here
02:22:52because he was doing
02:22:54an obedience test.
02:22:56He helps us clean the church
02:22:58after the service.
02:23:00Sometimes he asks permission
02:23:02to go to the city.
02:23:04He says he has a job there
02:23:06and visits his mother.
02:23:08Did he go to the city yesterday?
02:23:10Yes, he asked for my blessing.
02:23:12But he didn't show up
02:23:14in the morning.
02:23:16If he doesn't have any more questions,
02:23:18I'll go.
02:23:20Did you see him today?
02:23:22I treated his wound
02:23:24and he left.
02:23:26Maybe he left his things here.
02:23:28There's his cell phone.
02:23:33He's old.
02:23:35He doesn't even carry it with him.
02:23:37What did he give him
02:23:39in exchange for the sweatshirt?
02:23:41A sleeping pill.
02:23:43While I was treating his wound,
02:23:45he told me he had insomnia
02:23:47and I gave it to him.
02:23:49If you find Dima,
02:23:50please tell him to give me back my cell phone.
02:23:53Did he take his cell phone with him?
02:23:59Sonia, you have to eat something.
02:24:02I'm not hungry.
02:24:05I'm short of breath.
02:24:07We shouldn't have come here
02:24:09and stayed at home.
02:24:11But it's quieter here.
02:24:12It's quieter.
02:24:19I'm going for a walk.
02:24:26What do you think?
02:24:28What if I die?
02:24:30I'm going to see my mom.
02:24:39why do things like this happen to you?
02:24:43Sooner or later,
02:24:45we're all going to die.
02:24:47You're very young now.
02:24:50You still have to live for both of us.
02:25:04Go inside
02:25:06so you don't feed the mosquitoes.
02:25:08And I'm going fishing.
02:25:10We'll make fish soup for dinner.
02:25:42Good morning.
02:25:44The secular can't come in here.
02:25:47I'm looking for my wife.
02:25:49There's no wife here.
02:25:51You can't do it.
02:25:53You're not allowed to do it.
02:25:55I'm a man,
02:25:57and I'm a man of my word.
02:25:59I'm not a child.
02:26:01I'm a man,
02:26:03and I'm a man of my word.
02:26:05The secular can't come in here.
02:26:07I'm looking for my wife.
02:26:09There's no wife here.
02:26:10Here there are no wives, only girlfriends.
02:26:13And can I talk to the abbot or the abbess? It is urgent.
02:26:18The abbess is busy at the moment. She does not receive anyone.
02:26:23Look at this photo. This girl is familiar to you. Her name is Lilia.
02:26:28And do you know the man who asked for her?
02:26:35Well, yes, he's a bodybuilder. He just came.
02:26:39He also said he was her husband, although he showed me another photo.
02:26:43And what did you tell him? Is Lilia here?
02:26:46Young man, people come here to pray and to work.
02:26:51It is a place where God is sought.
02:26:54If his wife did not tell him where she was, he should not bother her.
02:26:58Go with God.
02:27:00Thank you.
02:27:25Denis Olegovich.
02:27:28Is this letter yours?
02:27:31No, I did not write that letter.
02:27:35If you know who killed your wife and your lover and is hiding it,
02:27:39you will end up in jail as an accomplice. Is that what you want?
02:27:43How funny.
02:27:45I know, you think I'm to blame because you found a letter on Marina's laptop.
02:27:52But I have nothing to do with that.
02:27:54But you wrote this letter. It can be easily demonstrated.
02:27:58Your neighbor was in the garden all day and did not see anyone enter her house.
02:28:05And you were at home all day.
02:28:08My neighbor? She could have made up anything.
02:28:11So were you at home or not?
02:28:14It means that someone entered your house and wrote this letter in your presence.
02:28:19Hey, what the hell do you want from me?
02:28:22You can not catch the killer and want to blame me.
02:28:25What more nonsense can you make up?
02:28:28I killed Ania, Marina, maybe John Lennon.
02:28:31Yes, I killed everyone, even Dimitri himself.
02:28:35Think about it so you do not regret it later.
02:28:42Watch him.
02:28:48Captain Victoria, Velichky does not want to admit his guilt.
02:28:51It is logical.
02:28:53How did he know who killed Fulina?
02:28:55You finally took the gustola in my blindness.
02:28:58I have no other option.
02:29:00Let's see, Velichky was at the hotel at the time of the murder, right?
02:29:03And then where did he go?
02:29:05I made them track his cell phone.
02:29:08After the hotel he went to Anfia, apparently to find Fulina.
02:29:12Because his cell phone was already off.
02:29:14But what could he have seen there?
02:29:16I checked the cameras, I saw only the cars and the empty courtyard.
02:29:19You have to check again.
02:29:23Let's go.
02:29:54What do you think?
02:29:56Did you find anything?
02:30:00Look at this.
02:30:03In this frame a cat appears.
02:30:06And here in a fraction of a second it is no longer.
02:30:09I do not know what it is.
02:30:11I do not know what it is.
02:30:13I do not know what it is.
02:30:15I do not know what it is.
02:30:17I do not know what it is.
02:30:19I do not know what it is.
02:30:21In a fraction of a second it is no longer.
02:30:23It was teleported miraculously.
02:30:25They edited the video.
02:30:27He deleted everything that happened after eleven o'clock at night and then re-recorded it.
02:30:31But who?
02:30:32Vasily drove the car.
02:30:34He was also at the agency all night.
02:30:37That's why he falsified the video?
02:30:39To have a quarter?
02:30:42Yes, it is also computer.
02:30:43For him it is easy.
02:30:45But then what did Velichky see?
02:30:48He was looking for Fulina.
02:30:50He came to the agency and saw Vasily parking the car of the company.
02:30:55You told him that Fulina was murdered after eleven o'clock at night.
02:30:59And he realized that he saw Vasily after the murder.
02:31:05Atokavos understood that Vasily was the murderer.
02:31:10And he decided to get rid of his wife to take the money.
02:31:14We must recover the video.
02:31:21Vasily does not answer.
02:31:26Let's see.
02:31:30Sonia does not answer either.
02:31:32But Romana is with her.
02:31:35I'll take care of recovering the video.
02:31:38You can find out if Vasily had a reason to kill.
02:31:41Okay, thanks.
02:31:50A few days later.
02:32:11Do not get dirty, princess.
02:32:13Be careful.
02:32:14Good afternoon.
02:32:15I'm from the investigation committee.
02:32:17Can I talk to you?
02:32:18Yes, of course.
02:32:19Is it about Vasily's boss?
02:32:21Do you know where Vasily is?
02:32:22At work?
02:32:23Where else could he be?
02:32:25He does not answer the phone.
02:32:27Maybe he activated the silent mode.
02:32:30He always does it when he drives.
02:32:32He is a very prudent driver.
02:32:34He has not had any accidents in all these years.
02:32:37Marusya looks a lot like her dad.
02:32:39Yes, she is the daughter of a father.
02:32:41Our father is very good.
02:32:43The best in the world.
02:32:45And why?
02:32:46Because he knows how to do miracles.
02:32:50And what kind of miracles?
02:32:52It has to do with Marusita.
02:32:54I prefer to keep it a secret so that everything goes well.
02:32:57Yes, I understand her as a mother.
02:32:59Does she also have a daughter?
02:33:00And where is she?
02:33:03No, I have a son.
02:33:05He's waiting for me at home.
02:33:08Tell me what miracles your father does.
02:33:11Marusya was diagnosed with a heart defect six months ago.
02:33:16The doctor said we should not waste a minute.
02:33:19And to get a free surgery, you had to wait half a year.
02:33:24But yesterday Vasily said he solved everything.
02:33:27The day after tomorrow Marusya will be admitted to a surgery clinic.
02:33:32Of course it is.
02:33:34Well, thank you.
02:33:37You're welcome. Goodbye.
02:35:04The car arrived at the agency around midnight.
02:35:07This part of the video was cut and replaced by another.
02:35:10And so he got his cut.
02:35:13And I didn't even notice that.
02:35:17Yes, Captain Victoria.
02:35:20I was going to call you.
02:35:22You're right. I saw the video and...
02:35:24Where is Roman?
02:35:26He doesn't answer the phone.
02:35:28He can't find Vasily or Sonia.
02:35:30And where are you?
02:35:32I'll pick you up.
02:35:34I'm in front of Vasily's house.
02:35:36Okay, wait for me there.
02:35:45Arcasia, you can't imagine.
02:35:48The mess I've gotten myself into.
02:35:53Hey, do me a favor.
02:35:55Track Roman's cell phone location.
02:35:58And call me, okay?
02:36:19Vasily had a powerful motive.
02:36:21He needed money and bribed the doctors to save his daughter.
02:36:24Call Roman. The murderer is there.
02:36:26Tell him to stop him.
02:36:28Vika, Roman is elsewhere.
02:36:30What do you mean elsewhere? Where?
02:36:44Hey, wait.
02:37:43Stop, you psychopath.
02:37:48Come here.
02:37:50I didn't kill our mother.
02:37:55No, you killed her.
02:38:01You threw the money in her face, you idiot.
02:38:09How did you know?
02:38:11So it was you.
02:38:13Shut up, you brat.
02:38:15No one's going to believe you.
02:38:33If someone has been killed,
02:38:35he will be fired for complete ineptitude.
02:38:37Just so you know, I've identified the killer.
02:38:46Forgive me, girl. I didn't have a choice.
02:38:49No, please.
02:38:51No, please. Don't kill me.
02:38:54I'm doing this for Marusia.
02:39:00Get out of the water, quick.
02:39:02Dmitri Konishin, you are under arrest
02:39:04for the murder of Anna Fulina and Marina Belitskaya.
02:39:07You are mistaken.
02:39:09The killer is there.
02:39:35Are you judging me?
02:39:40I see you are.
02:39:44I didn't want to kill Anna.
02:39:47I asked her to lend me money.
02:39:50I told her I would be willing to work for her for the rest of my life.
02:39:54But she's a witch.
02:39:56How did you know that Fulina was carrying money with her in the park?
02:40:00I didn't know anything.
02:40:02She was going to meet with that madman and asked me to go with her.
02:40:06She told me to go back to the park.
02:40:08If she didn't come back in ten minutes...
02:40:10I don't need your money.
02:40:12That's when I saw the money.
02:40:33Let's go.
02:40:35Mrs. Petrovna,
02:40:37I beg you to lend me this money.
02:40:40The man has to win, not beg for money.
02:40:43I was going to give it to him.
02:40:45Please, my daughter is dying.
02:40:47I don't want to hear about your problems.
02:40:49I have my own.
02:40:51Vasya, what's wrong with you?
02:40:53Anna Petrovna, please.
02:41:01Shh, Anna Petrovna.
02:41:05Don't scream.
02:41:15The boy forgot his things.
02:41:18Then I covered the body with the paint.
02:41:20And I put the knife and his hat next to it.
02:41:23I stabbed the body to make it look like it was killed by a psychopath.
02:41:29Marina didn't want to kill him either.
02:41:31She started blackmailing me, asking me for money.
02:41:35I just waited for her near her house and...
02:41:43I had no choice.
02:41:45I need to save my daughter.
02:41:47And the children of other people can be killed.
02:41:49That madman doesn't care about anyone.
02:41:52As for Sonya,
02:41:54I don't regret anything.
02:41:56I don't care what they do to me.
02:41:58What matters is that Marusya is okay.
02:42:00Enough talking.
02:42:02Start the car.
02:42:04Let's go.
02:42:14Victoria Alexandrovna,
02:42:16I'm sorry.
02:42:18I didn't mean to hurt you.
02:42:21Victoria Alexandrovna,
02:42:23I'm sorry I didn't listen to you.
02:42:26I'm sorry.
02:42:28This could have ended very badly.
02:42:30It's a good operation, Roman.
02:42:32It runs very fast and the professionalism is achieved with practice.
02:42:35Are we okay?
02:43:14Helman, where are you?
02:43:16I have a coffin.
02:43:18Is this a joke?
02:43:24It seems I'm still in the monastery of San Nicolás.
02:43:28Wait for me, I'm coming.
02:43:30Okay, I'll wait for you.
02:43:33You really are my brother.
02:43:38You really are my brother.
02:43:48You saw our mother shortly before her death.
02:43:51Tell me.
02:43:55At first she didn't want to talk to me.
02:43:58She was avoiding me,
02:44:00as if I were a psychopath.
02:44:03And I came here for her.
02:44:06I saw her interview online.
02:44:09I asked her many times to meet with me.
02:44:13She finally said we could meet in the park at 11 at night.
02:44:17I was so happy.
02:44:21I learned this at the boarding school.
02:44:24But not only that.
02:44:26I know how to do many things.
02:44:28I graduated from the circus school.
02:44:30I entered there on my own.
02:44:32I have a degree.
02:44:34What do you want from me?
02:44:36I've been good to you.
02:44:38I've been good to you.
02:44:40I've been good to you.
02:44:42I've been good to you.
02:44:44I've been good to you.
02:44:46I've been good to you.
02:44:48I've been good to you.
02:44:50I've been good to you.
02:44:52How long have I been looking for you?
02:44:55I didn't know you moved.
02:44:58I want to be next to you.
02:45:01I want to communicate with you.
02:45:03I want to have family.
02:45:05Jimma, how old are you?
02:45:09You're an adult.
02:45:11Why do you want to be on my skirt?
02:45:14It's a big amount, but I'm giving it to you so you can leave me alone.
02:45:22I waited for you to come get me.
02:45:32Don't call me that. You're just a mistake of my youth.
02:45:37Take the money and leave. I never want to see you again.
02:45:41I don't need your money.
02:45:43I don't need your money.
02:46:00When I saw the news, I immediately realized that I was covered in paint.
02:46:08That's why I decided to hide.
02:46:10But I should have found you to tell you that I didn't kill our mother.
02:46:17Do you understand me?
02:46:19Our mother.
02:46:21You and I are family, right?
02:46:41Damn, you're ugly.
02:46:45Step aside.
02:46:55Oh my God.
02:46:58No, I'm not God.
02:47:04I couldn't open it. I don't know why.
02:47:07The lid was blocked by a shovel.
02:47:11Come on, I'll show you where Lila is.
02:47:14Take care of Lila and I'll take care of the person who put you here.
02:47:20Thank you.
02:47:21Thank you.
02:48:01Get out of the way.
02:48:06Get out of here.
02:48:10Do you understand me?
02:48:14Get out of the way.
02:48:16Get out.
02:48:22Get out.
02:48:30Let her go.
02:48:33I don't need her.
02:48:36Give me the gun.
02:48:38Your wife is a murderer, Limano.
02:48:40What the hell are you talking about?
02:48:42And you, stay out of our business.
02:48:44You are under arrest.
02:48:46Investigation Committee.
02:48:52So what?
02:48:54He didn't say anything?
02:48:58I told you that your Lilia is not as simple as she seems.
02:49:01Go back to Moscow.
02:49:03The locals are investigating him.
02:49:07I'm staying here.
02:49:09I want to find out everything.
02:49:11She can't have killed anyone.
02:49:14You're still stubborn.
02:49:18Apparently, it's not enough.
02:49:21I couldn't save our relationship.
02:49:25Seriously, what happened, happened.
02:49:27And there's no going back.
02:49:31They're coming for me.
02:49:33You're not going back to Moscow?
02:49:38Well, let's say goodbye.
02:49:44Let's go.
02:50:46Yes, Victor Igorevich.
02:50:48What time is it?
02:51:19To be continued.
