Ox Tales E046

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 [Musique]
00:02 [Musique]
00:04 ♪ Kinda shy, but you're nobody's fool ♪
00:07 ♪ Made me cry from laughing at the silly things you do ♪
00:12 ♪ Flyin' high whenever I'm with you ♪
00:16 ♪ Hey big guy, you sure can make my heart smile ♪
00:20 ♪ Ain't no lie, you've got me in a spell ♪
00:23 ♪ You and I, together always havin' so much fun ♪
00:28 ♪ Hey big guy, you are my number one ♪
00:40 ♪ You and I, together always havin' so much fun ♪
00:44 ♪ You and I, hey big guy ♪
00:53 Alright Ollie, what's this big surprise you've been telling me about?
00:56 Don't wait till you see Jack, a spot-billed duck just flew in the window last night,
00:59 made herself a nest and laid a whole bunch of eggs.
01:02 She made a nest in your house?
01:03 No.
01:04 Oh! Audrey, you can't sit there. That chair's reserved for somebody.
01:09 Gee Ollie, what's the problem? She sits there all the time.
01:12 Well, she can't sit there now.
01:14 Oh!
01:15 Wow! Looks like Audrey laid some eggs.
01:18 No, these belong to that little duck.
01:21 I wonder where she went to. She was sitting on them when I left this morning.
01:24 Is that her over there on the bed, Ollie?
01:26 Great. Lay a bunch of eggs and then go to sleep.
01:29 Talk about ducking her responsibilities.
01:32 The poor thing's exhausted.
01:33 I guess it must be pretty tiring work just sitting there on a bunch of eggs all day.
01:36 Yeah!
01:37 Maybe you could take over, Jack. What do you say?
01:39 Me? Sit on a nest?
01:41 It's not that hard. The rules are simple.
01:43 You just need a big behind and a small head. You can handle it.
01:46 There we go.
01:47 You'd make a great mother, Jack.
01:49 Ollie, how long before you come back?
01:52 Just a couple of minutes.
01:53 If we're lucky, it'll be more like a couple of days.
01:56 Uh-oh, here comes Hannah.
01:57 She thinks anything round or with a shell is an egg.
02:00 The chickens aren't very bright, you know.
02:02 Anyway, let's see how long it takes for this plot to hatch.
02:04 That Hannah's one hot chick.
02:17 All right, I'll just borrow your shell then.
02:19 Hmm, I don't know if that'll be enough.
02:22 Let me see what I can find.
02:23 Yeah, a sheepskin comforter.
02:27 What do you know? Ollie finally pulled the wool over someone's eyes.
02:30 There now. That'll keep the eggs nice and warm.
02:35 Ollie, give us back our clothes!
02:39 Yuck, not a pretty picture, is it?
02:42 Thank gums. Another one of my great ideas gone down the drain.
02:47 If I want it done right, I'll just have to do it myself.
02:50 Uh-oh, those eggs don't stand a chance.
02:52 Hmm, let me see here.
02:55 You know, it's not so bad. These little baby duckling chicks are gonna be cute.
02:58 They'll probably even think I'm their father when they hatch.
03:01 Of course, they've always wanted a son to carry on the family name.
03:04 This is great.
03:05 Hmm? Hey, what's going on?
03:08 Wow, isn't that amazing?
03:13 I wonder if they know I'm their daddy.
03:15 Hiya, kids. My name's Ollie.
03:17 I'd cry too if I just found out Ollie was my father.
03:22 Alright, I'll give you guys a shower too if you really want one.
03:25 It'll help you grow up big and strong.
03:27 Wow, you're just as thirsty as the flowers.
03:31 Huh? Those kids are growing like weeds.
03:34 Oh, I see you're out for your Sunday walk.
03:37 Those ducklings have gotten to be really big.
03:39 Hmm.
03:40 Hi, Jackson. They're on their way back to their home pond so they can learn how to swim.
03:44 Oh, yeah. Do you think they'll get there alright?
03:47 It's a long way.
03:48 That's why I came along, to protect them from danger.
03:51 Yeah, who's gonna protect them from Ollie?
03:53 Some new soybeans. He's gonna trample the ducklings.
03:58 Yeah.
03:59 Alright, let him have it.
04:04 Thank goodness it worked.
04:10 You can say that again.
04:12 Alright, you can say that again. But don't ask me to say that again.
04:20 What? Oh, stop.
04:23 Boy, what a steep cliff.
04:25 You said it.
04:26 Those chicks will never make it across here without a bridge.
04:29 Well, we better hatch another idea.
04:31 Hey, Mrs. Giraffe, can you hear me over there?
04:35 Yes.
04:36 Try the grass over here. It's delicious.
04:38 Oh.
04:40 Yum, yum, yum. Not bad, Ollie.
04:43 That for you, Miss Duck.
04:44 Isn't it heartwarming when someone sticks their neck out for the sake of others?
04:49 Thanks a lot, Mrs. Giraffe. I'll be the last one.
04:51 Of course, around here, no good deed goes unpunished.
04:54 Oh, the chicks are sinking. Don't worry, I'll save you.
05:13 You shouldn't go in the water until you've learned how to swim.
05:17 Hmm?
05:18 Oh, no! It's quicksand!
05:21 Bonnie!
05:25 I asked the producers not to hire this guy. He always hogs the whole scene.
05:29 Wow, this is even more fun than an amusement park ride. We could call it the Porker Coaster.
05:34 Oh, terrific. A herd of stampeding zebras just what we need.
05:39 Those little baby duck chicklings are never going to make it back to their home pond
05:42 if I don't think of a way to get them across this meadow safely, Jackson.
05:45 Say, how about little spurs and saddles?
05:47 Gee, I haven't seen this many stripes since I played a stool pigeon in a prison movie.
05:59 The pigeon part was easy. It was the stool I had trouble with.
06:02 Good idea!
06:03 Poor Ollie! Trampled flat!
06:12 You know, I have a rug just like that in front of my fireplace.
06:15 Why am I always the one that has to bump up Ollie every time he makes a stupid mistake?
06:20 Huh?
06:21 I wonder what country he's going to land in this time.
06:29 Well, a convention of beautiful birds from around the world.
06:34 I guess my invitation got lost in the mail.
06:36 My, what a beautiful bird sanctuary.
06:38 I'm sure you and your little ducklings will be very happy here.
06:41 Dive right in!
06:42 You're not supposed to be afraid of the water.
06:55 Here, I'll help you in.
06:56 Heads up, eagle alert!
06:58 They look happy to be home.
07:05 Mm-hmm. They sure do have a lot of folks to make friends with.
07:08 Hey, look at that one over there!
07:10 Mama pelicans have to feed their babies too, you know.
07:13 Then that one over there looks like a relative of yours, Jack.
07:16 She's really got a leg up on the others.
07:24 Oh no, you're on a collision course. Look out!
07:29 Ollie, look! They've got the wrong mothers!
07:34 Even a place like this has its hazards.
07:37 There's snakes.
07:39 Crocodiles!
07:40 You guessed it. Good grief, a crocodile.
07:43 I'll save you!
07:44 Hey, you don't have to mess with him!
07:50 Ow, help me! Somebody get me out of this mess!
08:07 Wow, I never knew I had so many friends.
08:10 French men, they're just getting in on a good thing.
08:13 Uh-oh, they're stampeding!
08:15 Hey, everybody, this one's not big enough for all 300 of us.
08:22 Now I'm gonna have to spend all day tomorrow finding those ducklings another home.
08:26 There's no vacancy at my place.
08:28 Hey, Jack, take a look at this.
08:36 What?
08:37 What?
08:39 I just got me a new camera.
08:41 But I don't know if I want to take your picture because you have grass growing out of your shell.
08:45 I kind of like it. If you ask me, it gives me that down-to-earth type look.
08:49 Let's shoot. Hurry up!
08:51 Hold on, something's not right.
08:52 What do you mean, not right?
08:54 I happen to be a brilliant photographer, my friend, so I want the perfect pose from you.
08:58 Brilliant photographer, huh? How about this pose?
09:00 Something's still missing. I'm looking for that little bit of extra magic.
09:04 Well, how about my baby beauty pose?
09:07 That's beautiful. Now hold real still.
09:09 Give me a big smile now.
09:11 That's great. I've just completed my first masterpiece.
09:18 What a disappointment. Jack doesn't photograph well at all.
09:24 Sorry about that, Ollie.
09:26 Oh, Jack, you're back. I like you a whole lot better in person.
09:29 Something went terribly wrong with that picture.
09:31 I'll tell you what's wrong. I fell and you missed me.
09:34 Oh, now it all makes sense, I think. I've got an idea.
09:38 Take your idea into the darkroom and we'll see if anything develops.
09:41 Come on, you can do better than that. Ah, that's it.
09:45 Hey, this could be the start of a whole new career for me.
09:49 I need a special smile from you.
09:51 Which one? They're all special.
09:53 Come on, Ollie, make up your mind, will you?
09:57 Just say cheese when you smile.
09:59 Cheese? No. Keep posing, I'll be right back.
10:03 Hey, what about taking my portrait, Ollie?
10:05 Sometimes he makes me so mad.
10:08 Morris, I think you better drop the cheese and get ready to say cheese.
10:16 Okay, Morris, the jig's up. I got your red-handed this time. Hold it.
10:20 Oh, how'd I wind up with a family portrait?
10:31 You better give up while there's time.
10:33 Say, Ollie, if you're looking for a good still life, I've got a suggestion.
10:37 Why don't you take an x-ray of your brain?
10:39 Hey, look up there.
10:41 I'll bet they're gonna hang this picture in all the world's great museums.
10:48 All I have to do now is wait for his mouth to be in the perfect position.
10:53 Dang, that'll never work. That's not very natural.
11:00 Hi, Ollie.
11:02 Hey, I know.
11:04 Edward, come over here.
11:06 How you doing, Edward?
11:08 Hey, Edward, how about waking up Manny over there so I can get a good picture of him, would you, huh?
11:12 Okay.
11:14 Being a brilliant photographer has turned out to be more difficult than I thought it would be.
11:24 Tell me about it.
11:25 Penny Penny was right.
11:28 I finally come up with a perfect idea.
11:31 All we have to do now is sit back and wait.
11:34 Ollie, there's no rabbit dumb enough to go after that carrot.
11:38 I wish you'd think positive for once.
11:40 You know, I'm starting to wish you'd run out of film, Ollie.
11:42 Quiet. Here comes one now.
11:47 Hold that pose.
11:49 What?
11:50 I expressly told him not to close his mouth.
11:55 Hey, did you forget that your main job was to keep your mouth open?
11:59 Hey!
12:00 Hey!
12:01 So long, little fella.
12:05 Something tells me Ansel Adams never had to go through this.
12:10 Ansel Adams? Let's see, isn't he the fella that invented the Anseling machine?
12:14 Hmm, yeah. I wonder who I can get to model for me now.
12:18 I say we forget about taking pictures and go have lunch.
12:21 Now, what in the world would make you think that a budding talent like me would want to forget about taking pictures?
12:26 Budding talent or blooming idiot?
12:28 Hey, there's my next subject now.
12:30 I'm going to photograph the kangaroo in a manner that's never been seen before, Jack.
12:34 Be careful, Ollie.
12:35 The secret to great photography is timing.
12:37 The shutter must be snapped at precisely the right moment.
12:40 Now I just have to wait for that split second which separates geniuses from amateurs.
12:44 Don't count on seeing great photography on this show.
12:46 Here it comes.
12:47 Got it.
12:49 Perfect.
12:51 Folks will come from miles around to see this picture.
12:53 You missed by that much.
12:56 Oh, brother.
12:58 You just need to find a subject that doesn't scratch, bite or hop around.
13:03 Hmm, that's it.
13:06 Yeah, but what if they fly away?
13:07 No, they're much too young to fly.
13:09 But look, there's the mother.
13:10 This could finally be that special photograph I've been waiting all my life to take.
13:15 Quick, shoot it, Ollie.
13:17 Patience, patience.
13:19 And... what?
13:21 Hey, move it.
13:23 I think maybe you were right about having some lunch.
13:26 Now you're making some sense.
13:27 What in the world is all that commotion about?
13:29 Hey, that's it. Oh, perfect.
13:31 Wow, just what I need for an action picture.
13:34 Hey!
13:36 You know, I think I've just been magically struck by inspiration.
13:38 It's not magic, it's a coconut.
13:40 What's the difference?
13:41 Hey, shoot him now, quick!
13:43 Oh, I must be jinxed.
13:48 Hey, Gaylord.
13:49 Will you cut that out and go away?
13:51 Maybe he can't hear you.
13:53 Oh, why do these kinds of things always happen to me?
13:56 You know, you might have better luck if you didn't photograph animals.
13:59 Really? How come?
14:00 No movement.
14:01 These moving animals are the real problem.
14:03 Ollie's brain is the real problem.
14:05 Now, why didn't I think of that?
14:07 You didn't think of it because you're not equipped for thinking.
14:10 This is a great idea, Jack.
14:12 It's gonna open up any minute now, so get ready.
14:16 Now! Snap it before it closes up!
14:18 Okay.
14:19 You need a century plant.
14:22 Let's try it again.
14:23 I'll get it this time.
14:25 This here is gonna take quick reflexes, alright.
14:28 But my mind is sharp and alert and I have everything under control.
14:31 I'm glad one of us is so confident.
14:33 Get ready.
14:35 I can feel it coming.
14:37 Now! Take it now, Ollie!
14:39 Right, I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it.
14:42 Oh, I didn't get it.
14:44 Way to go, Ollie.
14:45 Hmm, that flower doesn't like me.
14:48 Smart flower.
14:49 You know, Ollie, my Pop used to take pictures and he loved peacocks the best because of their many colors.
14:54 My awesome mind happens to be one step ahead of you as usual, Jackson.
14:57 Oh boy, a peacock and his tail feathers are open!
15:00 Just the way I planned it, little buddy.
15:02 Don't move a muscle.
15:04 That's it.
15:05 And...
15:06 Hold on a minute!
15:07 Huh? You wanna hold it down until I finish my work, Jack?
15:09 But what about that beautiful peacock over there?
15:12 I didn't see that one.
15:13 What?
15:14 Wow! This is gonna be great!
15:16 Now stand just like that. Hold it...
15:18 Did you get it? I said you to ask!
15:21 This isn't my day. Doesn't anybody stand still anymore?
15:24 Huh?
15:25 Oh, that's what scared him off.
15:27 Hey!
15:28 Somebody better stop him!
15:30 Yeah, what in the world is he up to?
15:32 Hey, come on, Gaylord, I was trying to take your photograph.
15:38 Now you come back down here.
15:40 I've been posing for half an hour and he hasn't taken the hint yet.
15:43 Hmm.
15:44 Hmm.
15:46 Something tells me this is a very bad idea.
15:48 I'll never be able to understand why you always look at the bad side of things, Jack.
15:52 You know, sometimes...
15:54 You know what, Ollie?
15:55 ...photographers have to go to great heights and even greater depths in their search for special works of art to photograph.
15:59 I think you're going off the deep end with this whole business.
16:02 Ollie! Hey, look! There's a rhino!
16:04 See? You don't have to go underwater to get great shots.
16:07 Uh-oh! I spoke too soon!
16:12 Bien, c'est parti.
16:13 Pour une fois, j'ai compris.
16:15 Maintenant, on parle.
16:21 Cette photo va me faire une fameuse photo.
16:23 Allez, on se rapproche maintenant.
16:28 Maintenant, regarde dans la lente.
16:30 Voilà, j'ai fait ça!
16:33 Parfait! Vos visages seront vus par des millions de personnes dans le monde.
16:37 Hey, qu'est-ce que tu fais?
16:38 Retourne-moi ça!
16:39 Je suis terrible!
16:40 Hey, allez! Vous êtes géniaux!
16:44 Retourne-moi cette photo!
16:45 Arrête! Je ne vois rien!
16:47 Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
16:48 Ah, il y a une lumière!
16:50 Je suppose que Jack savait que j'avais besoin d'aide et il a envoyé quelqu'un ici pour m'aider de cette terrible place.
16:55 Si seulement j'avais pu trouver où je suis et où est le plus proche d'exit, tout serait fini.
17:00 Oh, non! Mais... Je devrais avoir...
17:07 Je ne peux pas le voir! Il est trop loin!
17:11 Il est trop loin! Il est trop loin!
17:13 Oh, mon Dieu!
17:15 Quelle est cette développement?
17:20 Qu'est-ce que tu fais?
17:22 Sous-titrage: Bach Films © 2013
