Bella and The Bulldogs Season 2 Epsode 15 Bad Grandma

  • 4 months ago
Bella and The Bulldogs Season 2 Epsode 15 Bad Grandma


00:00 when it happens but guess what my mom is letting me decorate the nursery i convinced her i'm
00:05 responsible deadline oriented and decisive i may have oversold myself i can't even decide
00:13 what color to paint the walls which one would you choose um the blue which blue french blue
00:20 summer sky morning mist or tide pool bella uh the blue how am i ever gonna decide i don't know
00:32 what you're doing but stay away from tide pool oh you could drown in that shade how do you know
00:38 all about paint colors my stepmom brenda asked me to help her redecorate her bedroom when she
00:43 moved in with us and by help i mean she showed me pictures in magazines and said oh do this
00:50 hey do you want to help me decorate my baby brother's nursery i could really use someone
00:55 with skills and a male point of view you kidding count me in thanks newt how about you too i know
01:02 if i say no you'll never leave me alone so yay can't wait i wish i could i have to do my community
01:09 service hours oh we did ours last quarter me too but be warned highway beautification is just a
01:16 fancy term for cleaning up roadkill also possums aren't always dead they just appear to be good luck
01:27 hey guys there's not too many choices left yeah we can either volunteer at the retirement home
01:37 or join the highway beautification program oh beautification i like the sound of that
01:44 apparently it's just a fancy term for cleaning up roadkill retirement home it is yeah that's what
01:51 i was thinking okay i i bet it will be fun you can learn a lot from older generations
01:58 yeah just because someone's in their 40s doesn't mean they're worthless that's true after all my
02:05 grandpa taught me how to wash the car mow the lawn make his favorite sandwich clip his toenails
02:13 wait a minute pop pop played me
02:17 respect
02:20 you won't find me in the bleachers
02:29 i'm made of sugar
02:39 and you get you get a game changer playing man gonna take the ball she'll see you later
02:45 she got it going on
03:00 my boys
03:05 and in here is the community room this place is so nice man i want to live here when i'm old
03:18 shoot i want to live here now did you see they have taco tuesdays every day of the week
03:24 the rules don't apply here i love this place well we do try to keep things fun around here
03:31 these are active happy seniors and matching them with senior pals such as yourselves
03:35 really keeps their spirits high that's ken he's a former astronaut many of our residents have led
03:43 rich fascinating lives steve over there was a pilot and we also have two former congressmen
03:49 and doors she played baseball for an all-women's league so i wait
03:53 doris mckenna you've heard of her yes doris cookie mckenna of the lone star lassies
04:00 she's in a book i read called stay strong girl it's a collection of inspiring stories
04:05 about women who beat the odds does that come in an audiobook so i cannot listen to it
04:16 doris mckenna is one of my heroes do you think you would assign me to be her senior pal
04:21 i'm sorry doris didn't sign up for the program that's too bad don't worry honey i think i got
04:30 someone you're gonna love here she is now esther oh can't talk now i'm training for a 5k
04:37 don't worry bella you'll get your credit for today as for you guys we're slightly overbooked
04:46 so i'm going to assign you to the same senior pal it's ken the astronaut isn't it no ernie
04:53 the mailman and i think he needs a little help learning how to use his new computer tablet
04:58 all right girls i'll leave it to you have fun but be extra careful of the new carpeting it's
05:11 eco-friendly which is another way of saying it's expensive it's very expensive don't worry
05:19 we'll take care of it besides we're not painting today just prepping oh pepper i'm so proud of
05:24 you oh now if you'll excuse me i have a craving for peanut butter on a burrito anyone want one
05:30 no okay
05:36 pregnant women are a mystery this is so fun
05:43 i can't believe you roped poor newt into this too you said you wanted to help i know i just
05:50 don't think of newt as a roll up your sleeves and get dirty kind of guy somebody call my name
06:00 look at you where'd you get that tool belt brenda she's had a lot of work done
06:08 wait that didn't come out right actually it kind of did anyway i've become pretty good
06:15 with room redos first up let's get rid of this crummy carpet no that is not an option
06:22 it's super expensive because it's made from recycled sheep or something organic like that
06:29 okay fine i can work with the carpet but this room needs a theme i'm thinking
06:35 bears uh well actually i was thinking of a train theme i did a lot of research and baby boys
06:44 love choo-choo trains in the room well i was a baby boy and i had bears in my room trains are
06:51 loud and smoky but bears are soft and soothing until they rip someone's arm off and gnaw on it
06:57 by a creek oh like trains don't eat people every day you know what never mind look this room is
07:08 screaming for bears no it's screaming for trains bears train fairs train bears wait i have an idea
07:15 how about little ducks you know is she kidding
07:23 hi esther it's wednesday at 4 30 time for scrapbooking oh sorry kiddo i'm volunteering
07:30 at the teen center today didn't you get my reminder on pencil in oh no i i don't have that app
07:36 oh well let's see now you do i'm available tuesdays between pilates and krav maga later
07:51 oh dear that one if you want to keep her in the room you gotta nail her feet to the floor
07:57 i'd like to nail a mouth shut too but that's just me
08:01 your door's mckinnow right that depends you're not my ex-husband's lawyer are you
08:09 no you're too young
08:14 actually i'm a fan hi i'm bella and i'm a female athlete too you've really inspired me
08:21 i know everything about you in fact i even edited your wikipedia page really can you
08:26 change my birth date i want to be 50 again on it hey is it really true that you had a triple
08:35 of the yankees yd ford in an exhibition game no it's not true it was a double
08:41 no it's not true it was a home run that was in 1952 do you know i was the highest paid player
08:51 on the ladies league and i still only got paid eight dollars that season still being a girl
08:57 ball player i know something about that i play quarterback on the boys football team
09:03 well then you must be tough too not tough enough to hit a whitey ford fastball
09:10 but i can hold my own i don't doubt it one time i got hit in practice my shoulder popped out and
09:17 i only missed one game well i know all about that i've got so many pins in my hips i i mean i i just
09:23 feel like a voodoo doll hey can i ask you something else yeah did you really tell off
09:30 that umpire the way they say you did it was worse really are you over 17 because the language is
09:37 R rated oh heck i'll tell you anyway and you swipe to go to the next window and that brings
09:52 you to click pick which is a great way to connect to the grandkids grandkids now i want to connect
09:58 with some ladies you feel me boys why ernie now you're talking my language in that case what we
10:07 got to do is sign you up for a date inside that's right first thing you're gonna need is a debonair
10:12 profile picture you know to let the ladies know what you're working with okay now come on give
10:17 me what you got okay okay oh come on ernie to lure the ladies you need to project an air of mystery
10:31 not an ad for dentures yeah yeah look up into the distance like you're trying to remember
10:37 where you parked your european sports car yeah yeah okay okay that's not it that's not it that's
10:45 not it no um let's try again this time you know where your car is parked no you know okay let's see
10:59 there it is yes
11:01 okay i'll roll and you paint the edges perfect
11:10 hey i heard this room was calling for bears
11:19 oh am i right or am i right you're right newt
11:27 like a baby boy wouldn't be scared of a seven foot tall bear seven feet of sweetness come on
11:34 new please put that thing downstairs and grab a brush fine but he belongs in this room
11:42 oh
11:44 you see he doesn't want to leave he knows he belongs in here
11:58 wait before we start painting we need to take a before picture good idea uh
12:08 where'd i put my phone hold on i'll call it oh there it is
12:37 we should let it dry and try to scrape it off tomorrow how's it going in there
12:40 uh you cannot see this room until we're finished i am so finished
12:50 oh 40 hits since your photo went up i'd say that's some kind of record look at this holly
13:00 says she's 76 but she doesn't look a day over 75 point and swipe yes very good
13:09 check her out not that cute but she can still drive um herney you might want to pace yourself
13:18 you know like one woman at a time nah i'll say go for it pops it's my girlfriend and i broke up
13:25 a whole new world has opened up for me you're dating a lot of gals no but i i could if i wanted
13:32 to i mean i have options lots of options it'll be okay thanks
13:40 hi bella you just miss esther she left her drum circle 10 minutes ago i actually came by to see
13:50 doris we really hit it off the other day so glad to hear that she doesn't get many visitors
13:56 she could use someone to talk to i'll talk to that doris any day of the week down there
14:02 hey who are those cookies for doris really did you make sure to taste them first because i
14:10 remember that one time you made one bad batch just once let it go
14:16 hi bella esthers out doing her drum circle a vision quest or something like that that woman
14:24 has way too many hobbies i know i came by to see you oh and i brought you these cookies you know
14:31 because your nickname was cookie i put that on wikipedia too oh and you are now 53 years old
14:38 thank you for looking up to me and i was thinking since we get along so well
14:44 maybe i could be your senior pal so that's what this is all about yeah i can sign you right up i
14:51 have the paperwork right here thank you i don't need a friend to sign to me okay but i thought
14:56 since we had so listen to me i don't want you for a senior pal but i thought since leave me alone
15:03 bella what was that about i don't know but does she say anything about me not a good time i'll come
15:14 back and she said she didn't want to be my senior pal and then she told me to leave her alone
15:30 you should probably stop making cookies for people it was one bad batch
15:35 i don't get it we got along so well the day before sometimes old people get low blood sugar
15:43 and act cranky abuela once punched a waiter for taking too long with her tuna melt true story
15:49 maybe she's irritated because pain spilled all over her mom's priceless carpet and now she'll
15:55 be grounded forever and or killed pepper pepper stay with us we had a connection it was like she
16:04 understood me better than anyone i've ever met and and the crazy part is i think she really
16:10 liked being with me too maybe you can change your mind you'll think of something you're right sophie
16:17 i'm gonna go for it oh and about the carpet try nitro clean that's a great idea she couldn't have
16:26 lead with that come on nitro clean do your thing
16:34 look it's working um it might be working a little too well oh no it's eating the carpet
16:45 newt this is all your fault it never would have happened if you had it knocked over that ladder
16:51 me all i did was open the door pepper's the one who put the paint on the ladder but sophie's the
16:56 one who put the ladder in front of the door but bella's the one who told us to use nitro clean
17:00 then we agree it's bella's fault yeah bella's fault wow placing blame on others is a great
17:08 way to feel better about your own inadequacies yeah so much food way to go ernie you've gotten
17:19 a lot of replies to your dating profile oh looks like your favorites column's almost full
17:24 should we get rid of one of these connies okay with keep connie b says she's got a hot tub
17:36 oh look here's one from marlene she says dear ernie i can tell by your profile picture that
17:42 you're a very busy man i'm busy too thinking of us on the beach while i slather suntan lotion
17:50 on your manly shoulders and oh now i need to take a shower
18:02 look at this one i like long walks in the park fresh rhubarb pie i watch from the fireflies at
18:10 dusk sounds like a nice grandma wait that's my grandma do your worst i got the cloud
18:22 will you teach me the clouds
18:28 why don't you tell me what's going on i thought we were going to the movies
18:32 i want to see channing tatum with his shirt off the movie's not for another hour i thought
18:39 we stop off and visit with someone first hey doris oh no i know this isn't a baseball field
18:48 but it's the best i could do want to play some ball you tricked me did i i guess i did anyway
18:59 i'll let you two get to it
19:01 don't you have any friends your own age good one doris here comes the heat
19:15 i don't need you for a pal what are you trying to do get a story for your college essay
19:27 how i helped an old woman by just being me oh come on you're just afraid of my fastball
19:44 you call that a fastball i've seen turtles move faster than that and they were dead
19:50 okay you asked for it okay
19:56 hey you did that on purpose yep i guess i did and if i'd known you were going to duck i would
20:12 have aimed lower i can't figure you out this was a waste of time i thought you were my hero but it
20:20 turns out you're nothing but a mean old witch yep okay pepper we can do this yep you're right
20:34 we just have to stay calm and cool pepper can i come in now get out get out
20:40 uh she means it'll be done in a few minutes she just wants it to be perfect okay please hurry
20:48 i got it maybe if i climb out of the window and run away from home
20:54 my mother will be so upset she won't even notice the holes she won't
20:59 oh yeah that'll work hey girls look who's back did you miss me
21:08 enough with the bear newt just watch
21:12 it covers it perfectly one more thing
21:25 choo-choo bears and trains who knew i can't take it anymore i'm coming in
21:32 oh oh my gosh what is that
21:40 that bear is a train conductor that's adorable thank you oh you did such a great job pepper
21:54 oh just make sure you figure out a way to patch the hole before your father
21:57 sees it because he is not going to take it as well as i did
21:59 okay ernie we've replied to your top five women anyone else needs a response i'm okay for now
22:10 can't wait to meet these gals hey fellas i'll be there in a minute
22:16 oh she seems to lock you yeah i hope so she's my girlfriend what no way wait
22:24 you've been making us set you up on all these dates and you already have a girlfriend what
22:28 am i supposed to do she goes to bed at five i gotta do something with my nights oh
22:33 you scoundrel oh lighten up boys life is short
22:40 can you believe that guy yeah man he's such a player
22:51 respect you know i'm gonna ask him a couple questions i mean yeah one two
22:57 here you go didn't want to throw this one at me too i'm sorry bella whatever i already have
23:13 enough material for my essay how a mean old lady hates me or better title than that i don't hate
23:23 you i like all you kids who volunteer but once you get your community service credit you disappear
23:32 when i met you i saw myself and i knew it would be extra hard when you disappeared
23:41 that's what's been going on doris i already got my service credit
23:46 esther signed my form two days ago after her kabuki show
23:50 you mean you're here because you want to be that's what i've been trying to tell you
23:57 i misjudged you happens all the time so how much time do you have before your movie 20 minutes but
24:08 to fix your fastball we're gonna need a week maybe months okay you got it is it really that bad
24:16 we'll work on it
24:31 wow this could take a year
24:33 hey do you need a ride my mom's here oh thanks but my grandma's picking me up
24:48 she's a little late sorry sawyer i had to stop and pick up my new friend how's it going boys
24:58 sire meet ernie we've already met grandma he has a girlfriend at least one if not more
25:04 so much i've got three boyfriends get with the times kiddo
25:11 we're going out for the early bird special
25:21 dude your grandma's such a player if you say respect we are no longer friends
