• l’année dernière


00:00 ... from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
00:02 And by the annual financial support of viewers like you.
00:06 By using our creative energies and working together, we can all make the world a little brighter.
00:13 Edison International and the Edison International family of companies.
00:17 Sears. Support for The Puzzle Place is just one of the many sides of Sears.
00:21 The Puzzle Place is supported by IBM.
00:30 Sears. The Puzzle Place.
00:34 ♪ I know something ♪
00:36 ♪ That I want to share ♪
00:39 ♪ I know somewhere ♪
00:43 ♪ Let me take you there ♪
00:46 ♪ Come along with me to find it ♪
00:49 ♪ It's everywhere ♪
00:52 ♪ Let's get going ♪
00:55 ♪ Don't wanna be too late ♪
00:58 ♪ Got a feeling ♪
01:02 ♪ Things will work out great ♪
01:05 ♪ Come on everybody ♪
01:08 ♪ Let's celebrate ♪
01:11 ♪ The Puzzle Place, The Puzzle Place ♪
01:14 ♪ We're going to The Puzzle Place ♪
01:16 ♪ Sizzle and nozzle are a double treat ♪
01:19 ♪ And the piece release are on the beat ♪
01:21 ♪ The Puzzle Place, The Puzzle Place ♪
01:24 ♪ We're going to The Puzzle Place ♪
01:26 ♪ And if you're a kid, you've got the key ♪
01:30 ♪ Let's get going ♪
01:32 ♪ To The Puzzle, Puzzle Place ♪
01:35 ♪ The Puzzle Place, The Puzzle Place ♪
01:37 ♪ We're going to The Puzzle Place ♪
01:39 What to paint?
01:44 What to paint?
01:47 Ah-ha!
01:58 Yep, this is it. Oh, this is really good.
02:00 Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
02:02 A ball of yarn.
02:04 Nah.
02:08 This is nice, but not that nice.
02:12 Hmm.
02:14 Let's see.
02:16 Ah-ha! Oh-ho!
02:19 How about this? Mm-hmm.
02:21 A tennis racket.
02:25 Mm!
02:26 Eureka!
02:28 Mm!
02:29 Mm-hmm-hmm!
02:30 Eh, who would want a picture of an old tennis racket?
02:34 I want to paint a picture of something wonderful.
02:44 Something beautiful.
02:48 Something stupendous.
02:51 Something completely special.
02:53 Something wonderful like no one's ever seen before.
02:56 Something...
02:57 Something pretty.
03:01 Mm.
03:03 Yes.
03:05 Oh, oh, I think I'm getting an idea.
03:08 Hmm.
03:10 Mm-hmm.
03:11 Mm-hmm.
03:12 Mm-hmm.
03:14 Mm-hmm-hmm.
03:17 [yawns]
03:21 Hey!
03:22 We should play ping-pong!
03:25 Nah.
03:26 What idea?
03:28 Hey!
03:29 Why don't we throw the old bean bag around?
03:33 Nah.
03:35 Or we could make incredibly detailed models of dinosaurs out of uncooked spaghetti.
03:41 It's a joke.
03:43 Oh, come on!
03:45 Let's keep thinking!
03:47 Um, we could blow up a lot of balloons.
03:50 Or...
03:52 Or we could paint pictures of each other!
03:57 Hey, that is a great idea!
03:59 Yeah!
04:00 It's terrific, Jody!
04:01 Yeah!
04:02 And I know an artist who can help us get started.
04:05 Gee whiz, Jody.
04:07 What gave you such a great idea?
04:09 Well, a little birdie told me.
04:11 Well, not really.
04:13 It was a cat.
04:15 Oh, come on!
04:17 Okay, should be fun.
04:19 Good.
04:20 Oh, yeah! Wait for me!
04:22 Howdy, Sizzle!
04:26 Oh, hi, Nuzzle!
04:27 Nuzz, Nuzz, I got a problem.
04:29 I got a big problem.
04:30 See, I'm thinking about painting my face.
04:33 Well, then allow me, Sizzle.
04:36 Now, what would you like me to paint on your face?
04:39 Some pretty balloons or a nice rainbow?
04:42 No, no.
04:43 Maybe a trout?
04:44 No, no, Nuzz, I don't mean paint my face.
04:46 I mean paint my face!
04:48 Yeah, I'm going to paint a picture of myself.
04:50 Oh!
04:51 But see, the problem is, the color of my fur, it's orange.
04:55 Yeah, and all I have are blue and yellow and red paint.
04:59 How can I paint my own picture if I don't have any orange paint?
05:03 Simple, my furry little pal.
05:06 By blending, blending, blending, blending, blending, blending.
05:09 Sizzle, you can mix blue, yellow and red paints in different ways to get more colors.
05:17 You can?
05:18 Mm-hmm, observe.
05:19 Start with some blue.
05:23 Blend in some red.
05:26 And now it's purple.
05:28 Follow the bouncing balls.
05:33 When blue and yellow get together, there's your green.
05:37 Ha!
05:38 You don't have to be neat.
05:42 Just take a little red and swirl in some yellow for a purr-fect orange.
05:49 Oh, I see.
05:52 Yeah, I can combine red and yellow to get orange.
05:56 Yeah, now I can paint my...
05:58 I mean...
06:00 Nuzzle?
06:01 Nuzzle, what's wrong?
06:03 Nothing is wrong.
06:05 Everything is right.
06:08 Nuzzle, I'm going to be an artist.
06:12 What's happening?
06:20 Hey, what are you watching?
06:22 We're watching Anna Mason, the artist.
06:25 Yeah, Miss Mason has been teaching us how to make beautiful pictures.
06:29 Today we're going to draw faces.
06:33 The first thing you have to do is to draw the shape of an oval, sort of like an egg.
06:38 Now take your time as you're filling in your oval shape.
06:45 Kind of like that.
06:47 Now I'm going to show you a little secret.
06:50 In order to decide where we're going to put our mouth and our eyes and our noses,
06:54 we're going to draw these lines in very lightly.
06:57 We're going to start by drawing one line down the middle this way.
07:02 Another one going across like that.
07:06 Now we know that eyes and noses and mouths come in different shapes and sizes.
07:11 So we're going to put the shape and size of eyes that we want right here.
07:16 Like this.
07:19 Now the nose is kind of in the shape of a tie.
07:25 Kind of long down here.
07:27 Like that.
07:30 And a little bit wide down here.
07:32 Now we're going to place our line where our mouth would be.
07:36 Oh, about there.
07:39 So now let's get back to that little secret we talked about.
07:43 What we're going to do is take our eraser and just take out those lines we put in earlier.
07:51 Just about like that.
07:55 Get the chin.
07:57 [musique]
08:10 So kids, those are some pointers on how to draw a face.
08:14 Now let's see what you can do. Okay?
08:16 Okay!
08:18 Okay, good luck!
08:19 Thank you!
08:20 Bye!
08:21 Bye!
08:22 Thank you!
08:24 Wow! Okay, Jody, let's see.
08:27 Looks like we've got everything we need except for paint.
08:31 Right!
08:32 Oh, hey, you can go get us some paint?
08:35 Oh, great! Thank you, people!
08:38 Thank you! Bye-bye!
08:40 Hey, Skye, I've got a good idea!
08:42 Yeah?
08:43 I'll draw you and you draw me!
08:46 Excellent idea, Jody!
08:48 Julie, partners?
08:50 Partners!
08:51 Great!
08:53 Leon, you can draw me!
08:55 Oh, and you can draw me!
08:56 Cool!
08:57 Okay!
08:58 Boy, Jody, I can't wait to start painting!
09:03 Oh, this is going to be so much fun!
09:06 Yeah!
09:07 Oh, they're back! Hi!
09:09 Oh, wow!
09:12 Oh, you brought the paint! Great!
09:14 Yeah!
09:15 Hey, those colors are cool!
09:17 Yeah!
09:18 Oh, they're also neat!
09:19 Which one will we pick?
09:20 Let's see. Blue?
09:22 I don't know. Orange?
09:24 Well, maybe. What's that? Kind of a purple-pink?
09:27 Gee, I just don't, um...
09:30 I don't know. That's my...
09:32 Oh, well, thank you anyway.
09:35 Thank you anyway.
09:36 Fine. What... green?
09:38 Green.
09:39 Oh, come on, Skye! Let's just try it!
09:41 Well, gee, you probably don't have enough for everybody, do you?
09:44 Huh?
09:45 You do?
09:46 Well, okay, why not?
09:49 Thank you!
09:50 Thank you!
09:51 Thank you!
09:52 Oh, boy!
09:53 I can't wait!
09:54 Hmm...
10:05 Oh, I hope this picture looks like you, Skye!
10:10 Oh, I'm sure it will, Jody!
10:12 And if it doesn't look like you, I hope it at least looks like someone I know.
10:18 [humming]
10:23 Hi!
10:24 Hi!
10:25 Hi!
10:28 Leon!
10:30 Yeah?
10:31 You're not drawing me right!
10:33 Kiki, how do you know?
10:35 It's impossible for you to know what I'm doing.
10:37 Well, I know...
10:39 because I'm not drawing you right,
10:42 and I'm a much better artist than you are.
10:45 [humming]
10:49 [clears throat]
10:50 Ben, Ben, no, that eyebrow is just not right.
10:53 See, my eyebrow should be much more beautiful, don't you think?
10:57 Julie, don't you have something else you should be doing?
11:01 Like, um... over there?
11:03 Oh, you are right!
11:05 I need to help you do my nose.
11:07 Now, let's see, my nose should be sort of, uh, you know, more cute.
11:13 Hmm...
11:15 [humming]
11:17 [grunting]
11:20 Nose?
11:21 Nose, how can you paint if your canvas is down there on the floor like that?
11:26 I put the canvas on the floor, Sizzle,
11:29 because I'm tired of nicey-nicey polite little pictures
11:33 painted with nicey-nicey little brushes on nicey-nicey little easels.
11:37 Sizzle, I want to paint stuff that's really real.
11:42 Oh!
11:43 Mm-hmm.
11:44 Hmm.
11:45 [grunting]
11:49 Okay, now to paint something that's really real.
11:54 [laughing]
11:57 Oh, yes, indeed, here we go, a little blue.
12:00 Some orange, here we go.
12:03 Perhaps some yellow.
12:06 Oh, yes, oh, yes!
12:09 Hmm, put a few paw prints on here.
12:12 [laughing]
12:14 There!
12:21 [gasps]
12:22 Sizzle, it's perfect!
12:24 It's really real.
12:26 Oh, yeah!
12:28 It's a--it's a hundred worms dancing the cha-cha.
12:33 Isn't it?
12:34 Yeah!
12:36 It's a hundred dancing worms.
12:38 Yeah!
12:39 [laughing]
12:40 One, two, cha-cha-cha!
12:42 One, two, cha-cha-cha!
12:44 Dancing worms, cha-cha-cha!
12:46 One, two, cha-cha-cha!
12:48 [laughing]
12:49 Hey, Julie, what do you think?
12:51 Well, I don't know about these, you guys.
12:53 They're kind of weird.
12:54 Yeah.
12:55 Yeah, I know.
12:56 Nobody in the puzzle place looks like this.
12:59 Nobody on Earth looks like this.
13:01 Yeah.
13:02 Having a picture of your face painted all green,
13:04 that isn't as much fun as it sounded.
13:06 Yeah, you're right, Ben.
13:08 Oh, we all look like broccoli.
13:10 [laughing]
13:12 Come on, Jody, let's try something else.
13:14 Yeah, you look like broccoli.
13:16 What?
13:17 I don't even like broccoli.
13:19 Everybody wants to do pictures that really look like us, Jody.
13:23 But I can't think of the one perfect color we should all use.
13:27 What if there isn't one?
13:29 Oh, Skye, that's it!
13:31 Look!
13:32 See?
13:33 Now, my skin is kind of, um, beigey.
13:36 But yours, yours is more of a really neat dark tan.
13:41 Mm-hmm.
13:42 Oh, so there really isn't one perfect color we can all use.
13:47 Yeah, right.
13:48 [gasps]
13:49 Thank you, Skye!
13:50 You just gave me an idea.
13:53 Oh, you're welcome.
13:55 [chuckles]
13:57 Yeah, my skin is a neat color.
14:02 [soupir]
14:03 I don't know.
14:05 Kiki, if you're going to do a picture that looks like me,
14:09 you're going to need a new color.
14:11 Yeah.
14:13 And I think you need another color for me, too, Leon.
14:16 Definitely.
14:17 Mm-hmm.
14:18 May I see your hand?
14:19 My hand?
14:20 Yeah.
14:21 Oh, sure.
14:22 Wow, Leon.
14:23 What?
14:24 It's beautiful!
14:25 Oh, I know.
14:26 Your color is wonderful.
14:28 It's a nice, warm brown.
14:31 Thank you, Kiki.
14:32 You're welcome.
14:33 You know, I feel the same way about your color.
14:35 My color?
14:36 Yeah, it's kind of like cinnamon, only lighter.
14:38 Thank you.
14:39 Yeah, it's so nice.
14:40 Yeah, I like cinnamon.
14:41 Oh, yeah.
14:42 Yeah.
14:43 [chuckles]
14:44 Oh, gosh.
14:46 You know, Ben, my skin is really a nice, nice, happy, goldy color,
14:51 don't you think?
14:52 Yeah, you know, Julie, I never thought of it before,
14:54 but your color is wonderful.
14:57 Yeah.
14:58 It really glows.
15:00 Yeah.
15:01 And look at my skin.
15:02 It's kind of a pinkish, creamy, creamish pink color.
15:06 Yeah.
15:07 Wow.
15:08 Gosh, it's really beautiful.
15:10 Thanks.
15:11 Isn't it cool how different our skin colors are?
15:13 Yeah.
15:15 Jody and I were just talking about the same thing.
15:19 There just isn't any one color that's right for painting all of us.
15:23 Is everybody ready for my brilliant idea?
15:26 Oh, sure, Jody, yeah.
15:28 I thought instead of us all using the same color paint,
15:32 we might try using these different color chalks.
15:35 Everyone can pick the color they feel is right for their own skin.
15:39 Oh.
15:40 And then they give that color to their partner,
15:43 and the partner uses that color to draw the picture.
15:46 Wow, good idea, Jody.
15:48 Let's see.
15:49 Yeah, all right.
15:50 Okay.
15:51 Let me see.
15:52 Ah-ha, I've got mine.
15:54 Okay, well, this is too -- oh, ta-da!
15:57 This is my color, Leon.
15:59 And this is the color to draw Leon McNeil.
16:03 All right!
16:04 Okay, Leon, here.
16:05 My turn.
16:06 My turn.
16:07 Well, let's see.
16:08 How about -- yeah, this one.
16:11 This is it, the perfect light golden color for me.
16:16 And look at this, Julie, a creamish pink pinkish cream color for me.
16:20 I like it.
16:21 Me too.
16:22 Let's draw.
16:23 All right, our turn.
16:24 Okay.
16:25 Here we go.
16:27 Now this is my color, Skye.
16:30 Oh, great, Jody.
16:32 And here is my color.
16:35 Oh, nice.
16:36 Okay, everybody, let's draw.
16:39 Yes!
16:40 Draw time.
16:41 Oh, yes, the simple crude picture of a cat as painted by a cat.
16:50 How very amusing.
16:53 Buzz, Buzz, what happened to that great painting you made of the dancing worms?
16:58 Oh, that was an experiment, Sizzle.
17:00 I now see that the way to produce really great art is to dress up like this and pose around like this and stuff like that.
17:09 Oh.
17:10 Now excuse me, Sizzle, whilst I create.
17:16 Now let's see, if I start with a little, no, no, no, no, no, perhaps a grand big, no, no, no, no.
17:24 Nice, let's just paint something.
17:27 Oh, how mundane and bourgeois, Sizzle.
17:31 Hmm.
17:32 Hmm.
17:33 Hmm.
17:34 Hmm.
17:35 There.
17:37 Okay, is everybody finished?
17:40 Finished!
17:41 Not finished!
17:43 Huh?
17:44 Will the person who said not finished please raise their hand?
17:48 I said not finished!
17:50 I need a little more time.
17:52 Oh, and could it be because you took so long in helping Ben draw your face?
18:00 Hmm?
18:01 Maybe, but Ben was very grateful.
18:05 Right, Ben?
18:06 Huh?
18:07 Oh, oh, yeah, Julie, I was very grateful.
18:11 Mm-hmm.
18:12 You know what? Now I'm going to help you.
18:15 Hey, me too!
18:16 And me three.
18:17 And me four.
18:18 Because I know you'll be so grateful.
18:21 Mm-hmm.
18:22 Julie, do you think you're making me handsome enough?
18:24 Oh, well, don't you think so?
18:26 Well, not really.
18:28 Well, Julie, let me tell you, that chin is not Benny's chin.
18:32 That's somebody else's chin, don't you think?
18:34 The chin?
18:35 Uh-huh.
18:36 Hmm.
18:39 Oh.
18:40 Yeah, that's it.
18:41 That's it, that's it, that's your chin.
18:43 Much better.
18:44 Okay!
18:45 Now, is everybody finished?
18:48 Finished!
18:49 Is everybody ready?
18:51 Ready!
18:52 Okay, let's get the pictures!
18:54 Okay!
18:55 Okay, guys, on the count of three, let's show them.
19:00 Okay!
19:01 Ready?
19:02 One, two, three!
19:05 Ta-da!
19:08 Okay!
19:09 All right!
19:10 That's better.
19:11 At least now we look more like ourselves.
19:13 Yeah.
19:14 Yeah, and we all used just the right colors.
19:17 Now these look like the people at the puzzle place.
19:20 Hey, now these look more like the people of the world, too.
19:24 And all the colors go together so nicely.
19:28 Oh, yes, Benny.
19:30 It's like a rainbow made up of our faces.
19:33 That's right, Kiki.
19:34 And everybody is a part of that rainbow.
19:37 Hey, what color of the people rainbow are you?
19:41 I'm a golden color.
19:43 I'm kind of caramel colored.
19:45 It's like a peachy color.
19:47 Kind of dark brown.
19:48 Cardinal.
19:49 Light yellow.
19:50 Brown like brown wheat bread.
19:52 Beige, but a little bit darker.
19:55 It looks like chocolate bar.
19:57 Kind of like amber.
19:58 Beige.
19:59 Mocha.
20:00 To me, it's like brown velvet.
20:02 Wow!
20:04 Oh, now those look like the people of the world.
20:06 Oh, now those kids are so proud of their color.
20:10 Just like us.
20:12 Our color makes us special.
20:15 Yeah, and you guys, just think of all the colors on all the beautiful faces all around the world.
20:24 Wow!
20:25 Yeah!
20:32 Amber, pearl, cinnamon and ebony.
20:37 Copper, olive, sienna and ivory.
20:41 Cocoa, cedar, sandstone, mahogany.
20:45 So many colors are we.
20:50 Colors.
20:51 Colors.
20:52 We come in different colors.
20:55 Colors.
20:56 Different colors of skin.
20:59 Colors.
21:01 When we look beyond the colors, we're all sisters and brothers deep within.
21:07 Chestnut, ginger, porcelain and ebony.
21:17 Redwood, honey, spice and ivory.
21:22 Coffee, golden, bronze and mahogany.
21:26 So many colors are we.
21:30 Colors.
21:32 Colors.
21:33 We come in different colors.
21:36 Colors.
21:37 Different colors of skin.
21:40 Colors.
21:41 When we look beyond the colors, we're all sisters and brothers deep within.
21:49 Amber, pearl, cinnamon and ebony.
21:53 Copper, olive, sienna and ivory.
21:56 Yeah!
21:57 Yeah!
21:58 Yeah!
21:59 Wait a minute.
22:00 I just thought of something.
22:02 What are we going to do with these drawings?
22:04 I know you're right.
22:07 You know, I'd like to give this picture of me to my grandma Wu.
22:11 Is that okay with you Ben?
22:13 I mean, you're the one who drew it.
22:15 Sure Julie.
22:16 Boy, I never thought I'd end up giving your grandmother a picture that I drew.
22:23 So, is it okay if I give the picture you drew of me to my mom?
22:28 Wow, that's a great idea Ben.
22:31 But just let me sign it first.
22:36 Kiki, can I give this picture of me to my Aunt Harriet?
22:41 The one who makes the cheese bread?
22:43 Oh, that's a good idea Leon.
22:45 And can I give my picture to my Uncle Juan, the one in the mariachi band?
22:48 Oh sure.
22:49 Oh thank you.
22:51 Sky, if it's okay with you, I'd really like to give the drawing you drew to my mother.
22:56 She doesn't get to see me as much as my dad does, and I'd really like her to have it.
23:01 That's a really good idea Jody.
23:04 And I'll give your picture of me to my grandfather.
23:07 I know he'll just love it.
23:09 Oh thank you Sky.
23:11 Yeah.
23:12 Oh wow, this is great.
23:14 Yeah.
23:15 Hey, maybe next time we can do sculptures of each other.
23:19 Out of clay.
23:21 Oh yeah!
23:23 Ha! There.
23:32 It's finished!
23:36 Mine is too!
23:38 Nuzzle, you're not using a mirror.
23:42 How can you paint your own picture without a mirror?
23:45 Oh, I can't Sizzle. I forgot to bring a mirror.
23:48 And then I forgot what I look like.
23:50 So I did the next best thing.
23:52 I painted a picture of somebody that I just love.
23:56 You did?
23:57 Uh huh.
23:58 Nuzzle!
24:02 It's me!
24:04 Oh Nuzzle.
24:06 You sweetie.
24:08 Hey Nuzz, Nuzz, Nuzz.
24:09 What if I paint you now?
24:11 Great idea Sizzle.
24:14 Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
24:15 Now don't move.
24:17 Oh.
24:19 Ta-da!
24:22 Oh!
24:23 Hmm.
24:25 You may proceed Sizzle.
24:28 Wow!
24:29 Simply call your painting the Blue Doggy.
24:32 Yes!
24:33 Okay now, let's see.
24:34 I'm going to need some blue.
24:36 Yeah, and some brown.
24:37 Make me look dashing.
24:38 Yeah, and a little bit of black for your nose.
24:40 Yeah!
24:41 Hmm.
24:43 Huh?
24:45 [musique]
24:48 [musique]
25:14 The Puzzle Place is a co-production of Lancet Media New York and KCET Los Angeles.
25:20 Thanks for watching The Puzzle Place today.
25:25 [musique]
25:30 The Puzzle Place is supported by IBM.
25:34 Sears. Support for The Puzzle Place is just one of the many sides of Sears.
25:40 By using our creative energies and working together, we can all make the world a little brighter.
25:45 Edison International and the Edison International family of companies.
25:49 The Puzzle Place is made possible by a major grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
25:53 and by annual financial support from viewers like you.
