Genius Genie Genius Genie E003 Back To Bed – Whistling A Tune – Going Batty – Buggy Bugs – Card Castle

  • il y a 4 mois


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00:30 - Quitte! To the hospital, Leo!
00:32 Port Dolly's losing stuffing!
00:34 - I need to operate. - Roger that, Lily!
00:36 - Bii-baa-bii-baa-bii-baa!
00:40 - Oh! No! Please, stop making that noise!
00:44 - Good morning, Mrs. Who! You're up early!
00:47 - Yes! You see, I can't sleep!
00:49 I can't sleep and everything's turned upside down!
00:52 - If you stand up straight, Mrs. Who, I'm sure you'll feel better!
00:55 - Do you think? I don't know!
00:57 Oh, I'm so tired and need sleep!
01:00 Oh, it's a very big problem!
01:03 - You have a problem? I have the solution!
01:06 Now, what's the problem?
01:08 - It's Mrs. Who. She's tired and needs sleep.
01:11 - Two problems? How wonderful!
01:14 - It's not wonderful! It's horrible!
01:17 - Well, for me, two problems means it's a glorious day!
01:21 Which to solve first, that is the question.
01:24 Uh, what are the problems again?
01:26 - Mrs. Who said she wants to sleep!
01:28 - Because she's very tired.
01:31 - Well, all that flying would certainly make me tired!
01:34 Mrs. Who, I can help you with all your problems!
01:37 - You can?
01:39 - There!
01:41 This will help you sleep, Mrs. Who!
01:44 People often drink warm milk to get sleepy before going to bed!
01:48 - But Mrs. Who is already sleepy, Genie!
01:50 Remember she said she was very tired?
01:53 - Well, if that's the case...
01:55 (coughing)
01:57 Yum, yum!
02:00 - See? It works very well!
02:03 - The big real problem is that Mrs. Who can't sleep!
02:06 - I have just the thing!
02:08 Or rather, I have just the things!
02:13 Sheep! If you count the sheep, Mrs. Who,
02:16 you will fall asleep for sure!
02:18 No fuss, no muss!
02:20 - Oh, they're so cute!
02:22 - And fluffy!
02:24 - But I can fall asleep!
02:26 Oh dear! Oh my!
02:28 - So, if Mrs. Who is already sleepy because she's tired
02:32 and she can fall asleep,
02:34 there is no problem!
02:36 None! Nada! Zip!
02:39 And now I am sad!
02:41 - Well, cheer up! Because there is a problem!
02:44 We just need to know more!
02:46 Excuse me! Sorry! Pardon! Pardon me!
02:49 - If you're tired, Mrs. Who, and can fall asleep,
02:52 then why can't you sleep?
02:54 - Because of that!
02:57 - Ah?
02:58 - Can you be more specific?
03:01 - The morning light shines through my skylight and wakes me up!
03:04 - Oh!
03:06 - Well, they don't call me a genius genie for nothing!
03:12 Prepare to be amazed and sound asleep in no time!
03:17 - That's really impressive, genie!
03:22 But we don't want to go to bed yet!
03:24 - Yeah! We want to play!
03:26 - Oh! I like playing!
03:28 - Mrs. Who, didn't you say it's the sun shining through your skylight
03:36 that wakes you up and stops you from sleeping?
03:38 - Yes! It's so bright!
03:40 - Then why don't you put this in your skylight to block the light?
03:46 - Don't worry, Dolly! We'll fix you right after!
03:49 - Oh! What a wonderful solution! Thank you!
03:53 - You're welcome!
03:55 - Now, what's next?
04:01 - Want to solve another problem, genie?
04:03 - Oh, goody! Three problems in one day!
04:06 - We need Will to step our Dolly and fix her!
04:09 - I am on it!
04:11 - Time for a trim, you fluffy sheep!
04:13 - Wait! Come back!
04:17 I'm very good at cutting hair!
04:20 - I can't whistle!
04:22 - I can't whistle either!
04:27 - Uh-oh! I think Lily swallowed an air bubble!
04:34 - I can't whistle either!
04:36 - Uh-oh! I think Lily swallowed an air bubble!
04:42 - I hope getting your exercise will make you feel better, Mr. John!
05:02 - But I'm not getting my exercise, Penelope! I'm going bonkers!
05:06 - But, um, why are you going bonkers?
05:09 - Because of that!
05:11 - It's Mr. Jack's hiccuping! It's so irritating! It's a big problem!
05:17 - You have a problem, I have the solution!
05:20 - Now, what's the problem?
05:22 - I know, I know!
05:23 - The problem is Mr. John is going bonkers!
05:26 - Penelope's right! But the real problem is Mr. Jack has the hiccup!
05:31 - It's a good thing I'm here!
05:33 - Mommy Genie says if you have the hiccups, you should drink a glass of water upside down!
05:39 - Oh, pardon me!
05:50 - Oops! Now Mr. Jack has the burps!
05:53 - That didn't work at all!
05:59 - Sorry no more! Mommy Genie also said holding your breath can stop hiccups!
06:05 - I think that's enough, Genie! We don't want Mr. Jack to explode!
06:12 - Will it never end?
06:21 - It's really Mr. John who has the problem, because he doesn't want to hear Mr. Jack's hiccups!
06:27 - Then your problem is officially solved!
06:30 - There! Now you won't hear Mr. Jack anymore!
06:35 - What did you say?
06:37 - Now you won't hear Mr. Jack!
06:39 - Wow! Now he really can't hear Mr. Jack!
06:43 - Or anything! Ever again!
06:46 - This isn't going to work, Genie!
06:48 - I wonder what even causes hiccups!
06:51 - Wonder no more!
06:54 - Hiccups can occur when there is air in the stomach which presses against the diaphragm!
07:00 - Mr. Jack, try blowing out all the air inside you!
07:04 - That was loud!
07:16 - Wait! Sometimes being scared stops hiccups too!
07:21 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:23 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:25 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:27 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:29 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:31 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:33 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:35 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:37 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:39 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:41 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:43 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:45 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:47 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:49 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:51 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:53 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:55 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:57 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
07:59 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:01 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:03 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:05 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:07 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:09 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:11 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:13 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:15 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:17 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:19 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:21 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:23 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:25 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:27 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:29 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:31 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:33 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:35 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:37 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:39 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:41 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:43 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:45 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:47 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:49 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:51 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:53 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:55 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:57 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
08:59 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
09:01 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
09:03 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
09:05 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
09:07 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
09:09 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
09:11 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
09:13 - I'm going to go and get a drink!
09:15 - Huh? This was an excellent solution if I do say so myself,
09:19 - because now you have no things for the bat to break!
09:22 - Haha!
09:23 - But Genie, don't you think our home looks kind of...
09:26 - Empty?
09:27 - Exactly!
09:28 - We really need our stuff back, Genie.
09:31 - I mean, where will we sit when Daddy Deary reads us a bedtime story?
09:35 - I do like it when he does that!
09:37 - Phew!
09:41 - The poor bat's still flying in our apartment!
09:44 - It's not for long!
09:46 - It's gone!
09:48 - Huh? I don't think so.
09:51 - Genie, you can't take the bat's wings away!
09:55 - How will it catch insects to eat or fly back home when the sun's about to rise?
09:59 - It does look sad. I don't think it likes my solution!
10:03 - Oh, this is terrible! We can't stay inside with that bat!
10:11 - Say no more!
10:14 - Huh?
10:15 - Hahaha!
10:16 - The bat is in! You are out!
10:18 - Your problem is officially solved!
10:20 - And I am a very good problem-solving genie!
10:24 - I'm afraid not, Genie.
10:26 - There are mosquitoes out here and they're biting!
10:29 - Ouch!
10:32 - Genie!
10:33 - Ouch! We're gonna get all eaten alive out here!
10:35 - Too bad the bat's not here to eat these bugs!
10:38 - Hm?
10:39 - Ah!
10:40 - Oh, goodness!
10:41 - Phew!
10:45 - Huh?
10:46 - Huh?
10:47 - No, no, little bat! Don't fly into us!
10:50 - Did you see that?
10:52 - Sure did, Leo!
10:53 - You waved and the bat went in the other direction!
10:56 - Maybe we can herd the bat outside!
10:59 - Hahaha!
11:01 - Ugh!
11:02 - Follow us!
11:03 - We need to get to the other side of the apartment!
11:06 - Phew!
11:07 - Everyone walks in a line back towards the door.
11:14 - Slowly wave your arms.
11:17 - But stay calm. We don't want to scare Batty.
11:20 - We did it! Bye-bye, Batty!
11:31 - I hope Batty eats lots of those mosquitoes!
11:35 - It's back outside where it belongs!
11:37 - Thank you so much!
11:39 - You're welcome!
11:41 - I must say, I'm pooped after all that excitement!
11:46 - We're ready for bed now, Daddy Deary!
11:49 - Huh?
11:51 - Hm...
12:04 - Hm...
12:06 - Hm...
12:08 - Phew!
12:11 - I can't wait to eat a delicious salad for lunch!
12:14 - And we grew everything ourselves!
12:16 - That's right, Gertrude!
12:18 - Lily and Penelope are helping me pick some lovely vegetables for lunch!
12:21 - Yummy tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce!
12:24 - Phew!
12:25 - At least I think it's lettuce!
12:27 - I'll call you back, Gertrude!
12:29 - Yucky! What's wrong with that lettuce?
12:32 - It's all sticky!
12:33 - I don't feel like eating this for lunch!
12:35 - Me neither!
12:36 - Oh! The cucumbers have it too!
12:38 - And the radishes! And the...
12:40 - Not the carrots!
12:43 - Even the carrots!
12:45 - All the vegetables are sticky!
12:47 - This is a big problem!
12:49 - You have a problem? I have the solution!
12:52 - Now, what's the problem?
12:54 - The vegetables in our garden are ruined!
12:56 - Whatever will we eat?
12:58 - We have no food!
12:59 - Have no fear! Genie is here!
13:02 - You need food? Food you shall have!
13:07 - Now you have a whole grocery store in your vegetable garden!
13:10 - Very impressive, Genie!
13:12 - But Mrs. Cottontail and Penelope like growing their own food!
13:16 - Yes! And we like sharing what we grow with everyone too!
13:20 - The real problem is that our vegetables are white and sticky!
13:25 - Even the...
13:26 - Carrots!
13:27 - That is disgusting!
13:31 - So disgusting, I have just the solution!
13:35 - My lovely vegetable garden!
13:38 - What? It wasn't lovely! It was sticky, remember?
13:43 - Don't worry, Mommy! Genie will bring it back!
13:47 - Genie, Mommy works very hard on her garden!
13:50 - I do too! We love our vegetable garden!
13:53 - Yay!
13:56 - I know! Maybe we can clean the vegetable garden!
14:02 - Maybe we can clean the vegetable!
14:05 - Oh, I know exactly how to do that!
14:09 - Your vegetables will be so clean, they'll shine!
14:22 - But Genie, everything's mush! Mush doesn't shine!
14:31 - Oh!
14:32 - There must be a reason the veggies are all sticky!
14:37 - We just need to figure out why!
14:39 - Yay! We're going on a sticky investigation!
14:42 - Look, Mommy! Buggy bugs!
14:48 - Here too!
14:49 - Those are aphids!
14:51 - They're why the plants and vegetables are all sticky!
14:54 - You have an aphid buggy bug infestation!
14:57 - But how ever will we get rid of them? They're everywhere!
15:01 - A ladybug! They're pretty!
15:04 - Wait a sec! Seeing this ladybug made me remember that Daddy Deary once told me that ladybugs eat aphids!
15:13 - Yuck! I wouldn't like to eat bugs! I'm glad they do!
15:17 - I know, I know! Genie, could you poof up a ton of ladybugs so they can eat all the aphids?
15:23 - You bet I can, Lily!
15:25 - Bye bye, pretty ladybugs! I hope you're full!
15:29 - Yay! No more yucky sticky stick from the buggy bugs!
15:35 - Our vegetable garden is perfect once again!
15:38 - What a brilliant solution! Thank you so much!
15:41 - You're welcome!
15:42 - Let's pick!
15:44 - Now we can make our delicious lunch salad with no sticky buggy stuff!
15:48 - Genie, do you have any ideas?
15:51 - I have an idea!
15:53 - Genie, do you like salad?
15:56 - Do I ever!
15:57 - Then let's eat!
15:59 - Slowly, Lily! Very slowly!
16:11 - Careful! Steady!
16:16 - Timber!
16:22 - Maybe it'll stay up this time, Penelope!
16:25 - I'm glad my house doesn't fall over that easily!
16:29 - Uh-oh! This isn't good!
16:34 - What's wrong, Mommy? Don't you like your book?
16:37 - I like it very much! But it's wet! Because the roof is leaking!
16:42 - Oh no! Our house is crying!
16:46 - This is terrible! A leaky roof is a huge problem!
16:51 - You have a problem? I have the solution!
16:54 - Now, what's the problem?
16:56 - Mommy's book is getting wet!
16:58 - That's not a problem anymore!
17:02 - My problem-solving skills are in top form on this very rainy day!
17:10 - That's very impressive, Genie!
17:12 - But how am I supposed to read if I can't turn the pages?
17:16 - Well, if you want to be picky...
17:18 - Besides, the real problem is the water dripping from the ceiling!
17:22 - It's getting things wet!
17:24 - See? It's even getting you wet, Genie!
17:30 - Thanks! And now that I understand the problem clearly, I can solve it perfectly!
17:36 - See? Dry as a bug that's snug in a... um... jug?
17:43 - Oh no! The leak is getting worse!
17:48 - Now the water's dripping everywhere!
17:51 - I don't like when it rains inside!
17:54 - Our house is flooding!
17:59 - However, can we live in a house full of water?
18:01 - Simple! Like this!
18:03 - My roof never leaks because I live in a tree!
18:10 - Our house used to be a tree! Now it's a trunk!
18:13 - I'm sure the leak can be fixed, right, Mommy?
18:16 - Of course! But not when it's raining!
18:19 - Oh dear! It might rain for days!
18:22 - The roof will drip, drip, drip, and the puddles will grow and grow!
18:28 - I hope we won't ever need a boat!
18:30 - We need more teacups!
18:34 - Or a bigger one!
18:36 - Like a bucket! Gotcha!
18:39 - Genie, can you put things back the way they were?
18:42 - We think we know a way to stop water from puddling everywhere!
18:46 - This bucket will catch all the bluffs!
18:59 - And we can empty it when it gets full so there are no more puddles on the floor!
19:04 - If the sun doesn't come out and it keeps raining for days, we'll be emptying that bucket a lot!
19:10 - Don't worry, Mommy! That can be my chore!
19:13 - Or maybe you won't have to!
19:16 - This is so much fun!
19:24 - We're all cozy inside while it's raining outside!
19:28 - And it's not raining inside anymore!
19:32 - And when it's sunny again, you can get our roof fixed for real!
19:36 - Now, Genie, do you have a four?
19:39 - Hmm... Nope! Go fish!
19:42 - Okay!
19:43 - Too bad! No fish in there!
19:48 - Ha ha ha!
19:51 - Ha ha ha!
19:54 - Ha ha ha!
19:57 [Générique de fin]
