Jar Dwellers SOS Jar Dwellers SOS E006 Arty and Craftier

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 "Marcha and Oogle, the Jar-Dwellers! Brought to you from around the world by Derwent, the naturalist."
00:05 "Now, if we can decode his big book, we can teach them enough to get them safely back home."
00:09 "But only if we can avoid Ben Riceburger and his kooky jar-tracker machines."
00:14 "The Jar-Dwellers, they're out! And there's no going back!"
00:20 "You see, art is all about expressing one's innermost things, and I have a ton of things to express."
00:27 "OK, party's over. Examination time."
00:30 "Things is too scary? What the hell?"
00:33 "It's OK, Ubo. It's just..."
00:36 "It's art, Sophie. It's for the school art competition."
00:38 "You mean, you're going to put your name to that? In public?"
00:40 "Not yet. All the paintings are rented anonymously until the winner is announced."
00:43 "Mr. Bumgarner says I really have something."
00:45 "Yeah, you do. But is there a cure for it?"
00:47 "Well, I don't need these guys, so stop distracting them with this nonsense."
00:51 "Art isn't nonsense! It's your soul expressing love or kittens!"
00:55 "Why do I bother?"
00:58 "Chang, pass me that screwdriver."
01:00 "No can do, boss! I've got to help Bumgarner with a big art show!"
01:03 "Art! What a waste of time! I don't know why this school even has an art department."
01:07 "I wouldn't expect you to get it, boss."
01:09 "You're just a scientist."
01:11 "Just a scientist? Did you know that when I was nine, I won the all-school biannual non-biased art show?"
01:17 "Just a scientist, eh? We'll see."
01:27 "Just a few more minutes, guys. I need to establish an exhaustion effect for defense mechanisms."
01:30 "Behold! My masterpiece!"
01:32 "Nasip! No more running!"
01:34 "My masterpiece!"
01:39 "Don't worry! We'll fix it!"
01:43 "Oh, no! It's broken!"
01:49 "I'm gonna fix it!"
01:51 "I'm gonna fix it!"
01:53 "I'm gonna fix it!"
01:55 "I'm gonna fix it!"
01:57 "Stop! All of you, just look at it!"
02:00 "Hmm, it's very interesting."
02:02 "You think so?"
02:04 "Yeah, this definitely proves that even when close to exhaustion, the JD's defenses function perfectly."
02:08 "What? My painting is ruined and all you can think about is stupid science? Thanks a lot, you guys! You've destroyed my art career!"
02:15 "Voilà! My masterwork is done. Now, take it to the show and let the world marvel at its majesty."
02:21 "I get back to my real work. This tracker will not only detect the creature's presence, but it will also enable me to get them in my grasp."
02:27 "It's positively foolproof."
02:29 "That was mostly your fault."
02:32 "Goodbye, dazzling art career. Now, no one will ever know the stuff I have inside."
02:39 "This is all our fault."
02:43 "But I know how we fix it."
02:48 "I'm sorry about your painting. I know you worked really hard on it."
02:51 "So hard, I can't feel my fingers."
02:54 "I mean, I could tell."
02:57 "I don't blame you. It was an accident. I'm no artist."
03:00 "David, we're scientists. Our parents are scientists. It's in our DNA. It's meant to be."
03:05 "I guess."
03:06 "Yes, it's our burden to labor without recognition for the good of the world, for the betterment of--"
03:10 "I get it! Let's go do some science!"
03:17 "Nearly, nearly, nearly, ne--"
03:21 "Gonoko!"
03:22 "Uh-oh! Spongy, too much pain!"
03:31 "I'm sorry."
03:33 "Well, at least David's painting will be in the show."
03:35 "So Phoebe's so happy we fixed Problem, we will get such a big thank you!"
03:40 "We really showing some growth."
03:42 "You did what? Do you know what this means?"
03:45 "Yeah! Everyone will think I can't paint! I'm ruined!"
03:48 "No! If Professor Van Riceburger goes to the art show and touches that painting, he'll have a spasm! We have to get it back!"
03:54 "Okay, did I miss that thank you or what?"
03:58 "Oh, we got a school with some seriously weird people."
04:04 "There it is!"
04:05 "Ugh! It's hideous! Lucky I didn't put my name on it."
04:09 *Footsteps*
04:11 *Laser*
04:15 "My apologies! I've decided to display my own priceless works, so I must take precautions to prevent theft."
04:21 "People would steal this?"
04:23 "What can I do for you?"
04:24 "We're here to get our painting back."
04:26 "You're responsible for this?"
04:28 "Uh, yeah, I am, in a way."
04:31 "You, my dear, are a genius! Your work is so expressive, so deep, so full of stuff! I love it!"
04:40 "Oh, thanks!"
04:42 "Vomgarner! I'm here to arrange where my masterpiece will be hung."
04:47 "Uh, this one? I was thinking the garbage outside."
04:50 "Yes, well, I can see how the natural light would..."
04:52 "Wait, what?"
04:53 "Let me show you a real masterpiece!"
04:59 "This travesty? What's so good about this?"
05:02 "I got your back, boss!"
05:09 "My reaction can mean only one thing. Jar-dwellers."
05:18 "Who painted this?"
05:19 "Uh, I cannot say. Not yet. All will be revealed at the end of the show."
05:23 "Fine, I'll buy it then. Name your price. Chang, lend me a twenty."
05:27 "As if I would take money from a philistine like you."
05:30 "How about rare insects? Because I know a guy."
05:33 "No! We have to get that painting!"
05:38 "I can't believe you took credit for my painting!"
05:41 "You said you didn't want anyone to know it was yours. I was helping!"
05:44 "No, it has to look like the other one. It has to be genius."
05:52 "What's gotten into you? You hate art, and you hate stealing!"
05:55 "He called me a genius! Did anyone call me a genius when I solved Newton's Dilemma on fundamental particle dynamics?"
06:00 "Uh, I will need an approximate speed and flight path to predict."
06:03 "Just hit the ball, Sophie!"
06:05 "No one ever praises me for my scientific work. Maybe I should be an artist."
06:09 "Praise? What happened to toil without recognition? And what happens to them when people find out why your art is so special?"
06:17 "You're right. What was I thinking? We have to get that painting back."
06:23 "Tonight, under the cover of darkness, we will enter through the roof."
06:27 "This plan depends on us working as a team. If we can do that..."
06:32 "The rest is easy peasy. That's an expression I just invented."
06:35 "I don't think you invented it, boss!"
06:37 "Action stations!"
06:41 "Hot dogs with punch!"
06:43 "Hot dogs with punch!"
06:45 "Hot dogs with punch!"
06:48 "Hot dogs with punch!"
06:50 "Rats!"
06:56 "Yeah, it's a long way down."
06:57 "No, real rats."
06:58 "Jang, you get back here. If you want to join us, you have to get back here."
07:04 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:06 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:07 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:08 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:09 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:10 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:11 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:12 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:13 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:14 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:15 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:16 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:17 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:18 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:19 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:20 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:21 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:22 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:23 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:24 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:25 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:26 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:27 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:28 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:29 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:30 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:31 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:32 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:33 "I'm not going to let you go!"
07:35 "Ah, mon petit spécimen, voici le résultat."
07:37 "Qu'est-ce qui se passe?"
07:43 "Je t'ai confondue!"
07:55 "Hm, qu'est-ce que c'est? Il y a un truc."
08:02 "Hm, qu'est-ce que c'est? Il y a un truc."
08:04 "Il y a un truc."
08:05 "Ok, reste calme."
08:08 "Ok, reste calme."
08:09 "Calme, j'ai compris."
08:10 "Calme, j'ai compris."
08:11 "Ou est-ce que tu es, mon petit ami?"
08:12 "Ou est-ce que tu es, mon petit ami?"
08:13 "Je sais que tu es là quelque part."
08:14 "C'est tout de la faute de Chang!"
08:18 "Il a le dessin!"
08:26 "Non!"
08:28 "Merci, Barker! Tu es un bon obus!"
08:39 "Mission accomplie! C'est le moment de le ramasser!"
08:45 "Cela devrait aller dans un grand livre. Et je suis désolée d'avoir été si idiot avant."
08:54 "Quel moment? Tu devrais être plus spécifique."
08:56 "Oh, ah ah! C'est juste... Je ne pouvais pas faire ça sans toi, tu sais."
09:00 "Tellement touchant! Comme le fin d'un beau sausage!"
09:08 "Je suppose qu'on a besoin de toi pour être un génie aussi."
09:10 "Désolée, c'est quoi ce que tu m'as appelé?"
09:11 "Tu m'as entendu!"
09:12 "Est-ce que tout le monde m'entend?"
09:15 "Oh mon Dieu! Une installation d'art! Tellement moderne!"
09:21 "Laissez-moi tomber, Bumgardner!"
09:22 "Cela montre vraiment que ce qui se passe, se passe. Et se passe, et se passe."
09:27 "Et se passe, et se passe."
09:29 "Oh oh oh!"
09:31 [Musique]
