Knicks' Playoff Performance: A Critical Analysis and Preview

  • 4 months ago
00:00Nick shot all seven from lamps, according to ESPN stats. I am nervous that did the Knicks
00:12blow the series possibly in the fourth quarter, because they're not going to have legs. Are
00:18we going to get juice McBride and you know, Alec Burks combined for 24 points is David
00:2435 again. So to me, this is a, this is a big, this is a big spot for the New York Knicks.
00:29Listen, the one thing I'll say about the Knicks is this, whether they win their series or
00:34not, they have gotten a lot of respect from this league because they show how hard they
00:38could play with all the injuries. That being said, I'm incredibly nervous, very nervous.
