38 Negara Maju Setuju RI Gabung OECD

  • 5 months ago
Upaya Indonesia untuk masuk menjadi keanggotaan Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) menemukan titik terang. Dimana dalam pertemuan resmi anggota OECD di Paris lalu, sebanyak 38 negara maju setuju, dan sepakat Indonesia menjadi anggota baru OECD.


00:00 We turn to the next information, Indonesia's effort to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD,
00:08 found a bright spot, where in the official meeting of the OECD members in Paris last,
00:13 as many as 38 developed countries agreed and agreed Indonesia to become a new member of the OECD.
00:19 Roadmap Association, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD,
00:29 Indonesia's government has accepted the round decision to join the developed countries.
00:34 As many as 38 developed countries stated their opinion,
00:38 agreed and agreed that Indonesia to become a new member of the OECD.
00:42 OECD developed countries consider Indonesia's economy to grow very positive, stable,
00:47 and highly qualified to rise to the level of being a developed country and join the OECD.
00:52 On the other hand, Indonesia's joining in the OECD is important,
00:56 because Indonesia is currently undergoing a major reform of bureaucracy.
01:00 Because with this participation, Indonesia can take a strategic role in various policies
01:06 and standardization of policies similar to other OECD countries.
01:10 In addition to joining Indonesia as a member of the OECD,
01:14 it can also bring investment from other member countries to enter development in the water.
01:19 For that, in addition to the OECD, Indonesia is also actively cooperating with other countries through economic blocs,
01:25 such as the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework Block and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership,
01:30 as well as cooperation with South Korea and the European Union.
01:33 From Jakarta, IDX Channel.
01:36 [Music]
