• last year
In this podcast episode, we discuss the harrowing story of five boys who went missing and never returned to their village, leading their parents to confront their worst nightmare.


00:00 [Music]
00:10 So we're gonna talk about the missing frog boys
00:14 Frog?
00:15 Frog
00:16 Katak, you mean katak?
00:17 As in katak, yes correct
00:18 In 1991
00:21 Okay, I baru setahun lah that time
00:23 I belum lahir
00:24 In 1991, March of 1991
00:28 Five little boys
00:30 Between the age of nine to thirteen
00:34 They live in Daegu in South Korea
00:38 Daegu is a small city lah
00:40 So they live there
00:42 Dekat situ, the tempat is very cantik
00:45 Ada bukit-bukit
00:46 That day apparently is a public holiday
00:49 So no school for them
00:51 So they decided, you know what
00:53 Let's go jalan-jalan and main
00:55 They told their punya parents
00:57 They wanted to go to a mountain called Mount Waryong
01:02 Sorry if I mispronounce it
01:04 So they basically wanted to go to the mountain to catch frogs
01:08 You know, budak-budak kan, boys main petang-petang like us
01:11 I used to naik basikal petang-petang
01:13 What do you usually do?
01:14 Me?
01:15 Katak-kat broodoo that time
01:16 Frog lah
01:17 I'm sorry
01:18 Yeah, serious, broodoo
01:19 You know broodoo?
01:20 Small frog
01:21 Yang ada ikut kecil tu
01:23 Kenapa tangkap dia?
01:24 I don't tau
01:25 Tapi tak misteri pun lah, memang cerita-cerita tu
01:27 So the five boys
01:29 Between nine to thirteen
01:31 They're not sibling lah, they're friends
01:33 No, they're friends
01:34 So they left their homes
01:36 One day, they did tell their punya parents
01:38 That they're going to go main
01:41 And the parents just let them lah
01:43 Because I feel like in cities yang macam small like that
01:46 People know each other
01:48 You know, orang depan macam "Okay, go play"
01:50 Main petang-petang, very normal
01:52 But, bila
01:54 It was night time after that
01:56 You know, usually budak-budak dah petang
01:58 Dia balik
02:00 But this is almost macam night time already
02:02 Senja, petang
02:04 Suddenly, the parents
02:06 Tengok macam "Eh, their kids are not home yet"
02:09 Okay
02:10 Yeah, so the parents become very worried
02:13 And then immediately reported them to the police
02:16 That they're missing
02:17 Local police of course
02:21 With a few volunteers
02:23 Started searching lah the area
02:25 Yang macam, they search in the mountains
02:28 The places that the kids cakap they're going
02:31 And also the route
02:33 Towards the mountain yang memang
02:35 Kids will usually use
02:37 So, akan ada rumah kat area-area tu
02:40 Or kedai-kedai kah apa
02:41 They'll search all around the area
02:43 Tanya-tanya orang, macam "Have you seen these kids?"
02:46 And, yeah, because if it's a very small area
02:50 So everybody macam knows each other
02:52 So, orang-orang kampung dia
02:54 Everybody yang live there or work there
02:57 Put together volunteer
02:59 Untuk cari the missing kids
03:01 So, by the time they were looking
03:05 Sampai, apa
03:07 There's 500 search operation
03:10 Happened
03:12 Looking for these boys
03:14 And it involved almost 300,000 people
03:19 Involved in this search
03:21 Tempat mereka jalan semua
03:23 Memang tak ada sign of, you know, macam
03:25 Kena kidnap kah
03:27 Tak ada sign macam, oh, maybe
03:29 They're involved in a car accident
03:32 Ada kereta langgar and they hide the body
03:34 No, tak ada macam
03:36 Any sign of accidents kah
03:38 Kidnapping kah, apakah, memang tak ada
03:41 It's about the mountain there
03:42 The place where they tangkap kata
03:45 It's actually very common for kids to go and play
03:48 Laluan yang mereka selalu guna pun, it's very common
03:52 Macam budak-budak, they won't go anywhere
03:54 Mereka akan selalu ikut jalan yang memang mereka dah familiar
03:58 So, to have them pergi tempat lain
04:01 Untuk pergi to the mountain is very weird lah
04:04 But they did search
04:05 They did expand their search lah
04:07 In case mereka sesat kah
04:10 Tersalah jalan kah
04:12 It's not only the police punya effort
04:14 That went on looking for them
04:17 It's also the public punya effort
04:19 So, the public dah macam
04:21 Even talk to the media
04:24 And then they keep on searching
04:27 And they printed over 8 million flyers
04:30 Untuk letak across South Korea
04:33 Notice lah, notice
04:34 Yes, to find these children
04:36 In 2004
04:38 13 tahun
04:40 13 tahun nanti
04:43 A ceremony was held lah
04:45 For the missing boys
04:47 In hope that
04:49 That we can try and find these boys again
04:52 By the time, you know, 13 years later
04:54 Mereka mungkin sudah dewasa
04:56 Mereka mungkin tengah tengok TV sekarang
05:00 So, they do that to try and find the boys again
05:04 And hopefully that they're alive lah
05:06 Because the family has been looking for them
05:08 For 13 long years
05:10 So, another time
05:12 This one man
05:14 Tadi itu in 2004, right?
05:16 Okay, they jump back
05:18 Belakang
05:20 Belakang sikit back in 2002
05:23 There's a report that a man
05:26 Was at Mount Waryong
05:29 Di tempat missing
05:31 The boys apparently went missing
05:33 He suddenly ada report that he jumpa
05:37 Some human bones around the area lah
05:39 That was 2 years before
05:41 Yang the big search balik itu kan
05:44 There's 3 skulls that he found
05:46 That had signs of severe trauma from shooting
05:50 So, then they bring all the skeletons
05:53 For forensic
05:55 Untuk go through the body
05:57 And apparently
05:59 It's the 5 boys punya skeleton
06:02 So, you cakap ada 3 je kan?
06:04 Yes, tapi bila diorang put together
06:06 There's 3 tengkorak kan?
06:08 But there's also human bones
06:10 When they put it together
06:12 It's 5 different ones
06:14 Oh my god
06:15 Yang saya rasa pelik
06:17 Sebab dia orang dah rescue team
06:22 On 91
06:24 Tapi masa itu lah kan dah tak nampak
06:26 Langsung kan?
06:27 Betul, that's why
06:29 Everybody in South Korea
06:30 Always face a question
06:32 We've done an extensive search
06:35 Tapi kita tak jumpa the kids in that area
06:38 So, that's the question yang macam
06:40 Macam mana kita miss this area
06:42 Autopsy did provide some information
06:44 But so far
06:46 That is the only thing that they found
06:48 That there's bullet holes on the skull
06:51 And then there's blood stains
06:53 And they might have died because of hypothermia
06:56 So far no more any
06:58 There's no progress
07:01 And the case closed in 2006
07:04 2 years after diorang
07:07 Naikkan balik the issue kan
07:10 Pelik lah
07:11 So, apa teori you rasa?
07:14 Kalau cakap, I think
07:17 It's a kidnapping
07:18 Maybe it's a kidnapping punya case
07:21 And ya lah
07:22 Tapi over the time
07:23 Dia letak that body
07:24 Dia letak the skull kat situ
07:26 Supaya nampak like diorang ni
07:28 Sesat padahal sebenarnya ada something wrong lah
07:31 Yang diorang kena kidnap ke
07:33 Kadang-kadang seperti itulah
07:34 I also feel like it's kind of like a kidnapping
07:36 Tapi I'm still
07:39 Wondering why
07:41 The police tak jumpa diorang dekat situ
07:44 If there's search and rescue semua
07:45 Maybe they kidnap and bring to somewhere
07:48 And then over the time
07:50 The kidnapper put back the body dekat situ juga
07:52 Supaya nampak that case is not kidnapped
07:55 Faham
07:56 So, over the time diorang
07:59 Search for the body
08:01 Actually the body is not there
08:03 Ya, it's not there
08:04 That's why police tak nampak
08:05 Wow
08:06 I did my theory lah
08:07 That's your theory
08:08 Because in 1991
08:09 1991 ya
08:12 Sampai 2002
08:15 2004
08:17 Lama lho
08:18 13 years
08:19 Lama, dia punya duration tu
08:20 I rasa maybe they kidnap and bring to somewhere
08:22 Yang supaya
08:24 Yours make sense
08:25 Police tak nampak
08:26 The body dekat situ
08:27 And then
08:28 I dah tau apa motif of the kidnapper
08:31 And then
08:32 Maybe dah mati dia letak
08:34 The body dekat situ jugalah
08:35 It's been how many years
08:37 Kalau since 1991
08:39 You said tadi 13
08:41 Over more than 10 lah
08:43 More than
08:44 1991 to 2001 is 10 years
08:46 Ya, more than 10 years
08:47 2021, 1991 to 2021 is what?
08:50 91 to 2001 is 10 years
08:53 And then to 2021
08:55 Another 10 years
08:57 20 years
08:58 And then 23 years-ish lah juga kan
09:01 Almost 25 years ya
09:03 The boys have been missing
09:04 And nobody know
09:05 Has been like found dead
09:08 And nobody knows what happened
09:10 Sampai sekarang the case have been closed
09:14 And
09:15 Ya, I feel like nobody will ever know
09:19 Unless diorang akan find any new evidence
09:22 Ya, betul
09:23 [Music]
