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Episod 543 My #QuranTime 2.0 Sabtu 8 Jun 2024 Sesi Ulang Kaji Surah Al-A'raf (7: 38-51) Halaman 155-156 Bersama Tokoh Ilmuan

Hari ini My #QuranTime 2.0 mengulangkaji Surah Al-A'raf ayat 38-51, halaman 155 hingga halaman 156. Turut sama berkongsi ilmu ialah Penasihat Syariah Kewangan Islam, Ustaz Mustafar Mohd Suki.

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [No audio]
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00:16 One of the important events that is emphasized in Surah Al-A'raf is related to the situation in heaven and in the hell of Allah, and what happened in the two of them, Al-A'raf.
00:28 In this event, Allah has given us guidance to take a stand in our daily lives and not to be a person who is above the barrier.
00:42 We will follow the discussion in the revision of the Hajj in this episode.
00:46 [Music]
01:06 [Music]
01:10 [Arabic]
01:26 [Arabic]
01:49 [Arabic]
01:56 [Arabic]
02:08 How are you ladies and gentlemen?
02:10 We meet again in My Quran Time.
02:12 Quran Salah Al-Imfaq, today we are together to review two pages that we have read this week, page 155 and 156 of Surah Al-A'raf, the seventh surah.
02:24 And today we are fortunate to be with our panel of the invitation, Al-Fadhil Ustaz Mustafa Suqi.
02:30 How are you Ustaz?
02:31 Alhamdulillah.
02:32 I hope you are well.
02:33 And also with Ustaz Tarmizi, how are you?
02:35 Alhamdulillah, Al-Fadhil Ustaz.
02:36 I am sitting next to Ustaz Mustafa.
02:38 Energy, energy.
02:39 Vibration, vibration or vibe?
02:42 Both.
02:43 We are both happy with the blessings of this Al-Quran.
02:48 And for you at home, in the studio of our Istikamah group, we pray that Allah bless us continuously with knowledge,
02:56 add blessings and add benefits from what we have learned today.
03:01 We pray with Subhanakallah, ilmalana illa ma'allamtana innaka antala 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni 'ilma.
03:09 Ameen Ya Rabbil 'aalameen.
03:11 Let us see together, just now Ustaz Tarmizi started the 42nd verse,
03:16 he talks about heaven, but Allah states first about an event at a location.
03:23 One location is certainly in the hellfire of Allah in verse 38, 39.
03:29 Maybe we want to read this verse 38 first, together with you at home who have opened page 155,
03:35 those in the studio have opened it, Alhamdulillah.
03:38 Let us read verse 38 to understand why this verse is given priority to take guidance.
03:46 Verse 38 with Ustaz Tarmizi.
03:48 Thank you Al-Fadhil Ustaz Fazrul, Al-Fadhil Ustaz Mustafa Suki,
03:51 dear viewers and viewers of Ayah Bondar,
03:53 and dear viewers who are with us, with the spirit of Al-Quran,
03:59 we want to read verse 38.
04:02 Let us try to use the tongue of patience, insha'Allah.
04:06 JazakAllah minash shaitanir rajim.
04:09 [Arabic]
04:11 [Arabic]
04:41 [Arabic]
05:09 [Arabic]
05:37 [Arabic]
05:57 Insha'Allah, the last verse of verse 38 tells about
06:01 [Arabic]
06:04 [Arabic]
06:10 Ustaz Mustafa, if you can explain here,
06:13 why in the event in the hell of Allah,
06:16 it is highlighted about [Arabic]
06:19 and what does [Arabic] mean in this verse? Please.
06:21 [Arabic]
06:26 I would like to start with Ustaz Faz, Ustaz Tar,
06:28 and dear viewers who are in the studio and also at home,
06:32 Alhamdulillah, we are at the end of Ramadan.
06:36 Alhamdulillah, today we are still energetic and we are with Al-Quran.
06:41 Today, insha'Allah, we will discuss from the point of view of the topic,
06:45 which is related to Ummah.
06:46 If you look, why there is no Ahun, the male cousin,
06:50 and there is no Uhtun, the female cousin,
06:52 because it refers to the Ummah itself.
06:55 Because the Ummah, we say, is in the form of many groups,
06:58 or we say all of them are in a group,
07:01 and because of that, the word curse is something that is not clear
07:06 how the word curse is.
07:08 Because in the law, if we look, in the issues related to the law of curse,
07:13 if a woman commits adultery and so on, there are words.
07:17 And likewise, if we look, Allah mentions how the curse occurs
07:23 when a person is blind, from guidance and guidance,
07:26 and there is guidance and guidance, he is cursed by jinn, cursed by angels,
07:30 cursed by humans.
07:32 And there are other verses, we look at the beginning of Al-Baqarah,
07:35 for example, we will see that he is cursed by a person who curses.
07:39 So, the word curse is a secret, what is the curse.
07:43 The only thing is, we refer back or look back to the main reason
07:47 why it occurs is because of two things.
07:49 Imam Murtabari said, first, because they are Shirk,
07:52 and then because they disobey Allah's commandment,
07:55 the second is because they are arrogant.
08:00 So, these two things can actually occur to people who do not believe
08:05 or to people who believe.
08:07 Because people who believe can be Shirk, people who believe can be disbelievers,
08:10 people who believe can also be arrogant to Allah.
08:14 So, among the attributes that he mentioned,
08:17 what is the story of that nation, what is the story of that curse?
08:21 So, when we look at the scholars of Tafsir,
08:25 one of the stories mentioned by Imam As-Sudi,
08:27 brought by Imam Murtabari in his Tafsir,
08:30 says that when a group entered hell first,
08:33 then there was another group that entered,
08:36 but they were the same gang.
08:37 Oh, the same gang.
08:38 The same gang.
08:39 So, it means different.
08:40 No, the same gang means that the original Jews,
08:43 then another group of Jews entered,
08:45 they are the children of the Jews.
08:46 The Nasorah also entered,
08:47 then the Nasorah after that will be cursed.
08:50 Then, the leaders that we followed first,
08:54 the followers,
08:56 we followed first,
08:57 so they deceived us, as this verse says,
08:59 then they will be cursed.
09:01 Then, people will be cursed whose life at any time in the world feels beautiful,
09:07 and then the hereafter will curse the life of the world
09:10 as they feel great at any time in the world.
09:13 We just want to mention there,
09:14 the same group can also be,
09:16 because Imam As-Sudi mentioned that it is a group of Jews,
09:19 the Nasorani,
09:22 and then the others.
09:23 And it can also be,
09:24 this Ummah refers to,
09:26 it can be anything.
09:28 It can be the Jews, Nasorah,
09:30 it can be the Kafir, the Mushrik, and so on,
09:33 they curse each other.
09:35 And this curse is actually a regret,
09:38 because they regret what happened,
09:40 what they went through,
09:41 and that is certain,
09:42 there are many verses that show that regret will not be useful in hell,
09:46 because people in hell,
09:48 they have their situation,
09:50 and their time,
09:51 and always with Allah's punishment.
09:53 I would like to say to Al-Fatihah,
09:55 Al-Musafah, to explain that this curse is a regret response.
10:00 When we regret,
10:02 we will start to mock,
10:04 to scold,
10:05 to curse someone,
10:06 but in this world,
10:08 we are not allowed.
10:10 And if there is justice,
10:12 the laws of Sharia,
10:14 there is a discipline,
10:16 but this is the root of regret,
10:19 when we are already in the punishment of hell,
10:23 Allah SWT,
10:24 we are not the kind of people who curse here,
10:28 so that when we get there,
10:30 we are not the kind of people who are cursed by Allah SWT.
10:35 And in the 40th verse,
10:37 we want to continue to read how the people who falsify our verse,
10:41 how the arrogant people are punished by Allah,
10:45 but we will take a break first,
10:47 we will be back after this,
10:48 my Quran time,
10:49 Quran Salat Yufa'
10:51 Quran Salat Yufa'
11:01 Quran Salat Yufa'
11:20 Quran Salat Yufa'
11:38 Quran Salat Yufa'
11:42 Quran Salat Yufa'
12:08 Quran Salat Yufa'
12:21 Quran Salat Yufa'
12:31 Quran Salat Yufa'
12:41 Quran Salat Yufa'
12:56 Quran Salat Yufa'
13:19 Quran Salat Yufa'
13:38 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
13:48 Those who deny Our verses and are arrogant about them,
13:58 do not open to them the gates of heaven,
14:22 until the camel is brought down in the midst of the mountains,
14:31 and thus do We requite the criminals.
14:46 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
14:52 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
14:55 Those who deny Our verses and are arrogant about them,
14:59 do not open to them the gates of heaven,
15:11 until the camel is brought down in the midst of the mountains,
15:20 and thus do We requite the criminals.
15:24 [Shaykh says a short example of an impossible thing]
15:41 [Shaykh says a short example of an impossible thing]
16:01 [Shaykh says a short example of an impossible thing]
16:25 [Shaykh says a short example of an impossible thing]
16:36 [Shaykh says a short example of an impossible thing]
16:43 [Shaykh says a short example of an impossible thing]
17:03 [Shaykh says a short example of an impossible thing]
17:17 [Shaykh says a short example of an impossible thing]
17:43 [Shaykh says a short example of an impossible thing]
18:03 [Shaykh says a short example of an impossible thing]
18:27 [Shaykh says a short example of an impossible thing]
18:42 [Shaykh says a short example of an impossible thing]
19:01 [Shaykh says a short example of an impossible thing]
19:17 Thank you, Al-Fazlul, Al-Fazlul Saiz Mustafa, ladies and gentlemen,
19:21 dear viewers, thank you Allah SWT.
19:23 Let's move on to verse 42.
19:26 [Arabic]
19:29 [Arabic]
19:50 [Arabic]
20:19 [Arabic]
20:26 Surah Al-Qalam Al-Azim, verse 42, tells us about people who believe and do good deeds.
20:29 [Arabic]
20:34 They are the people of heaven, and they will remain therein.
20:37 I think you have understood that.
20:40 But in the middle, [Arabic]
20:42 it's like the end of Surah Al-Baqarah,
20:45 it suddenly appears.
20:46 What does it mean?
20:47 [Arabic]
20:49 In short, when we talk about the conditions for entering heaven,
20:53 it's already clear that it's about faith and good deeds.
20:55 It must be a combination of both.
20:56 Sometimes he believes but he doesn't do good deeds,
20:58 it doesn't work.
20:59 He does good deeds but he doesn't believe, it doesn't work.
21:01 These two conditions must be completed.
21:02 However, in the time of human journey to worship,
21:06 do good deeds, and so on,
21:08 sometimes he is called as Ashabud-Darurah.
21:12 That's the term.
21:14 Ashabud-Darurah, because in the Arabic,
21:16 Ashabul-A'raf, Ashabul-Jannah, Ashabul-Nar,
21:20 and the third and the fourth, we call it Ashabud-Darurah.
21:23 It means that sometimes he is in trouble.
21:26 He is in trouble.
21:28 For example, we say that he has a fever,
21:30 he can't go to Tarawih,
21:32 for example, Tarawih at home,
21:34 he can't fast, he is sick, and so on.
21:36 Then he is Ashabud-Darurah.
21:37 So, when in the condition of Ashabud-Darurah,
21:40 Allah SWT also gives relief to him,
21:44 for him to do, for example,
21:46 we say a hadith from Imran bin Husain,
21:48 the Dalai Lama of Imam Muslim,
21:49 the Prophet said, "Salat Bidiri",
21:51 he can't pray Salat first,
21:52 he can't pray Fa'alajambin,
21:54 he is lazy, and so on.
21:56 In another Hadith, "Fal Mustaqia",
21:57 he wants to pray Salat, but he is lazy.
21:59 Are all of those different,
22:00 the rewards reduce his faith?
22:02 No.
22:03 Imam Nawiyah said,
22:04 for whoever has an emergency,
22:06 he does the worship,
22:07 and wherever he is able,
22:08 he gets full,
22:09 he has his maqam,
22:10 he gets full rewards.
22:11 Why?
22:12 Because he is a Muslim,
22:13 and he refers back to the hadith,
22:14 Sahih of Imam Muslim,
22:15 whoever, or among the pilgrims,
22:18 who are sick,
22:20 whoever he is,
22:21 if not, he does the worship.
22:22 But because of the emergency,
22:24 the Prophet said,
22:25 "Qutiballahumakana ya'man sahihan muqrimah",
22:27 he writes for him full rewards,
22:29 because of that.
22:30 And this is different from the kafirs,
22:33 they left and did not continue.
22:35 People who have faith,
22:37 do it, do it, do it,
22:38 suddenly they are sick,
22:39 they cannot focus,
22:40 or they cannot do it completely,
22:42 but they still do it.
22:43 So, that is why Allah said,
22:44 "Tidaklah dibebankan oleh kamu dengan taklif itu,
22:47 dan itu yang akan memberikan juga kamu ganjaran pahala,
22:50 insyaAllah,
22:51 kerana kesukaran kamu buatkan."
22:52 That is why Imam Izzudin said,
22:54 "Nabi al-ajru biqadrimasyaqah,
22:56 itulah pahala itu berdasarkan
22:58 kesusahan-kepayaan dia melakukan perkara itu."
23:01 It is the same,
23:02 fasting at the island,
23:03 with fasting in Malaysia,
23:05 the distance is different,
23:06 how many hours,
23:07 we are still okay,
23:08 that is also when is the azan,
23:10 but there,
23:11 he is willing to wait,
23:12 so that is where the reward is more,
23:14 because of that difficulty.
23:15 So, this is a hope for us,
23:18 maybe there are our friends who are sick,
23:20 or if he says,
23:22 in the month of fasting,
23:23 if he buys food,
23:25 it is poisoning,
23:26 so he cannot pray until 20 rakat,
23:29 if he wants to do 20,
23:30 it is normal,
23:31 he gets 8,
23:32 when he says this,
23:33 it means that there is no one who can say,
23:36 "Yes, he can,
23:37 he is a son of a Ustaz,
23:39 he studied at Jordan,
23:41 that is why he entered heaven,
23:43 we are just starting to start."
23:45 No,
23:46 because each one is not burdened
23:48 with something that is beyond their ability
23:51 to become a member of heaven one day.
23:55 In the 43rd verse,
23:57 there is something that we want to see,
23:59 the experience in heaven that Allah has depicted,
24:01 but we will take a break first,
24:02 in a while we will return
24:04 with Quran Time,
24:05 Quran Salat Deen Farh.
24:06 Insha'Allah.
24:07 [Music]
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25:39 One thing,
25:40 I will mention the point that the professor has mentioned,
25:42 we realise that we can do that in Ramadan.
25:46 That is one of the clues for me.
25:48 Professor, please.
25:50 This is a common problem that we face,
25:56 and we should pay attention to our friends.
25:58 For example,
25:59 when I was studying,
26:01 there was a friend who was fasting.
26:03 He was fasting.
26:04 But,
26:05 he could stop during Ramadan.
26:07 It means that he could stop.
26:09 He did not even break his fast.
26:11 There was a person who broke his fast,
26:13 but he did not break his fast.
26:15 He could stop during Ramadan.
26:17 After Ramadan,
26:18 he started to fast again.
26:20 I think this is the same as other things.
26:22 There are people who like to watch movies,
26:25 or watch bad things,
26:27 but during Ramadan,
26:28 he could stop.
26:29 This shows that,
26:30 firstly,
26:31 he has the strength to do those things.
26:34 But,
26:35 at the same time,
26:36 he needs the support system.
26:39 [Music]
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28:23 We are back in Quran,
28:25 Quran, Salaat, and Infah.
28:26 We are watching the verses
28:28 38-51
28:30 from pages 155 and 156.
28:33 We have just seen the 43rd verse.
28:35 "An event in heaven."
28:37 [Arabic]
28:39 What does "Ril" mean in this verse?
28:41 Until it is mentioned.
28:43 BismillahirRahmanirRahim.
28:45 BismillahirRahmanirRahim.
28:47 The origin of the word "Ril",
28:49 as mentioned by Imam Fakhruddin Al-Razi,
28:51 is a revenge to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
28:54 or something that is a grudge
28:58 or a grudge against something.
29:01 When we look at it from the perspective of this discussion,
29:05 people who want to enter heaven
29:07 will be lost.
29:10 That is why Imam Tahir bin Ashur said,
29:12 people who believe in this,
29:15 they are already in heaven.
29:17 I will just mention a few things.
29:20 There is a place called "Khantarah".
29:23 This place is also a place of purification
29:25 from all the bad habits.
29:26 People who have passed will enter heaven.
29:29 So, those who are in heaven are also there.
29:31 I will detail it later.
29:33 I just want to mention first,
29:34 regarding the word "Ril",
29:36 it is one thing that will be purified
29:38 from two things.
29:39 First, before entering heaven,
29:42 from all the bad habits,
29:43 grudges, and so on,
29:45 as mentioned by Imam Tahir bin Ashur,
29:47 the second is those who are living in heaven.
29:50 It means that if they see that they are
29:52 at the average level,
29:54 the level of 98,
29:56 they see their friends at the first level,
29:58 first class,
29:59 they will not have a grudge.
30:01 They will not have a grudge.
30:03 Why? Because all of that is lost.
30:05 If they see that the couple is different,
30:06 the person is different,
30:07 they will not have that attribute.
30:08 Because heaven is not like the world.
30:09 They have their own attributes,
30:10 their own condition,
30:11 their own people,
30:12 jealousy, jealousy,
30:13 they do not have that.
30:14 That is their attribute.
30:15 So, here, if we observe and see it properly,
30:17 it turns out that this thing can happen
30:19 in two places.
30:21 First, before entering heaven,
30:23 the second,
30:24 the first is in Qantarah.
30:25 In the narration of Abu Sa'id al-Hudri,
30:27 in the narration of Imam Muslim,
30:29 the Prophet SAW mentioned that
30:31 when a person has passed the Sirah,
30:33 after the end of the Sirah,
30:35 he has a small bridge.
30:38 The small bridge,
30:40 said Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar,
30:41 the small bridge,
30:42 usually, it is used to purify the person.
30:45 It removes the attribute of jealousy.
30:47 For example, in the past,
30:48 people were satisfied with apologizing to him.
30:50 They apologized and so on,
30:51 but he did not want to forgive.
30:52 So, these two,
30:54 we say, as a person who has passed,
30:56 meaning,
30:57 he has his speech,
30:58 there are several places.
30:59 The speech about the reward,
31:02 you took my sin,
31:03 all of that is in the Masyar.
31:05 So, now, the Sirah is over,
31:07 then, near there,
31:08 near Qantarah,
31:09 that is the name of the place.
31:10 Do not put the name of Qantarah.
31:12 That place is dangerous.
31:13 It is sacred.
31:14 But maybe,
31:15 it is good too,
31:16 that meaning.
31:17 So, when it is placed there,
31:18 it is already purified.
31:19 Meaning,
31:20 it has removed the attribute of jealousy,
31:21 it has removed everything,
31:22 it has removed and so on.
31:23 So, then,
31:24 in this verse,
31:25 it is mentioned that
31:26 the attribute of jealousy and revenge
31:28 has been removed,
31:29 that is,
31:30 it means heaven.
31:31 Meaning,
31:32 it happened twice.
31:33 So,
31:34 if the reward is big enough,
31:36 about all the things
31:37 that humans have lost,
31:38 it is realized,
31:39 twice,
31:40 this attribute will be removed,
31:41 will be removed.
31:42 So, in this world,
31:43 there is no jealousy,
31:44 hatred,
31:45 envy,
31:46 jealousy,
31:47 all of this,
31:48 because all of that will be removed.
31:49 And that is the test for us
31:50 about jealousy and envy,
31:51 and that is why sometimes,
31:52 that thing,
31:53 that is why this real,
31:54 this real is actually smooth.
31:55 That thing happens
31:56 in the state of not realizing.
31:57 And that is why,
31:58 in the Hadith,
31:59 the Prophet said,
32:00 "Whoever takes money after that,
32:01 he is a traitor."
32:02 How is it a traitor?
32:03 That thing happens,
32:04 he is not a corrupt.
32:05 For example,
32:06 I work with a worker,
32:07 so my worker,
32:08 my boss,
32:09 I work outside,
32:10 and the worker pays the salary,
32:11 I work outside,
32:12 and after that,
32:13 my work is good,
32:14 my PR is good,
32:15 right?
32:16 Meaning,
32:17 I meet a customer,
32:18 the customer says,
32:19 "Take a hundred,
32:20 do the fasting."
32:21 No one knows.
32:22 And that is not a corruption,
32:23 but that is a corruption.
32:24 So,
32:25 there is no corruption,
32:26 there is no treason.
32:27 So,
32:28 that is not a corruption,
32:29 but that is a corruption.
32:30 Why?
32:31 He is a traitor
32:32 because the employer has given it to you
32:34 for the work you do
32:35 that you meet the customer,
32:37 suddenly the customer gives it to you,
32:38 you take it back.
32:39 So,
32:40 he is a traitor,
32:41 right?
32:42 So,
32:43 that is why,
32:44 corruption and real are things that are invisible.
32:45 Because I
32:46 have a grudge against Ustaz Faz,
32:47 Ustaz Faz can't see,
32:48 and Ustaz Tar can't see.
32:49 So,
32:50 because of that thing that is invisible,
32:51 the small and delicate thing
32:52 will be removed
32:53 and purified by Allah SWT
32:55 before a person
32:56 who has faith
32:57 enters heaven.
32:58 Twice,
32:59 between
33:00 and before he enters heaven.
33:01 Masya Allah,
33:02 so,
33:03 the word real
33:04 is related to
33:05 the grudge against
33:06 the Sumat,
33:07 the dengkih.
33:08 It means that it exists in this world.
33:09 When we meet our friends,
33:10 it is like a science conference.
33:11 It is the same,
33:12 but it looks like
33:13 we don't want it
33:14 because of his bag or something.
33:15 That is the one
33:16 that is far away,
33:17 right?
33:18 Because there is real there,
33:19 but if it can be
33:20 managed well,
33:21 hopefully,
33:22 it will be
33:23 purified
33:24 immediately
33:25 when we reach the hereafter.
33:26 Because we want to enter heaven,
33:27 right?
33:28 When we talk about
33:29 the anhar,
33:30 then the real is removed,
33:31 one is the inner
33:32 and the other is given out.
33:33 If not,
33:34 we will go to heaven
33:35 but we will see
33:36 that Allah SWT
33:37 is not there.
33:38 Right?
33:39 That will not happen
33:40 when we reach
33:41 the destination
33:42 of heaven
33:43 that is very full
33:44 with the beauty
33:45 of God.
33:46 Alright,
33:47 we move on
33:48 to the 46th verse.
33:49 We have discussed
33:50 the Ashabunar,
33:51 we have discussed
33:52 the Ashabuljanah,
33:53 we have discussed
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