• il y a 5 mois


00:00 *Musique de fin*
00:02 *Musique de fin*
00:31 *Musique de fin*
00:33 *Musique de fin*
00:35 *Musique de fin*
00:37 *Musique de fin*
00:39 *Musique de fin*
00:41 *Musique de fin*
00:43 *Musique de fin*
00:45 *Musique de fin*
00:47 *Musique de fin*
00:49 *Musique de fin*
00:51 *Musique de fin*
01:19 [musique inclusive de automobile]
01:24 [ils crient]
01:28 [explosion]
01:30 [musique]
01:32 [musique]
01:34 [musique]
01:36 [musique]
01:38 [musique]
02:05 [musique]
02:07 But perhaps I could help you!
02:10 Allow me to buy you some lessons!
02:16 You would do that for me?
02:20 With pleasure my darling! Believe me, no amount would be too much.
02:24 But I don't need lessons, do I?
02:27 Maybe not my love, but surely you need something?
02:31 Oh there is something, but it doesn't matter.
02:34 No tell me, tell me!
02:36 No, it is too late!
02:38 Tell me what is it?
02:39 Well then name it and it shall be yours!
02:41 Oh forget it, you're not interested!
02:43 I am, I am, I am very interested!
02:45 You're not! You don't want to give me a branch from the singing oak tree?
02:50 I do, I do want to give you a branch from the singing oak tree!
02:53 A branch from the singing oak tree? What a marvellous idea my lord!
02:58 Oh the branch could sing while I play, we would be a duet!
03:02 How thoughtful of you my lord!
03:05 Eh? Oh, not at all! It will be my pleasure my darling!
03:12 And then we will marry?
03:14 Oh excellent!
03:16 Fear not my gentle Guinevere, you will have a branch from the singing oak tree by sunset!
03:21 Well, if not by sunset, then certainly sometime later!
03:25 Farewell!
03:28 [Musique]
03:31 [Musique]
03:37 Drumming, drumming! That's all I've heard for the past three days, drumming!
03:43 I haven't slept, I can't concentrate! I have to find a remedy before I go out of my mind!
03:49 [Musique]
03:56 [Musique]
03:59 Perfect!
04:01 [Musique]
04:04 [Cris]
04:10 [Musique]
04:13 [Cris]
04:16 [Musique]
04:20 [Cris]
04:25 [Musique]
04:29 [Cris]
04:36 [Musique]
04:39 [Cris]
04:40 [Musique]
04:45 [Cris]
04:46 [Musique]
04:48 [Cris]
04:51 [Musique]
04:55 Sir!
04:57 [Coups de feu]
04:58 Please come in your majesty!
05:00 [Coups de feu]
05:01 Come in!
05:02 [Coups de feu]
05:03 [Musique]
05:05 Can I come in?
05:06 Yes, of course sir!
05:07 [Musique]
05:09 Merlin, I seek your advice!
05:11 With pleasure sir!
05:13 I have decided on a gift to bring my darling Guinevere, my one true love!
05:19 My paradise on earth!
05:21 My... Stop it!
05:23 It's getting out, it's very rude!
05:25 Sorry, carry on!
05:26 Merlin, I am going to bring Guinevere a branch from the singing oak tree!
05:31 [Musique]
05:32 Now, where can I find it?
05:34 Sir, to find the singing oak tree, you will need to venture into foreboding territory!
05:41 Oh, how foreboding is it?
05:43 Very!
05:44 Why did you say it like that?
05:46 Well, it just sort of come out that way, you know...
05:49 [Musique]
05:54 The singing oak tree stands in the forest of gloom and despair, home to vagabonds, highwaymen and cutthroats!
06:02 This is the singing oak tree, sir!
06:05 From this tree and this tree alone must you take a branch!
06:09 The forest of gloom and despair?
06:11 Is there a story behind that name I should know about?
06:13 I cannot say!
06:15 I can't remember it!
06:16 But be warned, sir! Dark forces guard it well! You must tread wise!
06:21 [Rugissement]
06:24 [Crissement]
06:25 [Bruit de flèche]
06:27 Oh no! It burns!
06:29 Help! I'm melting! I'm melting! Help! Help! It burns!
06:33 Hang on! No, my mistake, I'm fine!
06:36 [Musique]
06:37 Sir, if you fail, the fair princess Guinevere will play badly forever!
06:42 You must not fail, sire, for all our sakes!
06:45 Sire, please protect us from the infernal pounding, the pulsating beat of that confounded sound!
06:51 Oh, just rest assured, I, Arthur, will not fail! And Guinevere will be mine!
07:00 [Musique]
07:02 And so, the love-crazed King Arthur, having been tricked...
07:07 What?
07:08 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, not tricked!
07:10 I prefer to use the term "duped".
07:12 Having been duped...
07:14 That's better!
07:15 ...into bringing the fair princess Guinevere...
07:18 Guinevere!
07:19 Guinevere, a branch from the singing oak tree, heads for the forest of gloom and despair...
07:26 Very soon, the handsome King arrives at his destination!
07:31 [Musique]
07:34 I really have to practice that!
07:36 [Musique]
07:49 I don't see any dark forces. All I can see is a band of nightclaws.
07:53 [Musique]
07:58 Ok, actually, my friends, this is a very special day!
08:02 Oh, God!
08:04 Special, now he sleeps near trees!
08:06 Yeah, well, worse than on the grass!
08:08 And we'll have to all hear a song about it!
08:10 Ok, friends, let us celebrate the completion of the new treehouse!
08:14 Oh, yeah, celebrate!
08:16 [Musique]
08:27 Oh, great, here we go again!
08:29 Whose turn is it this time?
08:31 Don't look at me, I did it last time!
08:33 No, you did not!
08:34 Yes, I did, don't you remember?
08:35 When did you last do it?
08:37 Oh, never mind, I'll do it!
08:39 Come here, Robin!
08:40 Crap!
08:41 Here, now don't sing again for a week!
08:44 I don't think I will!
08:46 Hmm, this is going to require a plan of unspeakable ingenuity!
08:50 [Musique]
08:54 Ah! Oh, stop it, will you?
08:57 Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?
08:59 Who are you anyway?
09:00 Now, don't mind me, just pretend I'm not here!
09:02 I'll only be a minute!
09:03 Yeah, but, you know, that's my tree!
09:05 Hey, I'm really happy for you!
09:07 Look, look, stop it, will you? Stop it!
09:09 Oh, oh, oh, look what he's done!
09:13 Give it back!
09:14 Why? That branch belongs to me!
09:16 Now give it back or suffer the consequences!
09:19 Never!
09:20 Oh, he's done it again!
09:22 You're really getting on my nerves!
09:26 Wait till I get out of here!
09:28 [Explosion]
09:30 Oh, oh!
09:32 [Musique]
09:43 [Cris]
09:48 Be quiet! Shut your barkhole, you useless stick!
09:51 Please, take me back!
09:54 I'm only a twig!
09:56 I want to leave my roots!
09:58 Nonsense! We are returning to Camelot!
10:00 No! Take me back!
10:03 Camelot?
10:04 Yes! I am the King Arthur!
10:06 Me? King Arthur?
10:08 So, this will make me a royal branch, right?
10:11 You are to be a royal gift for my beloved!
10:13 You will sing while the fair Princess Guinevere plays her drums!
10:18 Drums? Princess Guinevere?
10:21 No! Burn me instead!
10:25 [Explosion]
10:27 What was that?
10:28 Could it be a deer?
10:29 Or a falcon?
10:30 No, no, no, friends!
10:31 I know every sound in the forest, actually!
10:33 And that was the desperate echoing cry of a singing branch in trouble!
10:36 That was my next choice!
10:37 We must help!
10:39 [Ding]
10:40 OK, right, let's split up, men!
10:42 I'll go that way!
10:44 Me too!
10:45 Sam here!
10:46 We're with you, Robin!
10:47 [Musique]
10:49 [Explosion]
10:50 Just one more sound and you are firewood!
10:54 I said, is that clear?
10:56 Perfectly! You speak very well!
11:00 As prize in a chorus, kings are supposed to be highly educated!
11:03 Shut up, shut up, shut up!
11:04 [Rustling]
11:07 Listen!
11:08 [Explosion]
11:09 Watch where you're going!
11:10 My apologies!
11:11 [Screams]
11:14 Another cry!
11:17 Ouch! There it is again!
11:19 Poor little branch!
11:21 Actually, not so little, Joan!
11:23 That was not the sound of a singing branch in trouble!
11:25 That was the sound of a king being bitten on the hand!
11:28 [Laughs]
11:29 And I'll tell you something else, it came from there!
11:32 [Music]
11:34 [Explosion]
11:35 [Whistles]
11:36 Right!
11:37 After them, my hearty band!
11:39 Follow me!
11:40 [Laughs]
11:41 Ah, yes!
11:43 I really love the hunt!
11:45 Mmh, it's so exhilarating!
11:47 Ah, yes!
11:48 Let me tell you a tale of romance!
11:53 [Groans]
11:58 Thank you!
11:59 It is my turn!
12:01 Ouch!
12:02 Ouch, actually!
12:04 Oh!
12:05 Ah, the sound of an angry butterfly!
12:07 It's not one you hear very often, is it?
12:09 [Laughs]
12:10 [Music]
12:12 [Panting]
12:15 [Panting]
12:17 [Panting]
12:18 What say you?
12:19 I say we wait for Robin!
12:21 You bite me again and you're sawdust!
12:24 No sign of them, Robin!
12:26 [Sniffs]
12:27 Ah, yes!
12:28 Actually, the smell of sweat!
12:30 Here, here, here, over here!
12:32 [Sniffs]
12:34 The king was here!
12:35 Listen, listen!
12:36 [Mumbling]
12:38 I told you, no noise!
12:40 That wasn't me!
12:41 [Mumbling]
12:42 [Mumbling]
12:44 Hey, hey, hey!
12:46 No, no, Will Scarlet, no!
12:47 It's merely a wild pig!
12:49 [Screams]
12:50 It's a pig!
12:51 Actually, a king imitating a pig!
12:53 [Screams]
12:55 Off the loop!
12:56 [Music]
13:00 He's gaming!
13:01 Quiet!
13:02 Luckily for me, pigs don't like twigs!
13:04 [Mumbling]
13:07 [Music]
13:12 [Panting]
13:13 [Screams]
13:16 Oh dear, oh dear!
13:18 Ah, at last!
13:19 You see, kings always have a plan.
13:21 That's why they're kings!
13:23 [Laughs]
13:24 Er...
13:25 You're lost, aren't you?
13:26 Do you have a plan for that?
13:28 [Mumbling]
13:35 The king will be far ahead of us by now.
13:37 Yeah, then we'll have to slow him down, won't we?
13:39 Um, Tucky, where's my trussy bow?
13:42 [Music]
13:45 Oh, sorry, mate.
13:46 [Music]
13:53 [Screams]
13:54 What happened?
13:55 You were shot with an arrow!
13:57 That's not fair!
13:58 I was stabbed in the back by my own kin!
14:00 [Music]
14:02 Careful!
14:03 Careful, I'm feeling a draft!
14:04 Hold still, there!
14:05 [Screams]
14:06 [Music]
14:11 Tucky?
14:12 What now, Robin?
14:13 Look for signs, listen for sounds!
14:15 [Music]
14:20 Oh, a life in the woods!
14:22 [Laughs]
14:23 [Rumbling]
14:27 What could be better?
14:29 Oh, here we go again.
14:30 [Clears throat]
14:32 Let me tell you a tale of a...
14:34 [Screams]
14:36 The king watches us, we can't give in, alright?
14:38 Actually, after them!
14:40 [Screams]
14:45 [Music]
14:53 [Murmuring]
15:04 Hmm, right.
15:06 Plan B.
15:08 [Explosion]
15:09 [Screams]
15:10 [Music]
15:15 [Screams]
15:17 Save me, please!
15:19 Save me from fire!
15:21 What have you done?
15:22 Save me, please!
15:23 Save me!
15:24 [Music]
15:25 He can keep that one, I'll find another.
15:27 Right, plan C.
15:29 [Murmuring]
15:32 Hmm, that gives me an idea.
15:35 Here, piggy-piggy.
15:36 [Screams]
15:37 [Laughs]
15:38 [Music]
15:46 Hope he escaped from the forest.
15:48 No, I don't think so.
15:49 He's still here, I can kind of...
15:51 I can not feel that he's close.
15:53 I am not.
15:54 What did you say?
15:55 Nothing, we all know that.
15:57 [Music]
16:03 Hey, look at that!
16:05 Look at what?
16:06 It was a tree.
16:08 A tree? Really? You saw a tree?
16:11 Oh my goodness!
16:13 [Murmuring]
16:15 Actually, we've searched the forest and he's fled.
16:18 [Music]
16:25 Ah, he's over there, quick!
16:27 Let the chase begin!
16:29 [Laughs]
16:30 Okay.
16:32 [Music]
16:39 [Laughs]
16:41 Oh, tricked by a pig wearing shoes, again!
16:45 [Groans]
16:46 Air holes, next time, must remember air holes.
16:51 [Panting]
16:53 [Laughs]
16:57 Oh, yes.
16:58 [Music]
17:04 Oh, not again!
17:05 Oh, help! Help!
17:07 Oh, what a day I'm having!
17:09 Somebody save me, please!
17:12 Help!
17:13 [Screams]
17:15 Help! Somebody help me!
17:17 Stop it, please!
17:20 Look!
17:21 I said, stop it, please!
17:25 Stop it!
17:27 Oh, really? Or else what, tree?
17:31 I'll call upon the dark forces of the forest.
17:38 Stop it! This is your last chance.
17:41 Call upon the dark forces of the forest?
17:44 I'm scared.
17:46 [Screams]
17:52 [Explosion]
17:54 [Groans]
17:56 I told you to stop it.
17:58 But did you listen? Of course not.
18:00 No, oh no! No one ever believes that I'm protected by the dark forces.
18:06 [Screams]
18:08 So I'm warning you, don't try that again.
18:13 [Groans]
18:15 [Screams]
18:22 Oh, what's that, little bluebird?
18:24 Oh, the singing oak tree.
18:26 It's in danger.
18:28 Oh, now you can talk to the animals?
18:30 Well, it's not that good. All they want to talk about is the weather.
18:33 Okay, friends, the tree needs us.
18:37 To the tree!
18:40 Okay, another song.
18:42 Let me tell you a song...
18:46 [Screams]
18:48 [Explosion]
18:51 Got it!
18:53 [Groans]
18:55 Uh-oh.
18:57 Oh!
19:03 [Explosion]
19:05 [Music]
19:09 And so the triumphant King Arthur, riding his mighty steed...
19:14 ...called Alan, called Alan, rides to meet with the fair princess Guinevere to offer his gift.
19:19 [Screams]
19:24 [Groans]
19:27 [Groans]
19:33 I must be seeing double.
19:35 [Music]
19:40 My darling, 'tis I, and I have brought you the very thing your loving heart desires.
19:45 A branch from the singing oak tree.
19:49 Oh, do you think it will sing for me?
19:52 Of course, my sweet.
19:54 Oh!
19:56 I can't hear it.
19:57 Just a moment, my love.
19:59 [Laughs]
20:01 My lord, make it sing.
20:04 I'm trying, my darling.
20:07 No, you won't make it sing.
20:11 It's not through lack of trying, my sweet.
20:13 [Grunts]
20:14 You'd better start singing now.
20:16 Sing!
20:18 Oh, perhaps some music would help.
20:21 [Music]
20:26 Oh, no!
20:27 Sing!
20:28 Sing, please!
20:29 Sing, please!
20:30 Sing now!
20:32 Right, that's it.
20:37 [Music]
20:44 [Music]
20:56 [Scream]
20:58 [Music]
21:01 [Scream]
21:03 [Music]
21:11 [Scream]
21:13 [Music]
21:17 Oh, oh, oh, oh!
21:18 Not the face!
21:19 Not the face!
21:20 [Scream]
21:23 Okay, okay!
21:24 The face!
21:25 Okay, the face!
21:26 [Music]
