Forum Compraverde Buygreen: politiche green, acquisti sostenibili e transizione ecologica

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Promuovere gli acquisti sostenibili e la transizione ecologica, questo l'obiettivo della XVIII edizione del Forum Compraverde Buygreen, evento promosso dalla Fondazione Ecosistemi, con il patrocinio del Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica, della Regione Lazio e di Roma Capitale, in partnership con Legambiente, il Coordinamento Agende 21 Locali Italiane, ALI - Autonomie Locali Italiane e Fairtrade Italia.

Un appello unanime è stato lanciato alla classe politica: mettere al centro delle proprie agende l'ambiente e l'acquisto europeo e sostenibile. Molti i temi trattati, dall'educazione ambientale ai diritti sociali negli appalti pubblici, dall'impatto della ristorazione collettiva e degli ospedali verdi ai problemi di greenwashing e le strategie per comunicare efficacemente la sostenibilità.


00:00 Promote sustainable ecosystems and the ecological transition.
00:07 This is the aim of the 18th edition of the Compraverde by Green forum,
00:12 an event promoted by the Foundation for Ecosystems.
00:15 An unanimous appeal has been launched to the political class to put the environment
00:20 and the European purchase and sustainability at the center of their agendas.
00:23 After the recent intervention of the Minister for European Affairs,
00:26 the President of the Lazio Region, Francesco Rocca,
00:30 intervened in the cohesion politics of the PNRR and Raffaele Fitto.
00:33 The environmental issue and above all the minimum environmental criteria
00:37 that Italy has made law must be widespread, there must be more awareness.
00:42 On this, the will to invest in professional growth, in the training of staff,
00:47 not only regional but also of the connected entities and above all of the local entities,
00:53 very often even small municipalities do not have enough resources
00:56 to be able to adequately invest in training.
00:59 So, on this, as a region, we try to do our part to raise this awareness,
01:04 especially at the administrative level, because then the policies are translated
01:09 into concrete administrative action in the interest of our communities.
01:13 Many issues are addressed by environmental education and social rights in public spaces,
01:18 from the impact of collective restoration and green hospitals
01:22 to the problems of greenwashing and strategies to effectively communicate sustainability.
01:27 It is two days to orient sustainability, 283 billion euros of public spending.
01:35 The context could suggest a certain dose of attention or moderation.
01:41 In truth, green purchases are one of the solutions we have
01:45 to compete and to make our economies compete,
01:49 protecting human, environmental and social rights throughout all supply chains.
01:55 So it is important to move forward with the Green Public Procurement tool, that is, green purchases.
02:02 Public spending can play a fundamental role in the fight against climate change.
02:06 According to the study "By European and Sustainable Act",
02:10 if the European Union adopted the most rigorous criteria for public purchases,
02:14 significant reduction of CO2 emissions and socioeconomic benefits for European citizens could be achieved.
02:21 In Italy, for example, the adoption of the criteria in line with the Paris Agreement
02:25 would have led to a reduction of almost 6% of climate-shifting emissions
02:29 and a reallocation of 8 billion euros for virtuous activities.
02:33 We have been collaborating for several years on this issue,
02:36 producing a report on the state of application of green purchases in the public sector,
02:43 focusing on the various staging stations,
02:47 to tell how the green purchases revolution is proceeding,
02:51 to highlight which sectors are focusing on delays,
02:55 to reduce handbrake and accelerate definitively.
03:01 Also in this edition we produce a new update with some important focuses
03:05 on some stations that can really change the outcome of green purchases in our country.
03:10 According to the 7th report of the Observatory for Green Purchases and Ecosystems,
03:16 presented at the Forum "Green Purchases by Green 2024",
03:20 8 years after the introduction of the Green Public Procurement and the minimum environmental criteria,
03:25 Italy shows an incomplete implementation.
03:28 On a sample of 126 public administrations,
03:31 the average performance index is 62%, with only 17% correctly monitoring purchases.
03:38 There is also a decalogue of strategies in line with the WHO,
03:41 on how the hospital of the future should be,
03:43 to guide planners and planners of health infrastructure,
03:47 on how to improve safety, comfort and efficiency.
03:50 Sport, a global industry, in continuous growth, must also do its part.
03:54 The appeal is to design eco-sustainable stadiums with minimum environmental criteria of sustainability.
03:59 Just think that a football stadium can consume up to 8 million kilowatt-hours of electricity,
04:05 which is the equivalent of the energy use of 2,500 families.
04:09 In short, the 18th edition of the Forum has placed a clear emphasis on the crucial importance
04:13 of promoting sustainable purchases and the ecological transition,
04:17 strengthening the collective commitment for a more sustainable and resilient future.
