• l’année dernière


00:00 [musique]
00:09 [musique]
00:12 It's a bright sunny day in the garden, the perfect day for...
00:16 A competition!
00:18 What's that?
00:20 A competition to see who can jump the furthest!
00:23 Oh, that sounds fun!
00:26 Yes it does, doesn't it Wussy-Wat?
00:29 Oh, it is! It is! And I'm in charge of counting and measuring!
00:33 Now this is the jumping off point. One jump each, Wussy-Wat, you're up first.
00:39 Are you ready? One, two, three, jump!
00:42 [Wussy-Wat makes a jump]
00:44 What a right clumsy cat!
00:47 Good effort, a pebble marked where you landed.
00:50 Well done Wussy-Wat. Duck-a-dile's turn now.
00:54 One, two, three, jump!
00:57 That's how it's done!
00:59 A leaf to mark your spot.
01:02 Yep, yep, yep, me next, me next, me next!
01:05 One, two, three, jump!
01:08 Ribbit!
01:10 I declare Oggie the winner! Duck-a-dile second and Wussy-Wat your third.
01:14 Well done, Oggie.
01:16 Oh, first place!
01:18 It's not fair! I didn't get to run up like Oggie and Duck-a-dile!
01:23 What do you say, Earth? Shall we let Wussy-Wat have another go?
01:27 Well, rules are rules. He's had his go and that's that.
01:30 Oh, alright. Go on then.
01:33 That should do it, Wussy-Wat. Let's all count this time.
01:37 One, two, three, jump!
01:40 Whoa!
01:42 Ribbit!
01:47 Hey, Wussy-Wat! You forgot to jump!
01:50 Ribbit!
01:52 What's that?
01:54 Ribbit!
01:55 Ooh, watch it, Wussy-Wat! Pots aren't supposed to hop!
01:58 Good stuff!
02:00 Ribbit!
02:01 Now's your chance, Wussy-Wat. Slowly, slowly.
02:06 Shall I squirt it? Shall I? Oh, I love squirting!
02:10 What a way!
02:12 Ooh, that's done it now!
02:14 What's that?
02:16 It's a frog, Wussy-Wat. A funny little frog.
02:20 Ribbit!
02:21 But it can't have jump.
02:23 Maybe the stone is extra jumpy.
02:26 Be careful, Wussy-Wat. That stone looks very slippery.
02:30 Duck-a-dile, can you help me, please? I want to...
02:34 Give me your paw.
02:36 This isn't very jumpy.
02:38 More slidy, would you say, Wussy-Wat?
02:41 Yes, more slippy-slidery.
02:46 Hey, Wussy-Wat, funny frog's up to something. Look.
02:49 Ribbit!
02:50 Maybe that reed is more jumpy than the stone.
02:54 Maybe you should find out!
02:57 Come on, that's it. Slowly.
03:00 One paw in front of the other.
03:02 You can do it!
03:04 Wussy-Wat, you're too big for that reed.
03:11 Whoa!
03:13 Wow!
03:16 I'll never be able to jump like that, Orders.
03:19 Or like Duck-a-dile. Or Oggy.
03:21 You don't usually give up so easily, Wussy-Wat.
03:24 Ribbit!
03:25 Hmm, funny little frog.
03:28 He is so good at jumping.
03:31 Hmm, so good, I should...
03:34 What are you going to do?
03:36 Copy him and leap like a funny little froggy.
03:39 Ready to count, everyone?
03:41 One, two, three, jump!
03:44 Yay! Woo-hoo!
03:46 Ribbit!
03:47 That was quite a jump.
03:49 I now declare Wussy-Wat the winner for the furthest, most exploitantest jump ever.
03:52 Well done, Wussy-Wat.
03:54 And you found a new game to play, too.
03:57 So I have. I'll call it Leapfroggy, after our new funny little friend.
04:04 Ribbit!
04:05 Ribbit!
04:08 Ribbit!
04:11 What a clever cat.
04:13 Ribbit!
04:15 Bye-bye!
04:25 Bye !
