Trash Truck Trash Truck S02 E011 – The Dandelion

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:02 (vrombissement du moteur)
00:04 (sifflement)
00:06 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:08 (sifflement)
00:10 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:12 (sifflement)
00:14 (vrombissement du moteur)
00:16 (cris de joie)
00:18 - Trash drop! Yeah!
00:20 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:22 Let's go!
00:24 - Wouhou! Come on!
00:26 - Hé! They're here!
00:28 - Hi, trash drop!
00:30 - Hé, guys!
00:32 - Hé! Hello, boys!
00:34 - Ah! We're gonna have some fun today!
00:36 - Yeah!
00:38 (rires)
00:40 - The dandelion.
00:42 (soupir)
00:44 - What shall we do today?
00:46 - Hmm...
00:48 - Hé, guys!
00:50 Look what I got!
00:52 - Oh, a dandelion! Can we have it?
00:54 - Nope! This one is all mine.
00:56 - Oh! A dandelion's a special flower
00:58 that you can wish on.
01:00 - What? - Yeah! Watch this!
01:02 (soupir)
01:04 (soupir)
01:06 (soupir)
01:08 (soupir)
01:10 (soupir)
01:12 - Oh! I hope my wish comes true!
01:14 - Olive! I found your missing tutu!
01:16 - My wish came true!
01:18 (soupir)
01:20 We've got to find another dandelion!
01:22 - Mm-hmm!
01:24 - Come on! Let's go!
01:26 Any over there?
01:28 - I can't believe we haven't found any.
01:30 I know I've seen them all over the place.
01:32 - Oh!
01:34 - Dandelion seeds?
01:36 Come on, Trash Truck!
01:38 (soupir)
01:40 - Oh!
01:42 - Oh! That was a big one!
01:44 Are there any more of these things?
01:46 - I think we got all of them. - Yeah, we did.
01:48 - Hey, guys! - Oh, hey, Hank! Hey, Trash Truck!
01:50 - What are you guys doing? - Looking for dandelions.
01:52 - Oh! Are you whacking them, too?
01:54 - What? No.
01:56 - Really? What are you doing with them?
01:58 - You take a dandelion, you make a wish on it,
02:00 and you blow the seeds into the air.
02:02 And then your wish comes true.
02:04 - What?
02:06 - I did not know they could do that.
02:08 - Oh, we didn't wish on any of them.
02:10 - Aw.
02:12 - There's got to be at least one left around here.
02:14 - My goodness!
02:16 These waves are getting worse every year.
02:18 - Huh?
02:20 - Yay! We're gonna get that dandelion!
02:22 - Stop!
02:24 - What on earth are you all doing
02:28 running around startling people like that?
02:30 - Oh, we're sorry, Miss Mona.
02:32 We didn't mean to.
02:34 Can Trash Truck and I have that dandelion?
02:36 - Oh, certainly. - No! Give it to us, Miss Mona!
02:38 - No, us.
02:40 - Why do you want this dandelion?
02:42 - 'Cause we want to make a wish on it.
02:44 - Yeah, you guys already used up all the dandelions.
02:46 - Yeah, but that's before we knew you could wish on them.
02:48 - Well, I see what's going on here.
02:50 We'll just have to find a fair way
02:52 to decide who gets to wish on this dandelion.
02:54 Back at home, we would settle things with a game of--
02:56 - Oh, a game. I know what we should play.
02:58 You're gonna love it.
03:00 Dun-dun-dun!
03:02 (grunts)
03:04 Never mind. It popped.
03:06 - Well, I have another idea.
03:08 Now, this simple game is called Ring Toss.
03:12 The first person to hit the ring
03:14 has to make a wish.
03:16 The second game is called Ring Toss.
03:18 The first team to toss a ring around the bottle
03:20 wins the dandelion.
03:22 - This will be easy.
03:24 Got it.
03:26 (grunts)
03:28 (grunts)
03:30 (grumbles)
03:32 No!
03:34 This is harder than it looks.
03:36 (grunts)
03:40 Okay, last one, Trash Truck.
03:42 You can do it.
03:44 (grunts)
03:46 - Oh, dear.
03:48 Oh, my!
03:50 - Whoa! - Oh, wow.
03:52 - Nice toss.
03:56 - Whoa! Does that count?
03:58 - No, turtles don't count.
04:00 - This game is too hard.
04:02 - What else can we try?
04:04 - Oh, how about Rock, Paper, Scissors?
04:06 - Oh, yeah, I wanna play that.
04:08 Now, paper can cover rock,
04:10 so paper wins.
04:12 Scissors can cut paper,
04:14 so scissors win.
04:16 But rock breaks scissors,
04:18 so rock wins. Get it?
04:20 - Got it. - Got it.
04:22 - Well said, Hank. - Okay, come on, Trash Truck.
04:24 Let's win this. - Walter, you play Hank.
04:26 - I'll get Trash Truck. - One, two, three.
04:28 - Yeah! We won! - No, we won.
04:30 Paper covers rock.
04:32 - I didn't choose rock.
04:34 This is paw. - What? There's no paw.
04:36 - But that's all I have.
04:38 - Hey, wait, whoa, hold on. Trash Truck, what's that?
04:40 - Scissors?
04:42 What's paper?
04:44 - That's the same as scissors!
04:46 Miss Mona, can we try something else?
04:48 - Oh, dear. Okay, here's an easy one.
04:50 How many fingers am I holding up
04:52 behind my back?
04:54 - Okay, I'm ready. The number of fingers
04:56 you are holding up is...
04:58 two! - Sorry, Hank.
05:00 - Aw, man. - Me, me, me, me, me.
05:02 My turn!
05:04 Rock! No, no, no. Pinecone!
05:06 - What? No. - Um, feather?
05:08 - It's okay. I got this.
05:10 It's blue.
05:12 - Nice, Walter. - Thank you.
05:14 - Uh, no. - Hmm?
05:16 - Walter? - Johnny, those aren't numbers.
05:18 - What's a number?
05:20 - I don't know.
05:22 - Your turn, Trash Truck.
05:24 - Oh, Trash Truck,
05:26 I already guessed two.
05:28 - I'm sorry.
05:30 It was three. - So, uh,
05:32 who guessed the dandelion?
05:34 - Well, boys, I'm afraid there just isn't a winner.
05:36 - What? - But Miss Mona...
05:38 - Hey, I think we should get it.
05:40 - Yeah. - Yeah, we asked for it first.
05:42 - Well, we saw it first.
05:44 - Yes, we did. - No, you didn't.
05:46 - Enough! You boys are getting
05:48 too worked up about this. I'm heading home
05:50 and I'm taking this dandelion with me.
05:52 - Miss Mona, Hank, what about our wish?
05:54 - You'll just have to find
05:56 a fair way to settle it on your own.
05:58 - That's impossible! - Aw, how are we
06:00 supposed to do that? - I'm sure
06:02 you'll think of something.
06:04 - Oh, man.
06:06 - Nobody's getting a wish now.
06:10 - Hmm. - Well,
06:14 you heard Miss Mona.
06:16 We gotta pick who should get it.
06:18 We just need a game that's fair.
06:20 Hmm. - Oh, how about tag?
06:22 I love tag.
06:24 - Ooh, maybe we could play something with a ball.
06:26 - Hmm.
06:28 - Maybe we can play all of them.
06:30 We'll start with rock, paper, scissors.
06:32 - And pause.
06:34 - Oh, yeah!
06:36 And then you'll watch "Trash" from your Harper.
06:38 - Ooh, hey, can I whack something?
06:40 I'll use my umbrella. - Oh, I can pop a ball.
06:42 - Hmm. - Yeah!
06:44 Good idea!
06:46 - Yes? - Hi, Miss Mona.
06:48 We figured it out.
06:50 - Hmm? - And the game
06:52 is really fair, so you'll
06:54 definitely know who should get the dandelion.
06:56 - Wonderful!
06:58 So how is this game played?
07:00 - We start with rock, paper, scissors, pop.
07:02 - And whoever wins picks a trash bat,
07:04 then the trash thrower on the other team tosses the ring,
07:06 and then... - And then we play tag.
07:08 - Until...
07:10 - And the winner gets the dandelion.
07:12 - This sounds very promising.
07:14 And what are you calling this, uh, game?
07:16 - Hmm.
07:18 Trash...
07:20 - Whacker...
07:22 Um... - Ball.
07:24 - Yeah!
07:26 Trash ball!
07:28 - Oh, sounds fun! Let's play
07:30 trash ball! - Yeah!
07:32 - The game starts when you hear the pop.
07:34 - Pop?
07:36 - Game on! - Woohoo!
07:38 - Rock, paper, scissors, pop!
07:40 - Aw, man! Pa beats rock.
07:42 - Yes! Here we go.
07:44 Look out!
07:46 Ready.
07:48 - Here you go, Trash Truck.
07:50 - Hmm.
07:52 Hmm.
07:54 - All right.
07:56 - Oh!
07:58 - Here it comes.
08:00 - Whoa! Where's the ring?
08:02 Run!
08:04 - I'll go for the ring. You attack Donny.
08:06 - Donny, run!
08:08 - Got the ring, Whacker!
08:10 - Hmm? - It's over there.
08:12 - Ooh, yeah.
08:14 I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it.
08:16 - I got it!
08:18 - Huh? - I got it.
08:20 - What?
08:22 - Aw. Booyah!
08:24 - Where's the bottle? - It's over there.
08:26 Score, Walter! - I'm gonna get it.
08:28 - Run! Run, Walter! Run! - I'm gonna get it.
08:30 - Score! Please, score, Walter!
08:32 - I'm gonna get it.
08:34 - No! - Gotcha.
08:36 - Heh heh.
08:38 - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - Got it!
08:40 - Ah!
08:42 - Ha, ha, ha, ha!
08:44 - Trash Truck!
08:46 - Ha, ha, ha!
08:48 - No!
08:50 - Trash Truck, this is it.
08:52 - Go, Trash Truck!
08:54 - Oh!
08:56 - Ah!
08:58 - Oh, my!
09:00 - Hmm.
09:02 - Hmm.
09:04 - Ah!
09:06 - Wow!
09:08 - Does that count? - Ah.
09:10 Yeah, turtle count. - Woo-hoo!
09:12 - Good game, guys. - Yeah, it was a good game.
09:14 - Trash Truck, I believe
09:16 this is yours.
09:18 - Oh. - Make a wish,
09:20 Trash Truck.
09:22 - Hmm.
09:24 - Ah.
09:26 - Ah.
09:28 - Did you wish for cookies?
09:30 - Oh, garbage.
09:32 - Was it ice cream?
09:34 - Well, what did you wish for?
09:36 - Ha! - Olive,
09:38 what are you doing here? - Guys, you gotta
09:40 see this!
09:42 - Hmm.
09:44 - Ah!
09:46 - Trash Truck wished for
09:48 more wishes. - Ah,
09:50 good wish, Trash Truck. - Hmm.
09:52 - There's enough for everyone!
09:54 - Oh, goody. - Ah, yes!
09:56 - Pajamas. - Nachos.
09:58 - Big muscles.
10:00 - Laser vision.
10:02 - Unicorn.
10:04 - Well, suppose it can't hurt.
10:06 - Pirate ship.
10:08 - Roller skate. - Let's go!
10:10 - Firecrackers. - Pizza crust.
10:12 - Yeah! - Diving.
10:14 - Shoe bicep curls. - Monster bunnies.
10:16 - Ah, oui, ouais!
10:18 (indicatif musical)
10:20 (indicatif musical)
10:22 (indicatif musical)
10:25 #Sous-titres : El Micà
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12:08 Merci à tous !
12:10 [SILENCE]