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00:00 Ready?
00:02 Welcome to Mojo Plays and today we're taking a look at the 10 best games ever made by Capcom.
00:14 Do note that we're only counting games developed and published by Capcom. No third-party stuff here. Perhaps in another list?
00:22 [Intro]
00:32 Before we begin we publish new videos all week long.
00:35 So be sure to subscribe to Mojo Plays and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
00:39 Mega Man 2
00:51 This was one of Capcom's very first massive hits. The first Mega Man did sell a ton of copies,
00:58 but Mega Man 2 has continuously withstood the test of time thanks to its pacing and controls.
01:03 Between the nonlinear format and the unique powers acquired by each robot master,
01:09 this game offered a wealth of secrets and challenges to take on.
01:19 Of course, once you figured out the best order to defeat each robot master,
01:23 there was no other way to play the game.
01:25 Even so, Mega Man 2 is still a ton of fun to play.
01:30 Even among the most hardcore Blue Bomber fans, many consider it to be the best in the franchise.
01:36 Devil May Cry 3 Dante's Awakening
01:47 [Dante's Awakening]
01:54 "This party's getting crazy!"
01:56 The Devil May Cry series may fluctuate in quality,
01:59 but if there is one DMC game you should absolutely play, it's Dante's Awakening.
02:04 The combat is way more intense, the level design is less confusing, and the music kicks so much ass.
02:12 [Dante's Awakening]
02:19 It may have taken three whole games to do.
02:22 In the end, Capcom finally figured out what makes a perfect Devil May Cry game.
02:27 Well, for the most part. The controls might take some time to get used to,
02:31 but still, it is far, far better than whatever the hell DMC2 was supposed to be.
02:37 [Dante's Awakening]
02:42 Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
02:45 A video game where you play as a lawyer doesn't sound too appealing on paper, at first.
03:00 So what do you have to do to make it interesting?
03:03 First off, lean into the comedy while keeping the serious nature of crimes in places where they need to be.
03:09 Present arguments that require the player to really analyze testimonies
03:13 and consider word choice in identifying possible lies.
03:17 [Dante's Awakening]
03:23 And just to spice things up, throw in some really absurd characters to make every trial interesting.
03:29 That is the bread and butter of Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, and it's the reason why it's amassed such a dedicated fanbase.
03:36 Even after six main games and a few spin-offs, it never gets old.
03:41 [Dante's Awakening]
03:46 Dragon's Dogma II
03:58 We know, it's really odd to put something so recent on this list
04:02 when it hasn't had much time to gestate with most folks.
04:06 Heck, some might even argue the original Dragon's Dogma reigned supreme.
04:10 However, this is a rare case where the newest game truly is spectacular.
04:16 Dragon's Dogma II does everything that the original game did well, and somehow improves upon it.
04:22 [Dragon's Dogma II]
04:28 The world is far bigger than we could have ever imagined.
04:31 You know, less loading screens.
04:33 And the crazy situations you can find yourself in make the world feel alive and unpredictable.
04:39 Even more impressive is the pawn system.
04:42 Recruiting other players' characters to form your party can lead to quests and rare items you probably would have never found on your own.
04:49 It's a whole other level of immersion that matches the enjoyment of online co-op without shattering the fantasy.
04:55 That alone should be enough for anyone to pick up a copy.
04:59 [Dragon's Dogma II]
05:06 Viewtiful Joe
05:14 If Devil May Cry 3 wasn't intense or difficult enough for you, or you want a whole other level of challenge,
05:20 well, hope your PS2 or GameCube is still in working order,
05:24 of the single-player games, Viewtiful Joe might just be the hardest game on this list.
05:29 Between the flashy graphics and the insane combos you can pull off,
05:40 the game is visually stimulating in the most outrageous way.
05:44 Might be exhausting to play after a level or two, but the adrenaline here is real.
05:49 Plus, you have secret characters to play through the game again after beating it on each difficulty.
05:54 Okami
06:08 [Okami]
06:16 There are so many words to describe Okami.
06:19 Beautiful, breathtaking, stunning, magnificent, absolutely captivating.
06:25 We won't lie, there is a problem in the game's difficulty,
06:28 but regardless, Okami is one of the greatest games Capcom ever put out in the mid-2000s.
06:34 [Okami]
06:42 Whether you played it on the PlayStation 2, the Wii, or one of the HD re-releases,
06:47 this game was truly spectacular from start to finish.
06:51 From the graphics to the story to the unique mechanics of the celestial brush,
06:55 Okami was clearly a passion project of Hideki Kamiya and his team,
07:00 painting a touching tale about the Japanese goddess of the sun, Amaterasu.
07:05 If you haven't already, please do yourself a favor and go play this game.
07:10 You won't regret it.
07:11 Monster Hunter World
07:29 For so long, the Monster Hunter games were mainly stranded on handheld,
07:33 and were mostly enjoyable through local multiplayer.
07:36 So how does a more traditional online version fare?
07:39 Very, very well.
07:41 Monster Hunter World was and continues to be one of the best entries in the franchise.
07:46 Not only does it retain the fun of learning your weapons and finding your synergy with friends,
07:57 it also manages to breathe more life into the world of Monster Hunter,
08:02 but with better visuals and bigger areas to explore.
08:05 And just when we thought it couldn't get any better,
08:08 that Iceborne expansion sweetened the deal with its new beasts to fight and refined mechanics.
08:14 Street Fighter II The World Warrior
08:26 Street Fighter II The World Warrior
08:29 It does not matter what kind of fighting game player you are,
08:34 whether it is 2D, 3D, platform fighter, or arena brawler.
08:38 The competitive scene for fighting games would not exist had Capcom not belted out Street Fighter II.
08:45 With its faster pacing and the ability to create combos from a few quick inputs,
08:50 Street Fighter II set the foundation for all future fighting games.
08:55 Street Fighter II The World Warrior
08:58 Folks were so enamored with it that we wound up getting more than a dozen different iterations of just this game,
09:08 each with its own roster and some bringing in fan favorites like our beloved Cammy.
09:14 Street Fighter II The World Warrior
09:20 Marvel vs. Capcom 2 New Age of Heroes
09:25 It is such a shame that Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is not playable on any platform available on today's market.
09:40 At least at the time of this video, hopefully that changes in the near, near, near future.
09:44 This truly is one of the greatest fighting games ever made,
09:48 and we aren't just saying that because of the meaty roster of two unlikely brands clashing.
09:53 The real meat here is how every combination of characters forces you to play differently.
10:06 You may have fun playing Spider-Man and Jill Valentine, but that third character can completely change your strategy.
10:13 It's why, despite its age, so many are clamoring for Marvel vs. Capcom 2 if the series as a whole isn't coming back for a new game.
10:22 At least Capcom, please put this on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, make it an exclusive on PC for all we care.
10:32 Just bring it back, man. Just port it on forward.
10:42 Resident Evil 4
10:44 There are so many fantastic Resident Evil games to play.
10:56 Revelations, the remake of RE2, even the original RE4 are excellent games, and they would have taken so many spots on this list.
11:04 But if there was one we could choose, it's the remake of Resident Evil 4.
11:09 Ashley, run!
11:11 Okay.
11:12 Hasta luego.
11:17 Call it recency bias, call it whatever you want, however, there is so much here that improves upon the original.
11:25 From the gunplay, to the controls, to the tighter focus and writing that balances the camp with the horror,
11:30 it is just so much fun to play that even some advocates for the original have voiced how the remake is so much better than the OG.
11:39 Don't believe us? Well, there's only one way to find out. Go play it for yourself.
11:44 Just give me a heads up before you stab me next time, okay?
11:47 But what's your favorite Capcom game? And did it make our list?
11:53 Let us know down in the comments, and be sure to subscribe to Mojo Plays for more great videos every day.
11:59 Bravo! I never dreamed that things would go so smoothly. Well done, everyone! Well done!
12:06 Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed the video, there's more where that came from.
12:11 [outro music]