Avenger Penguins Avenger Penguins S01 E005 Computer Chaos

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 *Musique*
00:24 *Musique*
00:40 *Musique*
00:54 *Musique*
01:14 *Musique*
01:42 *Musique*
01:53 *Musique*
01:57 *Musique*
02:05 *Musique*
02:29 *Musique*
02:33 *Musique*
02:40 *Musique*
02:51 *Musique*
03:16 *Musique*
03:31 *Musique*
03:59 *Musique*
04:28 *Musique*
04:32 *Musique*
04:37 *Musique*
04:42 *Musique*
04:55 *Musique*
05:09 *Musique*
05:37 *Musique*
06:04 *Musique*
06:33 *Musique*
06:47 *Musique*
07:00 *Musique*
07:28 *Musique*
07:55 *Musique*
07:58 *Musique*
08:26 *Musique*
08:31 *Musique*
08:32 *Musique*
08:38 *Musique*
08:55 *Musique*
09:22 *Musique*
09:46 *Rire*
09:47 *Rire*
09:47 *Rire*
10:13 *Rire*
10:23 *Rire*
10:43 *Musique*
11:11 *Musique*
11:31 *Musique*
11:57 *Musique*
12:21 *Cri de Seroths*
12:23 *Musique*
12:25 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:27 - Yikes! - Oh, oh! Wow!
12:30 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:32 - Wow!
12:35 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:39 - Wouf! Oui! Oui! Bien!
12:41 Aïe! Oh! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
12:43 (coups de klaxon)
12:45 Bouh! Paf! Hop! Hop!
12:46 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:48 - Wouh! Wouh! - Aïe! Aïe!
12:51 - Wouh! Wouh! - Aïe! Aïe!
12:53 - Crèche un bouton!
12:55 (coups de klaxon)
12:57 (coups de klaxon)
12:58 ♪ ♪ ♪
13:01 - Ah, slime!
13:03 - There's nothing like a wonderful piece of organ music!
13:08 - And this is nothing like a wonderful piece of organ music!
13:11 (souffle)
13:13 - Time to switch on the monster drum
13:15 and receive our guests.
13:16 - Oh!
13:17 (souffle)
13:19 Thank goodness!
13:21 (souffle)
13:25 - Prepare to throw the switch!
13:28 (souffle)
13:30 (souffle)
13:33 (rire)
13:34 At last!
13:36 Those interfering furballs are in my clutches!
13:38 Now, slime, the squisher!
13:41 When the world sees what I can do
13:44 to these puny, pernicious, preposterous penguins,
13:48 they'll have no choice but to acknowledge my what, slime?
13:52 - Your genius, Dr. Doom.
13:54 - Precisely!
13:55 With my arch-enemy squished, plucked, sliced, diced,
13:59 honey-roasted or southern-fried,
14:02 I'll be declared king of the world.
14:04 (giggle)
14:05 (cackle)
14:07 And no one can stop me!
14:09 (cackle)
14:12 (cough)
14:14 (cackle)
14:16 Ha! Ha! Ha!
14:18 - I'll get you a glass of water.
14:22 - Thank you.
14:23 (vrombissement)
14:25 (vrombissement)
14:27 (vrombissement)
14:28 - Aw, wick!
14:30 Did you see where that went?
14:32 - Yeah, course I did.
14:33 There ain't nothing wrong with my eyes.
14:35 - Well, where did it go, then, you old goat?
14:39 - Um... Oh, I can't remember.
14:42 (vrombissement)
14:45 (vrombissement)
14:48 (vrombissement)
14:49 Did you see that?
14:51 - So see what?
14:52 - She was a penguin on a motorbike.
14:54 - Oh, that reminds me.
14:57 It's time for our nap.
15:00 (vrombissement)
15:02 (vrombissement)
15:05 (vrombissement)
15:06 (vrombissement)
15:09 (vrombissement)
15:12 - Glad you could make it, Featherbrains.
15:15 It won't be the same without you.
15:17 - Hey, don't mention it to me.
15:19 We were going to keep in touch.
15:21 - Honnest?
15:22 - Yeah, through a medium.
15:23 You'll never get away with this.
15:25 Our friend Bluey is on your trail right now.
15:27 - And what can one psychotic little dwarf penguin do
15:31 to the great Karateka Speedoom?
15:34 Surround me!
15:35 (laughing)
15:37 (vrombissement)
15:40 (vrombissement)
15:42 (musique joyeuse)
15:44 - Ha-ha!
15:45 (imitating a car)
15:47 Doom, baby!
15:49 - Away the go, Bluey!
15:51 My hero.
15:53 - My bike!
15:54 (imitating a car)
15:56 (imitating a car)
15:59 (imitating a car)
16:02 - What's the little fool chirping about?
16:04 - He's trying to warn you about the high explosives
16:07 contained in our shorts.
16:09 - In our shorts?
16:11 There's high explosives?
16:13 Oh!
16:14 Oh, yeah!
16:17 - The high explosive in our shorts.
16:21 (imitating a car)
16:24 - No, don't tell him anymore, Bluey.
16:26 Don't tell him about how sudden impact
16:27 will detonate our underpants,
16:29 blowing everyone and everything to kingdom come.
16:31 - For miles around.
16:33 - Oh, no!
16:34 I don't want to be blown to bits.
16:36 It took me days to get over it the last time.
16:38 - Pay no attention to them, Slime.
16:39 They're bluffing.
16:40 Sayonara, seaweed suckers.
16:43 - No! No!
16:44 (vrombissement)
16:45 (vrombissement)
16:47 - Slime, you adult brain meek-a-poop!
16:49 There are no exploding shorts!
16:51 It's a trick!
16:52 Move, I tell you!
16:54 - Don't let him push you around, Slimey baby,
16:55 or we'll all be the new color scheme.
16:58 (imitating a car)
17:01 (imitating a car)
17:04 (imitating a car)
17:06 (vrombissement)
17:07 (vrombissement)
17:09 (vrombissement)
17:12 - Ah!
17:14 Boris!
17:15 (rire)
17:17 - Surely you didn't think we were serious.
17:21 - No.
17:23 We wouldn't squish you.
17:26 We like you.
17:27 Honest.
17:28 Cross my heart and hope to...
17:31 Well, cross my heart anyway.
17:33 - Here's the deal.
17:35 You turn the squisher off,
17:37 and we can just forget this ever happened.
17:42 Is that fair?
17:44 - Just press that little button.
17:47 Just there.
17:48 That's the one.
17:50 Just press it.
17:52 Press it!
17:54 - Uh, no.
17:55 We need time to think.
17:58 - Time to think?
18:00 Oh, why, you conniving little...
18:03 Dirty under...
18:04 (laughing)
18:07 Any time in the next five seconds is okay with me.
18:12 (vrombissement)
18:14 - No!
18:16 Hurry!
18:17 (vrombissement)
18:19 - We'll let you know in writing, Doc.
18:20 So long!
18:22 (vrombissement)
18:23 - This is all your fault, you halfwit!
18:27 Exploding shorts!
18:30 (vrombissement)
18:31 (gémissement)
18:34 - Uh-oh.
18:35 You know what?
18:38 I have an itchy nose.
18:40 (vrombissement)
18:41 (gémissement)
18:43 ♪ ♪
18:46 (en anglais)
18:48 (en anglais)
18:50 (en anglais)
18:52 (en anglais)
18:56 (en anglais)
18:58 (en anglais)
19:01 (en anglais)
19:04 (en anglais)
19:07 (tongue cliquant)
19:08 (en anglais)
19:11 (en anglais)
19:15 (rires)
19:19 (vrombissement)
19:21 (gémissement)
19:23 (en anglais)
19:26 (en anglais)
19:29 ♪ ♪
19:33 ♪ Avengers, Avengers ♪
19:36 ♪ Avengers, Penguins ♪
19:39 ♪ ♪
19:46 ♪ Avengers, Avengers ♪
19:49 ♪ Avengers, Penguins ♪
19:51 ♪ Time to fight ♪
19:53 ♪ Fight! ♪
19:54 ♪ Yeah! ♪
