Gofrette Gofrette E020 The Birdysitter

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 *musique*
00:02 *musique*
00:04 *musique*
00:06 Une journée extraordinaire, extraordinaire, journée avec vous.
00:10 Je vais avoir un jour, je vais avoir un bon jour, je vais avoir un bon jour.
00:14 Le soleil fait que nous sommes heureux, et la pluie ne nous arrête jamais si il y a tellement de choses à découvrir partout.
00:22 C'est quand je pense au jour, une journée extraordinaire, extraordinaire, journée, ici.
00:29 Je vais avoir un jour, je vais avoir un bon jour, je vais avoir un bon jour.
00:33 Je vais avoir un jour, je vais avoir un bon jour, je vais avoir un bon jour.
00:37 [Musique]
00:40 Go for it!
00:42 [Musique]
00:50 Hi Houdini, what's that noise?
00:53 Oh, it's sure cold out. I better go see what's going on.
01:00 Hello there, you little guys must be cold. Now that's warmer, isn't it little birds?
01:06 [Murmures]
01:11 Good morning little guys. That was a nice cozy sleep, wasn't it? I have to go get ready now.
01:16 Bye birds, you should sleep over again sometime.
01:22 That sounds good Aunt Edna. I'm really glad you sent me this old-fashioned weaving loom.
01:27 It's going to help me design some fabulous clothing.
01:30 Oh, I bet it will dear. Just remember the loom should work wonderfully as long as you don't go too fast at first. Okay?
01:37 Goodbye dear. Thanks. Goodbye Aunt Edna.
01:40 This sure seems easy.
01:45 [Musique]
01:47 I guess I started too fast. Hey, this material would make some nice fashion tights.
01:54 Just in time for the cold weather.
01:56 Yeah, you have fun too Red. Bye, see you after the movie.
02:02 Ellie's too busy to go to the movie. Something about the world's greatest invention. But she said she'd see us after to show us something.
02:13 Oh, this movie is supposed to be the best.
02:21 The little birds? They must have followed us all the way from home.
02:25 Sorry, no small winged creatures allowed in the cinema.
02:28 So we can't watch the movie because of the birds?
02:31 Sorry, it's because Wendell once came in with a bunch of bats. Thank goodness they're gone.
02:38 But why would these birds follow me?
02:40 Who knows?
02:42 Hey, him!
02:44 Hi Mr. Moose. Would you know why these little birds are following Go Fred everywhere?
02:49 Oh, hmm. In my work as a forest ranger, I've seen that if birds lose their mother, they sometimes bond with someone else.
02:56 It looks like that might have happened with you Go Fred. They're kind of making you their substitute mother.
03:01 Me? A mother? Zowie zowie. They want me to be their mother bird.
03:08 Did you see the real mother?
03:10 No, they just showed up at my house in the middle of the night.
03:14 Maybe the mother went for food and they wandered away. You should probably learn more about them at the library.
03:19 Hey Go Fred, can't we put these birds somewhere so we can see the movie?
03:24 Are you kidding? I can't leave them alone. I'm their mother.
03:29 I'm sure I'm going to have to look after them and take care of them and teach them everything they need to know.
03:34 Don't you think they're stylish, elegant and original? Can you stock some in your store?
03:39 They're going to be the next big trend.
03:41 Definitely original. I guess I could stock a couple of pairs.
03:46 Great! I have 20 pairs with me and material ready for another 200 pairs.
03:51 They feel warm. Very warm.
03:54 Of course. And they're extremely fashionable.
03:58 It's a huge responsibility, Fudge. I wonder if I'll have to teach them how to fly.
04:03 But you can't fly.
04:05 Well, I've never really tried.
04:07 You guys notice anything?
04:09 Hey, it looks like you have long black hairs growing on your legs.
04:13 Aren't they just divine? I made them.
04:16 They look great, Ellie.
04:18 Be honest now. Wouldn't you just love to wear a pair of them?
04:22 Nope. I would. All the superheroes in my superhero comics wear tights.
04:27 They're at Hamlet's store. You can get your pairs there. I think they're going to be a big new trend.
04:32 Hey, they like you, Ellie. And your tights.
04:36 Where did these little guys come from?
04:38 The sky. They think I'm their mother.
04:41 Aww, aren't they precious?
04:44 Call me if you need any advice. I know a thing or two about birds.
04:48 Well, it's too late for the movie. So now what?
04:50 We have birds to take care of.
04:52 We'll need bird food and library books to learn about birds and...
04:57 Here's the bird food section.
04:59 Zowie, do you feed the birds, Hamlet?
05:02 Um, yeah. Birds have to eat too, right?
05:06 I didn't know Hamlet liked birds.
05:09 Gee, Red, I don't know. They don't seem to like the bird seed.
05:14 I'm glad they like the pumpernickel breadcrumbs.
05:17 But the baker lady says she won't have more pumpernickel bread until Wednesday.
05:22 A hundred bird parenting tips.
05:24 And the not-so-smart-person's guide to mothering baby birds.
05:29 I'll start with the flying part.
05:31 First, you do like this. And then you run and flap your little arms...
05:36 wings... on your mark, get set, go!
05:41 Good start. We'll try again tomorrow.
05:46 Just a little over the top.
05:51 Oh, no! The birds will love it.
05:53 Here you go, my little birdies.
05:55 Maybe if we change the wallpaper in the bedroom.
06:00 I don't know, Fudge.
06:02 Maybe these birds have to be wild and free and live outside.
06:06 Oh...
06:07 And if only I could figure out what they like to eat besides pumpernickel crumbs.
06:12 Look, Ellie, I was wondering if you could give us some tips on finding worms to eat.
06:17 Vanilla layer cake doesn't seem to be working so well.
06:20 I knew it! I knew one day you and Fudge would come to appreciate the delectable taste of a squishy worm!
06:26 No, Ellie. It's for my birds.
06:29 Oh, right! Silly me! How about tomorrow morning, after I bring Hamlet more of my fabulous woolly tights?
06:35 Great! I'll tell the birds.
06:37 Who would have thought the clouds were all fluffy, like pillows!
06:43 But watch your step, little guys!
06:46 Whoa! Long Ears, what a dream! I was dreaming about flying and falling.
06:55 Oh, maybe I'm not meant to be a bird, or a bird mother.
07:00 I wonder how my little ones like sleeping outside.
07:03 Oh, I must have let them in.
07:06 You know, Long Ears, I don't think I can teach them to fly.
07:10 I have to find a mother for these birds. Maybe Ellie, after all, she is a bird.
07:15 Like this!
07:17 And that is how you catch and eat a worm.
07:23 Pardon, moi.
07:25 Ok, birds, you try it.
07:27 Not all birds like worms.
07:30 Are you fishing, Hamlet?
07:33 Yes, yes I am. But I forgot my fishing rod.
07:37 Ellie, do you have any more pairs of tights to put in my shop? I'm sold out.
07:40 Oh, that's fantastic! But I haven't seen anyone wearing any.
07:45 Maybe people are wearing them as pajamas. So do bring some by.
07:49 Oh, I will!
07:51 Ellie, I was thinking that you might make a good mother for the birds. What do you think?
07:55 Oh, Gofret, what a charming thing to say. But I don't know, it's a big responsibility.
08:03 It sure is.
08:05 And with my tights being snapped up so fast, I might be really busy in the next little while.
08:09 They're gone! My birds! Come on, we have to find them!
08:13 Hey, Frank.
08:17 We better check on Main Street.
08:20 Oh, my birdies! I saw some heading up the street. They were so cute!
08:24 Wendell, did you see some baby birds go by?
08:27 I saw some following Hamlet. Now if only I could find my last baby bat.
08:32 Hamlet!
08:34 Is that you, Hamlet? Where have you been?
08:39 It's just us, Mrs. Hamlet. Do you know where Hamlet is?
08:43 He's out back behind the store more than he's in the store these days.
08:46 Good day, Rufia. I bet you'll love these, won't you?
08:51 You have a bird too!
08:53 Shhh!
08:55 My birds!
08:57 She's their mother.
09:00 Zowee! We found their real mother!
09:03 She's mine! She had a sore wing and couldn't fly, so I helped her and... and... and... and she likes me.
09:11 Hamlet, where are you?
09:14 I guess I have to let her go... with her baby birds.
09:18 Hamlet, you used all my tights here! That's why no one in town is wearing them. You could have just asked me.
09:25 But then everyone would know I had a bird back here.
09:28 So this is what they eat! Bullrushes and waterweeds and... stuff!
09:34 And roots! I read it in a book when she wouldn't eat the bird seed I got her.
09:38 Well, I guess now that they're all back together, they'll be flying south for the winter.
09:42 I read that in Gofret's book.
09:45 But it's just so sad that they'll have to leave so soon.
09:50 It says here that these birds are geese, and every year they fly back to the same place.
09:56 Really?
09:57 Yeah! They'll be back next year at the same time! And I have an idea! Before they go, let's have some fun!
10:05 This is fun, but can't you guys move over?
10:09 Aren't my new woolly tights marvelous?
10:12 A sleepover for everyone! What a great way to say goodbye before the birds leave!
10:17 I guess we can go see the Aliens Dance Part 2 tomorrow.
10:20 I'm not allowed to go. I have to clean up my bird mess.
10:25 This is great! Everyone looks so warm!
10:32 Hey, look! The birds are doing a flyover!
10:37 I can't wait to see them next year!
10:40 Me too! I think I'm going to miss them!
10:43 Hum! Hum!
10:46 Translation & sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe Traduction & sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.dewaghe@gmail.com
10:47 [Générique de fin]