Gofrette Gofrette E009 For the Birds

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 *Musique*
00:02 *Musique*
00:04 ♪ Extraordinary day ♪
00:05 ♪ Extraordinary everyday with you ♪
00:08 ♪ Gonna have a day ♪
00:09 ♪ Gonna have a good day ♪
00:10 ♪ Gonna have a good day ♪
00:12 ♪ The sunshine makes me happy ♪
00:14 ♪ And the rain drops never stop me ♪
00:16 ♪ When there's so much to discover everywhere ♪
00:19 ♪ That's when I think about the day ♪
00:22 ♪ An extraordinary day ♪
00:23 ♪ Extraordinary everyday right here ♪
00:26 ♪ Gonna have a day ♪
00:28 ♪ Gonna have a good day ♪
00:29 ♪ Gonna have a good day ♪
00:30 ♪ Gonna have a day ♪
00:31 ♪ Gonna have a good day ♪
00:32 ♪ Gonna have a great day ♪
00:34 ♪ Oh ♪
00:35 ♪ Oh ♪
00:36 ♪ Oh ♪
00:37 ♪ Oh ♪
00:38 ♪ Go Fred ♪
00:39 ♪ Oh ♪
00:40 (crickets chirping)
00:43 - Hey, long ears, who would have thought
00:45 that taking a bath could be so much fun?
00:48 I think I saw a whale down there.
00:50 - What can I do, Greta?
00:51 My backstage helper has the green polka dot
00:54 measle thingies.
00:55 Even his mouse has the green polka dot
00:57 measle things too.
00:58 We need him for the show tonight.
01:00 Someone has to sweep up for the Fusilli Brothers
01:02 performance in the trapeze extravaganza.
01:05 - Maybe you should call in someone to help.
01:07 - Yes, you're right, Greta.
01:09 I'll call my cousin, Gofret.
01:11 - Here, you can use my phone.
01:13 (phone ringing)
01:16 - Whoa, whoa, Garbonzo.
01:20 - My little cousin, Gofret.
01:22 Are you busy?
01:23 - No, I was just deep sea diving.
01:25 I think I just saw a whale.
01:26 - What, you're at the ocean?
01:28 - No, in my bathtub.
01:30 - Oh, I see.
01:32 Well, yes, my cousin, I need your help today
01:34 at El Teatro Zanimo for the magic show
01:37 and for the trapeze extravaganza.
01:39 And can you bring Fudge to help too?
01:41 - Sure, I'll help.
01:43 And Fudge will want to too.
01:44 - Ah, magnifico.
01:46 I'll see you then.
01:47 Bye for now.
01:48 All my fleas.
01:49 - Zow, yeah.
01:50 Bye, Garbonzo.
01:51 All my fleas to you too.
01:53 Zabra, madabra, dim, biddy boo.
01:57 Here's a magic trick for you.
02:00 (sifflement)
02:02 (sifflement)
02:04 - What's Gofret doing?
02:06 - I don't know.
02:07 Looks fun.
02:08 - Hi, Gofret.
02:09 Fudge told me about you two and the Teatro Zanimo.
02:11 Are you really going up on the trapeze?
02:13 - Of course.
02:15 Garbonzo said he needed help with the trapeze
02:17 and the magic show.
02:18 - To be safe, we better get some practice time
02:20 on that trapeze.
02:21 - I know a lot about trapezing.
02:23 My aunt Edna wrote a book about trapezing
02:25 called Trapezing is for the Birds.
02:28 - Does this trick ever end?
02:31 - You know, I've never been up on the trapeze before.
02:33 - Me neither.
02:34 - Are you guys sure you know what you're doing?
02:37 I mean, if cats and dogs were meant to fly,
02:40 they'd have wings, right?
02:41 - We should ask Garbonzo if we can practice right away.
02:47 Practice makes perfect.
02:48 - Remember, as Edna says in chapter six,
02:52 if you feel yourself falling,
02:53 just spin your propeller and you'll be completely safe.
02:56 - We don't have propellers.
02:58 - Then just flop your, oh, don't mind me.
03:02 I'm just worrying out loud.
03:03 - Maestro, here are the brooms
03:05 for Go Fred and Fudge to use.
03:07 - I'll bet my little cousin will do a fantastico job.
03:10 - Oh, and here they are.
03:12 - Welcome my fabulous cousin and his fabulous friends.
03:16 I'm so glad you could come help.
03:18 You are a most important part of El Teatro's animo.
03:22 - We're really excited to help you
03:25 in the magic show, Garbonzo,
03:27 but we've never done this before.
03:29 - What, never?
03:30 I don't believe it.
03:32 I thought everyone had.
03:34 - Nope, we never have.
03:36 - Fudge thinks we may need a little practice.
03:39 - They don't have propellers or wings,
03:41 so it's kind of dangerous.
03:43 - Dangerous?
03:44 I don't think it's dangerous.
03:45 You just watch where you go and take it slow.
03:48 And don't forget to go in the corners.
03:49 It's easy, I'll show you.
03:51 See, it's not so scary.
03:53 You hold with your hands and you push slowly.
03:55 It's not dangerous.
03:56 - The magician always leaves a mess.
03:58 The birds in his sleeves leave behind lots of feathers.
04:01 - You just want us to sweep?
04:03 We don't have to go up on the trapeze?
04:05 - The trapeze?
04:06 Mamma mia, no trapeze.
04:08 You just sweep today and that will help
04:10 to make the teatro a great success.
04:13 - That was close.
04:14 - I love sweeping.
04:16 This will be fun.
04:17 - Now my friends, I will show you where you must sweep.
04:20 - Jeepers, you have really big muscles
04:23 and that's a very nice outfit, Greta.
04:25 - Thank you, Ellie.
04:28 - It's fun to work for El Teatro.
04:31 But I think it would be even more fun
04:34 to swing on the trapeze.
04:35 - Yeah.
04:36 - We wouldn't have been afraid.
04:38 - No way, not us.
04:39 - I'm hungry, Fudge.
04:47 What's that smell?
04:48 - It smells like pineapple pickle ice cream pizza
04:53 with a hint of oregano and it's coming from out back.
04:56 - We're done for now, so let's grab a little snack.
05:00 - Measles.
05:03 Ooh, I bet Fudge and I could do that.
05:09 - And Edna says anyone can fly up on the trapeze.
05:17 How hard can it be if trapeze people do it
05:20 and don't even have wings or a propeller?
05:22 - Give it a whirl.
05:23 This should be a cinch for me
05:27 after reading Aunt Edna's book.
05:29 Trapezing is for the birds.
05:31 - Whoa!
05:32 Whoa!
05:34 - I wonder what the book says to do if you get stuck.
05:38 Oh dear, this is embarrassing.
05:40 I can't let Garbanzo and Greta see me like this.
05:45 - Garbanzo, more bad news.
05:47 Sergio also has the green measles,
05:49 so we'll need another trapeze artist to do the show.
05:52 - His love doves have the green measles too.
05:54 And it gets worse.
05:56 The great Scalopini refuses to come out
05:57 of his magical disappearing box
05:59 until he figures out a magic spell
06:01 to remove green polka dots.
06:03 - Aye, aye, aye!
06:04 What will we do?
06:06 - Maybe we can find replacements.
06:07 It's our only chance.
06:08 - Yes, replacements, but who?
06:11 Help!
06:12 - It was really neat of Pino to give us
06:13 enough pizza for everyone at Teatro Xanimo.
06:16 - Well, we kind of got carried away making the pizzas.
06:19 - Well, sorry Fudge.
06:20 Making 10 pizzas was as easy as making one
06:22 once we really got going.
06:25 I hear Ellie.
06:26 I mean her propeller.
06:27 - Up here?
06:29 - What are you doing up there?
06:31 - Getting dizzy.
06:32 I tried the trapeze and I kind of slipped.
06:35 Maybe check my book to see what to do
06:37 if the trapezes get stuck.
06:39 - We'll save you, don't worry.
06:41 - We will?
06:42 - We have to.
06:45 Hmm, what does it say here?
06:47 - I don't think pizzas go up here.
06:49 - Why not?
06:50 - You never know when a pizza pang is gonna hit you.
06:52 The book says we just swing out on the swings
06:55 and grab Ellie and pull her back, okay?
06:57 - Right.
06:58 - On the count of three.
06:59 One, two, three!
07:01 Well, that didn't work.
07:06 Okay, now go upside down and I'm going to dive
07:09 through the air and you catch me by my feet.
07:11 - Dive?
07:12 - But, but, but--
07:13 - No one, I can find no one.
07:15 We will have to cancel the show.
07:17 This is terrible, terrible.
07:20 - Oh, Fred, mamma mia!
07:21 Oh my, my, I don't believe my eyes!
07:26 - Whoa!
07:27 Aunt Edna never wrote about this!
07:30 - Now we can untangle Ellie.
07:32 Wait, whoa, I can't hold on!
07:34 - Aye, aye, aye!
07:50 - Oh, hoo, hoo!
07:51 (laughs)
07:52 Let's do that again.
07:54 - I think we have our replacements
07:55 for the trapeze extravaganza
07:57 and it's from my own family.
08:00 - This is fabulous.
08:01 He didn't drop a noodle from his bowl of spaghetti
08:09 and he's upside down.
08:11 - Okay, you magnifico trapeze artists,
08:13 we're going up now.
08:15 - Zoey, Zo, this is exciting.
08:20 - Ladies and gentlemen,
08:22 El Teatro's Animo is proud to present
08:25 the trapeze extravaganza gran finale
08:28 with our special guests,
08:30 the incredible Go Fred
08:31 and the fabuloso Raj.
08:34 - They're my friends.
08:35 They're going to be terrific.
08:37 - I forgot about that pizza.
08:41 It smells delicious.
08:42 - Don't even think about it.
08:44 There's no time for pizza.
08:45 - There's always time for pizza.
08:49 - Broccoli.
08:50 (smacks lips)
08:51 My favorite.
08:52 - Ready, fudge?
08:59 Let's go.
08:59 - Grab on, Go Fred.
09:08 Now, grab my hands.
09:10 - Aren't they wonderful?
09:12 They're my best friends in the whole world.
09:15 (sifflements)
09:18 (sirènes)
09:20 - There's no stopping that cousin of mine.
09:32 - Careful, Go Fred.
09:34 There's a fly on the wire.
09:36 - I think Grena said, "Go higher."
09:39 - No!
09:41 (sirènes)
09:43 - Yeah!
09:55 - Hey!
09:56 (sirènes)
09:58 - You, my friends, were fantastical.
10:08 The crowd loved you so much.
10:10 And then you gave them all pizza.
10:12 What a show!
10:13 - That was too fun.
10:15 Too fun.
10:17 - You must come again tomorrow, yes?
10:19 And do your show again?
10:21 (laughs)
10:22 I am joking.
10:23 Tomorrow is National Clean Your Belly Button Day.
10:25 There will be no show at El Teatro's Animo.
10:29 - Okay, long ears.
10:32 It's been a long day.
10:34 Let's go get some sleep.
10:36 It's National Clean Your Belly Button Day tomorrow.
10:38 - Do you have a belly button, long ears?
10:41 Hmm?
10:45 (upbeat music)
10:47 (upbeat music)
10:50 (upbeat music)
10:53 (upbeat music)
10:55 (upbeat music)
10:58 (upbeat music)
11:00 *Musique*