The Billionaire Bastard - Episode 251-260

  • 4 months ago
Story that you can't Avoid ❤️
#AmirTheStoryteller #new #story
00:00:00 "This is too… too much… too much… I can't take it."
00:00:11 Chelsea's father hurriedly waved his hand, and even his speech became sloppy. He wanted
00:00:16 the betrothal gift, but he didn't feel right accepting that much. Ten million was to scare
00:00:21 Harry and let him know he should retreat. However, when Kevin heard about it, the offer
00:00:27 became fifty million. How could he dare to accept it? He was greedy for money, but wasn't
00:00:33 greedy enough to ask for fifty million.
00:00:35 "Compared to Harry's happiness, it's not much," Kevin smiled faintly. "I'll
00:00:41 get someone to transfer the money to you later."
00:00:43 After saying that, Kevin turned around and left without looking back. Chelsea's father
00:00:49 was shocked and frozen on the spot. Looking at the gazes of envy from the many guests
00:00:53 in the hall, he was slightly at a loss.
00:00:58 After getting out of the elevator, Kevin handed the card to Harry. "Take this card with
00:01:02 the five hundred million, and treat it as something I lent you." Five hundred million
00:01:06 was not much to him, but Harry could do many things with five hundred million in his pocket.
00:01:12 "Alright," Harry said. "I'll treat this five hundred million as a loan. When
00:01:17 I earn more money in the future, I'll pay you back double."
00:01:21 Harry took the card and didn't stand at the ceremony with Kevin. Today, everyone
00:01:27 had an ugly expression on their face. Harry finally realized how important money was in
00:01:32 this society. Without money, you know better than dog shit. At least dog shit doesn't
00:01:38 make everyone want to step on it.
00:01:40 Previously, he didn't want to owe Kevin too much because he felt he could not repay
00:01:45 him. But this time, he wanted to try. He wanted to use Kevin's five hundred million to
00:01:52 earn even more. He was going to force himself to do it for once.
00:01:56 "Alright," Kevin smiled. Harry's potential was enormous. What he lacked was an opportunity
00:02:02 to soar into the sky. What he did would be just as good as anyone else's if given a
00:02:08 chance.
00:02:09 After leaving the L.A. Tower Hotel, Kevin returned to the Beverly Hills Villa. The villa
00:02:13 was empty, and Claire was not at home. Kevin sighed. Ever since Claire found out his true
00:02:19 identity, there had been an invisible barrier between the two of them. The last time they
00:02:25 had separated briefly, it had not caused this estrangement to disappear. Instead, it had
00:02:30 become even deeper.
00:02:33 Kevin felt a bit helpless. This was the first time he had encountered this kind of thing,
00:02:37 so he didn't know how to deal with it. At that moment, an unfamiliar call came in.
00:02:44 "Kevin?" The voice on the other end of the line was clear and harmonious, like an aureole.
00:02:50 "Nick?" After pondering for a few seconds, Kevin finally realized it was Nick's voice.
00:02:56 "What's the matter?" Kevin's voice was cold. If possible, he didn't want to get involved
00:03:02 with Nick too much.
00:03:03 "Can't I give you a call if I'm okay? Why does there have to be a problem?" Nick's tone
00:03:09 seemed to sound as if she was reprimanding him.
00:03:13 Before Kevin could say anything, Nick continued, "I want to see you tomorrow."
00:03:17 "I'm not free," Kevin frowned. "I have something to tell you."
00:03:22 "What is it?" Kevin raised his eyebrows.
00:03:24 "He just killed Otis yesterday. Could it be that Nick came to find him because of her
00:03:29 brother? About Claire?"
00:03:32 "Claire?" Nick's answer surprised Kevin. "What happened to Claire?"
00:03:37 "If you want to know, I'll see you on Queen Street at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon."
00:03:42 After that, without waiting for Kevin's reply, Nick hung up the phone.
00:03:47 Kevin shook his head helplessly. Nick was holding him tightly. She knew that once he
00:03:52 heard Claire's name, he would lose his sense of decency and show up at the meeting point.
00:03:58 At four p.m. the next day, Kevin arrived at Queen Street on time. Queen Street was the
00:04:03 center of Sacramento, so the place was always bustling. It was four in the afternoon, but
00:04:09 Queen Street was already overcrowded. Kevin parked the car by the roadside and waited
00:04:13 quietly for Nick. A few minutes later, a black Range Rover stopped beside Kevin. The window
00:04:20 rolled down, revealing a delicate and beautiful face. It was Nick.
00:04:25 "Get in," Nick smiled sweetly.
00:04:29 Kevin opened the car door and sat in the front passenger seat. He didn't know why, but he
00:04:35 felt a bit uncomfortable. Nick's temperament was as unpredictable as the weather in June.
00:04:40 Sometimes she was as cold as an icy goddess, and cute and charming as a sorceress.
00:04:46 "Say it. What happened to Claire?" Kevin couldn't help but ask.
00:04:51 The corner of Nick's mouth rose. "Come with me for a walk. I'll tell you once we're done
00:04:56 shopping." Kevin's mouth twitched. He had thought of thousands of conditions that Nick would
00:05:02 put forward, but he had never thought of one like this.
00:05:05 "Shopping?"
00:05:06 "Why? Are you unwilling?" Nick raised her pretty eyebrows.
00:05:11 "Yes," Kevin smiled bitterly. "If possible, you would rather help Nick kill someone than
00:05:17 shopping with her."
00:05:18 "Then let's go," Nick giggled and suddenly stepped on the accelerator. The seat back
00:05:25 pushed strongly against Kevin's body. Nick's Range Rover roared along the road like a wild
00:05:30 ox that had escaped its reins. The pedestrians were all staring at them.
00:05:35 "Slow down," Kevin frowned. "This was downtown, but Nick was doing eighty miles an hour down
00:05:40 the main street. What if he crashed into someone?"
00:05:43 "Are you scared?" The corners of Nick's mouth curled up in amusement. Kevin rolled his eyes
00:05:49 and ignored Nick.
00:05:50 "The Grand Champion of the driving tournament is actually afraid of riding in someone else's
00:05:55 fast car?" Nick muttered again.
00:05:58 Not only did she not slow down, she even stepped on the accelerator again. The black Range
00:06:04 Rover shot through the traffic like lightning, leaving the other cars behind.
00:06:09 "Damn, is this idiot on drugs?"
00:06:12 Not far behind the Range Rover, in the front seat of a yellow Maserati, a young man with
00:06:16 yellow hair sat with his hands on the wheel.
00:06:19 "Brian, you... slow down! I'm afraid!" Sitting in the front passenger seat was a young girl
00:06:26 wearing a crop top. She spoke with a trembling voice.
00:06:30 Since the Range Rover had passed the Maserati, this yellow-haired teenager had stepped on
00:06:34 the gas pedal like a madman. He had already blown through several red lights on the way.
00:06:40 Previously, the young girl thought that the yellow-haired youth's car racing was cool,
00:06:46 but when she sat in the car with him while he drove, she really couldn't keep her cool.
00:06:51 When a normal person drove a car that fast, their soul chased behind them. If he weren't
00:06:56 careful, his soul would never catch back up.
00:06:59 "What are you afraid of?" The yellow-haired youth unhappily glared at the red-faced beauty
00:07:04 and then fiercely stomped on the gas pedal, saying, "You watch! We will catch up to this
00:07:10 idiot today! We'll let him know who's the boss here on Queen Street!"
00:07:14 A black and yellow streak of lightning crossed the road. Nick had noticed that Maserati was
00:07:19 chasing her from behind. "Idiot," she laughed disdainfully and pushed the throttle to its
00:07:25 limit.
00:07:26 Kevin closed his eyes and prepared to sleep in the front passenger seat. He did not intend
00:07:31 to argue with Nick, because Nick was a crazy woman and there was no reason to argue with
00:07:36 her.
00:07:37 Ten minutes later, Nick parked her car in front of the mall. She didn't leave the car
00:07:41 immediately, but waited for the Maserati to catch up.
00:07:51 Kevin shook his head. The owner of the Maserati behind him was not an ordinary person. Since
00:07:57 he could see it clearly, Nick naturally could see it. Nick was looking for trouble. A minute
00:08:04 later, the ear-piercing squeal of brakes could be heard. The Maserati screeched to a halt
00:08:10 next to the Range Rover. The yellow-haired teenager was flustered. He had boasted in
00:08:16 front of his woman that he wanted to let the Range Rover know who the boss of Queen Street
00:08:20 was. In the end, he wound up a few kilometers behind the Range Rover, in the dust. He had
00:08:28 lost all respect.
00:08:30 "Bang!" The yellow-haired youth got out of the car and slammed the door. He walked
00:08:36 in front of the Range Rover and knocked on the window. The window rolled down. Nick was
00:08:42 expressionless.
00:08:44 The yellow-haired youth's eyes widened and he swallowed all the dirty words he was prepared
00:08:49 to say.
00:08:51 "Wow! Beautiful girl, your driving skills are pretty good!" The yellow-haired youth
00:08:57 changed his exasperated expression and switched to a smiling face.
00:09:02 "Shit!" Nick's response was clean and crisp. The yellow-haired youth did not take
00:09:08 it to heart and laughed.
00:09:10 "No?"
00:09:11 "Where are you going?"
00:09:12 "I've got the big bedroom of the Hilton Luxury Suite. That place is pretty good.
00:09:18 Can we go there to get lost?"
00:09:20 "Wow!"
00:09:21 "Really?" The corners of Nick's mouth curled up into a mocking smile.
00:09:27 "Yeah!" Believing Nick was about to take the bait, the yellow-haired youth immediately
00:09:32 became excited.
00:09:33 "I'd love to, but I'm afraid my boyfriend won't agree." Nick sighed.
00:09:39 Kevin's mouth twitched as he had a bad feeling about this.
00:09:43 "Your boyfriend?" The yellow-haired teenager was stunned.
00:09:48 Then he saw Kevin sitting in the front seat and a hint of anger flashed across his eyes.
00:09:54 "Beauty, don't tell me this kid is your boyfriend?"
00:09:58 "Why? Is there a problem?" Nick smiled faintly, revealing two small canines. The
00:10:06 yellow-haired youth clicked his tongue.
00:10:08 "Beauty, your taste is too bad. How can you let someone like him be your boyfriend?"
00:10:15 As the yellow-haired teenager spoke, he walked to the front passenger side. He opened the
00:10:20 door and looked at Kevin smugly. With a commanding tone, he shouted, "Kid, get out of the car!"
00:10:28 Kevin smiled playfully, then stood up and exaggerated a bow, offering his seat to the
00:10:33 yellow-haired youth.
00:10:34 "This bastard!" Nick's beautiful eyes widened in anger. She never thought that Kevin would
00:10:41 get out of the car.
00:10:42 "You trash. At least you know what's good for you," the yellow-haired youth sneered.
00:10:49 He thought he would have to waste some time to get Kevin out of the way. He didn't expect
00:10:53 him to be so cowardly. He didn't even bother to say anything before obediently getting
00:10:58 out of the car.
00:11:00 Kevin got out of the car. The yellow-haired teenager took his place. "Beauty, it's your
00:11:05 choice. Hilton or the LA Tower?"
00:11:10 "Oh."
00:11:11 Before the yellow-haired youth could finish, he was coldly interrupted by Nick. She wanted
00:11:16 to tease Kevin and see Kevin's reaction. She didn't think Kevin would let this kid into
00:11:20 the car. He would rather admit letting the situation play out and scold her later.
00:11:25 "Beauty, if you continue to pretend, it will be meaningless. Your useless boyfriend has
00:11:31 already given away his seat in your car, so what are we still doing here?" The yellow-haired
00:11:36 youth curled his lips.
00:11:38 Obviously, the woman in front of him was playing with him.
00:11:41 "One million," he suddenly shouted. "Stay with me for one night and I'll give you one
00:11:46 million dollars." The yellow-haired youth stretched out a finger. This price was a hundred
00:11:52 times what he planned to pay the red-faced girl he had brought with him earlier. Nick
00:11:56 was worth this price. In all his years of pursuing women in Sacramento, he had never
00:12:02 seen such an outstanding woman.
00:12:04 "I'll give you three seconds to get out." Nick's voice was getting colder and colder.
00:12:10 "One million and five hundred thousand. Beauty, for this price, I would be able to sleep with
00:12:16 some B-list celebrities." Nick was counting down in the background as he spoke.
00:12:21 "Beauty, don't give me any trouble."
00:12:23 "All right. Time's up." Nick suddenly sneered and stepped on the accelerator. The yellow-haired
00:12:29 youth was stunned. He did not know what Nick was trying to do. He didn't wonder for long,
00:12:35 because Nick directly turned her Range Rover around and charged towards the Maserati.
00:12:40 "Bang!" A loud sound was heard. Under the yellow-haired teenager's furious gaze, the
00:12:47 flank of Maserati's car was smashed completely flat by the Range Rover. The red-faced beauty
00:12:53 standing beside Maserati screamed. She didn't know what had happened with the yellow-haired
00:12:58 teenager after he got into the car. Why did he let the Range Rover hit his Maserati?
00:13:03 "Smelly bitch! You're tempting fate!" The yellow-haired teenager's eyes were bloodshot
00:13:09 as he furiously punched Nick's face.
00:13:12 "Bang!" Nick's fists were faster than his. The yellow-haired youth didn't even have the
00:13:18 chance to react before his head heavily crashed into the window. Nick expressionlessly backed
00:13:24 off the car and stepped on the accelerator again. The Range Rover was like a wild beast
00:13:30 that had just escaped its cage, and it charged toward Maserati once again.
00:13:36 "Bang!" Another loud sound was heard. The Maserati was knocked a few feet backwards.
00:13:42 Nick seemed unable to control her anger as she steered the Range Rover and ravaged the
00:13:47 Maserati from all directions. The floor was littered with scraps, destroyed. In the car,
00:13:55 the yellow-haired teenager felt like his heart was bleeding. The five million dollar Maserati
00:14:01 was destroyed just like that.
00:14:05 Kevin shook his head and was a bit speechless. Nick had always seemed so calm. She even knew
00:14:11 that Kevin had killed her brother and she didn't have this much of a reaction. But apparently,
00:14:18 she was irritable today. Because this yellow-haired youth teased her, she was determined to smash
00:14:23 his car into pieces. Nick slammed the car door shut. Then she crossed her arms and stood
00:14:29 to the side. Kevin's reaction to the boy's teasing had made her very unhappy.
00:14:36 But this time, the yellow-haired youth also got out of the car. He did not approach Nick
00:14:41 looking for trouble, but made a few phone calls instead. After the last call was over,
00:14:47 he walked over to Nick angrily. "Bitch, do you want to die?" Nick didn't even look
00:14:53 at the young man. The yellow-haired teenager was slightly afraid, even though he spoke
00:14:58 confidently. He didn't dare to find trouble with Nick, as Nick's move just now had shown
00:15:04 that he was no match for her. "Kid, what's the name of this bitch?" The yellow-haired
00:15:09 teenager stared at Kevin. To him, Kevin was just a soft baby. Otherwise, the teenager
00:15:16 wouldn't have just been scared off. "I don't know." Kevin shook his head. "You're her fucking
00:15:21 boyfriend. How can you not know?" The yellow-haired teenager was burning with anger. It was one
00:15:27 thing for Nick to make him admit defeat, but how could a mere piece of trash like this
00:15:32 guy have such an attitude towards him? "Her boyfriend is supposed to know her name?" Kevin
00:15:37 raised his eyebrows. "You…" The yellow-haired youth choked on his words, but he suppressed
00:15:44 his anger and said, "I don't care if you know her name or not. In short, you have to
00:15:49 give me an explanation for today's matter."
00:15:51 -Episode 253, "Sports Car Mob" "What do you mean? Why do I owe you an explanation?"
00:16:03 Kevin asked, yawning. "This Maserati is imported from abroad. Its total value is close to six
00:16:09 million. Its original price was more than four million, and I spent another one million
00:16:14 to modify it. But I only fucking bought it a couple of weeks ago, and it's already been
00:16:18 destroyed by your girlfriend today. What do you think I mean when I ask for an explanation?"
00:16:25 The yellow-haired teenager glared at Kevin. Kevin nodded slightly. "You want money, right?"
00:16:32 "Yes, I want money. I want six million, and not a single cent less." The yellow-haired
00:16:38 youth gritted his teeth. "I don't have any money." Kevin spread out his hands and cut
00:16:43 straight to the point. The yellow-haired youth was flustered. "Are you fucking messing with
00:16:49 me?" "Yeah, I'm just messing with you." Kevin smiled. "Fuck!" The yellow-haired youth was
00:16:56 furious. He clenched his fist and punched Kevin's face. Kevin smiled and casually extended
00:17:03 his hand to pinch the yellow-haired teenager's neck. He exerted very little strength. The
00:17:09 yellow-haired youth's feet left the ground, his entire body frozen in midair. His breathing
00:17:15 started to quicken, and his face turned pale. "Release! Let go!" The yellow-haired youth's
00:17:23 face turned red, and he could barely squeeze out the words from his throat. However, Kevin
00:17:30 just smiled. Not only did he not let go, but he also increased the power in his grip. Intense
00:17:37 dizziness came from the depths of the yellow-haired youth's mind. The youth's face was filled
00:17:42 with terror. Just when he felt that he was about to be choked to death by Kevin, his
00:17:47 neck suddenly loosened, and he flew backward uncontrollably. "Bam!" The yellow-haired youth
00:17:54 landed heavily on the ground, his body in a mess. He breathed heavily and looked at
00:18:00 Kevin in fear. He would never have thought that the good-for-nothing guy in front of
00:18:04 him, scared out of his girlfriend's car by a single word from him, would possess such
00:18:09 great strength that he could lift him with a single hand. "Vroom!" At that moment, the
00:18:16 sound of a sports car came from the corner of the street. In the next second, deafening
00:18:22 sound waves followed. Five or six sports cars of different colors were lined up in a row,
00:18:28 roaring at them in a very attention-catching manner. When they arrived beside Kevin, the
00:18:33 sports cars didn't stop immediately. Instead, they surrounded Kevin menacingly and started
00:18:40 to circle him. Demonstration. Provocation. The yellow-haired youth sinisterly smiled.
00:18:47 All his helpers had arrived. "Screech!" The high-pitched sound of brakes could be heard
00:18:54 as several sports cars came to a stop at the same time. Five or six youths with different
00:19:00 hairstyles and piercings arrogantly alighted from their cars. These youths had different
00:19:05 appearances and physiques, but their female companions all shared the same appearance.
00:19:11 Big eyes, sharp chin, high nose. It looked like these girls were straight off the assembly
00:19:16 line from the same plastic hospital. In just a moment, more than a dozen young men and
00:19:21 women had gathered together, sizing up Kevin with a dozen pairs of eyes. "Brother Dwayne,
00:19:27 is it this kid who destroyed your car?" The leader, a short-haired teenager, looked up
00:19:33 arrogantly at Kevin. "He's not the one who wrecked my car." The yellow-haired teenager,
00:19:38 Dwayne, looked coldly at Kevin. "And who did it?" The short-haired youth was stunned. "It's
00:19:45 that bitch!" The yellow-haired teenager pointed at Nick. A dozen pairs of eyes turned toward
00:19:50 Nick in unison. When they saw Nick's appearance, everyone's gazes immediately changed. "Brother
00:19:57 Dwayne, this woman isn't bad looking. She's hot." "This isn't just outrageous, it's unbelievable!"
00:20:04 "Grab my ass and tie me up. Let's play together tonight." "She's mine. Don't fight over her
00:20:10 with me," the yellow-haired youth said in a cold voice. It could be seen that he held
00:20:15 a very high position in the group. With just a single sentence, a dozen youths fell silent.
00:20:22 The yellow-haired teenager walked in front of Kevin with a gloomy face. Before he tied
00:20:27 Nick up, he had to deal with Kevin first. "Listen, kid. Don't say that I didn't give
00:20:33 you a chance. Kneel down right now and koto three times. If you break that hand you hit
00:20:38 me with just now, I'll let you go." He was probing Kevin's abilities. "You sure you want
00:20:44 me to kneel?" Kevin smiled faintly. He originally thought Kevin would be a little scared after
00:20:50 he called so many people over. But looking at Kevin's appearance, he didn't seem afraid.
00:20:56 There was even a hint of ridicule in his eyes. He looked at them like a cat looking at a
00:21:01 bunch of mice. Kevin was not ordinary. Almost subconsciously, this thought popped out in
00:21:09 the yellow-haired youth's mind. "Bro, Dwayne, why are you wasting your breath on this brat?
00:21:15 Just break both of his legs and he'll kneel down towards you." The short-haired young
00:21:19 man puffed out a smoke ring with a carefree look on his face. "Colton, this kid is a practitioner,"
00:21:26 the yellow-haired youth said in a deep voice. When he confronted Kevin earlier, he didn't
00:21:32 even have the chance to punch him. Kevin, like a chicken, lifted him. If Kevin didn't
00:21:38 hold back, he would have already become a corpse. "A practitioner?" Colton had a weird
00:21:43 look on his face. "Pfft," he spat arrogantly and said, "I beat up an expert." Colton threw
00:21:50 the cigarette in his hand onto the ground with a flare, then walked in front of Kevin
00:21:54 and raised three fingers. "Kid, give me three moves. After three moves, if I can't cripple
00:22:01 you, I will kneel down and be your servant today." Kevin frowned. "You wish." Some too
00:22:08 many people already wanted to be his servant. So what did this short-haired young man count
00:22:13 as? "You're a fucking tempting fate." Colton became angry from embarrassment. This was
00:22:20 the first time he had seen someone act so crazy. However, he did not act immediately.
00:22:26 Instead, he took off his jacket so he could go all out. After all, he had just challenged
00:22:32 Kevin and said he wanted to finish Kevin in three moves. If he could not do so within
00:22:37 three moves, he would embarrass himself. After Colton took off his jacket, his tight vest
00:22:43 perfectly revealed his well-built body, especially the bulging muscles of his forearms. The contrast
00:22:50 was clear to Kevin, whose body was thin and lean. "I feel like Colton can deal with that
00:22:55 idiot in one move. That won't even take him three. Humility, humility, do you understand?
00:23:02 Remember that Colton is being modest." "Yes, modest. One must be humble." More than ten
00:23:08 young men and women laughed while discussing the situation with relaxed expressions. If
00:23:13 Duane was said to be the highest ranked person in the circle, Colton was the most powerful
00:23:18 person. He was sent to the military academy at the age of fifteen. At eighteen, he had
00:23:25 made his debut in the overall army competition, becoming a weapons specialist. Right now,
00:23:31 Colton could hold his own against at least ten people, not just ten normal people.
00:23:37 "Boom!" Colton suddenly stomped his foot. All the muscles in his body instantly tensed
00:23:42 up as if they were being pumped with iron. He leaped high into the air and swung his
00:23:47 leg like a long knife towards Kevin's head. The air was crackling. This whip kick carried
00:23:53 the force of ten thousand axes as it sliced down toward Kevin. The dozen young men jumped
00:23:59 up and cheered for Colton. On the other hand, under Colton's feet, Kevin was motionless,
00:24:07 as if he was scared silly.
00:24:12 EPISODE 254 Blood-Stained Axe
00:24:16 The whip kick approached Kevin's head, but Kevin still did not make a move. Colton could
00:24:22 not help but sneer. His worried heart finally relaxed. He thought that Kevin was so arrogant
00:24:28 that he would at least have some way to back it up. In the end, he couldn't even dodge
00:24:33 the most basic attacks. Since that was the case, he did not need to stay.
00:24:39 "Crack!" The crisp sound of a fracture rang out. A heart-wrenching pain came from
00:24:46 his calf. The sneer on Colton's face completely froze and was replaced with shock. He was
00:24:53 sent flying. He flew for seven or eight meters like a kite with its string cut.
00:24:59 "Bang!" A loud sound was heard. Colton heavily smashed onto the Ferrari's front
00:25:05 hood. A dozen youths, who were still chatting and laughing, were instantly silenced. Their
00:25:12 faces were as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight. Has Brother Colton lost? In
00:25:18 one move? How is this possible? Although he was unwilling to believe it, Kevin was standing
00:25:25 there safe and sound at this moment. As for Colton, he was moaning in pain as he lay on
00:25:32 the Ferrari's hood. His superiority was obvious. They had no choice but to believe
00:25:38 it.
00:25:39 "Brother Duane, what should we do?" someone asked with a trembling voice. Amongst them,
00:25:46 the person who could come closest to Colton's strength was Duane. But now, Colton had been
00:25:52 dealt with in a single move. It was obvious that even if all of them attacked together,
00:25:59 they wouldn't be able to beat Kevin.
00:26:01 "Call Drake." If it wasn't necessary, he didn't want to alarm Drake because he
00:26:06 had just been defeated in Granite Bay two days ago. These past few days, he had been
00:26:11 in a bad mood, so Duane thought that he would undoubtedly be in trouble if he went to find
00:26:16 him while he was angry. But he had to get back at Kevin. Otherwise, his position as
00:26:22 the boss of the Circle would never be preserved.
00:26:24 "Brother Duane, Drake Parker has been in a bad mood these past few days. How about
00:26:29 'Do it!'"
00:26:30 "I'll bear Drake's anger if he's upset," Duane said angrily.
00:26:35 "All right." A call came to Drake's phone.
00:26:39 At this moment, Drake was with a beauty in a clubhouse not too far away from Queen Street.
00:26:44 After hearing the phone ringing, Drake covered the pretty girl's mouth and answered the
00:26:48 call.
00:26:49 "What's the matter?"
00:26:50 "Drake, Brother Colton was beaten up by someone just now. Brother Duane wants to invite
00:26:55 you over to deal with the matter."
00:26:56 "Colton was beaten?" Drake frowned and stopped for a moment. He was very clear about
00:27:03 Colton's skill. He was strong, almost as strong as Drake's bodyguards.
00:27:08 "Hmm. The opponent defeated Brother Colton in one move."
00:27:11 "One move?" Drake's pupils slightly contracted.
00:27:15 "Have you investigated the other party's background clearly?"
00:27:18 "No, we still don't even know his name."
00:27:21 "All right. Go ahead and stabilize him first. I'll bring my men over immediately."
00:27:27 After saying that, Drake hung up the phone and left the beauty alone in the bed.
00:27:31 "Oh, Drake, where are you going? I haven't had enough fun."
00:27:36 The pure beauty's eyes were blurry as she hooked her arm around Drake's waist. Drake
00:27:41 chuckled. He patted her butt and said, "Little girl, I'm going out to hurt someone. When
00:27:47 I get back, we can have lots more fun."
00:27:49 "I want to go with you."
00:27:51 "All right, all right, all right. Let's go together. Get up and put on some clothes."
00:27:57 Drake said playfully.
00:27:59 These past few days, it was precisely because of this beauty that he had been able to vent
00:28:04 a large portion of his anger. Therefore, he naturally had to bring along such a good luck
00:28:09 charm. Besides, no one knew her.
00:28:13 After taking care of Colton in one move, Kevin felt a bit bored. He looked at Dwayne and
00:28:19 asked, "Is there anyone else? If there's no one else, I'll leave."
00:28:23 "Yes, Drake will be coming over soon. I hope that when Drake Parker comes over, you can
00:28:29 still be as arrogant as you are now."
00:28:31 Colton had a gloomy expression. It had to be said that Kevin's skill truly surpassed ordinary
00:28:37 peoples. Even a freak like Colton could be dealt with in one move. However, there was
00:28:44 a saying in this world that a person with two fists could not fight against four fists.
00:28:49 You could fight one Colton, but you can't fight ten Coltons. The young masters in this
00:28:55 social circle had never been afraid of being outnumbered.
00:28:58 "Don't worry. I won't let you down," Kevin yawned lazily.
00:29:05 He originally thought that after revealing that move, Dwayne would be able to be tactful
00:29:09 and lead his friends away instead of continuing to fight. But unexpectedly, Dwayne was still
00:29:15 unconvinced. However, Kevin wasn't afraid of getting into trouble. Since Dwayne was unconvinced,
00:29:22 he would beat him until he was convinced.
00:29:24 A few minutes later, five or six SUVs halted by the roadside. The car doors opened and
00:29:30 over twenty thugs in tight suits rushed out. They were old generals who had been on the
00:29:35 battlefield for a long time. They had robust statures, and their expressions were stern.
00:29:41 Brimming with explosive power, the bulging muscles on their arms caused chills to run
00:29:47 down the spines of onlookers.
00:29:49 Clunk! A silver weapons box was placed on the ground and it was opened, revealing all
00:29:55 sorts of bloodstained weapons. Longblade, Fireaxe, Trident. This scene instantly scared
00:30:03 the rich second generation fighter Dwayne silly. Although they usually fought bravely,
00:30:09 most of them used their fists. They had never seen anything like this before.
00:30:14 They called Drake here to cause trouble, but it looked like he came here to kill someone.
00:30:20 The onlookers could no longer keep their cool as they watched the lively scene with their
00:30:24 cell phones raised. They had originally thought that the scene of a fight between rich second
00:30:29 generations in the streets was exciting enough, but who would have thought that there would
00:30:34 be something even more exciting?
00:30:36 Squeak!
00:30:38 The white Lamborghini stopped and the butterfly door opened. Drake and his lady friend got
00:30:44 out of the car and she took the initiative to hold Drake's arm. She raised her tender
00:30:49 neck and swept her gaze across the crowd like a proud peacock. The two of them walked over
00:30:55 while talking and laughing. The crowd immediately moved out of the way and made a long path
00:31:00 for the two of them.
00:31:02 "Drake? Miss?" Dwayne and the others went up and greeted him respectfully. In their
00:31:08 early years, they were in the same circle as Drake, but in the past few years, Drake's
00:31:13 family had gotten into the good graces of the Santa Barbara Goodson family. With the
00:31:18 support of the Goodson family, the business of the Parkers increased day by day. In just
00:31:23 a few short years, the clan's assets had doubled several times, and not only did they
00:31:29 become a second tier family, but they were also one of the most powerful second tier
00:31:34 families. Even chickens and dogs can rise up and fly when an opportunity is presented.
00:31:40 The development of the Parker family also gave Drake the chance to enter the top circle
00:31:44 of Sacramento, becoming the top rich second generation fighter. Drake was no longer the
00:31:49 same person. Thus, Dwayne and the others had no choice but to be respectful.
00:31:54 "Where is he?" The more than twenty people he brought this time were all his trusted
00:32:00 aides. Many of them were grizzled veterans who had retired from the battlefield. With
00:32:05 their strength, they could hold their own against a fighter. One could only imagine
00:32:10 what they would do to an ordinary person. "Over there." Dwayne pointed to where Kevin
00:32:15 was sitting, and all the youths automatically opened up a path. Drake casually glanced in
00:32:20 that direction. Suddenly, his eyes widened and his entire body froze in place.
00:32:28 "Uh, Drake?" Dwayne and the others frowned. "What was going on with Drake? Was he scared?"
00:32:36 "You all... You were provoked by this man?" Drake gulped in fear.
00:32:42 Dwayne nodded, then asked in confusion, "Drake, do you know him?"
00:32:48 It was far more than recognition. Drake clenched his teeth. This same man caused the biggest
00:32:56 humiliation in his life. He had knelt before Kevin in front of so many people and was forced
00:33:02 to bark three times.
00:33:13 However, even though Drake was angry, he did not lose his mind from the anger. He was very
00:33:21 clear on the fact that he was no match for Kevin. Moreover, Kevin had an extremely monstrous
00:33:28 background. Otherwise, a man wouldn't have submitted to him.
00:33:33 Just as Drake was thinking about how he should respectfully yield to Kevin, the little girl
00:33:38 next to him, Heather, opened her mouth first and ridiculed, "What are you talking about?
00:33:44 How could our brother Drake know that kind of trash? This kind of trash isn't even fit
00:33:49 to speak to our friend Drake." Heather coldly snorted in arrogance. This was the first time
00:33:55 she had shown her face in front of all of Drake's subordinates. Naturally, she would
00:34:00 say a few words to show her status. Right now, the only person that could ruin her status
00:34:07 was the reckless Kevin.
00:34:09 Hearing Heather's words, Dwayne and the others let out a sigh of relief. It was good that
00:34:14 Drake didn't know him. "What are you waiting for? Attack!" Seeing that the thugs were still
00:34:21 standing there, Heather started to force the order. At this moment, she was only thinking
00:34:27 about being in the limelight and did not notice how twisted Drake's expression was. Seeing
00:34:32 that the thugs were about to take action, Drake couldn't hold it in any longer. He stood
00:34:37 up and shouted, "Stop!" The entire audience was shocked. Dwayne and the others looked
00:34:45 at each other. They didn't hear wrong, did they? Stop? But Drake, why? POW! Heather wanted
00:34:53 to ask Drake why he stopped his men, but Drake didn't give her a chance and directly slapped
00:34:59 her face. This slap stunned Heather for a few seconds. "Who the fuck gave you the guts
00:35:05 to order an attack, Master Bennett?" Drake pointed at Heather's nose and cursed. Everyone
00:35:11 fell silent again. "Master Bennett?" Drake's words were like a clap of thunder, instantly
00:35:18 blowing the minds of Dwayne and the others. Drake called that guy "Master Bennett?" How
00:35:24 was this possible? Dwayne and the others found it hard to accept this, but what Drake did
00:35:29 next told them that nothing was impossible. He walked in front of Kevin and respectfully
00:35:35 bowed. He said with a smile, "Master Bennett, I'm sorry. This woman I just met didn't know
00:35:42 anything and didn't even see the look on my face. That's why she offended you." Kevin
00:35:50 smiled and ignored Drake. Drake turned his head and shouted angrily at Heather, "Idiot!
00:35:56 Why aren't you coming over to apologize?" "Master Bennett, I'm sorry." Heather said
00:36:02 the right words, but she had a disgusted look. She didn't understand why a stinking piece
00:36:08 of trash like this guy would suddenly demand the respect of some master with no warning
00:36:13 at all. "Fuck you, Heather. Be more serious for this man." Seeing that Heather still dared
00:36:19 to be so rude, Drake immediately became furious. He kicked Heather in her lower abdomen, knocking
00:36:25 her over. She screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Subsequently, she crawled on the
00:36:32 ground with a face full of fear, knelt in front of Kevin, and co-toed humbly three times.
00:36:39 "Master Bennett, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." This time, Heather didn't dare to be sarcastic.
00:36:47 She was entirely sincere. "So what if you're sorry?" Kevin said lightly.
00:36:53 Drake's face lit up as though he had thought of something. He smiled and said, "Master
00:36:58 Bennett, if you like her, tonight you can have this woman accompany you. She has a few
00:37:03 treaks up her sleeve in bed." "No." Before Drake could finish his sentence, he was interrupted
00:37:09 by Kevin's disgust. He was committed to Claire. He would never take such a dirty thing, even
00:37:14 if it was given to him. "I'm more worried about them. What should I do to make my friend
00:37:19 crash their car?" Kevin pointed at Dwayne and the others, whose legs were weak. Drake
00:37:25 smiled in embarrassment. Only then did he realize that he was overthinking it.
00:37:31 "Of course, Master Bennett. Where's your friend's car? I'll get these guys to buy a new one
00:37:35 for them," Drake said with a smile. "Can they afford it?" At this time, a different voice
00:37:42 sounded. Hearing this sound, Drake's face turned pale, as if he had been hit by a hammer.
00:37:49 Nick Hallen? He didn't even need to turn his head to know that the owner of this voice
00:37:55 was Nick. "Why is this evil woman here too?" Nick
00:37:59 walked in front of Drake. Ever since Colton and his men showed up, she had been watching
00:38:04 from the side, so Drake didn't even notice her presence. But he sure noticed it now.
00:38:10 "Nick? Miss Hallen?" Drake's tongue was already tied. His fear of Nick had even surpassed
00:38:17 his fear of Kevin. Kevin's background was not clear, but Nick was well known as one
00:38:23 of the first-tier women in the city of Sacramento. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined
00:38:30 that Nick Hallen would be among those idiots he offended. If he had known that she was
00:38:35 here, he wouldn't have come even if he had been beaten to death.
00:38:39 My car was customized for me by Land Rover UK. After that, it was sent to Germany for
00:38:45 modification and then airlifted to me for fifty million dollars.
00:38:48 "Tell me, can they afford that?" Nick asked smugly.
00:38:54 "Plunk." Dwayne fell to the ground, scared silly. Fifty million? He couldn't afford that.
00:39:03 And even if he could afford it, how would he still be able to survive in the future?
00:39:08 From Drake's reaction, it was not hard for the rest of the group to figure out that this
00:39:12 lady was the famous Nick Hallen. Offending her was equivalent to offending half of the
00:39:18 city of Sacramento. Even if she let him off now, when he returned home, his own family
00:39:24 would break his legs to make an example of him.
00:39:27 While Drake was thinking about how to satisfy Nick, she suddenly spoke up. "Make them dance
00:39:33 for me." "Dance?" Drake opened his mouth wide.
00:39:38 Kevin also had a strange expression on his face. "Yes, I would like to see a dance."
00:39:45 Nick nodded seriously before shifting her gaze to Dwayne and the others. "Do you know
00:39:50 how to do the dance of the two tigers?" Dwayne and the others were amazed. This was such
00:39:56 a strange request. "No." Seeing that Dwayne and the others didn't speak, Nick couldn't
00:40:02 help but frown. Dwayne knew he had to speak up. "Yes!" he shouted. At this moment,
00:40:10 even if he couldn't dance, he still had to act as he did. Otherwise, he didn't know
00:40:15 what other excessive requests this little witch Nick Hallen would make. "If you know
00:40:20 how to dance, then show me." Nick nodded in satisfaction.
00:40:26 Dwayne and the others stood up in embarrassment, feeling their faces burning. Who would have
00:40:31 thought that one day, these wealthy young masters would be reduced to hopping around
00:40:35 the streets like two tigers in front of so many people? Dwayne was the first to start
00:40:40 twisting and turning, but his movements were extremely stiff. "You have to sing the song,
00:40:46 too," Nick said with an expressionless face. Dwayne's movements paused for a moment,
00:40:52 but then he forced a smile and started singing. "Two tigers, two tigers, they're fast
00:40:57 and inspire fear. It's so strange that one has no tail and the other has no ears."
00:41:06 The crowd burst into laughter. The audience took out their phones and began recording
00:41:10 and uploading the video to their Twitter feeds. In the beginning, Dwayne and the others were
00:41:15 very bashful. However, they completely let go after they started and began to twist about
00:41:21 with vigor. Over a dozen young men and women with colorful hair surrounded the men, singing
00:41:27 and dancing like tigers. One could only imagine what kind of impact it would create. The corners
00:41:34 of Kevin's mouth twitched. He believed that the scene today would be unforgettable to
00:41:38 Dwayne and the others for the rest of their lives.
00:41:44 Episode 256. Overseas Criminals
00:41:48 After leaving Queen Street, Nick seemed to have lost interest. "Still shopping?" Kevin
00:41:54 couldn't help but ask. "Nope," she said snappily. "Then Claire?" "I don't know." She choked
00:42:01 on her words. She didn't know how to phrase what she wanted to say. "I'm going to the
00:42:06 bar. Are you coming with me?" She looked back coldly at Kevin. He smiled bitterly. "Do
00:42:13 I still have a choice?" He knew that if he didn't satisfy Nick today, he would forget
00:42:19 about finding out about Claire's abduction. As the most bustling street in Sacramento,
00:42:24 Queen Street naturally did not lack bars. After walking a few steps, Kevin found one.
00:42:31 Nick went in without a word, and Kevin followed her. After entering, he felt a surge of lust.
00:42:38 The lights were dim, and the music was harsh. Pairs of men and women embraced each other
00:42:43 on the dance floor in the distance, swaying madly. However, none of this had anything
00:42:49 to do with Miss Hallen. At this moment, she was abnormally quiet. He found a seat at the
00:42:55 bar and ordered two cocktails. Then, he fell into a daze. He sighed and went to sit beside
00:43:03 Nick. "Ha!" She looked at him expressionlessly and pushed the cocktail she ordered in front
00:43:09 of him. He picked up the wine and sipped it. "Am I beautiful?" She leaned forward and aggressively
00:43:15 stared into his eyes as she asked seriously. "You are beautiful." The fragrant smell wafted
00:43:23 into his nose, and he could not help but smile bitterly. Although he did not want to admit
00:43:28 it, Nick was extremely beautiful. Not as beautiful as Claire, but close to her. Compared to Claire,
00:43:36 she continued to lean her body forward, so close that she was about to press up to Kevin's
00:43:42 face. He couldn't help but shake his head and sigh when he saw that charming face so
00:43:46 close to him. "You know the answer. I want you to tell me yourself." Her face was filled
00:43:53 with an inexplicable sense of stubbornness. "Claire is more beautiful." He said her name
00:43:58 without hesitation. A smile suddenly appeared on Nick's face. She stopped leaning forward
00:44:05 and did not continue to question him. Instead, she picked up the cocktail in front of her
00:44:10 and finished it in one gulp. "Taylor, that guy over there, isn't he the useless son-in-law
00:44:16 that married your cousin?" At this moment, in another corner of the bar, Taylor was drinking
00:44:22 with a few of her best friends. Hearing her friend's comment, she subconsciously frowned.
00:44:27 "Rose, you must be mistaken. How could that piece of trash be here?" "I'm almost positive
00:44:33 that's him. Don't you remember that time at the hotel, when I came with you to celebrate
00:44:37 one of your family member's birthdays, and your whole family was sitting at the same
00:44:41 table? I remember seeing that guy sitting at the same table as your family's driver
00:44:46 and servant." Taylor could see that her friend was telling the truth. "Where is he?" She
00:44:52 couldn't help but ask. "Over there." Rose pointed in Kevin's direction. She looked in
00:44:57 the direction that her friend had pointed to. When she saw Kevin's head back, she opened
00:45:02 her eyes wide. It was that terrible man. "The woman opposite him doesn't seem to be your
00:45:09 cousin," Rose said in a shaky voice. "It is indeed not Claire," Taylor sneered. She would
00:45:16 never expect Kevin to show up to this kind of place, and even more so, with a woman other
00:45:22 than his wife. "So this pig is cheating on Claire." Her mouth was wide open in disbelief.
00:45:29 Who would have ever guessed that Kevin was being so bold these days? "I'm rather curious
00:45:34 now as to what kind of reaction that bitch Claire has when she finds out about this,"
00:45:39 Taylor sneered repeatedly. In the last few days, her entire family had been in a panic.
00:45:45 Although they got all of the Beverly Hills projects back, the family had not returned
00:45:49 to normal. On the contrary, everyone was still in a panic. The bank was pressured that their
00:45:56 debt was paid, which the Lux Travel Corporation was responsible for, and everything had caused
00:46:01 their family to sink into an extremely difficult place. Even the department that Taylor was
00:46:06 in charge of had lost many employees. That was why she and her friends had gone out for
00:46:11 a drink to blow off some steam. But she didn't expect to see such a scene like this. Kevin,
00:46:18 who had been so well-behaved for the three years she had known him, was on a date with
00:46:23 his mistress? She took out her phone and recorded everything that happened. Kevin still hadn't
00:46:29 spotted Taylor from across the room, so he continued to talk with Nick. "Someone is trying
00:46:34 to kidnap Claire." At that moment, Nick finally told him. Kevin frowned and his heart sank.
00:46:42 He did not doubt the authenticity of what she was telling him. He didn't think that
00:46:46 she would joke about such a thing. "Do you know who's responsible?" Kevin said in a low
00:46:51 voice. He instinctively suspected that Jack was the original target, but he could not
00:46:56 figure out the purpose of his actions. "It's a group of criminals from overseas." Her answer
00:47:02 made Kevin even more confused. Why would these criminals want Claire? "You should know about
00:47:08 your mother-in-law and Thomas Mortar, right?" she asked. "Thomas Mortar?" Kevin thought
00:47:14 to himself silently for a second, and then nodded. The two of them were a couple in college.
00:47:21 They had a serious relationship, but after Eileen graduated, she married Alan. After
00:47:25 that, Thomas turned to gamble to fill the hole that Eileen left, and he quickly lost
00:47:30 all his money. To repay his gambling debts, he went back to Eileen. When he got to her
00:47:35 house, she couldn't bear to see him, so she just lent him some money and sent him on his
00:47:41 way. The two of them had been doing all this in secret so that Alan and Claire wouldn't
00:47:45 notice anything. However, Kelly picked up on what they were doing. After discovering
00:47:51 everything, Kelly kept a close eye on the two so that she could use it to threaten Eileen.
00:47:56 She also successfully got $500,000 from Eileen and tried to cause trouble for you two. However,
00:48:03 you took care of Kelly and her son, but Thomas is still out there.
00:48:08 Alan had almost forgotten about him, but he never expected to see him again. "Your mother-in-law
00:48:13 has made the recent matter with Mr. Henderson known to everyone. It's basically public knowledge
00:48:18 now." Thomas thought that your mother-in-law had gotten rich, so he went to borrow money
00:48:22 from her. However, she rejected him. "Therefore, he wanted to kidnap Claire in order to threaten
00:48:29 Eileen." Nick calmly explained everything. Although she had been deeply hidden behind
00:48:35 the scenes for the past few years, she had not lost much control over Sacramento. Jared
00:48:40 and River were not even on the same level as her. "Where are the robbers?" Kevin's
00:48:46 gaze was calm, but the killing intent in his eyes was obvious. Nick shook her head. "I
00:48:52 don't know." "You don't know?" He frowned. Her control over the city had reached
00:48:57 an unimaginable level. A few bandits from other countries might be able to deceive the
00:49:02 police, but they couldn't get past Miss Hallen. She suddenly laughed. "Why should I know?
00:49:08 They went to tie Claire up, not me." "Episode 257. You trust me?" Kevin frowned.
00:49:17 "You promised to protect Claire." "Yes, I did promise you. But I seem to have said
00:49:23 that after you left the city, and I only promised to save her if she was in dire need. And I
00:49:29 promised to protect her one time. But after that time, whether she lives or dies has nothing
00:49:35 to do with me." Her words were a bit cold, but Kevin was powerless in this case and couldn't
00:49:41 deny what she was saying. That was, in fact, the deal they agreed to. "Thank you for the
00:49:47 news." He smiled and stood up to leave. Nick, who had expected a response from Kevin, had
00:49:54 a complicated expression on her face. As soon as he left the bar, Taylor ran out as well.
00:50:00 "Kevin, what are you doing here?" She asked, even though she knew the answer. "Does it
00:50:06 have anything to do with you?" He looked back at her coldly. "Why do you sound so aggressive?"
00:50:12 She was slightly dissatisfied. Then she smiled playfully. "It has nothing to do with me,
00:50:18 but it has to do with that slut, Claire." Kevin's tone sank. "What do you mean?" "It's
00:50:25 nothing. It's just that I accidentally stumbled upon you and another woman drinking together
00:50:29 in a bar just now. That woman didn't even look anything like your wife. You dog." Taylor
00:50:36 glanced at Kevin casually. He frowned. "Kevin, how could you do that to your wife?" She mocked.
00:50:43 "What are you going to do?" He asked faintly. She had stopped him here for some reason.
00:50:50 Taylor didn't respond to his question. Instead, she teased. "Kevin, tell me. If your wife
00:50:56 saw you drinking with a woman at such a late hour, what kind of reaction would she have?"
00:51:01 "Are you threatening me?" His tone turned cold. "A threat? Kevin, you think too highly
00:51:09 of yourself. Who do you think you are to be worthy of my threat?" Taylor sarcastically
00:51:14 smiled and said. "To tell you the truth, Kevin, I don't even have to threaten you,
00:51:20 because I already sent a video of you talking to that woman, to Claire and Eileen. Your
00:51:25 family must be in a mess by now." She had a face full of schadenfreude, and her tone
00:51:30 was filled with the pleasure of revenge. "Taylor, you're asking for it." A hint of sternness
00:51:37 flashed across Kevin's eyes. Although he wasn't afraid of what this would do to his
00:51:42 reputation, he was still anxious. If she sent the video, he was unsure how Claire would
00:51:48 react, but he knew Eileen would believe it. "What? You think you can fight me?" She provoked
00:51:54 him brazenly. "Let me tell you. There's a surveillance system here. My best friends
00:51:59 are watching from inside. If you even dare to come close to me, there will be people
00:52:05 looking for you." "Shit." Kevin looked at her in disgust and pushed her away. "You
00:52:11 trash. You still have the balls to push me?" She turned, angry from embarrassment, swearing
00:52:16 loudly. "Claire might not have cheated, but your piece of trash has been caught red-handed.
00:52:23 Who gave you that confidence?" He didn't pay attention to Taylor's insults and left
00:52:28 to head home. As he pushed the door open, it was as dark inside as ever. Claire was
00:52:33 not home. He was a bit annoyed. He took out his phone and dialed her number. The ringtone
00:52:40 hung up immediately. Kevin sighed helplessly. He knew that Claire was quite sensitive. If
00:52:46 she saw Taylor's video, she would overthink it. Shaking his head, Kevin had no choice
00:52:52 but to drive to Eileen's house. The moment the door was pushed open, he saw the furious
00:52:57 look on his mother-in-law's face. "You piece of trash. Still have the guts to come
00:53:02 back here? Mom, where's Claire?" He asked in a lower voice. He had to explain that video
00:53:08 to Claire in person. "Why are you asking about my daughter? Go on and drink with that
00:53:13 bitch!" She cursed loudly. "Mom, she's my friend, I promise. It's not what you think,"
00:53:20 he patiently explained. "Friend? What friend would go to a bar with you in the middle of
00:53:25 the night for a drink?" She sneered. "What kind of friend would you fight with your wife's
00:53:30 cousin over?" As she spoke, she took out her cell phone and opened the video Taylor
00:53:35 had sent her. The video was a bit dim, but it could still be seen clearly that Kevin
00:53:40 and Nick were drinking together. Furthermore, Taylor purposefully filmed from an angle where
00:53:45 you could see their drinks and that they were whispering to each other. "You pig. How'd
00:53:51 you expect me to believe this is one of your friends?" Eileen sneered. Without waiting
00:53:56 for his explanation, she opened up another video. The content of the video was the scene
00:54:01 of Kevin with Duane and Colton, which was recorded by the audience. Then it was named
00:54:06 "A battle of men over women on the street, smashing into several wealthy class cars."
00:54:12 The footage was very blurry, but anyone familiar with Kevin would be able to recognize him
00:54:17 at a glance. There was no denying that it was him. Nick was standing not far away, she
00:54:23 was the woman they were fighting over in the video. Of course, the most eye-catching thing
00:54:28 from the video was Duane's crushed Maserati. One could imagine how much impact it would
00:54:33 have on another car. After all, it was an extremely expensive car, yet it had now turned
00:54:39 into a pile of scrap metal. As soon as this video was released, it went viral on YouTube
00:54:45 and other social media. Nick usually stayed indoors and stayed out of the spotlight. Naturally,
00:54:51 only a few people knew her identity. However, quite a few people knew Kevin as Wright's
00:54:57 horrible son-in-law. A good-for-nothing son-in-law, fighting in the street with a bunch of upper
00:55:03 class members over a woman that was not his wife. As one might imagine, this kind of rumor
00:55:09 did not shed him in a good light. However, the Wrights were not happy at all either.
00:55:15 After all, Kevin was getting in fights with other women. In fact, in some people's eyes,
00:55:21 this was proof that Kevin was cheating on Claire, and they despised him for it.
00:55:26 "You pig. What other excuses can you make for yourself?" Eileen asked harshly. He was
00:55:32 silent. He indeed couldn't explain clearly about this matter. With these videos, even
00:55:38 if he told her the entire truth, there was no way she would believe him. Taking a deep
00:55:43 breath, he said in a deep voice, "I want to see Claire."
00:55:47 "No, she doesn't want to see you right now," she scolded angrily. "I want to hear that
00:55:54 from her," Kevin frowned. Without waiting for her reaction, he went straight in. When
00:56:00 he entered, he found his wife sitting on the sofa. Her pretty face was ice cold, and she
00:56:06 didn't even look at Kevin. "Daughter, in the past, you might not have
00:56:11 listened to me, but this time, you have to listen to me and divorce this asshole. We
00:56:16 have stone cold evidence now." Eileen was afraid that Claire would still return to Kevin,
00:56:22 so she had to add fuel to the fire. Kevin paused and asked, "Claire, do you trust
00:56:28 me?" She didn't say anything. Eileen still didn't give up. "Why would she trust you?
00:56:34 If men cheat once, there's no telling how many other women he has lined up. If this
00:56:39 piece of trash had the guts to go to a public bar with one of his mistresses, you could
00:56:44 only imagine how many more women he's been going out with."
00:56:49 EPISODE 258. Thefting a Thief
00:56:52 "I'm not cheating!" Kevin was a bit annoyed. If he had done something to let Claire down,
00:56:59 then he wouldn't say a word. If he did cheat on her, he would admit it. But he was innocent.
00:57:06 Yet Eileen was trying to make him out to be a dirty cheater. This sort of slander was
00:57:11 something that he could not accept. "The evidence is already there. Do you think we're blind?"
00:57:17 Eileen said aggressively. "I've already said that I'm just friends with her. Going to the
00:57:22 bar means that we have something to talk about." He was a bit impatient. "To the bar?" Eileen
00:57:28 mocked. "What did you guys want to talk about?" "A group of foreign bandits that are trying
00:57:33 to kidnap Claire," he said in a deep voice. "You trash. If you want to find excuses, can't
00:57:41 you at least make up a good one? Foreign robbers, huh? Are they on the same boat as the flying
00:57:47 pigs and unicorns?" She ridiculed him relentlessly. "Robbers? Why would anyone want to kidnap
00:57:53 me?" Claire asked calmly, as she suddenly raised her head. "Because..." Kevin wanted
00:58:00 to say that she was collateral damage in the matter between her mother and Thomas. But
00:58:05 the words that were about to reach his mouth were swallowed down his throat. He didn't
00:58:10 know how to explain it to her. This matter was indeed hard to explain because it involved
00:58:15 Thomas. Once he told the truth, the family would most likely fall apart. Even if Alan
00:58:21 and Eileen didn't get divorced, their marriage as they knew it would be over. Claire would
00:58:26 be broken if she knew about it. "Because of what? Tell me about it." Eileen was even more
00:58:32 pleased with herself. "I want to hear the rest of the story, you pig. Why didn't you
00:58:38 think your whole story through?" The mother sneered.
00:58:42 A trace of deep disappointment flashed across Claire's beautiful eyes. "Who is she?" Claire
00:58:47 said calmly. "Nick Allen." He did not hide it. Her delicate body trembled. "Nick Allen?
00:58:55 Who's that?" Eileen was confused. She didn't know how powerful Nick was. "Mom..." "Don't
00:59:03 ask anymore." Claire took a deep breath, and her expression became calm once more. "Why
00:59:09 can't I ask? Claire, tell me who she is, and I will track her down and kill that bitch.
00:59:15 I'll take care of all this. Don't you worry." She looked like she was going to stand up
00:59:20 for her. Claire ignored her mother's comments. "Claire?" Kevin wanted to continue explaining,
00:59:28 but Claire interrupted him. "Sorry, Kevin. I'm tired. I need to rest."
00:59:35 "Bang!" She slammed the door. He walked in front of the door and sighed. "Claire, I promise,
00:59:42 whether you believe me or not, I have never done anything to let you down. As for why
00:59:48 I was at the bar with Nick, I'll explain it to you later." After saying that, he turned
00:59:54 around and left.
01:00:03 Inside the house, Claire's face was already covered in tears. She wanted to believe Kevin,
01:00:09 but the video of him and that woman was like a movie, playing back and forth in her mind.
01:00:14 Not to mention, that woman was Nick Allen. She was drop-dead gorgeous. Claire thought
01:00:21 she couldn't even compare to her. At the same time, she was also the most powerful woman
01:00:26 in the entire city. It was hard for her to believe that any man, not excluding her husband,
01:00:32 wouldn't be tempted by such an amazing woman who was so amazing. She had everything going
01:00:38 for her, and this woman was with Kevin at a bar.
01:00:43 Claire began to think. She had been married to Kevin for three years, and they hadn't
01:00:48 even slept together. She did not fulfill her duty as a wife. Thus, at this moment, she
01:00:58 didn't even have a reason to blame him for cheating on her. However, she also couldn't
01:01:04 accept that Kevin would sleep with other women. It just didn't seem like something he would
01:01:09 do. After leaving the Wrights' house, Kevin felt anxious like never before. Visiting the
01:01:15 house today only made Kevin feel worse. Because of this situation, it felt like a barrier
01:01:21 had already formed between him and Claire. Taylor had gotten into her head.
01:01:30 After descending the mountain, he headed straight for the South Empire building. In the room,
01:01:35 Jared and River watched the video that was being broadcasted like crazy, back and forth
01:01:40 on the internet seven or eight times. After they finished watching, the two of them had
01:01:45 strange expressions on their faces. They would never have thought that Kevin could beat Nick
01:01:49 Hallon. The video left them in awe, with their mouths wide open.
01:01:55 At this moment, Kevin pushed open the door and entered. Seeing his gloomy face, the two
01:02:00 understood what was happening and didn't ask about anything.
01:02:04 "And Aaron?" Kevin asked.
01:02:07 Now that he knew more about the people planning on kidnapping Claire, he had to send Aaron
01:02:12 and some men to protect her. "He's at the Golden Age," Jared answered.
01:02:16 "Have them bring some people to protect Claire secretly."
01:02:19 "Alright, Mr. Bennett. I'll call him right away." Jared nodded.
01:02:24 "Sir, where's Thomas Marder? I had your people track him, so what have you discovered about
01:02:29 him?" Kevin once again shifted his gaze to River.
01:02:33 When he had to deal with Kelly, it turned out that they also started tracking Thomas
01:02:36 under Kevin's orders. "Sir, the men I sent to watch Mr. Marder
01:02:41 are all gone." The River was a bit embarrassed. Kevin had
01:02:45 finally given him a task, but failed it in the end.
01:02:49 The problem was that the other party was just a small gambler.
01:02:52 "They couldn't have just disappeared," he shook his head. "They must have been killed."
01:02:57 "You think my men are dead?" The River was shocked.
01:03:01 "Mr. Bennett, that's impossible. This is Sacramento. Who would have the balls to kill
01:03:06 one of my men? Even if someone wanted to kill one of my men? They know to give me a heads
01:03:12 up first. According to the rules of the crime world, if someone were planning to attack
01:03:17 another person's territory, they would first tell the region's boss, no matter if they
01:03:22 were to kill or scrape them." "The person who killed them was not from
01:03:26 Sacramento," Kevin said lightly. Then he told River what Nick had told him
01:03:31 at the bar. After hearing what he had to say, River could
01:03:35 not contain his anger. "Fuck. Those bastards from outside the city
01:03:40 sure do have some guts to come in here and act like that. Mr. Bennett, I'll get my men
01:03:45 to search for him again." "Bang!"
01:03:48 Almost at the same time River finished his sentence, a lackey entered the room in a fluster.
01:03:53 "Mr. Campino, it's bad. The vault on the west side of the city has been broken into."
01:03:58 "What?" He stood up from the sofa with wide open eyes.
01:04:03 "The treasury has been stolen?" "Who did it?" Jared's pupils slightly
01:04:08 contracted. River's treasury had quite a lot of valuable
01:04:12 things stored within it. Uncommon cash, gold bars, and some old antique calligraphy and
01:04:17 paintings were all stored inside. The total value of the vault was at least two hundred
01:04:22 million dollars. "I don't know. The other side only has three
01:04:26 people." The lackey shook his head.
01:04:29 "Three people?" River gasped and felt incredulous. Jared's face was also full of shock. Because
01:04:36 he and River were rivals in the past, he was very clear about the security forces on his
01:04:41 vault. It could be said that it was one of the most secure places in the city. Now, the
01:04:47 treasury has been robbed by three people? "According to our surviving men, the other
01:04:53 side only has three people, and they are all first-rate experts. One of them is a woman,
01:04:58 and that woman is the most abnormal. She can even dodge shotgun bullets."
01:05:03 The two men looked at each other. They felt their scalps tingling. This was not an ordinary
01:05:10 person. This person could even dodge bullets from a hunting rifle?
01:05:19 "He could be a fighter." Kevin frowned and spoke up. Although the bullets from the
01:05:25 hunting rifle were much slower than the handgun, they were still bullets. Normal people couldn't
01:05:31 dodge them at all, and the opponent was at least at the beginning of the highest fighting
01:05:35 level. "Professional fighter? I thought Sacramento
01:05:39 didn't have many fighters. Where did they come from? And all the fighters here are people
01:05:44 with great status. Why would they need to rob a vault?" River asked in confusion.
01:05:50 Although he had quite a bit of money in his vault, it was not much. It was only two or
01:05:55 three hundred million. This amount of money was a huge sum for ordinary people, but it
01:06:00 wasn't worth mentioning for a professional fighter. Any random fighter, if they wanted
01:06:04 to, would be able to receive so much more in profit by guarding a rich family.
01:06:09 "They may be the foreigners Nick was talking about," Kevin said. This explanation was
01:06:15 the only one that made sense. Those people would need some money if they were coming
01:06:19 into the city. They wouldn't be stupid enough to steal from one of the top families, so
01:06:24 they probably had heard about River's vault. He could only take advantage of the fact that
01:06:28 he didn't know what kind of man River was. Even if he was robbed, he would still swallow
01:06:34 his anger and wouldn't cause a fight. "Mr. Bennett, what should we do now?" River
01:06:40 asked. In the fighting world, they had to check each
01:06:43 idea with their superior before deciding. In this case, Kevin was superior.
01:06:49 Let your people continue to search. If they find the people responsible for this, don't
01:06:54 act rashly. Whether or not the other party was the group
01:06:57 of foreign criminals, they were not people River and Jared could deal with alone. I'll
01:07:03 personally deal with them. Yes, Mr. Bennett. At the same time, a steel refinery is in an
01:07:09 abandoned industrial area in the suburbs. A dozen burly men, bare-chested, were drinking
01:07:15 and throwing punches at each other. Their shouts were deafening. Behind them, there
01:07:20 was a pile of beer bottles. Not far away, three middle-aged men stood
01:07:25 there. Two of them were tall and strong, and their faces were filled with obvious malice.
01:07:31 Compared to the other two men, the remaining person seemed rather thin. It was as if a
01:07:36 gust of wind could topple him. At this moment, the three men were chatting
01:07:40 with each other. The thin man listened with a timid smile. A moment later, the phone rang.
01:07:47 One of the men with a huge scar on his face answered the phone. After hearing a few words,
01:07:52 the man hung up and returned the phone to the charging block.
01:07:55 "Sir, it's done." The scarred man excitedly looked toward the
01:08:00 tall man beside him. The tall man nodded lightly. He didn't seem
01:08:04 surprised at all. As if it was natural that the job was complete,
01:08:09 he then shifted his gaze to the skinny man in front of him. With a faint smile, he said,
01:08:14 "Yes. Thank you for your information. Gavin and Belus have both succeeded."
01:08:18 "Sir, you're welcome." He was none other than Thomas Mardor. The
01:08:24 tall man in front of him was named Dax, and the man with the large knife scar on his face
01:08:29 was named Atticus. "Even without my help, the two of them probably
01:08:34 would have done just fine breaking into the vault."
01:08:37 Thomas was involved with these four people. He was standing next to the two men in charge,
01:08:41 but Belus and Gavin were their footmen. He began to wonder why they hadn't returned
01:08:46 yet from their mission. Dax shook his head with a smile and declined
01:08:50 to comment. This gambler would not have been in a hurry if not for the information provided
01:08:55 by Thomas. It wasn't easy for someone who was not from the city to find River's Vault.
01:09:00 "Thomas, I'll share some of the money they got from the vault with you." Dax laughed.
01:09:05 He waved his hand in fear. "Sir, no need. The two of them earned that
01:09:10 money. I didn't do anything. I just provided you with a piece of information, so I can't
01:09:15 take any of it." Dax shook his head. "We couldn't have done
01:09:18 this without your inside scoop, Thomas. I will give you some of this money whether you
01:09:22 want it. Because this past year, if your father hadn't saved us, the four of us would have
01:09:27 already been killed by those criminals in the village."
01:09:30 Hearing the mention of his father, Thomas' eyes flashed with reminiscence. He and the
01:09:35 four Bennet siblings were from the same hometown, and the two of their families were good friends.
01:09:41 Around thirty years ago, their family tried getting him to marry their daughter, Bella.
01:09:46 However, something unexpected happened to them later on. Because of the land issue,
01:09:52 Dax's parents quarreled with others and were beaten to death by a few tyrants in the village.
01:09:57 After the incident, not only did the other party not have the slightest hint of regret,
01:10:02 they continued their crimes and went to the Bennets. He intended to kill the whole family
01:10:07 and crumble their company. After fighting for some time, the Bennet siblings
01:10:11 could escape to the martyr's house and they survived under Thomas' father's protection.
01:10:17 The next day, his father gave the Bennet brothers and sisters a large amount of cash, allowing
01:10:22 them to escape from the village. They were gone for the next ten years.
01:10:27 Ten years later, the siblings finally returned. When they returned, they all had become extremely
01:10:33 skilled fighters, and no one knew how they learned all their skills. They killed the
01:10:39 entire village. Still, in college far from Sacramento, Thomas
01:10:44 was frightened after hearing the news. He did not expect the siblings to have killed
01:10:49 over a hundred people in one night. After committing such a monstrous crime, the
01:10:55 siblings disappeared without a trace. Some said they had fled overseas, while others
01:10:59 said they had been operating undercover and still in the United States.
01:11:03 In short, the Bennet siblings became synonymous with terror. Thomas thought that he would
01:11:09 never see any of them again in his lifetime. He would never have guessed that he would
01:11:13 run into one of them while traveling. He bumped into Dex Bennet.
01:11:18 "Thomas, my siblings and I owe your father our lives. Now that your father has passed
01:11:23 away, this debt of gratitude can only fall on you," Dex said in a deep voice.
01:11:29 "Dex," Thomas seemed to be moved. This was much different from the ungrateful encounter
01:11:34 he had with Eileen earlier. He didn't expect that after so many years, any of the siblings
01:11:40 would still remember the favor they had shown that year. He had confided in her in college,
01:11:45 giving her almost everything he had. However, Eileen, who had just graduated from
01:11:51 university, dumped him without a trace and went to marry another man.
01:11:55 "Man to man, do we have a deal?" Dex waved his hand and said.
01:12:00 "Tom, us four siblings are here on a mission, so we won't stay for long. If there's any
01:12:06 trouble you need to deal with, just tell us. I'll tell Gavin and Bella to take care of
01:12:10 it." "That's right, Thomas. You don't have to
01:12:13 be polite with us. Apart from the kidnapping of that woman, Claire, if there's anything
01:12:18 else you need taken care of, tell us. Tell us everything and let our people handle it."
01:12:23 Atticus laughed. The two of them being so casual caused Thomas
01:12:27 to be shocked. He didn't know what fortuitous encounters the siblings had in the thirty
01:12:32 years they had disappeared, but their current strength was terrifying.
01:12:41 Episode 260 Past Filth Explosion
01:12:46 These men had successfully stolen from the local snake, River Campino. To them, kidnapping
01:12:51 Claire seemed like a much less intimidating task. They assumed they could do it very quickly.
01:12:58 "No. No, Rig," Thomas shook his head. Originally, he had asked the siblings to kidnap
01:13:05 Claire in the hopes that Eileen would give him some money in return. Although he was
01:13:09 a gambler, he did not dare to commit murder or arson. But now, looking at how the siblings
01:13:15 operated, they weren't interested in money. If not for his wanting to punish Eileen for
01:13:20 being ungrateful, he wouldn't even plan to let the siblings get close to Claire.
01:13:25 "Are you sure? Tom, didn't you say that the bitch named Eileen dumped you back in
01:13:30 the day? Do you want me to ask Gavin and Bella to bring her in so you can talk to her?"
01:13:34 Atticus said. Thomas was hesitant, but in the end, he shook his head.
01:13:40 "No need, Atticus. That bitch and I have forgotten about it. In all these years, she
01:13:46 even helped me a few times." Atticus sighed and patted him on the shoulder, saying, "Thomas,
01:13:53 you can't be so indecisive. I say you should kill that man and her daughter right before
01:13:57 that bitch and make her regret it for the rest of her life."
01:14:00 "Atticus," Dex glared at him in dissatisfaction. He tended to be extremely aggressive. He would
01:14:07 kill anyone that looked at him in the wrong way if he could.
01:14:10 "Brother, I was just joking. I was just joking," he smiled in embarrassment. He still had a
01:14:16 lot of respect for his big brother, Dex.
01:14:19 "Alright, give Gavin a call. Have them go to Beverly Hills and get that girl, Claire.
01:14:24 Have them tie her up," Dex instructed.
01:14:27 "Alright, brother. I'll go and call them now."
01:14:30 As Aaron and his men got close to the right house, Gavin and Bella were also pulling up.
01:14:35 The two groups of people bumped into each other at the first possible moment.
01:14:39 "Who are you?" Aaron's pupils suddenly contracted. Although he had already guessed in his mind,
01:14:46 he was still a bit shocked. He never thought that the fighters they were talking about
01:14:50 would act so quickly, much less one of them being a woman.
01:14:54 Gavin didn't waste any time talking to Aaron. He suddenly stomped his foot and charged toward
01:15:00 him like a ferocious tiger. Bang! The moment the fist and palm collided, Aaron was forced
01:15:06 to take three steps back with a flushed face.
01:15:09 "You're a professional fighter?" The corner of Gavin's mouth curled up into a sneer. It
01:15:16 was completely not enough.
01:15:18 He formed a fist with his hand, and with a sliding step, he again charged toward the
01:15:23 man.
01:15:24 "I won't kill anyone."
01:15:26 At this moment, Bella spoke up from behind him. Gavin stopped in his tracks, and his
01:15:31 strength to attack receded slightly. Bella walked up to the door and expressionlessly
01:15:36 knocked on their door. It was naturally Eileen who opened the door.
01:15:41 Upon seeing Bella's unfamiliar face, her expression immediately became vigilant.
01:15:46 "Who are you?" She ignored the old lady's question. She grabbed her neck and lifted
01:15:53 her into the air.
01:15:54 "Where's your daughter?"
01:15:56 Eileen's eyes were filled with fear as her face turned red. Without hesitation, she pointed
01:16:04 at Claire's bedroom with her finger.
01:16:07 "Bang!" She was thrown to the side and slammed into the wall. The commotion over here naturally
01:16:12 attracted Claire's attention.
01:16:13 "Could this be a robber?" She thought to herself.
01:16:17 She was shocked and suddenly remembered what Kevin had said an hour ago. At that time,
01:16:23 she thought the so-called robber was just an excuse. But now?
01:16:27 She nervously pressed Kevin's number and dialed it.
01:16:31 "Bang!"
01:16:32 At this moment, the door was kicked open. Bella walked in expressionlessly.
01:16:36 "Who are you?" Claire forced herself to calm down.
01:16:41 The woman didn't say anything. She walked directly in front of Claire, and with a wave
01:16:45 of her hand, she lost her ability to resist.
01:16:49 "Claire?"
01:16:50 After Bella and Gavin left with Claire, Kevin's voice came out of the phone on the floor.
01:16:56 On the way, Kevin was burning with anxiety, and he nearly pushed the gas pedal on his
01:17:01 car to the ground. Without a doubt, something had happened to Claire.
01:17:06 Whether it was luring a tiger out of its lair or a coincidence, he had no time to think
01:17:11 about it. He was rushing home with all his might. It took Kevin less than ten minutes
01:17:16 to cover half an hour of travel. When he got downstairs, he saw Aaron. At this moment,
01:17:23 he was leaning against the wall. His face was pale, and there were traces of blood at
01:17:27 the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that his injuries were not light.
01:17:32 "Mr. Bennett!" seemed Kevin Walken. Aaron wanted to stand up in shame, but Kevin stopped
01:17:38 him from standing. How many people were there? His voice was terrifyingly cold.
01:17:43 "A total of seven, led by a man and a woman. The man is at the beginning of the highest
01:17:50 level of training, and I couldn't quite get a read on the woman," Aaron said, trying to
01:17:56 catch his breath.
01:17:58 Kevin nodded. "Go to the hospital first. Leave the rest to me."
01:18:02 He took a deep breath and went upstairs. He wanted to see if Claire had left any clues
01:18:07 in her room. After entering, Eileen lay on the ground, moaning in pain. Seeing him walk
01:18:14 in, she glared at him and asked, "What the hell are you doing here, pig?" Kevin didn't
01:18:19 pay any attention to her. She felt that he was the one who sent those robbers to pretend
01:18:24 to be her.
01:18:25 "I'm asking you a question. Are you deaf?" She raised her hand and was ready to slap him.
01:18:32 She refused to forgive him and hobbled in front of him.
01:18:35 However, before her palm could land on his face, Kevin slapped her across the cheek and
01:18:42 sent her flying across the room.
01:18:44 "You still have the nerve to talk to me like that?"
01:18:47 His face was as dark as night. If it weren't for Eileen's greed, then Claire wouldn't be
01:18:53 in this situation.
01:18:54 "You piece of trash. You actually hit me." She covered her face with her hands, disbelief
01:19:01 written all over her face. "Hit you? Even hitting you would be considered light. If
01:19:08 anything happens to Claire, I will make you regret the day you were born."
01:19:13 Kevin's voice was cold. Eileen couldn't help but shiver. She didn't know why, but at this
01:19:19 moment, he gave her an unprecedented feeling of fear.
01:19:24 "What's Thomas Martyr's phone number?" Kevin asked coldly.
01:19:28 The older woman's body shuddered when she heard the name. Shock flashed across her eyes.
01:19:34 "Who is Thomas Martyr? I don't know that person." Her eyes darted to deny it.
01:19:41 "Eileen." Kevin was incensed. "You've already reached this stage. You still want to hide
01:19:47 it?"
01:19:48 "Hiding what? What did I hide from you, Kevin? Don't try to make a fool out of me." She braced
01:19:53 herself and continued to deny it.
01:19:56 "Eileen, Alan isn't here right now. I'll give you one last chance to tell me that man's
01:20:02 number. Otherwise, don't blame me for torturing it out of you."
01:20:08 Eileen had already reached the limit of her selfishness. In her eyes, her pride and her
01:20:14 image were the most important things. The rest were all existences that she couldn't
01:20:19 care less about.
01:20:20 (upbeat music)
