Kyrie Irving Takes Accountability for Game Missteps

  • 4 months ago
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - All right, let's finish this game up from last night.
00:04 I wanted to give you Kyrie as well,
00:06 since he really let you down,
00:08 really for the first time in this series.
00:09 So we gotta give him a bit of a break.
00:11 But once again, saying all the right things.
00:13 They told him Lucas said it was all on him.
00:14 Kyrie says, no, that's not true.
00:16 It was all on me.
00:17 - How I started off in particular,
00:19 the game with a few turnovers.
00:21 And if I'm setting the example like that,
00:24 then other guys are gonna follow suit,
00:25 unfortunately at times.
00:27 And it just leads to just that lackadaisical play.
00:30 So that's on me taking accountability.
00:31 I gotta start off the game a lot better
00:33 and just get a shot up at the rim
00:35 instead of turning the ball over.
00:37 So I think starting off the game,
00:39 we just weren't in a great rhythm as of yet.
00:41 We picked it up in the second half a little bit more.
00:44 But yeah, just a few costly turnovers
00:47 and some miscommunications on the defensive end
00:52 during some crucial times in the game.
00:55 It felt like that was the difference tonight.
00:57 - He's right.
01:00 Not much you could say, Joe.
01:01 And you gotta give him a break
01:02 because he's been so good to you
01:04 that you really can't lean in on him yet.
01:07 You really can't lean on him.
01:08 He's been so good to you.
01:10 - I know, he has been.
01:11 So I'm just gonna let it ride.
01:13 But I swear, he doesn't drop in 25
01:16 and three threes in game six.
01:18 - That's his one pass.
01:20 He got one pass from you last night.
01:22 And now if he, again,
01:23 if he doesn't show up in game five tomorrow night,
01:25 then you'll start to hear, "Joe, enough with this guy.
01:28 Finish, he's a hump."
01:31 You gotta go after him if he doesn't come out.
01:33 What have you always, what have you done for me lately?
01:35 - I need the ice cream in my mouth.
01:37 I need it.
01:38 I wanna shovel it in.
01:38 I'm a glutton.
01:39 - You were doing that the other night,
01:43 I believe, weren't you?
01:44 You were eating pretty fat,
01:46 those couple of tickets that you were showing me.
01:48 - Oh, I thought you meant over Memorial Day weekend.
01:51 I was, I had the honey roasted almonds.
01:54 - Yeah, you were doing okay.
01:56 - I abused the honey roasted almonds
01:58 and a couple of glasses of vino.
01:59 - All right, Joe, let me give you,
02:05 by the way, Kyrie, that was the first time
02:08 in his career that he lost in a elimination,
02:11 a closeout game, as they like to say.
02:14 Now 14 and one.
02:16 In closeout games,
02:18 he will look to make that 15 and one tomorrow night,
02:22 a game number five in Minnesota
02:25 where the Timberwolves, Joe,
02:27 are four and a half point favorites.
02:30 Now, two oh nine and a half is the total
02:33 as we get ready for that one tomorrow night.
02:35 - Hey, all the love to A. Edwards
02:37 and Carl Anthony Towns, huh?
02:40 I'm gonna take the four and a half outright,
02:42 plus the 150 outright.
02:45 Joey outright.
02:47 - I figured you would say that, Joe.
02:48 I figured that you would go right after it.
02:51 We're gonna end this thing.
02:52 We're not messing around.
02:53 Over, done, stick a fork in 'em,
02:57 finish 'em on the road.
02:58 Why not?
03:00 - Sweep the leg. - Win three games
03:01 in Minnesota. - Sweep the leg.
03:02 - Sweep the leg, no mercy.
03:04 No mercy, sweep the leg.
03:05 Yesterday before the game,
03:07 the Timberwolves were 11 to one
03:10 to make the comeback down three oh.
03:12 Well, they won last night.
03:13 Now it's slashed in half and more,
03:16 plus 450.
03:18 You know, I said to Cam yesterday, Joe,
03:21 I didn't think 11 and one was enough.
03:24 I felt like you needed a lot more
03:26 to do something that had never been done
03:29 in NBA history before,
03:30 coming back from three oh down.
03:32 And honestly, even at three one,
03:34 at 425, even that, Joe, isn't enough for me.
03:37 That's just not enough to make me
03:39 even wanna think about it.
03:40 - I would have to take 11 to one
03:42 down three games to one.
03:44 I mean, honestly.
03:45 You know, I gotta tell you, Joe,
03:47 that look, I'm sure that the charts
03:49 and graphs people will tell me differently.
03:51 No, you don't understand.
03:52 They're favorites here,
03:53 and they'd be favorite in a game seven,
03:54 and they do, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
03:57 It's oh for like 150 or something like that
04:01 in NBA history with the three oh.
04:04 I need a big number, Joe, to take a chance on it.
04:07 I thought yesterday, I think you're,
04:09 I think yesterday should have been like 18 or 19,
04:12 you know, 18 to 20, right, in that range.
04:14 And I think today should be closer to,
04:16 maybe you're right what yesterday was,
04:17 nine, 10, eight, nine, 10,
04:20 like right around there, 425.
04:22 For them to win the next three games,
04:25 I just can't have it, Joe.
04:27 That is not enough for me whatsoever.
04:29 (upbeat music)
04:31 [MUSIC]
