• last year
Kota Makkah, Arab Saudi semakin padat dua pekan jelang puncak haji. Hingga 1 Juni 2024 kota suci ini telah kedatangan 138 ribu atau sekitar 65 persen dari seluruh jemaah haji Indonesia 2024.

Kepala Daerah Kerja (Daker) Makkah, Khalilulrahman mengatakan Jumlah tersebut bertambah lagi karena pada 2 Juni 2024 juga ada 19 kloter atau sekitar 7.425 jemaah datang dari Indonesia. Kemudian, jemaah yang sudah datang dari Madinah menuju Makkah ada 12 kloter atau sebanyak 4.743 jemaah akan tiba di Makkah.

Petugas Penyelenggara Ibadah Haji (PPIH) Arab Saudi juga mengimbau jemaah untuk menjaga ritme ibadah sebelum puncak haji. Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk menjaga kesehatan dan keselamatan jemaah haji.


00:00 [Music]
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00:39 The Saudi Arabian Mecca city is getting more dense two weeks after the peak of the Hajj.
00:43 Until June 1, 2024, this holy city has received 138,000 or about 65% of all Hajj in Indonesia in 2024.
00:54 The head of the Mecca Regional Office, Qalil Rahman, said,
00:59 "The number has increased again because on June 2, 2024, there were 19 quarters or about 7,415 jama'at from Indonesia.
01:08 Then the jama'at that has come from Medina to Mecca, there are 12 quarters or about 4,743 jama'at will arrive in Mecca."
01:17 The head of the Hajj or Saudi Arabian Regional Office is dedicating jama'at to maintain the ritual rhythm before the peak of Hajj.
01:26 He said it is a goal to maintain the health and safety of the Hajj.
01:29 The coverage of IDX Jum'at.
01:32 Yes, the audience to discuss our topic today, after the peak of the Hajj,
01:39 we are connected via Zoom with Mr. Farid Aljawi, who is the General Secretary of the DPP,
01:44 Muslim Association for the Perseverance of Hajj and Umrah in Indonesia, Ampuri.
01:47 Hello, good morning. Assalamualaikum. Mr. Farid.
01:51 Good morning, Mas Feras. Greetings.
01:55 Greetings, thank you for the opportunity.
01:58 We will discuss how the preparation for the peak of Hajj in Indonesia,
02:04 especially from the Jema'at of Hajj in Indonesia in the holy land.
02:08 How is the update? Please, Mr. Farid.
02:11 Thank you, Mas Feras. We need to appreciate this year, the quota is extraordinary.
02:18 There are an additional 20,000 quotas and preparation in the water.
02:24 The departure has reached about 80%.
02:28 The possibility starts from 4 to 10 and 11 is the last departure.
02:35 And everything is focused on the city of Mecca.
02:39 For departure on the 5th, you still have to go to Madinah first,
02:42 because they did take the Madinah program.
02:45 After that, on the 4th of Hijjah, around 11 June,
02:49 all the Jema'at of Hajj must enter Mecca.
02:52 The preparation is ready, because we can now do it online.
02:59 It is related to the administration, smart card,
03:05 it can be taken in the system for those who have a visa for Hajj.
03:09 That's all, Mas Feras.
03:11 If we talk about the preparation of the Jema'at of Hajj,
03:15 how to enter the peak of Hajj this year?
03:20 All the Jema'at of Hajj this year,
03:24 in Mecca, Madinah, and Jakarta,
03:27 have been verified, both administratively and health-wise.
03:33 In terms of health, we know that this year,
03:37 the temperature of Hajj can reach 48 degrees Celsius.
03:41 So it is recommended to the Jema'at to drink even if they are not thirsty.
03:48 Because of the high temperature,
03:53 I also got some reports,
03:56 some activities that are not important,
04:00 just focus on performing the prayer,
04:03 and then the law will be passed on the 9th of Hijjah.
04:06 Okay. But the Jema'at of Hajj Indonesia
04:09 already know the conditions there,
04:11 the preparations have been done,
04:13 what are the preparations from the village itself and the government?
04:19 Yes, the village and the government are on standby for health.
04:23 The village is currently preparing two special ambulances,
04:26 outside of what the government has prepared.
04:30 We bought these special ambulances
04:35 to benefit the members maximally,
04:39 both before performing the prayer of Hajj
04:41 or when performing the prayer of Hajj.
04:45 Outside of that, the safari uqoof that has been determined by the government
04:52 is no longer normal,
04:55 so they have to use cars for safari uqoof.
04:58 Okay. So, how is the preparation
05:01 to handle the Jema'at of Hajj in Indonesia?
05:05 And also the disability at the peak of Hajj,
05:08 how far is the preparation?
05:11 What are the things that need to be taken care of
05:13 for the people with disabilities and also for the Jema'at of Hajj?
05:20 Hajj is a physical prayer, so it needs to be known
05:24 that the government has already organized the Hajj Ramak Langsia.
05:27 With the Hajj Ramak Langsia,
05:30 we do need special treatment and support.
05:34 So, it is prepared for the Jema'at of Hajj Langsia,
05:39 for those who perform the obligatory acts,
05:42 such as when they come to the shrine,
05:45 after that they rest.
05:47 For the Sunnah, it is not prioritized,
05:51 so that when they perform on the 8th of Tarwiyah,
05:54 they are accompanied by a special person.
05:56 There are already accompanists who are prepared from the beginning,
06:00 maybe from their family, to accompany the Langsia.
06:03 So that the Langsia are handled well.
06:08 For the disability, especially for us in Hajj Khusus,
06:10 we are currently working with the National Disability Commission.
06:15 Because, no matter what, we have to respect,
06:21 protect, and fulfill the rights of the citizens
06:25 who perform the Hajj prayers, even though they are disabled.
06:29 So, we are starting a team
06:32 from the National Disability Commission of the Republic of Indonesia,
06:37 with Ampuri, to monitor directly,
06:39 and ensure that the disability handling
06:42 when performing the Hajj prayers,
06:44 can be the same as the normal Jema'at.
06:46 Okay, this is what is interesting,
06:48 when the Langsia are performed,
06:51 as instructed by the government.
06:53 Okay, Mr. Farid, for the Langsia who are unable to perform the Wukuf in Arapah,
06:58 the government will serve with the Wukuf Safari.
07:02 There are about 300 quotas prepared.
07:06 Can you explain, like this scheme,
07:08 is there any additional cost?
07:11 Yes, related to the Wukuf Safari,
07:15 which has 300 quotas from the government,
07:17 there is no additional cost,
07:19 whether it is in Hajj Khusus or in regular Hajj.
07:22 If the Hajj Khusus, which they have passed the health stage,
07:26 is declared capable,
07:28 of course, if the health is lacking,
07:30 it will be accompanied.
07:32 But those who are declared incapable,
07:35 we will report to the government.
07:36 And we also prepare a special vehicle
07:40 to carry the Jema'at Hajj
07:42 by using two ambulances
07:44 for the Wukuf Safari outside the government.
07:47 Okay, from the number side,
07:50 actually, Mr. Farid, how much is the amount now,
07:52 if there is an additional quota,
07:54 both regular and special,
07:56 for the Hajj worship this year?
07:58 The additional quota this year for the regular,
08:04 is around Rp. 10,000,
08:06 and Rp. 10,000 for the special Hajj.
08:08 Of course, we refer to the technical guidance
08:10 provided by the Ministry of Religion
08:12 regarding the quota of officers.
08:14 These are health officers
08:17 who accompany 24 hours,
08:20 and we have set it up,
08:22 so that the Jema'at is really handled.
08:24 And we have also prepared the medicines
08:26 brought by the officials.
08:28 And we also offer to the people,
08:32 to the Jema'at,
08:34 who have a special illness,
08:36 that the medicine must be brought
08:39 from Indonesian medicine,
08:41 it can be brought, of course,
08:43 with the guidance of the doctor.
08:45 Because, based on experience,
08:47 the medicines in Saudi Arabia
08:49 are far higher in quality
08:51 than the medicines in Indonesia.
08:53 So, the doctor who is the officer here,
08:55 is really in control of the Jema'at,
08:58 so that when it is implemented,
09:00 tomorrow it can be maximized,
09:03 especially with the illness
09:04 or the disturbances that can't be maximized
09:07 by their Hajj.
09:09 Okay. And, Pak Farid,
09:11 there are indeed some unpleasant events
09:13 in the last five days.
09:15 There were three arrests in Jema'at Indonesia
09:17 because they didn't use the Tashrī,
09:19 or the official permit.
09:21 There were 24 people,
09:23 and the news was also caught in Madinah
09:25 on May 30, then two people were arrested,
09:27 and two people returned to Indonesia.
09:29 Then on May 28,
09:32 we got the news that 19 UNI members
09:33 were arrested again in Madinah,
09:35 but were released because
09:37 there were no signs of Hajj.
09:39 Then on June 1, the security forces
09:41 secured 37 UNI members
09:43 who were suspected of Hajj
09:45 without the official Tashrī.
09:47 Three UNI members were taken to Kejah Kacan,
09:49 while the rest were still held.
09:51 The Saudi Arabian Security Force.
09:53 What is it like?
09:55 Maybe you can tell us
09:57 what actually happened on the ground.
09:59 Pak Farid.
10:01 This is a hot topic
10:03 lately.
10:05 Because the Umrah
10:07 is not over yet,
10:09 but the Hajj period has started.
10:11 Okay.
10:13 Because according to the government,
10:15 the Umrah period
10:17 that uses the Umrah visa
10:19 was the last time the Saudi Arabians
10:21 returned to Indonesia on June 4.
10:23 Okay.
10:25 Meanwhile, the Hajj period
10:27 has started since early June.
10:29 Since the middle of May.
10:32 Okay.
10:34 Because that was the government's schedule,
10:36 we can't filter
10:38 which category is the Umrah visa,
10:40 and which category is the Hajj visa.
10:42 Not to mention
10:44 that the information we have now
10:46 is that some people use the visa,
10:48 besides the Hajj visa,
10:50 to perform the Hajj prayer.
10:52 So the Saudi Arabian government
10:54 has indeed issued a visa
10:56 that is based on the
10:58 various types of Saudi Arabia.
11:00 Okay.
11:02 From the visit visa.
11:04 Visits include family visits,
11:06 business visits,
11:08 and tourist visits.
11:10 All of them are allowed to enter Saudi Arabia.
11:12 It's just that whether the visa
11:14 is allowed to perform the Hajj prayer.
11:16 Well,
11:18 things that happen in Saudi Arabia
11:20 are in a filter system.
11:22 All people who will perform
11:24 the Hajj prayer are ensured
11:26 to be able to perform the Hajj prayer.
11:28 Because the reality is
11:29 they don't use the Hajj visa
11:31 with the tourist visa.
11:33 There are those who
11:35 use the Umrah visa,
11:37 but it seems like they are
11:39 related to the Hajj visa,
11:41 they are related to fake bracelets.
11:43 Well, this is also a category of fraud.
11:45 Things that happen in this system
11:47 are in a filter system.
11:49 And it ensures
11:51 that people who perform the Hajj prayer
11:53 must use the Hajj visa
11:55 and must be certified.
11:57 The capacity of the Al-Fahmilani
11:59 has been calculated.
12:01 Okay, okay.
12:03 So, Pak Farid, where is the mistake?
12:05 Is it true that
12:07 the Uknum people are using the Hajj visa
12:09 or do they not know
12:11 the rules?
12:13 But let's keep the answer
12:15 for the next segment.
12:17 And, viewers, make sure
12:19 you are still with us.
12:21 [Music]
12:38 Thank you for still being with us.
12:40 And the next segment, we will present data
12:42 about the city of Jemaah Hajj Indonesia
12:44 in 2024.
12:46 You can see the complete data
12:48 on the television screen.
12:50 The total number of Jemaah Hajj is 241,000.
12:53 Regular, 213,320.
12:57 And then, 27,680.
13:01 Meanwhile, we see the city of Jemaah Hajj Indonesia
13:04 from year to year.
13:06 It is recorded in 2024
13:09 as the highest compared to the previous years.
13:12 Let's continue our discussion
13:14 with Pak Farid Aljawi,
13:16 from the Jemaah Puri section.
13:18 We will continue.
13:20 We will talk about the events
13:22 that caused the Jemaah Hajj Indonesia
13:24 to be blamed, if it can be explained.
13:27 Is it because of our UNI
13:30 that does not know about the change of rules
13:32 in Saudi Arabia?
13:34 Or is it the Oknum people that are using it?
13:37 So, it makes our citizens
13:39 when they do the Ibadahaj
13:42 or other activities,
13:44 it is not in accordance with the rules there.
13:46 Okay, first of all,
13:48 we need to know
13:50 the vision of Saudi in 2030
13:53 with 30 million people entering Saudi Arabia.
13:56 Okay.
13:58 Of course, we already know
14:00 that now, all events are made in Saudi Arabia.
14:03 Whether it is concert music,
14:05 or events that are world-scale,
14:08 are made in Saudi Arabia.
14:10 Saudi opens opportunities,
14:12 both online
14:14 and through institutions,
14:17 to issue visas.
14:19 Visa of visit,
14:21 or also known as visit visa.
14:23 This visit visa
14:25 can enter the Saudi country.
14:27 Of course, in Jeddah,
14:29 Riyadh, Damam, and others.
14:32 Many Oknum people use this visa
14:36 so they can enter
14:39 Mecca City, because it is in
14:41 Saudi Arabia.
14:43 This visa is not fake,
14:45 and this visa is not wrong.
14:47 This visa can only be visited,
14:49 but not approved for pilgrimage.
14:52 If they want to use this visa for pilgrimage,
14:55 there is another process
14:57 that they have to enter Mecca City.
15:00 Once they enter Mecca City,
15:02 they have to go through all the checks,
15:04 through tactics,
15:07 and when they pass,
15:09 they have another process
15:11 to enter Arafat.
15:13 To Ar-Musnam,
15:14 Arafah, Minam, and Galifah.
15:16 Those are the rings
15:18 that are provided for pilgrimage.
15:21 And the number is limited.
15:23 Based on the data we received,
15:26 the number of visit visas
15:28 from Indonesia
15:30 from several months ago
15:32 is 38,700.
15:37 This is an extraordinary number
15:41 and all of them will probably
15:42 enter Mecca City.
15:45 Now, where is the problem?
15:48 We cannot prevent
15:50 the Saudi government's policies,
15:52 whatever it is,
15:54 related to people who will enter the country.
15:56 However, we must be able to
15:58 educate the people,
16:00 we must be able to limit and create
16:02 a system that is in sync with the ministries.
16:04 Whether it is the Ministry of Religion,
16:06 Ministry of Law and Immigration,
16:08 Ministry of Foreign Affairs
16:10 related to the protection of citizens abroad,
16:13 Ministry of Finance related to airplanes,
16:16 and several other instances
16:19 that all people can do umrah
16:22 or perform Hajj.
16:24 This must be in sync
16:26 so that there are no people who become victims
16:29 or people who take advantage of the policies.
16:32 If we can compact this,
16:35 God willing,
16:36 the people can be protected.
16:39 There will be incidents
16:41 that are neglected.
16:43 They cannot go home
16:45 because they run out of money.
16:47 This is in line with
16:49 the government's digitalization.
16:52 But, the people
16:54 who are still deceived
16:56 by the government's policies
16:58 still have a way to
17:00 minimize incidents.
17:03 Because the people
17:05 who will perform Hajj
17:07 are the ones who are in Furoda, Khusus, etc.
17:10 We refer to the Law No. 8 of 2019
17:14 that says that those who can perform Hajj
17:17 are those who use the visa.
17:19 One is the regular Hajj period
17:21 through the government.
17:23 The second is the special Hajj period
17:25 through our members, Ampuri,
17:27 which is a total of around 250 companies.
17:31 The third is the Hajj Muja Malak
17:33 or the Furoda Hajj.
17:35 The Furoda Hajj is a power
17:37 that is obtained from the Saudi Arabians.
17:40 The Hajj Muja Malak is obtained
17:42 from the government to its country's friends
17:44 and of course, to the whole world.
17:46 If, in addition to the Hajj visa,
17:48 they go to Saudi Arabia
17:50 during the Hajj period,
17:52 it is allowed.
17:54 But, they cannot enter
17:56 the city of Arafat.
17:58 If they can enter Arafat,
18:00 they have to buy a Shrik card
18:02 for Hajj.
18:04 The Shrik card for Hajj
18:06 is now being sold a lot
18:08 and many of them are fake.
18:10 This is the problem.
18:12 They claim that they have Shrik card.
18:14 The Saudi Arabian government,
18:16 whenever they randomly
18:18 do this,
18:20 the people are not well educated.
18:22 That's the first.
18:24 The second is the price issue.
18:26 We can know the range
18:28 if they want to perform Hajj,
18:30 they get a regular or special Hajj.
18:32 If they don't get a regular Hajj,
18:34 the price is similar
18:35 to the regular Hajj,
18:37 but under the special Hajj,
18:39 the range is between 150-200 million.
18:41 It is not certain.
18:43 They ask the government again
18:45 what visa they are using.
18:47 Visa Ziyarah,
18:49 Visa Umalkah.
18:51 If the government agrees,
18:53 it is a risk between
18:55 the government and the government.
18:57 We cannot forbid them
18:59 to do this or that.
19:02 The visa is forbidden
19:03 and the visa is authentic.
19:05 But the government
19:07 does not make a requirement for Hajj.
19:09 It is written there.
19:11 Another thing,
19:13 sometimes people don't understand
19:15 because it is promised by
19:17 the government that it is not responsible.
19:19 So they follow it.
19:21 The important thing is that they can perform Hajj
19:23 because they are claimed to have a link.
19:25 And it is true.
19:27 And it happens.
19:30 If they cannot do it,
19:31 it is a benefit.
19:33 Okay.
19:35 When they make a visa,
19:37 they sign it.
19:39 It is not a document.
19:41 It is a sign.
19:43 It is a sign.
19:45 There is a limit.
19:47 There is Arabic and English.
19:49 It is stated that when they
19:51 get a visa,
19:53 they cannot use it for Hajj.
19:55 When they use it for Hajj,
19:58 they are fined 10,000 riyal.
20:00 Okay.
20:02 When they get it in Arafat or Mina,
20:05 they are fined 50,000 riyal.
20:08 And it is stated that when they return to Indonesia,
20:11 they cannot enter Saudi Arabia for 10 years.
20:14 This is not explained.
20:16 That's it.
20:18 It means that there is education
20:20 for the people.
20:22 And the people should be active
20:24 asking the travel agents
20:27 who promised to do
20:28 Hajj trip.
20:30 It turns out there are still many challenges.
20:32 And again, there needs to be
20:34 more massive literacy education
20:36 regarding the prohibition of Hajj
20:38 to all the people
20:40 in the world.
20:42 Thank you very much, sir.
20:44 Good luck for the prohibition of Hajj
20:46 in 2024.
20:48 Good luck with your activities.
20:50 May peace be upon you.
20:52 May peace be upon you too.
20:55 [Voiceover: This has been Endgame]
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20:59 [Voiceover: Your information is only on IDX Channel]
21:01 [Voiceover: Your trustworthy and comprehensive]
21:03 [Voiceover: investment reference]
21:05 [Voiceover: Because the future is the future]
21:07 [Voiceover: I am Investor Sam]
21:09 [Voiceover: See you soon]
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