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Episod 569 My #QuranTime 2.0 Khamis 4 Julai 2024 Surah Al-A'raf (7: 110-114) Halaman 164

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-A'raf ayat 110-114 halaman 164 ini adalah:
* Perancangan jahat kaum kafir terhadap Nabi Musa AS (110-112)
* Syarat ahli-ahli sihir dan persetujuan penguasa mereka (113-114)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 110-114 halaman 164:
* Haram mendekati perbuatan dan ilmu sihir yang merosakkan amalan diri (112)
* Meminta upah secara baik sesuai dengan hasil kerja yang dilakukan (113)
* Menjadikan orang yang punyai kepakaran untuk kepentingan agama (114)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [Music]
00:16 The story of Prophet Moses is a new episode that was presented in Surat Al-A'raf.
00:22 The story of Prophet Moses contains stories about the similarity between the preaching of the Messenger of Allah and the preaching of the people of the past,
00:29 so first watch the sequence in this episode.
00:33 [Music]
00:54 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
01:01 He intends to drive you out of your land. So what is it that you order?
01:22 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
01:30 [Prayer]
01:45 How are you all, ladies and gentlemen, mothers and fathers, viewers who are blessed by Allah,
01:50 I hope we are all in a healthy and prosperous state.
01:54 We meet again in the program My Quran Time, Quran Suhada and Infaq.
01:58 A program that discusses, investigates, explores, interprets and we discuss about the holy verses of the Quran.
02:06 This is very important for us to understand what has been revealed to the Messenger of Allah SAW.
02:12 As usual, today with me, the famous and internationally renowned Qawri, Ustaz Tanweezy.
02:22 How are you, Ustaz?
02:23 Praise be to Allah, our beloved Ustaz.
02:26 The spirit of reciting the Quran is great.
02:29 How are you, Ustaz Tanweezy?
02:30 Praise be to Allah.
02:31 I can't see you, I'm not ready.
02:33 That's okay.
02:34 That's our Qawri for today. As usual, we will continue our discussion, starting from verse 110 to verse 114.
02:47 Before we start our study, let's recite a short prayer.
02:52 [Prayer in Arabic]
03:07 InshaAllah, we will start today with verse 110.
03:10 Let's first see the synopsis.
03:12 Will we study and discuss this verse today?
03:16 [Prayer in Arabic]
03:37 This is an important episode.
03:39 A discussion about the story of Prophet Musa, how Prophet Musa met his people, his leaders, the Pharaoh and the advisors of the angels.
03:53 But before we study this verse, let's recite the holy Quran, starting from verse 110 to verse 111.
04:04 InshaAllah, together with our leader, Ustaz Tanweezy.
04:07 Please proceed, Ustaz.
04:08 Thank you, Al-Fadhil.
04:09 I'm happy to be here with Ustaz Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sanusi Azmi.
04:13 He is our mentor at USIM, Faculty of Quran and Sunnah Studies.
04:19 He is the one who always brings a smile to us.
04:25 SubhanAllah, may Allah bless his students.
04:28 Including me, today.
04:30 May Allah bless us to continue to enjoy this episode.
04:40 We will recite verses 110 and 111 first.
04:48 We will try to recite them.
04:51 [Prayer in Arabic]
04:55 We will try to recite the first two verses using the Taranum Bayati.
05:01 InshaAllah.
05:02 [Prayer in Arabic]
05:05 [Prayer in Arabic]
05:09 [Prayer in Arabic]
05:12 [Prayer in Arabic]
05:34 [Prayer in Arabic]
05:49 [Prayer in Arabic]
06:12 [Prayer in Arabic]
06:23 In the verse 110, Allah says,
06:27 "Whoever intends to drive you out of your land,
06:30 the Quran says, 'Then what is your advice?'"
06:34 This is the continuation of verse 109.
06:39 Before we continue our discussion on the dialogue between the Pharaoh and his elder, Prophet Musa,
06:45 the story of Prophet Musa is a little bit of a change in the episode or the pattern of the Dawah.
06:53 If we look at the beginning of the story of the Prophets, starting from Prophet Noah, Allah says,
06:59 "Laqad arsalna Nuhan"
07:02 When it comes to the people of the Prophet, Allah says,
07:04 "Wa ila adin akhahu hudan"
07:06 When it comes to the people of the Prophet, Allah says,
07:09 "Wa ila adin akhahu hudan"
07:11 When it comes to the people of the Prophet, Allah says,
07:13 "Wa ila adin akhahu hudan"
07:14 The same goes for Prophet Shoaib.
07:16 Suddenly, when it comes to the story of Prophet Musa, Allah says,
07:19 "Thumma ba'asna min ba'dihim Musa"
07:23 Why did Allah say, "Wa arsalna wa lutan wa ila adin akhahu hudan"
07:30 in the previous Prophets?
07:31 "Wa" is the continuation of the story.
07:34 However, when it comes to Prophet Musa, Allah says,
07:37 "Ba'asna"
07:38 When it comes to the story of Thumma,
07:41 according to Dr. Ahmad Abdul Munaim,
07:44 when it comes to Thumma,
07:47 there will be a new episode or a change of pattern.
07:51 Because if we look at the story of Prophet Noah,
07:53 he did not fight with his people.
07:55 Or Prophet Salah did not fight directly with his people.
08:00 Prophet Shoaib did not fight with his people.
08:02 Prophet Lut did not fight directly with his people.
08:03 His people were wiped out.
08:05 However, Prophet Musa had a direct confrontation.
08:10 This is the difference between their stories.
08:13 A larger group of people came with a larger ruler.
08:18 Some say that Thumma in this story is a change from the peak of destruction.
08:24 The people of Prophet Salah have been destroyed.
08:26 The people of Prophet Noah have been destroyed.
08:27 The people of Prophet Lut have been destroyed from the moral aspect.
08:30 The people of Prophet Shoaib have been destroyed from the economic aspect.
08:32 The people of Prophet Noah and the story of the change or the destruction of the faith,
08:37 the peak of destruction for the people of Prophet Musa,
08:39 Pharaoh admitted that he was God.
08:41 This is the peak of destruction.
08:43 Some say that this change is from the aspect of the pattern of Dawah.
08:46 Some say that this change is because of the peak of destruction
08:50 that happened to the people of Prophet Musa.
08:53 Or some say that because of the long period of time after the people of the past,
08:58 Allah Almighty said,
08:59 "Thumma ba'athna mim ba'dihim."
09:01 "We have brought upon you after the long period of time,
09:04 various destruction has occurred.
09:06 We have brought upon you the people or Prophet Musa
09:09 which will be similar to what has occurred to the people of today,
09:13 which is the time of the Messenger of Allah."
09:15 The destruction of the people of the past is almost all of them.
09:19 The destruction of the economy is also there.
09:21 The destruction of the faith can also occur.
09:24 The moral destruction.
09:25 Today, there are many other moral issues.
09:27 These are summarized and then the story of Prophet Musa is brought up
09:31 which brought about a great disaster
09:34 because the leader of the evil people was Pharaoh himself
09:38 who was likened to Abu Jahl, the Pharaoh of the people.
09:41 There will be a similarity between the stories.
09:44 Then, we come to the verse 110
09:47 about the Dawah, the advice.
09:51 Actually, there are two different interpretations of this.
09:54 According to verse 109,
09:57 "The leaders of the people of Pharaoh spoke to Pharaoh."
10:04 Then, verse 110,
10:06 actually, still in some details,
10:09 it is said that the one who spoke to Pharaoh was the leader.
10:14 The leader said,
10:16 "They, Prophet Musa, tried to remove you from your current position.
10:22 What you have commanded is not acceptable."
10:26 But Ibn Ashur said it was a little bit confusing
10:28 because the word here is the word of the congregation.
10:30 If all the leaders spoke to Pharaoh alone,
10:33 he should have said, "What you have commanded is not acceptable."
10:39 But when it is said, "It is not acceptable,"
10:42 the view of the interpretation is different.
10:46 We will discuss more in the verse 110
10:51 After this, we will take a break.
10:53 My Quran Time, Quran Salat Infah.
10:56 [Music]
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14:00 [Music]
14:10 [Music]
14:25 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
14:27 Alhamdulillah, we meet again in the program
14:29 My Quran Time, Quran Salat and Infah.
14:31 Today, we will discuss verses 110 to 114.
14:37 As usual, before the break, we will discuss
14:40 our Ustaz Termizi, about the verses starting from verse 110.
14:45 But this is actually a dialogue between
14:48 the Quran and its advisor.
14:51 If we look at verse 109,
14:53 if you have Mus'haf, Quran,
14:56 you can see that verse 109,
14:59 the advisor asked the Quran,
15:02 [Quran 109]
15:07 He said, the leaders advised the Quran,
15:11 "This one is actually very good at magic."
15:14 This is how the advisor is.
15:15 The advisor is also a bad advisor.
15:17 Then he said,
15:18 [Quran 109]
15:21 "This Prophet Musa wants to take you out,
15:24 wants to bring you down."
15:26 Sometimes it happens today,
15:28 we advise good things,
15:29 but he said,
15:30 "He wants to take your place."
15:32 He said, "He wants to take your power."
15:35 [Quran 109]
15:37 Then in the same verse,
15:39 the dialogue changes to two different advisors.
15:43 At first, the advisor said,
15:45 "He wants to take you out."
15:47 Then the Quran said,
15:48 "What is your opinion?"
15:51 "What is your opinion?"
15:53 The Quran can also say, "What is your opinion?"
15:57 This is the difference between the Ulama.
15:59 Some of the Tafsir scholars said,
16:00 "The same verse has the same narrator."
16:04 Ibn Ashur said,
16:05 "The advisor advised the Quran,
16:09 'This Prophet Musa wants to take you out,
16:12 wants to bring you down,
16:13 wants to bring you down,
16:14 wants to bring you down,
16:17 wants to bring your leadership down.'
16:19 Then the advisors said,
16:21 'What do you want us to do?'
16:24 "When you are commanded,
16:29 when it is brought down with the word 'Jamak',"
16:32 the word 'Jamak' means plural,
16:34 it means 'brought down with many'.
16:35 "Won't the Pharaoh be many?"
16:36 "Won't the Pharaoh be many?"
16:37 "What do you want to command, O Pharaoh?"
16:39 "Won't the Pharaoh be many?"
16:40 Then Ibn Ashur explained,
16:43 "The word 'Jamak' is used to glorify the Pharaoh."
16:47 Glorify the Pharaoh is like,
16:49 in Surah Al-Mu'minun,
16:50 we read,
16:52 "O Allah, bring us back."
16:55 It means,
16:56 not that Allah is many,
16:57 but in the verse or the term we used,
17:01 the word 'Jamak',
17:02 it means 'bring us back',
17:04 which means 'to glorify Allah SWT'.
17:07 "And you will be commanded,
17:09 what will you command?"
17:14 Here,
17:15 it is actually about
17:18 how this advice is very important
17:21 in the leadership of an organization
17:24 or in a company.
17:26 Because if the advisor is not good,
17:28 he will give a more damaging advice.
17:31 This is very worrisome for us
17:34 because sometimes the leader
17:36 may be a good person,
17:37 but the people around him,
17:39 his advisors are not true.
17:42 This is mentioned in a hadith
17:45 narrated by Imam Abu Dawud,
17:48 which Rasulullah SAW said,
17:51 "If Allah wants goodness for a leader,
18:01 make him a truthful advisor.
18:03 He will give him good advice.
18:07 If he forgets his advice,
18:11 he will advise him with good advice."
18:14 What happens sometimes is,
18:16 the leader is good,
18:18 but his advisor is not a good advisor,
18:20 but a bad advisor.
18:22 He is a bad advisor.
18:23 He is making the people
18:26 make the right decisions.
18:28 He says, "We can't take 5% of the share."
18:32 "We will take 20% instead."
18:35 "This is just an example.
18:36 It doesn't happen in this country.
18:38 Maybe in another country."
18:40 This means that the bad advisor
18:42 who gives bad advice
18:44 can happen today.
18:47 This is about what is mentioned here.
18:52 They ask for advice or
18:55 they ask for the view of the Quran.
18:57 Or in the second interpretation,
18:58 the Quran asks them
19:00 what is their view.
19:02 Then they give the wrong advice.
19:05 If we look at the 111th verse,
19:08 "Qaulu arjih wa akhawhu ar-silfil mada'ini ha'shirin."
19:13 The elders say,
19:15 "Their ruler says,
19:17 'Hold on for a while. Wait first.
19:19 We will gather them together.
19:21 If they are really great magicians,
19:23 we will find the sorcerers,
19:25 the great magicians,
19:27 who come with flying swabs."
19:29 They come with flying swabs
19:32 or magic or whatever.
19:34 This is what is interpreted by various scholars.
19:37 This means that as many sorcerers
19:39 come as magicians,
19:41 even according to the interpretation of Qurutubi,
19:44 which tells about
19:46 how many of them.
19:48 I have seen in the interpretation
19:50 that Ibn Abbas mentioned,
19:53 or the previous scholars,
19:55 when interpreting this verse,
19:56 he mentioned about 15,000.
19:59 15,000 is like an army
20:02 that comes to fight.
20:04 Some say up to 70,000.
20:06 According to the interpretation of Qurutubi,
20:08 there are 12 battalions.
20:10 There are 12 groups of battalions.
20:12 Each group of battalions has 20 commanders.
20:15 This means that there are great sorcerers.
20:18 Maybe one of their sticks is smaller
20:20 and the other is longer.
20:22 I don't know.
20:23 In that era,
20:24 there were flying swabs used by Prophet Musa.
20:27 They came with flying swabs.
20:29 Perhaps they had their own magic swabs.
20:32 This is up to tens of thousands.
20:35 But all of this is about
20:37 power, first.
20:39 Second,
20:40 the nature of the fight
20:43 in that era
20:44 was using magic.
20:46 While magic is something
20:48 that Allah Almighty has established.
20:50 In the next verse,
20:51 we will see how they used magic
20:53 to deceive the human eye
20:55 until they became afraid
20:58 to see that extraordinary magic.
21:00 This is a bit surprising.
21:03 Because they advised Pharaoh
21:06 to wait for the time
21:08 to stop the magic.
21:10 They said, "Wait a moment.
21:12 We will gather all the great magicians
21:15 from all over the country."
21:17 I don't think this is in the story of 'Papdalang'.
21:20 If it is in the story of the two countries' conflict,
21:24 they will gather the greatest magicians
21:30 from all over the country.
21:32 But the strange thing here,
21:34 which is also mentioned by some of the Tafsir scholars,
21:38 is that if Pharaoh was so great
21:41 that he claimed to be God,
21:43 why did he need to ask for help from the angels?
21:46 Because he claimed,
21:47 "I am the highest God."
21:50 God is more powerful.
21:54 But why did he need to ask for help from the angels?
21:57 This is also a reflection of Pharaoh himself.
22:00 He was the one who was wrong
22:02 in his claim because he himself had to ask for help
22:05 from other groups.
22:07 How could God ask for help from the magicians?
22:10 This is also an interesting conclusion.
22:13 When he asked his people
22:16 or his advisors,
22:19 "Wait a moment.
22:21 We will gather all the magicians
22:25 from all over the land of Egypt."
22:28 If we look at it,
22:29 magic is not a joke.
22:31 There are many types of magic.
22:34 If you study,
22:35 there are types of dividing magic,
22:37 types of magic that affect people,
22:39 that cause people to become ungrateful,
22:42 and become self-indulgent towards the Prophet SAW.
22:46 In a true hadith,
22:47 the claim is not only that
22:49 in the time of Pharaoh,
22:50 magic was used to meet with Prophet Moses.
22:54 In the time of the Prophet,
22:55 such incidents also happened.
22:58 This is the summary of the verses 110-111.
23:02 Let's talk about the topic of our topic today,
23:07 which is the word "Hasharah".
23:11 The word "Hasharah" is like the word "Hashar"
23:14 which means "gathering".
23:16 It was taken from the verse 111.
23:27 We just read that earlier.
23:29 "Gather them" or ask,
23:32 "Gather them and send some people to gather the magicians."
23:38 "Wa arsil fil mada'ini hashirin"
23:40 "They want to gather"
23:41 "Gathering" is gathering.
23:45 It is mentioned 43 times in the Quran.
23:49 There is also a specific surah about "Suratul Hashar",
23:52 the meeting between the Prophet SAW and the Jews,
23:55 if I am not mistaken.
23:56 It is also mentioned in the end of Juz 28 or 27.
24:02 This is a little bit of discussion about the verses 110 and 111.
24:06 Let's take a break for a while.
24:08 My Quran Time, Quran Salat Infah.
24:11 [Music]
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24:42 [Music]
25:00 [Music]
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25:44 The most prominent verse in the hadith of the Prophet SAW,
25:49 is only one.
25:51 That is, "tomorrow we will know".
25:53 Not the night.
25:54 We won't know the night.
25:56 If we use the verse in the Quran, "salam".
25:59 What does "salam" mean?
26:00 It means peace or calmness.
26:03 The problem is that calmness is different for everyone.
26:05 Some people are not at peace.
26:07 It's not the night that is calm or not.
26:10 The sign from the Quran is just "salam".
26:13 But in the hadith, the only hadith that tells about the sign...
26:16 ...is that the next morning, the sun will not be too bright.
26:20 The atmosphere in the next morning, when the sun is bright,
26:25 ...is not too hot or too cold.
26:28 It's moderate and comfortable.
26:31 That's all.
26:32 In the hadith.
26:33 That's all the sign we can know.
26:35 What does it mean?
26:36 It means we can only know the night is the night of the Al-Qadar,
26:39 ...after it passes.
26:40 Not as it passes.
26:42 Like the night, let's see what's up, friends.
26:44 (Reciting)
27:03 (Music)
27:08 (Reciting)
27:37 (Music)
28:07 That's a little bit of the lyrics.
28:10 From Nadar Muni.
28:14 It was sung by our judges.
28:16 "Fighting or a just leader."
28:19 It's very similar to what was shared by Prof. Madia.
28:23 The doctor mentioned earlier about sometimes,
28:26 ...the leader is okay, good.
28:29 But the 25% is the problem.
28:33 That's right.
28:34 Prof, can you repeat that?
28:36 I did.
28:38 Okay, good evening, everyone.
28:41 We need to remember and pay attention.
28:45 Each of us is a leader.
28:48 No matter how high or far our leadership is,
28:52 ...even in our marriage life,
28:55 ...we will be questioned by Allah.
28:59 How we conduct our family,
29:03 ...our life, our mosque,
29:06 ...our family, our siblings.
29:09 Hopefully Allah will make it easier.
29:12 And the responsibility that Allah has bestowed upon us,
29:15 ...will be helped and guided by Allah.
29:19 We will take a break for a while.
29:22 Our episode for today,
29:24 ...for the Tajweed recitation,
29:26 ...we will focus on two verses.
29:28 The verses 110 and 111.
29:33 Let's listen to the choice of the verses.
29:36 The first one is,
29:39 Please.
29:52 (Reciting)
30:00 Once again.
30:01 (Reciting)
30:10 Please.
30:11 (Reciting)
30:18 Okay.
30:19 InshaAllah.
30:20 The first one.
30:21 (Reciting)
30:26 Try.
30:27 (Reciting)
30:29 How many times?
30:30 Just two times.
30:32 (Reciting)
30:34 Try.
30:35 (Reciting)
30:38 InshaAllah.
30:39 Don't change it.
30:40 (Reciting)
30:42 Right?
30:43 Then,
30:44 (Reciting)
30:47 Two times.
30:48 What is the name?
30:49 You can change it.
30:51 Or,
30:52 (Reciting)
30:55 Right?
30:56 (Reciting)
30:57 Sorry, not Ma'al Hunnah.
30:59 (Reciting)
31:05 Try.
31:06 (Reciting)
31:11 Yes, two times.
31:12 And,
31:13 (Reciting)
31:16 How many times?
31:17 (Reciting)
31:18 Not two times.
31:19 Two times.
31:20 (Reciting)
31:22 (Reciting)
31:26 Try.
31:27 (Reciting)
31:30 First, don't hold it.
31:32 (Reciting)
31:33 Too long.
31:34 Second,
31:35 don't be lazy.
31:36 (Reciting)
31:44 Like this.
31:45 Don't hold it.
31:46 (Reciting)
31:47 Try.
31:48 (Reciting)
31:49 (Reciting)
31:53 Where is the place to put the letter 'Da'?
31:56 The side of the tongue.
31:58 The left and right side of the tongue.
32:01 (Reciting)
32:02 Try.
32:03 (Reciting)
32:13 InshaAllah.
32:14 Alright.
32:15 The second part,
32:16 or the second line,
32:17 the word is,
32:18 (Reciting)
32:25 Please.
32:26 (Reciting)
32:32 MashaAllah,
32:33 (Reciting)
32:34 The end of the tongue.
32:35 (Reciting)
32:36 Try.
32:37 (Reciting)
32:42 Oh, that's the Arabic language.
32:43 Just like the prof.
32:44 (Reciting)
32:45 SubhanAllah.
32:46 So, be careful.
32:47 The word 'Dhan'.
32:48 'Dhan',
32:49 our focus is on the word 'Ta' and 'Murun',
32:51 which is the letter of Hamzah.
32:52 So that,
32:53 one, it doesn't have 'in'.
32:54 'Ta' and 'Murun'
32:55 are switched with 'in'.
32:56 'Ta',
32:57 don't want 'Ta'.
32:58 Try.
32:59 And Hamzah doesn't want to have a 'le' like before.
33:01 'Ta' and 'Murun'.
33:02 (Reciting)
33:05 It becomes 'be'at'.
33:06 Or it becomes 'habit'.
33:07 Like the word 'banting'.
33:08 'Habit'.
33:09 It becomes 'ta' and 'be'at'.
33:10 So, it has to be switched.
33:12 (Reciting)
33:15 Try.
33:16 (Reciting)
33:20 MashaAllah.
33:21 Good.
33:22 And the next verse,
33:23 the 111th verse,
33:25 the word we want to see,
33:27 is the beginning.
33:28 (Reciting)
33:39 Try.
33:40 (Reciting)
33:48 That is when we stop at 'wa-akhoh'.
33:51 It sounds like that.
33:52 If we continue,
33:53 there is no problem.
33:54 'Wa-akhoh-hu'.
33:55 Be careful with the 'kaf'.
33:57 'Kalu'
33:58 Don't switch it with 'kaf'.
33:59 'Kalu'.
34:00 Or, drop the 'kaf'.
34:01 'Kalu'.
34:05 Try.
34:06 (Reciting)
34:21 MashaAllah.
34:22 Alhamdulillah.
34:24 Those are the words,
34:26 or the letters,
34:28 that we need to pay attention to.
34:30 In the half-half words,
34:32 or the words of our choice,
34:34 in the verses 110 and 111.
34:37 Let us try now,
34:39 to memorize one verse.
34:41 I think we will get to verse 110.
34:43 Let us try.
34:44 (Reciting)
34:56 Try.
34:57 (Reciting)
35:14 Try.
35:15 (Reciting)
35:27 Try.
35:28 (Reciting)
35:33 Try.
35:34 (Reciting)
35:39 Try.
35:40 (Reciting)
35:50 Try.
35:51 (Reciting)
36:14 MashaAllah.
36:15 (Reciting)
36:23 Continue.
36:24 (Reciting)
36:48 Alhamdulillah.
36:49 MashaAllah.
36:50 Congratulations.
36:51 We have memorized verse 110.
36:54 Alhamdulillah.
36:55 We will continue with verse 111.
36:57 We will continue.
36:58 We can also alternate.
37:00 (Reciting)
37:03 There is a word,
37:04 (Reciting)
37:05 Do not change it.
37:06 (Reciting)
37:07 Continue.
37:08 For us,
37:09 to strengthen our memorization.
37:10 Or,
37:11 that is the time for us,
37:12 "Oh, my writing is beautiful."
37:14 For example,
37:15 there are children in schools,
37:17 who memorize the Quran.
37:19 They have their own practice.
37:21 Or,
37:22 let's say,
37:23 their task,
37:24 must be written down.
37:26 What they want to memorize that day.
37:28 To pass it on to their teacher,
37:29 they have to write it down.
37:30 For example,
37:31 verses 1-5,
37:32 (Reciting)
37:33 They also write down,
37:34 (Reciting)
37:35 Until they finish studying,
37:36 for example,
37:37 for 5 years,
37:38 from grade 1-5,
37:39 they have their own Quran.
37:40 SubhanAllah.
37:41 They have their own Mus'haf,
37:43 which they have written down,
37:44 for 5 years in that school.
37:45 SubhanAllah.
37:46 So,
37:47 hopefully,
37:48 we are not yet late,
37:49 to have our own Quran.
37:51 Maybe,
37:52 there are some options,
37:53 inshaAllah.
37:54 Why not?
37:55 So,
37:56 we want to take a break.
37:57 Sorry,
37:58 I am joking.
37:59 We will meet again,
38:00 after this,
38:01 there are two more verses.
38:02 Of course,
38:03 in My Quran Time,
38:04 Quran Salat,
38:05 Infaqo.
38:06 InshaAllah.
38:07 (Reciting)
38:33 (Music)
38:52 (Music)
39:12 (Music)
39:26 (Music)
39:38 (Music)
40:02 (Music)
40:12 (Music)
40:22 (Music)
40:37 (Music)
40:57 (Music)
41:02 (Reciting)
41:16 (Reciting)
41:34 (Reciting)
41:54 (Reciting)
42:14 (Reciting)
42:21 Assalamualaikum.
42:22 We meet again,
42:23 in My Quran Time,
42:24 Quran Salat,
42:25 and Infaq.
42:26 Just a while ago,
42:27 we were with
42:28 Ustaz Tarmizi,
42:29 to learn Tajweed,
42:30 to correct,
42:31 the recitation of Quran.
42:32 We often remind,
42:33 to you,
42:34 ladies and gentlemen,
42:35 the recitation of Quran,
42:36 which is good,
42:37 is one thing,
42:38 or one advantage.
42:39 Until,
42:40 Rasulullah was praised,
42:41 the angels came,
42:42 the name was mentioned,
42:43 by Allah.
42:44 Don't joke,
42:45 people who read,
42:46 the name of Allah,
42:47 is mentioned,
42:48 in the Quran.
42:49 Don't joke, people who read,
42:51 the name of Allah,
42:52 is mentioned,
42:53 in the Quran.
42:54 I always tell,
42:55 the story of Ubaid,
42:56 until Allah,
42:57 mentioned his name,
42:58 (Reciting)
42:59 Rasulullah said,
43:00 Allah,
43:01 commanded me,
43:02 to read the Quran,
43:03 Ubaid was surprised,
43:04 to hear,
43:05 (Reciting)
43:06 Allah, mentioned my name,
43:07 not joking,
43:08 the recitation of Quran,
43:09 was corrected,
43:10 was improved,
43:11 because,
43:12 it has,
43:13 its own advantages,
43:14 for those,
43:15 who lift,
43:16 to read,
43:17 the Quran,
43:18 with good.
43:19 At the beginning,
43:20 of the last session,
43:22 Ustaz Darmizi,
43:24 has read,
43:25 the verses,
43:26 from verse 112,
43:27 to verse 114.
43:28 The verse,
43:29 from verse 112,
43:30 was told,
43:31 or its translation,
43:33 so that,
43:34 they may bring,
43:35 all the magicians,
43:36 who are wise to you.
43:38 Before the break,
43:39 before the topic session,
43:40 we have told,
43:41 the Quran has gathered,
43:42 called,
43:43 or the advisor,
43:44 has advised,
43:45 to call all,
43:46 the experts,
43:47 to read,
43:48 about,
43:49 how many,
43:50 magicians,
43:51 were,
43:52 confused,
43:53 were,
43:54 differentiated,
43:55 there are,
43:56 different opinions,
43:57 some say 15,
43:58 some say 70,000,
43:59 some say 80,000,
44:00 and so on.
44:01 But,
44:02 the total,
44:03 is thousands,
44:04 of magicians,
44:05 who came,
44:06 they gathered,
44:07 to fight,
44:08 with Prophet Musa,
44:09 this is what,
44:10 I said earlier,
44:11 the collision,
44:12 is a physical collision,
44:13 same as,
44:14 what happened,
44:15 in the time of Rasulullah,
44:16 I have discussed,
44:17 before this,
44:18 not all,
44:19 the Prophet,
44:20 collided,
44:21 physically,
44:22 with his people,
44:23 some,
44:24 only,
44:25 preach,
44:26 until,
44:27 one of the,
44:28 they,
44:29 finally,
44:30 Allah,
44:31 punished,
44:32 them,
44:33 but,
44:34 Prophet Musa,
44:35 was a little,
44:36 different,
44:37 that is,
44:38 they came,
44:39 to fight,
44:40 to fight,
44:41 directly,
44:42 then,
44:43 came,
44:44 the people of,
44:45 Surah,
44:46 Chapter,
44:47 113,
44:48 and,
44:49 the people of,
44:50 came to,
44:51 the Pharaoh,
44:52 they said,
44:53 this happened,
44:54 today,
44:55 will we,
44:56 get,
44:57 the reward,
44:58 if we,
44:59 win?
45:00 he said,
45:01 here,
45:02 if we,
45:03 win,
45:04 what do we get?
45:05 like that,
45:06 he can offer,
45:07 to the Pharaoh,
45:08 then,
45:09 Pharaoh said,
45:10 if,
45:11 yes,
45:12 Pharaoh said,
45:13 you will,
45:14 be close,
45:15 to me,
45:16 maybe,
45:17 get a rank,
45:18 or,
45:19 maybe,
45:20 get a title,
45:21 can get a title,
45:22 like that,
45:23 just an example,
45:24 meaning,
45:25 he will be close,
45:26 to the status,
45:27 given to,
45:28 the Prophet,
45:29 Pharaoh,
45:30 to his followers,
45:31 or,
45:32 his followers,
45:33 so,
45:34 here,
45:35 there are,
45:36 some interesting things,
45:37 we see,
45:38 earlier,
45:39 at the first meeting,
45:40 Prophet Musa,
45:41 was said,
45:42 try to take,
45:43 the seat of,
45:44 Banu Hashim,
45:45 and,
45:46 Banu Qurash,
45:47 to the Prophet,
45:48 and,
45:49 he was,
45:50 asked,
45:51 to,
45:52 take,
45:53 the seat of,
45:54 Banu Hashim,
45:55 and,
45:56 Banu Qurash,
45:57 to the Prophet,
45:58 and,
45:59 he was,
46:00 asked,
46:01 to,
46:02 take,
46:03 the seat of,
46:04 Banu Hashim,
46:05 and,
46:06 Banu Qurash,
46:07 to the Prophet,
46:08 and,
46:09 he was,
46:10 asked,
46:11 to,
46:12 take,
46:13 the seat of,
46:14 Banu Qurash,
46:15 to the Prophet,
46:16 and,
46:17 he was,
46:18 asked,
46:19 to,
46:20 his uncle,
46:21 Abu Jahal,
46:22 Abu Jahal,
46:23 is the uncle,
46:24 of Miswar,
46:25 he was,
46:26 asked,
46:27 to,
46:28 Abu Jahal,
46:29 is the uncle,
46:30 of Miswar,
46:31 he was,
46:32 asked,
46:33 to,
46:34 Abu Jahal,
46:35 is the uncle,
46:36 of Miswar,
46:37 he was,
46:38 asked,
46:39 to,
46:40 Abu Jahal,
46:41 is the uncle,
46:42 of Miswar,
46:43 he was,
46:44 asked,
46:45 to,
46:46 Abu Jahal,
46:47 is the uncle,
46:48 of Miswar,
46:49 he was,
46:50 asked,
46:51 to,
46:52 Abu Jahal,
46:53 is the uncle,
46:54 of Miswar,
46:55 he was,
46:56 asked,
46:57 to,
46:58 Abu Jahal,
46:59 is the uncle,
47:00 of Miswar,
47:01 he was,
47:02 asked,
47:03 to,
47:04 Abu Jahal,
47:05 is the uncle,
47:06 of Miswar,
47:07 he was,
47:08 asked,
47:09 Abu Jahal,
47:10 is the uncle,
47:11 of Miswar,
47:12 he was,
47:13 asked,
47:14 to,
47:15 Abu Jahal,
47:16 is the uncle,
47:17 of Miswar,
47:18 he was,
47:19 asked,
47:20 to,
47:21 Abu Jahal,
47:22 is the uncle,
47:23 of Miswar,
47:24 he was,
47:25 asked,
47:26 to,
47:27 Abu Jahal,
47:28 is the uncle,
47:29 of Miswar,
47:30 he was,
47:31 asked,
47:32 to,
47:33 Abu Jahal,
47:34 is the uncle,
47:35 of Miswar,
47:36 he was,
47:37 asked,
47:38 to,
47:39 Abu Jahal,
47:40 is the uncle,
47:41 of Miswar,
47:42 he was,
47:43 asked,
47:44 to,
47:45 Abu Jahal,
47:46 is the uncle,
47:47 of Miswar,
47:48 he was,
47:49 asked,
47:50 to,
47:51 Abu Jahal,
47:52 is the uncle,
47:53 of Miswar,
47:54 he was,
47:55 asked,
47:56 to,
47:57 Abu Jahal,
47:58 is the uncle,
47:59 of Miswar,
48:00 he was,
48:01 asked,
48:02 to,
48:03 Abu Jahal,
48:04 is the uncle,
48:05 of Miswar,
48:06 he was,
48:07 asked,
48:08 to,
48:09 Abu Jahal,
48:10 is the uncle,
48:11 of Miswar,
48:12 he was,
48:13 asked,
48:14 to,
48:15 Abu Jahal,
48:16 is the uncle,
48:17 of Miswar,
48:18 he was,
48:19 asked,
48:20 to,
48:21 Abu Jahal,
48:22 is the uncle,
48:23 of Miswar,
48:24 he was,
48:25 asked,
48:26 to,
48:27 Abu Jahal,
48:28 is the uncle,
48:29 of Miswar,
48:30 he was,
48:31 asked,
48:32 to,
48:33 Abu Jahal,
48:34 is the uncle,
48:35 of Miswar,
48:36 he was,
48:37 asked,
48:38 to,
48:39 Abu Jahal,
48:40 is the uncle,
48:41 of Miswar,
48:42 he was,
48:43 asked,
48:44 to,
48:45 Abu Jahal,
48:46 is the uncle,
48:47 of Miswar,
48:48 he was,
48:49 asked,
48:50 to,
48:51 Abu Jahal,
48:52 is the uncle,
48:53 of Miswar,
48:54 he was,
48:55 asked,
48:56 to,
48:57 Abu Jahal,
48:58 is the uncle,
48:59 of Miswar,
49:00 he was,
49:01 asked,
49:02 to,
49:03 Abu Jahal,
49:04 is the uncle,
49:05 of Miswar,
49:06 he was,
49:07 asked,
49:08 to,
49:09 Abu Jahal,
49:10 is the uncle,
49:11 of Miswar,
49:12 he was,
49:13 asked,
49:14 to,
49:15 Abu Jahal,
49:16 is the uncle,
49:17 of Miswar,
49:18 he was,
49:19 asked,
49:20 to,
49:21 Abu Jahal,
49:22 is the uncle,
49:23 of Miswar,
49:24 he was,
49:25 asked,
49:26 to,
49:27 Abu Jahal,
49:28 is the uncle,
49:29 of Miswar,
49:30 he was,
49:31 asked,
49:32 to,
49:33 Abu Jahal,
49:34 is the uncle,
49:35 of Miswar,
49:36 he was,
49:37 asked,
49:38 to,
49:39 Abu Jahal,
49:40 is the uncle,
49:41 of Miswar,
49:42 he was,
49:43 asked,
49:44 to,
49:45 Abu Jahal,
49:46 is the uncle,
49:47 of Miswar,
49:48 he was,
49:49 asked,
49:50 to,
49:51 Abu Jahal,
49:52 is the uncle,
49:53 of Miswar,
49:54 he was,
49:55 asked,
49:56 to,
49:57 Abu Jahal,
49:58 is the uncle,
49:59 of Miswar,
50:00 he was,
50:01 asked,
50:02 to,
50:03 Abu Jahal,
50:04 is the uncle,
50:05 of Miswar,
50:06 he was,
50:07 asked,
50:08 to,
50:09 Abu Jahal,
50:10 is the uncle,
50:11 of Miswar,
50:12 he was,
50:13 asked,
50:14 to,
50:15 Abu Jahal,
50:16 is the uncle,
50:17 of Miswar,
50:18 he was,
50:19 asked,
50:20 to,
50:21 Abu Jahal,
50:22 is the uncle,
50:23 of Miswar,
50:24 he was,
50:25 asked,
50:26 to,
50:27 Abu Jahal,
50:28 is the uncle,
50:29 of Miswar,
50:30 he was,
50:31 asked,
50:32 to,
50:33 Abu Jahal,
50:34 is the uncle,
50:35 of Miswar,
50:36 he was,
50:37 asked,
50:38 to,
50:39 Abu Jahal,
50:40 is the uncle,
50:41 of Miswar,
50:42 he was,
50:43 asked,
50:44 to,
50:45 Abu Jahal,
50:46 is the uncle,
50:47 of Miswar,
50:48 he was,
50:49 asked,
50:50 to,
50:51 Abu Jahal,
50:52 is the uncle,
50:53 of Miswar,
50:54 he was,
50:55 asked,
50:56 to,
50:57 Abu Jahal,
50:58 is the uncle,
50:59 of Miswar,
51:00 he was,
51:01 asked,
51:02 to,
51:03 Abu Jahal,
51:04 is the uncle,
51:05 of Miswar,
51:06 he was,
51:07 asked,
51:08 to,
51:09 Abu Jahal,
51:10 is the uncle,
51:11 of Miswar,
51:12 he was,
51:13 asked,
51:14 to,
51:15 Abu Jahal,
51:16 is the uncle,
51:17 of Miswar,
51:18 he was,
51:19 asked,
51:20 to,
51:21 Abu Jahal,
51:22 is the uncle,
51:23 of Miswar,
51:24 he was,
51:25 asked,
51:26 to,
51:27 Abu Jahal,
51:28 is the uncle,
51:29 of Miswar,
51:30 he was,
51:31 asked,
51:32 to,
51:33 Abu Jahal,
51:34 is the uncle,
51:35 of Miswar,
51:36 he was,
51:37 asked,
51:38 to,
51:39 Abu Jahal,
51:40 is the uncle,
51:41 of Miswar,
51:42 he was,
51:43 asked,
51:44 to,
51:45 Abu Jahal,
51:46 is the uncle,
51:47 of Miswar,
51:48 he was,
51:49 asked,
51:50 to,
51:51 Abu Jahal,
51:52 is the uncle,
51:53 of Miswar,
51:54 he was,
51:55 asked,
51:56 to,
51:57 Abu Jahal,
51:58 is the uncle,
51:59 of Miswar,
52:00 he was,
52:01 asked,
52:02 to,
52:03 Abu Jahal,
52:04 is the uncle,
52:05 of Miswar,
52:06 he was,
52:07 asked,
52:08 to,
52:09 Abu Jahal,
52:10 is the uncle,
52:11 of Miswar,
52:12 he was,
52:13 asked,
52:14 to,
52:15 Abu Jahal,
52:16 is the uncle,
52:17 of Miswar,
52:18 he was,
52:19 asked,
52:20 to,
52:21 Abu Jahal,
52:22 is the uncle,
52:23 of Miswar,
52:24 he was,
52:25 asked,
52:26 to,
52:27 Abu Jahal,
52:28 is the uncle,
52:29 of Miswar,
52:30 he was,
52:31 asked,
52:32 to,
52:33 Abu Jahal,
52:34 is the uncle,
52:35 of Miswar,
52:36 he was,
52:37 asked,
52:38 to,
52:39 Abu Jahal,
52:40 is the uncle,
52:41 of Miswar,
52:42 he was,
52:43 asked,
52:44 to,
52:45 Abu Jahal,
52:46 is the uncle,
52:47 of Miswar,
52:48 he was,
52:49 asked,
52:50 to,
52:51 Abu Jahal,
52:52 is the uncle,
52:53 of Miswar,
52:54 he was,
52:55 asked,
52:56 to,
52:57 Abu Jahal,
52:58 is the uncle,
52:59 of Miswar,
53:00 he was,
53:01 asked,
53:02 to,
53:03 Abu Jahal,
53:04 is the uncle,
53:05 of Miswar,
53:06 he was,
53:07 asked,
53:08 to,
53:09 Abu Jahal,
53:10 is the uncle,
53:11 of Miswar,
53:12 he was,
53:13 asked,
53:14 to,
53:15 Abu Jahal,
53:16 is the uncle,
53:17 of Miswar,
53:18 he was,
53:19 asked,
