The Divine Monarchy - Dr. Frederick K. Price - June 02th, 2024

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00:00:00 Go to the book of Luke and find Luke, let's see, 14.
00:00:22 We ended with Luke 13, verses 18 through 21, and we pointed out, or I pointed out, and
00:00:33 then I led us down a tributary on Matthew 25.
00:00:40 And that took up the rest of our time, because I was pointing out how those of us who are
00:00:46 delivering the word to God's people, we must be very careful with the text.
00:00:52 We must be very careful with the word of God, so that we're not making the word of God say
00:00:58 something that we, A, think it's saying, but it's actually not saying, and B, that we're
00:01:05 not making it say what we want it to say.
00:01:10 But rather, we are flat out saying what it is saying.
00:01:15 And so, it was my intent to get to Luke 14 that was not possible, and so we will pick
00:01:22 up here in Luke 14, continuing on with our lesson on the divine monarchy, which is a
00:01:32 message regarding the kingdom of God.
00:01:36 And the kingdom of God is our world as believers.
00:01:41 That is the sphere of God's rule.
00:01:45 The kingdom of God is wherever the king is.
00:01:50 And so, the king is in his glorified body at the right hand of the father, and the father
00:01:56 is in heaven.
00:01:59 And so, that tells us then that the kingdom of God is without a doubt in heaven.
00:02:04 But those of us who have received Jesus as Savior and Lord, we carry the Savior wherever
00:02:12 we go and have him wherever we are.
00:02:15 Therefore, the kingdom of God is wherever we go and wherever we are.
00:02:23 But it is a divine, a divine monarchy.
00:02:30 Luke 14, 15, and we will begin here, which reads, "Now when one of those who sat at the
00:02:45 table with him heard these things, he said to him, 'Blessed is he who shall eat bread
00:02:53 in the kingdom of God.'
00:03:00 Then he said, 'A certain man gave a great supper and invited many.'"
00:03:06 What is Jesus saying here?
00:03:07 Jesus is saying that the kingdom of God is like.
00:03:12 The kingdom of God is like, when we read that the kingdom of God is like something, we want
00:03:16 to understand what it's like so that we can understand how the kingdom of God operates
00:03:23 and what the kingdom of God is.
00:03:25 Verse 16 again, "He said to him, 'A certain man gave a great supper and invited many.'"
00:03:32 Now listen carefully to this particular passage of Scriptures.
00:03:40 Verse 17, "And sent his servant at suppertime to say to those who were invited, 'Come, for
00:03:47 all things are now ready.'"
00:03:48 Okay, what happened?
00:03:51 "A certain man gave a great supper and he invited how many?
00:03:58 Many.
00:03:59 He invited a lot of folk.
00:04:05 He sends his servant at suppertime to say to those who were invited, 'Come, for all
00:04:11 things are now ready.'
00:04:14 But they all with one accord, they began to make excuses.
00:04:19 The first said to him, 'I bought a piece of ground and I must go and see it.
00:04:23 I ask you to have me excused.'
00:04:29 And another said, 'I have bought five yoke of oxen and I'm going to test them.
00:04:33 I ask you to have me excused.'
00:04:40 And another said, 'I have,'" still another, "said, 'I have married a wife and therefore
00:04:45 I cannot come.'"
00:04:46 Blame it on the wife.
00:04:47 I see where we're going here.
00:04:53 So that servant came and he reports these things to his master.
00:04:57 Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, "Go out quickly into the streets
00:05:04 and lanes of the city and bring in here the poor and the maimed and the lame and the blind."
00:05:12 And the servant said, "Master, it is done as you commanded and still there is room."
00:05:19 Then the master said to the servant, "Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them
00:05:27 to come in that my house may be filled.
00:05:31 For I say to you that none of those men who were invited shall taste my supper."
00:05:41 This certain man, this master of a certain house invited many and the servant went and
00:05:49 said, "It's time," and they all made excuses as to why they couldn't show up, as to why
00:05:56 they couldn't come.
00:05:58 The master says, "Oh, we're going to still have a get down.
00:06:03 So you go out and you get the folk that the ones I invited wouldn't want to spend time
00:06:10 with.
00:06:13 You go and get the poor and the maimed and the lame and the blind.
00:06:20 Oh, and by the way, I say to you that none of who were invited will get any of this supper."
00:06:32 Blessed is everyone who will eat seems to be a common saying, possibly intended here
00:06:39 to change the uncomfortable subject, to shift the focus away from the need to care for the
00:06:44 poor and those dealing with infirmities.
00:06:51 In the kingdom of God points to the future messianic banquet.
00:06:55 The book of Revelation chapter 19 tells us that there will be a wedding dinner, a wedding
00:07:02 party.
00:07:03 And the Bible says, "Bless are all who are invited.
00:07:08 Bless are all who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb."
00:07:16 Now for a minute, you have to ask yourself this question and I don't want to get too
00:07:21 far off into the bride of Christ, but we've all heard about the bride of Christ and many
00:07:28 of us have heard that the bride of Christ is the church.
00:07:34 Many of us have, we've heard that.
00:07:35 A lot of pastors teach it.
00:07:39 Why do they teach it?
00:07:41 Most likely they teach it because of what is said in Ephesians chapter 5 beginning with
00:07:47 verse 22 all the way to verse 33.
00:07:50 But what's interesting about these passages in Ephesians is that they don't say anything
00:07:54 about the church being the bride.
00:07:58 They simply tell men or husbands that they should love their wives and lay down their
00:08:04 lives for their wives as Christ loved the church.
00:08:10 That's all Paul was saying.
00:08:12 He never once in these passages says that the church is the bride of Christ.
00:08:18 And you would think that if the church was the bride of Christ, the New Testament would
00:08:22 be just as clear about that as it is about us being the body of Christ.
00:08:29 I can take you to a scripture right now where Paul flat out says, "Now you are the body
00:08:35 of Christ."
00:08:37 There's nothing to figure out.
00:08:40 There's nothing to look into.
00:08:42 Paul says it's who we are.
00:08:43 You can't find one verse in the New Testament in which the scripture says, "Now you are
00:08:50 the bride of Christ."
00:08:51 But let me tell you what we do find.
00:08:55 And then I'll move on from here.
00:08:56 We do find a man by the name of John, the revelator, who in the very end says that he
00:09:03 saw or he sees, this will happen in the future, he sees a holy city descending down from heaven
00:09:12 prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
00:09:17 He calls this city New Jerusalem.
00:09:20 In verse 9 of that same 21st chapter of Revelation, an angel comes to John and says, "Come with
00:09:29 me.
00:09:30 I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife."
00:09:36 The angel tells John, "I'm going to show you the wife of the Lamb."
00:09:41 And he doesn't show him the church.
00:09:43 He shows him the city and refers to the city as a woman.
00:09:49 Talks about her glory.
00:09:52 This is what we see in the scripture.
00:09:54 Now let me ask you a question.
00:09:57 If the Bible says blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb,
00:10:06 who do you think those blessed folk are that are invited?
00:10:12 Many of you quickly said me.
00:10:15 I think I would agree with you as well.
00:10:18 Can I submit to you that if I'm a bride, I'm not invited to my own wedding.
00:10:24 I'm the reason you're invited.
00:10:28 Again, if the church is the bride, we have to identify the blessed folk that are invited
00:10:35 to the wedding.
00:10:37 Let's take it a step further.
00:10:38 In the very end of the book of Revelation, 22nd chapter, after verse 5, which is the
00:10:45 final scripture in the description of the holy city, the following scripture in verse
00:10:51 6 throughout the rest of the chapter would be the final benedictions or exhortations,
00:10:57 things that Jesus wants John to let the church know.
00:11:01 And when you get to the 17th verse, we come across something here.
00:11:05 Now again, those of us who are instructors in the word, we have to pay attention to the
00:11:10 details.
00:11:12 We have to give a reason and a defense for what we read in scripture because saints have
00:11:18 questions.
00:11:20 Now are we going to know all the answers?
00:11:22 No, but at least let us put in the effort to find the answers.
00:11:28 In Revelation chapter 22 verse 17, here's what the scripture says.
00:11:36 It says that the spirit and the bride say, "Come."
00:11:46 Some of you already know where I'm going.
00:11:48 The spirit, and it's a capital S, which we can safely assume is who.
00:11:54 So the Holy Spirit and the bride are telling whoever to come.
00:12:05 Now if the bride is the church, then that would read what?
00:12:08 That the Holy Spirit and the church are saying to those outside, "Come."
00:12:15 Here's the problem.
00:12:17 Immediately after that, the scripture says, "Let him who hears say the exact same thing
00:12:23 that the spirit and the bride are saying," which means what?
00:12:27 If the bride is the church, then who is him who hears?
00:12:31 And I submit to you, up until that scripture, him who hears has been the church.
00:12:39 Y'all recall the seven letters to the seven churches at Asia?
00:12:43 How does each letter end?
00:12:45 Let him who hears hear what the spirit is saying to the churches.
00:12:52 Him who hears in the New Testament has always been the church.
00:12:57 So if the spirit is saying, "Come," and the bride is saying, "Come," and him who hears
00:13:03 is saying, "Come," we need to identify all three.
00:13:08 Sounds to me like the spirit is the Holy Spirit.
00:13:10 Sounds to me like him who hears is the church, which means the bride must be the city offering
00:13:14 the same invitation.
00:13:16 The next part of the verse says, "Let him who thirsts come."
00:13:20 Notice that him who thirsts aren't saying, "Come," because they're not doing the inviting.
00:13:24 They are the invited.
00:13:27 So the spirit and the bride and him who hears are all in unison saying to him who thirsts,
00:13:33 "Come, so you can thirst no more."
00:13:37 Are you with me?
00:13:39 Okay.
00:13:40 So look at what this 24th verse says again.
00:13:44 "For I say to you that none of those men who were invited shall taste my supper."
00:13:52 You all do know that salvation is an invitation.
00:13:59 It's why so many ministers refer to the very end of the service in which we make known
00:14:06 that you can accept Jesus, that you can be filled with the spirit, that you can become
00:14:10 a part of this ministry.
00:14:12 They call it the what?
00:14:13 The invitation.
00:14:16 That's what salvation is.
00:14:18 Salvation is an invitation.
00:14:20 Salvation is what?
00:14:22 If you confess and if you believe.
00:14:26 If you do these things, you're in the family, but it's contingent on you doing these things.
00:14:35 God's not forcing anyone to be saved.
00:14:37 God's not making anyone saved.
00:14:40 The Bible is very clear.
00:14:42 Paul writes this to Timothy, second chapter of the first epistle to Timothy.
00:14:48 He says, "God desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth."
00:14:55 That's the desire of God.
00:14:57 Is Paul telling Timothy that God can't accomplish his own desire?
00:15:02 No.
00:15:04 God's telling or Paul is telling Timothy that here's what God desires, but it's not what
00:15:09 God's going to force because he's made us free will agents.
00:15:16 And so, if you so choose to accept the invitation of salvation, you then choose to accept the
00:15:22 invitation of eternal life.
00:15:25 You also choose to accept the invitation of a temporary vacation time spent in heaven.
00:15:32 You also choose to accept the invitation of an eternity in New Jerusalem.
00:15:38 When you say yes to salvation, we already know there are those who have said no.
00:15:44 We find them in the Bible.
00:15:47 Acts chapter 13, Acts chapter 18, Paul's preaching to the Jews.
00:15:52 He's preaching the way.
00:15:55 He's preaching salvation to them and he says, "Oh, since you have rejected the way and you
00:16:02 have now deemed yourself unworthy of eternal life, we go to the Gentiles.
00:16:09 We came to you first because salvation was for you first.
00:16:14 But because you reject it, we turn to the Gentiles."
00:16:23 Salvation is an invitation.
00:16:24 The wedding is an invitation.
00:16:28 Blessed are those who are invited because by the time it is time for the marriage supper
00:16:34 of the lamb, you better had already made your decision as to whether you're coming to the
00:16:39 party.
00:16:41 Again, what does the master say in this parable?
00:16:46 "I say to you," verse 24 again, "that none of those men who were invited or none of the
00:16:51 ones who were invited shall taste my supper."
00:16:55 Why?
00:16:56 "Because their excuses were their rejection."
00:17:05 Again, when that supper happens, we are getting to the very end and culmination of the kingdom
00:17:12 of God.
00:17:13 Remember, the kingdom of God manifests in phases.
00:17:18 What was the first part?
00:17:19 Well, the first part is the kingdom that is in heaven and God desires that to be seen
00:17:25 and experienced in the earth.
00:17:27 So what does John the Baptist preach?
00:17:30 Change your mind because the kingdom of God is near.
00:17:33 What does Jesus then preach?
00:17:35 The same message that John preached.
00:17:37 The kingdom of God draws near.
00:17:40 Repent, have a mindset change.
00:17:46 And then Jesus ministers the kingdom during his earthly ministry.
00:17:52 He lets us know what the kingdom of God is like.
00:17:55 He lets us know that when signs and wonders and miracles manifest, that is the kingdom
00:18:01 of God in operation.
00:18:02 We get to the New Testament, Paul's telling us what the kingdom of God is.
00:18:07 He said it is righteousness, it is joy, it is peace in the Holy Spirit.
00:18:12 Where the righteousness of God is, there is the kingdom of God.
00:18:16 Where the peace of God is, there is the kingdom of God.
00:18:21 The joy of the Lord is our what?
00:18:24 There is the kingdom of God.
00:18:25 Paul also says that the kingdom of God is not merely in word, but in power and demonstration.
00:18:34 When we see the word of God in operation, when we're declaring things according to the
00:18:41 word, when we're walking by faith, when we're walking in love, when we're laying hands on
00:18:45 the sick, all of that is the what?
00:18:47 It is the kingdom of God.
00:18:51 But the final phase is Jesus returning with us to set up his literal kingdom, his literal,
00:19:00 political, theocratic, monarchical kingdom.
00:19:06 And we will rule and we will reign with him and we will judge with him.
00:19:11 Again, if you like how that sounds, I highly recommend that you secure your position in
00:19:19 first class as part of the first part of the first resurrection.
00:19:24 And if you want to do that, it's very simple.
00:19:27 Accept the invitation.
00:19:32 Let's continue.
00:19:34 Look at Luke 17 and find the 20th verse.
00:19:44 Luke 17, verse 20, which reads, "Now when he was asked," oh, there they are again.
00:20:02 Raise your hand if you're a Pharisee, just really quickly.
00:20:05 Okay, good, we don't have any here, that's outstanding.
00:20:11 Now when the Pharisees, always asking questions, let me think of a question that'll prove he's
00:20:21 not the Messiah.
00:20:25 And if he is the Messiah, he should have an answer for us.
00:20:31 Now when he asked or was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come.
00:20:41 See they all wanted what?
00:20:43 The kingdom now and not just the system, the actual kingdom.
00:20:50 Because again, according to the old covenant, remember the Old Testament prophets, they
00:20:55 prophesied about the coming of the Lord, but they never prophesied about the appearing
00:21:01 of the Lord because the Old Testament prophets never saw the church.
00:21:07 It was hidden in a mystery.
00:21:10 They couldn't prophesy about what they didn't see.
00:21:13 So every time your Isaiahs and your Jeremias and your Ezekiels would prophesy about the
00:21:19 coming of the Lord, it was dreadful, it was scary, it was violent.
00:21:26 They talked about an impact that we read about in Revelation 19.
00:21:30 That's what they saw.
00:21:32 They didn't see that space in the middle, they didn't see the church because again,
00:21:36 the church was hidden in a mystery.
00:21:40 Well, based on what the Old Testament prophets said, groups like the Pharisees or the Sadducees,
00:21:50 another group, the Essenes, they're not mentioned by name in Scripture, but they were running
00:21:56 about and doing their thing along with the other sects like the Pharisees and the Sadducees.
00:22:03 These are individuals that are looking for Israel to be placed in a position of prominence
00:22:09 and if you, sir, say you are the Messiah, then you should immediately be removing the
00:22:17 Roman rule that is over us.
00:22:19 Well, because it didn't hit like that, oh, you must not be the Messiah.
00:22:25 They didn't understand.
00:22:26 So what are they asking here?
00:22:28 A question that's already been asked, Jesus.
00:22:31 When the kingdom of God would come?
00:22:33 And He answered them and He said, "The kingdom of God," this is powerful, He said, "The kingdom
00:22:37 of God does not come with observation."
00:22:39 Now, this is powerful because there are many things we see them observing in the gospel
00:22:52 and there are many things that they do see in operation and yet Jesus says that the kingdom
00:22:59 of God does not come with observation, paratheresis in the Greek, which literally means ocular
00:23:04 evidence, that which your eyes can lock onto.
00:23:09 I believe what Jesus is saying here is that the kingdom of God does not come only with
00:23:16 observation.
00:23:18 If you're looking for something to specifically see, there's so much more you'll miss because
00:23:25 the kingdom of God is more than just something you can observe.
00:23:30 The kingdom of God is something that you live, it's something you can feel, but even if you
00:23:36 don't feel it, it's still present, active, and now.
00:23:41 They were only looking to see something, which means they didn't walk by faith, did they?
00:23:47 They only walked by…
00:23:50 When you walk by sight, you're only moved by what you see.
00:23:54 When you walk by sight, you say stupid things like, "I'll believe it when I see it."
00:24:01 No you won't.
00:24:03 When you see it, you'll know it.
00:24:07 Sound like somebody I know.
00:24:11 Sight gives way to belief.
00:24:13 Matter of fact, when you see it, you don't need faith for what you can see, you need
00:24:18 faith for the unseen.
00:24:20 And if I'm a person of faith, and I believe what Jesus said, then I believe right now
00:24:24 even though I don't have any, any real-time, present tense, in the minute, ocular observation,
00:24:33 ocular evidence, I still know by faith the kingdom of God is here right now and operating.
00:24:43 The Pharisees didn't understand that.
00:24:45 They wanted to see.
00:24:48 So Jesus says what?
00:24:50 It doesn't come with observation, nor will they say, "See here!
00:24:54 Look, I found the kingdom of God, it's over here!"
00:24:59 Or "See there, for indeed the kingdom of God is within you."
00:25:05 Your translation may only say "within."
00:25:07 I like that one.
00:25:09 Within you works, but I like "the kingdom of God is within," because some might think
00:25:14 that Jesus was telling the Pharisees the kingdom of God is within you.
00:25:17 He wasn't talking, he wasn't telling them that.
00:25:20 He's saying that the kingdom of God is within.
00:25:22 Now let me deviate for another moment and take us down another exciting tributary.
00:25:30 How many of you remember the Oprah Winfrey show?
00:25:35 The rest of you don't remember the Oprah Winfrey show?
00:25:42 So Oprah, God bless her soul, has had an interesting cast of characters, or had over her 25 years
00:25:53 of being on the air.
00:25:57 And I remember one particular phase of her show when she got a hold of this teaching
00:26:03 called "The Secret."
00:26:05 Oh boy, she was running with "The Secret."
00:26:10 And she was running with "The Secret" and had all of the secret instructors on her show.
00:26:17 Now none of these folk were believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:26:21 They liked his words, but they didn't like him.
00:26:25 Why do I say that?
00:26:26 Well if you like him, then you'll believe on him.
00:26:30 You'll acknowledge him and live according to him.
00:26:35 You can't just pick the words of him that you like and leave out the rest.
00:26:41 So they looked at Jesus as another enlightened man like the Buddha.
00:26:48 They looked at Jesus as another enlightened man like Lao Tzu or Confucius.
00:26:53 Matter of fact, they would even say that Jesus was the most enlightened and had reached the
00:26:58 highest level of nirvana.
00:27:01 But they were not believers in the scriptures.
00:27:04 But they took a few scriptures and because they sounded intelligent, therefore they clearly
00:27:08 know what they're talking about.
00:27:11 And I remember a particular part of the show where two of the instructors were teaching
00:27:18 on the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of hell.
00:27:22 What were they saying?
00:27:23 They were saying that if Jesus taught that the kingdom of heaven is within, wouldn't
00:27:28 that then mean that the kingdom of hell is within?
00:27:32 Which therefore eradicates the idea of a literal heaven or a literal hell.
00:27:37 Meaning what?
00:27:38 You make up heaven or hell in this life.
00:27:44 Now yes, you and I both know that there are times in life when life feels like heaven
00:27:49 and there are times in life when life feels like hell.
00:28:00 We've gone through heaven and we've gone through hell, but the heaven and hell we've gone through
00:28:04 is not heaven or hell.
00:28:07 There's an actual heaven and there's an actual hell.
00:28:11 And I also find it hilarious when there are individuals, you know, there's pastors who
00:28:14 preach in pulpits that will teach about a literal heaven but say hell does not exist.
00:28:22 That's so dangerous.
00:28:26 But these individuals, these secret teachers or teachers on the subject matter of the secret
00:28:31 believe that you make heaven or you make hell here.
00:28:35 The kingdom of heaven is within, the kingdom of hell is within.
00:28:38 That's not what Jesus was saying.
00:28:41 Jesus was saying that there is a heaven and in heaven there's an actual kingdom.
00:28:46 But the sphere of the rule of that kingdom has made its way in the earth realm through
00:28:52 me, Jesus the Christ, and any of you who believe on me will carry the kingdom wherever you go.
00:28:58 So yeah, the kingdom of heaven is within but it's also on the outside.
00:29:03 It can be seen, but it's not always seen.
00:29:06 But it is always and it is constant.
00:29:12 Verse 22, after he says this to the Pharisees, "Then he said to the disciples, 'Now I asked
00:29:19 if we had any Pharisees, no one raised their hand.'"
00:29:23 Do we have any disciples of Jesus in this place?
00:29:25 Ooh, lots of disciples.
00:29:27 All right, no Pharisees but lots of disciples.
00:29:30 Excellent.
00:29:32 He said to the disciples, "The days will come when you desire to see one of the days of
00:29:38 the Son of Man, but you won't see it."
00:29:42 That is him talking to his disciples.
00:29:47 He says, "And they will say to you, 'Look here or look there.'"
00:29:51 He says, "Don't go after them, don't follow them."
00:29:57 Now he's talking about the events that will preface the coming of the Lord.
00:30:09 But we've seen glimpses over time.
00:30:13 As a matter of fact, since the first day of the church, we have seen glimpses of what
00:30:19 the coming of the Lord will be like.
00:30:22 Now again, we're not in it because he has to appear first to receive us.
00:30:28 And then there will be a seven-year tribulation and at the tail end of that, that will be
00:30:32 the coming of the Lord, the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
00:30:36 Look at what Jesus says here.
00:30:37 While talking about the coming of the Lord, you can see what does apply today.
00:30:41 Listen to what he says here.
00:30:42 He says, "They will say to you, 'Look here or look there.
00:30:46 Do not go after them or follow them.'"
00:30:50 What are they saying is over here, and what are they saying is over there.
00:30:54 They're saying that the Son of Man is, or days like the Son of Man are over here and
00:31:02 over there, and Jesus says, "They lying."
00:31:04 He said, "Don't follow them."
00:31:08 Now many false Christs have come into this world already.
00:31:13 There have been—the majority of your cult leaders eventually presented themselves to
00:31:20 their followers as the Messiah or as God.
00:31:27 Jesus says, "Don't follow them.
00:31:31 Don't listen to them."
00:31:33 Verse 24, "For as the lightning that flashes out of one part under heaven shines to the
00:31:38 other part under heaven, so also the Son of Man will be in his day."
00:31:42 Now let me ask you this question.
00:31:44 Has anyone ever seen lightning in the sky?
00:31:48 Have you seen lightning appear and then lightning appear?
00:31:53 It was just over there.
00:31:54 Now it's over here.
00:31:55 And how fast did it happen?
00:31:58 Now watch this, watch this.
00:31:59 It happened quickly, right?
00:32:02 But if you happen to have lent your ears to the sky, what did it sound like?
00:32:10 Sometimes it's quiet, sometimes it's silent.
00:32:13 But sometimes you can hear the lightning strike and then couple it with the rumbling and rolling
00:32:19 of thunder.
00:32:21 It's obvious.
00:32:24 And that's what the coming of the Son of Man will be.
00:32:27 We don't know the exact pinpoint moment when it'll happen.
00:32:32 It will catch those off guard in the sense that they don't know the second it happens,
00:32:37 but they know it's coming.
00:32:39 And when he appears, he's making noise.
00:32:45 That's then.
00:32:48 That's not the appearing of the Lord.
00:32:50 The coming of the Lord, don't forget, we come with him.
00:32:55 We're on the same white thoroughbreds in heaven following him.
00:33:01 The Bible's, Jude said, Enoch said it first, Jude quoted Enoch.
00:33:04 He said, "The Lord will come with innumerable of his saints."
00:33:09 Who are the saints?
00:33:11 You and I, we're the saints.
00:33:13 And he's coming back with innumerable saints to convict the ungodly and execute judgment
00:33:19 on them.
00:33:20 We're coming with him to do that.
00:33:24 He'll do the bulk of it.
00:33:26 We'll take care of the rest.
00:33:29 It says, "So also the Son of Man will be in his day.
00:33:32 But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation."
00:33:36 Wait, which generation is he talking about?
00:33:40 All right, let me ask you this question, because this generation pops up in another place.
00:33:47 We may have time to read it.
00:33:49 And you all may recall this scripture where it says, it says, where Jesus is talking about
00:33:54 how his words will never pass away.
00:33:59 And he says something along the lines of, "These things won't happen until," and he
00:34:06 mentions this generation.
00:34:08 And there's a lot of questions about which generation he was referring to.
00:34:13 But this reading right here will give you an idea of who he was referring to, because
00:34:19 all you have to do is ask yourself this question.
00:34:23 Were there those in the generation of Jesus that rejected him?
00:34:29 Where Jesus left years later, were there those who rejected him?
00:34:33 Matter of fact, let's do it like this.
00:34:36 A hundred years after that, were there those who rejected him?
00:34:39 What about another hundred years later?
00:34:41 What about 500 years later?
00:34:43 What about today?
00:34:46 So this generation is applicable to every generation, because even in the generation
00:34:52 we live in now, there are those still rejecting Jesus, making a mockery of Jesus, likening
00:35:02 themselves to Jesus.
00:35:07 He must first suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.
00:35:10 Now, first, he's referring to the generation he's living in.
00:35:16 Wasn't he rejected?
00:35:17 And didn't he suffer many things?
00:35:20 But even today, Jesus still suffers persecution, because you and I suffer persecution.
00:35:26 Because to be sold out to him means you're going to suffer persecution, because they're
00:35:29 coming for him.
00:35:32 But the only him they see in the earth is us.
00:35:37 And so, when they persecute us, they persecute him.
00:35:40 We know that to be the truth, because Jesus was already in heaven.
00:35:43 He had already been resurrected.
00:35:46 He had already been seated at the right hand of the Father.
00:35:49 Then comes the adventures of Saul the Pharisee.
00:35:53 And after Saul was persecuting the church and made sure that Stephen died a brutal death,
00:35:59 and he's on his way to Damascus, Syria, to persecute Christians over there, he has an
00:36:05 encounter with Jesus.
00:36:06 And you know what Jesus says?
00:36:08 How about we go with what he didn't say?
00:36:10 Jesus didn't ask Paul, "Why are you persecuting my church?"
00:36:13 Jesus asked him, "Why are you persecuting me?
00:36:19 Why are you persecuting me?"
00:36:22 Saul's like, "I don't even know you.
00:36:25 When was I persecuting you?"
00:36:27 When Saul was persecuting the church of Jesus, he was persecuting Jesus.
00:36:31 So when you and I experience persecution, Jesus is experiencing persecution.
00:36:36 He takes it personally.
00:36:39 He must suffer many things, verse 25, and be rejected by this generation.
00:36:43 And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will also be in the days of the Son of Man.
00:36:49 Now Jesus is bringing us closer to this time known as the coming of the Lord.
00:36:56 Now as it were in the days of Noah, now in this particular moment, he's not talking about
00:37:00 the extreme wickedness yet.
00:37:02 He's simply saying what?
00:37:03 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will also be in the days of the Son of Man.
00:37:08 They ate.
00:37:10 They ate then, we eat today.
00:37:12 They'll eat later.
00:37:13 They drank then, we drink today, they'll drink later.
00:37:16 It says what next?
00:37:17 They married wives.
00:37:19 That happened then, it's happening now.
00:37:21 It'll continue to happen.
00:37:22 They were given in marriage.
00:37:23 It happened then, it's happening now, it'll continue to happen.
00:37:26 It says until the day that Noah entered the ark and the flood came and destroyed them
00:37:31 all, which means that these things will be happening.
00:37:34 They're going to happen until the appearing of the Lord.
00:37:36 They're going to happen until the coming of the Lord.
00:37:40 It says likewise as it was also in the days of Lot.
00:37:45 They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built.
00:37:48 But on the day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and
00:37:52 destroyed them all.
00:37:54 Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.
00:37:59 It says in that day, he who was on the housetop.
00:38:03 Before I read this, notice the examples Jesus uses.
00:38:06 He uses the days of Noah and the days of Lot.
00:38:11 Jude does this and so does Peter.
00:38:13 When they talk about some of the most wicked times in the earth realm, they bring up the
00:38:18 days before the flood and Sodom and Gomorrah.
00:38:22 And Jesus says as it was then, so will it be now.
00:38:26 So just think about this.
00:38:27 All you got to do is a little bit of deduction, use a little bit of common sense.
00:38:31 If Jesus is saying that as it was then, so it will be, and he brings up that they were
00:38:38 eating and they were drinking and they were marrying and they were building.
00:38:44 Well he also, without saying it, would also have to be referring to the immorality that
00:38:48 was happening then.
00:38:51 That that immorality will also be.
00:38:54 But just like the fire and brimstone caught him off guard, just like the flood waters
00:39:01 caught him off guard, so will the coming of the Son of Man.
00:39:06 Verse 31, it says, "In that day, he who was on the housetop and his goods are in the house,
00:39:11 let him not come down to take them away.
00:39:14 And likewise, the one who was in the field, let him not turn back."
00:39:17 Remember Lot's wife?
00:39:19 We all know what happened to her.
00:39:20 "Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve
00:39:27 it."
00:39:28 I tell you, in that night there will be—now see, you got to be careful with this, because
00:39:34 you're about to read that in that night there will be two men in one bed.
00:39:40 Now we already know what Jesus wasn't saying.
00:39:46 And as a matter of fact, if you read Matthew's account of this, this is the Olivet Discourse,
00:39:51 Matthew words—he didn't even mention the bed.
00:39:53 He says there are two men in the field and there are two women grinding the mill.
00:39:58 Here Luke doesn't even mention the mill, he just says two women grinding, but it's talking
00:40:01 about grinding the mill.
00:40:02 And he says two men in bed.
00:40:04 Well, that's not really what it says, because you'll notice that the word men is in italics,
00:40:08 which means it wasn't written in the original writings.
00:40:12 So the verse actually reads, "There will be two in bed," not two men.
00:40:17 And even if it did mean men, it would be referring to humankind.
00:40:21 There's a word in the Greek, "anthropos."
00:40:22 That means all of us.
00:40:25 There are words that mean man only, and they exclude the females.
00:40:28 There are words that mean female only, and they exclude the males.
00:40:32 So when you see the word man, and it is the Greek word "anthropos," which we get anthropology
00:40:36 from, that's referring to humankind.
00:40:40 It's referring to humankind.
00:40:41 The thing is, though, this is archaic writing, so the word man can apply to everyone.
00:40:47 Because the reality is, is you can't spell woman without man or human without man.
00:40:51 And so therefore, man can refer to both women and men or all of humanity.
00:40:57 Are you with me?
00:40:58 Okay.
00:40:59 Verse 35, "Two women will be grinding together, grinding the mill.
00:41:03 One will be taken and the other left.
00:41:05 Two men will be in the field.
00:41:06 One will be taken and the other left."
00:41:10 Now what this is talking about, this is talking about a—not a catching up, but a catching
00:41:15 away.
00:41:16 A catching away to a specific location.
00:41:20 A location of safety when the coming of the Lord happens.
00:41:24 Because remember, we come back with Him, but there will be believers in the earth realm
00:41:30 when He comes.
00:41:34 They're gonna need some safety.
00:41:37 They're gonna need fortress.
00:41:38 They're gonna need stronghold.
00:41:40 And that will be provided.
00:41:41 That's what this catching away is that we're reading about.
00:41:43 This transporting.
00:41:44 You all remember Philip the Evangelist.
00:41:47 If you recall, there was an Ethiopian eunuch that he baptized in water.
00:41:53 And the Bible tells us that the eunuch was reading Isaiah.
00:41:55 He wanted clarity on what he was reading.
00:41:58 Philip provided the clarity.
00:41:59 The Ethiopian eunuch got born again and then said, "What prevents me from being baptized?"
00:42:06 Philip then—this is Acts 8, 26 through 40.
00:42:09 What happens?
00:42:10 Philip then does what?
00:42:11 He takes the eunuch, he baptizes him in the water.
00:42:13 Now what is biblical baptism?
00:42:15 When you're—I'm gonna do some baptisms later.
00:42:18 So if you're in here, know you're going under.
00:42:20 That's how it works, okay?
00:42:21 You go under.
00:42:22 I'm not sprinkling water on you.
00:42:24 I'm not partially dunking you.
00:42:26 You're going all the way under because Jesus went all the way under.
00:42:30 And if Jesus went all the way under, the rest of us need to go all the way under.
00:42:34 Okay, so that's full immersion.
00:42:36 Well, what happened?
00:42:37 What happened?
00:42:38 The—Philip baptizes the eunuch, fully immerses him in the water.
00:42:44 When the eunuch comes back up, the Bible says, "The Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away
00:42:50 to Azotus," which means what?
00:42:53 He disappeared.
00:42:54 You want to talk about special effects?
00:43:00 Philip suddenly was no longer there and was in a different city.
00:43:06 Philip wasn't caught up, he was caught away.
00:43:08 Same Greek word, harpazo, that's where rapturo comes from, that's where rapture comes from.
00:43:13 So you can be raptured up or raptured away.
00:43:15 And that's what we're reading about here, those who will be raptured away during this
00:43:20 time.
00:43:21 Verse 37, "And they answered and said to him, 'Where, Lord?'
00:43:23 So he said to them, 'Wherever the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together.'"
00:43:29 Well, well, there are a number of ways that you can read this.
00:43:34 Most of the time when you see the word eagle in Scripture—let me say half, because sometimes
00:43:39 when you're reading about an eagle, you're reading about an eagle.
00:43:42 But other times that you're reading about an eagle, literally in the Hebrew or the Greek,
00:43:46 it's referring to a vulture.
00:43:47 And what do vultures do?
00:43:49 I think you all know what vultures do.
00:43:53 A vulture's not a bird of majesty, is it?
00:43:59 You wouldn't want a pet vulture.
00:44:03 You probably wouldn't care to tame a vulture.
00:44:05 Oh, I would love for an eagle or a hawk, falcon or owl, those are your—those are the four
00:44:13 beasts of the air, majestic birds, predators but majestic.
00:44:21 But the vultures are predators too, but I don't want no parts of a vulture.
00:44:25 Vultures are punks, you all know they are.
00:44:28 They're weak.
00:44:32 When do they pick the bones?
00:44:34 When you're dead, when you're dying.
00:44:37 Yeah.
00:44:38 So the word could be referring to vulture in the sense that, because when Jesus comes,
00:44:45 He's laying waste.
00:44:46 Matter of fact, Revelation tells us that the birds are going to have plenty to eat.
00:44:52 The vultures will have plenty to feast on because He's laying—we with Him are laying
00:45:00 waste.
00:45:03 This is again the final phase of the kingdom of God.
00:45:09 You still here?
00:45:11 Okay.
00:45:13 Look at Luke 19.
00:45:18 Find verse 11.
00:45:25 Find verse 11.
00:45:29 I think I want that.
00:45:30 Yeah.
00:45:31 I'll take one of those.
00:45:34 It is hot.
00:45:38 And when you're like me and you're always hot, it could be winter and you're hot.
00:45:50 It's freezing outside but I need to roll the window down because it's too hot in this car.
00:45:54 Sometimes I wonder if my blood is made up of a mix of brimstone and magma.
00:46:06 Okay.
00:46:11 Verse 11 of Luke 19.
00:46:12 It says, "Now as they heard these things, He spoke another," what?
00:46:17 "Parable.
00:46:18 The parables explained the kingdom of God."
00:46:23 Now watch this.
00:46:25 Look at the two reasons.
00:46:28 The word "because" is going to let us know why He speaks this parable.
00:46:33 Reason number one was what?
00:46:35 Because He was—simply because He was near Jerusalem.
00:46:41 Look at this.
00:46:42 "As they heard these things," now the things that they heard were the things regarding
00:46:51 the man Zacchaeus.
00:46:52 You all recall Zacchaeus.
00:46:53 Zacchaeus was a rich man but he was a tax collector.
00:46:58 And you all know that tax collectors were frowned upon.
00:47:02 Nobody likes tax collectors.
00:47:04 That's why they get their own category in Scripture.
00:47:08 All you sinners and tax collectors, that's just how it's written in the Word.
00:47:12 Now if you're a tax collector or if you're in the tax business, I'm not referring to
00:47:16 you.
00:47:17 I'm just saying way back then, they frowned upon tax collectors.
00:47:21 They frowned upon two kinds of tax collectors.
00:47:23 Number one, if you were a Roman tax collector, well, you were Rome.
00:47:27 We don't like you.
00:47:28 You have your foot on our neck.
00:47:30 We want you to go.
00:47:32 We shouldn't even have to pay you this money because you shouldn't even be lording over
00:47:34 us.
00:47:35 That would be the mindset, although technically Rome had a right to because Israel kept going
00:47:41 away from God.
00:47:43 And God was very clear.
00:47:45 Here's what will happen if you disobey me.
00:47:47 I'm going to scatter you abroad.
00:47:50 You'll be carried away in captivity.
00:47:52 Said it numerous times.
00:47:53 There will be strangers lording over you.
00:47:56 But they didn't like it.
00:47:57 And why would you?
00:47:58 Why would anyone like that?
00:47:59 Oh, but what was worse than a Roman tax collector?
00:48:01 A Jewish tax collector taxing for Rome.
00:48:05 Oh, the Jews didn't like him.
00:48:07 That's what Zacchaeus was.
00:48:08 Zacchaeus was a tax collector.
00:48:10 And of course, I've shared this with some of you in times past.
00:48:14 I did a little research on Zacchaeus.
00:48:17 Not only was Zacchaeus a tax collector, Zacchaeus had a black ops criminal organization.
00:48:26 He did.
00:48:27 He was an illegal fig informant.
00:48:32 You know how important figs were in Israel.
00:48:35 Well, Zacchaeus had an illegal operation making money on the side in the arena of figs.
00:48:45 So he wasn't a good guy.
00:48:47 But he gets saved, doesn't he?
00:48:49 He invites Jesus to his big house.
00:48:52 He was a wealthy man.
00:48:54 Some of his wealth—that's why, that's why, that's why Zacchaeus—I'm just going to read
00:49:01 verse eight.
00:49:02 I laugh at this only because I know what he was doing behind the scene.
00:49:06 And in verse eight, Zacchaeus says, "Look, Lord, I give half my goods to the poor.
00:49:10 And if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold."
00:49:17 If, bro, you were doing it regularly.
00:49:22 Bottom line, he got saved.
00:49:24 Salvation came to his house.
00:49:25 What did Jesus say?
00:49:26 "The Son of Man has come to do what?
00:49:28 Seek and save the lost."
00:49:30 Well, we get to verse 11, and it reads what?
00:49:35 "After, or as they heard these things," he spoke another parable because he was near
00:49:40 Jerusalem and because they thought the kingdom of God would appear immediately.
00:49:46 He speaks a parable for these two reasons.
00:49:48 They thought the kingdom would appear immediately.
00:49:50 That was a regular way to think.
00:49:53 And because they were near the capital city, the holiest place for Jews.
00:49:59 And if the kingdom is going to appear anywhere, it's going to appear here.
00:50:02 "Therefore," he said, "a certain nobleman," which literally just translates into man.
00:50:09 A certain man, a certain someone, "went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom
00:50:15 and to return."
00:50:16 Remember, the parables can be likened to.
00:50:21 Let me read you that again so you can see how this refers to Jesus.
00:50:27 A certain nobleman.
00:50:28 There are parts of the parables that are messianic, that refer to the Messiah.
00:50:33 Some parts don't.
00:50:34 A certain nobleman went into a far country.
00:50:38 That's what Jesus did.
00:50:39 Far country, earth.
00:50:41 Where was he from?
00:50:42 Heaven.
00:50:43 And look at what he did.
00:50:46 He went to receive for himself a kingdom.
00:50:48 Isn't that what he did?
00:50:51 Waiting for a return.
00:50:54 Waiting for a time to return.
00:50:57 So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten menis, and said to them, "Do business
00:51:06 until I come."
00:51:09 That sounds like Jesus having given us his authority and then telling us, "Do business,
00:51:18 kingdom business, until I return, until I come."
00:51:20 Let's talk about these menis for a second because what are we reading here?
00:51:25 Well, if you read Matthew's account, you'll see the word talents.
00:51:31 What's a talent?
00:51:32 Well, it's not talking about being talented.
00:51:37 It's not talking about gifts or skills.
00:51:41 Talents, we don't use this, we don't use menis today.
00:51:45 But it's referring to what?
00:51:48 Not just money, but money and weight.
00:51:54 Money and weight.
00:51:55 Let me tell you why this is so mind-blowing here.
00:51:57 It says, "He called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten menis, and said to them, 'Do business
00:52:05 until I come.'
00:52:07 But his citizens hated him and sent a delegation after him saying, 'We will not have this man
00:52:12 to reign over us.'"
00:52:13 Sound like the Jews hating Jesus.
00:52:17 "And so it was when he returned, having received the kingdom, he then commanded these servants
00:52:23 to whom he had given the money."
00:52:24 So even if you don't know what a talent is or a menis is, you know it's money.
00:52:28 "To be called to him that he might know how much every man had gained by trading."
00:52:33 Oh, you mean the noblemen wanted them to gain something.
00:52:37 "Well, the first came saying, 'Master, your menis has earned ten.'
00:52:44 And he said to him, 'Well done, good servant, because you were faithful and very little,
00:52:48 have authority over ten cities.'
00:52:50 And the second came saying, 'Master, your menis has earned five.'
00:52:55 Likewise he said to him, 'You also be over five cities.'
00:52:58 Then another came saying, 'Master, here is your menis, which I have put away in a handkerchief.
00:53:03 For I feared you because you were an austere man, a rigid man.
00:53:08 You collect what you did not deposit and reap what you did not sow.'"
00:53:10 No, that's not Jesus.
00:53:14 "And he said to him, 'Out of your own mouth I will judge you, you wicked servant.
00:53:17 You knew that I was an austere man, collecting what I did not deposit and reaping what I
00:53:21 did not sow.
00:53:22 Why then did you not put my money in the bank, that at my coming I might have collected it
00:53:26 with interest?'"
00:53:27 This is a parable about money.
00:53:29 This is a parable about investing.
00:53:31 This is a parable about gaining interest.
00:53:34 "And he said to those who stood by, 'Take the menis from him, give it to him who has
00:53:38 ten.'
00:53:40 But they said to him, 'Master, he has ten.'
00:53:43 He says, 'For I say to you that to everyone who has will be given, and from him who does
00:53:47 not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.
00:53:51 But bring here those enemies of mine who did not want me to reign over them and slay them
00:53:56 before me.'"
00:53:57 Now, if you read this in Matthew, you'll read the word talents instead of menis.
00:54:02 You might even recall the part in the parable where the master says, "After one who has
00:54:07 five produces ten, and after one who has two produces four."
00:54:13 The scripture says, "Enter into the joy of your Lord."
00:54:15 Right?
00:54:16 "He is a well-done, good and faithful servant."
00:54:19 That's what we read over in Matthew.
00:54:20 Okay, I'll end with this.
00:54:23 I'm going to talk to you about these menis, and then we'll finish the rest next time we're
00:54:28 together.
00:54:30 The menis or the shekel—what's a mena?
00:54:33 Okay, a mena is a certain weight, usually equaling a pound.
00:54:38 In the Old Testament, for example, a weight of 300 shekels—anyone familiar with that
00:54:44 word, shekels?
00:54:45 A weight of 300 shekels was one pound.
00:54:49 One pound.
00:54:51 In the New Testament, a weight and sum of money equal to 100 drachmae, which is what?
00:54:57 That's Greek currency.
00:55:00 One talent of that would have been 100 pounds.
00:55:03 Why am I telling you this?
00:55:07 Hold on, because you're hearing about these menis and you hear about these talents, but
00:55:11 you're thinking, "Pastor, if it don't make dollars, it don't make sense."
00:55:16 So I'll bring it into dollars so that you can understand what you're reading here.
00:55:22 And then also get a glimpse into how Father God desires the kingdom to operate in the
00:55:28 earth realm, in the arena of money.
00:55:33 What's a talent?
00:55:34 Oh, here's what's interesting.
00:55:37 A talent, skill of balance, that which is weighed.
00:55:43 It is a weight varying in different places in different times, so it depends on where
00:55:47 you were in the world in this day.
00:55:52 The Attic talent, which is Attica or Athens, that's Greece, was equal to about 60 Attic
00:56:00 or Mina or 6,000 drachmae.
00:56:03 You see the numbers are just getting bigger.
00:56:06 Use something that you'll understand.
00:56:08 A talent of silver in Israel weighed about 100 pounds.
00:56:11 I just want you to think about this for a second.
00:56:13 100 pounds of silver.
00:56:17 A talent in Israel for gold was 200 pounds.
00:56:21 Mike, you're a gold guy.
00:56:25 Could you do something with 200 pounds of gold?
00:56:28 200 pounds of gold.
00:56:31 Okay, watch this.
00:56:32 Let's bring it into today's currency.
00:56:34 And mind you, the price of gold is always changing, but here's one thing about gold,
00:56:38 it is always valuable.
00:56:40 I don't care what parallel dimension you live in.
00:56:43 Gold, that's why heaven's streets are made of it.
00:56:51 Watch this.
00:56:54 One talent—now think about this.
00:56:57 Matthew's account, we're reading talents.
00:57:01 Talents are actually bigger than meanness.
00:57:03 So let's go with the talents.
00:57:07 One man was given five, he turned it into what?
00:57:10 Ten.
00:57:11 One was given two, he turned it into four.
00:57:14 They both doubled.
00:57:16 Another had one and he didn't do anything with it.
00:57:21 One talent was 200 pounds of gold.
00:57:24 Ten talents was 2,000 pounds of gold.
00:57:27 What could you do with 2,000 pounds of gold?
00:57:31 Right now, now this is me checking last night.
00:57:34 I checked last night.
00:57:37 One pound of gold is worth 30K.
00:57:41 I want you to sit with that for a second.
00:57:46 See this is the lingo we understand.
00:57:47 We understand dollars, we understand pounds.
00:57:51 Picture this.
00:57:53 One pound is worth about 30K.
00:57:56 One pound and yet one talent is 200 pounds.
00:58:02 Which means if we bring this illustration into our present financial arena, five talents
00:58:06 would be worth 30 million dollars.
00:58:10 Which means if you doubled it, like the first servant did, he walked away with 60 mil.
00:58:18 Two talents, 12 million.
00:58:19 He doubled it, it's what?
00:58:21 24.
00:58:22 And the fool who had one had six mil on him and he wasted it away.
00:58:31 Now this should give you an idea.
00:58:33 The parable is more, it's about more than just money.
00:58:38 But you'll be surprised as to how many parables Jesus talks about money and weight and sowing
00:58:45 and reaping and interest, 'cause finances are needed to further this message.
00:58:53 It's a fact.
00:58:54 You can't get around that.
00:58:56 Finances are needed to further the message of the kingdom.
00:59:00 And let me ask you this question.
00:59:02 If I'm a part of the kingdom of God, now this is not a get rich message.
00:59:09 This is just an observation.
00:59:12 If the president of this kingdom is rich and he shows no partiality and he says that your
00:59:21 world while you live on the earth, your system is not the system of the earth.
00:59:27 Your system is the kingdom of God and you're governed by that system.
00:59:32 How do you think God desires, let's not make it about individuals, let's make it about
00:59:37 God's people in the earth.
00:59:40 Let's make it about the body of Christ.
00:59:42 Do you believe God desires that the body of Christ flourish in the earth?
00:59:48 Absolutely.
00:59:50 And it may not mean that everybody has to have 60 million dollars, but he desires for
00:59:55 the corporate body to flourish in the earth.
00:59:59 Didn't we see it at the beginning of the book of Acts?
01:00:02 Those who had more were able to sell parts of their property, take those proceeds, bring
01:00:08 them to the feet of the apostles, and then they distributed to all who needed and none
01:00:13 suffered lack.
01:00:16 All of that is the kingdom of God as well.
